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The Truth Behind IRS Lien, Levy, and Seizure

by Thomas F. Adams

© Common Law Copyright, 1997

This page is about your Rights. Your Rights are inalienable (you can't be separated
from them) unless you give them away voluntarily. Reading this page will not
guarantee your Rights, nor will it provide a magic remedy which stops the IRS in
it's tracks. When used properly, this page provides valuable information which
should help the IRS obey the law. You can stop the IRS from taking your property
(or get it back) but it takes work and study.

The price we pay for liberty is constant, never ceasing vigilance. If you're
looking for easy answers, silver bullets, magic remedies, you are in the wrong
place. People end up in trouble by following the advice of an expert who has a
silver bullet remedy. I have studied this subject for years and have come to one
conclusion. The successful people invariably became their own experts. You should
also plan to become an expert. This is a good place to start.

Disclaimer - I do not condone the violation of any law nor the committing of any
illegal act by any person. Within these pages I exercise my Constitutional Rights
of free speech, press and redress. Although I recognize my Right to take part in
the celebrated American practice of protest, I am not a tax protester. These pages
assert that the IRS, a quasi-governmental agency, must obey the same laws as any
private corporation when attempting to collect a debt. (See the Clearfield
Doctrine) These pages help promote legal compliance by the IRS, nothing more,
nothing less. In this sense these pages were created in a celebration of law, not
the protest of it. The information contained herein is not tax or legal advice and
can not be used as such. We strongly urge people to take this information to
competent attorneys for verification, advice, or action.

For fast, basic tax information, go to In a Nutshell

A note about tangents.

Keep it simple. Most tax issues can be reduced into two questions:

Are you liable for income tax? Answer: The Federal Zone
Are your Rights being violated?
If you are not liable for the income tax it makes no difference what amount the IRS
says you owe or what rules the IRS tries to impose on you. If the IRS is trying to
impose the income tax on you, but your not liable, your Rights are being violated.

The three rules of solid study!

Don't get caught up in wild tangents.

Stick to the basics.
Don't look for silver bullet remedies.
The Constitution and the Law

The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the Constitution.

The Bill of Rights is the protector of our fundamental Rights. If you do not know
your Rights thoroughly, click here. The Bill of Rights makes specific references to
property seizure four times. The Bill of Rights speaks to due process of law
eighteen times. I mention the numbers so you can answer the following questions
with some certainty.

Can the IRS mandate the filing of a tax return?

Can the IRS seize property by simply sending a notice or placing a lien?
Can the IRS seize property without proving their case in a court of law?
Is filing mandatory? The answer is found in the Fifth Amendment.

The fifth amendment clearly says nobody may be compelled to be a witness against
himself in any criminal proceeding. The Supreme Court has ruled that nobody may be
compelled to be a witness against himself in ANY proceedings, criminal or civil.

[The fifth amendment] "applies alike to criminal and civil proceedings." McCarthy
v. Arndstein, 266 US. 34

The courts have also ruled that filing an income tax return causes you to become a
witness as used by the fifth amendment.

"There can be no question that one who files a return under oath is a witness
within the meaning of the Amendment." Sullivan v. United States, 15 F. 2nd 809

"The information revealed in the preparation and filing of an income tax return is,
for Fifth Amendment analysis, the testimony of a "witness" as that term is used
herein." Garner v. United States, 424 US. 648.

Since no law may compel you to be a witness against yourself; and,

Since filing an income tax return is being a witness against yourself, then ...
Any compelled filing of tax returns would violate the fifth amendment.
If you don't file a return there can be no assessment; without an assessment there
can be no liability; without a liability there can be no lien, levy or seizure.

Can the IRS seize property with no more than a notice? Not according to the
Clearfield Doctrine!

When working within commerce (collections), the IRS is specifically tied to the
same laws as any private firm.

