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Sustainable Healthcare Infrastructure /

‘Green Hospitals’
‘Green Hospitals’ have the potential to impact the sustainability and energy efficiency of hospital
infrastructures. In current resource-scarce situations, particularly in under-developed or
developing countries, ‘Green Hospital’ aspects need to be taken into consideration at the initial
planning stages. This includes determining site location, re-use of existing structures, efficient
building footprint and standardization of room sizes in line with their functionality to allow
flexible use.

EPOS advocates the concept of ‘green’ hospital design wherever possible in the projects it
implements. When planning and designing hospitals and health facilities, we adopt
environmentally sustainable approaches, like the application of renewable energy technologies
for lighting as well as cooling or heating, pump water and cold chains, use of natural ventilation,
rainwater harvesting and other related technologies.

The importance of promoting green hospitals lies in ensuring that existing hospital and health
facility infrastructure operates in a more efficient and sustainable way especially in resource
constrained situations. We provide technical expertise to support ministries, public health
authorities and hospitals make the most of their existing infrastructure with only small

'Green Hospitals' Concept Manual for Improving Infrastructure

Section 1: Best Practice – Basic Planning Principles

Section 2: Best Practice – Building and Building Services Maintenance
Section 3: Best Practice – Water Supply and Wastewater for Health Facilities
Section 4: Best Practice – Healthcare Waste Services
Section 5: Best Practice – Environmental Cleaning Services

Project References
 Tajikistan – Greening Hospitals – Integrated Infrastructure Competence Project (GIZ)

 Pakistan – Health Infrastructure Azad, Jammu and Kashmir (KfW)

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