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Alert Utstedt: 8. september 2018
Mål: Amerikanske soldater i og rundt Al Tanf, Syria
Faktiske angrep: USAs forsvars- / etterretningskompleks eller dets irakiske proxier Blamed
Attackers: Iran (spesielt Qasem Soleimani) og deres Shia-proxyer i Irak
Metode for angrep: en eller mer ballistiske eller cruisemissiler
Tidsramme angrep: september 2018

Bare se på hvor nær Al Tanf (angitt av pekeren) er til den irakiske grensen ... ... fra Google

Og husk at media har fortalt et trekk av iranske missiler til Irak ... ... fra Reuters

As Syrian, Iranian and Russian forces begin their clearing operations in the Al Tanf area,
look for the US or its proxies in Iraq to fire old Iraqi ballistic missiles or old Soviet cruise
missiles on US positions in Al Tanf. The attack will then be blamed on Iran’s proxies and
missiles in Iraq. Such a false-flag would enable Israel and the US coalition to begin
airstrikes against Iranian forces throughout Syria and Iraq.

There has been ample warning given by the controlled alt-media of a chemical false flag in
Syria, but what if this time the attack is attributed to Iran, not the Syrian government?
According to the globalist script, Trump has shown hesitance in meaningfully attacking
Russian and Syrian government forces, but has shown far less resistance in acting against
Iran. So if the “evil Deep State” supposedly dupes Trump into believing Iran used chemical

and/or biological weapons in Syria, the door will be opened not only to airstrikes in Syria
and Iraq, BUT IN IRAN ALSO. And the fact that the attack would be on US military forces
will further trigger a quick and robust knee jerk reaction from Trump.

Also be on alert for claims that one or more of the missiles carried an anthrax warhead; that
is how they would ensnare North Korea in the false-flag too. Do you remember this little bit
of preparatory propaganda?…

…from The Times of Israel

There are longstanding claims that Iran and North Korea have been collaborating on the
development of missiles and chemical & biological weapons (CBW)…


These claims can be used to support a narrative that Iran acquired the CBWs for the Al
Tanf attack from North Korea. And the motive for the attack would be ascribed to payback
for the destruction of the Iranian consulate in Basra by proxies of the US-Israel-Saudi
Arabian cabal.

So with this one false-flag, the “evil Deep State” could simultaneously derail the Syrian,
Iranian, and North Korean peace processes, thus opening the door for airstrikes and war on
all three nations.

It’s also worth noting that some weapons of mass destruction predictive programming just
showed up in the form of the Jack Ryan television series on Amazon Prime Video. In the
show, the Bin Laden-level terrorist villain…
is named “Suleiman” (Qasem Soleimani’s name is also commonly spelled
reaches out to people from all sects of Islam to push out foreign forces and
form an Islamic Empire (like Suleimani is trying to do), and
uses chemical and biological weapons in his attacks on Europe and the US
(like Suleimani will be framed for doing, starting with Al Tanf).

So if you fold this predictive programming into the coming “Iranian” (actually MEK) terror
cell attacks in Europe and the US, it looks like we have some coughing ahead of us (or at
least the crisis actors do).

(Note – 7 September 2018) – They held the trilateral Turkey-Russia-Iran meeting on Syria
today. Turkey pushed for a ceasefire in Idlib, but Russia and Iran declined, so the Idlib
offensive should kick off within the next week. And the press are narrating a showdown
between Russia and the US over the US base in Al Tanf. Here’s what to watch for…

If the War Path is being followed, watch for Russia to be forced to fire on the Al Tanf
base. This may be accompanied by the Russians activating their Syria-based air defense
systems and clearing the sky of American planes, including standoff assets like AWACS.

If the Peace Path is being followed, watch for Trump to publicly order the military to
immediately redeploy all American servicemen in Al Tanf to bases outside Syrian territory.

Also, the Iranian consulate in Basra, Iraq was blown up today by Sunni groups funded by
the Saudi Arabia-US-Israel terror complex. So that definitely spices things up a bit.

More on all this tomorrow…

Why the Globalists are Splitting Up the Catholic Church

There is a reason the press are pushing the Catholic pedophilia reports so hard now…

…from the Drudge Report

(3 September 2018) – During this morning’s infoscan, I ran across indications that the
globalists may be using the Catholic pedophilia scandal to create a schism in the Church
between the “progressives” under Pope Francis and the “traditionalists” under Vatican
Secretary of State Pietro Parolin. My preliminary read on their strategy is as follows…

1) They’ll have Parolin’s “traditionalist” half of the Catholic Church heal the
longstanding schism with the “traditionalist” Eastern Orthodox Church, and that
reunited Church will back Putin in creating the real, multilateral New World Order
and becoming the “real Antichrist.”

2) They’ll have Francis’ “progressive/communist” half of the Church go down in

flames with the decoy, unilateral New World Order and the decoy Antichrist(s) of the

I will peer deeper into this over the coming hours & days and expand & enhance this update
as I go.

(4 September 2018) – It appears that the mechanism they’ll use to cause the schism will
be an attempt to remove Pope Francis from office against his will, possibly by convening an
Ecumenical Council without his consent. Since the Church has no standing procedure for
the forced removal of a Pope, any effort to do so will be of questionable legality, and it will
therefore divide the Church between Francis loyalists who will still see him as Pope and
“traditionalist rebels” who will follow Pietro Parolin in reuniting with the Eastern Orthodox

Once this is done, the prophecy propagandists will say that Pope Francis was the “Final
Pope” who permanently wrecked the Roman Catholic Church and Pietro Parolin was the
“False Prophet” who gave rise to the “Antichrist”…

(5 September 2018) – I first got wind of all this in a recent article posted on SkywatchTV…

SkywatchTV is the flagship operation of the globalists’ leading prophecy propagandist, Tom

…from the SkywatchTV “About” page

And following the links offered in the article, I found this reference to a script change from
something he published last year…

>>> It’s not hard to read between the lines above to find the insinuation that Pope Francis is
– or is paving the way – for the False Prophet that guides the world’s religious faithful
into supporting a political figure called Antichrist.

With all this in mind, and given mine and Cris Putnam’s personal exhaustive investigation into
the Vatican, our extensive research into the Prophecy of the Popes, the correct predictions we
made regarding the resignation of Benedict before the fact, and our follow-up probe into the
conclave that elected Francis, I have a bombshell announcement to make. I am reaching
out to those concealed friends in Rome that assisted me in the past to confirm my belief
that Pope Francis will either retire soon or be taken out of the way, and that this really is
tied to something strange that unfolded in bringing him temporarily to the pontificate. I
believe, as they suggested, Francis was not “canonically elected,” as his namesake originally
predicted. And the church members that helped me before and the ones already cited above
are only the tip of the iceberg of those who will eventually voice how “illegitimate” activity
went on behind closed doors during the last papal election,[xvi] and that, for reasons we do
not yet understand, Francis was put in as a temporary “placeholder” until the real Pope #112
(Petrus Romanus) could be installed. The mysterious reasons surrounding this “placeholder”
false pope may never fully be known, but was foreseen by such mystics as Father Herman
Bernard Kramer in his work, The Book of Destiny. During an unusual interpretation he made
of the twelfth chapter of the book of Revelation concerning “the great wonder” mentioned in
verse 1, Father Kramer wrote:

>> The “sign” in heaven is that of a woman with child crying out in her travail and anguish of
delivery. In that travail, she gives birth to some definite “person” who is to RULE the Church
with a rod of iron (verse 5). It then points to a conflict waged within the Church to elect one
who was to “rule all nations” in the manner clearly stated. In accord with the text this is
unmistakably a PAPAL ELECTION, for only Christ and his Vicar have the divine right to rule
ALL NATIONS.… But at this time the great powers may take a menacing attitude to hinder
the election of the logical and expected candidate by threats of a general apostasy,
assassination or imprisonment of this candidate if elected. (capitalized emphasis in original)
[xvii] <<

Although I disagree with Kramer’s interpretation of the book of Revelation, his fear that “great
powers may take a menacing attitude to hinder the election of the logical and expected
candidate” echoes the sentiment of priests mentioned elsewhere in Petrus Romanus, who saw
a crisis for the Church coming, and the False Prophet and Antichrist rising as a result.

This, too, was in the news recently when a report was published by Sébastien Maillard,
Vatican correspondent for La Croix, in Rome. He noted how a large array of conservative
bishops fear that Francis is bypassing critical Church doctrine and fear he has already
gone too far. Even those cardinals who voted for Francis now want him to step down so
that the Holy See’s secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, can be elected the real
pope.[xviii] And these electors understand something else, too. Parolin’s name means “Peter
the Roman” from the final line of the Prophecy of the Popes. <<<

Seeing Horn’s writeup on this script change, I decided to see if the globalists had planted
other such preparatory propaganda in other outlets. They had indeed.

Here is one example from CNS News…

…Also take note of this excerpt…

>>> The London Times quoted a Vatican expert as saying, “A good number of the majority
that voted for Bergoglio in 2013 have come to regret their decision, but I don’t think it’s
plausible that members of the hierarchy will pressure the Pope to resign.”

“Those who know him know it would be useless,” said the expert. “[Pope Francis] has a
very authoritarian streak. He won’t resign until he has completed his revolutionary
reforms, which are causing enormous harm.” <<<

Now if you take a minute to think about Pope Francis playing the globalist-scripted role of
“the Final Satanic Pope who brings about the end of the Roman Church,” would such a
character resign or retire so the Church can heal itself? Certainly not, right? He would cling

to power and force the traditionalists to tear the Church apart, because that’s his scripted
mission. This is why the globalists will script his removal as resulting from either a coup or
an assassination, not a resignation or retirement.

And what could cause so many Catholics to become so outraged that they’d turn their
backs on a sitting Pope? It would take systematic clerical abuse of their children organized
and covered-up by Jesuits like Pope Francis. If you put that on top of Francis’ flamboyant
“apostasy,” you have ample motivation for a schism.

So as talk of “a schism worse than the Reformation” was flying around last year, can you
guess where the planned replacement Pope, Pietro Parolin, went for a visit?…

…from La Stampa

During the trip, he touched base with the major figures of Russia’s political and religious
power structure…

On August 21, he met the “foreign minister” of the Russian Orthodox Church,
Metropolitan Hilarion
On August 22, he met Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Patriarch Kirill of
the Russian Orthodox Church
On August 23, he met Vladimir Putin at Putin’s country house in Sochi.

Now just imagine what a boost Putin would receive on the world stage if a major portion of
the Roman Catholic Church broke away from the control of the “Satanist Jesuits” and the
“Western pedophile elite” and joined forces with “the Christian Champion Putin” and the
Russian Orthodox Church. Such a move would be in keeping with the preparatory
propaganda Tom Horn has offered on the subject…

>>> This could give rise to the False Prophet, who, according to the book of Revelation,
leads the world’s religious communities into embracing a political leader known as the
Antichrist. This marriage of Church and secular government would give unprecedented
global influence to the Man of Sin during the period known as the Great Tribulation.

So Parolin would be cast as “the False Prophet” and Putin as “the Man of Sin.” In light of
this, have a look at the theme of another meeting the Man of Sin attended in Sochi less
than two months after he met with Parolin…

…from the Valdai Club website

(6 September 2018) – The term “creative destruction” refers to the globalist concept and
practice of using their Left Hand Path (Dark) minions to create chaos and destroy existing
order so their Right Hand Path (Light) minions can step in and construct new order. The
concept is symbolized by the phoenix, which bursts into flames, falls to ash, and is reborn.

In this particular iteration of their creative destruction process, we are in the “burst into
flames” phase. And the globalists’ Western minions are playing the role of the Left Handers
who create chaos and destruction so the globalists’ Eastern minions (Putin and his BRICS
cohorts) can play the role of the Right Handers who save the day and construct the real
New World Order.

Given this strategy the globalists are employing, their efforts to bring about a
schism in the Roman Catholic Church is about purging the Church of the Left Hand
Pathers (the “socialists, communists, leftists, Luciferians, Satanists, Jesuits, ‘Synagogue of
Satan’ Crypto-Jews, etc.”) so the Right Hand Pathers can rebuild the Church in
partnership with the Russian Orthodox Church. They are also employing this strategy in
broader society by having the “leftists” run wild and outrage everyone so the populace will
react by shifting to the “right.” The real New World Order will be ruled by right-wingers and
Austrian Economics, not left-wingers and socialism/communism.

Now that we see the goal they’re trying to reach through their actions, it should be noted
that the schism plan I’ve outlined, which I’ll call the “Vatican Wedgie,” is not the only way for
them to get what they want. There are two other contingencies we need to watch: 1) the
“Immaculate Abortion” and 2) the “Papal Whack-a-Mole.”

The Immaculate Abortion is the strategy Tom Horn outlines in his article…

>>> With all this in mind, and given mine and Cris Putnam’s personal exhaustive
investigation into the Vatican, our extensive research into the Prophecy of the Popes, the
correct predictions we made regarding the resignation of Benedict before the fact, and our
follow-up probe into the conclave that elected Francis, I have a bombshell announcement to
make. I am reaching out to those concealed friends in Rome that assisted me in the past to
confirm my belief that Pope Francis will either retire soon or be taken out of the way, and that
this really is tied to something strange that unfolded in bringing him temporarily to the
pontificate. I believe, as they suggested, Francis was not “canonically elected,” as his
namesake originally predicted. And the church members that helped me before and the
ones already cited above are only the tip of the iceberg of those who will eventually voice
how “illegitimate” activity went on behind closed doors during the last papal election,
[xvi] and that, for reasons we do not yet understand, Francis was put in as a temporary
“placeholder” until the real Pope #112 (Petrus Romanus) could be installed. <<<

So what they would do under an Immaculate Abortion scenario is present irrefutable

evidence that Pope Francis’ election was null and void, thus aborting his papacy and
removing his name from the official list of Popes. This would allow the globalists to
substitute-in Pietro Parolin as the “real” Pope #112, thus making him “Petrus Romanus” and
fulfilling the “Prophecy of the Popes.” Presumably, all the Left Hand Pathers would be
exposed and purged as part of this process.

The Papal Whack-a-Mole is a strategy based on an assassination prophecy about the

Pope that Tom Horn has promoted in the past…

“Well now you’ve got the Pope saying that it could be that now Fatima, the Third Secret of
Fatima, is gonna be fulfilled. What’s the third secret of Fatima? It describes the Pope, the
bishop in white, walking in a great city — most people believe this to be the Vatican,
right? And something has happened. Dead people are everywhere, and the Pope is
walking along — there’s dead Christians, dead bishops, dead people all over the city —
and as he’s making his way towards a cross, these ISIS-like people run into the city and
shoot him and kill him.” – from the 15:13 mark of this interview with Jim Bakker

So under this scenario, Pope Francis would be assassinated during the climactic phase of
the coming war — killed by the very “Muslim refugees” whose cause he championed — and
Pietro Parolin would survive to lead the Church in the aftermath. He would then “clean
house” and join with the Orthodox Church and the real New World Order. No new Pope
would be elected because too many of the electors will have died in the attack.

And with these other possibilities laid out, I’ll call this entry complete.

It looks like we’ll get through the weekend okay, so we probably won’t see the Idlib
offensive until after the September 7 Russia-Turkey-Iran meeting on Syria. What we need
to watch for in the meantime is a preemptive strike (by the US, Israel or Turkey) to derail
the peace process and the offensive.

The alt-media have made sure to point out that a chemical false-flag is coming there, but
don’t forget the real curveballs the globalists have in store: false-flag assassinations
(conducted by Turkey but blamed on Israel) of Assad and Soleimani and false-flag missile
firings (conducted by the US but blamed on Iran) against Israel from Yemen and/or Iraq.

Well isn’t this interesting…


And what are the specific charges against these supposed Iranian agents?…

>>> On or about July 21, 2017, Doostdar is alleged to have conducted surveillance of the
Rohr Chabad House, a Jewish institution located in Chicago, including photographing the
security features surrounding the facility…

On or about Sept. 20, 2017, Ghorbani is alleged to have attended a MEK rally in New York
City, during which he photographed individuals participating in the protest against the current
Iranian regime. <<<

So these two Iranians were gathering information on Chabad (the Kabbalist “Jewish” group
that is orchestrating the End Times Show in the Middle East) and MEK (the US terror proxy
group that will be doing false-flags in Europe and America to be blamed on Iran). Are they
FBI assets who were directed to make it look like Iran is stalking Chabadniks and MEKers?
Or were they gathering information on behalf of some rebels in Iranian intel who aren’t part
of The Plan?

Khamenei and Soleimani are definitely in on The Plan, and they’re going to permanently
destroy Islam and Muslim civilization if they’re allowed to continue.

Speaking of the MEK, look at who they blamed for driving them out of Camp Ashraf
in Iraq: the globalists’ chosen Imam Mahdi…


After Saddam fell, the globalists started pushing Iraq closer to Iran, so the Iraqi government
started getting hostile towards the NCRI/MEK and allowed the Iranians to go into their
home base (Camp Ashraf) to kill a number of them. The US then moved the MEK to Camp
Liberty, had Hillary remove their terrorist label, and shipped them off to Europe for future

The MEK’s current role is to conduct false-flag attacks in Europe and the US that are
to be blamed on Iran, so all the reports you’re seeing in the news about Iranian
sleeper cells preparing to strike are preparatory propaganda for the coming MEK

…from (Saudi-owned) Al Arabiya

Since the globalists will be portraying Khamenei and Soleimani as “good guys” in the next
phase of their plan, they will keep their hands clean by having the “bad guys” (the
“Western” governments and intelligence agencies) do the dirty work of terrorizing the
populations of Europe and the US.

The Globalist Plan for Trump’s Assassination in Paris

(29 August 2018) – I’ve sussed-out the narratives they’ve prepared for Trump’s “death” in
Paris on 11/11.

In the mainstream narrative, they’ll blame in on Iranian terror cells in Paris motivated by
Trump’s oil embargo.

In the alt-media narrative, it will be identified as a false-flag operation carried out by the
US “Deep State” and Mossad through MEK proxies.

More details after I get my air conditioning situation resolved.

(30-31 August 2018) – To show you how I came to the conclusions I mentioned in
yesterday’s note, have a look at this Israeli article about the foiled “Iranian” terror bombing
in Paris two months ago…
…from Ynet News. Here are some key preparatory propaganda points it features…

>>> Mossad agents uncovered intelligence about an alleged Iranian plan to bomb the annual
National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) rally in the town of Villepinte, a northern
suburb of Paris, on June 30.

According to Channel 2 News, the attack was thwarted thanks to cooperation between Israel,
Germany, France and Belgium…

Iran has said it had nothing to do with the plot, which it called as a “false flag” operation
staged by figures within the NCRI, an umbrella bloc of opposition exiles that seek an end to
almost 40 years of Shi’ite Muslim clerical rule in Iran… <<<

So if the bombing attempt was a false-flag as the Iranians claim — and it was — the article
tells you who carried it out: the NCRI / MEK, the Mossad, German Intelligence, French
Intelligence, and Belgian / EU Intelligence.

Moving on to the next point…

>>> The People’s Mujahideen Organization of Iran is the main component of NCRI. The
group, also known by its Persian name Mujahideen-e–Khalq, was once listed as a terrorist
organization by the United States and the European Union but not since 2012… <<<

Now can you guess who was responsible for taking the MEK off the Western terror lists?…

…from Reuters

Hillary removed MEK from the terror lists to facilitate their movement from a US base in
Iraq (Camp Liberty) to a new terrorist training base in Europe (Albania)…

>>> In 2013, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pragmatically removed the MEK from the
US terrorism list to allow members to be sent to third countries so that Iraq could be rid
of them. European countries would not take them because of their terrorist past.
Instead, the Albanian government agreed to take them only on the promise that a de-
radicalization institute be established to reintegrate the extremists back into society.

This did not happen. The allocated budget, lodged with the American embassy in Tirana, has
not been touched. Instead, after Donald Trump became president and set about dismantling
every detail of Barack Obama’s legacy, the MEK were “allowed” to regroup.

Regrouping meant that the MEK would continue to call for violent regime change against Iran,
backed by US extremists like Rudi Giuliani and John Bolton who now occupy influential
posts in the Trump administration. As a result, Albania has become a front-line enemy state
in relation to Iran.

Regrouping also meant re-enslaving members, who are not paid and have no human rights. It
also meant building a closed camp in a remote part of the country to which Albanian
authorities and security services have no access. As though Albania wasn’t having a hard
time already cracking down on criminal and mafia gangs, now the MEK are implicated in
criminal activity. Among several individuals arrested for money laundering last month,
two Israelis were found to be associated with FARA NGO. This is the same company
involved in building the closed military training base in Manez to which rank-and-file
MEK fighters were moved last autumn. — from <<<
And as an added convenience to the assassination plan, the MEK also have a
headquarters in Paris…

…from Wikipedia

To further see the covert connections between

the MEK and the US “Deep State” and Mossad,
have a look at this 2012 Seymour Hersh article
in The New Yorker. Here are some key

>>> From the air, the terrain of the Department

of Energy’s Nevada National Security Site,
with its arid high plains and remote mountain
peaks, has the look of northwest Iran. The site,
some sixty-five miles northwest of Las Vegas,
was once used for nuclear testing, and now
includes a counterintelligence training

It was here that the Joint Special Operations

Command (jsoc) conducted training,
beginning in 2005, for members of the
Mujahideen-e-Khalq, a dissident Iranian
opposition group known in the West as the

Five Iranian nuclear scientists have been

assassinated since 2007. M.E.K. spokesmen
have denied any involvement in the killings,
but early last month NBC News quoted two senior Obama Administration officials as
confirming that the attacks were carried out by M.E.K. units that were financed and
trained by Mossad, the Israeli secret service. NBC further quoted the Administration
officials as denying any American involvement in the M.E.K. activities. The former senior
intelligence official I spoke with seconded the NBC report that the Israelis were working
with the M.E.K., adding that the operations benefitted from American intelligence. <<<

The MEK have the fingerprints of the “Western” intelligence agencies, the Mossad, and
Hillary Clinton all over them. So after they “assassinate” Trump and are finally identified as
the culprits, the trail would lead straight to the scripted “bad guys” in the globalist drama:
the US “Deep State” and the Israeli Zionists.

According to the script, the Deep State will want him dead because the Democrats will
have failed to retake Congress in the election, thus preventing an impeachment. And the
Zionists will want him dead because he will have announced his “unacceptable” Middle
East peace plan at the UN General Assembly on September 25.

As for the likely mode of a Paris assassination, it will be the same as was planned for the
now-cancelled Washington military parade: an Israeli-fashioned, explosives-laden “Iranian”
drone attack. A WMD strike is also a possibility, but since the globalists preserved Paris
during WWII, I think it unlikely they’ll destroy it now. It is one of their playground cities. I’m
sure the croissant are to die for.

So now that their scripting is exposed, will they go through with a Paris assassination?
Probably not. They’ll likely try to surprise us by moving the assassination show forward to
another date of opportunity, and that would most likely be September 25 at the UN
General Assembly. Employing a nuke against the UN that day could take out Trump,
Putin, Xi, Modi, and other such “avatars,” as well as open the way for the “new” UN to be
built. Pence, Medvedev, and Li Keqiang would be somewhere else that day.

(Note – 17-18 August 2018) – In recent entries, I’ve written about Erdogan and Soleimani
showing up in a blue turban (in keeping with the globalist effort to artificially fulfill all End
Times prophecies, including Nostradamus’ prediction of a Muslim Antichrist showing up in
Europe wearing a blue turban). Well look at this propaganda graphic of Soleimani that
showed up today…

Over the weekend, I’ll be posting all the major War Path scenarios and trigger dates to
watch through the end of the year, including…

September and October Surprises going into the November election,

a “Russian interference” propaganda ramp-up as we approach the election and an
explosion of Antifa violence following a Republican victory,
the assassination potential of Trump in Paris on 11/11,
a false-flag “Iranian” attack after the November oil embargo goes into effect, and
the three mischief plays Erodogan can run over the next 90 days (the Cyprus EEZ
raid, the Incirlik seizure, and an EU refugee flood following an engineered Turkish
economic collapse).

——MORE – 18 August 2018——

It looks like the big September/October Surprise ahead of the midterm elections will be
Mueller subpoenaing Trump as part of his “Russian election interference” investigation…

…from Google

Trump’s efforts to fight off said subpoena will then be cast by the mainstream media (MSM)
as “an attempt to hide the truth so Russia can interfere again in the midterms.” And the
subpoena will help focus public attention on “Russian interference” as the MSM roll out the
idea that it will be even more severe this November…

>>> With the U.S. midterm elections coming up in November and the 2020 presidential
election on the horizon, most politicians are not disillusioned about the threat of an even
more aggressive election hacking. These fears are founded in truth: Microsoft shared
earlier this month that hackers tied to the Russian military have already targeted at least three
candidates running for election in 2018. — from Fortune <<<

>>> This is not a drill. Nor, alas, is it the fever dream of a Cold War hack novelist, as much as
it sounds like one. In 2017, Russian hackers gained control of the U.S. power grid to the point
where they could cause blackouts. And the U.S. government doesn’t know if they’re still able
to do it.

Worse yet, there’s reason to believe this is part of an attack on the 2018 election – one
that could make Russia’s pivotal 2016 shenanigans (its fake news machine, DNC email
hacking, voter registration hacking and Facebook meme-making) look like child’s play. —
from Mashable <<<

Of course, with “conservative and alternative voices” muzzled by the ongoing social media
crackdown on free speech, the “good guys” will have trouble countering this Russian
interference narrative of the “bad guys.” And once election day comes and the Democrats’
expected “Blue Wave” doesn’t materialize, the “bad guys” will scream that Russia hacked
the election and they’ll organize mass protests for the weekend following the election

(November 10th & 11th). A combination of paid Antifa violence, deliberate police stand-
downs, and opportunistic thugs + “Iranian” terror cells joining the party could result in
remarkable riots in a number of major cities over that weekend.

Given that Trump will be attending the World War I centennial ceremony in France on
Sunday, November 11, he’ll likely leave Washington on Friday evening, November 9. So
he’d be out of the country when the riots hit, and he’d be a prime target for assassination in
Paris on 11/11 due to his oil sales embargo on Iran that kicks in on November 4th.

Paris is a city that has seen lots of terrorist activity in the past few years, and look at what
just recently happened…

…from The Tower

So the whole setup is in place, and this is how the War Path would unfold…

SEPT/OCT – Trump gets subpoenaed.

NOV 4 – Trump’s Iran oil sales embargo kicks in, enraging Iranians and giving them an
assassination motive.
NOV 6 – The election. Republicans hold the Congress.
NOV 7 – Democrats scream “Russian hacking,” call for protests.
NOV 9 – Trump departs for France.
NOV 10 – Protests begin; several US cities burn.
NOV 11 – Trump is “killed” in Paris, supposedly at the hands of the Iranians, but actually at
the hands of the globalist intelligence agencies; Pence is sworn in. Domestic crackdowns
begin. Movement towards war with Iran begins.

Tomorrow, I’ll show you the parallel War Path Erdogan could follow.

The Anonymous / QAnon Disinformation War
[6 August 2018] – Well lookie lookie here…

…from The Hill. Let’s have a look at a couple of things it mentions:

In this first excerpt, the propagandists are establishing context, which you’ll read more
about shortly…

>>> The wide-ranging and vague “QAnon” touches on a number of popular conspiracy
theories: Democrats and prominent Hollywood figures are orchestrating underground
pedophile rings; special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe is a front for investigating 2016
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and former President Obama for their
ties to said rings; and hundreds of sealed indictments may have already been handed
down in the Clinton case. <<<

In this second excerpt, they’re establishing Anonymous’ anti-Trump credentials…

>>> Anonymous has been adamantly opposed to Trump since he announced his
candidacy in 2015. The group declared “cyber war” on Trump in March 2016, directing
its followers to take down the then-candidate’s websites. <<<

It’s important to realize that both QAnon and Anonymous work for the same people, but
they have been assigned to opposing roles in the globalist stage play. According to the
NWO script, Anonymous will eventually be identified as a disinformation front that did
limited hangout operations for the anti-Trump “bad guys,” and QAnon will be identified as a
front the pro-Trump “good guys” used to inform the public on “what was really going on
behind the scenes.” Of course, this supposed good guy vs. bad guy conflict is being staged
purely for public consumption; it’s all about bringing in the real NWO. You’ll see that very
clearly if you read through the whole of this page.

This sudden outbreak of information warfare is happening within the context of this QAnon
narrative (which makes reference to Alice in Wonderland as its template)…

…from Before It’s News (BIN)

If you read the article, it is

basically a Peace Path narrative
that speaks of an October surprise
the Trump team has prepared for
the Democrats. It also hints that
the November 10 military parade
in Washington may be a way to
get the military into town for “mass arrests” of the “bad guys.”

Now if we think about how they’re scripting this, the BIN article revealed the QAnon game
plan to the “bad guys,” so the “bad guys” are supposedly ramping up their counter-efforts
(such as the Anonymous attack on QAnon and the social media shutdown of faux-truther
Alex Jones) as we enter the big showdown. And while it’s theoretically possible that the
globalists will proceed with the Peace Path scenario, I’ve observed things that suggest they
can also use this setup for starting the civil war and Trump assassination psyops.

To see why I say this, have a look atthis article from the Washington Post…

…Here are three key hints they drop…

>>> Council member David Grosso (I-At Large) said that if Trump holds a military parade,
he would organize “an equally large parade and march for peace and for nonviolence”
to take place simultaneously.

“Maybe this can be a rallying cry for people to come to the nation’s capital and have a
demonstration for peace,” he said. <<<

So the first hint is “a large counter-demonstration will be organized.”

>>> Mark Plotkin, a D.C. political activist and commentator, said the parade presents an
unusual opportunity for the District’s mayor and council to grab the president’s attention.

“If they had the chutzpah and guts to say, ‘We’re not participating, you can’t use public
works, the police are not going to be available’ — maybe that would provoke some
indignation,” he said. <<<

So the second hint is “D.C. police won’t be available (or, to be more precise, D.C.
police will be given a ‘do not intervene’ order like the Democrats have done in other

>>> Lacy MacAuley, a D.C. activist and self-described anti-fascist who was involved in
protests on the day of Trump’s inauguration, was skeptical a parade will take place but said
demonstrators would show up to decry what she called a “preposterous” display of military

“If it became something that had a time and date, I believe that absolutely you could
expect to see counterprotesting there,” MacAuley said. <<<

So the third hint is “Antifa will show up.”

Now if we put all this together, we get a scenario in which both “non-violent” counter-
protesters and Antifa thugs will be bused-in to create chaos. The counter-protesters will
“non-violently” block the roads on which the military units are marching, Antifa thugs will
attack the troops (who won’t have ammunition for their weapons), and the police will stand
by and twiddle their thumbs. Such tumult could be used as cover for an assassination of
Trump while he’s in the viewing stands for the parade. This event could then be billed as
“the Fort Sumter of the Second Civil War.”

