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Multiple Choice Question (carrying 1 mark)

1 For some integer m, every even integer is of the form

(a) m (b) m+1 (c) 2m (d) 2m+1
2 The product of a non zero rational and irrational number is
(a) always irrational (b) always rational (c) Rational or irrational (d) one
3 For some integer q , every odd integer is of the form
(a) q (b) q+1 (c) 2q (d) 2q+1
4 Euclid’s division lemma states that for any positive integer a and b , there exist
unique integers q and r such that a=bq+r ,where r must sa
(a) 1<r<b (b) 0<r≤b (c) 0≤r<b (d) 0<r<b
5 The HCF of 52 and 130 is
(a) 52 (b) 130 (c) 26 (d) 13
6 A proven statement used for proving another statement is called a/an
(a) Lemma (b)Euclid’s division lemma (c)HCF (d)LCM
7 If a number cannot be written in the form p/q, where p and q are integers and q≠0,it is called
(a)irrational (b)rational (c)natural (d)prime
8 √2 is
(a)a rational number (b)an irrational number (c)a natural number (d)an integer
9 Π is
(a)a whole number (b)an integer (c)a rational number (c)an irrational number
10 √p is an irrational number ,if p is
(a)9 (b)16 (c)25 (d)3
11 If a and b are two positive integer ,then HCF(a,b)xLCM(a,b)=
(a)axb (b)a+b (c)a-b (d)a/b
12 If the HCF of two number is 1,the two numbers are called
(a)composite (b)relatively prime or co-prime (c)perfect (d)irrational number
13 n2-1 is divisible by 8 ,if n is
(a)an integer (b)a natural number (c)an odd integer (d)an even integer
14 The product of a non-zero rational and irrational number is
(a)always irrational (b)always rational (c)rational or irrational (d)one
15 The least number that is divisible by all the numbers from 1to 10(both inclusive) is
(a)10 (b)100 (c)504 (d)2520
Short Answer Type Question (carrying 2marks)

1 Use Euclid’s division algorithm to find the HCF of 867 and 255
2 Express 3825 as the product of its prime factors
3 Show that any positive odd integer is of the form 4q+1 or 4q+3 where q is some whole number
4 Explain why the number 7x11x13+13 is composite
5 Prove that √2 is irrational
6 Without using long division ,show that the rational number 21/1120 has a terminating decimal expansion
7 Find the HCF of 306 and 657 .Find the LCM of 306 and 657 by using their HCF
8 Prove that 3+2√5 is irrational
9 Prove that √2+√5 is irrational
10 Prove that 11/30 is non-terminating repeating decimal
11 Examine if 31/2253 is terminating decimals
12 Prove that n2+n is divisible by 2 for every positive integer n
13 Show that one and only one out of n,n+2 or n+4 is divisible by 3,where n is any positive integer
14 Use by using Euclid’s division Algorithm to show that the cube of any positive integer is either of the form
9q or 9q+1 or 9q+8 .
15 Find the prime factorization of 140


Multiple Choice Question (carrying 1 mark )

1 A quadratic polynomial ,whose zeroes are -3 and 4

(a) x2-x+12 (b) x2+x+12 (c) x2/2-x/2-6 (d) 2x2+2x-24
2 the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x2+99x+127 are
(a) both positive (b)both negative (c ) one positive and one negative (d) both equal
3 If f(x) =ax2+bx+c has no real zeroes and a+b+c<0,then
(a) c=0 (b) c>0 (c) c<0 (d) none of these
4 If 5 is a zero of the quadratic polynomial x2-kx-15,then the value of k is
(a)2 (b) -2 (c) 4 (d) -4
5 If the graph of a polynomial intersects the x- axis at exactly two points ,then it
(a)cannot be a linear or a cubic polynomial (b) can be a quadratic polynomial only
(c) can be a cubic or a quadratic polynomial (d) can be a linear or a quadratic polynomial
6 For what value of k is the polynomial f(x)=2x3-kx2+5x+9 exactly divisible by x=2?
(a)-15/4 (b)-13/4 (c)-17/4 (d)-19/4
7 If the zeroes of the polynomial x3-3x2+1 are a-d, a a+d, then a+d is
(a)an integer (b)a positive integer (c)a rational number (c)an irrational number
8 If α andβ are zeroes of f(x)=x2+x+1,then 1/α+1/β=
(a) 1 (b)-1 (c)0 (d)2
9 If one zero f(x)=(b2+4)+13x+4b is reciprocal of the other, then b=
(a) 2 (b)-2 (c)1 (d)-1
10 If α,β are zeroes of 2-3x-x2,then α+β =
(a)2 (b)3 (c)1 (d)-3
11 The quadratic polynomial having zeroes 3 and -2 is
(a)x2-x-6 (b)x2+x-6 (c)x2+x+6 (d)x2-x+6
12 If one zeroes of the quadratic polynomial (k-1)x2+kx+1 is -3 then k=
(a) 4/3 (b)-4/3 (c)2/3 (d)-2/3
13 Given that one of the zeroes of the cubic polynomial ax3+bx2+cx+d is zero,then the product of the
Other two zeroes is
(a)-c/a (b)c/a (c)0 (d)-b/a
14 if one of the zeroes of the cubic polynomial x3+ax2+bx+c is -1,then the product of the other two
Zeroes is
(a)b-a+1 (b)b-a-1 (c)a-b+1 (d)a-b-1
15 The zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 2x2-8x+6 is
(a)1,3 (b)1,-3 (c)2,3 (d)4,3

ong Answer Type Question (carrying 3 Marks)

1. Show that the polynomial 9x2+6x+4 has no real zeroes
2. Find all quadratic polynomials whose sum and product of zeroes are 7/6 and -1/2 respectively
3. If the zeroes of the polynomial x3-3x2+x+1 are a-b ,a and a+b find the values of a and b
4 Find the zeroes of the polynomial 3x2+5x-2 and verify the relationship between the zeroes
their coefficients
4. Divide the polynomial 3y3+10xy2-17x2y+6x3by 2x-3y
5. Verify that 1,_1/2,.-2 are zeroes of the polynomial 2x3+x2 -5x+26
6. Find a quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are -1/2 and 2/3
7. Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomials 3x2+5x-2
8. Find a quadratic polynomial with zeroes 5+√2 and 5-√2
9. Find a quadratic polynomial ,the sum and the product of whose zeroes are -3 and 2
10. Find the zeroes of x2-3
Long Answer Type Question (carrying 4 Marks)

1 Find all the zeroes of the polynomial 2x3 -4x-x2+2 ,if two of its zeroes are √2 and -√22
2 If the remainder on division of x3+2x2+kx+3 by x-3 is 21,Find the quotient and the value of k.Hence ,find
the zeroes of the cubic polynomial x3+2x2+kx-18
3 For which values of a and b,are the zeroes of the polynomial p(x) =x5-x4-4x3+3x2+3x+b?
4 Apply the division algorithm to find the quotient and remainder on dividing p(x) by g(x) as
Given below p(x)=x3-3x2+5x-3, g(x)=x2-2
5 find all the zeroes of x3-3x2-x+3,if one of its zeroes is 1


Multiple Choice Question (carrying 1 mark )

1 The pair of equations 6x-7y=1 and 3x-4y=5 has

(a) unique solution (b) two solutions (c) infinitely many solutions (d) no solution
2 The value of k for which the system of equation s kx-y=2, 6x-2y=3 has a unique
Solution is
(a)=0 (b)=3 (c)≠0 (d)≠33
3 The value of k for which the system of equations x+3y-4=0 and 2x+ky=7 is
Inconsistent is
(a) 21/4 (b) 1/6 (c) 6 (d) 4/21
4 The number of solutions of the pair of equations 2x+5y=10 and 6x+15y-30=0
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) infinite
5 Graphically , the pair of equations 6x-3y+10=0and 2x-y+9=0 represents two lines which are
(a)intersecting at exactly one point (b) Intersecting at exactly two points
( c) coincident (d) parallel

6 In a ∆ABC,∠C=3∠B=2(∠A+∠B).Then∠A+∠B=
(a) 600 (b)400 (c)500 (d)700
7 kx+2y=5, 3x+y=1 has unique solution if
(a)k=6 (b)k=≠6 (c)no value of k is possible (d)k has any value

8 Solution of 2x+3y=8,4x+6y=14 is
(a)x=4,y=0 (b)x=1,y=2 (c)x=4,y=0 (d)no solution
9 The sum of numerator and denominator of a fraction is 17 .If the denominator is decreased by 2
The fraction becomes ½.Then the fraction is
(a)5/12 (b)3/11 (c)5/17 (d)4/13
10 The pair of equation x=a and y=b graphically represents lines which are
(a)parallel (b)intersecting at (a,b) (c)coincident (d)intersecting at (b,a)
11 The value of c for which the pair of equations cx-y=2 and 6x-2y=3 will have infinitely many solution is
(a)3 (b)-3 (c)-12 (d)no value
12 If x=a ,y=b is the solution of the equation x-y=2 and x+y=4,then the values of a and b are,
(a)3 and 5 (b)5and 3 (c)3 and1 (d)-1 and -3
13 The pair of equation y=0 and y=-7 has
(a)one solution (b)two solution (c)no solution (d)infinitely many solution
14 Which ordered pair satisfies the following system of equation/10x+7y=99 and y-x=2
(a)(7,5) (b)(5,7) (c)(13,11) (d)(-2,17)
15 The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 9.If 27 is added to it ,the digits of the number get reversed.
The number is
(a)36 (b)72 (c)63 (d)25

Short Answer Type Question (carrying 3Marks)

1 The line represented by x=3 is parallel to the y-axis. Justify whether the statement is true or
2 Do the equations 4x+3y-1=5 and 12x+9y=15 represent a pair of coincident lines ?Justify
your answer .
3 The sum of two numbers is 8 .Determine the numbers if the sum of their reciprocals is 8/15
4 Draw the graph of the pair of linear equations x-2y+2=0 and 4x-y-4=0. Calculate the area
of the triangle formed by the lines so drawn and the X -axis
5 find the values of k for which the following system of equation has no solution
kx-5y=2 , 6x+2y=7
6 find the value of k for which the system kx+2y=5 ,3x+y=1
Has (1)a unique solution (ii)no solution
7 Solve 8x-3y=5xy, 6x-5y=-2xy,x≠0,y≠0
8 Graphically solved the following pair of linear equation

