Chapter 1

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Severe congestion of national prisons

Number of Congestion
Prison facilities Inmates Capacity Rate

New Bilibid Prison (NBP) 21,106 9,007 134%

Correctional Institution for Women (CIW) 2,016 1,000 102%

Iwahig Prison & Penal Farm (IPPF) 2,716 911 198%

Davao Prison & Penal Farm 5,734 3,500 64%

Correctional Institution for Women - 296 200 48%

San Ramon Prison & Penal Farm (SRPPF) 1,344 1,550 (13%)

Sablayan Prison & Penal Farm (SPPF) 2,438 1,065 129%

Leyte Regional Prison (LRP) 1,601 486 229%

Total 37,251 17,719 110%

New Bilibid Prison is by far the largest national penitentiary institution, accounting for almost
60% of the inmates of the national prison system. The prison was established in 1940 to
accommodate the inmates from Old Bilibid Prison in Manila that was closed. Its initial capacity
of 3,000 was gradually expanded to 9,300. However, this expansion was far from sufficient to
match the rise in the number of inmates, which now exceeds 21,000, or more than double the
rated capacity. This has led to overcrowded, unacceptable living conditions and lack of space
and facilities to conduct rehabilitation programs. The Correctional Institution for Women in
Mandaluyong is one of only two facilities for women operated by the BuCor, the second one
being a dependency situated on the grounds of the Davao Prison and Penal Farm in Mindanao.
The Correctional Institution for Women opened in 1931 allowing the transfer of female prisoners
from Old Bilibid prison. In 2000, a new four-story building was constructed, raising the capacity
of the facility to 1000 inmates. However, the number of inmates confined in the prison has risen
to over 2000, or more than twice the rated capacity. To accommodate this number many of the
common areas in the prison buildings (such as corridor and dining halls) have been converted
into dormitories.


Modern prison bases their design on the idea of punishment as our predecessors did, such as
severity and lack of privacy as well depravation of liberty. This implication of prison, however,
leads to the heath of the inmates and as well as their living conditions paying the price. The
architecture of the prisons therefore undervalues the prisoners’ health.

The national penitentiary institutions operated by the BuCor are severely congested and worn
out. The living conditions do not meet minimum international standards.

Overcrowding is one of the main problems in every correctional facility in the Philippines,
overcrowding is of course dangerous to everyone’s health. It does not only breed diseases but
also breaks down discipline and worsens tensions. The current system of the prison is built to
penalize and not to rehabilitate.


Main Goal

To tackle common problem such as overpopulation, and undignified physical and mental health
of prisoners and to degenerate environmental quality in building a clear sense of space
planning, built environment and security but will also experience different atmosphere compared
to the traditional small prison facilities.


 To construct a modern prison facility with higher security standards

 To conduct practice of modern prisoner treatment philosophies such as reformatory
movement which aims the reintegration of the prisoners to the society
 To solve the present prison overpopulation and meet the expected future growth of the
number of prisoners
 To ensure prisoner dignity through decent accommodations and humanitarian processes
towards reformation
 To create an environment for the inmates to make them build their broken lives and start
living a good life


As it focuses on community’s relationship in the existing prison /jail, it explores the idea that the
jail and the community can coexist in a given locality. The study forces society to ask the
question, “Do we want our prison to punish or to help reform the behavior of the prisoners?”

It largely involves the symbolic import of prisons to the community. Through rehabilitation
society will benefit for the better. The safe and humane environment creates and enriches not
only the prisoners but the urban fabric of our cities. It will help reform people to face society with
a better behavior and become a better member of the community.

The scope of this study is concentrated mainly to create a space that is beneficial in detaining
inmates and preparing them in reentering the community. Creating modular design is the
solution to tackle congestion of space. It supports inmates’ sleeping facilities and space for
activities. It also establishes a facility that assists reformatory movement that initiates in
supporting disciplined inmates.

Reformation of National Inmates. The circumferential reformation programs which will be

institutionalized by BuCor for the inmates shall be comprised of the following:

Moral and Spiritual Program. This refers to the moral and spiritual values-formation of inmates
which shall be institutionalized by the Directorate for Moral and Spiritual Welfare (DMSW),
which include the practice of one’s religion and beliefs. Participating Religious Volunteer
Organizations (RVO) and individuals shall be regulated and managed by DMSW.

Education and Training Program. This refers to the administration of formal and non-formal
education, and skills development of inmates which shall be institutionalized by the Directorate
for Education and Training (DET). Participating volunteer teachers, professors, instructors, and
trainers shall be regulated and managed by DET.

Work and Livelihood Program. This refers to the administration of skills development
programs on work and livelihood to achieve self-sufficiency of inmates in the prison community
and for income generation of the agency. This shall be institutionalized by the Directorate for
Work and Livelihood (DWL). Volunteer participating agencies, Non-Government Organizations
and individuals shall be regulated and managed by DWL.

Sports and Recreation Program. This refers to the administration of physical and recreational
engagement to achieve mental alertness and physical agility in the spirit of sportsmanship. This
shall be institutionalized by the Directorate for Sports and Recreation (DSR). Volunteer
participating agencies, Non-Government Organizations and individuals shall be regulated and
managed by DSR.

Health and Welfare Program. This refers to the administration of proper nutrition, hygiene,
sanitation, cleanliness and promotion of good health to inmates. This also includes appropriate
provision of medical care or hospitalization of the sick, mentally impaired, old aged, and
disabled inmates. This shall be institutionalized by the Directorate for Health and Welfare
Services (DHWS). Volunteer participating agencies, Non-Government Organizations and
individuals shall be regulated and managed by DHWS.

Behavior Modification Program. This refers to the administration of programs for the
character formation of an inmate necessary for effective interpersonal relationship in the prison
community. This program also includes Therapeutic Community. This shall be institutionalized
by the Directorate for Behavior Modification (DBM). Volunteer participating agencies, Non-
Government Organizations and individuals shall be regulated and managed by DBM.

The core objective in the administration of these circumferential reformation programs is the
effective treatment of anti-social behavior and destructive personality disorders of an inmate.

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