As for how they’ll hit Trump, here’s one method they’re telegraphing…

…from CBS News. The non-intervening D.C. police would open up a security gap for such
an attack, which would have a remarkable similarity to Fort Sumter…

>>> …Confederate leaders ordered an attack. Just before sunrise on April 12, 1861, a shell
exploded above Fort Sumter. It was the first shot fired in the American Civil War. – from
VOA <<<

So will a drone exploding above Donald Trump be the first shot fired in the Second
American Civil War? Will he “die” the next day, leaving Pence to be sworn-in on 11/11?
P.S. – Look what I found when I searched for Alex Jones’ channel on YouTube

…Note the well-selected variety of anti-Jones videos — all showing unflattering photos —
that showed up in place of his channel.

Since Alex Jones is portrayed as steadfastly pro-Trump and the social media giants are
portrayed as steadfastly Democrat, this bit of theater is meant to show the public that “the
evil Neocon-Neolib-Zionist Deep State is pulling out all the stops in their last-ditch effort to
stop Trump’s victory and erect their police state NWO.” And the police state would begin
with President Pence cracking down to stop the civil war. The 2018 “Christian victory”
promoted by the QAnon narrative would instead become the “Satanist victory” that would
leave Putin as “the last (‘Christian’) man standing.”

[Addendum – 7 August 2018] – Trump applied economic sanctions to Iran today…

…from Twitter
And on November 4, another sanctions regime aimed at halting Iran’s oil sales will kick in.
So just 6 days before the November 10 military parade in D.C., Trump will be cutting
Iran’s economic throat. I find that interesting in light of this…

…from War Is Boring

Iran has the expertise to fashion effective armed drones for an assassination at the parade,
whether they strap C4 and a guidance mechanism to a run-of-the-mill quadcopter or build a
fast, stealthy, model-sized suicide plane. So when it comes to an assassination on
November 10, Iran has…

1) THE MOTIVE: Trump broke a deal with them and is destroying their economy.
2) THE MEANS: Drone technology.
3) THE OPPORTUNITY: Trump out in the open during the outbreak of chaos at the parade.

They’re even on recent record threatening Trump…

…from The New York Times

Of course, Iran’s Soleimani would never actually kill Trump because they’re both friends of
Putin, but the “evil Deep State” would certainly do it and blame him for it. All they’d have to
do is provide Antifa with an “Iranian” drone or have a fake “D.C. area-based Iranian terror
cell” launch it; “we’re close to you where you can’t even imagine” would come back to
haunt Soleimani in that case. And with a successful hit, the “Deep State” would have Trump
“dead” AND an excuse to attack Iran.

[Addendum 2 – 8 August 2018] – The globalists were planning to use the First Battle of
Armageddon as cover for destroying Al-Aqsa Mosque to make way for the Third Temple.
So if they take the Peace Path, how will they get rid of Al-Aqsa?

Apparently, by imploding it from beneath…

…from Middle East Monitor

Should the globalists opt for the Peace Path, it will likely mean they’re abandoning their
double fulfillment strategy and aiming for a single fulfillment, and that would include (in
chronological order)…

the release of damning information about current Western leaders, followed by

snap elections that will put Putin-friendly leaders in place;
reform of the UN once France and the UK are under Putin-friendly leaders (this
will make all P5 nations Putin-friendly);
Putin’s ascension to de facto or de jure leadership of the “new, reformed” UN /
“disclosure” of a (fake) alien presence prior to Putin, Xi and others being
presented as “Avatars sent by God”; and
a big war and final climactic battle with the NWO + “Putin’s aliens” on one side
and “hostile incoming aliens” on the other. These (fake) incoming aliens will be
proclaimed as the “Second Coming of Jesus and his angels,” and this would
happen at the 7-year mark of Putin’s global reign.

[Addendum 3 – 9 August 2018] – Let’s start looking a bit deeper into the coming
“prophecy fulfillment” by starting with the first and second points: 1) the release of
damning information about current Western leaders, followed by snap elections that
will put Putin-friendly leaders in place and 2) reform of the UN once France and the
UK are under Putin-friendly leaders.

It all begins with Hillary Clinton’s email server…

…from the BBC

According to the NWO script, Hillary traveled the world during her time as US Secretary of
State, interacting and communicating with the entire global “Satanist network” in the
process. So her email server supposedly contains information on pretty much all high-level
“Satanist” agents and activities worldwide (including those in Western Europe). And this is
where the globalists bring in the QAnon psyop.

First, they had Clinton’s Secret Service agents set a small fire on her Chappaqua
compound and then extinguish it…

>>> The Secret Service said an agency employee called the fire department at around 2:40
p.m. “to report a small fire in the ceiling of the second floor in a detached structure located
behind the Clintons’ residence,” and said fire extinguishers were used.

The fire department inspected the area to ensure the fire was out, the Secret Service said. –
from NBC News <<<

Afterwards, they had their QAnon disinformation front suggest that the fire was due to a
covert operation to seize the server. And just like that, their narrative has placed the server
into the hands of Trump and Co., thereby creating the setup for the coming limited-hangout
exposures they’re going to do on “Satanic leaders” in the US, the British Commonwealth,
and Western Europe. These revelations will lead to political upheaval and new elections in
all those nations, and the thusfar suppressed and ridiculed “right-wing populist parties” will
surge into power.

And why do the globalists want Putin-friendly populists (like Farage in the UK and Le Pen
in France) to take power in Western Europe?

To turn this board all green…

As for why they want the board all green, it’s because of this article of the United Nations


Under the current rules of the UN, any one of the five permanent members of the
Security Council can stop any change to the UN Charter. And the UN Charter must
be changed in order to transform it into the NWO. So the globalists are engineering
the fall of their old Western Establishment to enable new leaders to rise and UN
reform to move forward.

Of course, they could order their UN minions to make the changes tomorrow if they really
wanted to. But that would leave the public scratching their heads and asking why. They’re
therefore staging the current political conflict and “good guy” victory to make the change
seem logical and natural to the public.

[Addendum 4 – 11 August 2018] – Now let’s look at the third point of a Peace Path single
fulfillment: Putin’s ascension to de facto or de jure leadership of the “new, reformed”

In a single fulfillment scenario, it is likely that Putin will take on the role of world leader by 1
January 2022 at the latest. That is when the current UN Secretary-General’s 5-year term
expires. And such timing would allow another three and a half years for Europe to vote in
pro-Putin populists, for the UN to debate and pass changes to their charter, and for 2/3 of
the UN member states to ratify the changes. This process could be expedited and Putin’s
ascension moved forward if they throw in a global economic collapse or a serious regional
war to motivate quick action.

One regional conflict that is already baked into the cake is the one that will occur
when Al-Aqsa Mosque is destroyed. But in a Peace Path fulfillment, Putin will either
prevent or end the resulting war with his “masterful diplomacy.” It is at that point he
will make his prophetically-required “7-year covenant with Israel and the many,” and
this diplomatic coup (along with a friendly P5) will make him “the obvious choice” for
the next UN Secretary-General.

[Addendum 5 – 13 August 2018] – Finally, let’s look at the fourth and fifth points of a
Peace Path single fulfillment: “disclosure” of a (fake) alien presence prior to Putin, Xi
and others being presented as “Avatars sent by God,” and a big war and final
climactic battle with the NWO + “Putin’s aliens” on one side and “hostile incoming
aliens” (“Jesus and his angels”) on the other.

In a single fulfillment scenario, the globalists would skip the first fulfillment and go straight to
the second. You can read about the details of what the second fulfillment entails by
scrolling down this page to these sections:

SUBJECT: Xi Jinping’s assassination, the globalist prophecy fulfillment plan for the
Indians and the Chinese, and the 5 Avatars

SUBJECT: The Globalists’ Prophecy Fulfillment Plan

That being said, there is one curveball they can throw our way. It involves the recasting of
Erdogan, and I mentioned it earlier this year…

…it’s also possible that the roles were recast after the globalists cancelled the 2016 fulfillment
show and Erdogan made his U-turn towards Russia. In that case, they may have recast Abu
Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, as the Act 1 Islamic Antichrist [the “Dajjal”] and
Erdogan as the Act 2 Islamic Antichrist [the “Mahdi”].

If the globalists opt for a pure Peace Path in which Putin prevents the regional war that will
be threatened after Al-Aqsa’s destruction, there will be no mechanism to remove Erdogan
from the stage. So in that case, they might just keep him on to play the “Mahdi” character
instead of the “Dajjal” character to which he was originally assigned. They can then point
back to the leader of ISIS as having been the “Dajjal.”

And with that forewarning given, I consider the Peace Path sufficiently covered for now. I
still think it more likely that the globalists will stage some sort of war, go for the double
fulfillment, and keep Erdogan as the Dajjal…

…Just look at the “Red Devil Horns of the Dajjal” Erdogan is sporting in this picture Zero
Hedge frequently uses in articles about him. Zero Hedge is a Putin-promoting New World
Order propaganda site, so seeing them portray Erdogan as a devil suggests that he’s still
on track to be the Dajjal.

[Addendum 6 – 16 August 2018] – After Turkey called Russia for help with its currency
crisis on Friday, Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov went to Turkey for meetings on Monday
and Tuesday…

…from TASS

According to the globalist narrative, it will someday be said that this is what Lavrov told the
Turks during his visit…

“To receive BRICS help with your economic crisis, you must withdraw your forces from
Syria and constructively participate in the political settlement to end the war. If you do so,
BRICS assistance will be forthcoming and Turkish companies will be allowed to participate
in Syria’s reconstruction.”
That being said, keep an eye on September 7. That is the day a minister-level meeting on
Syria by Russia, Turkey, France, and Germany will take place. It would set the stage for a
peace summit to follow. This is the Peace Path.

As for the War Path, keep an eye on this…

…from S&P Global. Here is an excerpt…

>>> Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan Saturday announced plans for Turkey to conduct
shallow water and deep water drilling in the Mediterranean, and to lease a second deepwater
drill ship, in addition to the Deepsea Metro 2, which Turkey’s state upstream operator Turkish
Petroleum (TP) took delivery of in December last year.

Erdogan did not say where the two vessels would begin drilling…

TP has on two occasions in the past three years conducted seismic surveys inside the
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) claimed by the Republic of Cyprus… <<<

This blog has been watching the Cyprus EEZ conflict trigger for a while now, and the
globalists have now timed it so it can be pulled at any time between now and mid-
November. By trying to drill in Cyprus’ EEZ, Erdogan would start a confrontation with the
EU, of which Cyprus is a member. And this would sabotage the four-party peace deal by
supposedly antagonizing France and Germany. In a War Path scenario like this, an
Erdogan betrayal of Putin and a deeper push into Syria would be likely follow-up moves.

So will it be the Peace Path, the War Path, or another retreat? Only the globalists know
what they’ll choose. My choice for them is, as always, retreat.


The November 10 military parade has now joined Putin’s Washington visit in being delayed
until next year. These reschedulings are hopeful early signs for a full 2018 retreat by the
globalists. But we still have to get through the November elections. I’m starting to get thirsty
for New Year’s champagne…

(Note – 10 August 2018) – Given the developing “Turkey Crisis,” keep an eye on Incirlik
Air Base and the nukes the press say are still there. Erdogan’s move against the American
forces there is inevitable (and the US government has left forces there precisely so they can
be seized)…

…from Google

(Note – 12 August 2018) – As we head into this week with the Turkish currency crisis
gaining steam, don’t forget this little bit of news that came out…

Erdogan calls Putin as Turkish currency tumbles: Amid worsening relations with US,
Turkish president turns to Russia

Back in 2015, the globalists had a plan to push Greece’s banks to the brink, then have
them run to the BRICS Bank for a bailout. It was part of the “people’s revolution in Europe”
scenario they were trying to get rolling back then. They may now be replaying the same
strategy with Turkey. Erdogan is making statements that sound awfully New World Orderish
after all…

“Unilateral actions against Turkey by the United States will undermine American interests
and force Turkey to look for other friends and allies.” – from The New York Times

In 2015, they were using this strategy to break up the EU; now they’re trying to use it to lure
countries that are afflicted by American sanctions and dollar-denominated debt away from
the “unilateral” US and towards the “multilateral” NWO. New World Order historians will
later say that Trump was deliberately pushing nations away from the “US-UK-EU Empire”
so his partner Putin could bring them into a “fair, sovereignty-respecting” BRICS New World
Order. Basically, Trump is beating the bushes with sanctions and tariffs, and Putin is
providing a safe-looking escape route into the NWO.

If we do see Erdogan joining the BRICS, it may mean that they’ve changed his role in the
prophecy fulfillment script as was described in Addendum 5.

(Note – 13 August 2018) – As I suspected (and wrote about in yesterday’s note), the
current Turkish currency crisis is part of a globalist “run to the BRICS” setup. Look who
attended the BRICS Summit late last month…
…from Wikipedia

And have a look at this Asia Times article…

…Here is an excerpt…

>>> Erdogan lost no opportunity for reiterating Turkey’s interest in establishing closer
linkages with the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), which is hoped to
evolve into full membership for Turkey in the grouping. He even proposed a new name for
the grouping that could be used if and when Turkey joined: BRICST…

Yet it [the BRICS] is a grouping of like-minded countries that represent not only a substantial
economic potential, but also, and perhaps more important, a shared critique of the
established balance of power and the current shape of global governance, which are seen
to be biased in favor of the Western world and not reflecting the interests and expectations
of the rising powers of the 21st century…

The second reason Turkey wants to improve its ties with BRICS countries relates to the
shared criticism of the Western-centric world order of the day. Erdogan’s slogan of “the
world is greater than five” refers to resentment that the world’s affairs are entrusted to
the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, and this is a dictum
that could resound well with the BRICS members. <<<

So the globalists clearly do intend for Turkey to set the example for other American-
sanctioned countries to run to Putin’s New World Order. We can expect Syria and Iran to
follow their lead. Then all the other emerging market countries suffering under sanctions
and/or an onerous dollar-denominated debt load will hop on the bandwagon.



Turkey Hits Final Stage of Preparations for New Operations in Syria. It’ll be interesting to
see how Putin will react to this. Is it being done with Moscow’s blessing?

This brings to mind something I was thinking about a few hours ago: that NWO historians
might someday narrate that Trump and Putin kept Erdogan in check by having the US hit
him with sanctions so he’d be forced to play nice with Putin to get BRICS membership. So
if the Russians talk him out of furthering his invasion of Syria and conducting his planned

migrant assault on Europe, it will be someday be attributed to the Trump-Putin tag team
strategy. They’ll say, “Erdogan was put into a vulnerable position by Trump and had to
listen to Putin to avoid an economic collapse and the end of his rule.”

To read the previous entry, click here: Globalist Agenda Watch 2018: Update 20 – The
Kabbalists’ efforts to restart the 7-year prophecy cycle.

An Introduction to What’s Really Going On

Beyond the false paradigm presented to the sleeping public through the mainstream media,
academia, and religion — and beyond the new false paradigm presented to the awakening
public through the controlled alternative media — there is the truth of what’s really going on
in our world. This blog is dedicated to exposing that truth for all to see.

What follows are four articles that will bring you up to speed on the basics. They are…

1. THE RED PILL: A Short Overview of the True Globalist Agenda

2. Understanding the NWO Strategy
3. The NWO Schedule of Implementation 2018
4. The Compendium

But before you read them, it seems appropriate to remind you of a warning fromThe Matrix

“You take the blue pill [by leaving this website now] — the story ends, you wake up in your
bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill — you stay in
Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

All I’m offering is the truth, nothing more.”

You may find what follows unsettling, but it will also confirm many of the thoughts you’ve
had yourself. And ultimately, facing reality frees one from fear.

THE RED PILL: A Short Overview of the True

Globalist Agenda
If this is your first time visiting, there’s a very good chance that
everything you think you know about the “globalists” and the “New World Order (NWO)” is
wrong. This is because the globalists are using their massive alt-media disinformation
network to sell you a “good versus evil” fairy tale. According to their fable’s script, the “evil
Western unilateral / unipolar NWO” is trying to take over the world and plunge us into an
Orwellian dark age…

…from Infowars

And the “good guys,” Vladimir Putin and the BRICS nations, are standing against the evil
and working to build a “benevolent multilateral / multipolar NWO” that “will usher in a new
Golden Age / Renaissance for all mankind”…

…from LaRouchePAC

Faced with these two manufactured choices, the globalists expect you to resist the “evil
West” and embrace the “benevolent East,” thus embracing the New World Order they’ve
been planning all along. So in this entry, I will inoculate you against their fairy tale
programming by showing you what they’re doing in the economic, political and religious
realms to build their REAL New World Order. I’ll also show you their ultimate goal, which
goes far beyond the NWO.

The True Globalist Economic Agenda

The globalists’ post-World War 2 plan for implementing a global government began to
crystallize in 1956 under the Rockefeller-funded Special Studies Project. The Project was
organized by Nelson Rockefeller, who recruited Henry Kissinger as its director and
numerous globalist luminaries of the day, including John D. Rockefeller III and Laurance
Rockefeller, as its participants. Five years later, the Project published the public version of
its results in a book titled Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports – a book
which extols the importance of America “helping to shape a new world order”…

…from page 35

On page 173, the book lays out an “essential component” of the economic approach to the
NWO: opening America’s markets to aid the economic development of foreign nations…

And on page 75, it hints at the intended recipients of this policy, Communist China…

Since it would be impossible to build a global New World Order without the world’s most
populous nation, the globalists decided to use America’s markets, jobs and wealth as bait
for luring the insular Chinese into the fold. And in return for joining the New World Order,
China’s communist officials were offered the prestige and power of being the world’s new
economic leaders. This strategy was publicly admitted by globalist super-minion George
Soros in a 2009 video interview with FT…

…from YouTube

Starting at the 9:26 mark of the video and continuing on into the second part, Soros says
the following…

“I think this would be the time, because you really need to bring China into the creation of
a new world order – financial world order. They are kind of reluctant members of the IMF.
They play along, but they don’t make much of a contribution because it’s not their institution.
Their share is not commeasurate – their voting rights are not commeasurate – to their weight.
So I think you need a New World Order that China has to be part of the process of
creating it, and they have to buy in. They have to own it the same way as I said the
United States owns… the Washington consensus… the current order, and I think this
would be a more stable one where you would have a coordinated policies.”

So as you look at America today – a nation sapped of its well-paying jobs and economic
vitality – you now know how it started: with the Rockefellers and Henry Kissinger deciding
to hand America’s economic position to China. That’s why Kissinger made his secret trip to
“open up” China in 1971…

…and why David Rockefeller Sr. followed him in in 1973…

This article is under construction; there’s more to come. Until it’s done, though, here are
some entries you will find very illuminating (the one in bold is a must-read)…

1. To understand more about the Special Studies Project and its plan for the currently-
developing New World Order, read The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS New World
Order, in their own words…
2. To see the East versus West conflict as the sham it is, read Mainstream globalist
propaganda reveals East/West conflict is a farce.
3. To understand the religious aspect of the globalist plan (and Vladimir Putin’s
upcoming role as “savior” and head of the NWO), read “End Times” Programming.
4. To see the “Deep State” as the propaganda ploy it is, read Alex Jones, the Kabbalist
banksters, and the “Deep State” con.


In this section, I’ll offer an overview of the New World Order’s true nature and the globalist
strategy in building it and presenting it to the public.

The Two NWOs

The key to understanding the globalists’ strategy in implementing the New World
Order is to understand that there are actually two NWOs: a Western-fronted decoy
New World Order and a BRICS-fronted real New World Order. Once you understand
how and why the globalists created them and played them against each other, all of the
confusing information floating about the mainstream and alternative media will start making

1) The Western-fronted DECOY NWO

This evil, menacing NWO is supposedly being constructed by the US and the EU, but it has
never really existed as anything but a media construct. It is much like the fake army of
inflatable tanks that Patton “commanded” prior to the Normandy invasion; there is no real
substance to it. It was created as a propaganda prop to serve as the “dark side” in the play
the globalists are putting on for the public. They even gave it a dark-skinned figurehead for
dramatic flair…

When you listen to the many faux-truthers in the alternative press, it is this decoy
NWO to which they point as they make their fearful predictions in order to create an
emotional reaction within their viewers/readers/listeners. They portray it as an evil
Zionist/Nazi/Neocon monster that is destroying the world and bringing humanity to
the brink of World War 3. This is being done so the public will welcome the real NWO
when it makes its move, defeats the decoy, and snatches peace from the jaws of

Another function of the Western decoy is to serve as the scapegoat for all the damage that
was done while the globalists were erecting the real NWO. By blaming the Western NWO
for all the evils we’ve seen for the past 100+ years – and then getting rid of it — they are
hoping the real NWO will start with a clean slate in the public eye.

You will know you’re listening to a controlled-opposition / faux-truther figure talk

about the decoy NWO when he or she uses words with the prefix “uni-“…

…such as “unilateral”…




…and “unipower”…

Of course, you’ll know they’re talking about the decoy also when they use the terms
“Western elite,” “Nazis,” “Zionists,” and “Neocons” when identifying its builders.

2) The BRICS-fronted REAL NWO

The emerging United Nations-based, BRICS-fronted New World Order is the REAL NWO
the globalists have been working towards since the last vestiges of the Old World Order fell
after World War 2…

…(from The Moscow Times)

This BRICS-fronted New World Order is nothing more than the old United Nations
Complex with a phony “under new management” sign hanging in front. You will know
that a commentator is talking about this REAL NWO when he or she uses words with
the prefix “multi-“…

…such as “multilateral”…

…(from The Atlantic)

…and “multipolar”…

…(from RT)

This being said, you don’t have to take my word for all this. Look for yourself. Just visit the
websites of the IMF and the BIS and enter the following words, one-at-a-time, into their
search boxes: “multilateral,” “multipolar,” “unilateral,” and “unipolar.” If you do this and scan
through the results you get, you’ll see scores of internal speeches and papers talking about
moving towards a multilateral/multipolar world and away from a unilateral/unipolar world.
You’ll find virtually nothing on their sites that talks about moving towards a global order
ruled by a hegemonic US. That was never the globalists’ real plan.

To learn more about who the globalists really are and what the Old World Order, Interim
World Order, and New World Order are, continue reading…
An Overview of the Occulted Powers
Lurking behind the “Democratic Facade” (the so-called “democratic” governments that the
public sees as the guiding hands in our world), are the Occulted Powers (OPs). The OPs
are a criminal conglomerate of the local royal families throughout the world who are
intermarried and/or interoperating with the global network of Jewish bankster families.
Under this worldwide royal/Jew “elite,” there are a variety of secret societies (such as the
Freemasons) and criminal gangs (such as the Triads) who recruit useful “commoners” into
their conspiracy and run societies at the street level.

As with any large gang of criminals, there is some degree of competition amongst the
families as they compete for power, position and wealth within the syndicate, but they are
all united in furthering their collective control and exploitation of the human race. They are
the ones who have been pushing for ever more centralized control of humanity; they are
the “globalists.”

An interesting thing about these OPs is that they have their own system of spirituality,
which can most accurately be called “the Mystery School.” Whether the gang leaders at the
very top actually believe in the spiritual mumbo jumbo of the Mystery School, though, is
unclear. There may be some sort of “spiritual” force feeding them their religion, or they may
have simply made it up as a control mechanism for their underlings. Whether it’s real or
made up, though, it plays a central role in everything they do.

With this in mind, have a look at the Masonic art outside of the New Carrollton Federal
Building in Lanham, Maryland…

…This sculpture depicts the Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path of the OPs’ occultic
spirituality. As you can see, the Left Hand (which sits on a black base) is pointing over to
the open Right Hand (which sits upon a white base). This reflects the OPs’ practice of using
the Left Hand (the “dark side,” which brings about destruction and chaos) to scare people
into the open, welcoming Right Hand (the “light side,” which brings about construction and
If you look upon the world situation now, you can see that the Anglo-American
branch of the OPs are acting as the Left Hand (bringing terror, war, and theft that is
destroying the existing world order and scaring humanity towards something new),
and the BRICS branch of the OPs are acting as the Right Hand (“opposing” the
actions of the Anglo-American axis and welcoming humanity into a “peaceful, fair”
new world order that they are constructing). Once you understand this basic idea of
how the Two Hands work together to control the world, everything you see around you
starts making sense.

The Old World Order, the Interim World Order, and the
New World Order
In attempting to understand the New World Order (NWO), many people become confused
due to the intentionally misleading definition of the NWO offered by mainstream and
alternative propaganda news sources. Before I go into why the news sources are doing
this, though, let’s learn the proper definition of the NWO straight from the globalists

In 1961, the globalists published a book titled Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel
Reports. It was the (public-version) final report of a Rockefeller-funded study called the
Special Studies Project, and it gives a sanitized, sugar-coated overview of the post-World
War II plan to transition from the Old World Order to the New World Order.

The book offers this definition of the Old World Order…

So the 13 empires that ruled the world before they were brought down by the twin towers
(World War I and World War II) were the Old World Order. And after their collapse, the
world entered the period of chaos that precedes the arrival of the New World Order. This
time of chaos has been governed by what I’ll call the Interim World Order, which is the
current Bretton Woods system in which the US has played a central role due to its
post-World War II military power, economic strength, and control of the global
reserve currency. It is important to note that the Interim World Order is NOT the New
World Order; it was designed to last for a finite period of time (long enough to expend
America’s power and wealth to construct the NWO).

Prospect for America also offers the true definition of the New World Order…

…which is a system of regional institutions operating under the supervision of an

“international body of growing authority.” I’m sure you can imagine which body that is…

It is important to note that a United Nations-based New World Order is one that cannot be
dominated by the US. The US is only 1 vote amongst 193 in the General Assembly and
only 1 vote amongst 15 in the Security Council. Any perception of US leadership of the UN
has arisen from America’s post-World War II power and prestige and the temporary role of
the US dollar as the world’s primary reserve currency. That prestige is now gone, and the
post-WWII power will be largely gone once the dollar is replaced by a renamed SDR as the
world’s primary reserve currency. For the UN Complex to rise as the central power, the
superpowerful US that emerged from WWII had to be taken down, and Prospect for
America was the blueprint for its downfall.

Getting back to the misleading definition of the NWO offered by globalist propaganda
sources, they attempt to paint the NWO as an effort by the US (and their UK partners in
crime) to erect a “unipolar” empire to control the world. This supposed attempt to build a
US/UK-centric “Unipolar New World Order” has never existed. As Prospect for America

The supposed US-led “Unipolar New World Order” has never been anything but a
golem dreamed up by the globalist propaganda masters to distract people’s
attention away from the real NWO. While people are being programmed to look West
for a scary monster that is closing in on them, the actual NWO is sneaking in from
the East looking like a heroic knight in shining armor. And once it is publicly unveiled,
the NWO will look like heaven… at first.

So when you see things in the news like this…

>>> Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Saturday that his country would never accept a
unipolar world.

Noting that there was one “undisputed” unipolar leadership trying to control the current
world and force others to obey, Putin said Russia would never accept such attempts. <<<

…realize it’s just the “knights in shining armor” doing their preparatory public relations work.
All of the BRICS leaders are under firm OP control, as is evidenced by Putin’s open display
of the symbols of Russia’s Romanov “royals”…

…and Chinese President Xi’s association with his Illuminati handler/promoter, Robert
Lawrence Kuhn…

The NWO Strategy in Pictures

For people to embrace the New World Order, they have to see it as the SOLUTION to their
problems, not the SOURCE of their problems. And in order to get folks to see it that way,
the globalists are having their Western minions create all kinds of mischief so their Eastern
minions can step in and save everyone. So in…

Step 1: The globalists have released the Western hounds on everyone, and they are
mauling us with theft, oppression and war.

Step 2: They’ve had their faux-truther / controlled-opposition press screaming to

everyone that the hounds are coming after us so we’ll get scared and look for safety.

Step 3: They are having their BRICS minions step up and save us from the hounds.
Welcome, saviors!

And with that, we end up in the NWO. It’s not so hard to understand, is it?

Don’t Get Swept Away by the Coming “Truth Tsunami”

Let’s begin this section by reminding ourselves what a “limited hangout” is…

“spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When
their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to
misinform the public, they resort to admitting—sometimes even volunteering—some of the
truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public,
however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the
matter further.”

When you think about it, the whole engineered truth movement has been a limited hangout
operation. There have been “insiders” and “whistleblowers” (disinfo agents) coming out
from under every rock to tell us a mixture of truth and falsehood, and the gist of their
message is…

“The evil West is out to get us, and Putin and the BRICS are the only ones who can stop
So the objective of the limited hangout operation known as the “Truth Movement” is
to publicize facts that make the West look bad and the East look good. And in doing
this, they are distracting people from “the key and damaging” fact that the BRICS
are the ones actually bringing in the NWO.

But you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

The rising floodwaters of limited hangout truth will give way to a full-on tsunami next year.
You will see all sorts of radical truth-telling, including stunning information about Obama’s
background and what really happened on 9/11. When you see the mainstream media
parroting all the explanations the globalists have been beta testing in the alternative
media rabbit hole, you’ll know we’ve reached the climax point.

Here is something I wrote about their plans back in 2013…

>>> Let’s begin with the Cliff’s Notes version of the basic three-step process I see them
trying to implement:

Create a PROBLEM – Through social engineering and the power of mass media, they have
created dissatisfaction and dissociation with our old social forms and norms, including the
traditional religions, in order to make us amenable to a new order of things. They’ve also
sicced their dark dogs on us, who’ve been enthusiastically preparing a vast global police state
grid, an economic and military conflagration, and a mass culling of the population.

Generate a REACTION – Through the engineered truth movement, they have advertised the
actions of their dark minions in order to create fear in the population as well as a strong desire
for some escape from what they have planned [here is a prime example ]. They’ve also been
disseminating vastly more accurate spiritual information through false-light channelings and
New Age gurus for those weary of the old religions, but have blended in some misleading
ideas that will be useful to them later.

Offer a SOLUTION – They’ll allow their minions to go to the brink (or a bit past the brink)
of unleashing their planned horrors upon the world so people will desperately grasp for any
solution. The solution will then be offered by the BRICS nations in the form of a new precious
metals-backed financial system and by a BRICS-allied “alien” power who will come onto the
scene to stop the wars and address urgent needs. With a timely arrival to save the day, they are
expecting the relieved public to warmly embrace their version of a “love and light” New
World Order of (apparent) freedom, as well as the “aliens” and their “god,” who will pose as
Prime Creator/Source (but he/she/it IS NOT).

