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Background of the Study
Korea has developed a unique food culture connected to its long agricultural history.
Recently, interest in Korean world or also known as K-pop was adopt by the other country like
Philippines, Korean food especially regarding its health benefits, has greatly increased. However,
there are insufficient resources and research available on the characteristics and definitions of
Korean cuisine.
Researchers and professors of the food and nutritional sciences in Korea began working
together in April 2015 in order to establish cohesive definitions and concepts to be used in
dialogue related to the Korean diet (K-diet). The 100 most representative Korean dishes (K-food)
were selected by evaluating their role in tradition, culture, and health promotion.
Although the K-diet has been widely discussed in regard to raw ingredients, traditional
cooking methods and technology, fundamental principles, and knowledge, it would be valuable
to preserve the traditional methods and knowledge of Korean foods rather than focus on the raw
materials themselves. Korean meals have historically been served with bap (cooked
rice), kuk (dishes with broth), kimchi, and banchan (side dishes) to be consumed at the same
time. As traditionally baking or frying were not common cooking methods, Koreans tended to
use fermenting, boiling, blanching, seasoning, and pickling. Among these methods, the most
characteristic method is fermentation. The process of fermentation enriches food flavors and
preserves foods.
The K-diet is composed of bab (cooked-rice) and kuk, and various banchan with one
serving called bapsang. Kimchi is always served at every meal. The principal aspects of the K-
diet include proportionally high consumption of vegetables, moderate to high consumption of
legumes and fish, and low consumption of red meat. Banchan is mostly seasoned with
various jang (fermented soy products), medicinal herbs, and sesame or perilla oil.
Dae Bak “Korean Restaurant” located No. 28 Gonzalo Javier Street Cotabato City. Dae
Bak is the first Korean restaurant established at Cotabato City. They opened on December 16,
The reason why the researcher will conduct a study is to be able to know The Dae Bak –
Korean Restaurant brand image consumer preference at No. 28 Gonzalo Javier Street Cotabato
Statement of the Problem
This study was conducted to know The Dae Bak – Korean Restaurant brand image
consumer preference at No. 28 Gonzalo Javier Street Cotabato City.
This study answered the following question of the customers on Dae Bak – Korean
Restaurant at No. 28 Gonzalo Javier Street Cotabato City.
1. What are the demographic profiles of the customers in terms of:
a. Name of customer
b. Age
c. Civil status
d. Gender
e. Religion
2. W h a t i s t h e p e r c e p t i o n a n d a t t i t u d e o f t h e r e s p o n d e n t s
t o w a r d F i l i p i n o d e l i c a c y namely:
• Appetizer (Ensalada, Atsara, Sisig, Kilawin)
• Main Course (Sinigang, Kare-kare, Adobo, Lechon, Bicol Express)
• Dessert (Puto, Bibingka, Suman, Kutsinta, Sapin-Sapin)
3. W h a t i s t h e p e r c e p t i o n a n d a t t i t u d e
o f A m e r i c a n s a n d K o r e a n s t o w a r d F i l i p i n o delicacy when
grouped according to their demographic profile?

Significance of the Study

The study is all about the Effect of Dae Bak brand image on consumer
perception and attitude towards F i l i p i n o d e l i c a c i e s .

T h e s t u d y w i l l i n f l u e n c e o n w h a t K o r e a n f o o d s a r e m o s t favorable
by costumer in Dae Bak – Korean Restaurant, making an outcome to those who want to put up
a business on what food or dishes could be included in the restaurant menu that will be suitable
to those tourists that are settled or visits our place. The study would benefit the students
and future researchers that will serve as t heir guide and as source of
information for the possible topic. It will also help the Dae Bak to have some
idea on how and what should improve to their menu that will pull up the costumer in the
Cotabato City.

This result of the study can be beneficial not only the researcher but also the people who
have an interest in Korean foods or K-diet. Especially to those who want to discover the health
benefits you can get. And also the health conscious people would benefits too to this study.
Scope and Limitations

The study focuses on the factors of the Effect of Dae Bak brand image on
consumer perceptio n at No. 28 Gonzalo Javier Street Cotabato City. Further, this study was
limited only to the customers of Dae Bak – Korean Restaurant.
The researchers choose the Korean cuisine instead of Filipino cuisine
because the Philippines do not have Filipino Cuisine. The Filipino foods are
adopted only from the different nationalities that colonized it.
In order to attain this information, the researchers conducted a surv
e y w i t h respondents, which are the Dae Bak – Korean Restaurant
customers. The study doesn’t have a specific age requirement when it comes to age of the

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