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1. Introduction to Kashyapa Hora

2. Seven Horas and their Lords
3. Causative Karakatwas /Effects of Hora
4. PlanetsN
5. Discussion between Master and Disciple
6. Causative Effects of sun with other planets [Effects with Combination of two planets]
7. Nature of 12 signs in Horas
8. Planets and their charts
9. Principles of Hora
10. Example charts
11. Results of Retro-Direct Motion
12. Interchanges in Hora
13. Combustion
14. Sthambhana /Stationary
15. Rules Nos. 1-16 [Principles of Horas]
16. Hora Chart with Natives Birth Chart
17. Similarities of Names and Method of Finding out
18. Judging the answers for the natives
Question in Advance by Hora Principles
19. The Matter is continued in the / Second Part of Kasyapa Hora
20. Hora Table
21. Diagram of Stars and their Padas

The Great Sage Kashyapa's Hymns [Stotra]



In the Sacred Prayer of the Sage Sri Gandipa



While taking into consideration many of the voluminous writings on-the subject of astrology, the
quintessence of the great Nadi System is found to be of utmost value and Kashyapa Hora stands to be
the greatest method for obtaining greater degree of results as as the predictional part of Astrological
Science is concerned. Hence the great sage, on the banks of the holy river Cauvery, one of the great
places of south India in the present state of Tamil Nadu, delineated to his students the great Kashyapa
Hora, a great presentation to the World of Astrology.

The Nadi System was well delineated by such Sages choosing the script of DEVA NAGAR! That
was in vogue during those times. The various, innumerable stanzas are in the form of both Tamil and
Sanskrit languages

In this system, the entire Shastra is delineated in the form of conversation between the Master and
the Students and the quintessence of this system, mainly deals with the concept of time pertaining to
Hora- i.e., to say at what exact time the questionnaire comes for consulting an Astrologer, and
depending ,on that time, the predictional parts are deduced. This valuable system enables an Astrologer
to know or to write in advance, what are the questions the questionnaire desires to ask and what the
answers [results] for such questions are. The same can be well predicted through this great system. It}
this book, such versions are delineated for the benefits of the readers through many charts.

It is quite possible, that during a Hora, two or three persons may come to consult an astrologer, but
how to analyze them and how to predict accurate answers in such cases are also dealt with in the
following pages. Ipso-facto [needless to say] it is by the grace, the blessings of the Almighty, I am just
trying to place here before the readers of this book a humble appeal that the same shall be read at least
3-4 times in order to understand and make the best use of it, so that my efforts would become fruitful.
Any kind of suggestions about this book by the readers is welcome

In this book, some of the Slokas of the great Sri VARAHAMIHIRA in original is included and
this is well related authentically to this HORA SHASTRA.

What is meant by HORA?

It is established by the great learned of the past that there are 24 Horas commencing from the time of
Sun rise of a day to the next 24 hours closing with Sun rise of the next day. From Sun to Saturn planet
7 Horas and even seven days are considered. So, Hora means, the time at which the questionnaire
comes for questioning/consulting on a particular week day, at a particular time, pertaining to such
appropriate Hora and what the planetry combinations at that particular time forms the Hora, i.e. to say
it must be noted that at what Hora the person has come for consultation is taken for consideration.

Every day from the time of Sunrise to Sunset it is 12 Horas. Again from Sunset till next day's
Sunrise it is 12 Horas. So there would be 24 Horas comprising morning 12 and night 12.


For example:
On a Sunday the first Hora will be of Sun. When the Sun rise is at 6 a.m., the first Hora is of Sun
from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. The next Hora from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. is Venus Hora. Tables given in this book
explains the subsequent Horas.
On a particular weekday, the governing planet's Hora is the first Hora. .
For Example:
1. Sunday - Ravi [Sun] Hora.
2. Monday - Moon Hora
3. Tuesday - Mars Hora
4. Wednesday - Mercury Hora
5. Thursday - Jupiter Hora
6. Friday - Venus Hora
7. Saturday -Saturn Hora
The accompanying Hora table explains the appropriate Horas according to timing based on the
governing planets.


Causative effects of Hora planets:

By applying the principles of Transit to the birth chart of natives, results for the native's periodic
situation could be obtained.

In Hora the planetary positions of the day and the time of consultation by the native is taken for

The planetary position at the time of consultation of the natives is considered and assessment can
be made regarding the question of the native.
For example:
In the native's birth chart if Sun and Jupiter are together in a particular sign, predictions can be
given regarding the natives father to be notable person and also having spiritual thoughts etc.
But according to Hora, if these two planets are together in a sign on the day and at the time of
native's consultation and according to Hora, if it is a Jupiter's Hora, then we are considering regarding
the native, the same combination can be assessed as political support and such achievements, and also
there will be great cooperation from big personalities, notable persons. Therefore, we have to consider
the difference between the causative effects of birth chart and the time of Hora effects. The planetary
effects of planets are very important for consideration, including Kala [Time], Desha [such places
accordingly and the future.

Causative effects of planets of HORAS
Causative effects of all the nine planets are detailed below:

Work pertaining to governmental/royal courts, father’s aspect, governmental aspects, light, Gold.

Indicate Travels, Mother, Cheatings, Waning Moon pertaining to debts, thefts, digging well, female
aspect, flowers, Art, Buxom, Red powder.


Brothers, Enemy, Machine, Lime, Excess of Heat, Husband, Vehicle, Police, Weapon.

Business, Friends [both sex], Intelligence, Education, Land, Sister, Relatives, Green materials, Green

Jeeva (the Native), Health, Present position of Life, Improvements, Personalities, Auspicious Deeds,
Question regarding Success, A Great example, Cows, Close Acquaintances.
Indicate Wife, Elder Sister, Female Aspect, Wealth, House, Luxury, Money, Elder Daughter,
Beautiful, Attractive shape, Female Wealth, Turmeric.

Career, Royal/Government Servant, Work, Karma, Efforts / Endeavour_ Elder Brother, Matter
pertaining to Uncle, Career Aspects, Rheumatism, Gastric Complaints etc.
Wheel, Muslims, Rheumatism, Giant /Magnificent, Darkness, Grand Father's aspect, Head, Skin,
Upper Floors, Wheel, Demon, Devil, Action of Evil Spirits, Front door of a House, Snake, Embodying
Concept of Evolution, Rituals, Rites, Round Shapes.

Impedimental / Obstructive Aspects, Disputes, Net / Trap, Controller, Binding, Thread, Anything thin
and long, Roots, Maternal Grand Mother, Nerves, Rabbit's hole, The Lord Muneshwara, Saint / Seer
Christians, Hairs, Dry Grass [dharbhe], Pri vate Parts of Female, Shape of Male Organ, Washer-man,
The Sage Sri Agasthya Maharishi, liberation.

Causative effects of planets in Hora

Guru Kashyapa Maharishi while discussing with his Disciples regarding the causative effects of
planets in Hora says, that there is a difference between Hora and Natal charts regarding the planetary


Master, how could there be a difference between the Hora and the natal planetary combinatioI1s
when the planets have their own specific nature? How to distinguish varied nature of the planets and its

Yes - your question on the surface looks correct, but you have to observe that a woman by his
son as a mother, and she becomes wife for her husband, and sister to her brother/sister. Here, the
woman is one and the relationship of woman undergoes different changes depending on persons
involved/circumstances. For instance, a man can enact as Rama in a drama and he may be either a
good man in personal life or may be a thief, but for the reason he has acted as Rama he will not
become Rama.
Now let us discuss the planets in the above form, where Mercury and Mars combination in Natal
charts gives the result of impediments in educational lines, [i.e. Vidya Bhanga]. Also indicating the
native will have knowledge in technical line. When this combination appears in Hora there will be
quarrelling between / among brothers / in business affairs, also between partners or with blood
relatives. Anyhow, these two planets' combination is considered as quarelling aspects, while
considering the predictions from the Hora point of view. Further, Sun is the causative planet for father
and Moon for mother. In Hora Sun is eminent person having Raja Karya where Moon represents
mother. If Moon is under the control of Dragon Head there will be indications of mental aberrations.
If Sun is under the control of Dragon - Head, it indicates problems/hardships to native's father or
to the elder son of the native.

So, as per Hora, we are taking combination of two planets and their causative effects. In the
following paragraphs, let us discuss some of the causative effects of each planet with other planets.

The Hora Lord Sun with other Planets:

It indicates the native's father will have much traveling or one of the persons supporting him will
be an eminent/notable person, having traveling aspects. The combination of these two planets may be
in 1st, 5th and 9th or 7th to each another.

This combination indicates that two powerful/notable people are waiting for helping hand from
the native and out of them one may be a blood relative to the Hora Lord.
For instance, if the Hora Lord is Saturn i.e. at the time of consultation and if Sun and Mars are
with Saturn, then it indicates, the Hora Lord will have to encounter/overcome some inimical situations.
If Sun and Mars are in 5th and 9th to Saturn and if Sun is in 5th and Mars in 9th to Saturn, then the
native will have to encounter/overcome some major disturbances/ obstructional aspects either from
governmental sides or political sides/or troubles through police or from an angry person. If these two
planets are in 11th to Saturn, the native [Saturn] enjoys supporting factors and it can be noted that even
persons who were supposed to be inimical to the native will become friends and work as supporting
persons. Hence, it can be observed that the planets either inimical or friendly may be when they are in
11th indicates beneficial factors to the native [The Hora Lord].

In such cases the native enjoys beneficial factors in his business affairs from a notable person.

The native questioning in the context indicates that the native is a person of great name and
fame, enjoying commanding respectability, with good position and great status. Besides he will be
quite an active person in the field of social service [in normal levels].

Here, the native questioning is expecting some hereditary property and the question pertains to
financial resources/financial help or regarding the financial aspects of native's father/or his son/or
about a female folk and her financial aspects/wealth etc. And also the question follows regarding their
house property

The party questioning here has questions regarding career/ profession.


As explained above, i.e., questions regarding some of the problems being faced by one of his
elderly relative.
Indicate such questions as Flag sign [DWAJA KEERTI]. Indicates a law suit / or pleading for
The Master discusses the next planet Moon with other planets and their various causative effects.

Hora Lord Moon with Other Planets

Question is regarding the parents or regarding a notable person who is subjected to difficulties /
Question indicates about an outside person, a person who is impatient. Indicate some of the
displeasing causes, such as cheating and hardship etc. Anyhow, it can be noted her that the person
questioning will not be able to express or enjoy any beneficial factors or make significant progress.
The question indicates love affairs besides indicating some cheating. Also regarding water and
green Land, indicates commercial / business affairs and such activities in different / distant places &
regarding a friend or maternal uncle.
Question is regarding a reputable friend, who is in a distant place.
The native questioning in the context indicates some wicked mindedness or cunningness. The object of
questioning is to obtain an attractive thing by cunningness or evil means. If the Hora Lord is waning
Moon, the prosperity is meager and if it is waxing Moon, there will be great benefits.
The question indicates the native is making great efforts for a big endeavor. Anyhow, it indicates
great hardship and difficulties to the native. The native will have to make futile efforts involving lot of
traveling, but benefits will be meager. There are possibilities of the native suffering from a sort of
If the question pertains to agriculture, then it will offer beneficial results. Anyhow hardship is
also indicated. It indicates that from the time of questioning by the native, for a period of one year and
few months, all efforts/endeavors suffer obstructions. As a matter of remedy, if the native takes a dip in
holy water, the problem recedes. The native's mother suffering due to dispositions [ill- health], she can
improve her health by taking a dip in holy waters. For the mother 'RASOUSHADHA' treatment gives
good results.
Hora Lord Mars with other Planets
The native by nature is a strict type besides an adamant person. The person Questions about
political/governmental sides influence and its pros and cons.
The native questioning during this time will have traveling situations and if it is waxing Moon,
he will have long distance travels, and if it is waning Moon, he will have little traveling.
The native questioning shall be expecting some support from friends of either sex or questioning
pertaining to landed property. The native at the time of questioning will have some political aspects
The native is questioning with expectations of a respect_ able position for further improving his
position and status.
The native questions regarding expectations of some financial matter connecting wife or daughter.
The native is questioning regarding career with expectations of further property, questioning regarding
promotion in career.
It indicates the native at the time of questioning has inimical situations endangering aspects, and
the situation is quite irk some and disadvantageous - but anyhow, in future, the native will be able to
come out of such inimical/ endangering situations and later on enjoys prosperity. At the time of
questioning, things are working quite against to the efforts and endeavors of the native. But anyhow, in
future they get cleared. The native is also having emotional temperament, which becomes a
disadvantage bringing obstructions for his prosperity and happiness.
The native questioning under this combination indicates desperation and his efforts/endeavors
suffering due to impedimental [obstructional] aspects.

Hora Lord Mercury with other Planets

The native is quite an intelligent person, with good social status and who is trying to get help from
notable persons.
The question indicates traveling to the native, but suffers due to accusations. Anyhow, by Divine Grace,
in future, native finds solution to some of his problems. He will have to go to distant/different places and after
returning enjoys profitabilities. The context also indicates question regarding Native's worries about his mother.
Questioning regarding commercial career activities and combination indicates that the native
enjoys beneficial factors.
This combination indicates the native is quite an intelligent person and questions about some
extra ordinary expectations about his prosperity and honour. Anyhow he will have to improve his
health conditions. The native's intelligence and education offers him good position. So, the native who
is questioning regarding higher promotion / honour and expecting raise in status, the results will work
out favorably in favour of the native.

The questions indicate he has gains or profits through land and wealth etc. he will have
supporting factors through females. He talks as if he is sprinkling pearls through his speech.


The time of questioning indicates the native is having some big plan, but indicates some of the
inimical aspects behind. But, in near future begins to enjoy supports and profits.
The time of questioning indicates small wire/greens etc., and except these two factors, any other
aspects [if falls under the question] will not be of much benefit to the native.

Hora Lord Jupiter with other Planets

The time of questioning indicates the native himself is quite a notable person and expecting
some achievements/prosperity in political fields. Anyhow, in future native enjoys great prosperity as
per his expectations and to put it precisely the time is so good, the success will be practically waiting
for him.

The question indicates the native will have to undergo traveling within short time.

The question indicates the native enjoys some benefits through technical sides: But if Mars is
exalted, the native will have to overcome/ [encounter with] surgical operations.

The question indicates the native is interested in gathering more knowledge; besides, indication of the
native interested I in some females too. The question also indicates regarding land.

The question indicates that the native is asking regarding his wife/wealth and about his house

The question indicates about career and the native is expecting supporting factors through his
friends' circle. The native gets such supports and enjoys improvements in career.


The question indicates the native will have to either encounter or overcome some major
obstructions. Anyhow, in future native enjoys life with prosperity and comforts.


The combination indicates little indisposition [ill-health] aspects. The native will have to
encounter with impediments [obstructional] aspects/breaks pertaining to his prosperity. The native in
the prevailing circumstances is in embarrassing / an irksome situation, finding no prosperity, in spite of
his great efforts-anyhow, in future enjoys prosperity by Divine Blessings.
Hora Lord Venus with other Planets
Questioning is regarding the results pertaining to efforts for great an Achievements Opportunities
for the native to get possession of Gold and Ornaments.

Questioning about financial transactions - the native's , money is under the control of
somebody/other person besides the native under the prevailing circumstances suffering due to bad
debts i.e. due to loans etc.

The question indicates the native enjoys some benefits through a friend, besides there are
opportunities for the native to get some property like land/ house property. Close attachment with
opposite sex is also indicated.
The question also relates to know ledge/money and financial aspects.
The question indicates the internal dispute in the family of native, anyhow in future native enjoys

Questioning is regarding career - financial supports etc. If efforts are made even the native's
wife also gets an employment.


The question indicates a large-scale financial investment native enjoys storied building comforts,
besides vehicular gains. The native gets some hereditary property/ financial gains. But native will have
to overcome problems in his family. Indisposition [ill-health] of wife is also indicated.
The question indicates that, although, the native, is able to enjoy some supporting factors
pertaining to finance/money and other matters, still some impediments prevents him from enjoying
proper benefits and finances. It also indicates some quarrelling in domestic quarters. Also indicates that
one of the elder daughter suffering due to disputes. One of the native's sisters is also suffering.

Hora Lord Saturn with other Planets

Question indicates the native is expecting some better positions, further prosperity, but the
higher authorities would not immediately permit for enjoying such beneficial aspects, anyhow takes
some time. Question indicates regarding native's father, future prosperity of the family.
Native questioning about change of place pertaining to his career and certain changes occur
within a short time - also question indicates the native will have to overcome some deceiving factors.
The combination indicates that he will have to overcome some impediments [obstructional]
aspects, besides inimical situations. Anyhow, there are indications the native enjoys prosperity in
technical lines can be noted.

The combination indicates knowledge/commercial factors. Also indicate association with
friends of either [sex] or it! Future opportunities of getting some profit through lands are also
The question indicates the native following some prominent person - anyhow some beneficial
factors can be achieved after few months from the time of questioning.

The question indicates that the native is expecting some benefits regarding wealth - anyhow in
future gets/enjoys some beneficial aspects.
This combination indicates that unnecessary strain and hardships are prevailing and if Venus and
Mercury are not in 5th, 9th or 11th to the Hora Lord or to the Dragon Head, the above effects can be


This combination indicates that the native, under the prevailing circumstances suffering due to
disadvantage situations related to his career, and hence the native cannot continue with his present
career [because of major obstacles in career]. Hence, the native is under dilemma whether to continue
the present career or not.

Hora Lord Dragon Head with other Planets

Generally Dragon Head Hora doesn't exist. But certain combinations can be discussed as


The question of the native indicates some difficulty to native’s son or to the native's father.


The native's question indicates the mother under the prevailing circumstances is in difficult


The native's question indicates major problems to the native's blood relatives/or to native's


The question of the native indicates regarding some commercial pursuits. The native is under
dilemma under prevailing situations. Also indicates sufferings/disturbances in mental faculties to
younger brother of the native.


The question indicates that the native will have to face some accusations by the government, will
have to face some jail trials, and hence it indicates endangering situations to the native.
The question of the native indicates regarding some beneficial aspects, but such benefits are
under the control of other Late, after a period of one year and few months native begins to enjoy some
\The question also indicates some secret affairs in the native's domestic quarters. It also indicates
some evil possession and their causative effects on native's house. .


The question of the native indicates that bad habits must be avoided to prevent further
complication, as the time under prevailing circumstances are quite bad. Anyhow, in future period
native enjoys supporting factors and prosperity.

Dragon Tail with other Planets

The question of the native indicates some difficult situations to parents some of the property of
the family are under dispute when Jupiter aspects this combination, such problems begins to get
The native's question indicates that one of the female folks mother in the domestic quarters
enjoys success and some beneficial factors.


The native's question indicates that one of the brothers or blood relatives is in embarrassing/
irksome situations - so they have to encounter with/overcome some risky situations.
The question of the native indicates that one of the native's close friend! or youngsters in the
family is under disputable aspects regarding some hereditary property later on enjoys prosperity. or it
indicates the native has to overcome such disputable situations regarding landed property/site etc.
Anyhow, after the Jupiter aspect this combination the situations begin to offer profits.


The question of the native indicates that under prevailing circumstances one of the native's
acquaintances is facing major problems.
The question of the native indicates, that under the prevailing circumstances some of the benefits
due to the native is suffering stagnation. Anyhow, in future, after facing some risks native begins to
enjoy profits.


The question indicates that the native since the past few months is under desperation in his
career, [the native has already crossed some major problems], and whatever the remaining minor
problems in future comes to a control.


Before actually beginning for discussion 00- planets combination, it would be necessary to make
a mention that if all the planetic combinations are to be delineated in details it runs to several hundreds
of pages. Hence, considering the limitation of this book, few combinations are given here as hints.
Comparisons: I
Sun is the governing planet of father in Natal chart and in Horn, Sun indicates governmental
aspects, father and dragon tail indicates Matha Maha [Grand-mother] in Natal. But in Hora Dragon-
Tail indicates litigations and impediments / breaks etc. I Saturn is governing planet for work and also
he is the son of Sun. Venus is the planet of wife 'in Natal and Hora. In Hora the same Venus represents
house and wealth.
Now let us discuss the planetary combinations with some examples:
Sun is Father. Dragon-tail is litigation. Saturn is the Son of Sun. Hence Sun [father], Tail [litigation].
Saturn [Son]. So it indicates of some litigation aspect between the father and son due’ to
misunderstandings because Dragon-Tail is in the middle and if it is Sun + Saturn + Dragon-Tail, it
indicates the father and son both are fighting together against some litigation aspects and trying to find
some solution.
Both father and son together fighting against some litigation aspects regarding wealth, house property
Mars is husband, Venus is wife and they are together facing some litigation aspect.


Mars-husband and wife-Venus are quarrelling between themselves because there is Dragon Tail in the
middle or it indicates that one of the native's brothers is having some problems in his family life.
5. Venus, Mars, Dragon-tail, Mercury and Moon in successive degrees Venus-wife, Mars- husband,
Dragon- Tail...litigation. Mercury indicating property, Moon-mother indications are that both husband
and wife are together facing litigation aspects regarding some property belonging to mother or mother

The combination of planets Saturn / Moon + Dragon-Tail + Jupiter indicate Saturn = work. Moon=
accusations. Dragon tail = litigation and Jupiter = judge.
Hence, it is an indication that the native questioning regarding his career when he has committed
some mischief (Moon indicating mischief) and Dragon-Tail indicate litigation hence the native is
charged, following the mischief, and facing accusations in a court of law.
Also, the native, under the prevailing circumstances is under suspension from service for the
reasons mentioned above. In the subsequent pages, we are discussing the causative effects to the
native, by judging the Hora chart.


Center, place of King - technical sign - hardship - place of heat - stones - house of husband for female -
The house of the Mother-in-law, Lakshmikaraka a sign of wealth, Suspicious place of Mother, medium
Indicate Vaisyas, Commercial Knowledge, Speech, Intellect, Education, Maternal Uncle, Polite, and
House of friends.

Ocean of Nectar - mind - question regarding theft - accusations - falsehood --sign of divine mother -
female aspect - travels cold place.
Indicate large city, Palace kingdom, House of Eminent persons, House of father, Affairs connected to
government, Shape of a cave.

Commercial atmosphere - house of commerce - illegitimate wealth- house of intellect - question
regarding the house of an intelligent person - big city - a place of intellectual and commercial

Indicate Treasury, Place of Royal Servant; House of the servants, Knowledge, House of a female,
Shape of a Plate, Small Town.
Narrow/comer/congested place - trifle matters - hole I rabbit hole] - place of living for venomous
reptiles - female's genetic organ [secret organ] - burial ground - small village - marshy place - place of
Plants and leaves - jungle [forest atmosphere] - place of a seer -little darkness [or little dark place],
lengthy place, cold! gastric effects - place of a learned Master [Guru].
Hard rock - hill and water bound place - cold region - excess of heat - place for agricultural benefits -
place of royal servant place of body guards/security [main door body guards].
Shape of pot and round - place of air and dark - place pertaining to the concept of the Lord Shiva -
secret place _ sound of Omkars [inside a pot] - place of security in a Divine place [Dwarapalaka].
Place of heaven - feet of Lord - place of Lotus - place of Divine preceptor - place of holy information -
place of water -- fruits reputed place - flowers.

DIVISIONS: Wise men of ancient days broadly classified the entire human life in the society under 4
headings. Although it is generally assumed, that this classification as "Caste based" still its internal
concept of division is away from any caste-ism but based purely on worldly and universal factors.

Although it is generally assumed that Brahmins are a group of people belonging to a higher caste, its
internal meaning in a broad sense is different. 'Brahmins' means a person who has to work for
knowledge, wisdom and cleanliness' of the society to finally reach the eternal concept of wisdom.
The people engaged in the world of commerce/trade.
They are dynasty of warriors, bravados and protectors of the Society.
They are working class people. Here, the concept of noble service to the world of humanity is the
quintessence, governing factor. So, zodiac signs are grouped according to various castes as follows:
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces ... Brahmins.
Leo, Sagittarius, Aries Kshatriyas
Libra, Gemini, Aquarius Vaisyas
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn Sudras
The above four major divisions according to their respective zodiac signs are given in the following


Brahmin Kshatriya Sudra Vaisya

Vaisya Brahmin
Birth chart No. 6
Sudra Kshatriya

Kshatriya Brahmin Vaisya Sudra


1.. If there are 2 to 3 planets in a particular sign, consider the degree of each planet or the division of stars
and their padas. The degree, minutes and second position of each planet at the time of consideration
are to be taken.
2. At the time of a native's consultation, the Hora planet must be taken for consideration - i.e, Guru Hora,
Budha Hora, Saturn Hora etc., accordingly and it must be noted that at what exact position and the
degree at which the planet is' situated or in other words, considering a particular sign, the note must be
made to what extent a planet has passed in particular sign considering its degree. So, the Planetary
Position in Degrees must be considered as an important factor at the time of consultation by the native.
3. Commencing from the Sun Rise of a clay till the time of Sun Set, it is 12 hours and again from the day's
Sun set till the next Sun rise there are another 12 hours. Thus the totaling 24 hours. So, there are 24
Horas i.e, 1 Hora for very 1 hour. During the tenure of24 hours, the various planetary positions in
degree must be kept as a ready reckoner for 24 Hora charts for each day.