With the overview in place, let’s now delve into some of the juicy details of offering the

The dark minions and Homeland Security types who have been preparing the Great Culling
and the global police state genuinely believe they’ll get to slaughter lots of people, and they
are orgasmically licking their chops in anticipation. They kinda remind me of the character
“Psycho” from the movie Stripes…

…“All I know is I finally get to kill somebody”…

Naturally, it is essential to the overall plan that actors on the lower levels of the
power/awareness pyramid sincerely believe their roles and make concrete preparations for the
Culling. The threat they pose would be unconvincing otherwise. Unfortunately for the
planners, though, the general population is so distracted and drugged-out from other Cabal
activities that they’re having a hard time generating the desired awareness and fear.
Unintended consequences are a bi*ch, aren’t they? Nonetheless, when the economy suddenly
grinds to a halt, war actions have begun, and thugs in armored cars can be seen on the streets,
that should provide enough of a wake-up slap to get the attention of the public.

Once a crescendo of awareness and fear has been reached, that’s when the surprise will come.
As if out of nowhere, military and economic forces will jump into action to bring a dead stop
to the unfolding nightmare. Posing as a benevolent alliance, they will commandeer all media
to broadcast in-depth exposes of all that has been going on behind the scenes in our
world. The public will be both shocked and jubilant to finally hear the truth, and it will
wash over them like a tsunami. Unfortunately, this limited hangout truth tsunami is
intended to carry them away towards an acceptance of the real New World Order. <<<

Speaking of the “love and light” NWO, here is a preview of what to expect:The
Multilateral/Multipolar New World Order will seem like heaven… at first.

So enjoy the big show, but don’t forget that’s what it is.


“Rejoice, for the revelation of the Messiah is at hand!”…

…This is an APNews photo of the
“Christlike” Vladimir Putin, who is scripted
by the globalists to play the role of the
Jewish/Christian Messiah, the Head of the
NWO / Revived Roman Empire, and the
“Final Antichrist.” This page will show you
why I say that, so let’s begin…

The globalist advance towards the New

World Order (NWO) is analogous to an
American football team’s advance towards
a touchdown:

they can slowly and

incrementally drive towards their
goal using their running game
(small, dull, publicly-unnoticed
institutional changes that
accumulate over time), or
they can quickly leap towards
their goal using their passing game (staging big crises like 9/11 that demand large,
sudden “solutions”).

The purpose of this NWO Schedule of Implementation section is to anticipate, expose, and
hopefully prevent their passing plays. By forcing them to grind slowly towards their goals
with their ground game, time is bought to allow people to wake up to their agenda and
begin to counteract it.

That being said, let’s start examining the goal they’re driving towards and the pass plays
they’re setting up to get there quickly…

Their Political Goals


In order to overcome the UN’s jaded reputation and get people to accept its leadership,
they will take it through a “reform” process to rebrand it and give it an image makeover.
These reforms will make it appear that “Western domination and corruption” of the
institution has been put to an end, and they will include three very important elements…

1. The UN Security Council will be reformed to include more permanent members.

2. Unilateral Security Council vetoes will be eliminated.
3. The size and powers of the UN’s military, police, and colonization
(“peacebuilding”) forces will be significantly increased.

Now let’s look a little closer at these three elements…

1) The UN Security Council will be reformed to include more permanent members.

In their reform of the United Nations, the globalists want to make it appear that it is no
longer a “tool of the West,” and adding new permanent members to the Security Council
will allow them to “bring the East’s representation into parity with the West’s.” The reform
could go one of two ways: 1) they could blow up the existing permanent membership
structure and expand the number of permanent members to 10 (one for each UN
Development Region), or 2) they could expand the existing structure to include two new
members, India and Germany. Here’s why they will most likely do the latter:

Currently, there are five permanent members, and “the West has a numerical advantage”…

Western Permanent Members: 3 (US, France, UK)

Eastern Permanent Members: 2 (China, Russia)

By adding India, they would numerically balance West and East, and by adding Germany,
they would provide a neutral, tie-breaking vote…

Western Permanent Members: 3 (US, France, UK)

Eastern Permanent Members: 3 (China, Russia, India)
Neutral Members: 1 (Germany, “the bridge between East and West”)

But there is another reason the globalists might want “7 heads” on the Security Council,
and it is related to their NWO religious agenda. We’ll explore that a little further down this

Now let’s move on to the second element of the UN “reform”…

2) Unilateral Security Council vetoes will be eliminated.

The elimination of unilateral veto power will be sold as being necessary to allow the UN to
effectively address divisive conflicts, but its real purpose will be to ensure that no nation can
insulate itself from UN action by casting a veto. All nations will be equally helpless against
the multilateral UN mob and the globalists who pull their strings from behind the scenes.

The globalists will accomplish this by either doing away with permanent member vetoes
entirely or requiring four permanent members (within the new 7 permanent member
structure) to join together to veto a measure. By requiring four votes for a veto, neither the
East nor West could block a measure on their own; they would need help from the neutral
member or the other side.

Of course, the globalists’ tried-and-true method for spurring such a change is to deliberately
create a problem, then offer their plans as a solution. So applying this standard method to
eliminate unilateral vetoes is as easy as ONE-TWO-THREE…

ONE – Stage wars the UN can’t prevent due to the existence of unilateral veto powers.
The long war in Syria is a perfect example of this. Note the competing resolutions on Syria
that were circulated in the Security Council in October of 2016; neither had a chance because
both sides had vetoes…

…from the UN website

And if you look at other conflicts the globalists have stirred up…

the UN cannot resolve the simmering conflict in the South China Sea because of
China’s unilateral veto,
the UN cannot resolve the North Korean “nuclear crisis” because of China and Russia’s
the UN cannot resolve the Ukraine-Russia war over the Crimea because of Russia’s
unilateral veto, and
the UN cannot restrain the hyper-aggressive warmaking and regime-changing of the
United States because of America’s unilateral veto.

TWO – Ensure that all of the nations that possess unilateral veto power get a serious
bloody nose from the unprevented conflicts. The harm they’ll suffer and the horrors they’ll
witness will provide the motivation to surrender their veto powers “so it will never happen

THREE – Present the pre-planned new veto rules to the General Assembly for adoption.
After all, “unilateral vetoes have no place in a multilateral body, do they?”

Finally, let’s look at the last element of the UN “reform”…

3) The size and powers of the UN’s military, police, and colonization
(“peacebuilding”) forces will be significantly increased.

The globalists will promote this strengthening of the UN as insurance that “no unilateral
power will ever again threaten world peace,” but the actual reason is to ensure that the
global government reigns supreme. Once the UN-centered New World Order is put in
place, the globalists have scripted a honeymoon period during which things will look much
better than they do now. But once we hit the 3.5 year mark, Putin and the UN will start
doing some ominous things with the upgraded powers the UN will then possess. Nations
that don’t toe the UN line will first be subjected to multilateral sanctions. And if they still
refuse to correct their behavior, the UN’s military will roll in, followed by UN police and

It should come as no surprise, then, that less than a month after Boris Yeltsin handed the
Russian Presidency over to Vladimir Putin, the future NWO leader Putin was hosting the
UN Secretary-General and talking about strengthening the “authority and influence of the


A few months later, Putin attended the UN Millennium Summit and started getting specific
about increasing the UN’s power…

…from The People’s Daily. Here is an excerpt…

“During the meeting, they discussed conflict resolution, rapid reaction capability for
peacekeepers, post-conflict reconstruction and the U.N. reform.

Putin expressed interest in reviving the U.N. Military Staff Committee which coordinates
military activity of the five permanent members of the Security Council in support of
international peace and security, but which has never been effective.”

Now if we look into the UN Military Staff Committee, we see this…

“The Military Staff Committee (MSC) is the United Nations Security Council subsidiary body
whose role, as defined by the United Nations Charter, is to plan UN military operations and
assist in the regulation of armaments.

The greatest purpose of the MSC, arising from Article 45 of the UN Charter, was
intended to be providing command staff for a set of air-force contingents. These
contingents, provided by the Permanent 5 members (P5) of the Security Council (the
People’s Republic of China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States)
to be held at ready for the discretionary use of the United Nations.” – From Wikipedia

Clearly, Putin wants the “reformed” UN he’ll lead to have military teeth. But his and his
globalist handlers’ plans go beyond mere military power, as is shown by this Russian
statement at the UN…

…Here are some key passages [with my comments added in brackets]…

>>> Russia places a high emphasis on the role that peacekeeping [UN intervention in the
internal affairs of nation-states] plays in maintaining international peace and security…

…we attach great importance to the establishment of the Peacebuilding Commission,

which operates at a cross-juncture of the activities of the Security Council, the General
Assembly, the Economic and Social Council as well as international financial institutions…
[the UN “Peacebuilding” Commission is designed to move in after the UN military rolls into
an area and alter the political and economic order of the invaded area to suit the globalists; it is
essentially a colonizing force]

The importance of the UN civil police is increasing. We follow with great interest the
implementation of the Summit’s decision to establish a Standing police capacity…

It is fundamentally important that all these activities be carried out in accordance with…
rational division of labour with the regional organizations. In this connection I would like to
stress our conviction that relevant capacities of the Commonwealth of Independent
States, Organisation of the Collective Security Treaty and Shanghai Cooperation
Organisation might be in high demand. [in other words, they want the UN to use
peacekeepers that the Russians and Chinese have trained] I note with satisfaction, that our
efforts in strengthening the UN peacekeeping capacity are bearing fruits…

The Peacekeepers’ Training Centre of the Advanced Police Training Academy of the
Russian Ministry of Interior organized between the 2nd and 30th of November, 2006 a
course “The Civilian Policeman in the UN Missions” for thirty eight representatives of law
enforcement institutions from ten African states.

In accordance with the decision of the Russian Government the Ministry of the Interior is
planning on training up to 80 people a year till 2010. The next course of training African
peacekeepers in Russia is scheduled for the period from March 1st to April 2nd of this year…
[so Russia has been recruiting and training agents to embed in UN civil police forces that come
from nations they don’t control]

In conclusion I would like to touch upon one more issue. We believe that the improvement of
the thorough consideration of all military aspects of specific peacekeeping operations by the
UN Security Council would promote greater efficiency of all aspects of UN peacekeeping.
The Charter body – the Military Staff Committee (MSC) that is called upon to ensure an
appropriate level of military expertise for the UN Security Council decisions, which have a
military aspect, might provide a contribution to this. That is why the President of Russia V.
Putin set forth the idea of the MSC’s revitalisation at the Millennium Summit. <<<

“Peacekeeping” is an Orwellian doublespeak word for “warmaking.” It involves the UN

invasion of a nation-state in order to produce an internal outcome the UN desires. And
according to the globalist / Putin plan for a stronger UN, it will involve…

1. more effective application of UN military force, followed by

2. UN civil police to weed out “troublemakers” and pacify the population, and

3. UN “Peacebuilding” agents to remake the affected area’s political and economic
structure in accordance with globalist guidelines.

With this 3-step colonization protocol set before us, it’s not hard to imagine where they’re
going with it. During the first 3.5 years of the NWO, they might use it only in areas where
there are humanitarian crises. This will allow them to practice and fine-tune their approach.
But after the 3.5 year mark, they’ll start using the protocol in areas that contain…

large pockets of resistance to the UN (because “the UN is the source of world peace,
so if you’re against the UN, you are a threat to world peace”), and
large pockets of religious “extremists” (those who cling to traditional religious ideas
over the UN’s “It’s All Good” One World Religion).

In both cases, the globalists will use false-flag shootings and bombings to simulate conflict
and justify UN intervention.

Now that we’ve covered the political aspect of the NWO agenda, let’s have a look at the
financial / economic aspect…

Their Financial / Economic Goals


I first wrote about the Enhanced China Model back in November of 2015…

>>> From my current knowledge of what the globalists have planned, they seem to be aiming
for an “Enhanced China Model” for the global economy. In China, the central government
dictates the direction of the economy, but that direction is pursued with a capitalistic
approach. And if the central planners don’t like something that’s going on in the
capitalistic level, they step in and crush it. This is how I suspect the new globalist economy
will operate.

At the UN level, the neo-Roman authorities will steer the direction of the economy (such
as with the “Sustainable Development Agenda”), but they will allow the corporations to
pursue that direction under an Austrian Economic Framework. That way, they’re in
control (such as in a communist/socialist system), but things actually get done (such as in
a capitalist system). <<<

So the socialist/communist economic takeover you’ve been programmed to fear is part of

the decoy NWO. The real NWO will be based on Austrian Economics operating within UN-
defined (globalist-defined) boundaries.

To learn more about who’s really behind the Austrian Economics fad, read these entries…

The coming BRICS gold standard, Ron Paul, and the Rockefellers

Like it or not, here is more on the Rockefeller connection to Austrian economics

Turning our attention to the IMF, the first steps towards its “reform” were taken in early
2016 when the 2010 quota reforms finally took effect. But the really big step will occur in the
near future when China offers a portion of their gold reserves to help provide gold “backing”
for the SDR. In return for their gold, China will receive a large special allocation of SDRs,
and these new SDRs will dilute the US’s share of total SDRs to below the 15% level. This
will eliminate America’s veto power in the IMF, which will unleash even more reforms. At
the time this is done, we’ll also see a Chinaman replace Christine Lagarde as the Managing
Director of the IMF.

As for the SDR, moves towards its reform and wider use were taken in 2016 when China’s
renminbi was added to its currency basket and SDR-denominated bonds were sold by the
World Bank and Standard Chartered Bank…

…from the The article is a short and informative read, so have a look at it.

It is the intention of the globalists to replace the US dollar as the primary reserve currency
with the SDR and then promote the SDR’s use as a global consumer currency. To see their
detailed plans for replacing the dollar with the SDR, read this speech given by Zhou
Xiaochuan, the governor of China’s central bank (and the currently designated replacement
for Christine Lagarde at the IMF)…

…The speech was given during the depths of the 2007-2009 financial crisis and follows the
standard globalist “let’s create a problem, then offer our solution” template. He begins by
pointing to the problems posed by the (engineered) economic meltdown, then he goes on
to explain how a new kind of global reserve currency would solve all those problems.
Finally, he makes his recommendation…

“The scope of using the SDR should be broadened, so as to enable it to fully satisfy the
[IMF] member countries’ demand for a reserve currency.”

And to see how the globalists will promote the SDR as the world’s consumer currency,
have a look at this Economist article from 1988…

…Here is an excerpt…

>>> THIRTY years from now, Americans, Japanese, Europeans, and people in many other
rich countries, and some relatively poor ones will probably be paying for their shopping with
the same currency. Prices will be quoted not in dollars, yen or D-marks but in, let’s say, the
phoenix. The phoenix will be favoured by companies and shoppers because it will be more
convenient than today’s national currencies, which by then will seem a quaint cause of much
disruption to economic life in the last twentieth century…

…The phoenix would probably start as a cocktail of national currencies, just as the Special
Drawing Right is today. In time, though, its value against national currencies would cease to
matter, because people would choose it for its convenience and the stability of its purchasing

…The phoenix zone would impose tight constraints on national governments. There would be
no such thing, for instance, as a national monetary policy. The world phoenix supply would be
fixed by a new central bank, descended perhaps from the IMF…

…Governments are far from ready to subordinate their domestic objectives to the goal of
international stability. Several more big exchange-rate upsets, a few more stockmarket crashes
and probably a slump or two will be needed before politicians are willing to face squarely up
to that choice…

…Pencil in the phoenix for around 2018, and welcome it when it comes. <<<

To learn more about this, read Mainstream globalist propaganda reveals East/West conflict
is a farce.

With the political and financial/economic aspects of the NWO agenda now laid before us,
let’s look at an aspect most serious people overlook: the religious aspect…

Their Religious Goals


Their prophecy fulfillment plan has three steps and two distinct phases.

The three steps are…

1) Propagandize the public to see the Western “elite” as Satanists and Western leaders like
Barack Obama as antichrists.

2) Propagandize the public to see Vladimir Putin as a savior – the Jewish/Christian Messiah
– then later propagandize them to see him as the “one true Antichrist.”

3) Propagandize the public to see the Kabbalist pod person who shows up to defeat Putin
and the New World Order as the “one true Christ.”

As for the two distinct phases, they are…

1) Phase 1 (The Antichrist Phase) – In this phase, the “one true Antichrist” Putin attempts
to take “Christ’s throne” through deception. To accomplish this, he has the West and its
leaders play the roles of Satanists and antichrists so he can defeat them and appear to be
the savior. And through his victory, he defeats the “evil” Western-version New World Order
and erects the “good” BRICS-version New World Order. His NWO will appear to be the
answer to all our problems until we get to Phase 2.

2) Phase 2 (The Christ Phase) – In this phase, Putin fulfills some Biblical prophecies that
show him to be the “one, true, final Antichrist” and the NWO turns ugly. At this point,
globalist alt-media figures like Alex Jones, Steve Quayle and Tom Horn will propagandize
the public to see Putin as the Antichrist and his NWO as the “Beast system.”

Once people see Putin as the Antichrist and they’re super-scared, a new globalist figure
(the Kabbalah Christ) will sweep in and defeat him and his New World Order. It is at this
point that the globalists will achieve their ultimate goal: total ownership and control of the
entire planet and its people in a post-democratic world governed by a figurehead god-king.
They want to rule over us like gods.

Turning our attention to the globalists’ prophecy fulfillment script for the Muslims, an
excellent overview is offered in this video from Sheikh Imran Hosein…

…Here is how it starts out…

“Syria is not just another part of the world of Islam. From an Islamic eschatological
perspective, Syria is at the heart – the very heart – of the end of history. There are three
main actors at the end of history in Islamic eschatology:

The most important of them all is the return of Jesus, the son of Mary, the true messiah.

And then there is another figure in the end of history who seeks to impersonate the true
messiah, and he is the false messiah. The Christians call him the Antichrist, and …
Muhammad… called him Al-Masih ad-Dajjal, or Dajjal the false messiah.

And the third important figure in Islamic eschatology at the end of history is the Imam, or the
Prince – in Christian theology he’s known as the Prince, or Imam al-Mahdi.

And these three main actors of the end of history are all going to be simultaneously
present in Damascus. Imam al-Mahdi will already be there. Dajjal will come to attack
him. And at that time when Dajjal is ready for the confrontation with the Imam, the Son
of Mary returns.”

The Strategic Culture Foundation is a globalist disinformation front specializing in Step 2

propaganda, so they present news and commentary to make the West look evil and Putin
look like a world-saving genius. And if we look at Hosein’s video, it’s not hard to identify
which globalist actors are playing the eschatological characters he outlines…

> Vladimir Putin, the son of Mary (Maria Shelomova), is cast as the “true messiah.”

> Qasem Soleimani, the “Savior of Syria,” is cast as the “Imam al-Mahdi.” That’s why
Hosein says the Mahdi “will already be there” in Damascus (Soleimani managed the war
from there). To read more about him, see Updates 9 and 10 of Globalist Agenda Watch

> Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who attacked the Mahdi in Syria, is cast as the “Al-Masih ad-
Dajjal, or Dajjal the false messiah.” He was stopped when the “true messiah” (Putin)
stepped in to aid the “Mahdi” (Soleimani).

It is important to note that since there are two phases to the “End Times” show, the
Antichrist Phase (Phase 1, in which “Satan attempts to steal Christ’s throne”) and the
Christ Phase (Phase 2, in which “the real Jesus shows up to stop Satan”), the globalists
will artificially fulfill Biblical prophecy TWICE. And this means there are two actors cast
for every role:

The role of the Christian “Antichrist” is played by…

Obama, Clinton, etc. in Phase 1, and by Vladimir Putin in Phase 2.

The role of the Muslim Antichrist character, the “Dajjal,” is played by…
Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Phase 1, and by Qasem Soleimani in Phase 2.

The role of the Christian/Muslim “Christ” is played by…
Vladimir Putin in Phase 1, and by “Testy Tubey” (an unknown GMO human) in Phase

The role of the seven-headed, ten-horned “Beast out of the Sea” (the Revived Roman
Empire) from Revelation is played by…
the G7 in Phase 1, and by the “reformed” UN/NWO in Phase 2.

The role of the “Beast out of the Earth” that aids the Beast out of the Sea from Revelation is
played by…
the EU in Phase 1, and by one of Russia’s Eurasian treaty organizations in Phase 2 (I
haven’t yet set my attention to positively identifying which particular one, but the CSTO and
SCO are candidates, and I’m leaning towards the SCO).

The globalists are artificially fulfilling the prophecies twice so it will appear that the first
fulfillment was a trick and the second is “real,” but both of them are fake. I know this with
certainty because I’ve observed their propagandists laying the groundwork for both. There
is absolutely nothing “supernatural” or “spiritual” about what’s coming; it’s all Hollywood
magic combined with sequestered technology to give the appearance of something
supernatural and spiritual.

For information on the prophecy fulfillment plan for the Chinese and the Indians, read the
section titled “Xi Jinping’s assassination, the globalist prophecy fulfillment plan for the
Indians and the Chinese, and the 5 Avatars” in the next article down (The Compendium).

Now that you know the political, economic and religious goals the globalists are driving
towards, it’s time to examine the pass plays they’ll attempt this year to get there quickly…

The 2018 Implementation Timeframe

The globalists are close to unleashing a final Big Event to artificially fulfill religious “End
Times” prophecies and usher in the New World Order. In making their 2018 attempt to put it
in motion, they’ll likely follow the same three-phase Big Event template they tried to
implement last year. The three phases are…

1) The Initial Conflict Phase,

2) The “Darkness before the Dawn” Phase, and
3) The Final Conflict / “Dawn of a New Day” Phase.

It’s important to understand that this three-phased Big Event template has two possible
paths and three possible variants. The two paths are…

1) The War Path, and

2) The Peace Path.

And the three variants are…

1) Trump is “killed,” but Putin lives;

2) Both Trump and Putin are “killed”; or
3) Both Trump and Putin live.
Of these two paths and three variants, the most likely Big Event configuration is the War
Path + both Trump and Putin are “killed.” So let me show you how that would go down,
then we’ll look at how things would differ under the other options. The following narrative is
based upon what I’ve learned about the globalist prophecy fulfillment plan and the totality of
preparatory propaganda I’ve observed over the past several years.

The War Path

The Initial Conflict Phase will take place in Asia, and will likely result in the nuclear
destruction of Washington, DC and New York City (and possibly Tokyo and Seoul as well).
Trump, the vast majority of Congress, and the vast majority of the Washington bureaucracy
will reportedly perish in the blast, and Mike Pence or another “Deep Stater” will take over
the Presidency in a continuity of government scenario. Since the attack will leave the
financial system and economy in tatters, the new President will take on dictatorial
“emergency powers.” This will lead to the next phase…

The “Darkness before the Dawn Phase” will be a period of police state total control and
financial looting in the United States and the European Union, and the “Western Satanist
Elite” will force the world’s nations to rebuild the destroyed UN into the Western-version
New World Order. They will squeeze Russia, the lone holdout, the hardest, and tension will
build towards full-on war between NATO and Russia. This will lead to the next phase…

The Final Conflict / “Dawn of a New Day” Phase will see war break out between the US
and Russia in Syria and NATO and Russia in Ukraine. Shockingly, Russian forces will
overpower US and NATO forces using “advanced electronic warfare technology” that
renders NATO’s electronics-dependent weapons and communications systems inoperable.
In Ukraine, they’ll push Western forces back to the west side of the Dnieper River; in Syria,
they’ll push all uninvited foreign forces completely out of the country. And in sheer
desperation, the US will prepare to launch a nuclear first strike. This is when “Judas will sell
Jesus to the Synagogue of Satan.”

Just have a look at Judas having tea with Jesus…

…and take note of who’s wearing the Light shirt and who’s wearing the Dark shirt. In photo
ops like this, the color choices are no accident.

To ostensibly save Russia from an American nuclear first strike, Medvedev will betray
Putin, and Putin will be “killed.” Immediately upon Putin’s death, Medvedev will reach out to
Western leaders and offer to join the Western NWO, and both sides will agree to an
immediate ceasefire. A meeting will then be scheduled in Rome for all the world’s leaders
to gather together and launch the NWO. Medvedev will travel there, and in an apparent
natural / supernatural disaster, he and the other gathered leaders will perish.

Angered by “god’s judgment against their NWO,” the “Satanic” leaders of both East and
West will seek payback by focusing their rage on “god’s chosen people.” They will bring all
their combined forces to bear against Israel, intent on completely destroying it. This will be
the First Battle of Armageddon, and as the Israel Defense Forces reach the point of being
completely overwhelmed, something will appear in the sky.

Now that I’ve thought through this 2018 Big Event scenario, I’m thinking about changing my
views on Xi Jinping’s role. It’s hard to imagine him agreeing to join the Western-version
New World Order, but it’s relatively easy to imagine Li Keqiang doing so. Since modern
China has no strong religious paradigm, have the globalists been building up Xi to the be
new Mao so he can play the messiah role in China? Will he be “killed” this year and then
“resurrected” with Putin and Trump?

As for the timing aspect of the three phases, last year they seemed to go for this…

Phase 1 – April/May, 2017

Phase 2 – May through August, 2017
Phase 3 – September 2017

They then appeared to try a compressed version of the template (spanning mere weeks
instead of several months) at the end of the year (November and December).

This year, they attempted a compressed version in the January through March timeframe
(centered on the Winter Olympics), and they then attempted to start Phase 1 in May when
the US embassy was opened in Jerusalem. They may try again in June if the US-North
Korea Summit takes place.

Now let’s have a look at the the less dramatic path to the NWO…

The Peace Path

As one would expect, the peace path differs from the war path in that no direct wars break
out between major powers and no nukes go off. Any attempts to start the wars will be
defeated by “Putin’s masterful geopolitical moves” and Trump’s cooperation. And any
nuclear missiles that are fired in anger will be intercepted by “unknown parties.”

Although the peace path can include a Trump assassination or removal from office, he will
be brought back into the public eye by Vladimir Putin. They will also be joined by new
Western European leaders who will take control after major revelations about the current
leaders are made public.

The UN reforms will proceed either due to the fear created by the intercepted nuclear
launches or by simple agreement once the US, France and the UK are under NWO
leaders. In the US, that leader will be Rand Paul; in France, it will be Marine Le Pen; and in
the UK, it will be Jeremy Corbyn, Nigel Farage, or a Farage-like leader in the UKIP-like,
reorganized (post-scandal) Conservative Party. Once the globalists unleash their limited-
hangout Truth Tsunami, Farage and his ilk may enjoy greater-than-ever popularity due to
revelations of “the massive Establishment campaign against his life and credibility.”

In between the pure war path and pure peace path, there are many variations that are too
numerous to detail without creating confusion. But whatever path they take and however
quickly or slowly they move along it, you’ll see them approaching the political, economic,
and religious goals outlined in this page. Keep your eye on those goals and their motion
towards them, then you’ll understand why they’re doing what they’re doing.

On a final note, it is of vital importance that you steel yourself against the globalists’
two aces in the hole: 1) their limited-hangout “Truth Tsunami” and 2) their
technological ability to affect human mood through electromagnetic transmissions.

As I point out in Understanding the NWO Strategy, the “Truth Tsunami” will involve their
release of vast amounts of secret information to the public. The intent of it is to overwhelm
people with the sense that “all the secrets are finally coming out,” but the reality is that it’s a
carefully tailored release of information meant to lead people’s thinking in desirable
directions, including…

leading them to accept the “reality” of the scripted “evil Deep State” versus “good
Deep State” drama the globalists are directing, and
leading them to accept the multilateral / multipolar New World Order as the solution to
the problems which have beset us.
And as I point out in “End Times” Programming, the globalists possess the ability to affect
human mood (and possibly create hallucinations and “voices”) through electromagnetic
signals transmitted by the cell phone network and other sources. They will use this
technology at the appropriate time(s) in the “End Times” script, such as during the arrival of
the “ETs” and/or the “Kabbalah Christ,” to make people feel euphoric. This “feeling of
something different in the air” will lead many to believe they’re experiencing something
spiritual and real, but it’s merely the entrainment of their brainwaves to an EM carrier

When the Truth Tsunami and the carrier signals hit you, it’s important that you remember
this warning. Don’t be swept away to your destruction by simple parlor tricks; just enjoy the
show and the free high. And remember that we have roughly seven years to stop the
murder of at least a third of the world’s population in the scripted “final war.”

All this being said, here are some specific upcoming timeframes to watch…

Timeframe 1: January 16-19 — A meeting of Korean War combatant nations is occurring

on the 16th that may be provocative to North Korea. This could lead to further mutual
provocations that may climax in a North Korean nuclear sneak attack on New York and
Washington, DC on or about the 19th, which is the US Congress’ deadline to reach a
budget deal to keep the government from shutting down. — THEY CANCELLED

Timeframe 2: February 9 – March 31 — This is the timeframe of the Winter Olympics in

South Korea and the Juniper Cobra 18 missile defense drill in Israel. There is a possibility
that Israel will provoke Iran by striking Qasem Soleimani during this time. The missile
defense drill would then go live as Iran responds with a massive missile barrage. — THEY

Timeframe 3: the month of May — This is the month Trump will be traveling to Jerusalem
and Korea, and there is a very high probability that the globalists will fake his assassination
and/or start a war during the trip(s). — THEY CANCELLED

Timeframe 4: the month of June — This is the month Trump will be traveling to the
delayed summit with North Korea, and there is a very high probability that the globalists will
fake his assassination and/or start a war during the event. More details on what might
happen will be provided in blog posts as we approach the new summit date.

This section is a gathering point for my previous writings on a variety of subjects, and it will
be a continuous work in progress. It is here where I’ll collect my past writings, group them
by subject, and eventually strip out obsolete references to dangerous dates and combine
the writings into concise overviews on each subject. If you are a longtime reader who has
gone through the entire blog, you’ll find nothing new here. But if you a new reader or you
haven’t read everything from the past, you may find things of interest. These are the
subjects currently covered:

The false-flag “Houthi” cruise missile attack
How and why the Chabad-Lubavitch cult is steering the Middle East towards
Xi Jinping’s assassination, the globalist prophecy fulfillment plan for the Indians
and the Chinese, and the 5 Avatars
Qasem Soleimani, the Globalist-Chosen Imam Mahdi
Globalist Disinformation, the Higgins Memo, Michael Flynn and “Q-Anon”
The Fake EMP Threat, Bitcoin, and the Great Encryption Lie
The Globalists’ Prophecy Fulfillment Plan
A false-flag blamed on Iran & Khamenei’s complicity in the globalist prophecy
North Korean Anthrax
A preliminary “alien intervention” in a ballistic missile launch
A provocation scenario for a North Korean satellite launch
Putin and Trump, the Lubavitcher Messiahs
UFOs and Fake Aliens
North Korean Submarines and Nuclear 9/11
The Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path
The North Korean Oil Embargo and the New Pearl Harbor Attack
The Three Sandboxes of World War 3
Vladimir Putin, the Jewish King of Restored Khazaria

This is Version 1.06, which has added “The false-flag ‘Houthi’ cruise missile attack” to the

SUBJECT: The false-flag “Houthi” cruise missile

I first wrote about the coming Israeli-Saudi-“US Deep State” false-flag attack on US and
Israeli targets back in October of 2017. Here is a key section from that entry…

Saudi Arabia would move one or more black market ground-launched cruise missiles across
the Yemeni border and sneak it into a sparsely populated part of Houthi-controlled territory
(the Houthis are Iranian allies). At the appointed time, the Saudis would launch the missile(s)
at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar. The attack would cause heavy casualties. And in its immediate
aftermath, the US military would claim that the missile wreckage was that of the Iranian-made
Soumar ground-launched cruise missile, and that “intelligence suggests the Iranians smuggled
them into Yemen in order to conduct a sneak attack on the base.”