9 Determine graphically ,the vertices of the triangle formed by the lines y=x,3y=x, x+y =8
10 Solve 1/2x+2/3y=1/6 , 3/x+2/y=0 and hence find a for which

Long Answer Type Question (carrying 4 Marks)

1 For which values of p and q , will the following pair of linear equations have
Infinitely many solutions?
(2P+7Q)X + (P+8Q)Y=2Q-P+1
2 A two digit number is obtained by either multiplying the sum of the digits
by 8 and then subtracting 5 or by multiplying, the difference of the digits by 16 and then
Adding 3. Find the number
3 Solve the following pair of linear equations
21x +47y=110
4 For which values of k will the pair of equations
5 Do the following equations represent a pair of coincident lines? Justify your

Multiple Choice Question (carrying 1 mark )

1 In ▲ABC ,D and E are points on sides AB and AC respectively such that

DE║ BC and AD:DB=2:3 if EA=6cm,then AC is equal to
(a) 9cm (b) 15 cm (c) 4 cm (d) 10 cm
2 The area of two similar triangles are respectively 25 cm2 and 81cm2 .The
Ratio of corresponding sides is
(a) 5:9 (b) 5:4 (c) 9:5 (d) 10:9
3 The length of diagonals of a rhombus are 18 cm and 24 cm .then the length of the
Side of the rhombus is
(a) 26cm (b) 30 cm (c) 15 cm (d) 28 cm
4 If ABC is an equilateral triangle such that AD┴ BC ,thenAD2 is equal to
(a) 3/2 DC2 (b) 2DC2 (c) 3CD2 (d) 4D C2
5 AD is the bisector of angle BAC in ▲ABC .If AB=10cm ,AC=6cm and
BC=12cm ,Then BD is equal to
(a) 5cm (b) 6.5 cm (c) 7.5 cm (d) 5.6 cm
6 ABCD is a trapezium such that BC║AD and AB=4cm .If the diagonals AC and BD
intersect at O such that AO/OC=DO/OB=1/2 ,then DC is equal to
(a)7cm (b) 8 cm (c) 9 cm (d) 6 cm
7 In an isosceles triangle ABC, if AC=BC and AB2=2AC2,then ∠C=
(a)450 (b)600 (c)900 (d)300
8 Length of an altitude of an equilateral triangle of side ‘2a’is
(a) 3a (b)√3a (c)√3a/2 (d)2√3a
9 In a triangle ABC ,if AB=12cm ,BC=16 cm ,CA=20 cm ,then ∆ABC is
(a) Acute angled (b)right angled (c)isosceles triangle (d)equilateral triangle
10 In an isosceles ∆ABC ,AB=AC=25 cm and BC=14 cm .then the altitude from A on BC
(a)20cm (b) 24cm (c)12cm (d)non of these
11 In a ∆ABC D and E are points on the sides AB and AC respectively such that DE is parallel
To BC.If AD=4,AE=8,DB=x-4 and EC=3x-19 then x is
(a)11 (b)10 (c)9 (d)12
12 ABCD is a trapezium with AB parallel to DC E and F are points on non parallel respectively such that EF
rallel to AB. If AE/ED=3/4 and FC=6 then BF is
(a)9/2 (b)3/2 (c)5/2 (d)7/2
13 A ladder 25 m long reaches a window of a building 20m above the ground .The distance of the
foot of the ladder from the building is
(a) 15m (b)12m (c)18m (d)13m
14 In an equilateral ∆ with side a altitude is
(a) a√3/2 (b)a/2 (c)a/3 (d)a/5
15. The length of the diagonals of a rhombus are 24 cm and 10 cm then each sides of the rhombus
(a) 13cm (b)14cm (c)15cm (d)12 cm

Long Answer Type Question(Carrying 3 marks)

1 In ∆ABC,AB=24 cm BC=10 cm and AC=26 cm .Is this triangle a right angled triangle?Give reason
for your answer.
2 D is a point on side QR of a triangle PQR such that PD ┴ QR.Will it be correct to say that
∆PQD is similar to ∆RPD why?
3 ABC is an isosceles triangle with AC=BC .If AB2=2AC2,then is it true to say that triangle
ABC is a right angled triangle? Justify your answer.
4 Triangle ABC is similar to triangle DEF such that A B=9.1 cm and DE is 6.5 cm
If the perimeter of ∆DEF is 25 cm ,then perimeter of triangle ABC is 35 cm..Is the above
statement true? Justify your answer.
5 In an isosceles ∆ABC with AB=AC ,BD is perpendicular from B to the side AC.prove that

6 ABC is a triangle in which AB=AC and D is any point on BC.Prove that AB2-AD2=BD.CD
7 Two poles of height 9m and 14m stand on a plane ground .If the distance between their feet is 12m,find the
distance between their tips
8 In a quadrilateral ABCD ,
∠A+∠D=900.Prove that AC2+BD2=AD2+BC2
9 A man goes 12 m due east and then 9m due north How far is he from the starting point?
10 Find the altitude of an equilateral triangle of side 2a

Long Answer Type Question (carrying 4 Marks)

1 Prove that the ratio of areas of two similar triangles is equal to the ratio of squares of their corresponding
2 Two isosceles triangles have equal angles and their areas are in the ratio 25:36.The ratio of the
corresponding height s is 5:6 is the above statement true? Why?
3 A 15 meters high tower casts a shadow 24 meters long at a certain time
And at the same time ,a telephone pole casts a shadow 16 meters long .Find the height of the telephone
4 Is the triangle with sides 25 cm, 5 cm, and 24 cm, a right triangle?
Give reason for your answer?

5 ABC is a right triangle ,right angled at B.Let D and E be any points on AB and BC respectively prove that


Multiple Choice Question (carrying 1 mark )

1. If tanA=3/2 ,then the value of cosA is

(a)3/√13 (b) 2/√√13 (c) 2/3 (d) √13/2
2. sin2A=2sinA is true when A is
(a) 00 (b) 30 0 (c) 450 (d) 600
2 2
3 9sec A-9tan A is equal to
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) -1
4 ( 1+tanθ +secθ)( 1+cotθ-cosecθ) is equal to
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) -1
5 Given that sinA=1/2 and cosB=1/2,then the value of (A+B) is
(a) 00 (b) 300 (c) 600 (d) 900

6 If 3cotθ=5,then 5sinθ-3cosθ =

(a)5/3 (b)3/5 (c)0 (d)1

2 2
7 (sec θ-1)(1-cosec θ)=
(a)-1 (b)1 (c)0 (d)1/2
2 2
8 cot θ-1/sin θ=
(a)tan2θ (b)-cot2θ (c)both (a) and (b) (d)-1
9 If sinA=1/2,then value of cot A is
(a)√3 (b)3/4 (c)√3/2 (d)1
10 if cosA=4/5 ,then the value of tanA is
(a)3/5 (b)3/4 (c)4/3 (d)5/3
11 Given that sinθ=a/b, then cosθ is equal to
(a)b/√b2-a2 (b)b/a (c)√b2-a2/b (d) none of these
0 0
12 tan65 /cot25 =
(a)1 (b)-1 (c)0 (d)2

13 tan100tan200tan300tan400tan500tan600tan700tan800=
(a)0 (b)1 (c)3 (d)1/√3
14 Given that sinα=1/√2 and cosβ=1/√2,then the value of (α+β) is
(a)900 (b)600 (c)300 (d)450
15 If cosA+cos2A=1 ,then sin2A+sin4A=
(a)-1 (b)0 (c)1 (d) none of these
Long Answer Type Question (carrying 3 Marks)

1 If tanθ = 1/3 ,find other five trigonometric ratio

Evaluate 2Sin2300-3Cos2450+tan2300
2 In triangle ABC ,right angled at B , AB=3cm and angle BAC=600 .Determine the lengths of
the sides BC andAC
3 If tan(A+B)=√ 3 and tan(A-B) =0 , 00< A+B≤ 900,find sin(A+B) and cos(A-B)
4 Prove the following
tanθ+tan( 900-θ)=secθsec(900-θ)
5 If A,B and C are the interior angles of a triangle ABC, then show that
Sin ( B+C)/2=cosA/2
6 Prove that (cosecA-sinA)(secA-cosA)=1/tanA+cotA
7 Prove that tanA/(1-cotA) +cotA/(1-tana)=1+secacosecA=1+tanA+cotA
8 Prove that 1+cosA-sin2A/ sinA(1+cosA=cotA
9 If A=300 and B-600 verify that sin(A+B)=sinAcosB+cosAsinB
10 Prove that (cosec θ-sinθ)(secθ-cosθ)(tanθ+cotθ)=1
Long Answer Type Question (carrying 4 Marks)

1 If cosec θ+cotθ=p, then prove that cosθ=p2-1

2 If sinθ +cosθ=p and secθ +cosec θ=q sthen prove that q(p2-1)=2p
3 If a sinθ+bcosθ=kitchen prove that a cosθ-b sinθ =√ a2+b2-c2
4 Prove that √ sec2θ+cosec2θ=tan θ+cotθ
5 Prove that √(1+sinA ) = sec A +tanA
√( 1-sinA )


Multiple Choice Question (carrying 1 mark )

1 Construction of a cumulative frequency table is useful in determining the

(a) mean (b) median (c) mode (d) all the above three measures
2 The median of frequency distribution is found graphically from
(a) bar graph (b) histogram (c) frequency curve (d)ogive
3 Which of the following is not a measure of central tendency?
(a) standard deviation (b) mean (c) median (d) mode
4 Which of the following is based on all the observations of the data
(a) class interval (b) mean (c) median (d) mode

Long Answer Type Question (carrying 3 Marks)

1 Find the median of the following distribution

CLASS 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70

FREQUENCY 4 4 8 10 12 8 4

2 If the mean of the following distribution is 6 , find the value of p

X 2 4 6 10 p+5
F 3 2 3 1 2

3 Find the mean of the following distribution

X 4 6 9 10 15
F 5 10 10 7 8
4 If the mean of the following data is 20.6 find the value of p
X 10 15 p 25 35
F 3 10 25 7 5
5 The annual rainfall record of a city of 66 days is given below
Rainfall(in cm ) 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60
Number of days 22 10 8 15 5 6
Calculate the median rainfall using ogive (of more than type and of less than
6 If the median of the following distribution is 28.5 ,find the missing frequencies
Class Interval 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 TOTAL
Frequency 5 p 20 15 q 5 60

7 The following data gives the information on the observed lifetime (in hours)
of 225 electrical components
Life times (in hours ) 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100 100-120
No of components 10 35 52 61 38 29
Determine the modal lifetimes of the components

8 Calculate the median income from the following data

Income(Rs) 0-500 500-1000 1000-1500 1500-2000 2000-2500
No of families 4 6 10 5 3
10 Find the mean of the following frequency distribution
Class interval 0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24 24-30
Frequency 9 12 15 9 7
11 The A.M. of the following data is 11,Find the value of p
Xi 5 8 11 14 17
Fi 2 4 8 p 2
Long Answer Type Question (carrying 4 Marks)

1 Draw the less than ogive for the following distribution and find the median from the graph
Marks 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
No of students 5 10 10 15 10

Find the mean ,median and mode of the following distribution

Class interval 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70
Frequency 4 4 7 10 12 8 5
2 Draw less than ogive and more than ogive for the following distribution and hence find median
Class interval 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90
Frequency 8 12 24 6 10 15 25

3 The mean of the following frequency distribution is 50,but the frequency p and q
In classes 20-40 and 60-80 ,respectively are not known .Find these frequencies ,if the sum of all
frequencies is 120
Class interval 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100
Frequency 17 p 32 q 19

4 If the median of the distribution

Class interval 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 total
No of students 5 x 20 15 y 5 60
Is 28.5,find the value of x and y

5 Find the median of the following

Marks 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-50
No of students 10 40 80 140 170 130 100

II TERM Mrs. Lily sengupta.


