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Term: Spring | Issue 1 | Date: September 9, 2018

Duri ng early chi ldhood, a chi ld w i ll begi n

to learn how to develop soci al-em oti onal WHAT IS SELF-REGULATION? Helpful tips:
and self-regulati on sk i lls. Duri ng thi s

stage, chi ldren w i ll also start to express

Self-regulati on sk i lls help Modeli ng good
thei r di fferent em oti ons and thei r chi ldren learn how to m anage
thei r behavi or, em oti ons, and behavi or
feeli ngs. Chi ldren at thi s stage m any
body m ovem ent w hen the chi ld
ti m es do not k now how to handle these i s faci ng a tough si tuati on. Usi ng good
em oti ons and feeli ngs, so i t i s essenti al
Som ethi ng to rem em ber i s that m anners for
for adults to help the chi ld understand Self-regulati on and self-control explai n sayi ng
are not the sam e thi ngs.
thei r em oti ons and feeli ngs. It can also be please and thank
i m portant for chi ldren to learn through
?Ki ds w i th ADHD and sensory
processi ng i ssues often struggle
play, by learni ng through play they can
w i th self-regulati on.? (Mori n,
Redi rect before the behavi or gets out
learn the sk i lls needed to m ake the n.d)
of hand
correct deci si ons. By w atchi ng the

chi ldren play you w i ll be able to fi nd Mak i ng sure the rules that you are
i tem s that m i ght tri gger a chi ld?s setti ng are consi stently used and the
behavi or, once you understand w hat i s chi ldren understand the rules.
tri ggi ng the chi ld?s acti ons, you can help

the chi ld understand and m anger the

behavi ors em oti ons and feeli ngs. It can

also be i m portant for chi ldren to learn

through play, by learni ng through play

they can learn the sk i lls needed to m ake

the correct deci si ons. By w atchi ng the
. Morin, A. (n.d.). Trouble With
chi ldren play you w i ll be able to fi nd
Self-Regulation: What You Need to Know.
i tem s that m i ght tri gger a chi ld?s
Retrieved September 9, 2018, from
behavi or, once you understand w hat i s
https:// en/ learning-attention-issues/ child-learning-disabilities/
tri ggi ng the chi ld?s acti ons, you can help
sensory-processing-issues/ trouble-with-self-regulation-what-you-need-to-know
the chi ld understand and m anger the

behavi ors
Making sure to praise children proper behavior and then making
Chi ldren tend to have problem s sure you are redirecting the negative behavior.
w i th thei r self-regulati on sk i ll,
Use open communication with families. Work with families to find a
because of thi s they have trouble
way to help promote a child?s self-regulation skills.
stayi ng on task i n the classroom ,
di ffi culty payi ng attenti on and, i n Work with children in expressing their feeling and emotions, also
the end, thi s lead to cause communicate to the children that the feelings and emotions that
di stracti ons. Therefore, i t they are feeling are real.
becom es the m ai n reason that
teachers need to establi sh a
stable routi ne and have rules
w i th consequences.

When a chi ld struggles w i th

self-regulati on and soci al sk i lls,
i t starts to affect thei r academ i c
and how they i nteract w i th other
peers. A w ay that parents can
help thei r chi ld w i th
self-regulati on and soci al sk i ll i s
m ak i ng sure they establi sh
strong rules and that
consequences for negati ve
behavi ors are rei nforced. When
w ork i ng w i th teachers or parents
m ake sure that you are usi ng
open com m uni cati on about the
chi ld?s soci al sk i lls and
self-regulati on sk i ll. By doi ng
thi s, you can w ork together to Make sure that you are Remember that no child is the
fi nd strategi es that w i ll w ork on same, each child is their
modeling positive
prom oti ng self-regulati on. person and needs to be
treated that way.
Talk to your children about
feelings and emotions.

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