To understand why this false-flag scenario fits the situation so perfectly, imagine (just like a
false-flag plotter would) that you are an Iranian general preparing a strike against US forces in
your region. Then ask yourself two questions…

Question 1: What is the most valuable target to strike?

The answer is a no-brainer: Al Udeid Air Base…

…from CNN. Here is an excerpt…

“The base houses the forward headquarters of the US Air Force Central Command ,
Combined Air and Space Operations Center and the 379th Air Expedition Wing.

The Combined Air and Space Operations Center (CAOC) oversees US military air
power in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and 18 other nations, according to the Air Force.

Manned by personnel from the US Air Force, Army, Navy and Marines as well as coalition
partner countries, the CAOC is “the nerve center” of air campaigns across the region,
according to the Air Force.”

Question 2: If your enemy is expecting a high-flying ballistic missile threat from his
front, what do you actually hit him with?

With a low-flying cruise missile from behind him of course. And from the perspective of
Qatar, what lies 180 degrees opposite of Iran? Houthi-controlled western Yemen…

…from Google Maps

By answering these two simple questions, you are given the target of the attack, the
weapon to be used, and the launching point.

Here are some other reasons this scenario fits the situation so well…

> There was a well-publicized dispute between Saudi Arabia and Qatar in recent months, and
it centered around Qatar being too friendly with Iran. Before the situation calmed, Donald
Trump supposedly stopped a Saudi attack on Qatar…

…from the Express (UK)

So this false-flag scenario would allow the Saudis to finally hit the Qataris ( Qatari forces are
also stationed at Al Udeid), and it would drive a wedge between Qatar and Iran (since Iran
will be blamed for the strike). According to the bullsh*t geopolitical script (which exists to
cover the actual globalist script), this attack would be a big, satisfying win for the Saudis.

> Saudi Arabian forces are currently in Yemen as combatants in their civil war . This means
they can move things across the Saudi-Yemeni border at will, and they have a deep
understanding of the situation on the ground there. It would therefore be quite easy for them to
smuggle cruise missiles into the country and then sneak them into a poorly defended part of
Houthi territory (shown in green)…

…from Wikipedia

> There is a well-developed propaganda narrative which states that Iran is smuggling weapons
into Yemen (which they probably are, since they have to support their allies). Recently, the
propaganda has stated that they are smuggling “increasingly potent weapons”…

…from Google News

So it will be easy to sell the public on the idea that Iran smuggled some cruise missiles in
(which they probably haven’t). Cruise missiles are considerably smaller than ballistic missiles,
and they require no big, specialized equipment to transport or launch them (a 40-foot cargo
container and an improvised railing system will do). This makes them ideal for the purposes of
this false-flag.

And sure enough, just two months after I wrote this, the press took the next step in
the preparatory propaganda rollout for the attack…

…from Google News (top, bottom)

These news stories served to establish that the Houthis supposedly have a large number of
Soumar cruise missiles, thus giving them the MEANS to sneak-attack Al Udeid AB. And
since there are now rumors that America has moved / is moving their Combined Air
Operations Center from Al Udeid AB to Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia, it too has
become a target.

As for the MOTIVE for “Iran” firing missiles at those places “through their Houthi proxy
forces,” this is good for starters…

…from Jerusalem Online. This adds Israel to the list of cruise missile targets as well.

Now all that’s left for the globalists to do is create the OPPORTUNITY for the false-flag.
More Iranian-killing air strikes in Syria by either the US or Israel would do…


“Houthi desperation” caused by the seizure of their key port would also work…

…from Eyewitness News


Here is news that came out recently to remind people that the “Iran-aligned Houthis in
Yemen” have been firing missiles at their enemies: Iran-aligned Houthis in Yemen fire
missiles at Saudi capital.

And here is some more news that started showing up recently: US special forces secretly
deployed to assist Saudi Arabia in Yemen conflict. This US special forces presence near
the Houthis serves two purposes…

1. It establishes a reason for the Houthis to fire missiles at American bases. Prince
Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia, Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar, and/or the Eskan Village
Compound in Saudi Arabia may be targeted in the false-flag.
2. It provides expert American personnel on the ground to assist the Saudis in
firing off the cruise missiles that will be used in the attack. Since the Iranian
Soumar cruise missile is a copy of the Soviet KH-55, the false-flag will likely utilize
KH-55s that the Israelis have modified for ground launch and decorated with Iranian

SUBJECT: How and why the Chabad-Lubavitch

cult is steering the Middle East towards war
In Trump and Putin: Agents of Chabad-Lubavitch, I showed the intimate connections
both Trump and Putin have with the Kabbalist Chabad-Lubavitch “End Times” cult.
And in this section, I’ll show you how Chabad is connected to all the other big players
in the Middle East peace war process, as well as how Chabad is connected to the
Mossad. These connections are significant because the Kabbalists are the ones
pushing for an “End Times” war in the Middle East. They’re doing it so they can bring
in the Jewish Messiah (the Moshiach), a role they’ve cast Vladimir Putin to play.

That being said, let’s start looking at all the connections…

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Here is a video of a 1990 meeting between young Benjamin Netanyahu, who rose to
become the Prime Minister of Israel less than 6 years later, and the godfather of the
Lubavitchers, the Lubvitcher Rebbe — a man obsessed with bringing in the Moshiach
through the efforts of the cult…

…from YouTube. Be sure to watch it.

In the encounter, the two talk about the progress of the agenda…

…and the Rebbe instructs Netanyahu to do something to hasten the Moshiach’s

Netanyahu then agrees, and this may be the year he finally comes through on his
promise. Sparking a massive invasion of Israel from all directions would do nicely to
bring in the messiah, wouldn’t it?

Trump’s Chabad delegation to the embassy ceremony

Now let’s look at the people Trump selected as his personal delegation to the May 14
opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem…

“Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan will lead the delegation to Jerusalem for the
May 14 events.

Joining Sullivan will be Ambassador David Friedman, Secretary of the Treasury

Steven Mnuchin, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, and Assistant to the President and
Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt.” – from The
Washington Free Beacon

Here is a closer look at each one:

1) John Sullivan is a Catholic, as he indicates in this speech…

“I would like to share a bit of my own personal history on these topics, as they are
central to who I am. I am the grandson of Irish-Catholic immigrants who arrived in
Boston, Massachusetts in the 1880s. At the time they arrived – and for many decades
that followed – Catholics in the United States faced widespread prejudice based on their
religion. When John F. Kennedy – another Catholic from my home state – ran for
President of the United States in 1960, he even had to give a prominent speech to
reassure the nation that his faith was compatible with the duties of the office of
President.” – from the State Department website

This is significant because the Catholic Church has been dominated by the Kabbalist
“Jews” of the Jesuit Order since the Second Vatican Council of the early 1960s.
Since then, the people the Vatican helps promote to high political positions are those
who are loyal to the Kabbalist agenda. You can therefore be certain that Sullivan is a
Kabbalist lackey.

If you look at the high political positions in the Trump administration, you’ll see that
they’re dominated by either Jews or Catholics, both of which groups are pursuing the
same agenda. Jews typically get the positions related to money; Catholics typically
get the positions related to the military. One exception to this division of labor is the
new Fed Chairman, Jerome Powell, who is a Jesuit-trained Catholic given a money

2) Steven Mnuchin is openly Jewish, and it is a safe bet that he’s a Kabbalist.
Here is a section from Why the globalists will announce Trump as the winner of the
election to show you his connections…

Of course, there’s more to see in Trump’s Jewish connections than just Jared Kushner.
If you are familiar with the unsavory nature of Jew-controlled Hollywood, Goldman
Sachs, and Yale’s Skull and Bones society, you should have a closer look at the Trump
campaign’s finance chair, Steven Mnuchin…

…From Bloomberg. Check out the first paragraph…

>>> Until one Tuesday in April, Steven Mnuchin’s life had been ordered meticulously.
The son of a Goldman Sachs partner , he was publisher of the Yale Daily News, was
tapped into Skull and Bones, made partner at Goldman, ran a hedge fund, and
invested in Hollywood blockbusters. One thing followed another. Then, on April 19,
the day of the New York primary, Mnuchin’s life veered. <<<

And if we look at Mnuchin’s Wikipedia bio, we also see connections to George Soros
and Eddie Lampert (the Skull and Bones member and Chabad operative who has strip-
mined Sears and Kmart to oblivion).

3 & 4) Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are the connecting point of the
Kushner and Trump families, and both families are intimately connected to

…from Google

To show you Jared and Ivanka’s specific connection to Chabad, here is another
excerpt from Why the globalists will announce Trump as the winner of the election…

Ivanka Trump, on the other hand, kissed all the right asses in all the right ways by
converting to Judaism before her Orthodox wedding to an Orthodox Jew who has
intimate ties to the Chabad-Lubavitch cult. Here is a little something about the

>>> Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner were married in an Orthodox Jewish ceremony by
the prominent New York Rabbi Haskal Lowenstein. According to The Jewish Journal,
Ivanka commented on her decision to convert to Judaism by saying “it’s been an
amazing and fulfilling experience for me …One of the jokes I first started making when
Jared and I first started dating is, I’m a New Yorker, I’m in real estate. I’m as close to
Jewish, with an ‘i-s-h’ naturally as anyone can start off.” – From <<<

…and here is a little something about Jared’s relationship with Chabad…

>>> Have we mentioned that Ivanka Trump is converting to Judaism, presumably so

she will be a better marriage match for Jared Kushner, the equally young owner of the
New York Observer? We have. Ivanka is only 27, but she recently auctioned off an
internship with her for Chabad, the Hasidic organization her boyfriend supports. This
donation and the visibility that comes with sounds like a good way to get in with
Kushner’s family, because we hear that they don’t like the idea of Jared marrying
outside the tribe…

The Kushners have long been good friends with Chabad groups. Jared was the head of
the Chabad House at Harvard. And dad Charles got a rabbi from Chabad’s Living
Legacy organization to write a letter on his behalf when he got into all that prostitute-
blackmail trouble. Donating to a Chabad effort, a favored charity of the Kushner
family, was the kind of smart move she might want to mention in her upcoming
“motivational” book. – From <<<

It’s no surprise, then, that Ivanka and Jared prayed at the grave of the Lubavitcher rebbe
just a few days before the big election…

…From Breitbart

5) David Friedman is an Orthodox Jew who is closely connected to the

Lubavitch cult, as is evidenced by this article from one of the Lubavitchers’ own

…from COLLIVE (the Chabad Lubavitch Community News Service)

And since becoming Ambassador to Israel, he continues hanging out with his
Lubavitch brothers…

…from the US Embassy website

6) Jason Greenblatt is another Orthodox Jew with Lubavitch connections. Have

a look at this article from the Lubavitch website…


And like David Friedman, Greenblatt hangs out with the Lubavitchers during


He is also on the record as meeting with Vladimir Putin’s Lubavitch handler, Berel

…from Google News / The New York Times

Since Trump has been tapped to play the role of the precursor Jewish messiah, the
Moshiach ben Yosef, it’s only natural that one of his Chabad guys met with Putin’s
Chabad rabbi. Putin’s role is that of the main messiah, the Moshiach ben David.

Avigdor Lieberman and the End Times Cult

If you’ve been watching the news, you’ll know that Israel’s defense minister, Avigdor
Lieberman, has been busy trying to stir up the globalists’ apocalyptic battle.
Here he is doing the preparatory propaganda work for an Israeli attack on Tehran…

…from Google News

According to the globalists’ script, the “Deep States” of the US, Israel, and Saudi
Arabia will stage a false-flag cruise missile strike out of Yemen that will target an
American military base and Tel Aviv. This will provide Israel with the justification to
strike Tehran. You can read about the details of the scenario in the 17 April Special

And here is Lieberman threatening to strike Russian missiles in Syria, which would
kill Russian missile technicians…

Although Putin’s response to such a strike would not attack the Israeli people (he is
scripted to play the Jewish messiah after all), he may start engaging any Israeli
military targets that offend against Syria. And he will support the takedown of the “evil
Zionist leadership (Netanyahu & pals) who kill Russians, attack Syria, and hold Israel
hostage to war.”

As my longtime readers know, both sides in this conflict are being scripted by the
globalists, and Avigdor Lieberman belongs to the Kabbalist “Jewish” cult that is
orchestrating the apocalyptic battle that will bring the revelation of the Jewish
messiah, Vladimir Putin. Both Putin and Trump are intimately connected to this cult,
which is known as “Chabad-Lubavitch.”

Here are some sections from the first entry of the year that will show you some key
connections regarding Avigdor Lieberman and Chabad…

Israel’s Defense Minister is in bed with Chabad-Lubavitch

As war looms in the Middle East, it’s important to note that the Israel Defense Forces
are being controlled by a Lubavitch agent, Avigdor Lieberman (Israel’s current
Defense Minister and former Foreign Minister)…

…from Lieberman is circled in red; his Chabad handler, Rabbi Levi Edri
in yellow.

Here is another article about the two…


Chabad-Lubavitch is the oligarch-funded, Russian-founded Kabbalist cult that has

been planning and orchestrating the coming “apocalypse” and the arrival of the
“Jewish Messiah.” So having an agent at the helm of the Israeli military is quite useful
if you’re coordinating the Middle East war that will cue the “Messiah’s” revelation. If
you are a new reader and want to know who will be proclaimed the Jewish Messiah,
read Trump and Putin: Agents of Chabad-Lubavitch (+ Trump and Putin’s Lubavitch-
assigned roles).

As for what brought me to this realization about Lieberman, it was the following
passage from a Zero Hedge article titled Watch: Colonel Says Israel Is Dragging The
United States Into World War III…

The second I saw that Lieberman was Russian-born, my thoughts immediately went
to Chabad, which was founded in Russia and headquartered there until the early 20th

>>> Founded in 1775 by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the name “Chabad” is a
Hebrew acronym for Chochmah, Binah, Da’at: “Wisdom, Understanding, and
Knowledge”, which represent the intellectual underpinnings of the movement. The
name “Lubavitch” is the Yiddish name for the originally Belorussian village
Lyubavichi, now in Russia, where the movement’s leaders lived for over 100 years.

In the 1930s, the sixth Rebbe of Chabad, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, moved
the center of the Chabad movement from Russia to Poland. After the outbreak of World
War Two, the sixth Rebbe moved the center of the movement to the United States.

In 1951, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson became the seventh Chabad

Rebbe. The seventh Rebbe transformed the movement into one of the largest and
most widespread Jewish movements in the world today. – from Wikipedia <<<

It should also be noted that the seventh Chabad Rebbe, the messianically-obsessed
“Lubavitcher Rebbe,” was born in the Russian Empire too. Chabad has deep ties to
Russia and Russian mysticism, which is no doubt why they chose a Russian to be
the “Jewish Messiah.”

So after seeing the Zero Hedge article, I did a simple Google search for“Avigdor
Lieberman” Chabad, and their connection became crystal clear. If you do some
searches on your own, you’ll find that when Lieberman went to foreign countries as
Israel’s Foreign Minister, he had a habit of visiting the local Chabad centers and
schools. As a comparison, just imagine US Secretary of State Tillerson going out of
his way to visit Jehovah’s Witnesses compounds in the countries he visits. That
would be rather troubling, wouldn’t it? But Israel has more than its fair share of
whacked-out religious weirdos, so I guess they have a high tolerance for

But among all the search results there are two that deserve special attention. Here is
the first…

…from The Jerusalem Post

The ultimate goal of the Kabbalists is to rule over humanity through a figurehead god-
king named “Jesus Christ.” And the plan calls for this “true Christ” figure to be the
head of the world’s only major religion, Kabbalized Christianity. Since traditionalist

Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, etc. could be a source of dogged
resistance to the new religion, the Kabbalists will be setting up a “convert or die”
scenario over the coming years.

In the specific case of the Jews, the Kabbalists intend to gather them all in Israel for
conversion or slaughter. To achieve compliance, they’ll be releasing all kinds of
damning information about Jewish political, financial, and criminal activities around
the world as part of the “Truth Tsunami” (which you can read about here). This will
stir massive global “anti-Semitism.” So on one hand, Jews will feel very unsafe
wherever they are currently living, and on the other hand, the Jewish Messiah will be
urging their return to the “safety and security” of Israel. All who go will effectively be
walking into an oven.

Once they’re gathered in Israel, all but a “Jesus-believing remnant” will be

slaughtered in the Second Battle of Armageddon around the year 2025. This
slaughter will serve two purposes:

1. It will prevent any resistance to Kabbalized Christianity from stubborn

traditionalist Jews.
2. It will lead the world to believe that the Jews, and Jewish power, have been
destroyed forever.
But “Jewish power” is really “Kabbalist power,” and the elite Kabbalists will still be in

Now here is the second search result that deserves special attention…

…from Forward

Birds of a feather flock together, don’t they? Especially if they are Chabad vultures.

On a final note, there are rumors on the Net that Chabad is actually a front for the
Mossad. It makes a lot of sense that this is so, and Lieberman’s rise to Defense
Minister pretty much confirms it. Do you think the Mossad would allow someone who
has ties to a dangerous cult to control the Israeli military if the cult wasn’t part of the
Establishment? Not a chance in Isra-hell.

P.S. – It’s worth noting that Lieberman was made Defense Minister four months prior
to September of 2016, which was the original planned month for the prophecy
fulfillment show (and three months prior to the aborted ISIS attack on the Rio
Olympics that was supposed to trigger the war)…

…from the BBC

Confirmed: Chabad-Lubavitch is a religious front of the Mossad

During one of my research sessions earlier this year, I came across a confirmation of
Chabad’s connection to the Mossad right on a Chabad community website…

…from Here’s an excerpt…

>>> The [Lubavitcher] Rebbe‘s unknown ties to the head of the Mossad and their
assistance to Chabad’s educational and outreach activities in the Former Soviet
Union were mapped out in the Hebrew book “The Rebbe and the Mossad,” published in

The inside story of the Rebbe’s involvement in Israel’s security, as told by its defense
and government leaders, is told in JEM’s documentary film Faithful and Fortified –
Volume 1. <<<

I’d encountered internet rumors of Chabad’s connection to the Mossad before, but to
see it spelled out by the Chabadniks themselves pretty much closes the case for
anyone who can put two and two together. If you are new to this site, you might
consider reading Trump and Putin: Agents of Chabad-Lubavitch (+ Trump and Putin’s
Lubavitch-assigned roles) to see why this is significant.

In closing, file this one under “it comes as no surprise”…


The buildup to Middle East war is NOT about the Zionist scapegoats; it’s about
the Kabbalists and the Lubavitchers. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Israeli
Defense Minister Lieberman, US Ambassador to Israel Friedman, US President
Trump, Russian President Putin — ALL OF THEM are connected to the
Kabbalist Chabad-Lubavitch End-Times cult, and this is the basic outline of the
cult’s plan from its own website. As you read it, realize that Trump has been
cast as the Moshiach ben Yosef, Putin as the Moshiach ben David, and the
Lubavitcher Rebbe as Elijah.

SUBJECT: Xi Jinping’s assassination, the globalist

prophecy fulfillment plan for the Indians and the
Chinese, and the 5 Avatars
In the very first update of Globalist Agenda Watch 2017, I wrote about a globalist effort to
script the removal of their boy Xi Jinping in China. In that entry, I tried to make sense of
why they were doing it based on what I knew about their agenda at the time. In the year
since then, though, I finally stumbled upon the real reason Xi is scripted to fall. But let’s start
at the beginning…

In the late 1950’s, the globalists decided to offer Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leaders
the opportunity to displace America as the world’s leading power in exchange for their
cooperation in building the New World Order. And starting with Henry Kissinger’s secret trip
to China in 1971, the “Illuminati” / CCP partnership began to remake China in the image of
the NWO.

A few years ago, though, globalist mouthpieces like Alex Jones began narrating a (fake)
split between the Chinese and the “Western globalists”…

…from Infowars
In doing this, the alt-media disinformation agents attempted to establish the perception that
“Xi Jinping is a traitor to the NWO,” just like they did for Putin…

…from Google

By establishing Xi as a supposed opponent of the “Western globalists,” the propagandists

have essentially put him on the “globalist assassination list,” right alongside Putin and
Trump. And something happened just recently that will be offered as “the reason the
Western globalists took him out”…

…from the Christian disinformation site

So the NWO historians will say that Xi Jinping was assassinated (or deposed) for“trying to
break the petrodollar monopoly.” But that’s not the real reason, so let me explain what is.

A few months ago, a reader pointed out an area I’d neglected to cover, and this is that
person’s comment and my response to it…

The Comment: Ken, you made your case that we are witnessing a show that is directed by the
globalists to artificially fulfill elements common to Christian/Muslim/Jewish end-times
prophecies in order to establish a global, post-democratic theocracy with a figurehead
“Messiah” ruler.

This may or may not ultimately work to rule the part of the worldwide population that
practices these three aforementioned religions. But what about the populations of China
and India?

Excluding the minority of Indian Muslims, there is a combined total of about 2.5 billion
(1/3 of the world’s population) that does not share Christian/Muslim/Jewish beliefs. They
would certainly not follow some “Messiah” branded as the “reincarnated Jesus Christ”, etc.
Wouldn’t that be a huge problem for the globalists?

I think this makes your theory (on where the globalists are ultimately heading) somewhat
moot, doesn’t it?

My response: Actually, this is what I wrote about the globalists’ prophecy fulfillment goals
in the NWO Schedule of Implementation page for this year…



Since my personal background is in the Abrahamic religions, I’ve focused my attention

there and have neglected to write about what the globalists have planned for the Hindus
and the Chinese. So I extend my thanks to the commenter for bringing this oversight to my

After my second awakening back in 2008-2009, I started immersing myself in the “rabbit
hole”: the fringe zone of the alt-media that deals with “ascension,” cycles, prophecies,
extraterrestrials, channelings, and the like. Over time, I began to realize that the globalists
were using rabbit hole folk as guinea pigs on whom to beta-test various narratives as they
searched for the optimal story to tell the general public at the time of the NWO transition.
And one of the narratives I observed them testing was “the End of the Kali Yuga”…

…from The Millennium Report

If you look through the Wikipedia entry on Hindu eschatology, you’ll see that the Kali Yuga
is supposedly the fourth and final time period of the current Age of Mankind. It is said to be
ruled over by the demon Kali and is “characterized by impiety, violence, and decay.” At its
end, “the final incarnation of Vishnu known as Kalki will appear on a white horse. He
will amass an army of those few pious souls remaining. These, together with all the
incarnations of the Godhead (avatars) which have appeared throughout human
history, will destroy all demons and sins in the world.”

This narrative of Kalki “riding in on a white horse with all the other avatars to save the
world” fits right in with what the globalists have planned, as is evidenced by the conclusions
drawn in the Millennium Report propaganda piece…

The piece points to at least five eschatological figures who will make the scene at the NWO
transition point, and we already know the actors who will play three of them…

> Vladimir Putin is scripted to play two roles: the “Moshiach ben David” (the Messiah of
Judaism) and the Second Coming of Jesus.

> Qasem Soleimani is scripted to play the Imam Mahdi (the Muslim savior figure).

So who will play the two remaining roles?

If we look at the two actors we already know, Putin and Soleimani, we see that they’ve
fought “side-by-side” in Syria against the proxy forces of the “Satanic West.” And this
suggests that the other two actors might have also stood side-by-side with Putin in seeming
opposition to the West, with the leaders of the BRICS alliance being the obvious

So among the BRICS leaders, who is the leading contender to play the role of the Hindu
“Lord Kalki”? It would have to be Narendra Modi, right? He is the Prime Minister of India
and a Hindu nationalist, and he has stood beside Putin in the BRICS alliance’s phony
opposition to “Western domination.”

This leaves the role of the Buddhist Maitreya to be filled, and the only BRICS leader
who could possibly play it is Xi Jinping of China. But does Xi have any connection to
Buddhism? Lo and behold, he does…

…from The New York Times. Note the wording of the


Here is an excerpt…

“In 1982, two men arrived in this dusty provincial town. One was Shi Youming, a Buddhist
monk who was taking up a post in the ruins of one of Zhengding’s legendary temples. The
other was Xi Jinping, the 29-year-old son of a top Communist Party official putting in a
mandatory stint in the provinces as a bureaucrat in the government he would eventually lead.

The two forged an unusual alliance that resonates today. With Mr. Xi’s backing,
Youming, who like most Buddhist monks preferred to go by one name, rebuilt the city’s Linji
Temple, the birthplace of one of the best-known schools of Buddhism. Even after Mr. Xi was
transferred, he regularly visited Youming in Zhengding and sent officials there to study the
partnership between the party and religion.”
All I could think when I stumbled upon this was “WOW!” I finally understood the real
reason the globalists were planning to remove Xi and replace him with Li Keqiang: it
was to portray the “Lord Maitreya” being betrayed by the “evil West’s ally Li” in the
same way they’ve scripted Putin to be betrayed by the “evil West’s ally Medvedev.”
So Xi has been cast as the “Lord Maitreya,” and Li Keqiang has been cast as the “Chinese

So now we know the cast and characters of Act 1 of the globalist prophecy fulfillment show.
These are the supposed Avatars…

Donald Trump is playing the “Moshiach ben Yosef” (the precursor Jewish Messiah
who will aid Putin in taking his throne and serve as his viceroy)
Vladimir Putin is playing the “Moshiach ben David” and “Jesus”
Qasem Soleimani is playing the “Imam Mahdi”
Narendra Modi is (probably) playing the “Lord Kalki”
Xi Jinping is (likely) playing the “Lord Maitreya”

Now if you look at these five avatars, you may notice that there is something they all have
in common: they’re all known for being nationalists.

Donald Trump is well publicized as an “America Firster” nationalist…

…from Politico

Xi Jinping is also presented as a Chinese nationalist…

…from CNBC

Narendra Modi belongs to a Hindu nationalist political party…

…from the Independent

Qasem Soleimani’s “ascent to stardom coincides with a growing nationalist trend in


…from The Christian Science Monitor

And Vladimir Putin is well known as a Russian nationalist…

…from The Atlantic (I’ll come back to the notable symbolism of this cover a little later)

So why have the globalists scripted their Avatar characters to be nationalists, you ask?
They’re doing it so when the Avatars’ New World Order turns ugly and leads to
disaster, people will see nationalism as one of the causes for it going so wrong. This
will leave the sheeple with a deep distaste for nationalism (and a great receptivity to

Putting it another way, the NWO will be presented as a “national sovereignty-respecting

democratic institution established by nationalistic leaders,” and it will look great at first but
become a nightmare later on. And once the nightmare is over, the globalists want people

“We’re tired of the sovereignty of fallible men; we want the sovereignty of our infallible

“We’re too foolish and wicked to rule ourselves through democracy; we want to live under a
wise and benevolent leader.”

“We’re tired of being divided into different nations that war against each other; we want to be

And with those sentiments planted into the shell-shocked minds of the human race, the
globalists will unite them under “the wise and benevolent leadership of the savior who
defeated the New World Order, Jesus Christ” – a globalist-created, genetically-engineered
leader who will be the front man for the Kabbalists’ behind-the-scenes rule.

Getting back to the Avatars, another thing we can see about them is that they’re mere men,
and all of them have damaged reputations on account of their past activities. So the
globalists are going to have to do something really big to refresh their public image and
raise them from the status of mere humans to religious icons. That’s where sequestered
technology and Hollywood magic come into play.

We can expect the globalists to do one or two of the following things for each Avatar…

stage an assassination attempt in which he appears to be gravely wounded, then

portray a “miraculous healing ”
stage an assassination in which he appears to be killed, then portray him being
“resurrected from the dead”
stage the spectacular arrival of (fake) aliens who will bamboozle the public with
bullsh*t and proclaim / “prove” that each Avatar is the real deal

In looking at that final “fake ET arrival” element of the plan, we see whyone of the men who
helped develop the NWO implementation plan, Laurance Rockefeller, was also the man
who funded the start of the UFO disclosure movement. He was laying the groundwork for
the mind-blowing arrival of fake aliens at the time of the transition to the NWO.

All this being said, by the time the coming war crisis builds to the point that a full-on nuclear
war is imminent, you may see faked woundings/assassinations and healing/resurrections of
one or all of the “Avatars.” Then you may also see our “space brothers” appear in the sky to
stop the nuclear holocaust and point to the Avatars as incarnations of the godhead. Their
narrative will go something like this…

“When the Dark Forces developed and used the first nuclear weapons in 1945, it became clear
that they would use them to slaughter most of humanity and irretrievably subjugate the
survivors before the End of the Age. So the Avatars incarnated into human form in order to
discreetly intervene. They infiltrated the Dark’s power structure and rose to leadership within
the major nuclear nations to prevent a nuclear holocaust.

Sensing the imminent defeat of their plans, the Dark Forces struck back by assassinating the
Avatars and starting World War 3. And as they pushed the world to the very brink of nuclear
destruction, the godhead had to intervene more dramatically by resurrecting the Avatars and
sending in cosmic reinforcements before the scheduled End of the Age.”

After the Dark Forces and their “unipolar” New World Order are defeated and the Avatars
are revealed, the Avatars will erect the “multipolar” NWO and begin uniting the
world’s religions in a “Religious UN” based in Jerusalem…

…from Israel National News

Here is something I wrote about it back in January of 2016…

So they want to set up a “Religious UN” in Jerusalem, eh? Seeing this spurred all kinds of
questions and ideas…

> Since it is likely that the Al-Aqsa Mosque (which sits on the Temple Mount in
Jerusalem) will be destroyed during the Gog/Magog War, will the temple they build in
its place be a “Religious UN” / multi-faith temple?

> Will the UN Temple itself be the “abomination of desolation” that stands in the “holy
place” (the Temple Mount)? If they open it 3.5 years after Putin takes over the UN, the
answer is a definite “yes.”

If the globalists proceed with their plans for Trump and Jerusalem next month, the
Al-Aqsa Mosque may be destroyed during the resulting battle. This will clear the way
for construction of the Third Temple / UN Temple to begin (probably in September of
this year).