MCQ(Carrying 1 mark)

Choose the correct answer from the given four options in the following questions-
1 If one zero of the quadratic polynomial x2 + 3x +k is 2, when the value of k is
(a) 10 (b) -10 (c) 5 (d) -5
2. A quadratic polynomial, whose zeroes are -3 and 4 is
(a) x2 -x + 12 (b) x2 +x+12 (c) x2 – x- 6 (d) 2x2 + 2x -24
2 2
3. If the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x2 + (a+1)x +b are 2 and -3 ,then
(a) a= -7 ,b= -1 (b) a= 5,b= -1 (c) a= 2 ,b= -6 (d) a= 0 ,b= -6
4. The number of polynomials having zeroes as -2 and 5 is
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) more than 3
5. Given that one of the zeroes of the cubic polynomials ax3+bx2 +cx+d is zero, the product of the
other two zeroes is
(a) –c (b) c (c) 0 (d) - b
a a a
6. Which constant should be added and subtracted to solve the quadratic equation 4x2-√3x-5=0
By the method of completing the square
(a)9/16 (b)3/16 (c)3/4 (d)√3/4
7 If x=-2 is the root of the quadratic equation x2-3x-a=0 then the value of a is
(a)-10 (b)3 (c)10 (d)-3
8 2x-x2 =x2+5 is
(a)A linear equation (b)A cubic equation (c)A constant (d)A quadratic equation
9 The sum of two numbers is 27 and product is 182.The quadratic representation of the above situation is
(a) x+(27-x)=182 (b)x(27-x)=182 (c)x2+(27-x)=182 (d)x+(27-x)2=182
10 The roots of the quadratic equation x2-3x-10=0 are
(a)-2,5 (b)-2,-5 (c)2,5 (d)-5,2
11 The common root of 2x2+x-6=0 and x2-3x-10=0 is
(a)2 (b)5 (c)3/2 (d)-2
12 Discriminant of the quadratic equation 2x2+(k-6)x-3k=0 is given by
(a) (k+6)2 (b)k-6 (c)k+6 (d)(6-k)2
13 The product of two successive integral multiples of 3 is 270.Then the numbers are
(a) 9,30 (b)15,45 (c)15,18 (d) 3,90
14 The sum of the roots of the quadratic equation -2x2+7x+9=0 is
(a)7/2 (b)-7/2 (c)9/2 (d)-9/2
15 The smallest value of k for which the equation x2+kx+9=0 has real roots is:
(a)6 (b)-6 (c)-3 (d)36

Short Answer Type Questions (carrying 2 marks)

1 Find the values of a and b such that x=1 ,x=-2 are solutions of the quadratic equation x2+ax+b=0
2 Solve the following equations by factorization
(a) 6x2-x-2=0
(b) 2x2+x-6=0
(c) X(3x-1)=4
(d) 2x2-x+1/8=0
(e) √2x2+7x+5√2=0
(f) abx2+(b2-ac)x-bc=0
(g) 3x2-2√6x+2=0
3 Solve the following equations by completing the square
(a) 2x2-7x+3=0
(b) 2x2+x+4=0
(c) 4x2+3x+5=0
(d) 3x2-5x+2=0
4 One root of the equation 2x2-8x-m=0 is 5/2 .Find the value of m and
The other root
5 If -4 is a root of the quadratic equation x2+px-4 =0 and the quadratic equation x2+px+k=0 has equal
roots ,find the value of k
6 Find the value of k for which each of the following quadratic equation has equal roots
(a) 2x2+kx+3=0
(b) (k+4)x2+(k+1)x+1=0
(c) (k-4)x2+2(k-4)x+4=0
(d) Kx(x-2)+6=0
7 The sum of a number and its reciprocal is 10/3 ,find the number
8 The sum of the squares of two consecutive odd natural numbers is
290 ,find the numbers
9 Find two consecutive natural numbers such that the sum of their squares is 365
10 Divide 12 into two parts such that their product is 32
11 What will the quotient and remainder be on division of ax2+bx+c by px3+qx2+rx+s, p≠0? Justify your answer.
12 If on division of a non zero polynomial p(x) by a polynomial g(x). The remainder is zero, what is the relation
between the degrees of p(x) and g(x)? justify your answer
13 Is the following statement True or False? Justify your answer
If the zeroes of a quadratic polynomial ax2+bx+c are both negative, then a, b and c all have the same sign
14 Is the following statement True or False? Justify your answer
If the graph of a polynomial intersects the x-axis at only one point, it cannot be a quadratic polynomial
15 Is the following statement True or False? Justify your answer
If two of the zeroes of a cubic polynomial are zero, then it does not have linear and constant term

Long Answer Type Questions (carrying 3 marks)

1 Solve the following equations for x

(a) 9x2-3(a+b)x+ab=0
(b) X2-4ax+4a2-b2=0
(c) X2-2ax+(a2-b2)=0

2 Find the value of k so that the quadratic equation

X2-2(1+3k)x+7(3+2k)=0 has equal roots
3 Determine the value of p for which the quadratic equation
2x2+3x+p=0 has real and equal roots
4 The sum of numerator and denominator of a certain fraction is 11 if one is added to both numerator
and denominator ,the fraction increases by 3/56 .Find the fraction
5 A two digit number contains the bigger digit at tens place The product of the digits is 27 and the
difference between the two digits is 6 .Find the number
6 The sum of the areas of two squares is 468 m2.If the difference Of their perimeters is 24m ,find the
sides of the two squares.
7 Rohans mother is 26 years older than him .The product of their ages (in years) 3 years from now will
be 360 what is Rohans
present age ?
8 The speed of a boat in still water is 11 km/hr It can go 12 Upstream and downstream to the original
point in 2 hrs and 45 minutes .Find the speed of the stream
9 A train travels 360 km at a uniform speed. If the speed had been 5km/hr more, it would have taken 1
hour less for the same journey .Find the speed of the train
10 The age of a man is twice the square of the age of his son.8 years hence, the age of the man will be 4
The age of his son. Find their present ages

Long Answer Type Question (Carrying 4 marks )

1 Find a quadratic polynomial, the sum and product of whose zeroes are √2 and -3/2 respectively. Also find its
2 If the remainder on division of x3+2x2+kx+3 by x-3 is 21,find the quotient and the value of k .Hence ,find the
zeroes of the cubic polynomial x3+2x2+kx-18.
3 Find all the zeroes of 2x4-9x3+5x2+3x-1, if two of its zeroes are (2+√3) and (2-√3).
4 Obtain all the zeroes of the polynomial 2x3-4x-x2+2, if two of its zeroes are √2 and √-2.
5 If the polynomial 6x4+8x3-5x2+ax+b is exactly divisible by the polynomial 2x2-5, then find the values of a and b.

MCQ (Carrying 1 mark)

1 The list of numbers -6,-3,0,3-------

(a) Does not form an A.P. (b) is an A.P. with common difference -9
(c) Is an A.P. with common difference -3 (d) is an A.P. with common difference 3
2 30th term of the A.P. 10,7,4,----i
(a) 87 (b) 77 (c) -77 (d) -87
3 If the first two term of an A.P. are 3 and -2 respectively, then the 20th term is
(a) 98 (b) 22 (c) -16 (d) -92
4 In an A.P., if 3 times its third term is equal to 7 times its 7th term then its 10th term is equal to
(a) 0 (b) 3 (c) 7 (d) 10
5 The first term of A.P. is 5 and its 100th term is -292 .then the 50th term of this A.P. is
(a) -136 (b) -139 (c)-142 (d)-141
6 The A.P. whose third term is 16 and the difference of 5th term from 7th term is 12 is

(a)2,8,14,20------ (b)3,9,15,21------ (c)4,10,16,22------ (d)3,6,9,12-------

7 In an A.P. if a=4, n=7 , d=4 then an is
(a)6 (b)7 (c)20 (d)28
8 What is the common difference of an A.P. in which a18-a14=32
(a)8 (b)-8 (c)4 (d)-4
9 The 21st term of an A.P. whose first two terms are -3 and 4 is
(a) 17 (b)137 (c)143 (d)-1
10 If the 2nd term of an A.P. is 13 and the 5th term is 25,what is the 7th term
(a)30 (b)33 (c)37 (d)38
11 The sum of first five multiple of 4 is
(a) 30 (b) 40 (c) 50 (d)6
12 In an A.P. if a=1,an=20 and Sn=42,then n is
(a)1 (b)2 (c)3 (d)4
13 The list of numbers
-12,-9,-6,-3,0,3,------ is
(a) not an AP (b)An A.P. with d=3 (c)An A.P. with d=-3 (d)An A.P. withd=0
14 In an A.P. if a=3,d=0,n=7,then an will be
(a)4 (b)1 (c)3 (d)2
15 For what value of p are 2p+1,13,5p-3 three consecutive terms of an A.P. is
(a) 2 (b)-2 (c)4 (d)-4

Short Answer Type Question (carrying 2 marks)