4. In this way after preparing 24 Hora charts, it is essential to record at what exact Hora time a native has
arrived for consultation and in that manner the exact Hora must be noted down. And after deciding the
Hora, the relevant planetic position must be noted for predictional parts. 2nd, 7th [and also 11 th] signs
must be considered with respect to the degree of the planets and the causative effects of these planets
must be considered for predictional parts. If there are planets in 2nd, 7th and 11 th and whether they
are friendly to the Hora Lord or inimical to the respective Hora Lord must be taken into note before
If any planets are in retrogression they will be aspecting the rear signs from their position.
If the Lord of Hora is in retro motion and if they are any friendly planets in the rear sign, then
the Hora Planet [the native] enjoys beneficial results.
If there are inimical planets for the Hora Lord on the rear sign, then inauspicious unwarrantable
results are expected to the native.
If the rear sign planet is aspected by friendly planets from its 7th aspect, then it is beneficial.
If the above planet is aspected by inimical planet from its 7th, then inauspicious/unwarrantable
results are obtainable, In order to enlighten the above factors, in the following paragraphs we give
examples through various charts,

Title- Bad to Worse - worse to worse

In this chart [1] Jupiter is retro in Leo with dragon-head and he [the native] expects some help,
co-operation from the rear sign, where there is Saturn. But Saturn is with Moon and Saturn is aspected
by major enemy Mars: situated in 7th from Saturn. Jupiter is not
willing to stay with the Demon planet Dragon Head because when
Jupiter is with Dragon Head he looses his strength, status and power,
Hence Jupiter tries to leave Dragon Head: and hence becomes retro
D. Tail Saturn while expecting some help/support, benefits and status, But the rear
Example house cancer is occupied by Saturn, where Saturn is already hopeless
chart No. 1
Jupiter ® and helpless, because he is with the enemy of Moon and aspected by
Mars D.Head major enemy Mars. Mars and Moon are enemies to Saturn, Hence
Saturn's position is miserable. So, the native who seeks guidance and
help while consulting an astrologer in Jupiter Hora [as in this case]
who is in great distress had to approach his close friend for help, but
his friend himself is already in a miserable position and finally
arrives at a conclusion, that his position itself is far better than his friend's from who he thought of
seeking help.
For the some chart, suppose if the questioner arrives in Saturn Hora, then Saturn is native
[Horadahipathi is the native] who is in great distress and suffering due to suppression and humiliation
imposed by his relative and some of the acquaintances, because Saturn is defeated by Moon and Mars.
So, it is to be judged that the native has appeared forconc1usion about his great problems and
humiliating situations and trying to find some solutions for his problems. So, this becomes the
'question 'part.

The Retro Jupiter is the close friend of Saturn, who is aspecting on the rear sign where there is
the friend Saturn. Hence, it can be deduced that the native will get favourable supporting factors
resulting in beneficial aspects within a short time, will be the answer.

So, from the above it can be deduced and observed that, although the chart is the same [as in
above case] still there is difference in Horas and hence the results vary according to Hora Lords.
Title: "A Friend in need is a Friend indeed"
In this chart, Jupiter is in Leo with Dragon Head and Mars [who are inimical to each other]. Here,
Jupiter becomes retro, because he can't tolerate the amenity and the quarelling between Dragon Head
and Mars hence Jupiter becomes retro and hence tries to
approach a friend who can help. His friend is Saturn who is in a
D.Tail Saturn ®
good position, wealthy, well to do one, invites his friend
[Jupiter]. Saturn and Venus are having 7th aspects to each other.
Birth chart Where as Venus is indicating wealth. Hence Saturn is having
No. 2 D.Head
Venus Mars good wealth and can support Jupiter. Therefore, Jupiter gets
Jupiter help, beneficial factors through his friend Saturn, by becoming
retro. So, if Jupiter is the Hora Lord [the native] then the native
who is in the critical position, gets support and help through his
friend or in other words, the native because of his critical
position is thinking of leaving his place, but a wealthy friend supports and helps him.

Title: Help from Guru [Noble persons]

Here, the native has appeared in Saturn Hora, who is in the 10th degree of Leo and who is
retro and Dragon Tail is in 5\h degree and second to Leo there
are enemies of Saturn [Moon and Mars]. Therefore Saturn
becomes retro because of his precarious condition and on the
D.Head rear sign there is the exalted friend Jupiter. So, Saturn by
becoming retro who [after passing 5 degrees] has to encounter
Birth chart No. Saturn with inimical planet dragon-tail and hence the result is that
3 ®
Venus Saturn comes across difficulties because of inimical planet
D.Tail Dragon-tail who controls, and binds Saturn. Anyhow, after such
sufferings [after some months] when Jupiter enters Leo
Mars, according to Transit, a friend comes to release Saturn and thus
Saturn [the native] gets released from such sufferings and
CHART 4: Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Here, the native has appeared in Venus Hora, Venus is female Mars is the husband who is in the 7th
from Venus who is under the inimical control of Dragon Head. Retro Venus is expecting some
support and help from his close friend Mercury to save her husband from difficulties [and in order to
help her husband]. But Venus while trying to get help from the
rear sign, there is Moon with Mercury. Here the native [she]
unfortunately, will be constrained to loosen her chastity this is
Venus ®
Birth chart No. 4 because of the tricks played by Moon who exploits the helpless
Moon Mars
Mercury D. Head condition of the Lady [where the wife wants to help her
husband, but she becoming hopelessly helpless and she had to
sacrifice her chastity].

[A Trap for Sacrifice]

PART - B: A Double edge knife is better than a wife of many edges.
For the above chart 4, should it be Mars Hora, where 7th to Mars there is Venus [Venus is the wife of
the native]. Venus retro is trying to enter a brothel [who has no norms of principles about chastity] and
the native [husband] who cannot tolerate his wife's immoral activities seriously thinks of a suicidal act
on his own life, because Dragon-Head is Kaala Purusha, the Time Personified [anti-clockwise] and
Mars is entering the mouth of Kaala purusha, the Time Personified and hence the husband suffering
humiliation and mental torture because of his wife's immoral behaviour and sinful activities.
So, from the above two charts, it can be observed that in chart 5 Venus Hora wife is trying to
protect her husband while she has to get seduced and in same chart Mars Hora husband has to sacrifice
his life, because of his many edged wife. It is stated by the wise men "double edged knife is better than
many edged wife".


Every Saint has a Past
Here it is Jupiter Hora. Jupiter is the symbol of intellect and who is retro-Direct is retro-Direct
and before that he was Retro. So, Jupiter, before coming to retro-direct motion [the native] had bad
D. Head Jupiter association with immoral persons, drunkards and persons
(RX) having many vices. But now as he is in retro-direct motion
develops an inclination towards the path of righteousness
and -wisdom. But second to Jupiter there is Moon. Dragon-
Birth chart tail is in 5th from Moon. Moon and dragon-tail combination
No. 5 indicates Holy water and holy places and hence the native,
in the past, who had associations with wicked people, now
is developing interest towards the path of righteousness and
wisdom. According to planets in second to Jupiter indicates
D. Tail the native becomes a Saint.
It is to be noted that any Hora Lord, if retro and rear sign is
occupied by inimical planets, then it can be deduced that the native who has having association with
people of vices, in subsequent periods changes for good. If any Hora Lord is having bad planets in
second, it is an indication that the native will have the company with wicked people, in future.
Anyhow, after some months from the time of consultation, the Hora Lord becomes retro and if
the rear sign is occupied by benefic planets that indicate first the native will be a wicked person, but
later changes for better and higher positions.

CHART 6: Worse to Good
Here the native has appeared in the Mars Hora for consultation. Mars is debilitated in Cancer
and who is in between two major inimical planets namely Saturn and Dragon Head in the same sign,
which indicates that the native is in desperate, deprived
Mars condition, almost feeling abandoned in life. Anyhow, it can
Birth chart Saturn be concluded that the native within duration of 6-7 months
No. 6
D. Tail
improves to better position from the prevailing miserable
Jupiter Oh Master kindly explains how to decide that the native's
position improves within a period of 6-7 months. Kindly
Of course, Mars may be in worst stage, but he is in the house of Moon and Moon is in the house of
Mars. From cancer to Scorpio for the transit of Mars, it takes duration of 5-6-7 months. When transit
Mars comes to his own sign [Scorpio] where there are l:1;!s close friends and favorable planets viz
Sun, Jupiter and Venus situated. Sun is the royal friend where Jupiter is the supporter/guide and Venus
indicating wealth. Hence, whatever may be the worst periods 0 the past, within 5 to 7 months time
improves very much and also the native in future can enjoy popularity [becomes a notable person]
besides enjoying great status in the society, with commanding respectability. Hence it can be
concluded that the prosperity and improvements are assure sign for the native.

CHART 7: Carrying Coal to New Castle

In the previous chart, it was bad to good but here in this it is good to worse and let us discuss
how it is. The native appears in the Saturn Hora and the Hora Lord is with Jupiter and in the house of
Venus [wealth].
Saturn is aspected by close friend Mercury from 7th; so the native enjoys good support from two
persons [Jupiter and Mercury] are friends to Saturn. Therefore, the native enjoys land benefits,
Jupiter respectability and fortune.
Saturn But to greediness for making more wealth, he goes to some other
place, where there will be unfavorable conditions and thus loose
his wealth, besides being subjected to inimical aspects, distress
Birth chart and sufferings. This is because there is an interchange between
Moon No. Saturn and Venus [Saturn in the house of Venus and Venus in
Mars Good to worse the house of Saturn]. Before the interchange of Saturn the native
was in quite a good and respectable position and because of
greediness [as mentioned above], having his place, goes to some
Sun Mercury other place, when Saturn comes to Capricorn and because of
interchange with Venus, where Saturn will be under the control
of Dragon- Tail, Mars and Moon and hence will be constrained
to loose his wealth. Hence it can well be observed that the interchange may sometimes be beneficial
and sometimes can be most un favorable too. Hence, the phenomena of interchange in Hora must be
carefully taken into consideration for obtaining predictions.

Any planet, if it is within 1 degree of other planet and if there is combustion with another planet
in the same sign, the following are the results of combustion:

Sun is in 10 degree at Pisces, when Venus also comes to ten degrees in the same sign and this is
known as Combustion [ASTA}.

In this combustion, although Venus is exalted in Pisces, but still Venus loses his strength. Even if
there is combustion between friendly planets in the same sign, even then one cannot independently do
without the other. Anyhow, the combustion among friendly planets is better than the combustion of
inimical planets.
Venus and Saturn, Venus and Dragon Head are friendly to each other and they may be in one
and the same degrees then the affects will be normally good.
If Moon and Venus are in the same degrees then the situations will be that the daughter-in-law
will be afraid of mother-inlaw. Here Venus is considered as daughter-in-law and Moon, the mother-in
STHAMBHANA: [Stationery]

Stationery means when a planet stays for more than considerable time in a sign [with an
exception for Sun, Moon. Dragon Head and Dragon Tail], then it is called Sthambhana.
For Example:
Mars is supposed to staying a sign for a limited period. In case if Mars becomes stationery in a
sign for more than the limit, then in such cases, if the native appears for consultation under such Hora
[Mars Hora], then it can be concluded that the native has become stationary in a place more than
For instance, if a native comes for consultation about a person who was supposed to be away for
a period of 1.5 months, but if the party does not return in that time, the reason is because Mars being
stationary has made the native's party to be stationery for a period of 8 months [i.e. to say, if a native
comes for consultation stating that the party who has left the house and who was supposed to return
within 1.5 months did not return, then the aspect of stationery comes into picture] and hence the party
instead of returning in 1 Y2 months will be returning after 8 months.


When the party comes for consultation in Saturn Hora, if second sign to Saturn is occupied by
Mars, who is enemy to Saturn and Mars is stationary [6-8 months]- then at that time the native will
have to overcome some of the inimical aspects during that duration of 6-8.months [i.e. from the time of
consultation], because Mars will move after 6-8 months to the next sign and hence for the entire
stationary duration of Mars, there will be inimical aspects to the native.
There are possibilities that some astrologers may not take into consideration Dragon Head and
dragon-tail because they are considered only as Chaya-Grahas (Shado\y Planets). But in Hora they are
taken as very important consideration for prediction. Sortie astrologers may not have taken into the
consideration of the sthree [female] planets, but even they are taken for consideration here because
Moon is mind. Mercury is land [Bhoodevi, the wife of Lord Maha Vishnu] and Venus for wealth. So, it
can be well understood that every one is under the control of mind, earth and wealth and this is more
so an inescapable embodying concept of the Divine Creation.

After making a note regarding the Hora Lord in which the party has arrived for consultation,
2nd, 5th and 7th signs to Hora Lord should be considered and decided whether there are friendly
planets or inimical planets in it.
It is to be decided at the time of consultation whether the Hora Lord is under combustion or
rising [Udaya or Astha] and this is quite important not only for the Hora Lord but also such
combinations should be considered regarding other planets also.

If the Hora Lord is associated with more than one inimical planet, the nit is to be decided that the
strength of the Hora Lord is weak.

If the Horn Lord is exalted and is with inimical planets then it is to be predicted that the native
would not be able to enjoy any success in his efforts/endeavors, as far as the time of consultation is
considered. If at all some benefits are indicated, then such beneficial aspects to the native can be
derived out of extreme hardship and enormous difficulties.
If the Hora Lord is with a friendly planet and if that planet is associated with inimical planet then
it is to be decided that the native suffers accusations.

Should it come to the aspect of Moon, then it is to be decided whether it is waning Moon or
waxing Moon [full Moon or new Moon] must also be taken for consideration towards predictional
parts. Anyhow, if the Moon is waning, then it is strong, other wise it is weak.

If 3 parties come for consultation at a time, for the pi party the Horadhipathi must be taken for
consideration and for the second party the 5th sign from Horadhipathi and for the 3rd party, 9th sign
from Horadhipathi must be taken into account. If there are no planets for 2nd, third party in 5th and 9th
signs, then we have to consider the successive planets, if the Hora Lord is associated with more then
one planet in successive degrees, then for 2nd and 3rd party, the planets in successive degrees to
Horadhipathi should be taken next and subsequent.

Suppose if the time in which the native comes for consultation comes under Jupiter Hora, where
Jupiter in Aries and Jupiter is in 5th degrees, Saturn in 10 degrees and Venus in 20 degrees then
consider Jupiter for 151 party, Saturn for the 2nd person and Venus for the 3rd person, because they
are in successive degrees from Hora Lord. Hence NAKSHATRA PADAS or more precisely
DEGREES are to be taken into account in such cases.
Occasionally, there may be such possibilities that the names of the respective parties coming for
consultation may be in same "Bhava".
For example, the names may be Anantha, padmanabha, Sreeni vasa who comes under the
concept of the Lord Maha Vishnu. Similarly it may be like Antony, Ananthswamy, Abdullla or it may
be like Kashinath, Katim Kohan, Kenneth More etc. Here the Bhavas are considered regarding the
names of parties.

The nature of Hora Lord and the nature of sign in which Hora Lord is stationed are very
important for delineation. Now let us discuss this part in the form of an example. During the regime of
King Tippu Sultan, aHora specialist visited the royal court. Then the King all of a sudden asked the
expert- "Can you tell me what is in my closed palm?" Then the expert said that the King in his first is
having something round and luminous object that is valuable. The reason for the same was that, at that
time it was the Sun Hora in Aquarius. Sun is luminous and being in Aquarius indicates Kumbha [a pot
which is opened at one end and closed at the other end] and Kumbha is round shape. Hence the expert
was able to decide that the King was holding something in the form of a pot that was luminous and
valuable [also Sun indicating Gold]. Actually the King was holding Gold.
If there are planets in 2nd and 11Ih to the Hora Lord, the nature of those planets must be
Suppose, the party appears during Rahu Kala [under the aspect of Dragon Head] at the same time
Hora Lord also will have such effects of Dragon Head. Therefore, the formation is Hora Lord +
Dragon Head = such effects accordingly. If the Hora Lord is friendly to Dragon Head, beneficial
results can be predicted and if the Hora Lord is inimical to Dragon Head, then the results will be bad to
the native.

In the same manner, for "Gulika Kala" also it depends whether the planets are friendly or
inimical to the Hora Lord and such results vary accordingly.
RULE: 15
If the Hora Lord is exalted and having an interchange with other planet/planets involved in
interchange are beneficial to one another then favorable results cab be predicted.
RULE: 16
If the Hora Lord is associated with more than one planet in the same sign, the degrees of each
planet/s located in front and rear to the Hora Lord must be taken into consideration for predictional
The following are the two charts [1] Hora Chart and [2] Native's birth chart and although there
are similarities between the two, the changes in predictional parts can be studied; hence the delineation
is as follows:

D. D.Head
Tail Saturn

Moon Venus
Birth chart
Sun Birth chart
No. Sun
Mars Mercury
Mars Jupiter

The native in this context has appeared with the following questions: the native is a female.

1. Regarding shifting off place from her present living position.

2. Disputes at home.
3. Husband suffering due to various problems.
Oh Master, explain how to decide that the native has approached with the above pattern of questions?
Here, observe the Hora Chart. The native has appeared in Jupiter Hora. Jupiter is native's life,
Moon is in 9th to Jupiter and hence the native is asking regarding shifting [change of place], where
Moon indicating travel and hence the first question is about shifting or travel or change of place.
2. Regarding Husband's irksome problems:
At the time of consultation as per successive degrees in \ Leo [east sign] Sun is first- next Venus, next
Mercury and these three planets are associated in Leo [East] and Aries [also East] where there is
Dragon-Tail; hence combination Sun + Venus + Dragon-Tail prevails. Hence it is an indication that the
native's husband has involved in litigation because Venus is her house. Sun indicating government and
Mercury is friend of Sun who is against to Dragon-Tail and hence the Native's husband has problems
landing him in the court of law, besides having some problems in domestic affairs.
3. Regarding the problems of native's husband:
Here, the native appearing for questioning is female [more so the wife] and Mars is the husband
of native who is in Virgo. Mercury is in the last degree of Leo who is enemy to Mars - [and major
enemy of Mars i.e. Dragon-Head in anti-clockwise direction is approaching] and Dragon Head in 4th
degree of Libra and Mars is in 26 degree and behind Mars, Mercury is in 27th degree in Leo. On rear
and front of Mars, there are his major enemies and hence it can be concluded that the native's husband
is in irksome situation.
Here the Master is explaining to the Disciple that the native's husband has career in the
department of agriculture in an important position.
Oh Master, I do not see such possibilities but kindly explain the above aspect.
Mars I the causative planet of native's husband who is in the house of Greenland [Kanya- Virgo
is Green land], and Moon is in 11 th to Jupiter and hence is an indication of soil and water. Mars is
11th to Jupiter and hence Mars enjoys respectable position [the native's husband] Working in
Agricultural Department.

The Master explains how the eldest son of the native [female] enjoys great prosperity and this is
calculated as per the Hora Chat1 and its delineation is here as under.

Sun is in starting degree, 5 degrees at Leo [east], Jupiter in north in 12 degrees, M9on is in 5th
degree [north], Sun is in 2nd to Jupiter according to degrees. Hence Sun is having the aspect of Jupiter
from rear sign where these two planets are nearer- thus indicating the aspect of JEEV ATMA
SAMYOGA and hence it can be concluded that the Native's son enjoys great prosperity during the
sojourn of his life.

Regarding the Native's [female] Birth chart:

Sagittarius is an Ascendant. Jupiter is in Virgo. Moon is in 9th to Jupiter. Jupiter and Moon are
in south indicating combination of Jupiter and Moon. Mars is the husband of the native who is with
Saturn ® Mercury and Dragon-tail and hence it is concluded that the
Moon D.Head native's husband is having career aspect related to
Agricultural department.

Birth chart Oh Master, explain how the native's husband has a
No. prominent [Head of the department] position in. the
Sun agricultural department?

Mercury Jupiter There is an interchange between Mercury and Jupiter and
D. Tail because of this interchange Mars position is quite prominent
and enjoys commanding respectability. And according to transit of Dragon-Tail to East [to Aries] at
the time of consultation there is a tight comer situation to Native's husband in his career because transit
Saturn and Natal Saturn in the west. Hence this is explained taking into consideration the Hora chart
where the aspect of transit and native's birth chart [female] has been taken into consideration. Also
regarding the prosperity of native's son, Jupiter is in 9th to Sun in the native's chart and hence the
native’s son is a fortune one.

In the following paragraphs, we are trying to determine how to decide the native's name who
approaching for consulting and in the context we are first considering a female native, where for a
female native's life is represented by Venus.

Venus in Leo:

Here, Sun is in starting degree at Leo, Venus in next degree and after Venus position Mercury is
nearest to last degree and Dragon- Tail in East To obtain the group name of the native, Sun is in the top
[starting degree] and next there is Venus [Venus indicating lotus] and at the bottom of Venus, there is
Mercury, which indicates leaf of lotus. Dragon-Tail is also in East who is the root of lotus and hence
root + leaf + Venus at top there is Sun.
Hence, Sun + Venus + Mercury + Dragon-Tail combination indicates the Lotus Flower [female] or
Saroja, Padma and names pertaining to such categories.
Oh Master, there are billions of people on the earth and one single thumb Rule is not applicable
for obtaining the name of the native. What are the other methods kindly explain?
Before we actually enter into knowing the name, It is necessary to discuss some of the following
universal concept of Nature and Basic principles. T_ three main Lords, Brahma, Vishnu and
Maheshwara must be taken into consideration, where Brahma- the creator, Lord Vishnu the Saviour,
Lord Shiva- Lord of Destruction. Now let us discuss who are the causative planets pertaining to the
above three lords.
BRAHMA - Dragon-Tail
Jupiter + Dragon-Tail
Morning Sun
Mercury + Dragon-Tail
Vishnu - Mercury
Evening Sun
Shiva - Saturn
Jupiter + Saturn

Dragon Head [embodying concept of Kaala Purusha I Time Personified]

Now let us discuss the Goddesses pertaining to the above three Lords.


Now let us discuss the various planets pertaining to the Goddesses mentioned above.

LAKSHMI- Mercury
Saturn, Moon [Parvathi, the Universal Goqdess, Mother]
Mars [Shakthi Swaroopini]
So, different combinations of planets indicate the name of native under such headings.
Note: Even Sun has mostly Eswaramsha.
If any planet is in exaltation then it is to be noted in which amsha it is and what are the planets
associated. Then the names come as per the Amsha of the exalted planet.
For example for Hindus:
Suppose the native who appears for consultation has combinations like Saturn and Jupiter. The
name of male shall be considered with the life planet of Jupiter and any other planets associated with
Jupiter should be noted. Life exists only where there is body- then it is to be noted what are the planets
associated, its aspects and such planets come under what groups- i.e. Brahma, Vishnu, Maheswara,
while taking into consideration the time of native's birth.
And in the same manner, the same principles can be applied for females, also, where Venus is the
causative planet of female.

For example:
"Srimad Shanakracharya":
Sri Shankaracharya's name was Shanka, later became, Shankaracharya and finally Shanakra Sri
Mercury Bhagavad Pad a because of Divine achievements. In this case,
Venus Jupiter is the causative planet oflife which is in Aquarius.
Mars D.Head Moon
Sun Aquarius is the house of Eswara where Moon [Parvathi] is 5th
from Jupiter thus indicating the native's name is similar to Lord
Jupiter Eswara. There is an interchange, of Jupiter with the planet of
Birth chart Karma, Saturn hence Jupiter + Saturn- Guru Karma Yoga and
No. Sagittarius Saturn and Aquarius Jupiter- KUMBHA GURU is
having an'interehange. Also the interchange is having the
conjunctional aspects with each other Le. Jupiter and Saturn,
Saturn where Jupiter [Jeeva], Saturn [Karmaindicating Eswara] and 7th
D. Tail
t,o Saturn there is Moon. Therefore, the nati ve' s name is
connecting to Lord Eswara. Rear to Saturn there is Dragon-Tail and Rear to Dragon-Tail is west- chart
of Sri Shankaracharya:
Moon also in the west- and as mentioned Jupiter is life. Saturn is Eswaramsha and the Lord
Eswara having his hairs long and falling like a Cascade [Jate/ matted hair] indicating DragonTail and
Lord Eswara having in his head the planet Moon, because Moon is in 7th to Saturn and hence Sri
Shankaracharya's name is akin to Lord Eswara.
Now let us discuss another example like Ganesha.
Even this name is also similar to Lord Eshwara. Jupiter represents the native's life who is in Aries- 7th
from Aries there are Mercury and Venus and these two planets
D. Tail
Jupiter Mars aspecting retro-Jupiter, hence the native' s name has to be related
to Lord Vishnu [because of Mercury and Venus]. But Mercury and
Venus are in 5th from Mars where Mars and Mercury are enemies
and Mars [indicating spear and sword] has chopped off the
Birth chart
No. Visnhuamsha. And Jupiter is retro who is having aspect towards
the north sign Pisces. Pisces and Scorpio are north signs therefore
Saturn has full aspects of Jupiter indicating Lord Shiva, Dragon-
Mercury Tail is the trunk of elephant. Therefore, the combination of Jupiter
Venus Sun + Saturn + Dragon-Tail is called the Eswara and in Hinduism we
call Lord Ganesha.
Oh Master: Mercury and Venus are together and what about Vishnuamsha. Kindly explain?
Here it is necessary to go back to the Mythological background of Hinduism. Once it so
happened that Lord Shiva was constrained to chop off the head of Lord Ganesha. In order to bring
back life, it was a problem. Then the life of Ganesha was rejuvenated by bringing and placing the head
of an elephant and that elephant's name was Vishwambha and the elephant was sl_ping, resting its
head facing north direction and its head was placed as a substitute to the chopped off portion of Lord
Ganesha. He is also called Gajanana.