Once the Avatars, led by Vladimir Putin, take charge, Act 1 of the globalists’ prophecy
fulfillment show will be complete. It is then that they’ll begin Act 2. They’ll start releasing
information to the public to make it clear that they’ve been fooled. The first to digest the
released information and realize the deception will be those who cling to traditional
interpretations of their religions, and the globalist script calls for them to be “persecuted by
the UN as the Dark Forces attempt to keep the rest of the public from realizing it too.” So
the final 3.5 years of the New World Order will be quite ugly.

When “Jesus Christ” arrives at the NWO’s 7 year mark to defeat the UN and the Avatars,
the narrative offered will be something like this…

“As we approached the time of Jesus Christ’s return, Satan devised a diabolical plan. He had
his minions bring the world to the seeming precipice of total nuclear war, then had his
antichrists [the Avatars] and fallen angels [the “ETs”] step in to stop it and pose as holy
saviors. His strategy was to have his antichrists lead humanity into joining his fallen angels in
warring against Jesus and his angels at the time of Christ’s return. But in trying to prevent the
Bible prophecies from coming to pass, Satan ended up fulfilled them. The true Jesus Christ
has now returned to begin His 1,000 year kingdom.”

When Act 2 of the globalist prophecy fulfillment show is complete, there will be only
one religion and one savior: (Kabbalized) Christianity and “Jesus Christ” (the
Kabbalah-Christ). And Act 1 will have actually aided in moving the religious people of the
world into accepting both. When the Avatars show up in Act 1, they will all point to Putin
(“fake Jesus”) as the main savior, and they’ll work on bringing the religions together under
him. So when the “real Jesus” shows up to end the nightmare and crush the bad guys,
people will be residually pre-programmed to see him as the “true son of god.”

Speaking of Putin being the “main savior” of Act 1, let’s look again at the graphic from the
Atlantic article on Putin…

Here are some things to note about it…

> It depicts a solar system of 7 heavenly bodies in which Putin is at the center. And as I’ve
said, Putin will be the central figure both among the Avatars and within the global
government. That’s why the article is titled “It’s Putin’s World.”

> Putin is depicted the Sun (son of God) around whom 6 other heavenly bodies orbit. These
six other bodies may represent other Avatars, so we might be seeing 7 Avatars instead
of 5. This number of Avatars would fit well with Bible prophecy because the “Beast of
Revelation,” which will be played by the UN / NWO in Act 2, is supposed to have “7 heads.”
That’s why the graphic shows Putin’s head.

So if there will be 7 Avatars and we’ve accounted for only 5 of them (1. Putin, 2. Trump, 3.
Xi, 4. Modi, 5. Soleimani), who will be the other 2? Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama would
be at the top of my list of candidates. Have a look at the following article to see 10 of the
contenders: The 10 Most Influential Spiritual Leaders Around The World.

The 7-headed Beast of Revelation is also known for having 10 horns with crowns. So one
of the ways this 10 number can be fulfilled is by saying each Avatar is a king with a crown,
with Putin wearing 4 crowns (1. King of the Jews, 2. King of the Christians, 3. King of the
World, 4. King of Khazaria). Another way it can be fulfilled is by having Putin appoint a
leader for each of the ten UN development regions to oversee the postwar economic

Now before we call this writing complete, let’s get back to China and Xi Jinping for a

After nearly seven decades of Communist rule, the Chinese people have no strong
religious tradition to utilize in bringing them into the “religious UN.” This seems to be the
reason why the Illuminati have been building a Mao-like cult of personality around Xi

…from Meet Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Illuminati handler of China’s leaders

Once the Chinese people see Xi defeat the West and be proclaimed a reincarnated
Buddha, they’ll buy into his cult of personality to a much greater degree. And Xi will use his
exalted position to lead the Chinese people into belief in the One World Religion, the central
figure of which will be Vladimir Putin (the “fake Jesus”). This will put them in position to
believe in the “real Jesus” when he or she shows up seven years later.

Speaking of “he or she,” another narrative I’ve observed the globalists beta-testing in the
rabbit hole is “the return of the divine feminine,” so don’t be thrown if the Kabbalah-Christ
turns out to be a woman or a hermaphrodite.

SUBJECT: Qasem Soleimani, the Globalist-Chosen Imam

There are times when I get the urge to turn on my PC and start searching, and I don’t even
know what I’m looking for… until I find it. February 20, 2018 was one of those times, and as
it turned out, I was searching for this…

…from the Wall Street Journal. Here is an excerpt…

“U.S. officials consider the commander of an elite Iranian military unit a terrorist supporter
and the man ultimately responsible for the deaths of thousands of American soldiers and their
Middle East allies.

But many Iranians view Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the face of Tehran’s growing regional
clout, as their best defense against foreign aggression.

Gen. Soleimani’s public profile is soaring just as Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s
popularity sags…

Gen. Soleimani, who is 60 years old, is the public face of Iran’s efforts to arm Shiite
militias in Iraq and salvage the regime in Syria, and one of Iran’s biggest celebrities,
trailed by photographers when he visits the front lines. With a white beard and a head of
hair to match, he poses for selfies with Iraqi and Syrian militiamen and is the subject of
tribute videos on YouTube.“

Once I saw this article, I immediately recognized it as preparatory propaganda for what is
about to transpire in the Middle East. I saw Soleimani as an excellent candidate for both the
Imam Mahdi role in the globalists’ prophecy fulfillment play and the martyr role whose
assassination by Israel would start Iran’s missiles flying.

Back when I did my original search for the actor who would play the Mahdi, I kept in mind
the criteria set out in the prophecy propaganda from Sheikh Imran Hosein…

“Syria is not just another part of the world of Islam. From an Islamic eschatological
perspective, Syria is at the heart – the very heart – of the end of history. There are three
main actors at the end of history in Islamic eschatology:

The most important of them all is the return of Jesus, the son of Mary, the true messiah.

And then there is another figure in the end of history who seeks to impersonate the true
messiah, and he is the false messiah. The Christians call him the Antichrist, and …
Muhammad… called him Al-Masih ad-Dajjal, or Dajjal the false messiah.

And the third important figure in Islamic eschatology at the end of history is the Imam,
or the Prince – in Christian theology he’s known as the Prince, or Imam al-Mahdi.

And these three main actors of the end of history are all going to be simultaneously
present in Damascus. Imam al-Mahdi will already be there. Dajjal will come to attack him.
And at that time when Dajjal is ready for the confrontation with the Imam, the Son of Mary

Knowing the Mahdi had to be in Damascus, I looked for candidates among the Syrian
government and the militia leaders, eventually settling on Assad as the best candidate. I
never thought to look at the Iranian generals because I didn’t think any of them
would be residing in Damascus. But lookie here…

“In the later half of 2012, Soleimani assumed personal control of the Iranian
intervention in the Syrian civil war, when Iranians became deeply concerned about the
Assad government’s lack of ability to fight the opposition, and the fallout to the Islamic
Republic if the Syrian government fell. He is reported to have coordinated the war from a
base in Damascus at which a Lebanese Hezbollah commander and an Iraqi Shiite militia
coordinator have been mobilized, in addition to Syrian and Iranian officers.” – from Wikipedia

Once I saw that Soleimani was in Damascus before the Dajjal character (Erdogan) entered
Syria in August of 2016 (a month before the 2016 prophecy fulfillment show was scheduled
to take place), I started looking even more deeply at him. And as I did so, I saw that the
media had done an excellent job of setting him up to play the Mahdi role for the globalists.

Have a look at this BBC article…

…Here is a critical excerpt…

“In neighbouring Syria he is widely credited with delivering the strategy that has helped
President Bashar al-Assad turn the tide against rebel forces and recapture key cities and

Here is another article setting him up as the “Savior of Syria”…

…from Reuters

This Reuters article is particularly important because it establishes that the Mahdi
went to the “Son of Mary” (Putin) to seek help for saving Syria. The globalist
prophecy fulfillment script calls for the Jewish/Christian Messiah, Putin, to work with
the Mahdi in defeating the “Satanic forces of the West,” with Putin playing the senior
The media have also portrayed Soleimani as a hero…

…from The Times of Israel. Here is an excerpt…

“After the pilot was downed by Turkey on Tuesday, ‘credible information was obtained that
a number of special Turkish units had been sent to the scene to take the Russian pilot
captive to blackmail Russia later,’ the semi-official Fars News Agency reported, basing the
claim on a report in the Persian-language version of the Russian Sputnik news agency.”

So in the case of the Russian pilot shot down by Turkey, the Mahdi saved him from the
grasp of the Dajjal (Erdogan).

Of course, a candidate for the Imam Mahdi role would need a pious religious image to
complete his resume. And wouldn’t you know it, Soleimani has exactly that…

…from ABNA

With all this set before you, perhaps you can see why I’m taking Bashar Assad off the
Avatar board and replacing him with Qasem Soleimani. Soleimani is almost certainly the
globalists’ choice for the Imam Mahdi.

That being said, here are a couple of warnings…

WARNING 1 – The globalists’ plan is to fake either the death or grave wounding of Qasem
Soleimani at the hands of the Israelis. This would result in instant outrage in Iran and lead
to the firing of over 100,000 rockets and missiles at Israel. It would be instant high-intensity

At a later date, the globalists will fake Soleimani’s resurrection (if he’s “dead”) or miraculous
healing (if he’s “gravely wounded”) to help raise him to the status of a religious icon in the
eyes of the public.

WARNING 2 – If the globalists stage the wounding or killing of Soleimani, there will also be
other high-profile fake woundings and killings either before or after Soleimani’s. Those
affected may include Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Narendra Modi (or another high-profile
Hindu), and Xi Jinping (or another high-profile Buddhist).


Dear Muslims, the Kabbalist “Jews” will use the Imam Mahdi to
destroy you
Behold two Jews pretending to be Christians who are talking about the Muslim Messiah,
the “Imam Mahdi”…

…from YouTube

According to the script the Kabbalist “Jews” have written, Qasem Soleimani will be unveiled
as the Imam Mahdi at roughly the same time Putin is declared the Jewish/Christian
Mashiach/Christ (around the climax point of World War 3). And by joining hands with Putin,
the “Mahdi” will help the globalists unite the Muslims with the Christians and Jews under a
hybrid religion (the “Religious UN,” which will be based in Jerusalem).

Since it is the Kabbalists and their Muslim agents who promote and control
Soleimani, Jewish End Times propagandists like Joel Richardson and Sid Roth are telling
us exactly what they have planned for him: he will unite the Muslims and lead them to
destruction in the Battle of Armageddon. If the Kabbalists are able to pull this off, Islam
– and a great many Muslims – will be dead in roughly 7 years.

Getting back to the video, Joel Richardson speaks of the Antichrist as someone who hasn’t
yet made the scene, so what does that make Richardson? If you’ve read Update 1, you’ll
know that it means he’s a Step 3 propagandist. The Step 3 Propaganda Team are “tasked
with blowing the whistle on the Great Deception (Steps 1 & 2) and preparing the way for the
third leader the globalists will introduce.” And Richardson is doing exactly that: he is
blowing the whistle on the “Antichrist” in order to promote the “real Christ” figure the
globalists will present around 2025.

So let’s have a look at how he equates the Mahdi with the Antichrist (starting atthe 4:46
mark of the video)…

“In a nutshell, the Antichrist, according to the Bible, he revives an empire. From the
Islamic side, they believe the Mahdi revives an Islamic Empire – that he will unify the
Islamic world.”

The creation of an Islamic empire will make Muslims feel powerful, and that is first part of
the trap. The desire for power is a demonic lure, and a godly person must resist it.
The price the Muslims will pay for embracing this illusion of power is their total destruction.

When the Mahdi breaks his peace treaty and turns against Israel, he will appeal to the
Muslim peoples’ desire for revenge against the Jews, which is another demonic lure a
godly person must resist. He will call for them to completely destroy Israel and all its
inhabitants, and if the Muslims accept his call and act on it, they will be marking themselves
for the complete destruction of the Islamic Empire and all its inhabitants.

Those who attack Israel will be attacked, and those who act to annihilate Israel will
themselves be annihilated. For it is by acting demonically towards Israel that the
Muslims will invite demonic attack upon themselves. And that is the nature of the
whole trick: the Kabbalists will use the Mahdi to fool the Muslims into trying to wipe
out the Jews, thereby giving the Kabbalists spiritual justification (according to their
occult belief system) to wipe out the Muslims.

Just take a moment to think about it…

Why does the Mossad recruit Palestinian terrorists and provide them with rockets they can
fire into Israel? By fooling gullible Palestinians into conducting clumsy rocket attacks on
Israel, the Israelis get justification to conduct precise airstrikes in Palestine. The Jews live
by the motto of “an eye for an eye,” so when they want to poke someone’s eye, they lure
that person into poking at their eye first. And when they want to tear out a people’s heart
(like they do with the children of Ishmael), they will trick them into grabbing for Israel’s heart

If/when the destruction of the Muslims comes, it will not come by “God” or any supernatural
means; it will be done by “humans” using human technology. With their vast wealth, the
Kabbalists have developed a powerful array of secret weapons, and the effect of these will
be indistinguishable from “supernatural” destruction. In fact, the Kabbalists have the
capacity to slaughter the entire human race – all they lack is the motivation and
justification to do so. Their motivation for destroying any people is that those people are in
the way of what they want, but they must also have the justification, and they receive that
by luring their foes into improper action. Your improper action towards them is their
permission to act improperly towards you.

Let’s continue on with Richardson’s Antichrist/Mahdi comparison…

“The Antichrist leads this coalition in the invasion of Israel; the Mahdi also leads the
Islamic world in invasion of Israel.”

According to the current globalist script, there will actually be two “coalition” attacks against
Israel over the next 7 years or so…

The first attack is imminent, and it will be the First Battle of Armageddon. It will be
conducted by the coalition of Muslim groups Soleimani has put together and could also
include the US and/or Russia if the globalists opt for the fake assassinations of Trump
and/or Putin. Once this battle reaches the point that the Israel Defense Forces are near
total collapse, Putin will make a dramatic appearance and put a stop to the fighting,
removing Netanyahu and his “Zionist-Neocon warmongers” from power in the process.

The second attack against Israel will occur around 2025, and it will be Second Battle
of Armageddon. It will involve the Mahdi’s Muslim army fighting alongside Putin’s UN army
to stop an incoming power. This climactic battle is scripted to lead to the destruction of
both Islam and Putin’s New World Order, and it will end with the arrival of the Kabbalist-
controlled “real Christ,” who will unite the world under the religion of
Kabbalized Christianity in a dictatorial 1,000 year kingdom.

This whole scenario sounds too crazy to be true, right? Yet one of Richardson’s books
verifies that this is the plan…

Again, the Muslims must turn away from the Kabbalist-controlled Mahdi and his two
invasions of Israel in order to survive. If the Muslims insist on invading something, the only
appropriate target would be the Mahdi’s palace, not Israel. By acting to lead the Muslims to
destruction, Soleimani invites destruction upon himself.

Now let’s continue on with Richardson’s Antichrist/Mahdi comparison…

“The Antichrist rules for 7 years; Mahdi rules for seven years.”

It is important to stop for a moment and remind ourselves that we are looking at the
imminent unveiling and 7-year rule of TWO Antichrists (not to mention the fake
Buddhist and Hindu messiahs the globalists will be throwing in as well). As Richardson said
earlier, “In a nutshell, the Antichrist, according to the Bible, he revives an empire. From
the Islamic side, they believe the Mahdi revives an Islamic Empire – that he will unify the
Islamic world.”

So on the Islamic side,

the Imam Mahdi, Qasem Soleimani, will revive a Muslim Caliphate.

And on the Jewish/Christian side,

the Jewish Messiah / Christian Anti-Christ, Vladimir Putin. will revive the Roman
Empire (in the form of the “new and improved” UN/NWO).

It is no surprise, then, that the globalists’ leading prophecy propagandist, Tom Horn, is
preparing his followers for two Anti-Christs. In this interview on the Jim Bakker Show, Horn
says this about what the “Israeli rabbis” are expecting…

“So they too believe that we are in the End Times. They too believe that the Messiah is about
to appear. We would say the Second Coming is about to happen, but their messiah is going
to be a false messiah. He’s going to be the Antichrist, right?”

So out of his mouth, Horn is speaking about the arrival of a Jewish Antichrist, and out of
his hand, he’s writing about the arrival of an Islamic Antichrist…

This seemingly contradictory
message is resolved when you
understand that Putin will be the
“Final Roman Emperor” and
Soleimani will be the “Islamic

Like the “fake Antichrist” (Barack

Obama) who came before them,
each of these “real Antichrists” has a
specific role, a specific reign, and a
specific purpose. So let’s have a look
at the roles, reigns, and purposes of
all three…

1) Barack Obama…

> His role was to play the

fake/decoy Antichrist.

> His 7-year reign began when he

symbolically took the helm of the
global government in September of
2009 (see Obama the “Antichrist”
and “Divine Intervention” in
September 2016), and was to end
with his defeat at the hands of the Mahdi and Isa (Jesus/Putin) in September of 2016.

> His purpose was to serve as the evil globalist villain that the “heroic” Mahdi and Isa
would jointly defeat in order to “save the world.”

He has now been replaced by Mike Pence.

2) Vladimir Putin…

> His role is to play the Jewish/Christian Savior (Jesus/Isa) who later turns out to be the
“real” Antichrist.

> His 7-year reign will begin when he brings in a “reformed, stronger” United Nations and
acts as its de facto or de jure leader, and it will end with his defeat at the hands of the “real
Christ” in 2025.

> His purpose will be to take the helm of the “democratic” global government and
spectacularly crash it 7 years later. During the first 3.5 years of his reign, everything will
look great, but it will start getting ugly in the second 3.5 years. And by the time the 7 years
have ended, people will be convinced that we human beings are too fallible to govern
ourselves. We will be sold the idea that the only way to enduring peace and happy living is
to be ruled by “God.”

3) Qasem Soleimani…
> His role is to play the Muslim Mahdi who later turns out to be the “real” Co-Antichrist.

> His 7-year reign will begin when he unites the Muslim nations in a grand coalition and
acts as its de facto or de jure leader, and it will end with his defeat at the hands of the “real
Christ” in 2025.

> His purpose will be to lead Islam to destruction, thus clearing the way for Kabbalized
Christianity to be the only world religion.

So as you can see, the globalists have two objectives in the final phase of their prophecy

1) Crash human government and convince people that only “God” can competently
rule humanity.

2) Destroy Islam and cull all Muslims who won’t convert to Kabbalized Christianity.

By completing these two objectives, the way will be clear for them to roll out their “real
Christ” figure and rule the world. “When a Jew Rules the World” is when: 1) people are
convinced they can’t rule themselves, and 2) Islam isn’t around to get in the way.

Richardson confirms the Kabbalists’ plan for annihilating Islam at the 22:07 mark of the

“Sid, Biblically, throughout history, whenever the Lord uses a people to chastise or judge the
Earth, or his people, Israel, that’s exactly what he’s gonna do with the Islamic world. He is
using the Islamic world as his rod of chastisement against an unrepentant world. But
whenever the Lord uses a rod of chastisement, when he’s done, he breaks that rod over
his knee. And he will judge the Islamic world after he has used them . But before he
judges a people, he calls out a remnant. Sid, right now the Lord is calling a remnant of
sincere, passionate believers out of the Islamic world. He’s calling them to himself, and he’s
making them willing martyrs for Jesus.”

Now if you substitute the word “Kabbalists” for “the Lord” in this passage, you’ll get an
accurate read of what’s really going on. This is their strategy for defeating Islam…

1) They are having their agents in the globalist intelligence services, Al Qaeda, ISIS
and other (“Crypto-Satanic”) “Islamist groups” engage in a worldwide reign of terror
to create widespread hatred of Islam. This is being done so no one will care if the
Muslims are slaughtered later in the script.

At the same time, they’re having those agents create chaos in the Middle East so the
Muslims will hate those groups too.

2) They are having their agents Khamenei and Soleimani lead the fight against these
“barbaric defamers of Islam,” thus establishing them as the “heroes of the region.”
Since the Kabbalists control both sides in the scripted conflict, they have carefully arranged
Suleimani’s “victories” to make him look like a military genius. It’s easy to beat ISIS when
their controllers tell them to retreat on cue.

3) They will proclaim the hero Soleimani as the Imam Mahdi, and have him lead the
Muslims into a disastrous war 7 years later that will leave Islam and most Muslims
dead. In the end, the Kabbalists will have the UN and Muslim forces attacking the incoming
Kabbalah-Christ turn their weapons on each other, and few will survive. They will say it was
“God’s judgment” against Islam, but it will be the Kabbalists’ judgment, not “God’s.”

Once the globalists have carried out this strategy, Islam will cease to exist. The only
Muslims who will be allowed to survive are the “remnant” who convert to Christianity. The
same goes for all the non-elite, non-Kabbalist Jews. The Kabbalists will use the “Anti-
Semitism” that arises after the Truth Tsunami to drive them all to Israel to be slaughtered in
the Second Battle of Armageddon. Only those who convert to Christianity will be allowed to

The Achilles heel of this prophecy fulfillment strategy is the fact that it is a play that relies on
two key actors: Vladimir Putin and Qasem Soleimani. If those two men were to fall before
the globalists fake their deaths and bring them back as religious icons, the play would be
stopped in its tracks, and billions of lives would be saved. Food for thought…

Finally, let’s move on to the last component of Richardson’s Antichrist/Mahdi comparison…

“The Antichrist engages in a peace treaty with Israel; Mahdi also engages in a so-called
‘peace treaty’ with Israel.”

The first “Antichrist” peace covenant with Israel was made by the fake Antichrist,
Barack Obama. He visited Israel as a Presidential candidate in July of 2008 and pledged to
protect Israel and prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons…

…From The New York Times

Exactly 7 years later (to the month) in July of 2015, Obama broke that covenant by making
a deal with Iran that will allow them a “sure path to nuclear weapons,” according to

…From The New York Times

The second “Antichrist” peace covenant with Israel will be an actual peace treaty
between Israel and all the nations and groups that attack her in the upcoming war. The Co-
Antichrists Putin and Soleimani will be parties to the agreement. And just like the first
Antichrist peace covenant, the treaty will be broken exactly 7 years later when Putin’s UN
forces and the Mahdi’s Islamic forces jointly attack Israel in 2025. But this raises an
obvious question…

Why would the “Jewish Messiah” Vladimir Putin turn on Israel and invade her?

The answer is provided by the Richardson video. During an ad that promotes his 4-DVD set
of prophecy propaganda, this is shown…

As I’ve mentioned throughout the Globalist Prophecy Watch series, the globalists are
aiming to unite the People of the Book (Jews, Christians and Muslims) under one hybrid
religion, and it is commonly called “Chrislam.” And in a previous update, we also looked at
the likelihood that the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem will be destroyed
during the Gog/Magog War and replaced with a Chrislamic / UN Religion multi-faith temple.
So Richardson’s ad offers us a preview of how traditionalist Jews and Christians will
respond to this: they’ll view it as a “heresy” and resist it.

While the new temple is being publicly designed and constructed, traditionalist opposition
amongst the Christians and Jews will build and build. And when the time comes for the
opening ceremony 3.5 years into the reign of the Antichrists, we can expect dramatic civil
disobedience in protest of the “Temple of Abomination.” That’s when things will start going
south between Israel and Putin, and “persecution” of traditionalist Jews and Christians will
begin. 3.5 years later, the Antichrists will attack to wipe out all opposition. That’s when the
“real Savior” will come onto the scene to save the day.

Since we’re on the subject of propaganda memes contained in Richardson’s DVD ad, here
is another worth noting…

The implementation of a Chrislamic form of Sharia Law may be one of the things that make
life so miserable during the Great Tribulation. According to Christian eschatological
propaganda, this is how the 7-year Tribulation period will do down…


This 7-year period also corresponds to the full lifespan of the New World Order. As I
previously covered in The Multilateral/Multipolar New World Order will seem like heaven…
at first, during the first 3.5 years of the NWO/Tribulation period, people will think that…

Here is what I wrote about it…

>>> The globalists are in the process of running a problem / reaction / SOLUTION scam on
us, not a problem / reaction / PROBLEM scam.

This means that when we reach the end result of this transition process, the NWO will look
like the SOLUTION to all our problems, not another PROBLEM (such as a dark, scary fascist
regime) we need to overcome. It will appear as though the corrupt have been defeated,
World War 3 has been stopped, all regional conflicts have been resolved, biowarfare
against the population has been halted, poverty has been alleviated, debt money has been
abolished, secrets have been revealed, and so on and so forth. And the masses, after
having been force-fed negativity and conditioned to expect a scary NWO for so long, are
expected to be so overcome with joy that they’ll willingly embrace the New Order. <<<

So the first 3.5 years of the Tribulation will be the honeymoon period. The globalists will
make it very pleasant so people will welcome the new political and monetary systems. And
once everyone is dependent on the New Order, they will start tightening the screws again
during the second 3.5 years, the Great Tribulation period. Implementing global Chrislamic
Sharia Law at the 3.5 year mark would be a great way for them to accomplish the screw

Can you imagine how strict, worldwide religious law + ubiquitous surveillance
technologies + a strengthened UN with vast police and military powers could add up
to a reign of terror?


More on the Coming Martyrdom of the “Imam Mahdi”

Behold the Mahdi pondering his scripted (and fake) martyrdom…

…from (What a consummate actor / sneaky little bi*ch he is!)

Earlier in this entry, back when I though Assad was playing the role of the Imam Mahdi, I
wrote this…

In the coming days, keep an eye out for an outrageous provocation from the Israelis – perhaps
an airstrike against Assad himself – that will “push the Iranians over the edge.” This could
lead to a massive missile attack against Israel.

So on February 20 when I realized that Soleimani is the globalists’ actual choice for the
Mahdi role, I speculated that he would be the one to be assassinated to start the war, and it
didn’t take long to find out I was right. Upon googling “Soleimani” and clicking on the news

results, the page laid out exactly what the globalists had planned. Have a look at these
three result clusters…

…from Google News

The top cluster talks about Soleimani’s recent threat to wipe out the State of Israel. Given
that the Israelis are an eye-for-an-eye type of people, he is effectively inviting them to wipe
him out preemptively.

The middle cluster talks about Russia publicly condemning Soleimani’s call to destroy
Israel. Putin is obligated to do this since he is scripted to be revealed as the Jewish
Messiah (the Moshiach ben David). And at the climax point of the war, PUTIN WILL
LEADERSHIP. The globalists plan to scapegoat Netanyahu and his “Zionist / Neocon”
cohorts and install new leadership in Israel after the war. That’s why they’re “dirtying him
up” with corruption charges before the war starts. They want the Israeli people to accept his

The bottom cluster talks about Soleimani within the context of the 10th anniversary of the
death of another martyr at the hands of the Mossad and CIA. This is a rather large hint as
to what they plan to do with him. And the pro-Iran media in the Middle East have done a
great job of setting him up to be both a savior and the ultimate martyr…

…from MEMRI. Here are some excerpts…

>>> On October 30, 2014, the daily Kayhan, which is close to Khamenei and is a mouthpiece
of the ideological stream, explained that the Qods Force’s activity in Iraq enhances Tehran’s
regional popularity and influence, and establishes commander Soleimani as a savior in the
eyes of the Shi’ite and Iranian public, and in the eyes of the world: “Qassem Soleimani
had a prominent role in operations to liberate [the Iraqi cities of] Jurf Al-Sakhar and Amirli.
The presence of an Iranian strategist and believer in friendly neighboring countries, and his
rescue of people of other faiths – Yazidis, Christians, Shi’ites, Sunnis, etc. – not only enhances
his popularity in Iran and among the peoples of the world, but also enhances the Islamic
Republic’s popularity and influence in the region.”…

Qassem Soleimani’s 2007 Speech

Martyrdom Is A Great Blessing For Which I Pray

“In light of the prestige earned by the martyrs, I pray to God for my own end to be
martyrdom as well, and that He will not deny me this mighty blessing granted to outstanding
individuals. On the frontlines [of the Iran-Iraq War], on the eves of operations and under the
most difficult conditions… I felt the divine backing and guiding me , and I entered the war’s
most difficult arenas with reliance on God. <<<

The article also notes that Soleimani is “close to Khamenei and is considered his
protege,” so Iran’s Supreme Leader has been grooming Soleimani to be the Imam
Mahdi in the same way the now-deceased Lubavitcher Rebbe and his personal envoy
to Russia, Berel Lazar, have been grooming Putin to be the Moshiach ben David. It’s
important to understand that all these religious leaders are working together in this

prophecy fulfillment effort, and Khamenei is just another tool of the globalists. He has been
assigned to play the role of controlled opposition to the West in the same way Putin has.
Virtually all the world’s governments are rotten at the top, and Iran is no exception.


Mahdi propaganda and proclaiming his imminent revelation with such certainty…


In these remarks, Khamenei talks about the darkness of the current era (which he and his
globalist buddies are deliberately creating) and about life in the “Era of the Mahdi” (the New
World Order)…

“Immense oppression that prevails throughout the world, the unjust domination, the hounding
of nations around the globe; excessive bloodshed, the disregard of the most noble and the most
beloved of human values, this is the treachery that the global supercilious front presents to
mankind day after day. Immense immorality, exploitation and oppression naturally strikes at
one – who does not have a spring of hope to cling onto – with hopelessness…

However, the nation that is optimistic about the future knows that these times will come to an
end. An era will emerge when the mighty power of justice will eradicate all summits of
corruption and oppression. A new era that will enlighten humankind’s outlook with the light
of justice; this is what the awaiting era of Imam Mahdi our Savior signifies …

You should work hard to prepare the ground for a new era; the era wherein there is no form of
injustice and oppression. Prepare for an era wherein the deliberation and wisdom of mankind
become more active, more creative and more innovative than any other time. Prepare for the
era wherein nations do not launch wars on each other, because the warmongers of the world-
those who staged regional and global wars in the past and present-will no longer have the
ability to stage wars. Absolute peace and security will prevail around the globe.”

The globalists are doing everything possible to plunge us into “Darkness” so we’ll yearn for
the “Light.” And as soon as the war is over, they’ll provide us with the “Dawn of a New Day”
– a New World Order that will be a short-lived fool’s paradise.

Getting back to Israel’s targeting of Soleimani, have a look atthis piece of propaganda from
Israel National News…

So even the Israeli press are building up his legend of invincibility and talking of his uniting
of the Muslims, both of which are very Mahdi-like qualities. But this raises a very obvious

If Soleimani has been so effective in defeating the Israeli-Saudi-Western agenda in the

Middle East and in encircling Israel, why was he not killed years ago during his many
journeys to the front lines with photographers in tow?