1 Which term of the A.P. .

. (a) 3,8,13,18,---------is 78
(b) 5,2,-1,-4,---------is -55
2 Which term of A.P.21,18,15,12,----is-81?Also,isany term0? If so ,find it.
3 Which term of the A.P. 3,15,27,39,------will be 132 more than its 13th term
4 The 8th term of an 31 and the 15th term is 16 more than the 11th term,
Find the A.P
5 If 7 times the 7th term of an A.P. is equal to11 times its 11th term, show that 18th term of this
6 Find the middle term of the A.P. 1, 8, 15,-----,505
7 In an A.P.
(a) given a=7 a13=35 find d and S13
(b) Given a13=15,S10=125,find d and a10
8 The first term of an A.P. is 5 and the last term is 45 and the sum is 400.Find the number of terms and
the common difference. Also find the 7th term from the end
9 Find the sum of all natural numbers less than 100 which are divisible by 6
10 The sum of three numbers in an 27 and their product is 405.Find the numbers
11 If the number n-2,4n-1and 5n+2 are in A.P,find the value of n
12 Find the sum of first 30 natural numbers
13 Determine the A.P. WHOSE 3rd term is 5 and 7thterm is 9
14 Which term of the A.P. 21,18,15------ is zero
15 Is 68 a term of the A.P.7,10,13,16

Long Answer Type Questions (Carrying 3 marks)

1 The fourth term of an A.P. is equal to 3 times the first term and the 7th term exceeds twice the 3rd term
by 1 .Find the A.P.
2 The first term, common difference and the last term of an A.P. are 12,6 and 252 respectively .Find the
sum of all the terms of this A.P.
3 Find the sum of all 3 digit natural numbers which are divisible by 13
4 Find the sum of all two digit numbers which when divided by 3 ,yield 1 as remainder
5 The sum of three numbers in A.P. is 24 and the sum of their squares is 194 .Find the numbers
6 Find the common difference of an A.P. whose first term is 100 and the sum of whose first 6
term is 5 times the sum of the next 6 terms
7 The sum of 4 members in A.P. is 32 and the ratio of the product of extremes to the product of means is
7 :15 .Find the numbers
8 The angles of a quadrilateral are in A.P. If the greatest angle is double of the smallest angle, find all
the four angles
9 Find the sum of all natural numbers from 1 to 100 which are not multiples of 4
10 Find the sum of n terms of an A.P. whose kth term is 5k+1

Long Answer Type question(Carrying 4 marks)

1.The 10th term of an 31 and 20thterm is 71 .Find the 30th term
2 How many 3-digit number is divisible by 7
3. The ratio of the sums of m and n terms of an A.P. is m2:n2.Prove that the ratio of mth and nth
term is (2m-1:2n-1).
4. If S1,S2,S3 be the sum of n,2n and 3n terms respectively an A.P.Prove that S3=3(S2-S1).
5. Find the sum of first 40 positive integers divisible by ‘3’


Multiple Choice Question (carrying 1 mark)

1 From a point Q, the length of the tangent to a circle is 24 cm and the distance of Q from th centre is 25
cm .The radius of the circle is
(a) 7cm (b) 12cm (c) 15cm (d) 24.5 cm
2 If a tangent PA and PB from an exterior point P to a circle with centre O are inclined to each other
at an angle of 80◦, then angle POA is equal to
(a) 50◦ (b) 60◦ (c) 70◦ (d) 100◦
3 A tangent PQ at a point P of a circle of radius 5 cm meets a line through the centre O at a point Q
so that OQ=12cm .Length of PQ is
(a) 12cm (b) 13 cm (c) 8.5 cm (d) √119cm
4 A point P is at a distance of 13 cm from the centre C of a circle , and PT is a tangent to the given
circle .If the diameter of the circle is 10 cm ,then the length of the tangent PT is
(a) √69 cm (b) 11.5 cm (c) 12 cm (d) √194 cm
5 If two tangents inclined at an angle 450 are drawn to a circle of radius 4 cm ,the length of each tangent is
Equal to
(a) 1 cm (b) 2 cm (c) 8 cm (d) 4 cm
6 From a point P which is at a distance from the centre O of a circle of radius 6 cm ,the pair of tangents PQ
And PR are drawn to the circle .Then the area of quadrilateral PQOR is
(a) 12cm2 (b)24 cm2 (c) 48 cm2 (d)96 cm2
7 if the radii of two concentric circles are 17 cm and 15 cm,then the length of each chord of one circle which
is tangent to the other circle is
(a)4 cm (b)8 cm (c) 16cm (d)12 cm
8 In the given quadrilateral OQPR angle QOR equals
(a)1200 (b)1300 (c) 1450 (d)1100

9 If two circle intersect at two points , then the number of common tangents is
(a)1 (b)2 (c)3 (d)4
10 The maximum number of common tangents that can be drawn to two circles intersecting at two distinct
Points is
(a)1 (b)2 (c)3 (d)4
11 If radii of two concentric circles are 5cm and 13 cm then the length of the chord of one circle which
Is tangent to the other circle is
(a) 12cm (b)24cm (c)6cm (d)18 cm
12 The length of tangent drawn from a point 8 cm away from the centre of circle of radius 6 cm is
(a)√5cm (b)2√5cm (c)5cm (d)2√7c
13 If two tangents inclined at an angle of 600 are drawn to a circle of radius 3 cm, then the length of the
tangents is equal to
(a)√3 cm (b)2√3 cm (c)2/√3 cm (d)3√3 cm
14 A tangent PQ at the point P of a circle meets a line through the centre O at a point Q so that OQ =12 cm
And PQ=√119 cm, the diameter of the circle is
(a) 13cm (b)26 cm (c)10 cm (d)5 cm
15 If the angle between two radii of a circle is 1000,the angle between the tangents at the ends of those radii
(a)500 (b)600 (c)800 (d)900
Short Answer Type Question (carrying 3 marks)

1 Prove that the tangents drawn at the ends of a diameter of a circle are parallel
2 Prove that the angle between the two tangents drawn from an external point
To a circle is supplementary to the angle subtended by the line segment
Joining the point of contact at the centre
3 A circle is touching the side BC of a triangle ABC at P and is touching AB and AC
When produced at Q and R respectively. Prove that
AQ=1/2 (perimeter of triangle ABC)
4 A circle is inscribed in a triangle ABC having sides BC=8cm , AC=10 cm and
AB=12 cm .Find AD, BE,CF
5 Two circles touch each other externally at C .Prove that the common tangent at C bisects the other two
common tangents
6 Prove that tangents drawn at the ends of a chord of a circle make equal angles with the chord.
7 A point P is 70 cm from the center of a circle. If length of the tangent from this point to the circle is
56cm,then find the radius of the circle.
8 Two concentric circles are of radii 13 cm and 5 cm.Find the length of the chord of the outer circle,
which touches inner circle
9 Find the diameter of the circle if the length of the tangent from a point Q to the circle is 24 cm and its
distance from the center is 25 cm.
10 A tangent PQ at a point P to a circle of a radius 5 cm meets a line through the center O at a point Q, so
that OQ =13 cm what is the length of PQ?
11 Prove that in two concentric circles,the chord of the largest circle,which touches the smaller circle,is
bisected at the point of contact.
12 Prove that the center of a circle touching two intersecting lines lies on the angle bisector of the lines.
13 Find the length of the tangent from a point P lying at a distance of 40 cm from the center given
diameter of the circle is 48 cm.
14 If d1,d2(d2>d2) be the diameters of two concentric circle and c be the length of a chord of a circle which
is tangent to the other circle prove that d22=d21+c2.
15 Find the area of the quadrant of a circle whose diameter is 22.4 cm.

Long Answer Type Questions(carrying 4 marks)

1. If the sides of a quadrilateral touch a circle,prove that the sum of the sides of a pair of opposite
sides is equal to the sum of the sides of the pair of other opposite sides.
2. The radius of the incircle of the triangle is 6 cm and the segments into which one side is divided
by the point of contact are 9 cm and 12 cm.Determine the other two sides of the triangle.
3. Two tangents TP and TQ are drawn to a circle with center O from an external point T.
Prove that: ∠PTQ=2 ∠OPQ.
4. PQ is chord of length 8 cm of a circle of radius 5 cm.The tangents at P and Q intersect at a point P
Find the length of tangent TP.
5. With the vertices of a ∆PQR as the centers, three circles are described each touching the other two
externally. If the sides of the triangle are 9 cm,7cm and 6 cm.Find the radii of the circle
6 Prove that line segment joining the points of contact of two parallel tangents passes through the centre
of the circle
7 Prove that the perpendicular at the point of contact to the tangent to a circle passes through the centre
of the circle
8 Prove that the tangents drawn from an external point to a circle subtend equal angles at the centre of
the circle
9 Prove that in two concentric circles, the chord of the larger circle ,touches the smaller circle, is
bisected at the point of contact
10 Two concentric circles are of radii 5cm and 3 cm Find the length of the chord of the larger circle which
touches the smaller circle
11 Prove that a parallelogram circumscribing a circle is a rhombus


Long Answer Type Question(carrying 3marks)

1 Draw a line segment of length 7cm and divide it in the ratio 3:2 Measure the two parts .Justify your
2 Construct a triangle ABC whose sides are 5cm,12cmand 13cm Construct another triangle similar to
triangle ABC and with sides 3/5th of the corresponding sides of the given triangle
3 Draw a line segment AB of length 8cm .Taking A as centre ,draw a circle of radius 4cmand taking Bas
centre ,draw another circle of radius 3cm.Construct tangents to each circle from the centre of the other
4 Draw a circle of diameter 12cm,From a point 10cm away from its centre ,construct a pair of tangents
to the circle .Measure the lengths of the tangents
5 Draw a circle of radius 3cm .Construct two tangents to it inclined to each other at an angle of 60◦
6 Determine a point on a line segment of 7.5 cm which divides in the ratio 3:3
7 Construct a triangle similar to a given triangle with sides 5 cm ,12 cm and 13 cm and whose sides are
3/5 th of the corresponding sides of the triangle
8 Draw a circle of radius 3.5 cm .From a point P out side the circle at a distance of 6 cm from the centre
of the circle, draw two tangents to the circle.
9 Draw a circle of radius 3.5 cm.Take any point P on its circumference and draw a tangent to the circle.
10 Draw a scalene triangle ABC with AB=6 cm ,BC=9 cm and CA=8 cm.Construct tangents from
vertex C to the circle through AB as its diameter

Area Related To Circles

Multiple Choice Question (carrying 1 mark)