From then onwards no person shall rest or sleep with his! her head facing towards north. Hence
lord Ganesha is an embodying concept of both Eswara and Lord Vishnu.
Chart 1:
In the following paragraphs, we are discussing about the various aspects of a native's name and
how it is connected with relevant Deity and Planetary combinations.
For Example:
Let us take a name like Jagannath. Where this name comes under
Lord Vishnu, where Jagath means Universe and Nath means the
D.Head one who protects. As all of us know there is sky above and mud
below. Where sky indicating the Dragon Head and bottom of
Venus Birth chart earth indicating Dragon-Tail and the Lord pervades as an
No. 1 omnipresent in all forms of life. The planet of Jupiter governs the
Sun D. Tail life. He is called Jagannath. He appears in various forms for all
ages and times like the versions of Sanskrit TAT SHUSTWA
Hence is called the Almighty/ the Paramathma. As already
explained above, it is necessary to determine under what category of the God [Brahma, Vishnu or
Maheswara]. The native falls, for males and for females the Goddess- Brahma - Saraswathi, Vishnu -
Lakshmi, Maheswara - Parvathi. As already mentioned above Dragon Head and Dragon- Tail are on
top and bottom of the Universe and if Jupiter [life] if having aspect of Lord Vishnu's name or his wife
like Mercury and Venus then the native's name comes under such names. Venus indicates Goddess
Sridevi and Mercury indicates Goddess Bhoodevi and Jeeva is having aspect of above two names
where Sridevi and Bhoodevi being on either sides of Lord Maha Vishnu.
For Jupiter when there is Mercury and Venus aspect on conjunction then the names will be
similar to Janardhana, Jagannath and Jagadish etc. Jupiter is life, and for Jupiter in 5th and 9th signs if
there is under the category of Lord Vishnu. If Jupiter is having planetary aspects connecting to Lord
Shiva or Lord Brahma and then the native’s name falls under such categories accordingly.
It can be noted that if there are other planets associated with Jupiter, then the weapons indicated
by such planetic aspects must be taken into consideration.
[CHART 1]:
Jupiter is in Aquarius with Dragon Head. Hence, the planetic combination of Dragon Head +
Jupiter and Venus prevails. Mercury is 11th to Aquarius and hence Dragon Head + Jupiter + Mercury
combination prevails.
Hence here Mars is not accountable. Mars power gets reduced due to his enemy Dragon Head.
For example: If we take Lord Maha Vishnu's Chakra, here wheel indicates Dragon- Head and the
teeth portion indicating Mars and hence the native's name under category.
Jupiter is in Pisces with exalted Venus. Mercury is 3rd from Pisces. So, the native's name comes
as Jagannath with such combinations. Mars may be 5th from Jupiter, but who is debilitated aspected by
inimical planet Saturn - hence Mars power becomes weak. Hence
Jupiter the combination of Jupiter + Venus + Mercury is only taken for
Sun Mercury® D.Head
Venus delineation.

Birth chart
No. 2

D. Tail Saturn

Example for name Janardhana:
Jupiter is in north, in between East and West there are Dragon Head and Dragon- Tail= Maha
Purusha. Venus and Mercury are 7th from Jupiter. Here Jupiter is retro in north. Saturn is also in
North, but retro- Jupiter will not have attachment with Shiva
Mercury® planet of Saturn. Hence the native's name falls under the category
Saturn D.Head Sun
like Janardhana [indicating Lord Vis_nu's name, rather than
Birth chart
No. 3

Jupiter® D. Tail

Jupiter is in Leo in East. Venus is in 11th to Jupiter, but Venus and Mercury interchange
indicates these two planets are in 11th to Jupiter. Hence, the native's name falls under the group of
Lord Vishnu. In the subsequent charts 5, 6 and 7, let us discuss
Mercury Sun the names of great persons and their various planetary
D.Tail Venus combinations.
Birth chart
No. 4



Saturn® You can understand that the above native's name falls under such
Birth chart D.Head category where Lord Sri Narayana is resting on the Divine ocean
D. No. 5 of Milk [Ksheera sagar]. Lord Sri Narayana is also called Sesha
Tail Shayi. Saturn and Dragon Head indicate Adishesha, because
Jupiter Saturn and Dragon Head are in the Oceanic depth of Milk which
Mercury Venus Mars
is in Cancer, Lord of Cancer is also in North. Jupiter and Mercury
are also in north. Jupiter with Mercury is called Vishnu
Sambandha. Rear to Jupiter there is Goddess Maha Lakshmi [Venus] indicating that Lord Maha
Vishnu is with the Goddesses Sridevi and Bhoodevi on either side of him and resting on Adishesha.
Hence the name falls under the categories as explained above and hence the name Ramanuja. [Here
Ramanuja=Rama + Anuja. Anuja means brother. The brother of Sri Rama is Lakshmana and he is the
Divine bed of Lord Vishnu].


Jupiter is in South, Dragon Head is in West and Dragon Tail is in East indicating Kaala Purusha.
Hence East= DragonTail + Venus + Mercury i.e. Sridevi and Bhoodevi seated on either side of Kaala
Purusha so, it indicates Jagadish. But Jupiter is in South, powerful
Jupiter planet Mars is in North. Moon is also in South and Jupiter is
having 7th aspect of Sun. The combination of Planets Jupiter +
D.Head Saturn Moon + Mars prevails and this combination indicates that this life
Birth chart
No. 6 gives out light and power to the world. Hence the above name and
Mars D. Tail it may also be like Shaktheesha etc.

Mercury Sun


Here Sun power comes down to its association with Dragon Head. Venus and Saturn power
also comes down due to Moon; Jupiter is in south. Mercury is in East. Mars and Moon are in west
[Mercury is directly aspected by Moon and Mars is in 11 th from Mercury]. Hence Mercury power is
aspected by two Shiva planets i.e. Moon and Mars. Adjoining sign of Jupiter is associated by Shiva
planets [Mars and Moon is called Shakthi Vel] Vel is the
D. Tail Mars symbolic representation of power. Moon is 9th from Mars. Moon
indicates the Earth. Mars is power [the top portion of well, the
Moon Shakthi is like the top portion of trovel [used by masons by
Birth chart plastering and this is triangular in shape] hence the word Well
No. 7
Jupiter Mercury indicates the great power Shakthi]. Hence it can be deduced that
the native's names falls under the category of Wells. In Hinduism
Saturn Sun
the names could be like Velayudhan, Shakthivel. Vadivel,
Venus D.Head Valliyappan etc.
Natiye's daughter having quarrelling nature and litigation etc.
In the above chart, the native is approaching regarding problems of his daughter and regarding
his daughter's family life. The native is approaching in Saturn Hora. Where Moon is in 9th to Saturn
and hence the combination of Saturn and Moon indicating
D. Tail
accusations etc.
Moon is the mother, 11th to Saturn there is Mercury; Mars
Birth chart and Venus. Venus and Mercury are daughters, and in
No. 8
Saturn Jupiter between them there is Mars [Mercury and Mars are enemies]
Sun Mercury
and hence the native’s daughter is with her husband.
D.Head Mars Moon Moon is in 11th from Scorpio and hence the aspect of Moon
Venus gives effects on Mercury. Venus and Mars, because Moon
indicating cunningness, cheating and are indicating of misunderstanding between husband and wife.
Solution: When Transit Jupiter enters Virgo the above problems get solved. [i.e. within a period of 1 to

CHART - 9: "Separation from beloved".

In this horoscope the native is approaching in Mercury Hora. Mercury was in Scorpio few hours
before the time of native's consulting. Mercury just enters Sagittarius and hence is an indication that
the native has just left his beloved wife [Venus] i.e. to say the
D. Tail native has left his wife following accusations on her and
misunderstandings between husband and wife] and this is
Birth chart because Venus is in 11th from Saturn and Moon.
Moon No. 9
Saturn b] Now, for the same chart let us take an example where the
D.Head native is approaching for consulting in Mars Hora. Here Mars
Sun and Mercury are in Sagittarius and the combination indicates the
Jupiter Venus
Mercury native has problems of overcoming enemies.
Behind Mars and Mercury there is Venus. Venus indicating, money and female and hence is an
indication that the native is facing problems pertaining to money and female aspects.
In this case, a noble person who extends his helping hand solves the problem. Because, in
Sagittarius Mars and Mercury are with Sun but there is an interchange between Sun and Jupiter and
hence there is an indication of intervention of a noble person who solves the problem. Jupiter is Retro
and he will see the north by Retro -Money [Venus] is also in north. Therefore, the problem is getting
solved within a period of 4 to 5 months arid hence the duration of time can also be deduced in this
context. Sun is in Sagittarius in the East and Pisces is in north, by the time Sun leaves Sagittarius and
enters Pisces.
C) Now let us consider about a native who is approaching in Venus Hora and there it is an
indication that the party has got in mind thoughts about marriage of his daughter. Here Venus is
aspected by Retro Jupiter, Venus being in north and Jupiter in East. When Jupiter is retro in East, he
wi1l be aspecting the rear house North where there is Venus [This is directional aspects] and hence it
can well be deduced that the native's daughter gets married within a short time.

CHART - 10: Hardships, either to son or father.

D. Tail
In the above context, the party approaching in Sun Hora and
Birth chart
No.10 Jupiter Sun is in between two planets i.e. Dragon Head and Mars. These
® two planets are quarrelling with each other and Sun is in
Mercury between these two quarrelling planets. Sun is the causative
Mars planet of son and this is an indication that in the native's house
either son or the father is suffering from great hardship and the
quarrelling is because of land, property, money etc. because Mercury and Venus are with Moon in the
rear sign to Sagittarius thus indicating loss of wealth and property. Anyhow the native's son escapes
such hardship by the Divine Grace because there is an indication that a noble person intervenes, and
exceeds his helping hand to solve problems. On the other side Mars and Dragon Head in second to
Scorpio and this is an indication that of the female folks in the native's family suffers due to abortion.

Chart- 11: Native educated, intelligent and disputes between brothers, father and sons.
In the above context it is Mars Hora when the party arrears for consultation. There are
indications that the native is well educated, besides being intelligent, because Mercury is in rear degree
to Mars indicating knowledge. There is an interchange
D. Tail between Jupiter and Sun.
On the other side, Mercury, Mars and Sun are in east signs.
Birth chart Hence it can be deduced that the native is educated and also
Moon No. 11 Jupiter ® there is an interchange between Sun and Jupiter and this also
Saturn an indication that the native's father will be having property at
D.Head two places.
Venus Regarding this chart, it can be deduced that there are disputes
Mercury litigation pertaining to lane, money etc. and disputes quarrels
among brothers and also between father and sons.
Anyhow, above problem gets solved when transit Jupiter comes to Virgo.
In the above context, the party is approaching in Mars Hora. Moon is in second to Mars and 2nd
sign indicating talk. Mars is the Son of Moon [Mother]. Mars is under the control of Dragon-Tail and
D. Tail second to Mars there is Moon, thus indicating accusations and
also sufferings due to loans, bad debts etc pertaining to the
Birth chart native's son. [Here the native is mother, approaching to know
No. 12 some solutions for son's problems]. Venus is 5th to Gemini
Sun but Venus [indicating Money and wife] and Mars is the
Venus Mercury husband and hence is an indication that there are quarrelling
between husband and wife [i.e. between the native's son and
her daughter-in-law] and the reasons is that Moon is aspected by Saturn. Saturn is enemy to Mars and
hence indicates quarrels, disappointments, accusations, besides hardships to the native due to loan
commitments, litigations etc.
Till the transit of Dragon-Tail comes to Taurus the above problems prevails in the family.
[Anyhow it can be judged that a period of 2 years and above is required for a solution to the problems
in her family affairs].
B] Let us consider an example where the native is approaching in Mercury Hora.
Mercury is exalted and who is having respectful, good status because of the association with
Jupiter and Sun. Hence she is responsible and in good position, besides an intelligent native. Venus is
in 2nd to Mercury and conjunction of Venus + Dragon Tail. Mars prevails and hence she is asking
questions pertaining to wealth and benefits through technical aspects.
She enjoys a very good position very soon and also enjoys vehicular gains.


With reference to the above chart, the native is approaching in Mercury Hora. Mercury is with
his close friends Venus and Dragon Head in secret place of Scorpio, while Dragon Head indicating
D. darkness. Hence the planetary aspect Mercury, Venus and
Mars Dragon Head prevails hence some secret sexual affair in a secret
place. Mars is in Gemini in the home of Mercury. Mercury is in
Birth chart the house of Mars. There is an interchange between, Mars and
No. 13
Saturn Mercury. Mars indicates Police. Mercury was involved in a
D.Head Sun secret sexual affair in a secret place and because of Mars =
Venus Moon Jupiter interference, Police beat the Mercury and later on sent home.
Hence, regarding the above chart, it can be deduced that the native is approaching to consult
regarding the above matters and regarding its consequences.
CHART - 14 Native trying to quit the present job & desires to start an independent career.
In this context, the pm1 approaching for consultation under Moon Hora, where Moon is in Gemini.
Venus is in 10 degrees. Saturn is in 20 degrees. Venus is in the starting degree, whereas Saturn is in
subsequent degree to Venus and hence it can be assessed that
D. Tail Moon the native is questioning regarding career aspects (Saturn the
Karma). But, Saturn is aspect by Mars from 7th and Dragon-
Mars Tail is in 5th. Hence the native is suffering from some
Birth chart
Venus No. 14 obstructional impedimental aspects, ill treatment and troubles
Saturn in his professional sphere. Hence he is deciding to quit the
D.Head present career because of desperation and is thinking of
Jupiter entering into a new venture (Jupiter is in 9th to Saturn). But in
the prevailing context the native cannot either qui t the
prevailing career or enter into an independent career, because,
Saturn is aspected by Jupiter from 9th and Dragon Head and Mercury are 11th to Venus and Saturn.
Therefore they would not permit the native to quit the present career or enter into a different career.
The aspect of Jupiter and Rahu on Saturn these problems are nullified.


D. Tail
Mars In this chart, the native is approaching in Saturn Hora. Here
Birth chart Moon there are planetic aspects of Saturn + Dragon-Tail + Jupiter and
Saturn No. 15
Venus. Also it can be observed that the natives name is
D.Head connecting to Lord Shiva's son's name (having Trunk indicating
Jupiter the planet of Dragon-Tail), hence the name deriving like
Mercury Ganapathi (Lord Ganapathi having Trunk). .
Venus is also with Saturn and Ganapathi is also having some Vishnu Amsha. The planets in 5th
and 9th signs from Saturn are taken for consideration.
Saturn is with Venus and having the aspect of Dragon- Tail (Flag sign) and also the reputed
planet Jupiter. Hence the native coming for consultation is a respectable one, besides wealthy too but
suffers due to the want of male issues. Regarding male issues there are no Yogas at all to the native,
because, Male issue Yoga is governed by the planet of Sun and Jupiter (sometimes Mars is also
considered). But Sun is under the control of Dragon Head and they are 11th from Saturn and Venus.
Saturn and Venus both are enemies to Sun. Mercury is also with Sun. Mars is enemy to Mercury.
Hence, the power of Mercury goes down (Mercury becoming neutral). Also Jupiter is not having any
planet in adjoining signs. Hence Sun power also becomes weak and Jupiter being helpless. Hence there
is no Yoga for male issues to the native.
Besides this, Moon meant for womb but there is Retro Mars. So, finally it can be deduced that
the native coming for questioning has no Yoga of male Issues.
Chart 16: "Separation from Family -loss of money quarelling with relatives"
In this context, the party approaching for consultation falls under Moon Hora and begins to ask
questions in Venus Hora. Venus and Moon are in same degree. Mars, Mercury and Dragon Head are in
north. Mars and Mercury are relatives (hence indicating brother
D. Tail side relations). Hence, the combination of planets Mars +
Mercury + Dragon Head are quarrelling and fighting.
Mars Moon and Jupiter are in 9th to Saturn and Venus (all the above
Birth chart four planets are in south). The combination of planets Saturn +
Saturn No. 16
Venus Moon indicates accusation. The Planets Venus and Moon
D.Head Moon indicates loss of money matters and loss of conjugal happiness
Sun Mercury Jupiter too.

Saturn is aspected by debilitated Mars from 7th while indicating troubles from wicked persons.
With this the native is questioning about family separation, loss of money matters, disputes with the
relatives. .

Till the time transit of Jupiter enters Scorpio the above problems prevails. According to transit,
when Jupiter comes to 11th of Saturn and Venus, then the problems are likely to be solved.

Chart 17 "Native (female) far from husband & disputes in family" Venus Hora:

D. Tail Mars ®
The party is consulting in Venus Hora Venus is with Saturn,
Birth chart Dragon-Tail is 5th from Venus and Saturn, thus indicating
Saturn No. 17
Venus + Saturn + Dragon-Tail. Mars in west, Aquarius is also
in west. Hence she (the native) is far from her husband due to
Sun Mercury some disputes.

Chart 18: Maternal property under Dispute:

Questioning in Saturn Hora
Saturn is in the starting degree of Aquarius. Moon is in next degree to Saturn. There are no
Venus planets in 5th and 9th to Saturn. Pisces is the 2nd sign to Aquarius
Mercury Sun D. Tail where there is exalted Venus with debilitated Mercury. Saturn is
Moon Karma. Moon is in second to Saturn and next to Moon Venus,
Birth chart
Mars indicating money, Mercury the land or wealth and the property
No. 18 had come to Saturn through Moon. Hence, it can be decided that
the native is asking about property pertaining to native's mother
D.Head Jupiter where the property is under disputes and litigation.

CHART – 19. Property Litigation

The party consulting here is questioning regarding litigation pertaining to property
Exalted Venus is with Mercury. Mars in 5th from Pisces is debilitated. Venus and Mercury are
11th from Dragon -Tail and hence it is an indication that native's property is under litigation.

Venus Moon is 11 u, from Mercury and Venus, thus indicating some

Sun D. Tail property belongs to native mother. Moon is in Capricorn, he is
aspected by debilitated Mars, thus indicating the native's mother
Birth chart
Mars is stubborn with wicked nature.
No. 19 But MR, VB. MAR & JUP Prevails & hence the property
undergoes 4 divisions & 4 shares accordingly.
D.Head Jupiter

Same chart as above Chart No. 19

On the same day a second native approaches for questioning in Jupiter Hora.
Title: Native bound by rope of litigation issue (property disputes)
Jupiter is Retro and Dragon-Tail is 9th from Jupiter. The native is bound by the litigation. Jupiter is not
having any planet in adjacent signs. He is looking towards east by Retro since Sun is in the East.
Hence, iris an indication the native is appealing to Government (Sun indicating government)
requesting for release of the disputed property. But Jupiter is in the house if Mercury. Mercury is in the
house of Jupiter thus indicating that the native is appealing to Government to restore his property.
Jupiter and Mercury are enemies. Mercury has occupied the sign of Jupiter by interchange.
Native gets his property after a period of 2-1/2 years when Jupiter transits to north (Scorpio)
CHART - 20 Title: Separation from a close relative (Uncle or cousin) Mars Hora
Mercury, Mars and Saturn are in West sign. Out of them, Mercury is Retro where Mercury
represents uncle or cousin. Retro Mercury is moving from Mars and Saturn. Because he is aspected by
Moon he is going away from one house even though Mars,
Sun Mercury and Saturn are in West. S9aturn in Aquarius
represents Mars in Gemini represents 2nd house and Mercury
Saturn going away by retro shows that one relative is setting up a 3rd
Birth chart house separating from his relatives. His where about are not
No. 20 known. As per the indications, the native will have to
D. Tail
encounter inimical aspects besides quarrelling too since the
Hora Lord is enemy to Saturn and Mercury.
Moon D.Head Jupiter ®
For the same chart, another person is approaching in Venus
Hora. In Rahu-Kala (Hence Venus + Dragon-Head) Venus,
Sun and Dragon Head (directional aspect) are in north. Venus is Retro he is aspecting the rear the
West. West is aspected by Moon from East thus indicating the planetary aspects by of Venus + Dragon
Head - fearfulness of the native. There is also Sun (indicating Government).
Dragon-Tail is in South or in other words Sun and Venus are 11th from Dragon-Tail thus
indicating the native is having litigation.
When transit Jupiter transits over Scorpio, which takes nearly two years, the above problems are
expected to be solved.

CHART - 21 Title, Native (Husband having lost his wife being in debilitation)
Consulting in Mars Hora:
Venus is Retro. Venus, Mercury, and Moon are female planets are in Pisces. Mars is debilitated
Mercury and Dragon Head is 5th from Mars.
Moon Sun D. Tail
Mars Master, what about the female planets (3 female planets
Birth chart mentioned above) and where the Hora Lord is debilitated. But
No. 21
debilitated planet of Mars is 1 ph from Jupiter, and Jupiter is
having direct 7th aspect towards Pisces from Virgo, thus
D.Head Jupiter ®
indicating the debilitated Mars should have something with,
female planets or in other words when Jupiter aspects comes
to three female planets and also to Mars, all of them should
have some auspicious deeds in family quarters kindly explain
the effects?

Mercury is debilitated in Pisces who is a female planet, who
will have an interchange with Jupiter thus indicating the native
looses one wife and will have to remarry a female who is already married lady, having one female
It can be observed that Mercury in Pisces indicates loss of one wife to the native, where Venus is
the second wife who is with Moon (Moon is motherhood) and when Venus is Retro and in the rear
house to Venus there is Saturn. Hence Venus enjoys with a person (Saturn) and becomes a mother also
she will marry Mars, because as explained above. Jupiter's aspect is on Venus and Mars. Venus and
Moon are 9th from Mars. Venus is the house and Moon is the selling of house property, when Venus is
Retro, he has got two types of strength. One is house and second is wife. From the above it can be
observed that the native has lost one wife, and the 2nd wife is already married having a female child.
So, this wife will have a career related to Government.
Venus aspect rear sign by Retro, where there is Saturn. Saturn indicates Karma-Work. Saturn is
11th to Sun, and hence it can be judged that the native's wife will be a career lady working in
government concerns. Mars is the native who is with mind, knowledge and wealth. i.e. Mercury and
Venus respectively. The Hora Lord is having such type of business i.e. selling of books involving in
such a career as expansion of knowledge / educational fields (observe aspect of Jupiter to Pisces).

Hence the native will have a career pertaining to books selling/education related career/or having
career pertaining to financial concerns.

(b) Now, for the same above chart, a person appearing for consultation under Sun Hora indicates
disputes aspect (court affairs etc).
Sun is in East. Dragon Tail is in South. Jupiter is also in South who is Retro. Saturn is in West.
Jupiter and Dragon Tail are in between Sun and Saturn, where Jupiter and Dragon Tail indicating court
or law affairs and hence it is observed that the native is asking questions pel1aining to disputes or
Venus, Mercury and Moon are 11th to Jupiter and Dragon Tail thus indicating there is a
litigation involving land and wealth (land and house property disputes) and because there is Moon
there is fraud. Anyhow the native gets benefits and favour, because Jupiter is Retro in South who is
aspecting the East where there is Sun. Hence, the Hora Lord must enjoy some benefits.


Master, kindly explain whether the opponent of the native also gets some benefits?
Venus is in second to Saturn and Venus is also Retro and aspect Saturn through Moon. Therefore
the opponent also gets some profits, but here the opponent gets more profits than the native.

b) For the same chart, a person consulting under Mercury Hora: Venus is friend (a female folk) who is
Retro and is aspecting towards Moon located in rear degree, and hence it is an indication, that the
native's affectionate maid has run away.

CHART - 22
Title: A low caste marriage affair.

