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Epuni Primary School

Monday 10th September Sharing our news with the School Community
Namaste, Hola, Kia Orana, Bonjour, Talofa Lava,
Konnichi wa and Kia Ora,

A huge thank you to everyone who helped with the

demolition of the playground on Saturday. It was a big
job, however many hands working together can accomplish alot. A huge
thanks to BobMcWirter and his team of helpers from Dimac Contracting.

I have loved seeing how resourceful our tamariki have been during lunch
Phone - (04) 939 7702
breaks without having the larger playground to play on. There has been
Facebook - lots of interactive and imaginative play using other structures in and
Visit Epuni Primary School around the school, Kōwhai class issue sports equipment at both lunch breaks for children to play with, many tamariki play in the sandpit and it
EpuniPrimarySchool has been good to get the bikes out again. We have also had some sports
equipment donated by Mark Curr, Sports and Recreation Programmes
Looking Ahead… Manager at Hutt Ciy Council, which is being used for lunch breaks and
Tuesday mornings
SportsStart teaching sessions.
9am-11am Gardening (if fine). Thanks to the whānau who were able to attend the meeting around
Each class has 1/2 hour in the planning for our playground going forward. There were many great ideas
Unity Garden. Everyone is and thoughts on what this should and could look like. We have also
welcome to join us. collected student voice on what they would like their playground to have. I
love some of their thoughts; Super hero area, Chocolate fountain, swings,
slides and a flying fox. If you have any thoughts or ideas for our
Thursday 13th September playground space we would love to hear them.
Whānau Meeting.
8.30am in the staffroom. Last week we had two staff from KickStart visit our Breakfast club. It was
lovely to receive their feedback on how the club is run and how wonderful
our tamariki are. “Many thanks for having us yesterday morning to be part
Friday 14th September of your KickStart breakfast club. It is a brillantly run operation in the
9.10am Whānau Time— morning and we were blown away by the number of kids who came in with
Celebration of Learning hosted such wonderful manners.”
by Room 6. Kai pai Epuni tamariki.

Nga Mihi Nui

Friday 21st September
Janet Evans
9.10am Whānau Time—Sharing
Time. Led by Student Leaders.

Saturday 22nd September

Garage Sale 9am-1pm in the
school hall. Please bring garage Recycling by Kiera—Rm 6
sale items to the school office I will recycle the dirty rubbish.
and we can redirect you to the
drop off point.

Tuesday 25th September

5.30pm Board of Trustee’s
Rm6 – Whaea Karen
Kahikatea Rm5 – Mrs Hall
Kahikatea loves reading! Rimu
In Rimu we have been learning
about filling Papatūānuku’s
Bucket – being kind to our
Earth. Here we are decorating
our buckets and creating a
trash monster from rubbish we

Rm1 – Whaea Ancey

Kowhai have been busy creating their calendar
art work that can be viewed soon in the
classrooms and will go on sale shortly at the
office before the end of this term.
What fabulous work they have created.

Rm3 – Ms Dunseath & Mrs Stewart Well, one minute the sun is shining and the
Tawhairauiki strawberries are in bloom, the next minute
Tawhairauriki started their calendar art this we are knee deep in mud again! The māre
week, it’s going to look great when it’s kai is still looking well though, and has given
finished! us carrots, kale, silverbeet, parsley, broccoli
and herbs. These things were made into
yummy food, along with crops we had stored
over winter in the freezer, so children had a
bit of a tasting session where they tried
some food made by the new kitchen manager
at The Remakery, so she can start to get an
idea of what they like to eat.

Much fun was had by all the classes last week, along with the
kindy who came to join us, much to everyone's delight. Our
garden grows more than food, it grows friendships and
curiosity, and care for our whenua. From now on, we will be
sowing seeds and waiting for them to SPRING into action!
1st Oct-12th October 2018
Ph: 021 058 7675/021449598
School Holiday Programme Email:
Online Enrolment:
Fees: $40 (up to 10hrs) / $35.00 (up to 6hrs) Location:
Extra for trips and events in the centre Hutt Central School
Oscar & MSD Approved Railway Avenue Lower Hutt
Week One Week Two
Monday 1st October Monday 8th October
Tye Dying Rainmakers
Walk to Hutt River Fruit bowls
Tuesday 2nd October Tuesday 9th October
Rolling Skating – Picnic Maidstone Park $15 Eco-friendly reusable beeswax food wraps
Gratitude Card Making
Wednesday 3rd October Wednesday 10th October
Goldi-snow-errella-hood Touring Show $5 Friendship Bracelets
Rainbow Calming Jars Wheels Day Challenge Course
Thursday 4th October Thursday 11th October
Wildflower Seed Bombs to grow in your garden Ten Pin Bowling $10
Lamington making Bath paints to use in your bath
Friday 5th October
Friday 12th October
Neon Gratitude Stone decorating
Bring a healthy plate of food to share for lunch
Gratitude Scavenger Hunt
Movie/Popcorn day in the Centre

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