The answer is rather obvious: all the combatants in this conflict are working from the
same “Armageddon” script, and that script requires that Israel be surrounded and
assaulted by its enemies. So all combatants (including the US and Israel) aided
Soleimani in achieving his “victories,” and all sides protected him until the final
battle. In other words, he was kept alive so he could be built up and sacrificed at the
right time.

All this being said, if we consider that…

Netanyahu has threatened to strike the Iranian “empire” directly,

Soleimani is the man most responsible for building that empire and is its public “face,” and
Soleimani is the man tasked by that empire to prepare for war against Israel,

Israel’s strike target is very clear, isn’t it?


A lesson in false martyrs and true martyrs

Both Soleimani and Erdogan serve the elite Kabbalists, so as the globalist Mahdi prepares
his martyrs, the globalist Dajjal prepares his too…

…from the Daily Mail

Let it be known that all the martyrs on both sides of the coming war are lining up to
die for a lie. Not only that, THEY WILL BE DYING FOR A LIE THAT WILL DESTROY
ALL OF ISLAM. Seven years into the New World Order, Soleimani is scripted to lead
the entire Muslim world into the Second Battle of Armageddon, and all but a handful
of Muslims will be exterminated, along with all the Jews who are not among the
Kabbalist elite.

you would martyr yourself for Islam, know your true enemies. It is better that two true
enemies should fall than a million false enemies. It is better that two impostors should fall
than all the Muslims of the world. It is just that those who call others to false martyrdom
should themselves be consumed by true martyrs.

And so it is.


The Foreshadowing of Soleimani’s Assassination

Let me show you something I chanced across earlier this year…

…from the Daily Sabah, a Turkish newspaper

This article establishes two things:

1) that the war-starting assassination of Soleimani I’ve been warning about is indeed
in play, and
2) that the Turks spell Soleimani’s name “Suleimani.”

Why is the second point significant? Because of this…

“The Ottoman Empire became a world power beginning with the reign of Suleiman the
Magnificent in the early modern period.” – from Wikipedia

As I’ve already shown you in other writings, Turkey’s Erdogan has been scripted to play the
“Dajjal,” the “Satanic false Mahdi,” who is trying to restore the Ottoman Empire. But the
man scripted to play the “real Mahdi,” Qassem Suleimani, has a name that is remarkably
similar to that of the historical figure who brought the Ottoman Empire to greatness. It is by
no means a coincidence that this is so.

So when they get decimated in the upcoming war, the Turks will turn to the new, true ruler
of the restored Ottoman Empire, “Suleimani the Magnificent,” to restore their pride.

SUBJECT: Globalist Disinformation, the Higgins Memo,

Michael Flynn and “Q-Anon”
You may have noticed this article on Zero Hedge back when it came out…

As you look at the graphic, note how they took care to mention that the President’s National
Security Advisor, H.R. McMaster – a supposed “Deep State” operative – is behind the
move. They did this because the globalist plan is to portray Trump as playing rope-a-dope
with the “Neocon-Neolib-Zionist Deep State” (NNZDS). According to the script, he gives

access to top posts in his administration,

lip service to their “evil agenda” with announcements such as the one discussed in
the article, and
concessions such as the militarily meaningless April, 2017 cruise missile strike on
Syria, to which he gave the Russians forewarning.

“So while Donald Trump is pretending to work with the NNZDS, he is actually working with
the ‘Progressive Deep State’ to systematically bring down the NNZDS.” At least that’s what
the globalists want you to believe. The truth, however, is that the supposed struggle
between the two “Deep States” is nothing more than a white hat / black hat drama put on
for public consumption. It is pabulum for children.

Speaking of pabulum, a reader sent me this…

“Do you know about Q?

Apparently there’s someone, calling themselves Q, very close to POTUS Donald Trump who,
for almost two months now, has been dropping hints [they call them ‘breadcrumbs’] about the
supposed NWO/Globalist elite of the west on imageboard websites like 4chan and 8ch. It is
implied that DJT is fighting them trying to free the world from their clutches.

Here’s what I’ve gathered from Q’s revelations –

There is a war going on between CIA and NSA [+ Military Intelligence].
CIA is the elite’s errand-boys. NSA+MI are patriots and fully supporting DJT in his mission
to get the world rid of the old elite. [i, personally call them OWO – Trump+Putin will usher in
N. Korea is apparently a disneyland for the elite [rothschild, soros, sauds], run by the CIA,
used for practicing everything from mind control to pedophilia to literal cannibalism.
KJU, the glorious leader, is the western elite’s puppet. So are the major political families of
the western world like the Clinton’s and the Bushes and others, alng with almost all business
and media personalities.
Q wants us to explain the on-goings of the world, and DJT’s mission, to the people of the
world using simple memes so that when it all becomes apparent, people aren’t shocked.

I just wanted your opinion on Q.”

Online revelations such as this “Q” information are being fed to the awakening public by
globalist disinformation agents to foster belief in the globalist con. Supposed “insiders” like
“Q” drop narratives like this into the alt-media sphere, which in turn get parroted by alt-
media figures who either work for the globalists or are duped by their phony narrative. They
are promoting this silly good guys versus bad guys fairy tale to get you to believe that the
multilateral / multipolar NWO is “change you can believe in,” but it’s actually the NWO the
globalists have been planning all along.

On another note, look at the word “unipolar” in the Zero Hedge article’s title, then read
Understanding the NWO Strategy (if you haven’t already). It will help you see through their
deception quite clearly.

While we’re on the subject of globalist disinfo dumps, a notable one took place in relation to
H.R. McMaster a while ago…

…from Foreign Policy magazine

Here’s an excerpt…

“The seven-page document, which eventually landed on the president’s desk, precipitated a
crisis that led to the departure of several high-level NSC officials tied to former National
Security Advisor Michael Flynn. The author of the memo, Rich Higgins, who was in the
strategic planning office at the NSC, was among those recently pushed out…

The memo is part of a broader political struggle inside the White House between current
National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster and alt-right operatives with a nationalist
worldview who believe the Army general and his crew are subverting the president’s agenda.

Though not called out by name, McMaster was among those described in the document as
working against Trump, according to a source with firsthand knowledge of the memo and the
events. Higgins, the author, is widely regarded as a Flynn loyalist who dislikes McMaster and
his team.”

Higgins’ memo, which is pure NWO disinformation almost certainly written by a think tank
like the London Center for Policy Research, is posted in full within the FP article. And this
supposed dustup between the “Neocon-Neolib-Zionist Deep State” represented by
McMaster and the “Progressive Deep State” represented by Flynn and Higgins was pure
puppet theater put on to give a semblance of reality to the Trump versus “Deep State” con.

The absurdity of the supposed conflict is illustrated by the intimate ties Flynn has with the
Jewish Neocons through the London Center…

…from the Internet Archive

The fact that Flynn, the supposed “Progressive Deep State good guy,” is actually a neocon
doesn’t fit the globalist script, so they tried to cover it up by removing his picture from the
London Center website shortly after I pointed it out in Alex Jones, the Kabbalist banksters,
and the “Deep State” con. They even managed to remove his picture (but not his name and
title) from the Internet Archive.

And speaking of the London Center and globalist disinfo dumps, have a look at this…

…from Newsweek

In this graphic, you see Michael Flynn with another globalist disinfo agent named Anthony
Shaffer. Shaffer is presenting Flynn with a “leadership award” from the neocon London
Center. And if you take a quick look into their backgrounds, you’ll see that both are former
Pentagon intelligence agents…

…from Google searches for Michael Flynn and Anthony Shaffer

So it is no surprise that they’ve been employed by the globalists to do what spooks do best:
feed the public with misleading information. Shaffer does this through frequent disinfo drops
on The Alex Jones Show…

…from Google

So in Shaffer’s appearances with Jones, you see a very clear example of what I talked
about earlier in this entry: “supposed ‘insiders’ like ‘Q’ drop narratives like this into the alt-
media sphere, which in turn get parroted by alt-media figures who either work for the
globalists or are duped by their phony narrative.” In this particular case, Shaffer’s disinfo
drops are parroted by Jones, who definitely works for the globalists. Shaffer brings fresh
piles of steaming, putrid globalist bullsh*t straight from the anus of the London Center, then
Alex offers it up to his audience and “sells the sizzle.” Bon appetit.

Speaking of globalist BS…

…from Infowars. Here is an excerpt…

“Former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom told Fox Business that patriots within the
FBI are about to go public with huge new revelations that could sink the credibility of the
‘Russian collusion’ investigation…

He added that the goal from the outset was to ‘destroy the presidency of the United
States,’ a claim backed up by the revelation that top anti-Trump FBI agents had settled on an
‘insurance policy,’ namely the ‘Russian collusion’ investigation, to topple Trump if he
defeated Hillary.”

It was nice of Infowars to post such a timely article while we’re on the subject of the staged
theatrical conflict between the “Neocon-Neolib-Zionist Deep State ” dark hats and the
“Patriot-Constitutionist Deep State” white hats. The article’s reference to “patriots within the
FBI” fits right in to the white hat narrative, and the “destroy the presidency of the United
States” quote sounds like something right out of the Rich Higgins memo.

According to the article’s subtitle, “something is about to happen” to fatally expose the dark
hats, and when it does, the dark hats are scripted to make a final, desperate attempt to
save themselves by starting World War 3, killing Trump, and putting Pence into the
presidency. The “Deep State” false-flag attack(s) that start the war could happen in any of
the three sandboxes the globalists have prepared…

in Asia, with North Korea being blamed;

in the Middle East, with Iran being blamed; and/or
in Ukraine, with Russia being blamed.
As for which way the globalists will take it from there, there’s no way of knowing. We could
see the “Trump Triumphant” scenario in which the white hats save Trump and prevent the
war OR the “Vindex Falls” scenario in which Trump is “killed” and the white hats step in
later to stop a full-on nuclear exchange. We’ll just have to wait and see how hard and fast
the globalists want to push. Time is not on their side.


If you’ve read Alex Jones, the Kabbalist banksters, and the “Deep State” con, you’ll know
that Michael Flynn, the man who has turned on Trump and offered to testify against him
and his family, was connected as recently as earlier this year to a globalist think tank called
the London Center for Policy Research…

…from the Internet Archive

And the London Center was founded by Herbert London, a Jewish Neoconservative [1,2].

That being said, can you guess how the London Center portrays Russia, Iran, and North


Have a look at what the article says about North Korea…

“What the president’s foes willfully underestimate is that there are national leaders who
want to kill us. North Korea is not simply a police state and a moral outrage, it is an
enemy intent on destroying the West. The attempt to develop an ICBM with range sufficient
to reach California is an obsessive goal. Recently military forces redirected a North Korean
satellite to take a north-south orbit rather than an east-west orbit so that it remains over North
America for a longer period. The object is a possible EMP attack on the U.S. thereby
paralyzing the nation. Kim Jong Un may be erratic, but he is not completely irrational.”

So Flynn is tied in with a group of neoconservatives who promote the idea that North Korea
is a mortal threat to the United States, and this makes him the perfect character in the script
to play the mole/turncoat whose threatened testimony blackmails Trump into making a
move against Kim Jong-Un. If the globalists go for it this week, New World Order historians
will point to the Flynn development as part of how Trump was pressured and tricked into
war by the Neocons.

Also note that the article passage refers to the supposed North Korean EMP threat against
America. I’ve covered this in previous entries, so let me just give a quick statement for new

A review of serious scientific studies on EMP weapon effects shows that they are not
nearly as effective as they are portrayed to be by propagandists in the national security
establishment and the media. An “EMP attack” would have some scattered effects on a
targeted area, but far greater effectiveness could be simulated if the globalists were to
send kill codes to the control chip (the “chip within a chip”) located within the
microprocessor chips embedded in all modern electrical devices. So should an
effective EMP attack occur, it is the globalists doing it through their secure back door, not
the North Koreans doing it with their nukes.

The same goes with Russia’s rumored new “electronic jamming” weapons. It is unlikely that
they utilize “new properties of physics” to shut down Western weapons systems; they more
likely employ globalist kill codes transmitted to the control chips within Western systems. So
if you see David (Putin) beating Goliath (NATO) by means of “revolutionary electronic
warfare systems,” it is because the globalists gave him the keys to the West’s back doors.

Getting back to the Jewish neocons, they are calling for war. Before you read an excerpt
from this article…

…from Yahoo, read what Yahoo wrote about the authors…

“Stephen Bryen and Shoshana Bryen co-authored this article. Shoshana Bryen is Senior
Director of the Jewish Policy Center and has more than 30 years experience as a defense
policy analyst.”

They made sure to attribute the article to neocon Jews, which is part of the globalist
strategy of scapegoating their Neocon-Neolib-Zionist minions for all the bad stuff that’s
being done to set up the New World Order.

As for the excerpt, here it is…

“Because of the shortcoming of missile defense and the fact that North Korea seems
unresponsive to persuasion in the form of three aircraft carrier task forces and sorties by B-1
bombers off the North Korean coast, President Trump’s options are bleak: wait for a real
North Korean attack with the risk of something far worse than Pearl Harbor, or preempt if
preparations look threatening. No matter how you look at it, the threat is circa 1941, while
our preparations are stuck in the mid-1930s.”

With this, they’re selling the planned “preemptive” attack on North Korean soil that will set
in motion the long-delayed Big Crisis.

If you look under the title of the article, you’ll see that the writers are associated with The
National Interest magazine, which was founded by the Jewish “godfather of
Neoconservatism” Irving Kristol. The magazine also recently published this notable
Have a look at how it begins…

The author’s “algebra of war” is quite interesting, isn’t it? He’s basically saying, “Let’s
definitely kill 1.4 million people now so 7.5 million – a number I’ve essentially pulled out of
my ass – won’t potentially be killed at some point in the future.” Once the war is over, the
controlled-opposition alt-media will have a field day pointing out articles such as these to
blame the “evil neocons” for this purely artificial war. But both the alt-media and the
neocons work for the same people. They’re simply assigned different roles in the grand


I’m sure you’ve seen this by now…

…from the Drudge Report

I find the timing of this quite curious. The last time Trump was portrayed as being under
heavy press assault earlier this year [2017], he ordered the Syria cruise missile strike and
they started to call him “presidential.” Now that he will be under renewed assault over this
Flynn development, will he again resort to military action to ease the pressure? Is this the
scripted way the “Deep State” will “force Trump into a preemptive strike against North
Korea” next week?

SUBJECT: The Fake EMP Threat, Bitcoin, and the Great

Encryption Lie
Wanna know how the globalists will use microprocessor kill codes to simulate a
catastrophic “North Korean” EMP attack on the US? Start by reading this Wikipedia entry
on the Intel Management Engine (ME). ME is one recent version of the chip-within-a-chip

“globalist backdoors” that will be used to brick cars, computers, cellphones and other
electrical devices after they set off the fireworks in Earth orbit. Here is an excerpt from the

“The Intel Management Engine (ME), also known as the Manageability Engine, is an
autonomous subsystem that has been incorporated in virtually all of Intel’s processor
chipsets since 2008. The subsystem primarily consists of proprietary firmware running on a
separate microprocessor that performs tasks during boot-up, while the computer is running,
and while it is asleep. It continues to run when the system is turned off. Intel claims the
ME is required to provide full performance. Its exact workings are largely undocumented
and its code is obfuscated using confidential huffman tables stored directly in hardware,
so the firmware does not contain the information necessary to decode its contents. Intel’s
main competitor AMD has incorporated the equivalent technology Platform Security
Processor (PSP) in virtually all of its post-2013 CPUs…

Critics like the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and security expert Damien Zammit
accuse the ME of being a backdoor and a privacy concern.”

Additional information on the ME can be found at this link provided to me by a


>>> Matthew Garrett, the well-known Linux and security developer who works for
Google, explained recently that, “Intel chipsets for some years have included a
Management Engine [ME], a small microprocessor that runs independently of the main
CPU and operating system. Various pieces of software run on the ME, ranging from code to
handle media DRM to an implementation of a TPM. AMT [Active Management Technology]
is another piece of software running on the ME.” […] At a presentation at Embedded Linux
Conference Europe, Ronald Minnich, a Google software engineer reported that systems using
Intel chips that have AMT, are running MINIX. So, what’s it doing in Intel chips? A lot.
These processors are running a closed-source variation of the open-source MINIX 3. We
don’t know exactly what version or how it’s been modified since we don’t have the
source code. In addition, thanks to Minnich and his fellow researchers’ work, MINIX is
running on three separate x86 cores on modern chips. There, it’s running: TCP/IP
networking stacks (4 and 6), file systems, drivers (disk, net, USB, mouse), web servers.
MINIX also has access to your passwords. It can also reimage your computer’s firmware
even if it’s powered off. Let me repeat that. If your computer is “off” but still plugged in,
MINIX can still potentially change your computer’s fundamental settings. And, for even
more fun, it “can implement self-modifying code that can persist across power cycles.”
So, if an exploit happens here, even if you unplug your server in one last desperate attempt to
save it, the attack will still be there waiting for you when you plug it back in. How? MINIX
can do all this because it runs at a fundamentally lower level. […] According to Minnich,
“there are big giant holes that people can drive exploits through.” He continued, “Are you
scared yet? If you’re not scared yet, maybe I didn’t explain it very well, because I sure am
scared.” <<<

As the Wikipedia article says, Intel has been putting the ME into its chipsets since 2008.
But it seems highly unlikely that 2008 was the first year they installed hardware/firmware
backdoors into their chips. We can be fairly certain that the ME is simply the latest and
greatest version of such technology, and chips made in 2007 or before also have
embedded control/kill functions.

So with the mechanism for faking enhanced EMP effects set before us, how would they
transmit the kill codes?

The approach that makes the most sense is to transmit the codes from an electronic
warfare aircraft flying over the target region. The transmission would be timed to closely
coincide with the detonation of the orbital EMP device, and the altitude of the aircraft and
broadcast power of the signal would be modulated to limit the simulated EMP effect to a
specific radius around the aircraft. I’m anticipating a regional attack rather than a national
attack (because a nationwide attack would unleash an unmanageable level of chaos), and
the region to be targeted is almost certainly the Washington, DC to New York City corridor.

The EMP attack will likely be done as a follow-on to the Washington, DC and New York
nuclear decapitation strikes. The globalists would wait until news and images of the nuke
strikes spread around the world, then they’d deliver the enhanced EMP attack as the coup
de grace. Such a “double tap” attack would hobble recovery efforts and lead to widespread
social disorder in the EMP zone. Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York City
are tough places even when everything is working properly. Just imagine what it would be
like in those cities after two nukes go off, airliners fall from the sky, the roads are blocked
by dead vehicles, all the grocery stores are looted, and the power goes out indefinitely.
People would be fleeing the EMP zone looking like the walking dead, devouring everything
in their path.

In the aftermath of the strike, the US government and military would keep functioning under
continuity of government provisions, and they would pursue the war until we reach the
precipice of an uncontrolled global nuclear exchange. It is at that point in the script when
the “Progressive Deep State” would take down the “Neocon-Neolib-Zionist Deep State” in a
military coup. Rand Paul, the senior surviving elected official after Mike Pence is arrested,
would then rise to the presidency, and he would allow the states to secede from the
decimated and discredited federal government. This would leave the globalists with
everything they’ve been wanting…

Because the existing New York headquarters of the United Nations would be
destroyed, they could erect their “new, strengthened, reformed” United Nations at a
place of their choosing.
Because the existing financial system would completely collapse without both
Washington and New York, they could erect their new “commodities-backed” financial
system in its place.
Because the federal government’s death grip on the states would be released
through Washington’s destruction, the United States would fall into smaller, weaker
pieces that would be dependent on the globalist institutions for their economic well
being and security.

Washington and New York represent the dying phoenix of the existing Interim World Order.
Once those cities burn to ashes, the New World Order phoenix will rise. Or at least that’s
the plan.


Let me preface my remarks by saying that I’m no expert on Bitcoin technology, but I do
know bullsh*t when I smell it. So let me explain in a very simple way why Bitcoin and other
digital currencies are globalist fronts. I’ll start by showing you the key elements of Bitcoin
from the Simple English Wikipedia…

“Bitcoin is a digital and global money system (currency). It allows people to send or receive
money across the internet, even to someone they don’t know or don’t trust. Money can be
exchanged without being linked to a real identity. The mathematical field of
cryptography is the basis for Bitcoin’s security…

One of the differences between using bitcoin and using regular money online is that bitcoin
can be used without having to link any sort of real-world identity to it. Unless someone
chooses to link their name to a bitcoin address, it is hard to tell who owns the address. Bitcoin
does not keep track of users; it keeps track of addresses where the money is. Each
address has two important pieces of cryptographic information, or keys: a public one
and a private one…

Sites or users using the Bitcoin system are required to use a global database called the
blockchain. The blockchain is a record of all transactions that have taken place in the
Bitcoin network. It also keeps track of new bitcoins as they are generated. With these two
facts, the blockchain is able to keep track of who has how much money at all times.”

So Bitcoin records EVERY TRANSACTION, which is something the Globalist Banksters

have always wanted to do. But people think it doesn’t matter because they are supposedly
protected by anonymity and encryption. THEY MOST DEFINITELY ARE NOT. Let’s recall
what we learned about the Intel Management Engine in the 5-6 December mini-update…

>>> The Intel Management Engine (ME), also known as the Manageability Engine, is an
autonomous subsystem that has been incorporated in virtually all of Intel’s processor
chipsets since 2008. The subsystem primarily consists of proprietary firmware running on a
separate microprocessor that performs tasks during boot-up, while the computer is running,
and while it is asleep. It continues to run when the system is turned off. Intel claims the
ME is required to provide full performance. Its exact workings are largely undocumented
and its code is obfuscated using confidential huffman tables stored directly in hardware,
so the firmware does not contain the information necessary to decode its contents. Intel’s
main competitor AMD has incorporated the equivalent technology Platform Security
Processor (PSP) in virtually all of its post-2013 CPUs…

Critics like the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and security expert Damien Zammit
accuse the ME of being a backdoor and a privacy concern. – from Wikipedia <<<

>>> Matthew Garrett, the well-known Linux and security developer who works for
Google, explained recently that, “Intel chipsets for some years have included a
Management Engine [ME], a small microprocessor that runs independently of the main
CPU and operating system. Various pieces of software run on the ME, ranging from code to
handle media DRM to an implementation of a TPM. AMT [Active Management Technology]
is another piece of software running on the ME.” […] At a presentation at Embedded Linux
Conference Europe, Ronald Minnich, a Google software engineer reported that systems using
Intel chips that have AMT, are running MINIX. So, what’s it doing in Intel chips? A lot.
These processors are running a closed-source variation of the open-source MINIX 3. We
don’t know exactly what version or how it’s been modified since we don’t have the
source code. In addition, thanks to Minnich and his fellow researchers’ work, MINIX is
running on three separate x86 cores on modern chips. There, it’s running: TCP/IP networking
stacks (4 and 6), file systems, drivers (disk, net, USB, mouse), web servers. MINIX also has
access to your passwords. It can also reimage your computer’s firmware even if it’s
powered off. Let me repeat that. If your computer is “off” but still plugged in, MINIX
can still potentially change your computer’s fundamental settings. And, for even more
fun, it “can implement self-modifying code that can persist across power cycles.” So, if an
exploit happens here, even if you unplug your server in one last desperate attempt to save it,
the attack will still be there waiting for you when you plug it back in. How? MINIX can do
all this because it runs at a fundamentally lower level. […] According to Minnich, “there
are big giant holes that people can drive exploits through.” He continued, “Are you scared
yet? If you’re not scared yet, maybe I didn’t explain it very well, because I sure am scared.” –
from <<<

Since your encryption and passwords are handled at the operating system and software
levels, these embedded “management/security” chips, which operate at a fundamentally
lower level, have access to EVERYTHING on your computer, smartphone, etc. This
includes your encryption keys. So when you put this processor-level access together with
the blockchain database and forensic algorithms, it means that…

Globalist Big Data (GBD) knows exactly who owns each and every fraction of a
Bitcoin. There is no such thing as anonymity.
GBD knows both your public and private Bitcoin keys. There is no such thing as
GBD can track every single Bitcoin transaction. There is no such thing as privacy.
GBD can seize your Bitcoins whenever they want, and for whatever reason they wish.
They can do this by setting up a “hack of your system” or through government action.

THE GLOBALIST ESTABLISHMENT. Harbor no illusions otherwise.

Another way to get to the truth on Bitcoin (or any other trending issue) is to see what the
globalist disinfo agents and controlled opposition figures are saying about it. If you see them
promoting something, you can be sure that it serves the globalist agenda in some way. So
let’s have a look at what two of them say about Bitcoin: 1) Alex Jones (the globalists’
leading fringe alt-media agent), and 2) Max Keiser (one of the globalists’ leading
mainstream alt-media agents).

For Alex Jones and Max Keiser’s take, let’s have a look at some statements made in this
interview from last year…

…from YouTube…

Alex, at 3:45: “I think things like this are the answer to the Federal Reserve monopoly; I just
don’t know if Bitcoin’s it. I just don’t want to promote it then have it go south someday… I
just don’t like the secret providence of Bitcoin.”

With this statement, Alex does three things:

1) He parrots the party line on Bitcoin: “…things like this are the answer to the Federal
Reserve monopoly.” You’ll find a great many globalist disinfo people attempting to drill this
idea into the heads of those who listen to them.

2) He distances himself from any liability he might incur if he is perceived as recommending

Bitcoin speculation to his listeners. While he feigns neutrality, though, he brings on people
like Max Keiser who promote Bitcoin and he uses the words “the Bitcoin revolution” in the
comment section below the video. In this way, his show promotes it, but with plausible

3) He foreshadows for the future: “I just don’t like the secret providence of Bitcoin.” He says
this because he knows a day will come (in a few years) when it will be revealed that the
globalists were behind Bitcoin, and that it’s a tool of the “Antichrist Beast System” of total
surveillance and control. He can then point back to this statement and claim, “I knew
something was off about it.”


As it turns out, my article was confirmed before I even wrote it. A reader just sent me a link
to this November 20 article from The Register (UK). Here is an excerpt…

“Intel today admitted its Management Engine (ME), Server Platform Services (SPS), and
Trusted Execution Engine (TXE) are vulnerable to multiple worrying security flaws, based on
the findings of external security experts.

The firmware-level bugs allow logged-in administrators, and malicious or hijacked high-
privilege processes, to run code beneath the operating system to spy on or meddle with
the computer completely out of sight of other users and admins. The holes can also be
exploited by network administrators, or people masquerading as admins, to remotely infect
machines with spyware and invisible rootkits, potentially.

Meanwhile, logged-in users, or malicious or commandeered applications, can leverage the

security weaknesses to extract confidential and protected information from the
computer’s memory, potentially giving miscreants sensitive data – such as passwords or
cryptographic keys – to kick off other attacks. This is especially bad news on servers and
other shared machines.”

It’s important to note that the exploits described by the article are exactly the things
the ME was designed to do. The only reason it’s now a “security issue” is because
outsiders have figured out how to access its functions; Intel, Globalist Big Data, and the
Globalist Intelligence Complex have always been able to use ME to do these things. So
once the vulnerability is patched, the hackers will be locked out, but not the globalists.
They’ll still be able to steal your passwords and cryptographic keys, as well as do whatever
they want with/to your system.
P.S. – A reader sent me a link to this interesting article:Evidence points to Bitcoin being an
NSA-engineered psyop to roll out one-world digital currency. I haven’t yet had time to fact-
check the article or evaluate its author/site, so I cannot vouch for either. But it contains
some intriguing points.

P.P.S. – I received a reader comment this morning which suggests that
(the site that hosts the above-linked article) is a white-hat globalist propaganda site. Having
yesterday scanned through the other articles produced by Mike Adams (a.k.a. the “Health
Ranger”), I concur. I found an article of his promoting the alien/ET/UFO disinformation of
Steven Greer, as well as an article promoting war with North Korea. So I guess the “Health
Ranger” wants you to be healthy – right up to the point you’re vaporized in a nuclear
mushroom cloud. What a thoughtful dude.

SUBJECT: The Globalists’ Prophecy Fulfillment Plan

PREFACE – In order to deceive the world into accepting their Kabbalah-Christ as the “real
Jesus,” the globalists are planning to artificially fulfill the Biblical prophecies TWICE. The
first fulfillment will provide the “Satanic deception” that Christians are expecting, and the
second will provide the “real Second Coming” they’re also expecting. Both fulfillments will
feature a Christ and Antichrist. Both will include a 7-headed, 10-horned Beast out of the Sea
and a Beast out of the Earth to help the Beast out of the Sea. And both will feature Gog-
Magog Wars and Battles of Armageddon. But both are false fulfillments. I know this with
certainty because I’ve observed their propagandists laying the groundwork for both, and I’ve
documented their deceptions in this blog. – from “End Times” Programming

To understand why a globalist disinformation agent like Adams would be attacking a

globalist endeavor like Bitcoin, it’s necessary to understand the globalists’ prophecy
fulfillment plan. It has three steps and two distinct phases.

The three steps are…

1) Propagandize the public to see the Western “elite” as Satanists and Western leaders like
Barack Obama as antichrists.

2) Propagandize the public to see Vladimir Putin as a savior – the Judeo-Christian Christ –
then later propagandize them to see him as the “one true Antichrist.”

3) Propagandize the public to see the Kabbalist pod person who shows up to defeat Putin
and the New World Order as the “one true Christ.”

As for the two distinct phases, they are…

1) Phase 1 (The Antichrist Phase) – In this phase, the “one true Antichrist” Putin attempts
to take “Christ’s throne” through deception. To accomplish this, he has the West and its
leaders play the roles of Satanists and antichrists so he can defeat them and appear to be
the savior. And through his victory, he defeats the “evil” Western-version New World Order
and erects the “good” BRICS-version New World Order. His NWO will appear to be the
answer to all our problems until we get to Phase 2.
2) Phase 2 (The Christ Phase) – In this phase, Putin fulfills some Biblical prophecies that
show him to be the “one, true, final Antichrist” and the NWO turns ugly. At this point,
globalist alt-media figures like Alex Jones and Mike Adams will propagandize the public to
see Putin as the Antichrist and his NWO as the “Beast system.” [This is why the “Health
Ranger’s” Bitcoin article references the “Mark of the Beast.”]

Once people see Putin as the Antichrist and they’re super-scared, a new globalist figure
(the Kabbalah Christ) will sweep in and defeat him and his New World Order. It is at this
point that the globalists will achieve their ultimate goal: total ownership and control of the
entire planet and its people in a post-democratic world governed by a figurehead god-king.
They want to rule over us like gods.