Mercury Sun D. Tail

Venus® Moon
Saturn Birth chart
® No. 20
Hora: Moon Hora:
Moon is exalted and who is under the control of Dragon-Tail.
Jupiter ® Gemini is the second sign to Moon. The lord of Gemini is in
11 th from Taurus with exalted Venus. But Mercury is
debilitated and who is aspected by Jupiter from Virgo, thus
indicating exalted Moon = broad mindedness. Exalted Moon is under the control of Dragon- Tail.
Dragon Tail indicating imposition of tie. The Lord of 2nd to Moon is Mercury who is female and who
is debilitated = NEECHA and has an aspect by the Holy Jupiter, thus indicating Jupiter is priest.
Hence, the native is desirous of marrying a low-caste women, she will be a fortunate one. Because
second to Mercury there is exalted Sun, indicating that the women will be a career oriented lady
working in government, and Venus is also with Mercury. Hence, the conjunction of Mercury and
Venus indicate commercial pursuits and when this combination is aspected by Jupiter from 7th it is an
indication that she enjoys a respectable career position, besides being wealthy. From the above, it can
be observed, that the native marries’ a low-caste girl who will be very fortune.
Master, kindly explain how to decide that the native will certainly marry that girl?.
Moon and Dragon-Tail are in South. Jupiter is in South. There is an interchange between Mercury
and Jupiter thus 'indicating Mercury comes to South by interchange, and hence the planetic
conjunction of Moon + Dragon-Tail and Mercury prevails.
b) For the same chart, a native is consulting under Saturn
Hora. Here two female folks have appeared for consultation. Mercury and Venus are second to Saturn,
and hence the question is regarding profitable aspects (whether they get profit or not) and also
regarding disputes in the family circles. Pisces is the exalted place of Venus. The Lord of this house
Jupiter is far from the house and hence out of two female natives one female is suffering because, her
husband has left her due to his wicked-mindedness.

Master kindly explains how to decide that’ her husband has left with his wicked-mindedness?

Jupiter is the Lord of Pisces and Jupiter is life - the native, Pisces is the house 9f husband for
Goodess Laxmi where she is seated at the feet of the Lord. Mercury is also there. Mercury is
debilitated. Mercury is the friend of Venus, indicating these two combinations are in Pisces. Venus (the
native) is having the nature of debilitated Mercury and also Moon is in third with Dragon Tail. So, the
nature of the wife is not accommodative to her husband, hence he walks out.
Mercury is another female (out of the two female folks). Debilitated Mars is in 5th from Pisces.
Hence there are quarrelling aspects between husband and wife. So, iris concluded that the ladies
coming for consultation are asking about solution for the above problems.
During the transit Jupiter over North there shall be a solution to their problems.
c) For the same chart, another party is consulting in Jupiter is Hora (a male party). .
Jupiter is in the sign of commerce. Mercury is the owner of the Virgo who is ill-treating Jupiter
while trying to drive out Jupiter. Jupiter is with Moon and Dragon-Tail (as per south direction) and also
Jupiter is Retro. Hence, Retro-Jupiter is appealing to Sun for retaining his position (Sun in Aries, Aries
is the East). Anyhow the native will have to quit the place, because South Jupiter is with Moon
indicating movement.
Master, in the above cases your Noble self has taken into consideration that Venus and Mercury as
significator for females, marriage etc. But regarding Jupiter how to decide he is questioning about
commercial career kindly explain?
Because, second to Jupiter (West) Saturn is also in west and hence Jupiter (native) is asking question
regarding his commercial career.

Master, when a planet is Retro aspecting the rear sign, as per the doctrines of Astrology, we will
have to consider East and why not the native should be asking something regarding his son (because
Sun is in the East).
Yes, But is aspected by Saturn (from West) and hence the native asking any question pertaining to
his son does not arise.

Master, you were telling that the native has to sell his vehicle at an upset price. Kindly explain this
Since Mars is in 11th to Jupiter and is in 9th from Dragon Head (Dragon Head indicating wheel
where Mars is machine). They are in north. Moon is in East. Moon indicates considerable degree of
loss. Hence, the native will have to sell his vehicle under a considerable degree of loss.
On a fine morning, when The Great Master Sri Kashyapa was in his ecstatic mood, he was discussing
with his Disciple Gandeeva, about matters pertaining to Brahma Gnana and law of justice.
Here the Master is narrating a story to his Disciple and is asking his Disciple to prepare a Chart
pertaining to the story he is going to narrate.
Then the Disciple says, - Yes Master! By your noble Grace, that I shall try to prepare the Kundali,
and kindly narrate the story and thus the Great Master begins the story. (The readers are advised to
prepare their own Kundali).
On the day when the Master and the Disciple were discussing matter_ pertaining to Brahma Gnana
and law of Justice, an incident happened as follows:
A prince and a commander-in-chief appear before the Great Master. They were in a hurry and
worry, because, the sister of the Prince (the Princess of the Kingdom) was found missing and the
Prince and commander-in-chief had appeared before the Master to question about the missing princess.
The king was in his head quarters, and the queen was also worried. Here there are some important
points to be observed.
1) The prince and the Commander-in-chief are worried about the princess.
2) The king is worried because something unbecoming may or might have happened because of-his
3) The queen is worried of her daughter in a different way, because, the princess was in the habit of
sailing with boat on the sea quite often for pleasure. So, it was possible something dangerous might
have happened during her pleasure trip.
But in reality, the princess was involved in a secret sexual affair.
The chart is prepared and the following are the results:
Conjunction of Mercury and Dragon Tail indicate Brahma Gnana. Mars is the Commander.
Mercury is the royal prince. Virgo is the exalted place for Mercury. Virgo is south. Taurus is south.
Hence Jupiter + Mercury + Mars + Dragon Tail combination is
present. The aspect of Brahma Gnana and matter pertaining to
justice is indicated (where Jupiter is indicating guide). Sun is the
father king. Venus is the daughter. Cancer is the place of ocean.
Venus is in Cancer. Cancer is north. Scorpio is north where
there is Dragon Head.
Therefore Venus + Dragon Head prevails (Venus is in dark), so
is in a dark oceanic side. Moon is at the edge of the ocean.
Moon is in the last degree of Gemini. Venus and Moon are in
between Dragon Head and Dragon Tail i.e. in dark. Saturn is in 11th from Sun. Both Saturn and
Sun are enemies. Hence the King is worried of enemies who can be a cause of trouble to his daughter.
Here the Master is explaining that the native is questioning in Moon Hora.

CHART - 23 Moon Hora

Venus is in seventh to Moon. Hence, the native should get some benefits (wealth). He is
expecting money, because Venus is in seventh to Moon and
D. Tail Venus is in 11th from Mercury and Mars. Mars and Mercury
are enemies. They are quarrelling about some money matters
Saturn ®
Moon and appealing to the court of law for justice, because money is
Birth chart Venus, Moon indicates fraud aspects Venus.
No. 20
Venus Question is in Moon's Hora [female native]. Moon is in 15th
degree at Leo. Mercury, Mars are in 9th to Aquarius, while
Saturn + Moon indicate accusations.
D.Head Mercury Sun
Mars Jupiter Moon aspect Venus - hence the native is questioning
® pertaining to money-matters, cheating affairs etc. besides
Also it is an indication that in the naive’s house there is disputes and the members of the family
fighting with each other. They are behaving like enemies, and hence a great disharmony in the native's
When Jupiter transit comes to west the above problem get solved [in the native's family].
b] On the same day another person is approaching for consultation in Moon Hora.
Moon is in 24 degree at the time of this consultation. North is second to Moon, but north is aspected by
Sun and Jupiter from Virgo. Hence, it can be assessed that the native I questioning whether he can get
any co-operation from influential persons.
Yes, the native enjoys success in his efforts. Because, second sign to Moon is aspected by
friendly planets to each other [i.e. Sun and Jupiter] and hence it can be concluded that the native,
within a short time enjoys success in his endeavors due to help and co-operation from influential
From the above, it can well be observed, how the predictional part varies, with the same chart,
when the Hora Lords are same.

Title: Native trying for voluntary retirement, in vain.
Hora Lord at the time of consultation is Mercury. At the time of native's consultation retro-direct
(Ruju) Mercury was in the last degree of Capricorn. Mercury is posited in south along with dragon-tail
also in south. They are inimical to each other. Hence it can be
D. Tail observed that the native's intellect I under the control of
Saturn binding dragon-tail. Second to mercury (according to degree),
Sun 1st is Mars and Saturn and Venus are in successive degree in
Birth chart Aquarius. But Mercury (as mentioned above) is under the
No. 24 control of dragon-tail. He meets Mars in the starting degree at
Mercury Aquarius, while indicating Mercury is having enemy in front
and also bound in directional aspects with Dragon Tail. Saturn
D.Head Jupiter ® is in second sign to the Mercury. When Saturn is with Sun and
Moon Mars he becomes weak and has to encounter with inimical
planet. He is with the burning planet of Sun and Mars hence Venus cannot be of help to Mercury.
The native is suffering due to enormous troubles pertaining to his career, especially troubles due
to higher officers besides there has been a constant restlessness in the native's family quarters.
It is observed from the chart, that mercury cannot meet his friend Saturn, because, he is under the
c1utches of Dragon Tail and Mars; Hence, under the above circumstances, the native decides to resign
his job.
Master, is it possible for the native to quit or resign the job? Explain
The native [as mentioned above] neither he did quit nor resign his job but he can seek a transfer.
Master, kindly explain how the aspect of transfer comes into picture regarding the native or in
other words, whether he gets transferred totally to a different place along with bag and baggage or will
he be in traveling situation [coming and going to his present place]. Kindly explain.
Saturn is work who is in west, Jupiter also in west with the displacement planet of Moon. Saturn
is work. Jupiter is life both are with Moon according to directional aspects. Hence there must be
change of place.
The native is Mercury who is under the control of dragon tail, but they are in south. South is
aspected by Jupiter who is retro. Therefore, the native has to overcome difficult situations from the
time of direction motion of Jupiter.
Hence the native has to continue with his job.
CHART - 25 Moon Hora at the time of consulting:
Title: Land disputes and cheating.
In this chart second to Moon there' is Mercury and Dragon Tail is 5th from Mercury indicating
land dispute in addition to cheating also. Dragon Head is in the rear sign to Moon another indication of
"VYAYA" (the losses). Venus is 5th from Dragon Head hence it can be observed that the native's wife
is under the control o f inimical aspect.
Venus® D. Tail
According to directional aspect planetary combination of
Saturn Dragon Head + Venus and Mercury + Dragon -Tail are in
Sun south. In between these two combination cheatings planet of
Birth chart
No. 25 Moon is residing. Hence the native's land, wife, and the status
7/8-3-1994 of the native, all are at stake.
And due to interchange of Venus and Jupiter, Venus occupies
Moon D.Head Jupiter Libra the 11th to Moon or in other words, Jupiter is a
® respectable planet having link with Venus by interchange.
Hence it is an indication that one of the female folks in the
native's house will have involvement with some other man.
Jupiter is Retro, he is aspecting rear- sign South; 5th and 9th to the South there are Mercury and
Dragon-Tail. Hence, it is an indication the native's wife should have some involvement with another

This other man is already having an affair with some other woman, and this man and other
woman will be quailing with each other.
Delineations for the above factors:
Moon is the native. Mercury dragon -Tail conjunction prevails (by directional aspects hence it is
an indication of litigation regarding lands). Saturn (karma) is in between Sun and Mars, hence there are
some disputes, and troubles pertaining to native's career.
Retro Jupiter is having an aspect of the previous sign a Southern sign. Mercury and Dragon Tail
are posited in South. Mercury is female, while Dragon- Tail indicating litigation. Hence it can be
observed that the native's wife will have an affair with other big person, and this person already having
an affair with some other woman and he will also be quarrelling with that woman. Note:

When a native questions in any Hora, it is important to make a note of the second and 11th bhava
to the Hora Lord and the planet in the bhavas to be taken as an important guiding factor, for

CHART -26 Titles: Change of place pertaining career.

Hora: Jupiter Hora. Jupiter is in the sign of Mars, indicating
Moon D. Tail that the native's career is industrial lines. Mercury is llth from
Jupiter and Mercury is aspected by Moon from 7th indicating
Mercury is a relative or friend, pertaining to lands. Moon
Birth chart indicating cunningness, and hence the native is suffering due
® to cheating through relative and close friends. Also Jupiter is
No. 26
in north, Moon I in north. Therefore the native will have to
visit different distant places.
D.Head Mars Mercury
Jupiter According to directional aspects Jupiter + Moon native will
have to under go some changes within a period of 7 to 8
months. Because Jupiter resides for one year in a sign where
he has already passed 3-4 months in Scorpio and enters Sagittarius after 8 months. Hence the native
will have to undergo some changes within a period of 8 months.
Next, Moon is in second to Retro-Saturn. Hence the native has got dilemma whether to change
the position or riot in respect of his career. Retro-Saturn is aspecting rear sign Capricorn. Jupiter is in
11th to Capricorn. Hence the native enjoys some beneficial factors, after a period of few months (from
the time of consultation)., because Saturn is in the last degree of Aquarius. When Saturn reaches
Pisces, at the same time it can be considered as Saturn + Moon + Jupiter. Hence certain change will be
expected in the native's career. Dragon-Tail is in East. Sun and Venus are also in East. Saturn is in 11th
from Dragon Tail, and hence it is an indication that some of the money-matters and benefits due to
native are in litigation.
Dragon-Tail is in starting degree of Aries or in other words, Anti-clockwise Dragon Tail has
passed already above 3/4th degree of Aries and hence it can be concluded that the litigation would
arrive at a solution within a period of 3-4 months.
Native is the Jupiter who is in North and second to North is the East where there is male planet
Sun, female planet Venus and second to Sun there is Mercury. Therefore the native will be a father of
one male and two female children. Mercury and Moon are aspecting each other and this is an
indication that the native is amorous.

When Jupiter is having directional aspect of Moon Jupiter + Moon, indicates the native wil1
have some sufferings due to indisposition (i1l health).
(b) For the above chart, a second party appears in Mars Hora.
Mars is in the sign of wealth, and behind Mars in there is Dragon Head who is inimical. Dragon
Head is in between Mars and Mercury (Mercury is in the sign of commerce) indicating that the native's
career is related to Accounts. Saturn is 5th from Mars and (according to directional aspect) Saturn
Dragon Head and Mars in west; Mars is inimical to Saturn. Dragon Head signifies black, Tamoguna
and planet of mouth. Native is not having adequate job satisfaction, and as it is, in the prevailing career
there. are quarrelling. Venus and Sun are 11 th from Mars and they are in East, while Dragon-Tail also
is in East. Venus is the wife and is under the control of Dragon-Tail and Sun. There is no Jupiter's
aspect to Venus either from 7th or 5th or 11 th. This is an indication that the native will have late
marriage. The Master is explaining here that one of the native's sister will be bereft of family
happiness. Jupiter is second to Mars and the native is expecting considerable degree of benefits. But on
the other side, Saturn will have to cross Moon and Dragon Tail and during this transit native leaves his
present career and Saturn according to Transit when enters Taurus and at that time native gets a
responsible job and it can be either by leaving the country or traveling a long distance. .
When Saturn enters Taurus by Transit the Hora Jupiter wi1l aspect from 7th and at that time,
native will get highly responsible job. When Saturn transit comes to Taurus it is understood the Hora
Mercury aspect also comes to Saturn.
Saturn D. Tail

Birth chart
No. 27
Moon D.Head
CHART - 27 Title: Native's expectation of financial help futile.
Hora Lord: Venus:
At the time of consultation of the native, Venus, Mercury and Sun are in successive degrees
(Nakshatra Padas) in Taurus, Mercury is Retro, while Jupiter is also Retro Jupiter and Saturn are in
north signs where Retro-Jupiter is aspecting the rear sign. Retro-Jupiter cannot be of help to Saturn.
Moon and Dragon Tail are in East, they are in second to Saturn. Therefore, Saturn cannot cross-these
two enemies to get benefits from Venus and Mercury.
Mercury tries to help Saturn in money-matters by Retro, because Saturn is 11 th to Mercury and
Mercury is in between Pisces and Taurus.
Master, kindly explain how to determine that Mercury knows that his friend Saturn is in need
of financial help?
Because Saturn is in north, Mercl1;ry is in South. Venus is the native. Saturn is 11 th from
Venus, while 11th indicating benefits and work of native, which cannot be fulfilled, because it is under
the control of Dragon- Tail and Moon.
(B)For the above same chart, the time of consultation indicates the native is questioning
pertaining to Chaya / cinema etc.
At the time of consultation Mars and Moon are in the East, and when the native sits for
consultation Mars was in 15 degree of Leo and Moon in 16degree of Sagittarius.
Mars and Dragon-Tail are in rear degree to Moon, thus indicating the native is suffering due to
hardships, struggles, impediments at the time of consultation. These three planets are in Ilh from
Dragon-Head, where Dragon-Head signifies darkness, Mars is machinery, Moon is art hence Chaya,
Yantra and Kala (cinema). Sun, Mercury and Venus are the audience.
2] Opposite sex attraction to the native:
The native enjoys opposite sex attractions. There is conjunctional aspect of Moon and Dragon-
Tail (according to directions). Moon is mind, while Dragon-Tail indicates control. They are in the East.
Second to East there is South (clockwise). The clock-wise Moon is having Retro planet of Mercury
and the female planet of Venus in South.
Hence the native can become a cause of attraction to female folks, because Moon is in East.
Retro Mercury is aspecting towards Moon with Venus. Venus and Mercury are V2 aspected by Retro
Jupiter, thus indicating regarding the marriage, it can be concluded that the native can marry when
Jupiter aspects directly towards Venus and Mercury. i.e. when Retro Jupiter becomes direct.

Regarding bachelorhood of Native:

Master, you were explaining that the native at the time of consultation is a bachelor? Kindly
At the time of consultation Mars is the Hora Lord who is with Dragon-Tail (the planet of
liberation) and also Moon in the same direction, planets Venus, Mercury and sun who are inimical to
Moon Mars respectively, in second house to this combination. Hence the native can't be married at the
time of consultation, hence a bachelor.
In any horoscope if there are conjunctional aspects between Moon, Dragon-Tail and Mars then
such a native will have I a sort of Sanyas Yoga (either he will be a bachelor or even if the native is
married he will be a Sanyasi)

CHART - 28
Title: Native's consultation about wealth and business.
Chart pertaining to Moon Hora.
Moon just leaves Sagittarius (East) and enters Capricorn (South). In the East there are Mars and
Dragon-Tail. Native having enormous difficulties (at the time of
Venus Sun consultation), and also it can be observed that the native has
Saturn D. Tail
Mercury come from a distant place for consultation.
Behind Dragon-Tail (a distant place) when Moon just passed
Aries, indicates the native has come either from a long distance
Birth chart
No. 28
or from other country.
Moon Mars
Venus and Mercury are 5th from Moon. The native is
Jupiter D.Head consulting regarding Wealth and Business.
® Jupiter is aspecting the South and hence it can be observed that
the native is also questioning regarding settlements in life,
business affairs and marriage.
(b) For the same chart a person is approaching in Saturn Hora intending to know regarding his
promotion in career and financial prospects. Dragon-Tail is second to Saturn. DragonTail is 11th from
Sun., and hence it can be assessed that the native's career aspect pertains to Governmental concerns.
And Mars is also in East. Therefore, Dragon-Tail + Mars would not permit Saturn to enjoy any
promotional benefits.
Saturn is 11th from Venus and Mercury. But in between Pisces and Taurus there are Mars and
Dragon-Tail. Hence the promotional benefits due to the native are suffering from obstructional aspect
(i.e. to say under control). Even Jupiter may be 9th from Saturn, but Jupiter is Retro. Moon, Venus and
Mercury are in South.
Venus is in own house. Venus is the wife who is the owner of Taurus. Native's wife is in his own
house with mother and sister and this is an indication that the native's wife is having some property.
Native is the Saturn who is get property of his wife but the native cannot get it since there are
cunning elements prevailing in the native's family because of Moon.
Note: Regarding the above properties the native shall enjoy the benefits in future when Jupiter in
transit comes to (East) Sagittarius.

CHART - 29
Title: Native questioning regarding supporting factors, business aspects.
Hora Lord at the time of consulting: Venus
Venus is the Hora Lord. Venus is in 21 degree of Leo, Moon
D. Tail
is 18 degree of Sagittarius, and Sun in 17 degree. Leo and
Sagittarius are east signs - native is Venus who has passed the
Saturn degree of Moon and hence native is questioning pertaining to
Birth chart
No. 29

Moon Jupiter ® Mercury
financial benefits or losses. Mercury is second to Moon. So, the native is expecting some support of
friends and also regarding business improvements. When Moon is in 5th from Venus, it is an
indication the native will have to undergo some changes regarding place of business or place of
residence and Venus is aspected by Saturn from 7th is another indication the native is questioning
regarding Kanna (career aspect). Saturn is 5th from Mars and Dragon-Head. Hence the native will have
career pertaining to wheel, machineries (a technically based career) and Moon is 11 th from Saturn,
and hence is an indication the native is having career pertaining to traveling lines (machineries as
mentioned above).
Saturn is 11th from Dragon-Tail and 3rd from Moon. Hence, it is an indication that the native,
under prevailing context (i.e. at the time of consultation) is' undergoing some loss of finance in his
Saturn is having direct aspect of Venus and himself being retro this Retro-aspect is towards
Capricorn. Capricorn is 3rd sign to Jupiter. Hence, the native will have better situations after few
months when Saturn becomes direct.
(b) For the same chart, another person has appeared during Saturn Hora. Moon is in second to
Sun, Venus is second to Moon (according to degree and directional aspect) and hence the native is
questioning regarding his career / business and also about his finance.
CHART,... 30
Title: Natives: 2 female folks

1) One lady consulting regarding family quarrels/and such problems.

2) Another one consulting regarding her husband and some problems in her husband's house.
Hora Lord: Saturn.
1] First woman: Dragon-Tail is second to Saturn and Mars is 5th from Dragon-Tail + Mars +
Sun Moon are in second sign to Saturn and hence an indication that
Venus the native is questioning pertaining to quarrels in her family
Saturn D. Tail
Mercury affairs, some obstructions in career. Saturn just entered Pisces
® from Aquarius. Taurus is the third sign to Pisces, but in Taurus,
Birth chart
Venus is in starting degree, Mercury and Sun are in successive
No. 30 degree and Mercury is Retro. Hence native is asking questions
pertaining to such problems and chances of overcoming the
problems pertaining to career. She is also expecting some
D.Head wealth and house property. About quarrels in the family, where
husband and wife having differences.
Mars is the husband and Moon indicating cunningness. Dragon-Tail indicating binding i.e. her
husband is behaving in an erratic manner and actions not being fair and just.
Third sign (Taurus) is the South, and Saturn is in north and there is aspect of Venus and Mercury
on Saturn and hence it can be observe that in the native's family affairs, the above problems will be
prevailing, because there is transit of Dragon- Tail( at the time of consultation). Dragon-Tail transit is
in Aries and coming next to Pisces. Hence, it is inevitable that the native has to face such ordeals,
worries, disappointments, restlessness, and unhappiness for the next 3 years. ' ..
(b) A second lady consulting in same Hora chart. In this case, the combination of planets
remains same, but at the time of consultation of first party Moon was behind Dragon-Tail and during
second party's case Moon is after Dragon-Tail (i.e. Moon just passed the degree where Dragon-Tail
was situated) who is nearest to Venus. Hence, Venus is second to Moon. Hence, according to
successive degrees = Moon Venus + Mercury + Sun and these planets are third from Saturn and the
above combinations is indicating that Moon is aspectingVenus from Aries, Mercury aspecting Venus
by Retro. When they are 11 th to Saturn, indicates the question pertaining to wealth/property aspects
etc. and also indicating that there are some cunning elements working to USURP wealth/property of
the family, besides quarrelling too (because of Moon); Therefore, it can be assessed the second women
is questioning pertaining to benefits regarding her husband's property. '
Oh, Master kindly explain, how to determine that the second native is particularly questioning;
regarding her husband's property?
Mars is in East - Aries is the East. Mars is in the husband. Taurus is second to East, and hence it
can be concluded that the native enjoys some beneficial factors after the Transit of Dragon Tail to the
next sign. (i.e within a period of1f2 years things arrives to a settlement in favour and expectations of
It has to be observed that when the first female was questioning Moon was behind Dragon-Tail,
and the question was relating to beneficial factors of House property. When the second lady was
consulting Moon was in second to Dragon-Tail, and hence questions pertaining to property, wealth and
some cunning factors going on in the family affairs.
From the above cases, it can be concluded that degree of Moon is to be taken accurately for
interpreting the Hora effects.
On a fine day, the Disciple Gandeeva asks his Master Sri Kashyapa as follows:
Oh Master suppose more than one native at the same time comes for consultation how to determine the
various Hora causative planets. Kindly explain?
Then the Master Kashyapa explains the following three natives who come for consultation in the
same Hora.
CHART -31: Title: Native questioning regarding career. Hora Lord is Mars.
Mars Hora:
Sun is in 11th, where Dragon-Tail in 7th to Mars = Dragon-Tail + Sun ,The native is born in a

Moon good family besides the native's father a reputable person. But
D. Tail
Sun is aspected by Saturn, is an indication that the native's
father has to overcome some inimical aspects.
® About the native, Saturn is 5th from Mars, hence there is an
Birth chart
No. 31 indication that the native is questioning regarding some of his
Sun career aspects. But for Saturn before Retro there was one
position and after Retro another position. Hence this is an
Jupiter D.Head Venus
Mars Mercury indication that the native has already left one career expecting a
new career. Mars is with Dragon-Head and Saturn is in the same
direction. Hence it is an indication that the native's career is concerning with/pertaining to wheel,
luxurious things, besides traveling too. Because, the Karma (Saturn) has aspect of South by Retro
where Moon also is in south, hence career connected to traveling.
Moon is exalted. Venus and Mercury are in 5th to Moon. Hence (as mentioned above) the
native's career is pertaining to luxury things/vehicles, and traveling. The career is also connected to
liquid and food materials since Jupiter has aspect on exalted Moon from 7th. There are indications that
the native in above career enjoys fair prosperity and good earnings.

