The Magic School Bus Plays Ball 1

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9/10/18 TASKS


1. Working ​SILENTLY​ AND I​ NDEPENDENTLY(​ Voice level 0 ​ON
3. Title a brand new page in your notebook:​ Motion Notes
4. Write today’s date on the top right ​9/10/18
5. **Set a timer on Google for each section to stay on track**

Part 1:​ Check It! 10 Min

Science Progress Report Reflection 

● Check your grades ​Pinnacle Gradebook
● Answer the following questions in ​complete sentences.

1. What is your current grade in ​Science class​?

2. Are you ​passing Science class​? Are you satisfied with your score? Why or Why

3. Look at your ​HW Pop Quiz #2 Newton’s Second Law of Motion​. What score
did you get? Are you satisfied with your score? Why or Why not?
If you did not finish or take the quiz, it’s a 0 for now. Come to tutoring during
lunch on Monday and Tuesday to make it up.

4. Explain ​one thing that is going well​ for you so far.

5. Explain ​one thing that needs to improve​ so far.

6. Pick one word to describe your current mood:

Part 2:​ Watch It! 30-35 min

The Magic School Bus Plays Ball

Directions Part 1: ​Answer the questions as you view the video ​The Magic School Bus​. The questions do go in
order within the video. Use a different color!

1. Why did Dorothy Ann (DA) interrupt the game?

2. What was the book about?

3. What stops the red sled?

4. What is on pg. 97?

5. What happens to Ralphie when he jumps on the field?

6. On the frictionless field an object in motion (a) slowly stops or (b) stays in motion?

7. What force gets Dorothy Ann moving?

8. How did everyone get into position for the baseball game? Why was this necessary?

9. What happened when Wanda pitched? (2 things)

10. Why was the game called?

11. What 2 forces can get you moving?

12. Why did the bus get stuck?

13. How did they dislodge the bus?

14. If you were a magic school bus character, who would you be?

15. Where can you find non-friction on earth? List 4 places.

16. Is there really something with no friction on earth? Explain.

17. Name four examples of activities you can do on Earth to reduce friction.

18. Name 3 things that need friction to work in our world (not in video).
Part 3:​ Read It! 15 min

Directions Part 3: ​Read the information about friction below and answer the questions below.

Friction Basics
Friction is a ​force​ that holds back the
movement of a sliding object. That's it. Friction is
just that simple.

You will find friction everywhere that objects

come into contact with each other. The force
acts in the ​opposite ​direction to the way an
object wants to slide. If a car needs to stop at a
stop sign, it slows because of the friction between the brakes and the
wheels. If you run down the sidewalk and stop quickly, you can stop
because of the friction between your shoes and the cement.

What happens if you run down the sidewalk and you try to stop on a
puddle? Friction is still there, but the liquid makes the surfaces smoother
and the friction a lot less. Less friction means it is harder to stop. The low
friction thing happens to cars when it rains. That's why there are often so
many accidents. Even though the friction of the brakes is still there, the
brakes may be wet, and the wheels are not in as much contact with the
ground. Cars ​hydroplane​ when they go too fast on puddles of water.

Reading Questions:

1. What is friction?

2. How do liquids affect friction?

3. In terms of friction, why is it that there are many car accidents on
rainy days?

Part 4:​ Finished Early 10-15 min.


1. Read and write the following statements below. (A-K)

2. Answer True ‘T’ or False ‘F’ next to the statements to indicate
whether they are True or False.
3. Lastly you will identify and explain in a summary why you indicated
either true or false next to the statements.

Forces and Motion Ideas Probe

Mrs. Paredes class made a KWL chart before beginning their unit on forces and
motion. The ideas below are some of the things the students came up with for the K
section, what they know. ​Write out the sentence below and put a T next to the
ideas you think are true as well.

_______ A. If there is motion then a force is acting.

_______B. If there is no motion then there is no force acting.

_______C. There can’t be a force without motion.

_______D. Objects can continue moving in a straight line without

applying force.

_______E. If an object is moving there has to be a force in the direction

the object is moving.
_______F. When the force is used up, the moving objects stop.

_______G. Objects at rest have forces acting on them.

_______H. An object moves faster with more force.

_______I. Constant speed causes constant force.

_______ J. To change an object’s direction, a force is necessary.

_______ K. Forces are the reason things move, loss of energy makes
them stop.

Explain the choices you made and summarize your thinking about forces
and motion.


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