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Newberry High School 2018-2019

Geometry, Pre-Calculus, AP Calculus

Mrs. Emma Gagnon
Phone: (906) 293-3243 ext. 1434

Students are expected to bring the following supplies to class every day:
• Pencil
• Textbook
• Paper
• Three-ring binder or folder for notes
• Scientific calculator (your phone/iPod/tablet doesn’t count).
o Mrs. Gagnon does have some you can borrow.
o Feel free to talk to Mrs. Gagnon about her recommendations
before you buy one!

The State of Michigan uses the Common Core State Standards for mathematics. If you would like to see what
topics will be covered in any class (not just math), go to:

Daily Work Nearly all assignments are started together in class. Students will only have homework if they
do not finish their work in class. Daily work assignments will be collected at the beginning of the
next class period.

NWNC We learn by practicing and making mistakes. Math is a process! Mrs. Gagnon would like to see
your work to see what you’re good at and what we still need to practice. For this to happen, she
needs to see your work. Turn in the paper you use to do your work along with your answers, or
do it all together. No Work = No Credit. If you turn an assignment with no work, just answers,
you will not receive credit.

Notes/ It is to your benefit to take notes using guided note sheets Mrs. Gagnon gives you
Participation when you do work individually. These should be organized in a folder or binder so you can
reference them as needed. If you’re absent, make sure you copy the notes from an exit buddy.

Missing/ Assignments will be accepted late for 50% maximum credit until the day of the quiz or test. All
Late Work assignments are expected to have been completed before the test in order to ensure proper

Make-up It is the student’s responsibility to turn in any work collected while absent, and complete any
Work work assigned while they were absent. All materials will be in the make-up work basket with
the student’s name on it. When turning in work from when you were gone, be sure to attach
an absent slip so Mrs. Gagnon does not mark it late.
Quizzes/ Quizzes and/or tests will be given periodically to show mastery of content. Most grade points
Tests will come from these assessments, so make sure you are prepared on quiz/test days!

Retakes Students may retake an assessment once to receive a better score. They must complete a
“Test/Quiz Corrections Sheet,” attach it to the quiz/test they would like to retake, and hand it in
to Mrs. Gagnon to indicate they would like to complete a retake. Deadline for scheduling a
retake is one week after receiving the original score.

Projects There will be several math-related projects for you to complete throughout the year. As project
due dates are set well in advance, I expect that the project is to be handed in the day it is due,
no matter what. Points allotted for projects will be determined by the nature of each individual
project, and can be found on the project rubric.

Extra Credit There will be several opportunities for extra credit throughout the year. Volunteering for Taboo
Tuesday, doing problems on the board, winning games in class, and donating classroom
supplies are some examples of extra credit opportunities. There will also be extra credit
assignments and bonus questions on assessments. Extra credit is tallied throughout the
marking period and put in PowerSchool before report cards are released.

Text/Email It is highly recommended that parents and students sign up for the Remind
Reminders Message System. It is a great tool that allows me to send safe messages with
updates and reminders about homework, tests, due dates, etc. You can sign
up to receive text messages, e-mails, and/or push notifications through the
Remind app.

How to sign up for push How to sign up for text How to sign up for e-mail
notifications message reminders alerts
Go to from Text the message
Go to on a
Geometry your browser and follow @nhsgeom to the number
desktop computer.
directions on the screen. 81010.
Go to from Text the message
Go to on a
Physics your browser and follow @nhsphys to the number
desktop computer.
directions on the screen. 81010.
Go to from Text the message
Go to on a
Pre-Calculus your browser and follow @nhsprecal to the number
desktop computer.
directions on the screen. 81010.
Go to from Text the message
Go to on a
AP Calculus your browser and follow @nhsapcal to the number
desktop computer.
directions on the screen. 81010.


Cell Phones In general, cell phone use will not be allowed in class unless we are using them for academic
purposes. Leave phones out of sight, or put them in the docking station to charge in the

Computers The classroom set of Chromebooks is for academic use only. Students are to use their
assigned computer during appropriate times, making sure to shut it down and plug it in properly
when they are done. Students are responsible for any damages they inflict on the Chromebook.
As a precaution, food and drink are not allowed when using the computers.

Hall Passes Only one student will be allowed out of class at a time. Write your name on the whiteboard and
take the hall pass with you.
Emma Gagnon
(906) 293-3243 ext. 1434

Hello math students and parents,

I am so pleased to be able to teach your child this year. I can’t tell you how excited I am to get to know the
students and discover all they are capable of.

Parents/guardians, please sign below after you have had a chance to read through the syllabus. Please let me
know if you have any questions, or if you have any information you would like to share with me about your

I am glad to have your student in my class and I will be happy to help whenever I can, so please take
advantage of it. Feel free to contact me whenever you have questions or concerns. I generally prefer email,
but I have also listed the school phone number and my website. Let’s do our best to make this an awesome


Emma Gagnon

I have read the attached syllabus and understand Mrs. Gagnon’s rules, expectations and procedures.

Student Name (print): _________________________________________ Class:______________________

Student signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Parent/guardian signature: _______________________________________ Date: ______________________

Notes/information for Mrs. G: ________________________________________________________________


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