CHART - 32
Title: Two ladies appearing together for consulting.
Hora Lord: Mercury Hora.
The above chart is explained as follows:
Dragon-Tail is in 3 degree at Aries, Moon is in Taurus in 22 degrees, Sun is in 29 degrees at the
Leo Venus is in a degrees, Mercury is in 24 degrees at Virgo,
D. Tail Moon Dragon-Head is in three degrees at Libra with Mars is in 12
degrees, Jupiter is in Scorpio 14 degrees. Retro-Saturn is in
Aquarius in 27 degrees. Retro-motion and planets in second to
Saturn Hora Lord and planets with Hora Lord; are some of the
Birth chart
® important points to be considered.
No. 30
The native (two ladies) have appeared in Mercury Hora.
Mercury Behind Mercury is friend Venus. Mercury is the Hora Lord
Jupiter Mars
Venus (the native); second to Mercury Dragon-Head is in successive
degrees and Mars is behind anti-clockwise Dragon-Head.
When Mars is swallowed by Dragon-Head, it is an indication that the native's husband is already far
away from her, (unreachable distance) from this universe, because according to directional aspects and
degrees, Dragon-Head is in three degrees, Mars is in 12 degrees in West; Retro-Saturn also in West in
27 degrees. Hence the combination Dragon-Head + Mars + Saturn indicates that the native's husband is
deceased followed by accident.
Another reason is that Mars is in between two enemies Saturn and Dragon-Head, while the Retro
Saturn is kicking his enemy Mars, where Mars is the husband of the native.
Master, kindly explain how to determine that the native's husband was really dead (at the time of

Because Mars is the husband, Dragon-Head is the Kala purusha, the Time Personified. Anti-
clockwise Dragon-Head is in 3 degree of Libra and Mars is in 12 degrees, which indicates - that Mars
is already swallowed by Anti-clockwise Dragon-Head.

Master, I have got some doubts here, Sun is in 11th to the Mars and Jupiter is in second to Mars.
Hence, these two powerful friends should have saved the native's husband, but why he was not saved -
kindly explain?
Sun and Dragon-Tail are in East. Saturn is in 7th to Sun. Hence the power of Sun is lost. Also
Sun is in last degree at Leo. Second to Sun there is his enemy Venus. Hence, Sun even here becomes
completely weak.
And Jupiter is in Scorpio who is directly aspected by exalted Moon. Hence Jupiter's power also
gets reduced. Mercury is 11th from Jupiter. Jupiter is aspected by Moon and the native enjoys some
beneficial factors from medical lines (JEEVA-RASA). Virgo is in South. South is aspected by Retro-
Saturn. Saturn aspects towards Sun; hence the native (she) will have some career pertaining to
government lines.

Master, is it possible to determine regarding the name of the native and its aspects, kindly
Mercury is the native who is with Venus. Moon is the planet indicating artistic lines who is
exalted (Moon is art), where Mercury indicating intelligence. Dragon-Head is the Drum portion of
Veena (a musical instrument of strings) where Mars and Dragon-Tail are strings of Veena instrument.
Saturn (Karma) is 5th from Libra. There is Retro-direct motion of Saturn hence the action of Karma
acts on Veena (the musical instrument). Therefore, from the above, it can be determined that the
native's name belongs to the category like Saraswati.
Also, for the same name Moon is Water. Mercury is leaf. Venus is the Lotus. Second to Virgo
there are Dragon-Head and Mars. Hence the leaf is in water, the flowers are on leaf and there are the
Goddess Saraswathi is situated holding Veena instrument.
Hence from the above, it can be determined that the native's name is connecting to Goddess
Saraswathi or the name like Anuradha or Ganga Sri and similar names. Now for the first native,
Dragon-Tail and Sun are in East. Saturn is in 11th from Dragon-Tail. Hence it is an indication that the
native is suffering due to some disputes -litigations.
The above problems would arrive at a solution when Saturn Transit comes to Pisces and then
only relief could be expected.
Regarding the second lady (the second party) who has accompanied the first lady, the second
lady indicated by Venus. Venus and Mercury are friends. Hence the two ladies having approached for
consultation are friends. Second sign to Venus there is Mars located between Saturn and Dragon-Head.
Hence the second lady also has lost her husband.
Master, your noble self explained that the first party is Mercury having lost her husband. Then,
how to consider that the second party (Venus) is also a widow, Because Moon and Mercury are in
successive degrees to Venus, then how the second party is also a widow - kindly explain?

Venus is debilitated in Virgo and Venus is in 6 degrees. Moon is in 19 degrees. Mercury is
second to Moon where Moon indicates inter-caste. Moon and Mercury conjunction indicates
debauchery. Taurus and Libra are the sign of Venus. While Aries and Scorpio are the sign of Mars and
they are 7th to one another accordingly to signs where 7111 is indicated s husband and wife. Hence,
we will have to consider that Mars is the husband of the native who is already buried in grave yard.
Hence Venus is involved in immortal affairs with the opposite sex. Hence from the above
deliberations, it can be concluded that th_ two female natives having appeared for consultation are
widows. Anyhow, regarding the second native, it can be said that she is having career pertaining to
liquid, milk etc.
(c) On the same day a man comes for consultation (in the evening) under Mercury Hora. But the
Moon position had passed 25 degrees. According to directional aspects Moon is in 25 and odd degrees,
and Venus is in 6 degrees where as Mercury is in 24 degrees. Moon has passed the degrees of
Mercury. Dragon-Head and Mars become second to Moon in successive degrees. So, when the native
had come for consultation in Mercury Horn in the evening. Moon was in 2 degree to Mercury and this
is an indication that the native (Mercury) has come from a distant place for purpose of consultation.

Master, how to establish, whether the native had come from the same province or outside the
state or from very long distance I different country? - Kindly explain?
The native had come from the same state because Virgo is the own sign of Mercury indicating
that the combination of Mercury and Moon indicate travels and Moon having crossed Mercury in the
same sign. Hence it is Mercury Hora. Therefore, the native must have come from a considerable long
distance. Second to Moon (as per directional aspects) there is Dragon Head and Mars including the
conjunctional aspects regarding Saturn. Saturn and Mars are enemies. Hence, it can be deduced that the
native is asking regarding, career and also the native is having some problems pertaining to his career.
It can also be observed that Mercury and Venus are 11111 from Jupiter, and hence the native is asking
regarding the time of his marriage.
When Jupiter Transit comes in 5th to Virgo, then the problems of the native finds its solution.

CHART – 33
Hora Lord: Saturn.
Question: Native consulting regarding life & career problems.
The native is consulting under Saturn Hora. Saturn is in Pisces, Retro-Jupiter is .in 9th and
Jupiter is the life of Saturn (because there cannot be Karma without life). Saturn and Jupiter are in
north. Dragon-Tail is in East (enemy of Saturn); this indicates that Karma (Saturn) cannot progress
because of impediments by Ketu. Jupiter is Retro. Retro-
D. Tail Sun
Jupiter is moving towards Dragon-Head from north to
Saturn Venus
Mercury West. Dragon-Head is in West. Karma is under control;
life is moving towards Kaalapurusha. Hence it is indication
that Moon Birth chart the native is asking here regarding career, which is under
No. 33
Mars problems due to impedimental aspects, and besides
career problems, he is a1soasking pertaining to fear of
life, Jupiter
where Jupiter and Dragon-Head indicates Jeeva Bhaya
® (fearfulness to life ).Saturn + Dragon-Tail + Mars are
career impediments.
As a matter of solution, it can be observed that the native will be able to overcome all the fears
(pertaining to career and life) because Jupiter is having the aspect of Venus and Mercury. Venus is
known as Sanjeevini (life saving plant) hence the native will be able to overcome both career and life
fearing problems.
Another native appears for consultation in the same Hora in last minute and even this native
will have some fearful situations pertaining to life (here is the last minute of Saturn Hora and
commencement of Jupiter Horn); hence native is questioning between (in betwixt) Saturn and Jupiter
Hora. Here the native although not very particular about career, is worried about his life.
Jupiter is Retro aspecting the West. Sun and Dragon Head are in west and hence the native is
asking regarding the problems of male issues (regarding progeny of male issues). Anyhow, this native
cannot have male issues.
Master, kindly explain why this native cannot have male issue?
Venus and Mercury are female planets; they are 7th from Jupiter and they are enemies to Jupiter.
Sun is the causative planet for male issues and Mars also indicates the same. But Mars is under the
control of Dragon- Tail and Sun is under the control of Dragon-Head - hence no male issues.
Venus is in own house with his friend Mercury and these two planets are female planets. They
are in 7th to Jupiter and hence there are indicates of two female issues to the native but no male issues.
(c) Title: Native consulting regarding her husband's problems.
Hora Lord. Moon
On the same day a lady is consulting under Moon Hora. Mars is 7th to Moon and Mars is with
Dragon-Tail. Mars is the husband who is under control of Dragon-Tail, they are in the East. Saturn is
aspecting East from North. Hence, the native's husband is under the control of litigations and some
inimical aspects. Mercury and Venus are in South which is second to East. Therefore, the native's
husband is expecting some beneficial factors pertaining to business and financial matters.
He enjoys benefits after the Transit of Dragon- Tail to Pisces.
(d) Native questioning: Regarding prosperity in career.
Hora Lord is Mars.
Mars is under the control of Dragon's Tail and Saturn is behind him. The native is suffering
regarding career and prosperity. Second to Mars, Venus and Mercury are in South. Hence native is
expecting some beneficial factors pertaining to business career prosperity.
Native enjoys beneficial factors after the Transit of Dragon-Tail to Pisces.
CHART - 34
Title: Native intends to do business pertaining to luxury articles.
Hora Lord: Saturn (last degree of Pisces)
The native here in context is consulting in the last degree of Saturn Hora.
According to directional aspects, Mars and Dragon-Tail are
Saturn D. Tail Venus Sun second to Saturn thus indicating some impedimental/
Mercury obstructional factors in career. But Saturn is 11th from Taurus
and Taurus is occupied by Moon, Mercury and Venus
Moon Birth chart (indicating travel, commercial lines and luxury materials).
No. 34 Hence, the native is intending to do some business pertaining to
luxury materials. Also, the native is desirous of leaving the
present career and intends to enter into new business pertaining
D.Head to luxury materials.
Native can enjoys success in his venture since Saturn is in 11th. Hence, good results after few
(b) Native: A knowledge able man of Medical lines /a Pundit.
Hora Lord. Jupiter:
Jupiter and Saturn are in North: while Dragon-Tail is in 2nd to Saturn. Venus and Mercury are
with Moon and they are in seventh to Jupiter. Hence, when three female planets are aspecting Jupiter,
it is clear indication that the native is not interested in his wife; but otherwise. Moon, Mercury and
Venus are aspected by Jupiter and hence it is an indication that the native will have more than wife and
more than one girl friend. Also, no harmonious relation-ships between husband and wife, but only
quarrels and rupture between the couples are the indications.
Anyhow some solution can be seen when transit of Jupiter enters Sagittarius.

(c) Hora Lord is in last degree of Jupiter Hora and of starting Mars Hora.
Question: Native expecting another career.
The native is consulting in the last degree of Jupiter Hora and there is beginning of Mars Hora. Mars is
with Dragon-Tail, Saturn is in rear to East, thus indicating that the native has already lost one career
and expecting another new career. The native is also suffering due to lack of beneficial factors, besides
financial matters too. Second to Mars there are Venus, Mercury and Moon. Hence, it is an indication
that the native is intending to do some new business/career.
Native's endeavors become successful after the transit of Dragon-tail to next sign.
(d) Questioning: regarding career:
The native is consulting under Sun Hora.
Sun is under the control of Dragon-Head and is in 11th to Mars. Hence, it is an indication that the
native who is working in a industrial concern having quarrels, fighting in his place of employment. Sun
is in West, north is second to West where there is Retro-Jupiter, thus indicating that the native will
have to continue with present career (no chances of any new change of career).
The native enjoys career benefits after one year and few months.

(e) Native: questioning regarding his career prosperity/ position etc.

Hora Lord is Venus:
Venus is in last degree of Taurus. Venus is having an aspect by Jupiter and Sun is in second to
Venus. Saturn is 5th from Jupiter. Observe:
Saturn is 5th to Jupiter = career and prosperity
Sun is second to Venus = promotions/further prosperity.
Native enjoys great prosperity and good position when Jupiter transits to Sagittarius.
(f) Native questioning: regarding land, money, business career,
Hora Lord is Mercury.
The native is consulting in Mercury Hora. Moon has passed Mercury degree at the time of
consultation. Hence combination of Mercury + Moon prevail indicating commercial lines, traveling.
There is also Venus in the same sign. Hence, the native is questioning regarding land, money and
prosperity of his business.

Native enjoys good benefits after some change (changing the place) (Mercury having crossed
Moon degree).
The native is questioning in Mars Hora. He is explaining that all that he is touching is going to
dogs. Mars is with Dragon Tail, Saturn is in rear direction.
Mars is in East; while beneficial planets Sun, Mercury and Sun
Saturn D. Tail Venus Sun are with Moon and dragon-Head, thus indicating that all
Mercury beneficial planets are under the control of Dragon-Head and
Mars Moon. Hence, the native, instead of enjoying beneficial factors
Moon Birth chart
No. 35 is suffering. Moon and Dragon-Head are in third to Mars hence
all his efforts and strains are going in vain.
Jupiter Solution:
® D.Head The native begins to enjoy beneficial factors and prosperity only
after the Transit of Dragon-Head comes to next house, Virgo.
In the above cases, it can be observed that the name of the parties consulting here almost belongs
to the name of Lord Eshwara. Dragon-Head is sky, while Dragon-Tail is the bottom earth. They are
anti-clock-wise. In between Dragon-Head and dragon- Tai 1, there is the Karma planet Saturn and life
planet Jupiter. Retro-Jupiter is having aspect of Sun who is in the West. Therefore, Sun + Jupiter =
Jeevatma - Karma is at bottom or Jupiter and Sun are below the earth and sky. Hellce the natives'
names are pertaining to the name of the Lord Eshwara and such names like Jagadish, Umesh, Nataraj,
Manjunath etc. Jupiter and Saturn indicate Eswaramsha.

CHART - 36
Title: Elopement.
Hora Lord: Mercury.
Note: Before giving predictions we have to consider successive planets in Virgo Sun + Retro Mercury
+ Venus.
In Libra Dragon-Head + Mars + Jupiter (in Scorpio) Moon is in Capricorn; Saturn is in
Aquarius. Sun is in 16 degrees, Retro + Mercury is in 18
D. Tail degrees. Venus is in 28 degrees, Retro-Saturn is in 26
Saturn The party is consulting under Mercury Hora. Mercury is
® Birth chart
No. 36
Retro; Moon is in 5th from Mercury; Retro-Saturn is
Moon aspecting Moon. Hence the aspect of planets Moon + Saturn
and Mercury + Moon + Venus prevail upon indicating Moon
Jupiter Mars Venus degrees in between Mercury and Venus. Moon and Saturn
D.Head Mercury® indicate elopement. Also, it can be observed that Retro +
Mercury is aspecting Sun (Sun is male, while Mercury is
female who is exalted).
So, from the above, it can be assessed that the woman is a knowledgeable, educated family, who
is eloping with her lover.
According to signs (Rashis) Moon is inside Dragon-Head. Sun and Mercury are in front of
Dragon-Head's mouth. Hence these two persons are running away and also going to a considerable
distant place with some money.

Oh! Master, how to conclude she is going away with money- Kindly explain?
Venus is the governing planet of money and is posited along with Mercury. Moon is in the directional
aspect of these planets. Hence, they are going away that too to a far off place
Oh! Master, how to assess that she is an educated one? Kindly explain?
Mercury (educational aspect) is exalted and he is 11 from Jupiter; hence she must be an educated
Master, how to assess and know whether by elopement they are safe or not, under the prevailing
planetic combinations.
The Sun and Mercury are 11th from Jupiter hence they will be safe by blessing of God.
Another party on the same day appears for consultation under MARS HORA. Mars is in Libra in
24 degrees. Dragon Head is in second degree and Saturn is in 5th from Mars. According to directional
aspect there is planetary combination of Mars+ Saturn + Jupiter. Hence, career aspects (here observe
the degrees) and the native has lost wealth land facing hardships. Because, Dragon-Head is the major
enemy of Mars who is rear to Mars, wealth and business planets Venus and Mercury respectively are
rear to Dragon-Head. Or in other words, Dragon Head is in between Mars, Venus and Mercury. Hence
the native at the time of consulting is suffering from calamities as can be observed from the chart.
Saturn is inimical to Mars, but it is to be observed that Saturn is between Jupiter and Mars according to
directional aspect and successive degrees. Mars is in 24 degrees Saturn is in 26 degrees, while Jupiter
is in Scorpio. So, it can be assessed that the Hora Lord would not be subjected to much hardships in
future, because, Jupiter is in second sign to Mars. From the above it can be concluded that the native
will have some career (business) after few months from the time of consultation.

(c) On the same day, a person is appearing for consultation (in evening) and there is little difference
between Moon and Venus degrees. Sun is in 11th to Jupiter, hence it can be assessed that the native is
hailing from a respectable family background himself being a respectable person too.
Retro + Mercury is aspecting Sun. Mercury is meant for land and hence the native gets some
property within a short time (from the time of consultation).
Venus and Mercury are female planets and Dragon- Tail indicates Flag sign. Hence the native is
having more female issues. Venus is daughter to Sun (according to Hora) and Mars is the husband of
Venus. But Mar_ has just entered the mouth of Kaala-Purusha (Dragon-Head). Therefore, one of the
daughters of the native is a widow (having lost her husband) and Moon is 5th from Mercury. Hence
one of the native's daughters will have immoral affairs.
Dragon-Head is in second degree in the West while Moon is in 23rd degree in South or in other
words Moon is nearest to, Dragon-Head. Hence it can be seen that one of the female folks in the
native's family is suffering due to mental restlessness and disappointments. According to directional
aspect and degree
Moon is in between Mercury and Venus, thus indicating that there are indications of cheating and fraud
regarding the native's sister's family property.
As a matter of solution to the above, after a period of 1-1/2 to 2 years, when Dragon-Head
enters Leo, the problems subside and arrive for fair settlement.

CHART - 37
Title: All that glitters is not gold. Hora Lord: Jupiter.
"The party in this context is approaching for consultation under Jupiter Hora. The native is a
female. Jupiter is Retro and Jupiter is in between Dragon-
Saturn Head and Dragon-Tail. Dragon Head is in West and Dragon-
D. Tail Venus
® Tail is in East. Jupiter is in North who is 11th from Moon, thus
indicating that the native is under irksome situations, besides
Birth chart she is under Capriciousness, considering her prevailing mental
No. 37 status (because of Moan). Mars is the lords of Scorpio, and
Dragon-Head is in between Mars and Jupiter. Hence it can be
Jupiter assessed that Moon and Dragon-Head not permitting her to
D.Head Mars
® have happiness with her husband (although she has inclination
towards divine contemplation). She has abandoned her
husband while having affair with another male folk (affair with Saturn) Here at the time of
consultation, her question is whether she can have him as her permanent companion, because Retro-
Saturn is returning, towards his own sign and Moon is about to approach the Saturn - within a short
time. Hence the person on whom she is trying repose confidence and wants him as a permanent
companion would go away or desert her.

(b) For the saIi1echart a person is approaching under Mars Hora. Retro-Saturn is 7th from Mars
thus indicating the native has lost his career, because Saturn indicating Karma/the career is Retro;
hence Karma is Retro; i.e. to say Karma is under loss; hence the native has lost his career. Anyhow he
is now working as a Security Watchman Guard/a sentry in Governmental or a royal court.
Kindly explain, how to decide that the native is working at the main door of governmental /royal
Dragon-Head is in West who is the causative planet of entrance (mouth). Sun, Mercury and
Venus are also in West (as per sign directions) and they are all in 'Vest with Dragon-Head according to
aspectual conjunction. So, they are stationed in West, the door is in outside and in front of the door,
Mars is standing.

Master, kindly explain, whether Mars standing at the gate is standing either for lodging a
complaint, or as a beggar or working there.
Oh! Disciple how come that you have not been able to follow my above delineations of the
native is standing at the door post working as a guard. So, you have to observe that Dragon Head is the
main door. Mars is standing before the main door and Saturn is 7th from Mars, while Saturn
representing career and half aspect of Saturn is towards Aquarius and Y2 aspect is remaining is Pisces.
Mars is in 11th to Jupiter indicating the native is having some job either in government side or royal

CHART... 38
Title: Over intellect not useful before the great people.
Hora Lord: Mercury (Retro)
The party consulting in this context falls under Mercury Hora, where Mercury is Retro. Sun
and Mercury both are in 17 degrees known as combustion stage. Although Mercury is exalted in Virgo,
Mercury is under the control of Sun, because Sun is the most powerful of all planets. Hence the native
is under the control of Sun. In previous charts when Mercury was in 11 th from Jupiter, it implied as
higher education and also powerful status of native. But here
D. Tail Retro-Saturn is appealing to Sun and Dragon-tail is in rear to
South (Dragon-Tail is in East, rear sign of Virgo is East).
Moon Birth chart
Hence, it can be assessed that the native here in the context,
No. 38 is appealing to the higher authorities and requesting legal
counsel for the benefits that are due to her from the place
Sun where she works, because she is encountering some
Jupiter Mercury
Venus problems in the place of her work. And also, second to Virgo
Mars there are some' quarrelling aspects i.e. between Mars and
Saturn including Moon. Mercury cannot pass to the second
house, because of the quarrelling aspects (as mentioned above) between Mars and Saturn, Venus and
Moon. And hence it can be observed that the place of benefit to Mercury is under the stage of disputes.
Or in other words, the place in which the native works there are quarrelling aspects in the management
and thus the native is constrained to appeal before the higher authorities for the benefits that are due to
her from her office.

Oh! Master, kindly explain whether she gets any benefits or losses, in such a situation?

Mercury and Sun are 11th from Jupiter and hence the native will get some benefits following her
appeal and would not suffer due to failures because Jupiter is the guide and his aspects remains as a
supporting factor and the native surely enjoys fair settlement.
On the same day, another native appears in Moon Hora, and the native is questioning regarding
issues (birth of a son) Jupiter and Sun are the causative planets of Son. Saturn is in successive degrees
to Moon (Moon in 8 degrees, Retro Saturn in 26 degrees).

Master, kindly explain how to decide that the native is questioning regarding male issues?
Because the native should be aspecting regarding career, since Saturn is aspecting Moon. The question
of asking regarding male issues does not arise? - Kindly explain?
Aquarius and Libra are in West and Moon is universal Mother. Saturn is Eswaramsha. Retro-
Saturn is approaching to meet his wife. Retro-Saturn (Eshwar) is also approaching to meet Parvathi
and while they trying to meet each other, it indicates that a man and woman is approaching to meet
each other. But in the West Moon is in 8 degrees and Mars is in 25 degrees; Saturn being in 26 degrees
by Retro and hence it is understood that mother and father are coming to meet each other to see the son
(Mars is the son. The Lord Shanmukha) and hence; it can be observed that in between Mother and
Father the son is stationed and hence it can be assessed the native is questioning regarding male issues.
The Master explains to the Disciple that the native is involved in such career of making roasted
materials (Jeeva-Rasa Savouries). He sells products coming out of fire andJoasted products and these
roasted products coming out of iron pan which is used for preparing savories.

Master, kindly explain how to decide that the native's livelihood is preparations of Savories and
how to decide that iron pan and roasting are involved.

Consider the West sign of Libra and Aquarius where Dragon-Head is in second degree.
Dragon-Head indicates iron pan (a round shape) and Mars is fire below the iron pan. Venus is in 1
degree, where Venus indicates beauty round and oval; shape and the native drops some mixture of
materials in the iron pan. Moon is in 8 degree (indicating eatables), while Retro Saturn indicating
career and Mars is heat; Moon indicating eatables (planet of taste) and hence it can be assessed that the
native is involved in the preparation of savouries and selling them for livelihood.