1 If the perimeter and the area of a circle are numerically equal ,then the radius of the circle is
(a) 2 units (b) ∏ units (c) 4 units (d) 7 units
2 If the circumference of a circle is 0.28∏ cm,then its diameter is equal to
(a) 0.14 cm (b) 0.28 cm (c) 0.56 cm (d) 28 cm
3 If the ratio of the circumference of two circles is 4:9, then the ratio of their areas is
(a) 9:4 (b) 4:9 (c) 2:3 9d) 16:8
4 If the ratio of the areas of two circles is 25:16 ,then the ratio of their circumference is
(a) 16:25 (b) 4:5 (c) 5:4 (d) 625:256
5 If a bicycle wheel makes 5000 revolutions in moving 11km,then the diameter of the wheel is
(a) 35 cm (b) 70 cm (c) 1.4 m (d) 70 m
6 If the sector of a circle of diameter 14 cm subtends an angle of 144◦ at the centre ,then
length of the arc of the sector is
(a) 2∏ cm (b) 4∏ cm (c) 5∏ cm (d) 6∏ cm
7 If the area of a circle is 49Π,then its perimeter is
(a)11 cm (b)22 cm (c)33cm (d)44cm
8 The perimeter of a square circumscribing a circle of radius a is
(a)2a (b)4a (c)8a (d)16a
9 The radius of a circle whose area is equal to the sum of the areas of two circles of radii 10 cm and 24 cm is
(a)14 cm (b)26 cm (c) 34 cm (d)17 cm
1,0 The area of a sector of a circle of radius 21 cm and central angle 1200 is
(a) 380 cm2 (b)420 cm2 (c)231 cm2 (d)462 cm2

11 Area of a sector of a circle of radius 36 cm is 54Π cm2.The central angle is

(a)300 (b)150 (c)450 (d)600

12 The perimeter of an quadrant of circle of radius 7/2 cm is

(a)3.5 cm (b)5.5 cm (c)7.5cm (d)12.5 cm

13 If the area and circumference of a circle are numerically equal ,then the diameter of the circle is
(a)3 units (b)5 units (c)4 units (d)2 units
14 A piece of wire 2Π cm long is bent into the form of an arc of a circle subtending an angle of 600at the
centre .the radius of the circle is
(a)6 cm (b)4 cm (c)3 cm (d)2 cm
15 A circular park is surrounded by a road 3 cm wide .if the radius of the park is 9m ,the area of the road is
(a)98m2 (b)49.5m2 (c)99m2 (d)198m2

Short Answer Type Question (carrying 2 marks)

1. The wheel of a cart is making 5 revolutions per second. If the diameter of the wheel
2. Is 84 cm ,find its speed in km/hr .Give your answer ,correct to the nearest km
3. The cost of fencing a circular field at the rate of Rs 24 per meter is rs5280 .The field is to be ploughed
at the rate of Rs 0.50 per m2.Find the cost of ploughing the field
4. A rectangular sheet of cardboard is 14cm x7cm Two equal circular holes are cut out touching each
other ,having largest possible area. Find the area of the card board left out
5. The sum of diameters of two circles is 2.8m and the difference of their circumferences is 0.88m Find
the radii of two circles
6. Find the circumference of the circle whose area is equal to the sum of the areas of three circles with
radii 2cm,3cm,6cm
7. The length of the minute hand of a clock is 14 cm long .Find the area swept by the minute hand in 5
8. Find the area of a quadrant of a circle whose circumference is 22cm
9. A chord of a circle of radius 15cm subtends an angle of 60◦ at the centre. Find the areas of the
corresponding minor and major segments of the circle
10. A horse is tied to a peg at on corner of a square shaped grass field of side 15 m by means of a 5m long
rope find
(a) The area of that part of the field in which the horse can graze
(b) The increase in the grazing area if the rope was 10m long instead of 5m
11. If the area of a semicircular region is 77cm2 ,find its perimeter
12. A steel wire when bent in the form of a square encloses an area 121 cm2.If the same wire is bent in the
form of a circle ,find the area of the circle
13. A sector is cut off from a circle of radius 21 cm.The angle of the sector is 1200.Find the length of its
arc and the area.
14. Find the area of a right triangle ,if the radius of its circumcircle is 2.5 cm and the altitude drawn to the
hypotenuse is 2 cm long.
15. Two circle touch externally. The sum of their areas is 130Π cm2and the distance between their centers
is 14 cm .Find the radii of the circle.

Long answer Type Question(Carrying 3 marks)

1 Two circles touch externally The sum of their areas is 58 ∏ cm2 and the distance between their centers
is 10 cm .Find the radii of two circles
2 In a circle of radius 21 cm ,a chord subtends an angle of 120◦at the centre of the circle. Find the area
of the segment formed by the corresponding chord
3 A cube whose each edge is 28 cm long has a circle of maximum radius on each of its face painted red
.Find the total area of unpainted surface of the cube
4 A wire is looped in the form of a circle of radius 28 cm .It is rebent into the form of a square .Find the
area of a square
5 A chord of a circle of radius 10 cm subtends a right angle at the centre .Find the area of the
(1)minor segment (2) major segment (3) major sector
6 The length of a certain sector of a circle of radius 5.6 cm is 17.2 cm.Find the area of the sector.
7 The long and short hands of a clock are 6 cm and 4 cm long respectively .Find the sum of distances
travelled by their tips in a day.
8 A race track is in the form of a ring whose inner circumference is 352 m and their outer circumference
is 396 m. Find the width of the track
9 Four cows are tethered at the four corner of a square plot of side 50 m,so that they just cannot reach
one another.What area will be left ungrazed
10 If the radius of a circle is increased by 100% by what percent is the area of the circle increased?

Surface areas and volumes

1 The base radii of a cone and a cylinder are equal . If their volumes are also equal ,then the
ratio of height of cone to the height of cylinder is
(a) 2:1 (b) 1:2 (c) 1:3 (d) 3:1
2 If two cones have their heights in the ratio 1:3 and radii in the ratio 3:1 , then the ratio of their
volume is
(a) 1:3 (b) 3:1 (c) 3:2 (d) 2:3
3 If the ratio of surface areas of two spheres is 4:9, then the ratio of their volumes is
(a) 8:27 (b) 27:8 (c) 2:3 (d) 3:2
4 If the base area of a cone is 51 cm2 and its volume is 85 cm3 ,then its vertical height is
(a) 3.5 cm (b) 4 cm (c) 4.5 cm (d) 5 cm
5 If a cone, a hemisphere and a cylinder have equal bases and have same height ,then the ratio of
their volume is
(a) 1:3:2 (b) 2:3:1 (c) 2:1:3 (d) 1:2:3
6 If the volume of a sphere is 4851cm ,then its surface area is
(a) 1286 cm2 (b) 1386 cm2 (c) 1486 cm2 (d) 2460 cm2

7 The diameter of a cylindrical bottle is 10 cm .A liquid is filled in it upto a height of 14 cm.the volume of
the liquid is
(a)1200cm3 (b)1100cm3 (c)1500cm3 (d)1150 cm3
8 The edge of a lead cube is11cm.How many shots of diameter 1 cm can be made by melting it?
(a)2541 (b)2154 (c)5245 (d)1245
9 The ratio of the radii of the two cone is 3:1 and the ratio of their height is 1:3,then the ratio of their
Volume is
(a)2:1 (b)3:1 (c)1:3 (d)1:2

10 If the height of a cylinder is 11 cm and curved surface area is 968 cm2,then the radius of the cylinder
(a)3 cm (b)7 cm (c)3.5 cm (d)14 cm
11 The number of cones of base radius 3 cm and height 6 cm which can be made by melting a metal sphere
Of radius 9 cm is
(a) 54 (b)45 (c)55 (d)44
12The surface area of a solid hemisphere of radius r cm is

(a)2Πr2 (b)3Πr2 (c) 4Πr2 (d)2Πr3

13 The base and volume of a cone and a hemisphere are the same .the ratio of their radii is
(a)1:3 (b)1:2 (c) 2:3 (d)2:1
14 A metallic cube edge 1 cm is drawn into a wire of diameter 4mm,then the length of the wire is
(a) 100/Π cm (b)100Π cm (c)25/Π cm (d)10000 cm
15What is the volume of a largest cone cut out from a cube of side 14 cm
(a)766.18 cm3 (b)817.54cm3 (c)1232 cm3 (d)718.66 cm3

Short answer type question (carrying 2 marks)

1 The radius and height of a cylinder are in the ratio 2:7.If the volume of the cylinder is 704 cm3, find
the total surface area of the cylinder
2 Form a cube of edge 14 cm ,a cone of maximum size is carved out .Find the volume of the cone and
the remaining material
3 A cone is of height 24 cm and radius of base 6 cm is made up of modeling clay .A
Child reshapes it in the form of a sphere. Find the radius of the
4 A drinking glass is in the shape of a frustum of a cone of height 14 cm .The diameters of its circular
ends are 4 cm and 2 cm .Find the capacity of the glass
4 The radii of circular ends of a solid frustum of a cone are 35cm and 14 cm and its height is 40cm .Find
its volume
5 A 20 m deep well with diameter 7m is dug and the earth from digging is evenly spread out to form a
platform 24m by 14 m .find the height of the platform
6 A solid metallic circular cylinder of radius 14 cm and height 12cm is melted and recast into small
cubes of edge 2 cm .How many such cubes can be made from the solid cylinder?
7 Three cubes whose edges measure 3 cm,4 cm,and 5 cm respectively to form of a single cube.Find the
edge of the single cube.
8 The height of aright circular cone is 9 cm and the radius of its base is 12 cm.Find the slant height
9 A right circular cone is 8 cm high and with base radius 2 cm,is melted and recasted into a sphere.
Determine the radius of the sphere

10 The radii of two cylinders are in the ratio 2:3 and their heights are in the ratio 5:3.Calculate the ratio of
their volumes
11 A right circular cone is 8 cm high and with base ratio 2 cm , is melted and recasted into a sphere
Determine the radius of the sphere
12 Find the volume of the largest cone that can be cut out from a cube of edge 4.2 cm.
13 Find the edge of a cube whose volume is 512 cm3
14 A metallic sphere of radius 6.3 cm is melted and recast into the shape of a cylinder of radius 9 cm.
Find the height of the cylinder
15 Two cubes each of side 5 cm are joined end to end to form a cuboid Find the surface area of the
resulting cuboid