With all this in mind, we see why Adams is attacking Bitcoin: he is building his credibility
and laying the groundwork for his Phase 2 propaganda efforts. It is for the same reason
that Alex Jones has held back on personally promoting Bitcoin. He knows he’ll have to turn
around and bash it in a few years. Alex nonetheless allows Bitcoin to be tacitly promoted
through his media fiefdom because it is one of the next immediate steps in the globalist
agenda and he wants to help it along. Likewise, Adams is helping sell the ET deception and
war with North Korea because they too are some of the next immediate steps.

For a more in-depth account of Alex Jones’ full-spectrum role in the globalist prophecy
fulfillment plan, read Globalist Prophecy Watch: Update 1 – Alex Jones and the Christ


There are two notable conflicts in the globalists’ “End Times” prophecy propaganda:
1) the Gog-Magog War involving the King of the North and the King of the South, and 2)
the Battle of Armageddon in which all the world turns against Israel. Trump’s decision to
recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has set in motion the Battle of
Armageddon. So this means that the post-Crisis prophecy propagandists will claim that the
Gog-Magog war was the conflict between the “Western Satanist” unilateral/unipolar NWO
and the “Eastern Christian” multilateral/multipolar NWO.

There are two paths the globalists can take with the Battle of Armageddon: 1) the
conservative path, and 2) the “blow their fu*king minds” path.

In the conservative path, the whole world EXCEPT for Russia and the US will attack
Israel, and the two Jewish messiahs, Trump and Putin, will join forces to save the day.

In the “blow their fu*king minds” path, TRUMP AND PUTIN WILL BE
“ASSASSINATED,” and Pence and Medvedev will join the rest of the world in attacking
Israel. A short while later, at the climax of the battle, Trump and Putin will reappear
(most likely in Jerusalem) along with some “extraterrestrial” helpers to save the day.

So keep an eye out for the Trump and Putin’s “assassinations.” If you see them happen,
you’ll be in for a real treat. The alien arrival will be faked with ultra-black budget aerospace
craft, GMO humans, and atmospheric volumetric projections, but it will still be a thrilling

show. It will be the biggest-budgeted Hollywood sci-fi epic ever produced – a trillion-dollar

Speaking of assassinations, in Trump and Putin: Agents of Chabad-Lubavitch, I point out

that the globalists have scripted Trump and Putin to play the two Jewish messiahs (the
“mashiachs” / “moshiachs”). Trump is playing the role of the Mashiach ben Yosef, the
precursor messiah. And Putin is playing the role of the Moshiach ben David, the chief
messiah. So let’s have a look at what the Chabad-Lubavitch Kabbalist Jewish cult has
scripted for Trump’s character…

>>>Moshiach ben Yosef will be killed in the war against Gog and Magog. Again, it is
unclear whether the death will be in physical battle, or as a result of the spiritual battles which
he will wage against the forces of evil. Either way, the prophet Zechariah (12:10) describes the
national mourning that will follow his death.

Apparently, though, the death of Moshiach ben Yosef is not inevitable. The master-
kabbalist Rabbi Isaac Luria, known as the Arizal, said that when saying in the Amidah the
words, “speedily establish the throne of Your servant David,” one should beseech G d that
Moshiach ben Yosef should not die in the course of his struggles.

According to certain sources, Moshiach ben Yosef will serve as Moshiach ben David’s
viceroy. Thus finally bringing to an end the schism between the northern Ten Tribes, which
were ruled by Joseph’s descendants, and the Kingdom of Judea, which was ruled by the
Davidic dynasty. – from<<<

As you can see, the script calls for Trump’s assassination, but it also leaves the door open
for Trump to stay alive (they purposely wrote vagueness into their prophetic script so they
could change their geopolitical script on the fly if they needed to). Noting this, we could see
four variations of the assassination contingency…

1. Trump and Putin avoid assassination.

2. Trump is killed, but Putin remains alive to avenge and resurrect him.
3. Trump is killed first, then Putin is killed after the “Deep State” recaptures the White
House with Pence.
4. Trump and Putin are killed on the same day.

If Putin is to be “killed” during the show, there is a good chance his “resurrection”
will happen 3 days later. This mimicking of “Christ’s resurrection” is the best way for the
globalists to raise Putin’s status from that of a mere man to that of the returned Christ.

While we’re on the subject of characters in the “End Times” script, I’ve told you before that
Erdogan has been scripted to play the “Dajjal,” the Muslim equivalent of the anti-Christ. So
guess who has taken the lead in organizing the Islamic world to fight over Jerusalem…

…from Infowars. Note how Erdogan is made to look in the graphic. Very devilish looking,
isn’t it?

Now let’s take a moment to look more closely at the Gog-Magog War and how it segues
into the Battle of Armageddon. If you look into Jewish and Christian prophetic expectations
on these conflicts, you’ll find there are as many different ways of viewing them as there are
Jews and Christians. But the only interpretations that matter are those the globalists have
put forward, because they’re the ones who are putting on the show and their interpretations
have been circulated to foreshadow what they plan to do.

After a broad survey of globalist prophetic propaganda on these “End Times” conflicts, I’ve
found that the Gog-Magog War involving the “King of the North” and the “King of the South”
has been fulfilled with the multidimensional (economic, political, and military) conflict that
has been staged between the “Global North” (the US and its G7 allies) and the “Global
South” (Russia and its BRICS allies). In fact, the whole concept of the global “North-South
divide” was introduced to the public to provide a conceptual framework for the fulfillment of
the globalist prophecy blueprint.

In 2016’s script, the Gog-Magog War was to be a hot war in Syria between Obama, the
King of the North, and Putin, the King of the South. Putin was to be assassinated during
this war, leading to Medvedev joining with Obama to turn on Israel for the Battle of

In the current script, the Gog-Magog War is interpreted as the long cold war between the
G7 and BRICS to shape the New World Order. This war will culminate with the Battle of
Armageddon, which will feature Trump and Putin joining forces to save Israel from the rest
of the world OR Trump and Putin being assassinated so that both the Global North and the
Global South can come against Israel.

That being said, let me show you what Chabad-Lubavitch says about the Gog-Magog War.
The following passage comes from “The Battle of Gog and Magog” page at…

>>> The prophet Ezekiel (chapters 38-39) describes a climactic battle that will be instigated
by Gog and/of Magog, and will be waged against Israel and G-d. The defeat of Gog and
Magog will precipitate the Messianic Redemption. It is difficult to dwell on this topic because
it is so shrouded in mystery. We are uncertain as to the identity of Gog and Magog,
whether Gog and Magog are the names of nations or individuals, whether this battle will
be a physical or spiritual battle, and even whether it has already occurred or not.<<<

If you look at the last sentence, you’ll note how they left the prophecy intentionally vague so
they can point to any conflict they want as fulfilling the prophecy. This is a tried-and-true
trick of astrologers, fortune tellers, and other gypsy con artists. And if you look at what
precedes the last sentence, you’ll note how they say “the defeat of Gog AND Magog,”
which suggests that their preferred fulfillment approach is the “blow their fu*king minds”
path in which both the Global North and Global South come against Israel after Trump and
Putin are assassinated and replaced with Crypto-Satanists (Pence and Medvedev).

Here is another short passage from Chabad’s Gog and Magog page…

“According to tradition, the central personality in this war is Moshiach ben Yosef—Moshiach
of the tribe of Joseph.”

This is, of course, Trump’s character. So let’s see what Chabad’s page on Moshiach ben
Yosef says about his role in the Gog-Magog War…

>>> Mashiach ben Yossef (Mashiach the descendant of Joseph) of the tribe of Ephraim (son
of Joseph), is also referred to as Mashiach ben Ephrayim, Mashiach the descendant of
Ephraim. He will come first, before the final redeemer, and later will serve as his viceroy.

The essential task of Mashiach ben Yossef is to act as precursor to Mashiach ben David: he
will prepare the world for the coming of the final redeemer. Different sources attribute to
him different functions, some even charging him with tasks traditionally associated with
Mashiach ben David (such as the ingathering of the exiles, the rebuilding of the Bet
Hamikdash, and so forth).

The principal and final function ascribed to Mashiach ben Yossef is of political and
military nature. He shall wage war against the forces of evil that oppress Israel. More
specifically, he will do battle against Edom, the descendants of Esau. Edom is the
comprehensive designation of the enemies of Israel, and it will be crushed through the
progeny of Joseph…

The immediate results of this war will be disastrous: Mashiach ben Yossef will be killed. This
is described in the prophecy of Zechariah, who says of this tragedy that “they shall mourn him
as one mourns for an only child.” (Zechariah 12:10). His death will be followed by a period of
great calamities. These new tribulations shall be the final test for Israel, and shortly thereafter
Mashiach ben David shall come, avenge his death, resurrect him, and inaugurate the Messianic
era of everlasting peace and bliss. <<<

If you look at this passage – including the part that says his principal and final function is of
a political and military nature – it certainly fits Trump, doesn’t it? As for the part that says…

“Different sources attribute to him different functions, some even charging him with tasks
traditionally associated with Mashiach ben David (such as the ingathering of the exiles, the
rebuilding of the Bet Hamikdash, and so forth).”

Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel certainly fulfills this expectation.
Even though the whole anti-Israeli world (“Edom”) is railing against him, the “Moshiach ben
Yosef” has led the way in giving Jerusalem wholly back to Israel. And the script calls for
him to be killed because of it.


Today it occurred to me that just like Obama was positioned to be the “decoy/counterfeit
Antichrist” within the globalist prophecy fulfillment script, there is a decoy/counterfeit
Beast of Revelation as well. It is the G7.

The Beast of Revelation has seven heads, and upon those seven heads are ten horns,
each with a crown. Now if we look at the G7, it consists of seven nations (the heads), and
it has ten leaders (the horns with crowns). Those leaders are the 7 political heads of the
member nations plus the 2 political heads of the EU…

…from Wikipedia

That makes 9 horns. So who is the tenth,

you ask? It is the religious head of the
G7, the Pope, who hails from the Vatican,
a sovereign city-state at the very heart of
a G7 member state. This makes Pope
Francis the “Hidden Horn,” and when
Trump went to Italy to attend the G7
Summit in 2017, he met first with the
Hidden Horn before he went to the
Summit to encounter the other eight.

Now let’s have a look at some of the

other things the Book of Revelation says
about the Beast…

1) Revelation 13:2 – “…and the dragon

gave him his power, and his seat, and
great authority.”

So who is this dragon who gives the

Beast its power, seat, and authority? The
answer can be found in…

Revelation 12:9 – “And the great dragon

was cast out, that old serpent, called the
Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the
whole world…”

So if the G7 is being cast as the decoy Beast, we see why the globalists’ alt-media disinfo
guys keep blasting the West as being run by Satanists.

2) Revelation 13:3 – “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his
deadly wound was healed…”

If the seven heads are the seven nations of the G7, the head that was wounded is the US,
and it happened when Trump was elected. Instead of leadership passing from the
“Satanist” Obama to the “Satanist” Clinton, a “Christian” was elected. And when that
happened, talk was rampant that the “Trump Revolution” / populism would sweep through
the EU (thus killing the Beast). So if the “deadly wound” is healed, that means a “Satanist”
(Pence) will take back the Presidency, and that would have to happen before the Beast
meets its end. Either that or the Satanists would have to co-opt Trump.

3) Revelation 13:5 – “…and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.”

If the current incarnation of the G7 is the Beast, it has only 42 months (3 years and 6
months) to live. So let’s look at when the G7 took its current form…

…from Wikipedia

It was at the 40th G7 Summit, on June 4-5, 2014, that Putin was kicked out of the G8 and
the current G7 began. So let’s count forward six months…
1. July 4-5, 2014
2. August 4-5, 2014
3. September 4-5, 2014
4. October 4-5, 2014
5. November 4-5, 2014
6. December 4-5, 2014
And if we add 3 years to December 4-5, 2014, we get December 4-5, 2017. [Note: the
globalists arranged for mischief around that time, but they backed off. See the P.P.S.
below for more information on that.]

Continuing on with our look at the Beast in Revelation…

4) After the Beast’s head wound is healed, this is what is said to happen…

Revelation 3:3-4 – “…and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped
the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who
is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?”

Now take a moment to think of what people will say about the G7 / Western Establishment
if they get rid of Trump or co-opt him. Everyone will remark about the invincibility of their
grip on power in the West and how no one can stand against them.

5) Revelation 3:7 – “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to
overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.”

Here is where the G7’s “war against Christianity” comes in. The globalists have had their
“Satanic Western Establishment” guys…

> create, train, arm, and fund radical Islamist groups that have slaughtered Christians
around the world;

> orchestrate Islamist terror attacks on their own people;

> import Muslim immigrants on a vast scale in order to break down Western civilization and
defeat Christianity; and

> use their power over government, education, and media to corrupt Western society and
depopularize Christianity.

The globalists are having their Western guys do all these terrible things so their
Eastern guys (like the “Champion of Christianity” Putin) can step in and play the
6) Revelation speaks of a second beast in verses 11-15. This second beast has two horns,
assists the first beast, and is mentioned in conjunction with the healing of the first beast’s
head wound. So if we look at the two horns as two leaders, the second beast must be the
European Union, which has two leaders (Tusk and Juncker).

Although the EU is part of the G7, it has its own identity separate from it. So it is its own
beast. And after the G7’s American head was wounded, it was the EU that kept the
Western Establishment alive by leading the conspiracy to rig the European polls to stop the
populist uprising in its tracks (this conspiracy will be brought to light in the near future).

If you look at Revelation 13 at the Bible site, you’ll see that it calls the first beast “The
Beast Out of the Sea”…

And it calls the second beast “The Beast

Out of the Earth”…

Looking at these Wikipedia maps of the

G7 and EU, you can see why they would
call the G7 “The Beast Out of the Sea” and
the EU “The Beast Out of the Earth.” All
G7 nations border the sea, and they span
across both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. And all
EU nations are on the same continent.

As for “healing the wounded head,” Trump’s

presidential replacement has been gathering coup
backers, thus preparing for the Caesarian “Et tu,
Mike?” moment with Trump…

…from the Drudge Report

And the press have proclaimed Merkel (who is part of both beasts) as Trump’s replacement
as “Leader of the Free World”…

…from Google News

Now all they need is a triggering event that can be blamed on Trump’s “insanity” in order to
make their move. The outbreak of conflict with either China / North Korea or Turkey
remains the most likely approach. Also, Merkel’s ascension to de facto leadership of
the G7 can be spun as a healing of the Beast’s head wound in case they need to
move in another direction. We can expect them to make rapid on-the-fly script
adjustments in an attempt to keep their agenda in motion.

P.S. – Earlier, I said, “They already got rid of the first odd man out, the ‘true Christian’ Putin,
when they kicked him out of the G8 to make the G7.” Back at the turn of the century, the
G8 set up the G20 to become its permanent NWO replacement. And in September of 2009,
they made it official (with the full blessing of the United States)…

…from CNN

Since the G8 was superceded at that time, why did they keep it going?The answer to that
is simple: they needed it for propaganda and prophecy fulfillment purposes. When they
staged the silly drama of kicking Russia out of the G8 in 2014, it was a meaningless
gesture because Russia remained a member of the G20 where all the real business was
then taking place. So Russia was expelled purely for show to create a public illusion that
there was a real conflict between Russia and the West. And by paring the G8 down to the
G7, they got the numbers right to cast it as the Beast of Revelation. Had Russia
remained, the Beast would have had 8 heads and 11 horns instead of the Biblically-
required 7 heads and 10 horns.

P.P.S. – Earlier, I talked about the December 4-5, 2017 in relation to the death of the
Beast. Here is a quick reminder of what happened around that timeframe…

On November 28, North Korea launched a ballistic missile.

On November 29, the US called for North Korea’s oil imports to be halted when
Trump called Xi and tweeted that “additional major sanctions will be imposed on
North Korea today.”
On November 30, I sent out a warning that they would announce the North Korean oil
embargo before the Vigilant Ace air combat exercise launched on December 4 (I
wanted to beat them to the headline). The oil embargo announcement together with
the “provocative” air combat exercise would have provided the pretext for the New
Pearl Harbor / Nuclear 9-11 attack to happen between December 4 and December 8,
right on time to kill the Beast (the Western financial system would have collapsed
from such an attack).

P.P.P.S. – Some notes on “healing the head wound”…

> If the globalists take the conservative path and Trump lives through the end of the Battle
of Armageddon, the prophecy propagandists will say that the Beast’s head wound was
healed when Merkel took over as “the leader of the free world,” thus fulfilling the prophecy.

> If Trump is killed, the Beast’s head wound would be healed by the “Crypto-Satanist” Vice
President Pence taking over the presidency (a Crypto-Satanist is a Satanist who publicly
pretends to be a Christian). And since this would happen in conjunction with a catastrophic
international emergency and economic collapse caused by New Pearl Harbor / Nuclear 9-
11, the G7 would finally have what they supposedly want: total dictatorial/communist control
over the people of the West through the application of “emergency powers.” This would set
the stage for Putin to “save the day” later on.

SUBJECT: A false-flag blamed on Iran & Khamenei’s complicity in the globalist

prophecy deception

Zero Hedge is promoting a regime change narrative for the demonstrations in Iran. This
could be used to set up the war-starting false-flag attack in the Middle East.

The globalists’ mainstream media narrative will be: “Blaming America for the domestic
unrest caused by their own failed policies, the Tehran regime lashed out at American forces
through their Houthi allies in Yemen. The message they sent to President Trump through
this action is ‘back off!’ But they messed with the wrong President. ‘Merica!”

The globalists’ alt-media narrative will be: “After launching a regime change color
revolution in Iran, the Deep State conducted a false-flag attack on our own troops using
their Saudi allies in Yemen. They did this so they’ll have an excuse to attack Iran like they
attacked Libya, thus ensuring the regime change will be successful.”

But beyond these false narratives is the truth: Iran’s leaders are full, knowing participants in
the globalist “End Times” puppet show that will lead us into the New World Order. Their
Supreme Leader, Ali Khamanei, is playing the role of forerunner to the Imam Mahdi
character (Qasem Soleimani) in much the same way that Trump is playing the forerunner to
the Judeo-Christian Messiah character (Vladimir Putin). So the coming false-flag attack is
just part of the scripted hijinks.

Since the globalists must do something to raise Soleimani’s status from “outstanding man”
to “religious icon,” watch for something supernatural/extraterrestrial to happen in Syria
before the show ends. As for the false-flag attack, the “missile out of Yemen” scenario
remains the most likely mode of attack, and America’s Combined Air Operations Center
remains the most likely target.

SUBJECT: North Korean Anthrax

You may have seen the news stories about North Korea supposedly preparing anthrax
warheads and the recently defected North Korean soldier having anthrax antibodies. I think
what they’re doing with these stories is laying down preparatory propaganda for an anthrax
attack at some point. According to the globalist script, the attack will be blamed on North
Korea and used as an excuse to start the war, but also according to the script, it will later
be revealed that the “evil Deep State” was behind it.

Let me explain why I say this…

An anthrax warhead would be vastly less effective than a nuclear warhead. With antibiotic
treatment, which is readily available in advanced health systems like those in the US,
Japan and South Korea, exposed persons can survive the attack. And if North Korea were
to fire an anthrax-tipped ballistic missile aimed at an American or allied city, the natural
assumption of the US military would be that it’s nuclear-tipped, and there’d be a high risk of
an immediate nuclear retaliation. It simply makes no military sense to use an anthrax
warhead instead of a nuclear warhead on a ballistic missile. There are much easier, safer,
and less expensive ways of deploying anthrax.

So why are the globalist intelligence agencies planting these stories in the news?

They want to create public awareness that North Korea has anthrax and is looking for a
way to use it. And the obvious reason for creating that awareness is so it can be used to
sell a false-flag attack a little later down the line.

SUBJECT: A preliminary “alien intervention” in a ballistic

missile launch
[This section warns about a specific date in the past (December 31, 2017). But since
that date was the second time the globalists attempted this, I post it here to forewarn
you in case they try it again.]

Yesterday morning I saw this article on an imminent North Korean “satellite launch,” and it
occurred to me that the globalists are repeating their steps from the last North Korean
satellite launch back at the 2016 Super Bowl. To show you what they might be up to, let me
repost my 13 August update…

(P.S. – 13 August 2017 – North Korea’s supposed “EMP satellites”

If you are a relatively new reader, you’re probably unfamiliar with the warning I issued before
Super Bowl 50 last year. In the leadup to the game, I observed that…

1) The globalists were propagandizing the supposed development of a North Korean

hydrogen bomb and hyping an upcoming missile launch…

2) Hollywood had released a brand new X-Files season that told of “alien
interventionists” coming to Earth after the development of the first hydrogen bomb…

“No sooner had we defeated Germany than a new threat started appearing in skies over
America, drawn to Earth by the latest threat to extinction: the H-bomb. Explosions
acting as transducers, drawing alien life forms through wormholes in spaceships using electro-
gravitic propulsion. Advanced extraterrestrial species visiting us, concerned for mankind and
the threat of our self-destruction, forestalling our annihilation through their own self-sacrifice.
The crashes at Roswell. More importantly, places like Aztec.” – from the new X-Files

3) And the government released the CIA’s files on UFOs in conjunction with the
premiere of the show…


At the time, I warned that the globalists might stage a scenario in which North Korea
would launch a nuclear missile at the Super Bowl and “unknown parties” would
intervene to stop it. It would have gotten people wondering about alien intervention in
advance of the prophecy fulfillment show they had planned for last September.

As it turned out, they did indeed launch their missile at the Super Bowl, but they may have
altered the trajectory of its flight and the timing of its launch so it would pass over the game
site an hour after the game was over…

…from CBS News/AP

So was my warning correct and did it cause them to alter their plans, or were they actually
planning to launch a satellite into orbit all along?

Now if we fast-forward to today, we see them repeating those same three steps…

1. They are again hyping North Korea’s hydrogen bomb and an upcoming missile
2. Steven Greer recently released a new UFO documentary: Unacknowledged.
3. The Pentagon just released some of their “X-Files” – along with a claim that the
existence of non-terrestrial UFOs is “proven beyond reasonable doubt.”

This means the globalists might be trying to stage a preliminary “alien intervention” in the
coming days – most likely on New Year’s Eve right after sunset in Korea. It would help
prepare people for the big Putin/UFO show they’re planning for the war climax. In fact, the
recent “UFO freakout” in LA may have been part of the preparation for the “real” UFO show
to come…

…from the New York Post

Right after sunset on New Year’s Eve, when the ground is in shadow but the sky is
still receiving sunlight, a North Korean missile launch would look very much like
what they saw in LA. It would be quite the spectacle. And since it would be New
Year’s Eve, a hundred million people all across Asia would be looking at the sky for
the beginning of the fireworks shows. Can you imagine what they’d think if they saw
that spectacle in the sky, then saw another bright object approach the missile at
ridiculous speed, abruptly change direction to fly next to it, then destroy it and fly
away at ridiculous speed? Social media all over the world would be abuzz. And it would
get people primed to see the big UFO show in the coming weeks.

I wonder if I just ruined the best fireworks show in years? Sorry, Asia…
SUBJECT: A provocation scenario for a North Korean
satellite launch
The globalists have telegraphed a scenario in which North Korea would launch a nuclear
warhead into satellite orbit over the South Pole to hit the US from its flank…

“The North has been given technology assistance by Russia, via Iran, concerning what the
former Soviet Union developed in the 1960s, the Fractional Orbital Bombardment System

FOBS could launch a weapon from North Korea into a satellite orbit passing over the
south polar region, suddenly descending into the U.S. on a track outside the cone of
coverage of our current land-based missile defense radars. Our radars were deployed to
deflect an ICBM attack passing over the north polar region.” – from the London Center for
Policy Research

Back when North Korea launched their last satellite, they shot it right over the Super Bowl
site, so what will happen if they shoot the next “satellite” on a line that flies over New York
City or Washington, DC? Given the current scripted tension level that supposedly exists
between Trump and Kim, will Trump allow such a missile to go unattacked? If Trump tries
to preemptively attack it or shoot it down during boost phase, how will Kim respond?

SUBJECT: Putin and Trump, the Lubavitcher Messiahs

In the past, I’ve told you that when the mainstream media start sounding like the alt-media,
it’s a signal that the globalists are making their big move. You’ve already seen the UFO
stories that blanketed mainstream media in the past week; now have a look at this softball
Associated Press article on Vladimir Putin…

…from Here is a notable excerpt…

>>> Yet others see a strong strain of warmth in Putin. “Easy-going,” encouraging and even
healing is the description offered by Yuri Tolstoy, who was one of Putin’s law professors in
Leningrad, now St. Petersburg.

Tolstoy, 90, says the 65-year-old president visited him this fall after he received Russia’s
highest civilian honor.

“I must say that after the recent meeting with Vladimir Putin, my health has improved.
He has filled me with life energy,” Tolstoy told The Associated Press. <<<

If you’re familiar with the Bible, you’ll know that it contains similar stories of healing for
those who encountered Jesus. And speaking of Jesus…

…get a load of this photo from the AP article…

…A halo? Really?!

So now even the mainstream media are dropping indirect hints that Putin is the Messiah.
Be of good cheer, for the farcical second coming is nigh! All hail the Lubavitchers’ Moshiach
ben David!

Speaking of mainstream media parroting alt-media talking points, have a look at this…

…from Newsweek. Here is a telling excerpt…

>>> In the wake of President Donald Trump’s controversial decision to recognize Jerusalem
as the capital of Israel, some Jewish activists argued that the U.S. president was being guided
by God to restore Jewish control over sacred sites.

Activists lobbying for the construction of a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem said Trump was
playing a similar role to the Persian emperor Cyrus the Great, who allowed the Jews to
return to Israel from exile.

Jews also praised Cyrus for helping them build a second Jewish temple in the same place
where the first had been destroyed. <<<

And if you look at the Wikipedia page for Cyrus the Great, you see this…

>>> Cyrus the Great respected the customs and religions of the lands he conquered. This
became a very successful model for centralized administration and establishing a government
working to the advantage and profit of its subjects. In fact, the administration of the empire
through satraps and the vital principle of forming a government at Pasargadae were the works
of Cyrus. What is sometimes referred to as the Edict of Restoration (actually two edicts)
described in the Bible as being made by Cyrus the Great left a lasting legacy on the Jewish
religion, where, because of his policies in Babylonia, he is referred to by the Jewish Bible
as messiah (lit. “His anointed one”) (Isaiah 45:1), and is the only non-Jew figure in the Bible
to be called so. <<<

So by suggesting that Trump is another Cyrus the Great, they are suggesting he’s another
messiah figure. And since he is supposedly hastening the arrival of the main messiah, he’s
clearly playing the Moshiach ben Yosef role in the Lubavitch prophecy fulfillment script. Just
watch the news, because at some point in the near future, it will become public that
Trump has genealogy going back to the tribe of Ephraim. To see why this is significant,
let me append my update from September 8…

(P.S. – 8 September 2017) – Chabad-Lubavitch’s two redeemers, Trump and Putin

When the idea that Trump might be converted into an antichrist character came to mind
yesterday, I started doing some research and stumbled across this article from the Right Wing
Watch propaganda site…

…Here is an excerpt…

>>> Televangelist Jim Bakker hosted several fellow End Times preachers on his television
program today to discuss the prophetic implications of the presidential election.

One of Bakker’s guests, Tom Horn, a prolific author of Last Days-themed books, spent an
entire segment of the program explaining that “rabbis” have revealed that Trump may be
the messiah, or a harbinger to the arrival of the messiah akin to John the Baptist.

“They’re looking at Donald Trump” as the messiah, Horn said of “the rabbis,” saying that
Trump’s name “actually means ‘messiah.’”

Among the clues that Trump may be the messiah, he said, is that the president-elect is a
kingly and warrior-like leader committed to protecting Israel and, according to Horn,
rebuilding the Temple of Jerusalem.

Horn said that if Trump is not the messiah, then he is likely “the forerunner” to the messiah
who “will start the message in the wilderness and the messiah is going to come in on his

If Trump turns out to only be a John the Baptist-like figure, Horn explained, then his
inauguration will signal the beginning of the “countdown to the appearance of the
messiah.” <<<

The “End Times pastor” to whom the article refers, Tom Horn, is the premier prophecy
mouthpiece for the Freemasons and Jesuits. He is their standard bearer in the not-so-great
work of laying down the preparatory propaganda for the globalist prophecy fulfillment effort,
so the scenarios of which he speaks must be taken seriously. Here is the video of Horn
speaking about Trump…

…from YouTube

Seeing him speak of Trump in this manner brought to mind the “End Times” script of the
Chabad-Lubavitch “Jewish” (Kabbalist) Cult, in which the “Moshiach ben Yossef” is the
forerunner of the “Moshiach ben David.” Here are some key parts of it straight from their
website (as you read it, think “Trump” whenever you see “Mashiach ben Yossef” and “Putin”
whenever you see “Mashiach ben David”…

>>> Jewish tradition speaks of two redeemers, each one called Mashiach. Both are involved
in ushering in the Messianic era. They are Mashiach ben David and Mashiach ben Yossef.

The term Mashiach unqualified always refers to Mashiach ben David (Mashiach the
descendant of David) of the tribe of Judah. He is the actual (final) redeemer who shall rule in
the Messianic age. All that was said in our text relates to him.

Mashiach ben Yossef (Mashiach the descendant of Joseph) of the tribe of Ephraim (son of
Joseph), is also referred to as Mashiach ben Ephrayim, Mashiach the descendant of Ephraim.
He will come first, before the final redeemer, and later will serve as his viceroy.

The essential task of Mashiach ben Yossef is to act as precursor to Mashiach ben David:
he will prepare the world for the coming of the final redeemer. Different sources attribute
to him different functions, some even charging him with tasks traditionally associated with
Mashiach ben David (such as the ingathering of the exiles, the rebuilding of the Bet
Hamikdash, and so forth).

The principal and final function ascribed to Mashiach ben Yossef is of political and
military nature. He shall wage war against the forces of evil that oppress Israel…

The immediate results of this war will be disastrous: Mashiach ben Yossef will be killed.
This is described in the prophecy of Zechariah, who says of this tragedy that “they shall
mourn him as one mourns for an only child.” (Zechariah 12:10). His death will be
followed by a period of great calamities. These new tribulations shall be the final test for
Israel, and shortly thereafter Mashiach ben David shall come, avenge his death, resurrect
him, and inaugurate the Messianic era of everlasting peace and bliss. – from <<<

Do you see how well the description of Moshiach be Yossef matches what Horn described
about Trump?