Master, kindly explain, how to decide that the native gets female child?
Venus is the female planet which is in 1 degree (and odd) which is almost nearer to the mouth
of Dragon-Head and hence, it can be observed that Venus follows Mars (i.e. the son born first, next,
daughter) - male issue first, female issue next. It can also be observed that it is absolutely essential the
parents (the native) must worship Shakthi-Shiva Pooja in order to be get children. Sacred offerings to
the Lord of Fire through the sacred altar (Homa) must be performed.
CHART - 39
Title: Native questioning regarding career (technical) lines.
Hora Lord: Mercury.
The native here is consulting under Mercury-Hora who is exalted and he is just free from
combustion (i.e. free from Sun) and Moon is in 7th from
Moon D. Tail Mercury. Hence, it is an indication that the native is an
intellectual type, now is on the way of freeing from problems.
Moon is in 7th from Hora Lord (Mercury) and hence the
Saturn Birth chart native's Karma (career) pertaining to beautification (i.e.
No. 39
working as a contractor building beautiful houses, mansions
Jupiter Venus
How to decide that the native is involved only in such career like beautification (as mentioned
above) and lot other career - kindly explain.
Mercury is 11th from Jupiter and Scorpio is the house of technical and hard
substances/materials. Moon is 5th from Jupiter, hence Jeeva + beautification (beautification for the
survival of Jeeva): Hence the above delineations regarding native's career.
Master, you were telling that this native is an educated one - kindly explain how to deduce that
Mercury is and 11 th, from Jupiter. Hence he is I have got some doubts here - viz that Venus
and Dragon-Head are in 1 degree (same degree) and Mars is in last degree of Libra. Also, Mars has
passed more degree from Venus and Dragon-Head and hence is it possible to assess that the native's
wife has undergone any surgical operation? Kindly explain?
Mercury is the Hora Lord. Venus is the Lord of 2nd and 9th who is under the control of
Dragon-Head and there is planet of Surgery; the Mars. Also Moon has just passed the West. Hence, it
can be assessed that the motherhood of the native's wife has suffered due to surgical operation and
relevant breaks. Also Mercury is the causative planet of sister who is in South and planet of dispute is
in East and planet of accusation Moon is in North. Dragon-Tail is in between Moon and Mercury.
Hence, one of the native's sister or a younger brother involved in family disputes and suffering due to
Master, kindly explain how and when the solution for the above problems can be seen.
The above problems gets solved, because Mercury is 11th from Jupiter and above problems
gets solved when transit Jupiter enters Sagittarius and later on the native will be able to enjoy
improvements and prosperity in Business/career day-to day when Retro-Mercury and Saturn becomes
Title: Native not much educated.
On the same day, another native appears for consultation coming under Moon Hora. Moon is in
between Dragon Tail and Saturn, thus indicating that the native is under the control of others (i.e.
native not working independently) and also not highly educated.

Master, for chart (a) above you were telling that the native is an educated one, but for (b)
native you are telling that the native is not much educated - kindly explain this aspect?
Because Mercury is 7th from Mon and Jupiter is with Moon (according to directional aspects),
then how to decide that (b) native is not much educated - kindly explain?
Mercury is in 15 degrees, Jupiter is in 17 degrees; so Jupiter and Mercury are in nearest
aspects. Mercury is exalted but not for the Moon.
Also observe, that Moon has to pass 14 degrees to see Mercury and Moon must pass 16 degrees
to reach Jupiter, and hence it can be assessed that (b) native is not much educated.
According to directional aspects Moon and Jupiter are in same direction but Sun and Mercury
are 11th to Jupiter then kindly explain its effect?

Sun is the causative planet of father. Moon is in 7th to Sun and Sun is 11th to Jupiter. Son is
father, while Jupiter is guide and Moon indicating art; and hence it can be assessed that the native's
father should be a magician.
Anyhow for this native if good things should happen Saturn Transit should come to Aries, and
then only the native can enjoy an independent career.
CHART - 40
Title: Native's question - whether his father purchases again house property?
Hora Lord is Jupiter.
The native is questioning here under Jupiter Hora. Sun is in 11th Jupiter who has sold his house
property to Mercury and Sun is alone. Sun is in 25 degrees, Mercury is Retro in 15 degree at Virgo and
Moon is in 7th to Sun, thus indicating own house of Sun is about to be occupied by Retro-Mercury and
Sun becomes helpless, because second to Sun there is the enemy Dragon-Head and next to Dragon-
Head there is Venus. Therefore the native's father sold his house
Moon D. Tail while facing enormous hardship and also thinking of purchasing
another House property. But Dragon-Head is in between Venus
and Sun, thus indicating Sun should pass Dragon-Head to
Saturn purchase house property. But when Sun enters Libra he should
Birth chart
® be involved with Dragon-Head and here Sun becomes
No. 40
debilitated. Hence, the native's father, due to above
Sun circumstances would not able to purchase another house
Mercury property, but only in next birth. Another factor that can be
(L) Jupiter Venus
® observed here is that although Mercury is the close friend of
Sun, he is Retro. Third house from Hora Lord is aspected by
Retro-Saturn (Saturn in 25 degrees at Aquarius) and hence, the native is also in need of some

Master, kindly explain how to decide that the native is only expecting some job/career aspect,
and why not say directly career.

Because Saturn is not in Capricorn but he is aspecting it by Retro which is the 3rd sign (as
mentioned previously) and hence it can be deduced that the native is expecting some job/career,
instead of saying straightly, career.
And also Mars and Saturn, both are in West and also they are in 25 degrees, and thus indicating
there are some problems of obtaining career, because 7th sign from Jupiter is the sign of Venus. Venus
is indicating wife, but is in between Dragon Head and Mars. Venus is in 12th (VYAYA) to the Hora
Lord. When Venus is in between Dragon-Head and Mars native's family life cannot be settled properly
during first part of life.
Master, how to confirm that native's father has sold his house property? - kindly explain?
Moon is in 7th from Sun and Mercury, while Moon indicating sales and losses, because Retro-
Mercury is also there and Sun is expecting the benefits of Venus. i.e. to say Sun has handed over his
house property to Mercury and hence Retro-Mercury is moving towards Leo for occupying the house.

CHART - 41
Title: Native in critical situation.
Hora Lord. Saturn.
The native is questioning here under the Saturn Hora. And Sagittarius is the Ascendant. Saturn
and Jupiter are aspecting each other. Hence it can be assessed that the native is a respectable one,
having inclination towards the line of righteousness (DHARMA KARMA BUDDHI). The Lord of 7th
is in 10th with his friends Venus and Moon is in 11th to Venus and Mercury and hence it is an
indication that the native;: is having more than one wife. Out of two wives, one is weak because Venus
is debilitated. Sun, Mars and Dragon-tail are 9th from
Moon D. Tail Ascendant. Hence it is understood they are enemies to the
Hora Lord Saturn. The native is quite an influenced person,
because Sun is the Royal King, Mars is the commander,
Saturn® Birth chart
No. 41
while Dragon-Tail indicating Lag and Jupiter is 11th from
this combination. The native (as mentioned above) is
Sun although influential under the prevailing situation is not
Mercur having influential factors because there are no influencing
(L) Jupiter Venus

Mars planets in adjoining signs.
Jupiter is in 11th from Leo and hence the native in subsequent periods can enjoy some
influencing factors. Sun is the father to Saturn, Mars is the brother to Saturn and they are with Dragon-
Tail and this is an indication that some of the blood-relatives of the native are creating some critical
situations to the native. And Lord of 10th is exalted with Venus. Anyhow, the native gets benefits
through Art lines/commercial lines by involving in traveling aspects too. because Moon is 11th from
Virgo and the aspect of Moon towards Mercury and Venus (where Moon indicating travel, and art
while Mercury indicating intellect and commercial lines, and also Venus indicating beautiful aspects
besides wealth). Hence, the native gets financial benefits through arts and travels.

(b) On the same say two natives appear for questioning in Pisces ascendant and Mercury being
the Hora Lord. Mercury is in his own sign with his friend Venus. Out of these two natives for one nati
ve Mercury is exalted who is with wealth planet Venus. So, this native is an intellectual person and
financially sounds. Another one is Venus, but Venus is debilitated who is powerless and also he is
weak in mind since Moon is 11th from Venus. But Moon is 11th from Venus and Mercury, thus
indicating that both natives are involved in business activities.
Venus and Moon are enemies. Hence one person is wealthy and fortune, whereas the other one is
dull and weak, but anyhow (as mentioned above) the career of both the parties is business.

(c) Ref. rear chart No. 41

The native in the context is under Moon Hora. Moon is in his own sign and second to Moon, Dragon-
Tail, Sun and Mars are in successive degrees, hence Moon cannot move. Because Dragon-Tail never
permits Moon to enter Leo, thus indicating that the native is the Moon. Moon is also the mother; - they
are in critical condition. Sun is the father who is in between Dragon Tail and Mars (planets' of
liberation and fire respectively) i.e. to say the native's father is deceased. Venus and Mercury are in 3rd
house to Moon. Hence it is an indication the native is having two sisters and one of them is weak and
another one - although is intellectual is not in good terms with her husband (because of Moon aspect).
Moon is the Hora Lord, the causative planet of travel and hence the native's career involves

Master, how to decide the specific career of the native kindly explain?

Moon is the native, second to Moon is Dragon-Tail, (thread, yarn, and wire). Sun is shining
Mars is the power (fire) and hence an indication of yarn, wire, light, heat and power. The native's
career is related to either cloth business (dealing with silk cloths, with gold-like borders) or electrical
The native also enjoys some benefits through land/house property because Venus and Mercury
are in 3rdfrom Moon, the native will have inclination towards other females.
CHART - 42
Title: Native's career in critical stage.
Hora Lord is Jupiter.
The party appearing for consultation in this context falls under Jupiter Hora. Saturn is in 7th
and Saturn is with his enemy the Dragon-Tail, Sun and Mars
Jupiter (according to directional aspects).
(b) On the same day another native appears for consulting under
D.Head Mars Hora. Dragon-Tail, Sun and Mars are in successive
Birth chart degrees in Leo. Mars is in capital, sitting in the capital,
Sun while expecting some benefits. Mars gets benefits because
No. 42
D. Tail
Mercury, Moon and Venus are second to Mars, and Mars
gets benefits after his entry into Virgo. The question of the
Mercury native is when he can expect some relief from the sufferings
Venus he is undergoing because of cheating/deceiving. Moon is in
between Mercury and Venus and hence native is questioning
regarding property and financial matters which are under
deceiving factors.

CHART - 43
Title: Regarding settlement of old balance/dues.
Hora Lord is Saturn.

D. Tail Sun

Saturn® Birth chart Mercury

Moon No. 43

Jupiter Native is questioning under the Saturn Hora. Where Saturn
is Retro who is in 5 degrees at Aquarius, Moon is in 20
degrees. Saturn is aspecting rear house which is South,
Taurus is also South where is wealth planet Venus in 9 degree. Dragon Tail is in 17 degrees and it is
understood that Saturn is aspecting the rear sign (mouth) where money is under the control of
Dragon Tail.

Master, how to decide that the money belongs to native - kindly explain?

Capricorn is the 9th sign to Venus and also this is the own sign of Saturn.
Master, does the native get back his old balance/money dues - kindly explain?
Jupiter is 5th from Dragon-Tail and Venus; hence the native gets back such old balance/money
followed by some litigation. Sun is 11 th from Mars who is alone in Gemini. Hence it is an indication
that the native's father is having little effects - pertaining to fire and weaponries.
Master, kindly enlighten regarding native's career?
Saturn is in the sign of round, where Aquarius is the pot, where there is planet of Moon (meant
for water and liquids) and Saturn is having aspect towards Mars (by 1/2). Mercury is in North.
Mercury is second to Moon indicates commercial lines. Whereas Moon indicates water and liquid
besides Mars indicates metal. Hence, it can be assessed that the native's career is pertaining to metal
parts, pipes or any equivalent career.
It can be observed that under the prevailing circumstances, native's business is under financial;
strain because, Mars and Moon are enemies and Venus (financial) is under the control of Dragon-Tail
(Dragon-Tail is inimical to Saturn). Hence the native will not be able to enjoy any financial benefits.

CHART - 44
Title: Either financial matter or a person is at large (missing)
Hora Lord: Venus.
Venus is in 12 degrees whereas Dragon-Tail is in 17 degrees. Venus cannot see Sun. Sun is the
causative planet of father or son. Dragon-Tail is in between Sun and Venus. Moon is 11th from Venus.
Hence, it is an indication that the native questioning here - either has lost some wealth or a person
known to the native is at large (missing).
Master, kindly explain whether the missing person is traceable or not?
Moon D. Tail
Venus Sun
Saturn® Mercury MASTER:
Birth chart Yes, it will be traced out, because Moon is aspected by
No. 44 Jupiter and Venus is 9th from Jupiter.
D.Head Jupiter The above missing wealth/person will be restored to the
native after a period of 3-4 months, when Transit of Sun
comes to Virgo where there is Jupiter.

CHART - 45
Title: Urinal problem - and question regarding marriage.
Hora Lord. Mercury (female native)
The female native is questioning under Mercury Hora who is Retro and is also exalted. Sun is
in 24 degrees at Virgo and Mercury is in 12 degrees. Mercury is aspecting east by Retro. Moon and
D. Tail Dragon-Tail are in east. Hence, it is an indication that the
Moon native has sufferings in urinary organs. (Moon is water and
Dragon-Tail indicates obstruction breaks). Moon and
Dragon-Tail are in Aries (indicating waste water-urine).
Birth chart
Saturn is the causative planet of the body discharging
D.Head Sun excreta (anus). Saturn is 11th from Moon and Dragon-Tail
Jupiter Venus Mercury and hence the urinal problem.

Master- kindly explains about its cures?
When Transit of Jupiter enters Sagittarius i.e. after one year some relief will be obtained. Also
Mercury is 11th from Jupiter and hence she will have settlement in her life (marriage) within one year.
CHART - 46
Title: Regarding land / site / construction of beautiful house.
Hora Lord is Mars.
The native is consulting under Mars Hora with Ascendant of
Jupiter Capricorn. Dragon-Tail, Sun and Mars are in successive
degrees in Leo. Mars is in 26 degrees Retro-Mercury is
D.Head aspecting Mars while Mercury, Venus and Moon are in
successive degrees at Virgo. Mars is expecting the support of
Birth chart Sun
No. 46 Mercury and Mercury is exalted (Mercury indicating land,
D. Tail
Venus indicating house, while Moon indicating beauty).
The native in the context enjoys profitability regarding land
Mercury house property without difficulties (Le. quite easily). Retro-
Saturn Venus
® Moon Mercury is in second to Mars. Venus is second to Mercury.
Moon is in next degree to Venus (Mercury is land, Venus
money /house).Moon for little loan commitments. So, the native gets some landed property easily,
constructs a house. Anyhow, a little loan commitment would be inevitable.

CHART - 47
Title: Native under hardship/loss of wealth.
Hora Lord is Mercury.
Mercury is the Hora Lord with ascendant Libra. Venus has just
Jupiter crossed his debilitation while entering his own sign. Mercury is
exalted but Venus is in debilitation. Debilitated Venus was
with Mercury at the last moments of native's consultation.
Birth chart
No. 47 Sun Venus has just entered his own sign. Hence Venus comes in
D. Tail second to Mercury. Therefore, the native was (at the time of
consultation) in great financial strain, but here onwards he can
Saturn Moon Venus
Mercury enjoy fair financial gains, through proper channel. Venus is in
11th to Saturn and Saturn is aspected by Jupiter, thus
indicating that the native's financial positions in the near future
(from the time of consultation) begins to progress.
CHART - 48
Title: Wife trying for involvement with other person.
Hora Lord is Venus (female native).
Jupiter is in 9th from Venus, hence it can be understood the native is inclined towards spiritual
Lord of 2nd and 7th to Venus is in 12th i.e. Mars and Mercury are in Virgo who are inimical to
each other and are quarrelling in a court of law, because Sun and Dragon-Tail are in Leo, Venus and
Mercury are quarrelling in court, thus indicating the native's involvement in legal battle. Venus is in
West, Moon is in North. Retro-Saturn is aspecting north; hence
Jupiter it is understood that Moon is in between Saturn and Venus.
From the above it can be assessed that she is trying to attract
D.Head another companion, because of disharmonious relationship
Birth chart between wife and husband.
No. 48 Sun
D. Tail
The native in the context is under Venus Hora in last
Mercury degree of Scorpio. Saturn is second to Venus; hence is an
Saturn Venus indication that the native is abandoning her family and
loitering with others.

CHART - 49
Title: Wife abandoning family I loitering with others -later on joins her husband
Hora Lord: Venus.
The native in the context is under Venus Hora in the last degree in Scorpio. Saturn is second to
Venus, hence is an indication that native is abandoning her family and loitering with others.


Birth chart
No. 49
D.Head D. Tail But, it can be observed that Venus cannot enjoy Saturn to her
expectations, because of inter-change between Mars and
Mercury Venus. . Mars is the husband, Sun and Mercury indicates
Mars children. Moon is mother-in-law. Before interchange i.e. it is
Saturn Venus
Moon understood that Venus was with her family.
After considering the interchange Venus is abandoning her family and trying to loiter with
some other person. (i.e. she is trying to live in some other house I place).
Anyhow, Venus some how at least in future must return to her husband, because she cannot
live permanently with another person, in a different place.

(b) Hora Lord is Saturn.

Title: Native questioning whether his wife returns home or not?

Venus is in Scorpio. Scorpio is debilitation sign for Moon. The interchange of Venus and Mars
indicates that the wife will be returning subsequently not living permanently with Saturn.
Master, kindly explain regarding the possibilities of the wife permanently staying with her

If she has to stay permanently with her husband, she is ably in need of advice from elders and
well-wishers and by proper advice the native's above problem gets solved and for this transit of Jupiter
should come to cancer.
Title: Native facing great hardship and problems in career.
Hora Lord is Saturn.
The native is consulting under Saturn Hora. . Saturn is in East and Mars, Moon and Dragon-
Tail are in East. Hence it can, be observed that under the prevailing circumstances (at the time of
questioning) native is under critical stages with quarrelling / inimical / trouble shooting aspects.
It can be assessed that the native is an agriculturist, because
Jupiter Mars, Moon and Dragon-Tail indicating that the native
belongs to some scheduled caste, besides having career as an
D.Head agriculturist (greens / lands etc). Moon is in 9th from Saturn
Sun and the native questioning here in the context is strongly
Birth chart
Venus No. 50 Moon thinking and also questioning whether he can abandon his
Mercury Mars
D. Tail present career (as an agriculturist) and can he go to some other
town for doing some business? As explained above, the native
Saturn ®
is under conditions of extreme desperation, and wants to
abandon his present career. Saturn is in East, while Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are in south or in other
words they are second to Saturn (by directional aspects), hence it is assessed that the native is
questioning regarding his plans of future business / career in a town.
Jupiter transit will have to enter Gemini and later on the Hora Lord Saturn will have aspect of
Jupiter, and then only the native can put into action his business plans, because it is after Jupiter's
native will be able to enjoy freedom from above mentioned problems.

It can be observed that the native cannot change the place, because Saturn is under the control of
Dragon- Tail (although there is Moon).
(b) Another native appears (with reference to above chart) in Sun Hora.
Question: Native is asking whether his son who has become a vagabond and who is under the
influence of bad person and vices can he change? _un is the causative planet for father and Son. Sun is
under the control of Dragon-Head. Sun is in 9 degrees Dragon-Head being in 11 degrees at Aquarius,
thus indicating the native is asking regarding his son who is under the influences of vicious people and
Answer: Anyhow, the native's son in subsequent periods changes and improves but it takes one
year (with a slight variation of 2-3 months).
Master, how to decide the native's son improves kindly explain? Because Sun is in West with
Dragon-Head, Saturn, Mars and Dragon-tail and Moon are in East. So, the bad influencing planets are
all in East - then how the son can improve?
Jupiter is in 4th from Aquarius who is the Lord of second and 11th. When Jupiter comes to
Gemini then he will have aspect towards Sun. So, the native's son in subsequent period improves and
becomes a good person.

Title: Regarding native's marriage - affair with a female -later on marrying another girl.
Hora Lord is Sun.
Sun is the Hora Lord. Juiter, Moon and Dragon-Head are in East, while Jupiter indicating good
Sun caste. Moon indicates female and Dragon-Head indicates
Mercury secrecy. Sun is entering (moving about) to the woman's house
® D. Tail
to East by interchange with Jupiter i.e. when the Master of her
Mars house has gone out (indicating Interchange Jupiter), Sun
Venus ® exploiting the situation will have an affair with the woman,
Birth chart
No. 51 Jupiter represented by Moon. Jupiter is aspecting Venus and Mars
from 7th; hence the native in his pre-marital status can have
Moon such affair, but will have to undergo marriage through proper

Master, how to decide that the native shall marry through proper channel- kindly explain?
Jupiter is aspecting Venus, Venus and Mars are wife and husband and Mercury is the causative
planet for relatives who is aspecting Aquarius by retro. Hence, Venus, Mars and Mercury are having
close aspects. Sun and Jupiter are also aspecting Aquarius by inert-change. Hence it is to be decided
that the native's marriage will be arranged one through proper channels, and he marries another girl

CHART - 52
Title: Native questioning regarding parents health and also regarding future prosperity.
Hora Lord is Mars.
Sun is in 11th at 25 degree. Sun and Moon, both in South, anti-clockwise Dragon-Head is in 2
degrees, at Libra, Moon in 21 degree and is an indication that Dragon-Head is nearest to Virgo, (South)
and hence the native's parents are subjected to health
D. Tail Moon problems. Moon is exalted but Dragon-Head is nearest.
Mercury is exalted and he is with Sun (he is just getting
Saturn ® direct). Mars and Mercury are enemies. Moon and Jupiter are
Birth chart
No. 52 inimical to each other hence the native's parents have to
overcome health problems (for another 8 months).
Sun Mars is with Jupiter. Mars is the causative planet of chilies,
Jupiter D.Head
Mars Venus
while Jupiter is sweet and Moon is eatables (juicy/liquid) and
hence it can be assessed that the native's career related to
food articles/eatables etc (Rasa). Mars is in his own house
and he is the Hora Lord and Venus is the lord of7th and also is in 12th with the inimical planet
Dragon-Head. Hence, it is an indication that the native's family life also remaining unsettled.
(b) Another native appears on the same day under Venus Hora (female).
Mars is in second sign to Venus. Dragon-Head and Venus are in Libra. Mars is in starting
degree of Scorpio with Jupiter, thus indicating Mars with Jupiter and Venus with Dragon Head.

Mars and Dragon-Head are inimical. Venus and Jupiter are inimical. Hence, the native is
questioning regarding some domestic quarrels prevailing in. her family quarters. Jupiter and 'Mars
conjunction indicates that one of the family members of the native i.e. having some ailment in cardiac
regions (heart problems).

At the time of native's consultation Moon is in 27 degree in South. Moon is about to enter the
mouth of Dragon-Head.
Moon and dragon-Head conjunction indicates one of the family members of the native
suffering due to mental aberration (a sort of disturbances in mind- hallucinations etc).

Refer Chart No. 52

Title: Regarding place change.
Hora Lord is Mercury.
Mercury is the Hora Lord at the time of native's consultation. Mercury is 11 th from Mars and
Jupiter-Hence native is questioning regarding business / career aspects (pertaining to technical lines).
Moon is also with Mercury as per directional aspect and hence the native is questioning
regarding change of place pertaining to his career.
But the answer is that native under the prevailing circumstances would not be able to change
place - because Moon is in 27 degree at Virgo and anti -clockwise Dragon-Head would not at all
permit the native (because Dragon-Head is swallowing Moon). Hence the question of native's career
and any change of place do not come into picture.

CHART - 53
Title: Native questioning regarding accusation/ disputable aspects.
Hora Lord: Mercury.
The native is questioning in Mercury Hora considering the degree of planets in Sagittarius -
Jupiter and Sun. Mon and Mercury and Mars are in successive degrees second to Mer_ cury, there is
Mars (quarrelling planet). Moon is in rear to Mercury, where Moon indicates cheating / cunningness /
accusations etc. Hence, it can be predicted that the native i.s questioning regarding some quarrels /
disputes (i.e. the wife consulting about her husband who is
D. Tail
having some quarrels with his friends).
Refer Chart No. 53
Mercury Birth chart Title: Native suffering due to accusations from his own
Venus No. 53
acquaintances and solution for the same.
Hora Lord: Mercury. Another person is consulting (3rd
Jupiter party). It can be observed that all the above 3 parties are
D.Head consulting under same Hora i.e. Mercury Hora.
All the 3 consulting person find solution when Jupiter reaches
the degree of Mercury Hora i.e. within period of 8-10 months.

CHART - 54
Title: Native deceived by a friend.
In this chart, Mars and Mercury are together in Capricorn and Dragon-Head is in 9th to Mars
and Mercury. Mercury and Mars are sometimes friends (not always). The native had a friend
(companion) at first and in subsequent periods losses him, because Mercury is Retro - thus indicating
D. Tail that Mars has to, suffer deceiving due to Mercury (Retro) and
also the inimical planet Dragon-Head are friends Mercury
Saturn accompanies the dark/shadow planet of Dragon-Head, hence
Venus Mars losses his friend - Mars becomes helpless. Hence it can
Birth chart
Mars No. 54 be decided that the native losses his friend. It can also be
® noted that Mercury is Retro who expects association with
Jupiter Jupiter and Sun because he is e'5pecting some
Sun honour/greatness. So, the native losses a friend expecting
support of Ven41 who is in second sign to Mars. Hence the
native loosing one friend expects another one.
Hora Lord: Saturn .
Title: Native questioning regarding disputes in business affairs.
Jupiter, Sun, Mercury and Mars are in successive degrees (in order). Mercury is second to
D. Tail

Birth chart
Saturn No. 55
Venus Sun (In order) and Dragon Tail is in Aries - thus indicating
Jupiter that the native is having some disputes in his business affairs.
Sun The native is a respectable per son. Jupiter is in rear to Sun;
Moon D.Head
Mars hence the native gets relieved from such problems in due
Hora Lord: Saturn. Title: Missing of an animal with a tail.
In this chart, second to Saturn there is Dragon-tail and in next degree there is Moon (Moon
indicating deceiving factor). Hence it can be assessed that the native is questioning regarding missing
of an animal having tail. Further, Moon has passed Dragon-Tail. Hence, it indicates that the animal is
D. Tail carried away (taken out by deceit) out of station, because
Moon is not in between Saturn and dragon-tail and hence the
animal native is questioning missing animal or in other
Saturn words:
Birth chart
Venus No. 56 It can be observed that second to Saturn there is Dragon Tail
and Moon and there are no other planets in the North signs in
D.Head Cancer / Scorpio. Hence, it can be assessed that the animal is
Mars carried away out station by person / persons.