Long Answer Type Question(carrying 3 marks )

1 A hemispherical bowl of internal radius 9 cm is full of liquid .The liquid is to be filled into
2 Cylindrical shaped small bottles each of diameter 3 cm and height 4 cm .How many bottles are needed
to empty the bowl.
3 Eight metallic spheres each of diameter 4 cm are melted and cast into a single sphere. Calculate the
diameter of the new cylinder form
4 .The internal and external diameters of a hollow hemispherical shell are 6 cm and 10 cm respectively
.It is melted and recast into a solid cone of base diameter 14 cm.Find the height of The cone so formed
5 5 From a solid cylinder whose height is 2.4 cm and diameter 1.4 cm , a conical cavity of same height
and same diameter is hollowed out .Find the total surface area of the remaining solid to the nearest
6 A cubical block of side 7 cm is surmounted by a hemisphere .What is the greatest diameter the shape
can have ? Also find the volume and surface area of the solid
7 A hemispherical depression is cut out from one face of a cuboidal block such that the diameter l cm
of the hemisphere is equal to the edge of the cube .Find the volume and surface area of the remaining
8 A solid is in the shape of a cone surmounted on a hemisphere with both their radii being equal to
1 cm and the height of the cone is equal to its radius .Find the volume of the solid
9 A metallic sphere of radius 4.2 cm is melted and recast into the shape of a cylinder of radius 6 cm
Find the height of the cylinder
10 The surface area of a solid metallic sphere is 1256 cm2.It is melted and recast into solid right
circular Cones of radius 2.5 cm and height 8 cm Calculate
(a) The radius of the solid sphere
(b) The number of cone recast

Long Answer Type Question (Carrying 4 marks)

1 A hemispherical bowl of internal diameter 30 cm is full of liquid .This liquid is to be filled in
cylindrical bottles of diameter 5 cm and height 6 cm .how many bottles are required to empty the

2 A 20 m deep well with diameter 7m is dug and the earth from digging is evenly spread out to form a
platform 22 m by 14 m .Find the height of the platform.

3 A solid cone of height 12 cm and base radius 6 cm has the top 4 cm removed .Find the whole surface
of the remaining frustum of the cone
4 The interior of a building is in the form of cylinder of diameter 4.3 m and height 3.8 m ,surmounted by
a cone whose vertical angle is a right angle .Find the area of the surface and the volume of the
5 500 persons are taking a dip into a cuboidal pond which is 80 m long and 50 m broad .What is the rise
of water level in the pond ,if the average displacement of the water by a person is 0.04m3?


Multiple Choice Question (carrying 1 mark)

1 The distance of the point (-3,4) from the origin is

(a) 5 units (b) 7 units (c) 25 units (d) 1 unit
2 The area of a square whose vertices are A(0,-2) B(3,1) C(0,4) and D(-3,1) is
(a) 18 sq units (b) 15 sq units (c) √18 sq units (d) √15 sq units
3 If one end of a diameter of a circle is (2,3) and the centre is (-2,5) then the other end is
(a) (-6,7) (b) (6,-7) (c) (0,8) (d) (0,4)
4 The coordinates of the point which divides the join of (-1,7) and (4,-3) in the ratio 2:3 internally are
(a) (1,-3 ) (b) (-1,3) (c) (-1,-3) (d) (1,3)
5 If the points A(2,3) ,B(4,k) and C(6,-3) are collinear ,then the value of k is
(a) 1 (b) -1 (c) 0 (d)3
6 If the point A(2,3) is equidistant from the points B(7,m) andC(m,1) then the value of m is
( a)9 (b)11 (c)13 (d)8
7 Points (1,0) and (-1,0) lies on
(a)x-axis (b)y-axis (c)line x+y=0 (d)line x+y=1
8 ABCD is a square where A(0,-1) B(2,1) C(0,3) and D(-2,1).The side of the square is
(a)2 (b)√2 (c)2√2 (d)2√3
9 If A(5,y) ,B(1,5), C(2,1)and D(6,2)are the vertices of a square then y is equal to
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 6
10 A point on y-axis equidistant from the point A(6,5)and B(-4,3) is
(a) (0,3) (b) 0,4) (c) (0,6) (d) (0,9)
11 The value of x for which the distance between the points A((2,-3) and B(x,5) is 10 units is
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d)8
12 The ratio in which the point P(2,.-5)divides the line segment joining the points A(-3,5) and
B(4,-9) is
(a)3:4 (b)5:2 (c)1:2 (d)2:3
13 The coordinates of the vertices of the triangle ABC are A(4,1),B(-3,2),and C(0,k).If the area of the
Triangle ABC is 12 unit2,the value of k is
(a) 2 (b)3 (c)4 (d)5
14 If P(a/2,4) is the midpoint of the line segment joining the points A(-6,5) and B(-2,3) then the value of
a is
(a)-8 (b)3 (c)-4 (d)4
15 The point P which divides the line segment joining the points A(2,-5) and B(5,2) in the ratio 2:3 lies
In the quadrant
(a) I (b)II (c) III (d)IV

Short Answer Type Question (carrying 2 marks )

1 Find points on the x-axis which are at a distance of 5 units from the point (5,-4)
2 Find the value of x such that PQ=QR where the coordinates of P,Q,and R are (6,-1) ,(1,3)
and (x,8)
3 The coordinates of the mid point of the line joining the points (3p,4) and (-2,2q) are (5,p) .Find the
values of p and q respectively

4 If A and B are (-2,-2) and (2,-4) respectively ,find the coordinates of P such that AP=3/7AB and
p lies on the segment AB
5 By using area of triangle, show that the points (1,1) (-2,7) (3,-3) are collinear6
6 Find a relation between x and y if the points (x,y) ,(1,2) and (7,0) are collinear
7 Find the centroid of a triangle whose vertices are (2,-5) (3,9) and (-8,11)
8 Find the area of a triangle whose vertices are (7,10) (-2,5) and (3,-4)
9 Find the distance between A(0,√3) and B(√3+1,1)
10 Show that the point L(-2,3),M(1,2) and N(7,0) are collinear
11 Find the value of k if the points A(2,3) ,B(4,k) and C(6,-3) are collinear12
12 Find the coordinates of the midpoint of the line segment joining (-3,6) and (5,-8)
13 What is the distance of the point p(4,2) from the x-axis?14
14 Find the distance between the points (-5,7),(-1,3)
15 Find the value of y for which the distance between the points p(2,-3)and Q(10,y) is 10 units
Long Answer Type question (carrying 3 marks)

1 Show that the points(1,7) (4,2),(-1.-1) and (-4,4) are the vertices of a square
2 Find the ratio in which the line segment joining the point (6,4) and (1,-7) is
Divided by x-axis
3 A(1,2) B(4,q) ,C(p,6) and D(p,3) taken in order , are the vertices of a parallelogram
Find the values of p and q
4 B and C are the points (0,-1) (2,1) and (0,3) respectively ,D,E and F are mid points of the side

BC,CA and AB respectively. Prove analytically that the area of triangle ABC is 4 times
the area of triangle DEF
5 Find the ratio in which C(p,1) divides the join of A (-4,4) and B(6,-1) and hence find the value
6 Find the centre of a circle passing through the point (6,-6) ,(3,-7) and (3,3) .Also find its radius
7 In what ratio does the point (-4,6) divide the line segment joining the point A(-6,10) and B(3,-8)?
8 The ordinate of a point is twice its abscissa .Find the coordinates of the point if its distance from the
point (4,3)Is √10 units
9. Name the type of quadrilateral formed ,if any by the point (4,5),(7,6),(4,3)and(1,2).Give reasons for
your answer
10 The centre of a circle is (2x-1,3x+1).Find x, if the circle passes through (-3,-1) and the length of the
diameter is
20 units.

Long Answer Type Question(carrying 4 marks)

1 For what value of k are the points {k,2(1-k)},{-k+1,2k}and {-4-k,2(3-k)}collinear?

2 If A(-5,7),B(-4,-5),C(-1,-6)and D(4,5) are the vertices of a quadrilateral ,find the area of the
quadrilateral ABCD
3 If L(-1,2) and M(4,-5)are the two points ,find the coordinate of p such that LP=2/5LM and P lies on the
line segment LM
4 Find the area of a triangle whose vertices are (2,3) (-1,0),(2,-4)
5 Find the area of a quadrilateral whose vertices are taken in order are (-4,-2),(-3,-5),(3,-2) and (2,3)


Multiple Choice Question (carrying 1 mark)

1 If the angle of depression of an object from a 75 m high tower is 30◦ , then the distance of the
object from the tower is
(a) 25√3 cm (b) 50√3 cm (c) 75√3 cm (d) 150 m
2 A kite is flying at a height 40√3 cm meters from the level ground , attached to string inclined at 60◦ to
the horizontal ,then the length of the string is
(a) 80 m (b) 60√3 m (c) 80√3 m (d) 120 m
3 A ladder 14 m long rests against a wall .If the foot of the ladder is 7 m from the wall, then the angle of
elevation of the sun is
(a) 15◦ (b) 30◦ (c) 45◦ (d) 60◦
4 If the length of the shadow of a tower is √3 times that of its height ,then the angle of elevation of the sun
(a) 15◦ (b) 30◦ (c) 45◦ (d) 60◦
5 A pole 10 m high cast a shadow 10 m long on the ground ,then the sun’s elevation is
(a)600 (b)450 (c)300 (d)900
6 If the altitude of the sun is 600,the height of the tower which cast a shadow of length 30m is
(a)30√3m (b)15m (c)30/√3m (d)15√2m
7 The measure of angle of elevation of the top of a tower 75√3m high from a point at a distance of
75m from the foot of the tower in a horizontal plane is
(a)300 (b)600 (c)900 (d)450
8 The length of a shadow of a20m tall pole ,on the ground when the sun’s elevation is 450 is
(a)20m (b)50m (c)20√2m (d)40√2m
9 If the angle of elevation of the top of a tower from a point at a distance of 100m from its foot is 600
Then the height of the tower is
(a)50√3m (b)200/√3m (c)100/√3m (d)100√3m
10 The angle of elevation of the top of a tower from a point on the ground ,which is 30m away from
The tower is 450.The height of the tower (in metres) is
(a)15 (b)30 (c)30√3m (d)10√3

Long Answer Type Question (carrying 3 marks)