"When governments enter the world of commerce, they are subject to the same burdens
as any private firm or corporation." Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States, 318
U.S. 363 - 371; United States v. Burr, 309 U.S. 242

The IRS has no more collection power than Joe's Pawn Shop. Can Joe's Pawn Shop
seize your property without taking you to court? What makes you believe the IRS, as
opposed to Joe's Pawn Shop, can seize your property without due process when they
have the identical restrictions of law?

The code itself speaks to the necessity of court action.

26 IRC §7403. Action to enforce lien or to subject property to payment of tax

(c) Adjudication and decree: The court shall, after the parties have been duly
notified of the action, proceed to adjudicate all matters involved therein and
finally determine the merits of all claims to and liens upon the property.

Internal Revenue manuals prove the IRS must take you to court prior to beginning
the levy process:

Internal Revenue Manual, page 57(16), titled "Legal Reference Guide for Revenue
Officers" (February 9, 1990): "A proper levy against any amounts held as due and
owing by employers, banks, stockholders, etc. must issue from a warrant of
distraint and not mere notice."

A warrant of distraint is a court order!

What are your Rights?

To seize property the IRS must prove their case in court.

Has the IRS taken you to court?

Where does the IRS get it's Levy authority?

The IRS gets it's levy authority from IRC §6331. There are many well intentioned
people who believe §6331 has as a silver bullet effect. These people believe one
sentence in §6331 kills all IRS levy authority, just like one silver bullet kills a
werewolf. Let's examine the §6331 silver bullet theory.

The silver bullet crowd have hung their hopes on the second sentence of §6331(a).
That sentence reads:

"Levy may be made upon the accrued salary or wages of any officer, employee, or
elected official, of the United States, the District of Columbia, or any agency or
instrumentality of the United States or the District of Columbia, by serving a
notice of levy on the employer (as defined in section 3401(d)) of such officer,
employee, or elected official."

I understand why many people construe this to mean the IRS can only levy against
federal employees. The sentence seems to imply this, however, the theory is
incorrect. The sentence really says the IRS can make a levy against federal
employees by serving a notice. The IRS reserved the authority to levy against any
person in the first sentence of §6331(a).

"If any person liable to pay any tax neglects or refuses to pay the same within 10
days after notice and demand, it shall be lawful for the Secretary to collect such
tax ... by levy ... "

The silver bullet theory loses all credibility in courts of law. Many legal cites
can be found where people have made this argument. The IRS reads sentence one of
§6331(a) and the judge throws out the theory. I wish the theory were true, but it
will not work in court. In my work you'll find the difference between truth and
fiction. The Truth Behind IRS Levy and Seizure deals only in provable truth,
everything else is discarded.

Section §6331, in spite of itself, has given us some tremendous insight.

1. EMPLOYER. If I asked who employed federal government workers you would say the
federal government. Here, in §6331, the code speaks to the federal government
sending notice to federal government "employers." Obviously, the federal government
recognizes various "employers" within one federal government. The code refers to
federal "employers" for one reason. The term confuses the meaning of the word. The
Truth Behind IRS Levy and Seizure goes into great detail explaining how the word
"employer" confuses millions of people into "volunteering" their property!

2. When you read the first sentence of §6331 carefully, you'll note three major
restrictions when levying against a person who is not a federal employee.

There must be a legally established liability; (the IRS bases tax liability on
"gross income"); and,
You must have received a notice and demand from the IRS (form 17A, not a notice of
intent to levy); and,
You must have refused or neglected to pay the liability within ten days of the
The assessment aspect goes far beyond those who have not filed a tax return. No
valid assessment can exist even if you do file. The reasons are well beyond the
scope of this web page, but are thoroughly covered in The Truth Behind IRS Levy and

It seems the silver bullet crowd found an important sentence, but for the wrong

Have you seen a valid assessment signed by the secretary under penalty of perjury?

