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Problem Statement

1. Design the value chain for Integrated Plastic Waste Management

The image below will give an overview of the plastic waste management value chain,
and its relation to the plastics production value chain. In this figure operations are
indicated in blue, actors in black and products in green. The dotted line in the figure
delineates the scope of our work, being plastic recycling. Plastic waste is generated by
both households and commercial sources. Part of this waste ends up in municipal solid
waste and gets incinerated or disposed. The other part of the waste is separately
collected and transported to sorting facilities, where the waste is pre-treated and sorted
into different plastic resins. These sorted plastic resins are transported to specific
recycling facilities and processed into new products that can be put on the market by
brand owners and product manufacturers.

Operations, actors and products in the plastic waste management value chain

Features of model for integrated plastics waste management

2. How to create awareness among stakeholders on the importance of segregation of waste?

3. What tools or innovative mechanisms can be used to sensitize people about plastic
waste management?

4. How can the government departments be linked to ensure hassle free implementation?

5. Design an innovative strategy to make this model successful and profitable.

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