1 From a point on the ground , which is 15 m away from the foot of a tower ,the angle of elevation is
found to be 60◦.Find the height of the tower
2 A kite is flying at a height of 60 meters from the level ground, attached to a string inclined at 60◦ to the
horizontal .Find the length of the string
3 An electric pole is 10√3 m high .If its shadow is 10 m in length, find the angle of elevation of the sun
4 A river is 60 m wide .A tree of unknown height is on one bank .The angle of elevation of the
top of the tree from the point exactly opposite to the foot of the tree ,on the other bank ,is 30◦.
Find the height of the tree
5 An observer 1.5 m tall is 28.5 m away from a chimney .The angle of elevation of the top of
The chimney from his eye is 45◦- what is the length of the chimney
6 From a point on the ground ,the angle of elevation of the bottom and top of a transmission tower fixed
at the
Top of a 20m high building are 45◦ and 60◦ respectively Find the height of the tower
7 Two pillars of equal height stand on either side of a roadway which is 80m wide at a point on the road

pillars, the elevations of the pillars are 60◦ and 30◦.Find the height of the pillars and the position of the

8 The angle of elevation of the top of a tower from a point on the Same level as the foot of the tower
is 30◦On
advancing 150 meters towards the foot of the tower ,the angle elevation becomes 60◦ .Find the
height of the
9 From a point P on the ground, the angle of elevation of the top of A 10 m tall building and a
Helicopter, hovering over the top of the building ,are 30◦ and 60◦ respectively .Find the height of
the helicopter above the ground

10 From a point on the bridge across a river the angles of depression of the banks on opposite sides of
the river are 30◦ and 45◦ respectively .If the bridge is at a height of 3 m from the bank Find the width
of the river

Long Answer Type Question (carrying 4 marks )

1 A man standing on the deck of a ship, which is 10 m above water Level ,observes the angle of elevation
of the top of a hill as 60◦andAngle of depression of the base of the hill as 30◦ Find the distance Of the
hill from the ship and the height of the hill
2 From an aero plane vertically above a straight horizontal plane ,the angles of depression of two
consecutive kilometer stones on the opposite sides of the aero plane are found to be a and b.Show that
the height of the aero plane is tan a tan b
tan a+tanb
3 An aero plane ,flying horizontally 1000 m above the ground ,,is observed at an angle of elevation of
600from a
Point on the ground .After a flight of 10 seconds ,the angle of elevation at the point of observation
chages to
300.Find the speed of the plane in m/second
4 The angle of elevation of a cloud from a point 200m ,above the lake is 300 and the angle of depression of
reflection of the cloud in the lake is 600find the height of the cloud
5 From a building 60 m high the angle of depression of the top and bottom of lamp post are 300and
600respectively Find the distance between lamp post and building .Also find the difference of height
between the building and lamp post


Multiple Choice Question (carrying 1 mark)

1 A fair die is thrown once .The probability of getting an odd prime number is
(a) 1/6 (b) 2/3 (c) 1/3 (d) 1/2
2 A bag contains 4 red balls and 5 green balls .One ball is drawn at random from the bag .
The probability of getting either a red ball or a green ball is
(a) 4/9 (b) 5/9 (c) 0 (d) 1
3 If one card is drawn at random from a well shuffled pack of 52 cards, the probability of
getting an ace is
(a) 1/52 (b) 4/13 (c) 2/13 (d) 1/13
4 If two coins are tossed simultaneously, then the probability of getting at least one head is
(a) ¼ (b) ½ (c) ¾ (d) 1
5 The probability that a non leap year selected at random has 53 Sundays is
(a) 1/365 (b) 2/365 (c) 2/7 (d)1/7
6 A card is drawn at random from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. The probability of getting a black
king is
(a)1/13 (b) 1/26 (c) 1/2 (d) 1/4
7 The probability that two different friend have different birthdays (ignoring leap year) is
(a) 364/365 (b)1/73 (c) 3/73 (d) 1/365
8 A box contains 3 blue, 2 white and 4 red marbles. If a marble is drawn at random from the box the
probability that it will not be a white marble is
(a) 2/9 (b) 4/9 (c) 5/9 (d) 7/9
9 The probability of guessing the correct answer to certain question is p/12.If the probability of not
guessing the correct answer to same question is ¾,the value of p is
10 (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 1
11 In a through of dice ,the probability of getting a sum of 10 is
(a) 1/12 (b)1/36 (c)1/6 (d)1/4
12 if a letter of English alphabet is chosen at random ,then the probability that the letter is a consonant is
(a)5/26 (b)21/26 (c)10/13 (d)11/13
13 If the probability of winning a game is 0.995 ,then the probability of loosing is
(a)1 (b)0.05 (c)0.0050 (d)0.0
14 Which of the following can not be the probability of an event
(a)1.5 (b)3/5 (c)25% (d)0.3
15 A bag contains 12 balls of which x are green,2x are red and 3x are yellow A ball is selected at random .
The probability that it is not green is
(a)5/6 (b)7/12 (c)5/24 (d)7/24

Long Answer Type Question (carrying 3 marks)

1 A bag contains a red ball, a blue ball and a yellow ball , all the balls being of the same
Size.Anjali takes out a ball from the bag without looking into it .What is the probability that
She takes out
(1) Yellow ball (2) red ball (3) blue ball
2 It is given that in a group of 3 students, the probability of 2 students not having the same
Birthday is 0.992 what is the probability that the two students have the same birthday
3 A bag contains 7 black, 5 red and 3 white balls. a ball is drawn from the bag at random
.Find the probability that the ball drawn is
(1) red (2) black or white (3) not black
4 A single throw of a die, what is the probability of
(1) Getting a number greater than 4 (2) getting a number less than or equal to 4 (3) getting
a number greater than 6
5 Two coins are tossed simultaneously .Find the probability of getting:
(1) two heads (2) one head (3) no head (4) at least one head (5) at most one head
6 A card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards. What is the probability that it is
(1)Jack (2) the ace of spades (3) a queen (4) a heart (5)A red card
7 One card is drawn from a well shuffled deck of 52 cards .find probability of drawing
(1)an ace (2) ‘2’ of spades (3) ‘10’of a black suit
8 Cards marked with numbers 2 to 51 are placed in a box and mixed thoroughly.One card is drawn from
this box.find the probability that the number on the card is
(1)an even number (2)a prime number less than 25
9 Find the probability that a number selected from the numbers 1 to 25 is not a prime number when
Each of given number is equally likely to be selected
10 A box contains 30 cards ,numbered from 1 to 30 .A card is drawn from the box at random .Find the
Probability that the number on the card drawn is
(1) Even (2) prime no (3) multiple of 7

Long Answer Type Question (carrying 3 / 4 marks )

1 From a solid cylinder whose height is 2.4 cm and diameter 1.4 cm , a conical cavity of same height and
same diameter is hollowed out .Find the total surface area of the remaining solid to the nearest cm2.
2 A cubical block of side 7 cm is surmounted by a hemisphere .What is the greatest diameter the shape
can have ? Also find the volume and surface area of the solid
3 A hemispherical depression is cut out from one face of a cuboidal block such that the diameter l cm
of the hemisphere is equal to the edge of the cube .Find the volume and surface area of the remaining
4 A solid is in the shape of a cone surmounted on a hemisphere with both their radii being equal to

5 A metallic sphere of radius 4.2 cm is melted and recast into the shape of a cylinder of radius 6 cm
.Find the height of the cylinder
6 The surface area of a solid metallic sphere is 1256 cm2.It is melted and recast into solid right circular
cones of radius 2.5 cm and
height 8 cm . Calculate
(1) The radius of the solid sphere
(2) The number of cone recast
7 A hemispherical bowl of internal diameter 30 cm is full of liquid .This liquid is to be filled in
cylindrical bottles of diameter 5 cm
And height 6 cm .how many bottles are required to empty the bow
8 The radii of the ends of a frustum of a cone 45 cm high are 28 cm and 7 cm .Find its volume ,curved
surface area and the
Total surface area

Short Answer Type Question (carrying 2/3 marks )

1 Find points on the x-axis which are at a distance of 5 units from the point (5,-4)
2 Find the value of x such that PQ=QR where the coordinates of P,Q,and R are (6,-1) ,(1,3)
and (x,8)
3 The coordinates of the mid point of the line joining the points (3p,4) and (-2,2q) are (5,p) .Find
the values
Of p and q respectively
4 If A and B are (-2,-2) and (2,-4) respectively ,find the coordinates of P such that AP=3/7AB and p
lies on the segment AB
5 By using area of triangle, show that the points (1,1) (-2,7) (3,-3) are collinear
6 Find a relation between x and y if the points (x,y) ,(1,2) and (7,0) are collinear
7 Find the centroid of a triangle whose vertices are (2,-5) (3,9) and (-8,11)

Long Answer Type question (carrying 3/4 marks)

1 Show that the points(1,7) (4,2),(-1.-1) and (-4,4) are the vertices of a square
2 Find the ratio in which the line segment joining the point (6,4) and (1,-7) is
Divided by x-axis
3 If A(1,2) B(4,q) ,C(p,6) and D(p,3) taken in order , are the vertices of a parallelogram
Find the values of p and q
4 A,B and C are the points (0,-1) (2,1) and (0,3) respectively ,D,E and F are mid points of the sides
BC,CA and AB respectively .Prove analytically that the area of triangle ABC is 4 times
the area of triangle DEF
5 Find the ratio in which C(p,1) divides the join of A (-4,4) and B(6,-1) and hence find the value of
6 Find the centre of a circle passing through the point (6,-6) ,(3,-7) and (3,3) .Also find its


Short Answer Type Question (carrying 2/3 marks)

1 From a point on the ground ,which is 15 m away from the foot of a tower ,the angle of elevation
is found to be 60◦.Find the height of the tower
2 A kite is flying at a height of 60 meters from the level ground ,attached to a string inclined
At 60◦ to the horizontal .Find the length of the string
3 An electric pole is 10√3 m high .If its shadow is 10 m in length, find the angle of elevation of the
4 A river is 60 m wide .A tree of unknown height is on one bank .The angle of elevation of the
Top of the tree from the point exactly opposite to the foot of the tree ,on the other bank ,is 30◦.
Find the height of the tree
5 An observer 1.5 m tall is 28.5 m away from a chimney .The angle of elevation of the top of
The chimney from his eye is 45◦- What is the length of the chimney
Long Answer Type Question (carrying 3 /4 marks )