Title: Regarding obstructions to career. Hora Lord: Saturn.
In this chart Moon is aspecting Venus, Mars and Mercury. Second to Saturn there are Dragon- Tail-and
Moon. Saturn is work and second to Saturn there is Dragon-Tail. Hence, it is an indication that the native has
suffering due to impediments/ obstructions pertaining to career.
D. Tail Solution:
Moon When Jupiter comes to Capricorn, the problem of the native gets
Birth chart solved. Or when Jupiter aspects North (in directional aspects)
Venus No. 57
Mercury then the problems of the native gets solved.

Mars CHART58
Hora Lord: Mercury.
Title: Kidnapping / black mailing / death / missing of native
Chart- 58, Native's chart (boy).
Chart - 58 - A (Time of consultation).

D. Tail
Saturn Birth chart Moon
No. 58
Venus These two charts 58 and 58 - A indicate the missing boy
Mercury kidnapped by miscreants, including black mailing and death
of the boy under the following planetic combinations. It can
D.Head be observed from the chart that Jupiter is alone not having the
Mars aspect of any planets (7th or an adjoining signs). Hence the
native's span of life is extremely short according to Natal
Mercury is 5th from Jupiter, but who is aspected by the inimical planet of Mars from Pisces,
thus indicating sudden death of the native.

According to Hora (as per chart 58 - A), the native's father
D. Tail and friend are consulting in Mercury Hora where the question
Moon indicates about the missing boy. Here, next degree Mars is in
the last degrees. Mars is also the son of the Sun. Moon is
Birth chart
Venus No. 57 indicating deceit / losses (and such factors). But Dragon-
Mercury Head is in 9th from Capricorn. Hence, it can be deduced that
Mars, Moon and Sun are under the aspect of
D.Head PRETAKARMASHA (Performing rituals to the native).
Mars Hence the time of consulting indicates PRETAKARMASHA -
the death of the missing native (toe boy) and considering the above, it can be deduced that the boy was
kidnapped and native's father was black-mailed and because the native's father did not pay the ransom
money, the boy was murdered.
CHART - 59
In this chart, Jupiter and Dragon-Tail combination indicates there will be a lane near the birth place of the
native. Moon is exalted by the side of Jupiter hence it is an indication of a big river also near the birth place of
the native
The native was born in a small town (indications of Jupiter and Dragon-Tail) and in the West there is
Sun and Venus. Hence the native was born in a small town.
Dragon-Head, Venus and Sun are in the West. Jupiter and Dragon-
Jupiter Moon
Tail are in the East, thus it is an indication it is a town. Native's
D.Head father must have two wives because Sun is with Venus and
Sun Mercury is alone (Venus and Mercury indicating two female
Venus Birth chart aspects).
No. 59
Mercury By nature, the native is harsh, because Jupiter and Mars are
D. Tail
opposite to each other. The native enjoys benefits from his wife's
Mars side (Jupiter is native, Venus is 5th from Mars).
Native's wife will be coming from East side, Jupiter is in East.
Venus is in West.
Sun is the causative planet of male issues, but he is with inimical planets of dragon-Head and Venus.
Hence the chances of male issues to the native, if at all should be through Divine blessings only (The concept of
Universal Goddess Mother).
The native's wife will be medium in height, having sufferings due to gas / air and such connecting
health problems. She is by nature straight - forward, a stead-fast woman. This is because there are planetic
aspects of Sun and Mars on Venus.
CHART - 60
In this chart the native's father must have more than wife, because Sun is with Venus, Mercury is
rear to the Sun and Moon is in third to the Sun.
Jupiter The native will have involvement with opposite sex. He can
Venus Mars speak very sweet words (like a sugar - candy), because
Mercury indicates speech and Jupiter, the guide, Dragon-
Head the mouth. Hence the native can converse fluently and
Birth chart flexibly depending upon the situations besides possessing
No. 60 knowledge in secret matters.

D. Tail Saturn

CHART - 61
In this chart Dragon-Head is in East and Tail is in West. Sun and Moon are also in east. Hence, it
is an indication that the main door of the native's house will be facing a road running towards East-
West. Near the house there will be a GANAPATHI temple and this because there are planetic
combination of Dragon Tail + Saturn + who are in the
Jupiter West sign. Moon is water, anticlockwise Dragon-Head
Venus also with Moon, which indicates there is a river in the
Mercury North-East.
Saturn +- Dragon-tail + Mars aspected by Moon indicate
D. Tail
Birth chart agricultural occupation of the native.
No. 61 Moon The native born in a big family; this is because, Jupiter is
D.Head native who is with Sun, Mercury and Venus being in east
and also Moon and dragon-Head are in the East. Hence,
Mars the native and his father (Sun = father) has big family.
Sun' + Jupiter + Mercury shows that the native will have
good social status and also will be proud of themselves. There will be an element of egoism in the
native, because Mars is having close relationship with the above mentioned planets, by interchange
with Venus. That indicates the native's father also has the same qualities and through this interchange the
native of this chart will be benefited through his father's-in-Iaw. The native some times tells truth and some
times lies (truthful some times and sometimes false) and this because of the planetic conjunction of Moon and
Dragon Head in the East - false statements and Jupiter also in the East (causative planets of truth).
CHART - 62

Jupiter Moon
No. 62
In this chart Jupiter is aspecting Sun and Mercury from 70, and
Venus hence is an indication that the native's father will be a
respectable man and also rich. Because wealth is governed
Saturn D. Tail
Mercury by Venus there is an interchange between Saturn and
Venus. Hence, the native enjoys wealth during his sojourn
of life. Dragon-Head is the causative planet of moles, which is 5th from Sun, which indicates that the
native's father had a big mole on his face. The native is interested in arts, music, etc., because Saturn is
work, who is with Mars, by interchange of Saturn and Venus, Venus comes to his own house Libra.
Moon is in 9th from Libra (Moon indicating artistic talents), and Mars indicates vigour, Saturn is work,
where there is interchange of Venus the native will get some property from wife's side. The native will
have interests in the opposite sex an amorous one.
Anyhow as per indications native losses all of his issues due to Sun and Dragon-Head who are
both in North. Mercury and Mars are in the adjoining signs. All of them are inimical to each other.
Jupiter is under the control of Dragon-Tail. Venus will come to his own house Libra, which is 5th from Gemini.
Where Moon will be joining Venus in directional aspects, Saturn and Mars are enemies, where Sun and
Dragon-Head are also enemies and Jupiter thus becomes quite helpless; and for these reasons, the
native cannot enjoy benefit of progeny.
CHART - 63
Dragon-Head is in North, Mercury.. Mars, Sun, Saturn and Dragon-tail are in South. Hence, it indicates
that the native's birth house's main door will be facing the street in the direction of North-South.
The birth place of the native will be a commercial place
D.Head Jupiter (say a town) Note, exalted Mercury is with Saturn and other
planets. Venus is in second to Mercury. Virgo is the
business place where there is Sun with Dragon-Tail
Birth chart (Dragon-tail a flag sign), hence the native's birth place can
No. 63
Moon be considered as a king's place and also Saturn and Dragon-
Tail indicating the concept of Lord Shiva. While Mercury
Sun and Dragon-Tail; indicating the concept of the Lord
Venus Mercury Mahavishnu. or to say Lord Gopala Krishna. Hence there
Saturn are planetic combinations of Saturn + Mercury + Dragon-
D. Tail
tail = GANAPATHI. Hence, it can be considered and
decided that birth place of native is a heavenly place with various temples, river besides a prominent
city. ,Virgo is in South and Taurus is also in South where there is Jupiter. Capricorn also comes under
South, where there is Moon. Hence, the South is associated with 7 planets. The above combination
indicates that the native will have knowledge in various fields, and he can enjoy enormous beneficial
factors. Venus is in second to South (Virgo) and hence it can be observed that the native can enjoy
some benefits through his wife's side also and would be able to construct a house. Wife will be coming
from the West side or from South-West direction (Venus in West). Regardingthe career/ job the native
will have career pertaining to government sides (Saturn + Dragon-Tail + Sun). As per the chart, the
general prosperity of the native begins to dawn from age of21 and 22 and later on gradually improves
when transit Jupiter comes in between Capricorn and Aquarius. '

Native will have only one sister because Venus is sister who is alone.
CHART - 64
Regarding birth place of the native, the main door of his house is facing the direction, a street
running towards North South. Dragon-Head and Sun is North and Dragon-tail in South. Hence, it can
be assessed that the native's birth place will be quite a big city (because of Dragon-Head indicating
BRUHAT means big, giant etc). Jupiter + Dragon-Tail +
Jupiter Mars conjunction prevails and second to Jupiter there is a
Rahoo planetary conjunction of Saturn + Mercury +Venus. There is
Venus also n interchange between Saturn and Venus, and this is an
Mercury indication that the native earns wealth by lending money.
Birth chart
No. 64
Saturn is work, the interchange of Venus and Saturn in
directional aspects indicates Saturn + Venus + Mercury:
Mars Hence the native of this chart enjoys wealth besides landed
Moon D.tail property too. After the birth of this native, his father enjoys
some beneficial factors. (Jupiter is in 3rd from Sun) and at the
time of native's birth, his father had sufferings and days of hardship. Jupiter is native, Sun is father who
is in North and Jupiter is in South. Jupiter's aspect is considered as good to Sun.

Sun is 5th from Moon, where Moon indicates technical sign. Moon also respects travels. Sun and Moon are
having the aspect of Jupiter. Hence the native's father will enjoy beneficial factors by and through the lines of
Travels. Venus is in West and Jupiter is in South. Hence the native's wife comes from west or North- West
The indications are that the native, during the next birth (next sojourn of life) will take birth
near the Holy place of the Lord Krishna - the Dwarka
Oh! Master - kindly explain, how to decide that the native's next birth will be at Dwarka alone
and not elsewhere?
At present birth Jupiter is in South. During the next birth you must consider Jupiter in Gemini.
Gemini is in West and Aquarius is also in West. Venus and Mercury are female planets representing
SRIVEDI AND BHOODEVI. There is also NEELAVARNA of Saturn in the same West. Hence
Krishna is also NEELA VARN A and Radha Rukmini indicating Venus and Mercury. Hence the
native, during the next birth will be born in the birth pi ace of Lord Krishna.
In this chart, Sun is exalted Saturn, is debilitated but they are enemies. Hence Sun power goes
down. These two planets are 5th from Moon. Sun is the father of the native while Saturn and Moon
having directional conjunction. Sun becomes useless
Jupiter loosing his power of exaltation. Moon is the causative
Sun planet of travels, thus indicating the native's father had no
D. Tail own house. Second to Sun there are Jupiter, Mercury and
dragon-tail, thus indicating that the native's father will be
Mars an educated one, enjoying beneficial factors through
Birth chart
No. 65 governmental sides, because Venus is second to Aries.
The chart is of female, hence to be considered by Venus.
Moon D.Head
When Venus is with Jupiter and Mercury, hence she will be
an educated lady, besides having inclination towards the
path of liberation and path of righteousness (Dharma, Karma, Moksha Yoga).
The second sign to Venus is Gemini. Gemini is aspected by Moon from Sagittarius. Hence the
native enjoys beneficial factors through her mother's side. The marriage of native comes into picture at
the age of 14/15, because when Jupiter Transit comes second time to Cancer where there is the causative planet
for husband, Mars is situated, marriage takes place. Mars is in North entering the South where there is Venus.
Hence her (native's) husband comes from South direction.
The native's husband will be a fortunate one, having wealth, landed property etc. besides social status and
respect because of the planetic aspects of Venus, Jupiter and Mercury, who are in 11th from Mars, hence it can
be decided that the naive's husband will be a very fortunate man. He will be a black complexioned native,
because Mars is in North, Dragon-Head in North, indicating black complexion. He will have profitabilities
through commercial lines.
Mars and dragon-Head conjunction indicates fire hence native's health will suffers due to excess of heat
problems (USHNAMANDAVYA). At the age second year (of the native's birth), her father will have some
hardships, because Sun is locked in between two enemies Saturn and Dragon-Tail.

CHART - 66
D. Tail
Jupiter Birth chart
No. 66

Venus Mars

From the above chart's it can be 'observed that what are the similarities of the planets in the 3
charts and from the horoscope of father, mother and brother, the native' s [ father] daughter' s fate can
be decided in the following manner:
In the above cases Venus is taken for consideration as the causative planet for both wife and
Master, when Venus is the causative planet for both wife and daughter, and if daughter is dead,
it is understood Venus is weak in the native's chart. Then how to decide that daughter herself became
the victim of premature death and why not the native's [father] wife suffers death? Kindly explain?
D.Head Venus
Mercury Here, it is to be observed in this chart that Venus is alone and
Mars although dragon-tail is in 5111 there are no planets in 2nd
Birth chart
No. 67 and 9°' from Venus. Venus is under the control of anti-
clockwise dragon-tail. The inimical planets Moon and Saturn
are enemies of dragon tail and Moon and Saturn are in 12th to
D. Tail dragon-tail.
D.Head Saturn, Moon and Mars conjunction indicates they are
Moon quarreling among themselves in the family and hence Venus
® Birth chart
Sun No. 68 Jupiter
becomes helpless even if there is Mars in the rear. Hence, one of he daughter's of the native suffers
premature death. Also, though dragon-tail may be friendly to Venus, he becomes helpless on account
of Moon, Saturn and Mars conjunction. Mars is in Scorpio. Scorpio is the causative sign for poison
with sting and Saturn and Moon is called liquid poison. Hence, one of the daughters of the native
suffers premature death due to liquid poison [a suicidal act].
Master, when daughter is taken for consideration for the above delineations the explanation is
clear. But how I it that wife is still alive when Venus is taken for consideration for both daughter and

Jupiter is the causative planet of native [father's chart] and hence daughter suffers premature
Venus is in 11th to [Native -Jupiter]. According to dictums of astrology, Venus is 11th to
Jupiter which is beneficial to the native, where wife will have, considerable span of life.
Master, but Venus is in east, dragon-tail is also in east, hence kindly explain this aspect?
Dragon-tail and Venus combination is not good. So, the native's wife will have health problems
[general] debility and weakness etc], besides problems in her urinary organs.
Master, dragon-head I in west, Sun and Jupiter are also in west with Mercury - kindly explain
the significance?

Dragon -head is Pitamaha [grand father]. Jupiter is the native, Sun the father as well as son.
Second to Sun and Jupiter there is Moon and Saturn. Therefore, the native and his son and grand father
will have agriculture as occupation.
Chart-[67] - MOTHER
In this chart Venus is the causative planet for daughter an in adjoining sign to Taurus there are
no planers. Hence one of the daughters of the native [father] is short lived [suffers pre-mature death].
Jupiter is in east, dragon-head is also in east B1Ut Jupiter cannot be a help to Venus because h is alone
without having any planets in adjoining signs. Mercury and Moon are in 11th to Venus, thus indicating
the native's daughter suffers premature death besides having immoral activities during her short
sojourn of life.

Master, Venus is having Moon and Mercury besides Sun in 11 th and why not these planets
save the life of his daughter kindly explain?
You have to observe that Mercury is debilitated; Mars is inimical to Mercury who is in 5th and
9th to one another and when there are quarrelling among themselves, Moon cannot pass Aries where
three is dragon-head, hence Venus becomes totally helpless.
Chart - 68 [BROTHER'S CHART]
In this chart Mercury is the younger sister who i_ in retro motion. Moon is in 5th from
Mercury and the activities of the younger sister indicate immorality because Mercury is in 7th to
Jupiter and Moon is in 5th. Moon and Mercury is having aspect of Jupiter. Hence his sister, who could,
no more endure or withstand the accusations, pin-pricks and humiliations, subjects herself to a suicidal
pact of liquid poison. Second to Mercury there are poisonous quarrelsome, mouth planet viz Saturn
[poison], Mars quarrel-some and Dragon Head [mouth].
Chart- 69
Title: an open space opposite native's birth place
B] Grand father's property of native shrinks during native's life
C] Native's mother- a short tempered one.
In this chart dragon -head is in East, Dragon Tail is in West, hence the house in which native
was born will have a main dd0r facing East-West. Sun is
native's father, who is with Mars, and the power of Venus
D.Head Jupiter
gets reduced.-Sun is in North, second sign is Leo which is
Venus East and Sagittarius/Aries also in the East. Except Dragon
Mars Head in East there are no other planets or there are no
Mercury planetary aspects. Hence, from the above it is concluded that
Birth chart
No. 69 there is a vacant land opposite the native's birth house.
Native's father is the Sun. There is an interchange between
Mars and Moon. Hence, native's father can enjoy beneficial
factors through agriculture. Moon is in 5th (Moon milk) and
Moon D. Tail Jupiter is in 11th (Jupiter is ghee) and hence native's father
enjoys milk and ghee throughout his life. Sun is with Mars
indicating bile effects to native's father.
Saturn is in 5tb to Jupiter and hence indicates the native enjoys respectability besides fame also.
Mercury is with Mars who has interchange with Moon and hence Moon + Mercury +Venus and Sun is
to be considered. This indicates the native is amorous (having relationship with other females).
Mercury represents education and is with his enemy Mars. There is an interchange of Moon.
Moon and Mars are major inimical planets of Mercury (education). Any how, the native will be an
expert in Accounts.
Mars and Mercury (Mercury indicating matter and knowledge and Mars indicating
multiplication) and interchange of Moon with Mars indicates (i.e. minus).
Sun is father, Venus is wealth and Mercury indicting land and hence the native's maternal
grand-father's property by the time it reaches into the hands of the native shrinks, because of
interchange of Moon to Cancer.
Mercury and Moon are inimical to each other (governing planet of lands is Mercury) and
Venus is weak in Cancer and by interchange Moon, will come to his own house Cancer, Venus and
Moon are enemies and hence the native closes the wealth of father (both ,property and money).
It can also be noted that the native's father losses some of the property of his ancestors
Master, kindly explain how is it the native's father losses his ancestral property and how to
confirm this by the chart?

Because, Anti-clockwise Dragon-Head is in East and when he comes to North he swallows all the
planets. Or in other words if there are any property that is retained, it will be too meager. (Dragon-
Head is the rear to grand-father of the native). Mars comes in rear to Dragon-Tail by interchange.
Hence the native will have piles complaints also. Scorpio is the sign of heart. When Mars enters it,
there are indications that the native suffers due to excess of heat.
Moon is the mother, Saturn is in 11th to Moon and hence the native's mother will be short-
tempered, besides suffering due to gastric problems. The same Moon is in the house of heart and also
having interchange with Mars, thus indicating the native's mother is short-tempered native.

Part II
By Sri R.G. RAO

It is possible to give results from this literature even if the questioner comes without
Many times, there wil1 be connection between the questioner's horoscope and the Chart of the
Day when the questioner comes for the query. Due to this reason, this Literature is also called "Hora
Jaaka Phalabased (In Nadi". Based on the Principles of this Literature one can easily give results on
Hora and Horoscope.
In addition to this, in "Brihat lataka" it is also said,"Arka Sukra Budhaschandra mando jeeva
Dharasutah". Based on this Sloka, the results are! to be given based on the Planets' Hora of the Day
and Night. But, only seven (7) Planets are considered in this Hora Shasthra or Hora Scriptures.
RahuKetu are not considered. Even then, the Significance of Planets conjoined with this two Planets
(Rahu-Ketu) are to be considered at the time of giving results.
Consider that Moon (Chandra) and Rahu are in Meena Rasi (Pisces Sign) at the time of
questioner asking question. Guru in Kataka (Cancer). This can be said as Chandra Hora (Moon Hora)
question. Then the astrologer will say tbat your question would be on Deception / Cheating (Weak
Moon /Waning Moon), but a Life (Person) has been hidden in a dark place by deceiving. Moon -
Significator of Cheat, Movement and Rahu - dark place and untruth /lie. Here there is an exchange of
Planets Jupiter and Moon. Jupiter will join Rahu after exchange. Due to this reason, your worry about
the Life (person) that the enemies have hidden him in dark and secret place.
Questioner: Tell me in which direction they have hidden him

Meena (Pisces) - North direction and Kataka (Cancer) is also in the North direction. So, they
have hidden him in North direction and if tried, you will get good results reply the astrologer.
Like this, many examples, researched and experimented charts are presented.
Aries (Mesha): King's (Sun) exalted place, Machineries, Horne, Heat, Stone, Husband's house for
ladies. This Rasi will have connection with Machineries.

Taurus (Vrishabha): This signifies financial aspect of Goddess Lakshmi, Mother's (Moon)
exalted place. This Rasi concerns with Finance.

Gemini (Mithuna): This is Commerce related Rasi, Speech, Intelligence, Education etc. are
indicated by this Rasi.

Cancer (Kataka): Ocean of Nectar, Mind, Doubts / Suspicious, movement, Place of

Mother, Journey etc.
Leo (Simha): Capital, Big City, Place of Eminent Persons, Father's Place, Cave, Connected
with Government etc.

Vlrgo (Kanya): Cleverness, Place of Education, Special place ofIntelligence, Power ofInternal
Kn_wledge, Township (Place of large population), Trade related Rasi.
Libra (Thula): Treasury, Place of Government Servant, Shape of Plate.
Scorpio (Vrischika): Constricted Place, Burial Ground, Place of Creatures, Private parts of
Ladies, Secret Place, Village / City.
Sagittarius (Dhanus): Place of Creeping Trees, Forest Surroundings, Dwelling Place of
Hermits, Sli,ghtly Dark Place, Li ving Place oflntelligent know ledgeable Mentor.
Capricorn (Makara): Hilly region, Place of Rivers and Trees, Cool Place, Cultivable Land,
Place of Body Guards.
Aquarius (Kumbha): Circular Place, park and Airy Place, Secret Place, Place of OMKAR
Sound, Place of Door Keepers.
Pisces (Meena): Heaven, Feet of GOD, Divine Subject,
Place of Trees, Fruits and Flowers.
The 12 Rasis are traditionally divided according to community castes.

Brahmin Kshatriya Sudra Vaishya

Vaishya Brahmin Example

Sudra Kshatriya
Sun Mars
Venus Mercury
Saturn Brahmin Vaishya Sudra
D. Tail
Birth chart

Whichever a Planet gets retro, it will aspect the previous Rasi.
For example, if Saturn (Sani) gets retro in Thula (Libra), he will aspect Kanya (Virgo) the previous
House likewise he will also aspect the 7th house from Kan ya (Virgo) - Meena (Pisces) Rasi. Before
retro he was aspecting 2nd, 7th,jth and 9th Rasis.
The results are to be decided based on Rasi and Planet in the previous house to the retro Planet.
In a Chart, Mars + Mercury are posited in the 5th Rasi to Saturn, the Significator of Profession
who is retro in Aquarius. Due to this, the Native will have Financial Accounting or Accounting at the
Government in the beginning. Since Saturn is retro, he aspects the previous house Capricorn.
Capricorn is in the South Direction and Rahu is posited there. Jupiter in Virgo which is 9th Rasi from
there. That means, Jupiter + Rahu are posited in the 2nd to Retro Saturn. With this, the native earned
High Master's reputation. Since Moon is posited in the 3rd to Retro Saturn, it is told that he became a
teacher connected to the subject of Mind.
There would be 2 professions for the Native when Saturn is Retro or the native would change to
other profession instead of the earlier one.