Speaking of Tom Horn, the premier prophecy propaganda mouthpiece for the Freemasons
and Jesuits, have a gander at what his website posted on Thursday…

…from SkywatchTV

So the prophecy pushers are tying “UFO disclosure” together with Trump, Israel and
Jerusalem (you’ll see why in a minute). And they specifically mention that something big
might happen in “the time between the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018.” This
timeframe is also being promoted in the mainstream media via the Chinese…

…from a December 16 South China Morning Post article. Here is the relevant excerpt…

>>> China must be ready for a war on the Korean peninsula, with the risk of conflict higher
than ever before, Chinese government advisers and a retired senior military officer warned on

Addressing the conference, Wang Hongguang, former deputy commander of the Nanjing
Military Region, warned that war could break out on the Korean peninsula at any time
from now on until March when South Korea and the United States held annual military
drills. <<<

When both the alt-media and the mainstream media are featuring the same timeline, it
should be taken seriously.

Getting back to the ongoing “official disclosure” of UFOs and the Trump/Jerusalem
connection, such talk serves as an indicator that the globalists may opt for the “blow their
fu*king minds” path I talked about earlier in this entry. This means we’ll get a full UFO show
and supposed proof that “Vladimir Putin is not just a man, but the very son of god.” In order
for Putin to be taken seriously as “the Messiah,” one or two of the following must happen…

He must be gravely wounded to the point of having a “near death experience,” then
miraculously healed as a “changed man who came before his father in heaven and
had the scales removed from his eyes.”
He must be “assassinated,” then “resurrected” 3 days later. And during those three
days, he would “stand before the throne of god to be relieved of his human ego and
earthly transgressions so he could see who he truly is, the Messiah.”
He must be proclaimed the Messiah by the “UFO aliens,” with them presenting
“evidence” to that “fact.”

This is the whole raison d’etre of the fake alien aspect of the New World Order transition
drama: to blow people’s minds so they can be reprogrammed with NWO concepts,
including the concept Vladimir Putin’s “divinity.”

SUBJECT: UFOs and Fake Aliens
The Drudge Report was featuring UFO stories today…

This is more preparatory propaganda for the

globalists’ alien arrival deception. As a
reminder, the fake aliens (globalist-made
GMO humans in ultra-black-budget aerospace
craft) are scripted to show up when World
War 3 reaches its climax and the nuclear
missiles fly into the air. They will help Putin
save the day.



A Brief Word on the Globalists’ Fake ETs

“Nippleman of the Yahyel, are you aware that you and your supposedly extraterrestrial
civilization are the product of the globalist conman Harcourt Fenton Mudd-Rothschild?”…

…“And are you also aware that we don’t allow smoking inside buildings here on Earth?”

Since we may see fake aliens show up as soon as this year, I suddenly got the urge to
cover what to expect of them. Although I tend to speak dismissively of them – calling them
“globalist pod people” and such – they are living beings too. And they were brought up in a
false paradigm just like we were, except their environment was TOTALLY controlled by
their “elite” creators. They might not even know that their whole “civilization” is a lie. If I ever

get to interact with one, it will be interesting to see if I can penetrate his/her programming.
Knowing the globalists, network overrides and perhaps even a split personality may have
been engineered into them to protect their programmed paradigm.

What to Expect from the Globalists’ Fake ETs

Based on what I observed during my exploration of the alt-media rabbit hole and what I’ve
learned about the globalist “End Times” agenda in the time since, I anticipate that the
globalists will introduce us to three main types of lab-grown GMO humans / fake ETs over
the next seven years or so. The most likely time for the “first arrival” is at the climactic
nuclear confrontation point of “World War 3″:

> The first group to arrive will look like a cross between humans and “grey aliens”…

…and they may call their race “the Yahyel.” They will be the ones who step in and save
the world from nuclear war, and they’ll be quite friendly and helpful. They will present
themselves as our children, and their charm offensive will eventually lead to their
introduction to us of a second group of fake ETs.

> The second group to arrive will look like giant humans, perhaps resembling the
beings portrayed in the recent Alien movies…

…and they will likely call their race “the Anunnaki.” They will present themselves as
the benevolent creators of the human race, and they will bring warning of an imminent
invasion of Earth by another group of giant humans who aren’t so nice. Expect the
Anunnaki to make the scene approximately 3.5 years after the climax point of WW3, and
expect Putin to rally the world to join them in warring against the incoming “bad” giants.

> The third group to arrive will look like the second group, except perhaps less pale,
and they will defeat the allied forces of the second group + Putin’s UN military. Upon
their arrival, the magic show will be so massive and breathtaking that it will be apparent to
everyone that “Jesus Christ and his angels” have returned, and people will later learn that
the second group of aliens were the “fallen angels” from the Bible. I don’t know if the third
group will portray themselves as ETs or “spiritual beings” (it’ll probably be the latter), but
they will attempt to rule the Earth for the next 1,000 years as frontmen for their creators, the

The narrative that “Jesus” will offer after the third arrival will sound something like this…

“After being cast down to Earth, the fallen angels sowed division and discord in humanity.
People of God were divided into different religions and pitted against each other, and the false,
lifeless religious doctrines they were taught led to a falling away from God.

As my return to Earth grew close, the fallen angels devised a plan to foster belief in
extraterrestrial life. They did this so they could pose as benevolent aliens and lead humanity
into war against me. To facilitate their plan, they created hybrid humans to precede their
‘arrival’ and teach humanity to accept them as the heavenly host and accept their Antichrist as

Here are some other points worth noting…

POINT 1 – The Yahyel and the Anunnaki are “Hare Krishnas and Moonies from Outer

An important thing to realize about both the Yahyel and Anunnaki is that they’ve been
raised from birth inside a realm that is completely engineered and controlled by the
globalists. So they are essentially two cults.

When brainwashing a convert, it is common cult practice to isolate the person from outside
support and information that could inhibit his programming, and with a lab-grown species,
the isolation and control goes far beyond what is possible in real-world conditions.
Everything the globalists and their predecessors have learned from ruling societies, running
confidence scams, running religious cults, and studying mind control over the millennia has
been applied in brainwashing the fake ETs to be “true believers” in what they’re selling.
That’s one of the reasons they’ll be so convincing. They may be completely unaware that
their civilizations are scams, especially in the case of the Yahyel.

POINT 2 – The globalists have godlike control over their g-moes (a g-moe, derived from
GMOH, is a genetically modified human, particularly one who is designed for maximum

Given the exceptional abilities that are likely engineered into the g-moes, they could easily
overpower their masters should they ever turn against them. To prevent that from occurring,
the globalists likely employ a multi-layered system of control over them. This system is
designed to do two things: 1) prevent the formation of the idea of resistance, and 2)
physically block resistance.

To prevent the formation of the idea of resistance, the first line of defense is the g-moe’s
cult programming. Such programming makes it difficult and unsettling to even consider an
idea that doesn’t conform to the cult paradigm.

But if a g-moe does consider a discordant idea, the second line of defense is cybernetic
implants. Such implants could be used to sense the physiologic response to a troubling
idea and then apply corrective measures, such as scrambling the g-moe’s sensory stimuli
(so he can’t see or hear the challenging person with any clarity), scrambling the g-moe’s
thought process, or putting the g-moe’s personality into “sleep mode” and substituting a
locally or remotely stored “guard personality,” robotic program, or human handler in its

place. And to block challenging ideas from spreading throughout the collective, the
globalists can utilize sniffers, filters, and kill switches embedded into the g-moes’
technological “telepathy” network.

To physically block resistance, the g-moes’ implants are almost certainly fitted with kill
switches, so any specified individual or group among them can be put on “sleep mode” or
even terminated on command. And all their technological systems are definitely fitted with
permissive action technology that defines when and how they can be used and can disable
them on command.

So as impressive as the g-moes and their toys may appear, they are prisoners in a
gilded cage, and the globalists hold all the keys.

Thinking through all this raises some interesting questions:

Are the g-moes’ implants inorganic hardware or organic wetware? If they are wetware, are
they physically implanted or are they self-assembling? Self-assembling wetware would be
encoded into the g-moes’ genetic material and would grow within a fetal g-moe in the same
way organs like the brain, heart and liver do.

If g-moe implants are self-assembling wetware or if g-moes are designed to be non-viable

without surgical or nanobot-assembled implants, it is very troubling indeed. It would mean
that the children conceived by mating between humans and g-moes would be born with
implants or the need for them. So the children would be just as controllable as the g-moes.

Now you know why g-moes are designed to be so attractive. A world of human/g-moe
hybrids would be a world over which the globalists can exert godlike control. We free
humans would breed ourselves out of existence.

P.S. – A reader pointed out something that had crossed my mind too: that the globalist
effort to break up the family unit and turn men and women against each other through
feminism and other such psyops has led to there being a lot of lonely people out there, both
male and female. And when the g-moes swoop in, those lonely hearts will find them very
attractive, very adorable, very warm and inviting, and very eager to form close relationships.

Earlier in this entry, I myself joked about the g-moes being “hyper-intelligent sex dolls from
outer space.” And you can bet that there will be a lot of love and a lot of sex breaking out
during our species’ “joyous reunion.” A post-apocalyptic cultural wasteland littered with
broken-hearted, undersexed people is fertile ground for the planting of the g-moe seed.

The globalists are masters at using even our own love against us.

P.P.S. – Here’s another question to be answered: What will happen to the Yahyel when the
“Antichrist and fallen angels” make war against “Jesus and his angels”? The short answer is
that they’ll survive it and continue on with us, and the reason why is quite fascinating. As I
researched the answer, I found clues in even the mainstream media. I’ll try to write about it
in the morning.

The Post-Armageddon Fate of the Yahyel

Let me start out by saying that when I talk about humans mating with g-moes, I’m referring
to the Yahyel, not the Anunnaki. And the globalists will want the interbreeding to continue
after Act 2 of the prophecy show is complete. So the obvious question becomes, “How will
the globalists script the Yahyel to survive the final Battle of Armageddon and Jesus’

First off, the script will reflect that the Yahyel were created by the Anunnaki and accepted
what their “parents” taught them about the world and their place in it. They accepted the
reality with which they were presented, just like we all do. So after the final battle, “Jesus”
will note that they were innocent pawns in the fallen angels’ deception. But there will need
to be more than that.

According to the Christian prophecy backstory, the last time the fallen angels tampered with
human DNA, they created the Anunnaki. And “god” sent a flood to wipe them from the
Earth and restore the “seed of Adam” to dominance. So the script will need to provide a
reason for “Jesus” to not destroy the Yahyel for being “impure abominations.” That’s where
their role in the Battle of Armageddon will come in.

During the final battle, I would expect some or all of the Yahyel to sit out the direct fighting,
preferring to deploy their fleet in positions where they can protect the civilian population.
And according to the script, a point will be reached during the battle when the fallen angels
realize they’re going to lose. It is then that the Antichrist and fallen angels will direct a
portion of their forces to annihilate the human race. They’ll do it out of spite to deny Jesus
his kingdom – you can’t have a 1,000 year kingdom if all your prospective subjects are

When the forces of their Anunnaki creators and world messiah start slaughtering the
human race, the Yahyel will be gobsmacked and horrified. And to save their beloved fellow
humans from annihilation, they’ll turn on the Anunnaki and UN forces and attack. Their
intervention will limit the human losses to about a third of the world population. And in doing
this, they will preserve Christ’s future kingdom. This “heroic act of love” is how they’ll earn
clemency from “Jesus.” It will also earn them unbounded love from the surviving humans,
and the interbreeding will continue at an even greater pace.

This is how the globalists plan to finally defeat free humanity: by engineering a great
outpouring of love so we’ll breed our progeny into bodies they can completely control. The
Yahyel are a honey trap, and they don’t even know it.


SUBJECT: North Korean Submarines and Nuclear 9/11

A reader sent me a link to this…


This news about a potential Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM) test is notable in
that it establishes public awareness of a means by which a regional EMP strike on America
can be staged. To see what I mean, have a look at this section from a 2013 propaganda
piece on North Korea’s missile technology and EMP threat…

“An EMP warhead launched from the Gulf of Mexico, detonated at an altitude of 400
kilometers (250 miles) could shutdown America’s vital electric grids. A more modest EMP
strike launched from a ship in the Atlantic, could easily detonate a super-EMP warhead
at a 30-kilometer altitude (19 miles). This is high enough to cover an area of 600
kilometers (375 miles), and could take down the eastern portion of America’s electric
grid, which alone provides 70 percent of America’s electric power supply.” – From the
London Center for Policy Research (Michael Flynn’s old outfit)

So if the North Koreans do an SLBM test in the days ahead, the public will be reminded
that they have such a capability, and that fresh awareness will afford the globalists the
option of blaming a North Korean SLBM fired from the Atlantic for the EMP event. The test
would also bring attention to the “threat” posed by North Korean subs in general.

Now let’s take a moment to think through the different options for the “Dual Strike-Double
Tap” attacks on New York and Washington, DC…

For the dual nuclear strike on the cities, the best option remains the nuke-carrying
minisub or swimmer delivery vehicle (SDV) approach I first outlined back in April…

In New York, a small “North Korean” sub or SDV loaded with a nuclear weapon would travel
submerged up the East River, surface right next to the UN, then pop off its nuke. The same
thing would happen on the Potomac River in Washington. The “Deep State” would ensure
that the defenses are down in both places, just like they did for the first 9/11.

The reason this is the best approach is that the nuclear explosions would happen with no
warning, thus catching Trump, Congress, and the UN staff above ground. If they were to
instead use seaborne or land-based ballistic or cruise missiles for the strikes, there would
be somewhere between 5 to 30 minutes of warning, giving Trump and perhaps Congress
time to evacuate the strike zone or get to a bunker.

For the Double Tap element of the attack (the nuclear explosions being the first tap, and
the EMP strike being the second), there are three ways to do it…

> With one or more SLBMs fired from one or more of North Korea’s “missing subs.”

> With one or both of North Korea’s “EMP satellites,” KMS-3-2 and KMS-4. Each of these
satellites passes over the United States 2-3 times per day. So to stage a regional EMP
strike, they’d have to give commands to the satellite to adjust its orbit so it would fly over
the Northeast and descend to a lower altitude.

> With an ICBM that our missile defenses can’t stop, either because the interceptors fail
(the reports of the recent failure of Saudi Arabia’s American missile interceptors are
preparatory propaganda for this) or it is flown over the South Pole instead of the North Pole
(the preparatory propaganda for this is offered by the London Center article we just looked

“The North has been given technology assistance by Russia, via Iran, concerning what the
former Soviet Union developed in the 1960s, the Fractional Orbital Bombardment System

FOBS could launch a weapon from North Korea into a satellite orbit passing over the
south polar region, suddenly descending into the U.S. on a track outside the cone of
coverage of our current land-based missile defense radars. Our radars were deployed to
deflect an ICBM attack passing over the north polar region.”

As I’ve mentioned before, a sub-orbital nuclear EMP explosion would have some scattered
effects on electrical systems within the targeted area. But the vast majority of the system
shutdowns would come from the globalist microchip kill codes broadcast immediately after
the nuclear pulse.

Interestingly, if the globalists follow the “blow their fu*king minds” path, they might also
broadcast “wake codes” to resurrect first the power grid, then the bricked electrical devices
(once they receive power). These “magical repairs” would be carried out by the fake ETs
using “advanced technology beyond current human understanding” (a microwave
transmitter and a keypad).

Like it or not, fake aliens / GMO humans / glopps (globalist pod persons) WILL show up
sooner or later. It is a necessary part of the prophecy fulfillment plan. That’s why they’ve
invested so much time and money into science fiction programming and UFO disclosure.


Here’s another thing I’ve been thinking about: if “Kim Jong-Un” nukes Washington, DC and
New York, would he (or the “Deep State” using him as cover) leave Tokyo and Seoul
untouched? There is a good possibility that all four cities would be targeted. In Asian
numerology, 4 is a number associated with death.

So what would happen to Beijing?

The American counterstrike would definitely take out Pyongyang, but it won’t likely target
Beijing even if the Chinese are fighting on the North Korean side. Nuking Beijing in the
immediate counterstrike would trigger a full-scale nuclear war, and the globalists don’t want
that. They want the short (14 day or less) war to build towards a climax in which full-scale
nuclear war is imminent, and that’s when the “Progressive Deep State good guys” will step
in to stop it by taking down President Pence.

Once it’s over, China’s three main rivals in Asia (the US, Japan and South Korea) would be
greatly weakened. This would be the globalists’ New World Order inaugural gift to the
Chinese. But who will be the Chinese leader who accepts the gift, Xi Jinping or Li Keqiang?
Will Xi be ousted over the damage China suffers from the war like I’ve been expecting?

The Jewish UN Under-Secretary-General Jeffrey Feltman visited North Korea from

Tuesday to Friday last week. He may have been there to give Kim Jong Un new
instructions. Is this the beginning of a globalist retreat? Only time will tell.

I just ran across some chatter on the net about the Arab states moving in unison away from
the petrodollar and towards the petroyuan to punish the US for its Jerusalem move. Will
this be discussed at the Turkey summit this Wednesday? And RT is featuring an article that
talks about a BRICS move to get their gold standard going. Those are some mighty
ominous economic storm clouds on the horizon.

SUBJECT: The Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path
Among the globalist minion class, there are two teams: Team Left Hand Path and Team
Right Hand Path…

The Left Hand Path people are associated with concepts such as “darkness,” “evil,”
“falsehood,” “corruption,” “destruction,” and “chaos.” And they are associated with such
ideological labels as Neoconservatism, Neoliberalism, Zionism, Nazism, Communism,
Satanism, etc. The job of the Left Hand Path is to tear things down – they are the globalist
demolition crew, and they wear the “dark hats.”

The Right Hand Path people are associated with concepts such as “light,” “good,” “truth,”
“edification,” “construction,” and “order.” And they are associated with such ideological
labels as Populism, Patriotism, Constitutionalism, Libertarianism, Democracy, Free
Enterprise, Yahwehism, etc. The job of the Right Hand Path is to build things – they are the
globalist construction crew, and they wear the “white hats.”

In the current grand global drama, the Left Hand Path (played in general by the West / G7)
are bringing the world chaos and destruction that will culminate in the Big Crisis. And after
the Big Crisis has climaxed and the Interim World Order has imploded, the Right Hand Path
people (played in general by the East / BRICS) will rebuild the world according to the New
World Order template. So when you hear the Right Hand Path faux-truthers laying all the
blame for the Big Crisis at the feet of the Left Hand Path, don’t be deceived. It’s merely a
case of one globalist team scapegoating the other so they can play the hero role in the

That being said, the Big Crisis can take two forms: it can be a short, sharp series of events
highlighted by “world war” and “global economic collapse,” or it can be a long, gradual
series of events which play out without a full-on war or collapse. My intention is to deny the
globalists the short, sharp path and force them to take the long, gradual path. You and I will
thus have more time to spread this understanding until it becomes common knowledge.

To stop a small, well-organized pack of wolves from dominating humanity’s future, the less
organized pack of sheepdogs must employ superior numbers and unshakable
determination. Every person with whom you share this information is a potential new
sheepdog, so let’s keep growing our pack, shall we?

SUBJECT: The North Korean Oil Embargo and the New

Pearl Harbor Attack
As I’ve mentioned in previous entries, the globalists are very closely and very deliberately
re-creating with North Korea the 1941 chain of events that led to the Pearl Harbor attack.
All that remains to complete the re-creation is to cut off North Korea’s oil imports as was
done to Japan, and that step appears to be imminent…

…from CNBC. Here are two key propaganda points from the article…

“[America’s UN Ambassador Nikki] Haley revealed during a speech at the United Nations
headquarters in New York City that President Donald Trump called Chinese President Xi
Jinping on Wednesday morning to tell him the time has come for China to cut off crude
oil supplies to North Korea…

It was not immediately clear what actions the United States would take, but the Treasury
Department has developed sophisticated sanctions over the last decade. Those sanctions,
leveraging the economic heft of the United States, can be used to lock companies out of
the global financial market.”

So they are hinting that threats of US sanctions against Chinese companies are being used
to compel China to cut off North Korea’s oil. And given what Trump tweeted yesterday after
his call to Xi Jinping, the oil cutoff may have already secretly commenced…

…from Twitter

If the globalists are going for it next week, expect to see a public announcement of the oil
cutoff some time between now and Monday. Also look for unilateral US Navy seizures of
North Korean ships to begin at any time.

The peculiar thing about this oil embargo news is that it wasn’t trumpeted to the public like
it should have been. Instead, they posted it in out of the way places like the Energy section
of CNBC while the front-page headlines were blaring about Matt Lauer’s sexual
indiscretions. It was shocking how quickly they pushed the missile news down the page.
This has left me wondering if they’ll announce the oil cutoff over the weekend when few
people are watching the news. That way, the pretext for war will be established, but the
public will be shocked when the war actions overtake us (just like the public was shocked
when Pearl Harbor and 9/11 happened). They may be trying to re-create the whole “At
Dawn We Slept” mindset.

In case you are a new reader, have a look at a little slice of Pearl Harbor history offered by
Patrick J. Buchanan in an article titled Why Did Japan Attack Us?…

“After Hitler invaded Russia in June 1941, Japan moved into southern Indochina. FDR
ordered all Japanese assets frozen.

But FDR did not want to cut off oil . As he told his Cabinet on July 18, an embargo meant
war, for that would force oil-starved Japan to seize the oil fields of the Dutch East Indies. But
a State Department lawyer named Dean Acheson drew up the sanctions in such a way as
to block any Japanese purchases of U.S. oil. By the time FDR found out, in September, he
could not back down.” – from

There are two things to note in light of this little blast from the past…
1) Freezing Kim Jong-Un’s assets and embargoing his oil are the two things America
is now pursuing. And just like freezing Japan’s assets and embargoing its oil led to a world
war-starting Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, doing it to Kim Jong-Un will lead to a
world war-starting North Korean sneak attack on New York and Washington, DC – a New
Pearl Harbor / Nuclear 9-11.

2) The douchebag who engineered the Japanese oil embargo, Dean Acheson, was a
member of Yale University’s Scroll and Key secret society. And the douchebag who is
threatening China’s banks and China’s access to the SWIFT system to compel them to cut
off North Korea’s oil, Steven Mnuchin, was a member of Yale University’s Skull and Bones
secret society.

The reason the globalists are following the 1941 script so closely is to allow the New World
Order historians to point to it as proof of how the “Western elite” started all these wars. This
half-truth will help the globalist Eastern elite establish themselves as the “truth-telling good
guys,” when they’re actually nothing more than a changing of the guard.

Again for new readers, I’ll also point out that the reason “North Korea” might nuke New
York City and Washington, DC is to decapitate the leadership of their two greatest enemies:
the United Nations and the United States. This attack, which would most likely be carried
out by nuke-carrying minisubs, would allow the globalists to quickly move forward in
establishing their new “commodities-backed” financial system and their new “reformed and
strengthened” United Nations (a.k.a. the NWO). I go into detail on the hows and whys of the
attack in this previous alert. I’ve also added THE RED PILL: A Short Overview of the True
Globalist Agenda to the bottom of this entry as Appendix II. It will help you understand what
the globalists are really up to.

Yesterday, I was thinking about writing an update about how North Korea might launch a
ballistic missile to put themselves back in the headlines for next week’s news cycle. But the
gaesaekis (sons of bi*ches) beat me to the punch…

…from the Drudge Report

With this successful ICBM launch, the North Koreans have claimed a completed nuclear
capability. They now have an ICBM that can supposedly reach all of the US and an H-
bomb warhead that can do great damage when it gets there. To fully demonstrate their
completed capability, all that’s required is one final test in which an ICBM is fired and its
attached nuclear warhead successfully reenters the atmosphere and explodes on target:
the Juche Bird test. But will Trump allow them to fire off such a missile when it could
potentially be aimed at US territory? Herein lies the setup for what is planned.

No further provocative action from the North Koreans is necessary to get the war started.
Once the Vigilant Ace air combat exercise begins on the 4th, the world will expect Kim
Jong-Un to do something rash like firing off the Juche Bird, and the North Koreans will
make their standard threats to underscore that possibility. So according to the script, all the
“Deep State” has to do is go to Trump next week with falsified intelligence that the Juche
Bird is about to launch, and the fireworks can begin.

It should also be noted that the US and Japan have called an emergency UN Security
Council meeting for today. They will ask for additional sanctions against North Korea,
including the right to seize “sanctions-evading” North Korean ships at sea. The outcome
most in line with the globalist script would be for China and Russia to block such measures
and call for freeze-for-freeze talks, leaving the United States to move unilaterally to seize
the ships and cut off North Korea’s energy imports through Treasury sanctions on Chinese
interests. Since these “unilateral blunders” will lead to war and disaster, it will help the
globalists promote “peaceful multilateralism through a reformed, strengthened United
Nations” (the NWO) in the aftermath.

On December 4-8, the US and South Korea will be holding the Vigilant Ace air combat
exercise. It will involve putting 230 aircraft, including 10 stealth aircraft capable of
penetration strikes, into full operational tempo. This will create a prime opportunity for North
Korea to respond with the “Juche Bird” – a nuclear-tipped ballistic missile to be test fired
and exploded over the Pacific. And seeing the Juche Bird being prepped for launch (or
pretending they did) will provide a prime opportunity for the “Deep State” to launch a
preemptive strike on North Korean soil. As I’ve mentioned before, such a strike would
enable the globalists to launch all sorts of false-flags to be blamed on “Kim Jong-Un’s
furious response.”

With this triggering mechanism in place, the New York / Washington, DC dual strike
scenario will be in play for December 7 (give or take a few days). At that time, Trump and
both chambers of Congress will be in Washington battling over the budget before the
December 8 deadline. Vaporizing them would mean Vice President Pence would take over
the presidency with no Congress and no budget, thus enabling him to take on dictatorial

If a US preemptive strike is carried out, once again keep an eye on Rand Paul and
Elizabeth Warren. On the day of “Kim Jong-Un’s retaliatory strike,” you will see both of
them slipping out of downtown DC. Paul’s excuse will likely be a doctor visit over pain from
his rib injury.

There are just two weeks to go until December 7 (the anniversary of Pearl Harbor), so get
a load of this…

>>> The Trump administration readied new sanctions Tuesday on North Korea, a day after
declaring it a state sponsor of terrorism in a move to put additional pressure on Pyongyang’s
nuclear program…

“It will be the highest level of sanctions by the time it’s finished over a two-week period,”
Trump said. – from US News / AP <<<

New Pearl Harbor, here we come. Also watch what Erdogan does when he meets Putin in
Sochi tomorrow. It could set the stage for the breakout of the Mideast war. The globalists
like to stage foreshadowing events and news on the 22nd.

SUBJECT: The Three Sandboxes of World War 3

We’ve made it through Trump’s Asia trip without the globalists managing to trigger the “End
Times” War. To successfully make it through the remaining seven weeks of the year, keep
an eye out for the following things (especially around the time of the Pearl Harbor
anniversary on December 7)…

Syria and Iran – The key to escalating US military operations in the Middle East is showing
a pile of dead American servicemen on TV. So watch for a Saudi false-flag attack on Al
Udeid Air Base in Qatar or Eskan Village in Saudi Arabia. The Saudis and the mainstream
media will blame it on Iran, and the “Deep State” will attempt to use it to “trick Trump into a
larger Mideast war” (according to the Alt-Media script).

The South China Sea and Korea – The key to getting that show going is a US preemptive
airstrike on North Korean soil. And in order to preserve Trump’s positive reputation as
Putin’s “precursor,” the strike would be launched one of two ways…

1. By Trump giving the order after being presented with falsified intelligence that North
Korea was about to launch a nuclear-tipped missile.
2. By the military carrying out the strike without his expressed permission “due to the
short time window available to neutralize the threat.”

The strike would likely be launched from an aircraft carrier, and the carrier involved would
likely be sunk by the North Koreans (with globalist/Israeli help).

Once the strike happens, the globalists will use “Kim Jong Un’s furious retaliation” as cover
to unleash all sorts of mischief regardless of what the North Koreans do. Oppenheimer’s
children will likely come home to New York and Washington, DC.

Another approach to watch for are media reports of civil unrest in North Korea arising from
the bite of international sanctions. If you see such preparatory propaganda, the globalists
are laying the groundwork for a (militarily) unprovoked “North Korean” attack upon America.
This is another path to a “New Pearl Harbor” scenario.

Ukraine – The key to starting the Ukraine-Russia war will be starting the US-Russia war in
the Middle East. Once the two sides have directly engaged, Ukraine will use the opportunity
to attempt to retake Crimea. The controlled Alt-Media will say that NATO launched the
invasion in order to open a second front on Russia and divert attention and resources away
from the main battle in the Middle East. But the real reason for the attack is to allow Russia
to take all of Ukraine east of the Dnieper River. This will help put all of ancient Khazaria
under Putin’s control. He is the King of (Restored) Khazaria. I’ve written about this before,
and I’ll post that information to the bottom of this entry as an appendix.

SUBJECT: Vladimir Putin, the Jewish King of Restored

So what is the globalist purpose in staging a war on Russia’s western border? I suspect
that their motive is to reunite all the land of ancient Khazaria under Russian control.
Basically, they want to “restore their ancient empire / homeland.” Putin is not only a Jew; I
suspect he is also a Khazarian.

Just look at a map of ancient Khazaria…

The area boxed in red is the part of ancient Khazaria bordered by the Dnieper River that
the Russians will control after the coming war. The Russians will get all of Ukraine east of
the Dnieper.

The area boxed in green is Crimea, a part of ancient Khazaria which the Russians took
control of in 2014.

The area boxed in orange is the little notch of Khazaria / Alania near Tbilisi that is now
Ossetia. The Russians took control of South Ossetia in 2008…

Putin’s Palace in Khazaria

A few weeks ago, I was poking around Netflix and came across a French documentary
called Putin’s Hidden Treasure. At about the 45 minute mark, it started talking about how
Putin ordered his business cronies to drop all their projects and focus on building him a
palatial complex in the South of Russia. The place is now referred to as Putin’s Palace.

After getting into all this Khazarian stuff this weekend, I decided to check if Putin’s Palace is
in Khazarian territory. It is. Not only that, it’s built within the most ancient boundaries of
Khazaria (circa 650).

Here is a map that points to Putin’s Palace (a.k.a. Mys Idokopas) at the bottom right…

…from Google Maps. As you can see, Crimea is on the left and the Palace is on the
opposite shore across the Black Sea.

Now here is a map of ancient Khazaria at different times of its development…

…from Wikipedia

Området jeg har bokset i blått er det samme området fra kartet over Putins palass (med
palasset merket med en rød sirkel). Som du ser, ligger palasset inne i de mest gamle
grenser av Khazaria. Så etter krigen vil Putin være den jødiske konge av det restaurerte
Khazarian-riket (blant de mange krone han skal bære) med et vakkert palass ved sjøen ...
... Bare se på den lange ganghagen!
Se Netflix-dokumentaren hvis du er
i stand. De går faktisk like nær
palasset som den massive
sikkerhetssituasjonen vil tillate, og
de viser at det ikke bare er et hus,
men et kommandosenter.


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