1. From a point on the ground ,the angle of elevation of the bottom and top of a
Transmission tower fixed at the top of a 20m high building are 45◦ and 60◦ respectively .Find the
height of the tower
2. Two pillars of equal height stand on either side of a roadway which is 80m wide at a point
on the road between pillars,
the elevations of the pillars are 60◦ and 30◦.Find the height of the pillars and the position of the
3 The angle of elevation of the top of a tower from a point on the
Same level as the foot of the tower is 30◦ .On advancing 150 meters towards the foot of the tower ,the
angle of elevation becomes 60◦ .Find the height of the tower
4 From a point P on the ground ,the angle of elevation of the top of
A 10 m tall building and a helicopter ,hovering over the top of the building ,are 30◦ and 60◦
respectively .Find the height of the helicopter above the ground
5 From a point on the bridge across a river the angles of depression
of the banks on opposite sides of the river are 30◦ and 45◦
respectively .If the bridge is at a height of 3 m from the bank

Find the width of the river

5 A man standing on the deck of a ship, which is 10 m above water
Level ,observes the angle of elevation


Short answer and long answer type question


1 Use Euclid’s division algorithm to find the HCF of 867 and 255
2 Express 3825 as the product of its prime factors
3 Show that any positive odd integer is of the form 4q+1 or 4q+3 where q is some whole number
4 Explain why the number 7x11x13+13 is composite
5 Prove that √2 is irrational
6 Without using long division ,show that the rational number 21/1120 has a terminating decimal
7 Find the HCF of 306 and 657 .Find the LCM of 306 and 657 by using their HCF


1 Show that the polynomial 9x2+6x+4 has no real zeroes

2 Find all quadratic polynomials whose sum and product of zeroes are 7/6 and -1/2 respectively
3 If the zeroes of the polynomial x3-3x2+x+1 are a-b ,a and a+b,find the values of a and b
4 Find the zeroes of the polynomial 3x2+5x-2 and verify the relationship between the zeroes and their
5 Divide the polynomial 3y3+10xy2-17x2y+6x3by 2x-3y
6 Verify that 1,_1/2,.-2 are zeroes of the polynomial 2x3+x2 -5x+2
7 Find a quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are -1/2 and 2/3


1 For which values of p and q , will the following pair of linear equations have
Infinitely many solution ?
(2P+7Q)X + (P+8Q)Y=2Q-P+1
2 Draw the graph of the pair of linear equations x-2y+2=0 and 4x-y-4=0. Calculate the area of the
triangle formed by the lines so drawn and the X -axis

3 The sum of two numbers is 8 .Determine the numbers if the sum of their reciprocals is 8/15
4 A two digit number is obtained by either multiplying the sum of the digits
by 8 and then subtracting 5 or by multiplying, the difference of the digits by 16 and then adding 3.
Find the number
5 Solve the following pair of linear equations
21x +47y=110
6 For which values of k will the pair of equations
7 Do the following equations represent a pair of coincident lines? Justify your



1 Prove that the sum of the squares of the diagonals of a parallelogram is

2 Prove that in a triangle square on one side is equal to the sum of the squares
On the other sides ,then the angle opposite the first side is a right angle
3 Find the altitude of an equilateral triangle of side 2a
4 Areas of two similar triangles are 36cm2 and 100cm2 .If the length of a side of the larger triangle is
20 cm, Find the length of the corresponding side of the triangle
5 Two isosceles triangles have equal angles and their areas are in the ratio 25:36 The ratio of the
corresponding height s is 5:6 is the above statement true? Why?
6 A 15 meters high tower casts a shadow 24 meters long at a certain time
And at the same time ,a telephone pole casts a shadow 16 meters long .Find the height of the
7 Is the triangle with sides 25 cm, 5 cm, and 24 cm, a right triangle ?
Give reason for your answer?

1 If tanθ = 1/3 ,find other five trigonometric ratio

2 Evaluate 2Sin2300-3Cos2450+tan2300
3 In triangle ABC ,right angled at B , AB=3cm and angle BAC=600 .Determine the lengths of the sides
BC andAC
4 If tan(A+B)=√ 3 and tan(A-B) =0 , 00< A+B≤ 900,find sin(A+B) and cos(A-B)
5 Prove the following
Tanθ+tan( 900-θ)=secθsec(900-θ)
6 If A,B and C are the interior angles of a triangle ABC, then show that
Sin ( B+C)/2=cosA/2
7 Prove that (cosecA-sinA)(secA-cosA)=1/tanA+cotA
8 Prove that tanA/(1-cotA) +cotA/(1-tana)=1+secacosecA=1+tanA+cotA
9 Prove that 1+cosA-sin2A/ sinA(1+cosA=cotA
10 If A=300 and B-600 verify that sin(A+B)=sinAcosB+cosAsinB


1 Find the median of the following distribution

CLASS 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70

FREQUENCY 4 4 8 10 12 8 4

2 If the mean of the following distribution is 6 , find the value of p

X 2 4 6 10 p+5
F 3 2 3 1 2

3 Find the mean of the following distribution

X 4 6 9 10 15
F 5 10 10 7 8

4 If the mean of the following data is 20.6 find the value of p

X 10 15 p 25 35
F 3 10 25 7 5
5 The annual rainfall record of a city of 66 days is given below
Rainfall(in cm ) 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60
Number of days 22 10 8 15 5 6
Calculate the median rainfall using ogive (of more than type and of less than
6 If the median of the following distribution is 28.5 ,find the missing frequencies
Class Interval 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 TOTAL
Frequency 5 p 20 15 q 5 60

7 The following data gives the information on the observed lifetime (in hours)
of 225 electrical components
Life times (in hours ) 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100 100-120
No of components 10 35 52 61 38 29
Determine the modal lifetimes of the components


( Contains questions from all the chapters of first term)

1 For some integer m, every even integer is of the form

(a) m (b) m+1 (c) 2m (d) 2m+1
2 The product of a non zero rational and irrational number is
(a) always irrational (b) always rational (c) Rational or irrational (d) one
3 For some integer q , every odd integer is of the form
(a) q (b) q+1 (c) 2q (d) 2q+1
4 Euclid’s division lemma states that for any positive integer a and b , there exist
unique integers q and r such that a=bq+r ,where r must satisfy
(a) 1<r<b (b) 0<r≤b (c) 0≤r<b (d) 0<r<b
5 The HCF of 52 and 130 is
(a) 52 (b) 130 (c) 26 (d) 13
6 A quadratic polynomial ,whose zeroes are -3 and 4 is
(a) x2-x+12 (b) x2+x+12 (c) x2/2-x/2-6 (d) 2x2+2x-24
7 the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x2+99x+127 are (a) both positive (b)
both negative (c ) one positive and one negative (d) both equal
8 If f(x) =ax2+bx+c has no real zeroes and a+b+c<0,then
(a) c=0 (b) c>0 (c) c<0 (d) none of these
9 If 5 is a zero of the quadratic polynomial x2-kx-15,then the value of k is
(a) 2 (b) -2 (c) 4 (d) -4

10 If the graph of a polynomial intersects the x- axis at exactly two points ,then it
(a) cannot be a linear or a cubic polynomial (b) can be a quadratic polynomial only (c) can be a cubic or
a quadratic polynomial (d) can be a linear or a quadratic polynomial
11 The pair of equations 6x-7y=1 and 3x-4y=5 has
(a) a unique solution (b) two solutions (c) infinitely many solutions (d) no solution
12 The value of k for which the system of equation s kx-y=2,6x-2y=3 has a unique
Solution is
(a) =0 (b)=3 (c)≠0 (d)≠3
13 The value of k for which the system of equations x+3y-4=0 and 2x+ky=7 is
Inconsistent is
(a) 21/4 (b) 1/6 (c) 6 (d) 4/21
14 The number of solutions of the pair of equations 2x+5y=10 and 6x+15y-30=0
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) infinite
15 graphically , the pair of equations 6x-3y+10=0and 2x-y+9=0 represents two lines
which are
(a) intersecting at exactly one point (b) Intersecting at exactly two points
( c) coincident (d) parallel
16 In ▲ABC ,D and E are points on sides AB and AC respectively such that
DE║ BC and AD:DB=2:3 if EA=6cm,then AC is equal to
(a) 9cm (b) 15 cm (c) 4 cm (d) 10 cm
16 The area of two similar triangles are respectively 25 cm2 and 81cm2 .The
Ratio of corresponding sides is
(a) 5:9 (b) 5:4 (c) 9:5 (d) 10:9
17 The length of diagonals of a rhombus are 18 cm and 24 cm .then the length of the
Side of the rhombus is
(a) 26cm (b) 30 cm (c) 15 cm (d) 28 cm
18 If ABC is an equilateral triangle such that AD┴ BC ,thenAD2 is equal to
(a) 3/2 DC2 (b) 2DC2 (c) 3CD2 (d) 4D C2
19 AD is the bisector of angle BAC in ▲ABC .If AB=10cm ,AC=6cm and
BC=12cm ,Then BD is equal to
(a) 5cm (b) 6.5 cm (c) 7.5 cm (d) 5.6 cm
20 ABCD is a trapezium such that BC║AD and AB=4cm .If the diagonals AC and

BD intersect at O such that AO/OC=DO/OB=1/2 ,then DC is equal to

(a) 7cm (b) 8 cm (c) 9 cm (d) 6 cm

21 If tanA=3/2 ,then the value of cosA is

(a) 3/√13 (b) 2/√√13 (c) 2/3 (d) √13/2
22 sin2A=2sinA is true when A is
(a) 00 (b) 30 0 (c) 450 (d) 600
23 9sec2A-9tan2A is equal to
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) -1
24 ( 1+tanθ +secθ)( 1+cotθ-cosecθ) is equal to
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) -1
25 If sec2A(1+sinA)(1-sinA)=k then the value of k is
(a) 0 (b) -1 (c) 2 (d) 1
26 Which of the following is based on all the observations of the data
(a) class interval (b) mean (c) median (d) mode
27 In a frequency distribution ,the value of the variable for which the frequency
is maximum is called the
(a) class interval (b) mode (c) median ( d) mean
28 In a distribution ,ogives are the graphical representation of
(a) class interval (b) frequency (c) raw data (d) cumulative frequency
29 The median of a frequency distribution is found graphically from
(a) bar graph (b) histogram (c) frequency curve (d) ogive
30 The mean of 8 observations is 10.5 .if the two observations 7 and 10 are
replaced by 4 and 5 respectively , then new mean is
(a) 7.5 (b) 8.5 (c) 9.5 (d) 10.5

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