Notice and Demand

After a valid assessment has been issued, you must receive a Form 17A, Notice and

26 IRC §6303. Where it is not otherwise provided by this title, the Secretary
shall, as soon as practicable, and within 60 days, after the making of an
assessment of a tax pursuant to section 6203, give notice to each person liable for
the unpaid tax, stating the amount and demanding payment thereof. Such notice shall
be left at the dwelling or usual place of business of such person, or shall be sent
by mail to such person's last known address.

26 IRC §6321. If any person liable to pay any tax neglects or refuses to pay the
same after demand, the amount (including any interest, additional amount, addition
to tax, or assessable penalty, together with any costs that may accrue in addition
thereto) shall be a lien in favor of the United States upon all property and rights
to property, whether real or personal, belonging to such person.

We know a lien can exist ONLY after assessment and demand, not before. What form
must the IRS send to make this demand?

Treasury Decision 1995. Assessed Taxes -- Notice and Demand, Form 17 The necessity
of issuing Form 17 is twofold - first, to determine the date when 5 per cent
penalty accrues and interest at 1 per cent per month begins to run, and, second, to
complete the Government's lien on property belonging to the taxpayer.

Have you received a notice and demand? (17A). If you have not, there is NO lien!

If the IRS is attempting to take your home or other property without proper
procedure - it is illegal!

Levy authority includes the authority to seize.

Almost everything is subject to levy.

Almost nothing is subject to seizure.

Levy and seizure do not mean the same the thing. Levy is a process, not an act. The
levy process begins with the assessment (mentioned above) and continues until the
case is closed. Within the levy process the IRS has the authority to seize
property. We know this from §7701 and §6331.

26 IRC §7701(a)(21) Levy: "The term 'levy' includes the power of distraint and
seizure by any means."

26 IRC §6331(b) Seizure and sale of property: "The term 'levy' as used in this
title includes the power of distraint and seizure by any means."

Both sections regarding distraint and seizure contain the curious phrase "by any
means." Does this mean the IRS can distrain or seize your property at gunpoint?
Gunpoint is certainly included within the phrase "by any means."

The use of the term "by any means" only reinforces the fact the IRS can seize
property only by "any" legal "means" at it's disposal. The phrase is placed in the
code merely to intimidate you.

Where does the IRS get its authority to seize?

Many people get confused about authorities. We know the authority to levy includes
the authority to seize, but as of yet no seizure authority has been given. A non-
sensible code could be written like this:

"The authority to levy includes the authority to squeeze people until they are

Obviously the code does not say this, but if it did, there would have to be a
"squeeze people until they are blue" authority. The mere mention of authority does
not grant authority. We find IRS authority to seize property in sections §7321 and

Section §7608 is very important. This section divides its authority into two (2)
distinct venues. Section (a) speaks to subtitle "E", alcohol, tobacco and firearms.
Section (b) speaks to all other Internal Revenue subtitles including income tax.
Although the words regarding both sections are similar, in truth they are very
different. See how the wording changes between sections.

Subtitle "E" Authority Subtitle "A" Authority

Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Income Taxes

Note how the wording in the code changes.

Code regarding "E" ... changes to .... Code regarding "A"

Any investigator ..................... Any criminal investigator.

Criminal, seizure and forfeiture ..... Criminal.

Carry firearms ....................... Not authorized firearms.

Arrests for any US crime ............. Arrests only for IRC crimes.

Seize property for any US crime ...... Seize property for IRC crimes.
The differences are subtle, yet important. Assuming you do not operate in the
alcohol, tobacco and firearms industry, your investigation:

must criminal in nature

must be investigated only for violation of Internal Revenue laws
can't be investigated by an armed investigator.
What is significant about this? If your investigation is criminal in nature, your
property may only be seized for the violation of a crime. What is the only venue
for proving a crime was committed. You must be given a day in court.

The IRS must:

prove they have jurisdiction over you.

show the nature and cause of your crime.
show a valid assessment, signed under penalty of perjury.
prove you committed the "crime."
§7608 proves the IRS cannot simply take your property without due process.