All planets get Exchange except Rahu and Ketu. This is the most important to be considered.
The Native wi1l also have a change according to the exchange of planets.
Consider Saturn + Ketu + MooI\ in Libra and Venus in Cancer. Saturn + Moon +Ketu is not an
auspicious Combination. Though Saturn is exalted in Libra the enemies Moon + Ketu are present. Due
D.Head to this, Saturn the Lord of Karma (i.e. the Native) will have
debts, ill health, troubles from faithless friends/people. While
experiencing these problems, Venus who was in Cancer got
Venus exchanged with Moon and comes to Libra. By this, the native
Birth chart
No. will get Finance unexpectedly. His honour and reputation
increases along with prosperity. Like this, auspicious results
also come with the exchange. Some times, inauspicious results
Moon also come. One has to apply one's mind while giving results.
D. Tail
Significance of Planets is same for both Hora and Horoscope results. These significances are
given below:
Detailed significances of Combination of Planets are given in the Book "Horoscopic Results
based on Combination of Planets". Minute details like Sun +Jupiter combination means, the native's
father is dignified person, has the Spiritual Knowledge.
Sun + Jupiter + Ketu combination means the native's father is dignified person in the Government.
Mercury + Jupiter combination is known as "Intelligent Teacher". He is intelligent than Educated
and speaks charmingly from childhood. The native of this combination will take care of female friend
and friendship with utmost cautiousness.
Jupiter + Saturn combination gives the native the independent administrative power or he will be
head of the Institute in any organization.
In Jupiter + Mars combination, the native would be hasty, stubborn, and will have defective
blood. Some of the Combination of Planets will be explained in the relevant charts as under.
Example 1:
Chart of the day when the questioner asked the question.
The native has come in Moon's Hora for questioning. Since Jupiter is conjoined with Moon, it
is known that he has come different place. Jupiter will have
D.Head Mars® an exchange with Venus. Due to this exchange, Venus will
come to Libra. Now, in Libra, Venus and Moon Combination
Saturn® will occur. Due to this reason, the native will lose finance and
Birth chart will face financial hardship.
In addition to this, Libra is in West Direction. Saturn, who is
retro and in the North Direction will aspect West Direction,
Sun Jupiter
Venus D. Tail By this, Saturn and Jupiter aspect each other. Saturn, the
Mercury® Moon
Significator of Profession, when aspected by Jupiter the
native will be honoured person and also Mars is in 7th to Jupiter indicate the Administrative Power.
Another important point is, retrograde Saturn aspects Gemini (by retro). Since Venus is in 7th
to this, it indicates that he is a wealthy person. Jupiter is in 11th to Venus, he wills over come all the
financial hardships.
Planets Rahu, Saturn and Sun (Mercury who is retro is least considered) are posited in the
North Direction Rasis - Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. The combination of Sun + Rahu + Saturn give
progeny problem. In case if the native get children, "Sri Durga Boma" or "Sri Maha Mruthyunjaya
Japa" is to be performed on the name of children if the children fall ill.
Since Mercury is retro, it will not be helpful to Sun in this Chart. Due to this reason only Sun +
Rahu + Saturn combination is considered. No Planets on either side of Saturn indicates the native will
not have any children.
But, Saturn who is retro, will aspect Gemini. Venus is in 7th to Gemini and when Venus gets
exchange with Jupiter, the native will adopt a female child. In the native's birth Chart, there will be a
combination of Saturn + Mars + Ketu in one direction. Sun has Rahu's combination.
Due to the above, the questions would be on Progeny and Financial matters by the questioner.
This is Moon's Hora question. Since Mercury who is retro is aspecting the Moon in Libra
(Mercury is in 2nd to Moon) he will start new business in new place (exchange of Jupiter - Moon). He
will have new opportunity to earn and also financial help at the new place.

Example 2:
This questioner has come in Moon's Hora. As per this chart, Ketu is in 9th to Moon. Saturn is in
7th to Moon Ketu. Saturn - Moon have exchange of places. So,
D.Head Mars the combination would be Saturn + Moon + Ketu. But, Saturn
and Mercury, both are in North and Moon is in 3rd to Mercury.
So there would be Mercury + Moon combination to Saturn.
Birth chart
No. Saturn is in North, Mercury is in North and Rahu is also in
North. So the combination would be Saturn + Mercury + Rahu.
Venus Jupiter Since Moon is in 7th to Saturn, Moon is in 3rd to Mercury, this
D. Tail Sun
combination indicates Licentiousness. That means, a member of this family had excessive voluptuous
pleasure. The 2nd house to Saturn, who is in 7th to Moon, is in the direction of East (Aries &
Sagittarius). That means; Saturn is in North, Mars + Venus are in 2nd house to North i.e. in East. With
this reason, it shows that the person of the qualities (Excessive voluptuous Pleasure) is a Finance
Officer in Government.

Venus = Money (Finance), Mars = In Charge (Officer). Sun + Jupiter aspect both Venus and
Mars. By this it is understood, that the native is an eminent personality in the Government.
It is understood that the native is asking about his son-in-law and daughter. Venus and Moon are in
Virgo in the chart of his son-in-law. It indicates the qualities of Voluptuous Pleasure, in case if the
combination is in Virgo sign.

Example 3.

The native has asked the question in Moon's Hora.

Venus is posited in 11th to Moon, so the question expected is
D.Head Mars regarding daughter or Finance. But Venus is aspecting the Rahu
who is illusionary and Moon, the deceits. So the daughter (or
Moon Saturn
Finance) is getting into the hands (Trap) of fraud. Saturn and
Birth chart Moon get exchange of houses. With this, it is understood that
No.3 Moon has gone to his own house. Now, with the combination of
Saturn + Moon + Rahu, Mercury also joined to this.
Explanation: Saturn who is in North and in Aquarius gets
Sun D. exchange. With this Satull1 + Moon combination is formed.
Venus Mercury
Jupiter Tail Since Mercury + Rahu are in the North, the combination would
be Saturn + Moon + Mercury + Rahu. Due to this reason, one of
the native's daughters left with a friend after getting into a trap. Saturn + Mercury + Moon + Rahu
combination indicates the Yoga of getting into a trap due to hasty desire of sexual enjoyment.
In the daughter's chart of the questioner, Moon is in 5th to the combination of Jupiter + Venus
+ Mercury + Sun. The combination of Jupiter + Mercury indicates daughter is educated, and since
Moon is in 5th to Jupiter + Mercury, she falls in love trap and gets cheated at one or two situations.
Moon is in exalted position in her chart. The father and Mother of this lady is from respected
profession as indicated by the combination of planets above.
Sun, who is the significator of father is conjoined with Jupiter and also the combination of
Venus + Mercury is there itself indicate the Father is having a prestigious Financial Profession. This 4
planets' combination is in Capricorn. Exalted Moon is in 5th to Capricorn. Since Capricorn and Taurus
are of South Direction, Mother also would be of respected profession as per above Hora results.
The daughter would come back after eloping since Sun + Jupiter are in 11th to Venus.
Example 4:
The native of this Chart has asked the question in Venus Hora.
Since Jupiter is in 11th to Venus, it is understood that the
D.Head Mars® question would be on auspicious work. Since Mercury aspects
Jupiter by retro that is in 11th to Venus, Jupiter gets Mercury's
Moon component. So, the native (Venus) is educated.
Birth chart Saturn
The significator of husband, Mars is retro in Aries, (Aries -
Machinery Rouse), he would come from North-East Direction
and also the profession would be Photographic machineries
Sun D.
Venus Jupiter (now-a-days Computer).
Mercury® Tail

Kuja, who is in Machineries house, aspects Rahu by retro action? Rahu is in Pisces, Saturn +
Moon in Cancer from the combination of Rahu + Saturn +Moon. With this reason, it is understood, he
is of photographic (Computer) Profession.
At the time question, Jupiter is in Libra Rasi. So, the auspicious time would be with in 8 to 10

On the same day another person would ask a question in Mercury Rora. Mercury who is retro
aspects Jupiter. It is understood that the native is of Divine Nature (knowledge on Divine mattes).
Mercury is with Sun. Rahu + Saturn + Moon combination is formed in 5 - 9 position to Sun +
Mercury. With this, it is known that the profession is connected to Transport in Government
Department and also he does not get male progeny.
Reason: Mercury who is retro has left Sun. There would be Sun + Rahu + Saturn + Moon
combination in North Direction (Enemy planets combination to Sun).
. With this reason, he will not have male progeny but providential1y will have female progeny.

Example 5:
The question has been asked in Mars Hora.
Since Saturn, Moon are in 5th to Mars, Jupiter in 7th, the
D.Head Mars® native's profession would be connected to Liquids.
There would be another person along with the native. The own
Birth chart house of Mars is for the 1st person and by retro condition it is
No. 5
Moon understood for the 2nd person. The profession would be as said

Sun D. earlier for the 1st person. Saturn + Rahu + Sun + Mercury
Venus Jupiter
Mercury Tail combination would be for Retro Mars for the 2nd person. This
person is of Computer Professional. Since Jupiter's direct aspect
is on Mars, the 1st person will benefit early in the profession.
Being retro, Mars aspect Pisces. In transit when Jupiter comes to Scorpio i.e. within a year and
3-4 months, the 2nd person will have benefit from the profession.
Example 6:
This is Moon's Hora question.
Moon is with Ketu. Moon + Ketu in South, Venus in East that means 2nd to Venus (2nd to
South is East), Moon and Ketu in South amounts that the Significator of Finance, Venus is in 12th to
these combination. With this reason, the native will be
D.Head Mars® deceived heavily in Financial Matters.
Venus = Finance I Money, Moon = Deceit, Ketu =
Saturn Obstruction. Also Venus -Jupiter get exchange i.e. Venus
Birth chart comes to Jupiter's place and Jupiter goes to Venus's place. In
No.6 transit, when Jupiter comes to Sagittarius, an eastern Direction
Rasi, amount to that Moon + Ketu combination is in 2nd,
South Direction. With this it is understood, the financial loss is
Sun Moon from close relatives. Venus + Mercury belong to one
Venus Jupiter
Mercury® D. Tail Community. With this reason; the Word 'Close Relative' is
used. So, the questioner will lose Finance from his own
Example 7:
Saturn The questioner has come in Moon's Hora.
Mercury is with Moon and to this combination, Rahu is in 9th.
Birth chart With this Moon + Mercury + Rahu combination will form. Since
D. No.7 all these 3 planets are in the North Direction the questioner is not
sincere in asking the question and speaks falsehood. Secretly, the
native has a female friend. Mercury is a significator for Skin.
Mercury Sun
Mars Moon + Rahu are combined with Mercury indicates he is having
Moon Venus
Skin Disease.
Since Mars is in 2nd to Moon and Ketu is in 3rd, it is understood that he is un-employed. Even
if one counts from Saturn who is in East, Mars combination would form to Saturn in the same
Latter on, since Ketu is in South, it is understood that he is not having any profession.
Saturn, the Lord of Karma, is in the house of Mars with Jupiter. Jupiter gets exchange with
Mars who is in 9th. Saturn gets the Mars component. Jupiter + Mars + Saturn combination indicates
that the native was an Engineer.
Sun, significator of Son I Progeny is with Venus. Since Ravi is debilitated, it is understood that
the native has a problem of having progeny.
Since Saturn + Jupiter are in 7th to Venus, the significator of wife, it is known that his wife is
fortunate, honoured person with many dwellings.
At the time of question, the native had controversy and disputes for about 8 months since Ketu
is in2nd and Venus is in 11th to Mars.
Explanation: Mars is in East, Venus is in West. In between Ketu is in South indicates disputes.
Ketu has entered Capricorn (South Direction) about 7-8 months back and leave Capricorn after 7-8
months time. In transit, Jupiter when comes to South, the disputes get settled amicably and later on
better days are seen.
The native wanted to know when his skin disease will get healed up and when disputes with
wife will end was his question. But his skin disease will not get healed up. Reason: Moon + Mercury
are eclipsed by Rahu and in 2nd enemy Mars is posited.
Saturn + Rahu + Moon combination, Saturn + Rahu + Moon + Mercury Combination, Saturn +
Rahu + Venus combination indicate the native will suffer from ill health due to Skin Disease and also
Diabetic Problem.
Example 8:
The native has asked the question in Sun's Hora.
Sun is debilitated on the day of question. Sun is alone. So, all helping (supporting) persons
are away from him or distanced from him. On the other side, Venus, the significator of. wife is also
debilitated. Since Ketu is in 5th from Venus, either he or
Jupiter his wife does not find the way to go forward in life.
But, Mercury who is friend of Sun is posited in his enemy's
D.Head house and in retro. Mercury will look back (aspect by retro)
Birth chart the Sun, who is alone and also in trouble. So, the native will
D. Tail No.8 have help from a friend and the future is auspicious.
Ketu, who is an enemy of Mercury, is in 5th from Venus. In
the 3rd from Venus, Mercury is in retro. The wife of the,
Mars Mercury
Sun Venus native is struggling to educate herself. But, in transit, when
Moon ®
Jupiter comes to Taurus, which amounts that the Jupiter has
come to the direction where Venus is present. She gets help and co-operation to further her education,
prosperity after 7 -8 months time from the time of question.
Mars and Moon are in East on the day of question. Jupiter + Saturn are also in East. Mars + Moon
combination to Saturn leads misfortune break in profession and also change of place. The same results
will also apply to this questioner.

The questioner will experience progress in the affairs of different kind of Machineries after
break in the profession which he was doing before Saturn completely leaving Aries.
Reason: Jupiter who is with Saturn, the significator of Karma/ Profession, get an exchange
(Parivarthana) with Mars, the significator of Machineries. With this reason, he will change the place
and will take the profession concerned with machineries. He will get progress in this, but he has to wait
for some time.
Saturn, who is in East, when in transit comes to Taurus, the South Direction, Venus is also in
the same Direction (South) in Virgo. With this, Saturn + Venus combination will form. So, the
questioner will experience remarkable, auspicious period with prosperity with in a year.

Example 9: Hora Chart

Two peoples' questions would be same in same Hora and the same day.
Chart of the 1st questioner:
Jupiter Sun
Saturn Mercury
Jupiter in Aries, Mars in Libra on the day the questioner asked
D.Head the questions. The horoscope also shows the same conditions.
Birth chart
D. But at the time of question, the Mars Hora already started. Mars
Tail Venus is the significator for enemy, heat etc. Since Mars is aspecting
the Jupiter, significator of Jeeva / Native, this person is having
Mars defective blood and also troubles from enemies. But actually he
suffered burning sensation in, the region of the heart due to
variations in temperature / heat and necessitates Medical Assistance, proper food to control this. He
will get progress.
Chart of the 2nd questioner at the same time of guestion:
This is also Mars Hora question on the same day and same time as has been the previous one.
The questioner is a female. In this chart, Mars is in Gemini in the West Direction. Sun + Ketu are also
in the West Direction in Aquarius Rasi. Since this is female chart, Mars is the significator of husband.
In the Chart, since there is a combination of Mars +:_un + Ketu the
Mars husband is suffering from ill health due to un-common excessive
Sun heat. It is understood that the cure is from Ayurveda Medicine. Ketu
Moon is the significator for Ayurveda Medicine (Herbs). Due to this reason,
D. Tail the Medical Advice from the Ayurveda System is necessary.
No D.Head Saturn, the Lord of Karma; Profession is conjoined with Jupiter in the
Saturn chart. Moon is in 7th to this combination. It indicates the Fine Arts
Teaching. Also Sun + Ketu + Mercury + Mars component are to
Saturn + Jupiter in the 2nd, the native would prosper in the profession
connected with Light (Computer).
She is a prominent person in the field of Fine Arts and also in Computer Organisation.

Example 10
It is understood that the native left a respectable profession he had earlier and selects the
profession in the Marketing Organization dealing with Liquids and Tasty Eatables.
Indicating the previous Profession:
D. Tail

Birth chart

Mars Mercury Sun Venus

Saturn is with Jupiter in Aries indicates one profession. Since
Saturn is retro, he will look back (aspect the previous house). By this it amounts that he obtains another
profession. But Saturn and Jupiter are both retro in Aries, in the same direction. It shows that the native
had a respectable profession earlier and also in the present.
The native had sufficient failures and debilitated conditions in the progress of education,
though he is intelligent since Mercury + Moon + Rahu combination is formed in one Rasi and in one

Reason: Mercury, the significator of Education, is with debilitated Moon. It is said due to this
reason, the native's education is low and his thinking is also low character (malevolence).
He experiences lot of hardship to pursue his studies. Moon with Mercury and Mars is in 2nd
who is enemy to Mercury gives imperfectness in worship. In transit, when Jupiter comes to Taurus, he
aspects the Mercury. After one year and 8 months, he sees the progress in education.
How is it? Jupiter would be 8 months in Aries Rasi at the time of question. Then he comes to
Taurus Rasi. As saying goes the when Jupiter's aspect falls on Mercury, "Guru Budhi I Visheshathah",
he gets lot of progress in Education (It gives unique features when Jupiter aspects Mercury):
Venus is debilitated in 11th to Mercury in Virgo, which is Mercury's own house. So, the native
is asking question regarding a female in the relationship of brother and sister. There is no planet in the
12th to Venus and in the 7th to Venus no planet. With this reason, it is understood that the female is in
a pitiable and pathetic condition. Mercury, who is retro gets little aspect of Venus who is in 11th
house. With this reason, it is understood that he native is keeping an eye on this female. But she won't
be available or he will not get her. Reason being: Moon is with Mercury. Ketu, who is an enemy to
Mercury, is posited in 5th to 'Venus, will not help Mercury. Venus is in South direction. In transit,
when Jupiter comes to Taurus, also a South direction, she gets married.

Example 11:
The questioner is questioning in Mercury Hora. Since Venus is in 2nd to Mercury, the native is
asking question regarding the sister or concerned with female.
Mercury + Mars are in East. Mars is husband for Venus. Since Mars is retro, it is understood that
the husband of his sister is away from his place.
Mars, who is retro, aspects Rahu (who is Kalapurusha / time personified) in the previous house.
With this it understood, that the husband of his sister had
D.Head Mars ® expired. Also Mars, who is retro, will join Saturn + Rahu
combination in North. Even then, Jupiter will aspect retro
Saturn Mars by remaining in the 11th house to Venus. It indicates
Birth chart that she gets another husband. (Retro Mars has 2 components
No.11 / Amsha).
In the chart, since Rahu + Saturn + Mercury + Sun +
D. Tail debilitated Moon combination formed in Pisces + Cancer +
Sun Moon
Venus Jupiter
Mercury® Scorpio Rasis, there is no male progeny even to the
It is said that the above problem is based on the fact that the Sun who is with debilitated Moon
gets the Rahu's effect.
Example 12:
The questioner has come in Moon's Hora.
The question would be on a female since Venus is positioned in 2nd to Moon. But he is having
blemishes of Mars, since Mars is in 5th to Moon.
Saturn has a connection with Rahu, Venus is in 7th to Saturn
and Mercury is in 11 th to Venus, the questioner is having a
D.Head Mars ®
profession connected' with computers. (Saturn = Karma
Saturn (profession), Mercury = Commerce, Venus = Finance (Wealth),
Birth chart
Rahu = Shadow).
No.12 Jupiter is in Libra Rasi at the time of question. When Jupiter
comes to Scorpio in transit, Saturn and Venus get the aspect of
D. Tail Jupiter. With this, the questioner gets elevation in the profession
Moon Jupiter with in one year and few months. In the chart, Rahu is in 3rd to
Venus, Mars has passed over crossing Rahu. It is understood
that the sister's husband had expired. Mercury is another sister. Mercury gets Saturn + Rahu
combination in the same direction. Sun is powerless. So, it is considered as Saturn + Mercury + Rahu
combination. Mars, who is retro is aspecting this combination. When Mars goes to Pisces by retro, the
enemy Rahu is posited. So, another sister is not happy and not in a state of comfort.
Father of the questioner does not have full Life Span due to combination of Sun + Saturn + Rahu.

Example 13:
This question is of Moon's Hora.
At the time of question, there is exchange of Saturn + Moon. That means the questioner is
having profession of traveling since Moon = movement, Saturn = Profession.
Saturn, who is retro, views West direction. Jupiter is in West direction. Saturn (profession),
aspect the house of Jupiter. So, it is said that he is an Official in
D.Head Mars
the profession connected with Transport.
Saturn Since Mars is having direct aspect on Jupiter, this person is of
® stubborn in nature. Saturn, who is retro view Gemini Rasi. Since
Birth chart
No.13 Jupiter aspect Mars, Saturn- become the 1st son, Mars become
Venus the 2nd son. It is under Stood, both the children are prosperous
D. Tail and Officials.
Sun There is a combination of Ketu + Moon + Venus + exchange of
Saturn in the South direction Rasis. By this combination, the
wife (Venus = Wife) is suffering from Emaciation.
Since Saturn - Moon aspect each other, the remedy would be by reciting "Sri Maha
Mruthyunjay Japa", since Moon + Ketu combination's component is also there, remedy from Ayurveda
Medicine is also beneficial.
Example 14:
This is a Mars Hora question.
He has asked question on Finance, Marital affairs, Progeny and also on Profession.
Mars, who is retro, aspect his enemy Rahu. So, he is in, predicament situation.
D.Head Mars ®
Moon is in 11 th house to Mars and also is in 2nd to Venus.
Saturn Venus =.Finance, Moon = Expense, Loss. With this reason; he
Moon ® is involved in debt burden. In this combination, Saturn gets Hora
Birth chart
No.14 exchange with Moon. With this, Saturn comes to 2nd (gains) to
Venus Venus. When Saturn by exchange gets the component of
Aquarius, as the Jupiter is in 9th to Aquarius, his debt burden
D. Tail
Sun will get reduced as soon as the period of 4 years is getting
elapsed from the time of question. When Jupiter, in transit,
comes to Capricorn where Venus is posited, aspects Saturn who
is in 7th. How his debt burden is getting reduced is explained with this reason.
Venus, the significator, of wife, gets the aspect of Saturn and also gets the component of Ketu,
the wife will have remarkable illness.

Though, Saturn, Mars have the significance of the progeny, Atma Karaka Sun's aspect should
be on these planets. But here, Mars, who is retro is aspecting Rahu. Saturn gets exchange.
Surpassing all, Sun + Mercury and Rahu are in North direction. Sun + Mercury + Rahu
combination gives blemishes for progeny especially male children.
Previous houses / Rasis of Saturn are vacant. Ketu is posited in the next house. By exchange he
gets Moon. By this reason, there is a break in profession. Till Saturn crosses by transit, he does not
have fixed profession.
On the same day, in Moon's Hora, as per above Chart, another person asks question.
Moon is in 2nd to Venus, Rahu is in 3rd. It amounts that Rahu is coming to swallow Moon, the
significator of Mother. By this reason, the native's Mother will face danger within a year and few
months’ time.

Example 15:
The question pertains to female in a Venus Hora.
Sun is behind Venus, Rahu is in 3rd gives the indication that a female is in troubled situation

D.Head Mars ® Moon in the house. In addition, in the West, which is 2nd house to
Venus, Moon is posited anclthen in the North, Rahu is posited.
Saturn It amounts that, a female in, the family is being tortured and
® abused. This combination indicates the mother-in-Iaw's
Birth chart
No.15 harassment and vexation.
Venus In the South direction, plaryets Ketu + Venus are posited at the
D. Tail time of question indicates the obstruction. In transit, when Ketu
Sun comes to East direction Rasi, she gets the relief. This
Mercury estrangement will be at least 8-10 months. Even in the Chart of
this lady, Ketu's transit on Saturn is there i.e. Ketu is in Virgo a
South direction Rasi and Saturn is also in the South direction in Taurus Rasi.
As per the chart at the time of question, as Moon is being aspected by retro Saturn, the native
will change his profession. Transit Jupiter should aspect the Saturn in Taurus from Scorpio in the chart.
On the same day, the question is from 2nd person. 'This Question is in Mars Hora.
Moon is in 3rd to mats, Jupiter is in 7th to Mars, Moon + Jupiter combination will form. Saturn
who is retro will aspect Moon. Since Moon (Moon = Mother) having the aspect of
Jupiter, she is likelihood of getting progeny. But there is slight delay.
Example ,16:
This is Mercury, Hora question. The question is of faithfulness of his wife. On the day of the

D.Head Mars ® Moon

combination indicates the Sensuousness of the wife (Venus =
wife). Ketu in 9th to Venus indicate dispute with wife.
Saturn Example of another type is that the significator of the
Birth chart question' (Lord of the Hora) Mercury, aspect Venus who is the
No.15 lord of the 7th house.
Venus Mercury gets Rahu + Saturn's aspect in the North direction (i.e.
in the same direction), so the wife's character is indicated
D. Tail
Sun Two female planets Mercury, Venus are placed individually and
Mercury independently. So, the native will have 2 wives.

Example 17:
This is Jupiter's Hora question. Mars is in 7th and Sun is in 3rd to Jupiter indicates there is male
progeny. Mercury is in 2nd to Jupiter and Venus who is retro is in the 4th to Jupiter indicates female
progeny also.
To his father, Mars + Sun get the aspect of Jupiter. With the intention, that he sees only them,
Venus who is retro, also aspect the Sagittarius. So, Jupiter's aspect (component) falls on the 3rdand
Venus gets this component by retro.
D.Head Mars ® Moon With Moon and Ketu in 12th to Jupiter, and Venus is in 5th
Saturn from this 12th, the combination of Moon + Ketu + Venus form
® with this combination, it is understood that agriculture is the
Birth chart
No.15 page Imain profession for the family. Since Mercury is in 2nd
Venus to Jupiter, the questioner is also educated.
D. Mercury is in 2nd to Jupiter, Venus is in 3rd to Mercury, and
Sun Tail the questioner is remarkably educated. Saturn, who is Lord of
Kanna / Profession, is in the North direction. Mercury is
posited in Scorpio, which is also in the North direction.
Saturn, who is retro will aspect the West direction. Jupiter, who is in Libra and West direction, gets the
aspect of Saturn by retro. With this reason, this person is an intellectual Teacher.

Since Mercury is in 5th to Saturn, the teaching is connected to Commerce.

Mars is in East direction, Moon + Ketu is in Virgo which is 2nd direction to Mars indicate obstructions
for his marriage.

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