Under the fourth amendment your books and records can't be viewed by anyone (not
even the court can order you to give up your books and records) See the "act of
production" rules.

Under the fifth amendment you can refuse to answer all questions which might tend
to incriminate you, or even create a link to information which might incriminate

Under the sixth amendment the court must tell you the nature and cause of each
"crime" you have committed, and the court must prove jurisdiction.

The Truth Behind IRS Levy and Seizure gives you the education to hold IRS agents
liable for all infractions of law. According to Internal Revenue Manuals, if IRS
agents break any law they can be sued for up to $1,000,000 in damages.

Property Subject to Forfeiture

Within the seizure authority sections we find a major restriction to IRS seizure
authority. Only property subject to forfeiture may be seized by the IRS. Here are
those authorities again (in pertinent part):

§7321: "Any property subject to forfeiture to the United States under any provision
of this title may be seized by the Secretary."

§7608 (b)(2)(C) "to make seizures of property subject to forfeiture under the
internal revenue laws."

Re-read the first sentence of §6331. You will note all property is subject to levy
except such property exempt under §6334. In §6334 you notice almost all your
property is subject to levy. We have not included §6334 in this page because it is
long, boring, and (basically) says all property is subject to levy. Almost nothing
is exempt.

We continue under the presumption all our property (homes, cars and accounts) are
subject to levy. We concede this point to the IRS. This is the truth and we never
argue against the truth! Here, however, is the one million dollar question.

Is all property subject to levy also subject to forfeiture (seizure)?

The answer is a resounding ... NO!

The IRS can include all your property as subject to levy, but can ONLY seize
property subject to forfeiture! Please read §7321 and §7608 again.

Only property subject to forfeiture can be seized. Nothing else!

What property is subject to forfeiture?

In the entire Internal Revenue Code there are only four sections which list
property subject to forfeiture.

Internal Revenue Code - Table of Contents

Subchapter C - Forfeitures


Sec. 7301. Property subject to tax

Sec. 7302. Property used in violation of internal revenue laws

Sec. 7303. Other property subject to forfeiture

Sec. 7304. Penalty for fraudulently claiming drawback



There are no other sections which define property the IRS can seize. If your
property is not listed in these sections, it can NOT be seized. The list is
Not filing a return is not fraud.

You'll note each section deals with "fraud" against the United States and/or it's
laws. For those of you who are being levied against for not filing a 1040, ask
yourself why the IRS can not levy fraud penalties against you for failing to file?

1997 Handbook for Tax Preparers, ¶ 4880: "The fraud penalty can be imposed only if
a return is filed."

All property listed in these sections is property used in fraud of the alcohol,
tobacco and firearms laws, not income tax laws. §7301 confuses many people by
sounding as if the IRS can name any activity "fraud" and then take property
associated with it, but a careful study of the sections as a whole reveals
references which make it impossible to read the property outside of alcohol,
tobacco and firearms.

Aside from careful reading, the fact these section only apply to alcohol, tobacco
and firearms is proven within the Parallel Table of Authorities. This table shows
where the Regulations that implement the code are found. Without the regulations
the code has no weight of law. Let's look at the table:

Parallel Table of Authorities

Type of Authority IR Code Section CFR Regulation


Summons Authority 7602 301.7602

Lien Authority 6321 301.6321

Levy and Distraint 6331-6343 301.6331-301.6343

Assessment Penalty 6671 301.6671

We now look to the index of 26 CFR to find where the Regulation Authorities are

26 CFR Index

Table I -- Authorities


6321 ............................. 27 Part 70

6331 - 6343 ...................... 27 Part 70

6601 ............................. 27 Part 70

You clearly see that all the authorities for lien, levy and seizure are found in
title 27. Title 27 is only Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms!

Knowing the authorities only apply in ATF, let me ask you this question ...

Is your property found in §7301, §7302, §7303 or §7304?

When was subtitle "F" enacted?

Subtitle "F" is where all the enforcement provisions for lien, levy and seizure are
located. The code itself makes this statement:

26 IRC §7851(a)(6)(A)

"General Rule. -- The provisions of subtitle F shall take effect on the day after
the date of enactment of this title and shall be applicable with respect to any tax
imposed by this title."

Has title 26 (the code) been enacted into law? The unbelievable answer is, NO! The
whole of title 26 has never been enacted into positive law. On January 14, 1983
(which was written into the the 1982 United States Code) Speaker of the House
Thomas O'Neill wrote the following:

"Titles 1, 3, ... 23, 28, ... have been revised, codified, and enacted into
positive law and the text thereof is legal evidence of the laws therein contained.
The matter contained in the other titles of the Code is prima facie evidence of the

Notice Title 26 is nowhere to be found. You can verify this by looking at the
inside cover page of any volume of United States Codes. You'll notice Title 26 is
missing the asterisk which indicates the title was enacted into positive law. If
the code was never passed into positive law, what is §7851 saying? Here it is

26 IRC §7851(a)(6)(A)

"General Rule. -- The provisions of subtitle F shall take effect on the day after
the date of enactment of this title and shall be applicable with respect to any tax
imposed by this title."

It's saying the codes in 26 IRC are not effective. The codes will not become
effective until Title 26 has been enacted into positive law. This does not mean the
underlying code is not backed by law. The codes can be used as "prima facia
evidence" that a law exists, but are not laws themselves. There is a difference.
Taken at face value, however, the code is saying the day after Title 26 is enacted
into positive law will be the day the provisions take effect ... not one day

I write this solely for those of you who wish to research this angle of the law. It
is true (and truth is truth) but I would not rely on this information in a court of
law. It has a "silver bullet" taste and that always makes me defensive! Your case
should be grounded in law. The Truth Behind IRS Levy and Seizure grounds you!

In Conclusion

This page has not been intended to teach everything about IRS liens, levies and
seizures. My hope is you now understand that your property (unless you are breaking
the alcohol, tobacco and firearms laws) is not subject to seizure.

If you've lost property in the past, are losing property now, or are about to lose
property, you can legally stop the IRS. Most attorneys, accountants and IRS agents
will say it is impossible to stop a levy, but they are wrong. Here are some
interesting things the courts have said about people and their attorneys:

"We must note here, as matter of judicial knowledge, that most lawyers have only
scant knowledge of the tax laws." Bursten v. US, 395 f 2d 976, 981 (5th. Cir.,

"Because of what appears to be a lawful command on the surface, many citizens,

because of their respect for what only appears to be law, are cunningly coerced
into waiving their rights due to ignorance." U.S. vs. Minker, 350 U.S. 179 at 187
The Truth Behind IRS Levy and Seizure will help educate your attorney. After
reading it he will be prepared to "fight the good fight." Use it as an educational
tool. It delves deeply into the code, tears it to pieces, shines the light of truth
on it, and exposes IRS fraud and abuse. It gives details of how people have stopped
the IRS from illegally taking property and shows you how to do the same.

You have Constitutional Rights. If you don't use them, you will lose them. This
book shows you how to find the liberty you've lost!


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About the author:

Thomas Adams was born and raised in upstate New York and is now domiciled in rural
North Carolina with his wife, two daughters and two sons. After leaving the
military, where he flung himself from airplanes as a paratrooper, Mr. Adams became
involved in what he calls the Truth Movement. His devotion is directed toward his
God, family, country, and the search for truth. He seeks the truth to fulfill his
unyielding devotion to his military oath, to defend the Constitution against all
enemies, foreign and domestic. He is fond of saying "all time in service ends, but
oaths never do." His hope is one day all Americans shall know the freedom and
liberty for which the founders of this nation blazed a path. His work attempts to
insure that realization.

Save Our Republic

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