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UNDERSTANDING THE LIVED The purpose of justifying a sentence of

EXPERIENCES OF INMATES ON imprisonment is not just to protect society against

REFORMATION PROGRAM crime but to reform the criminal as well to ensure that
IMPLEMENTATION OF BUREAU OF JAIL upon his return to society, he is willing and able to
MANAGEMENT AND PENOLOGY – IMUS, lead a law-abiding and self-supporting life. To attain
CAVITE this, the above penal institutions should utilize
appropriate programs on reformation and assistance
Victoria Isabel D. Chavez, Allan R. Lacson, Dianah of inmates in accordance with their individual
Joyce R. San Luna, Niña Alyssa C. Vallarta treatment (Albis, Madrona, Madriño, Respicio, 1977,
p. 81).
Legal Studies, College of Arts and Science According to Fergus (2014), correctional
Lyceum of the Philippines University-Cavite rehabilitation is concerned with effecting positive
change in individuals. As such it is the model most
ABSTRACT commonly associated with treatment programs or
other forms of offence- or offender-focused
The purpose of this study is to support a fact and to intervention. At its heart is the notion that many
make it known to people that the primary purpose of offenders can change for the better, given the right
imprisonment is to reform individuals and not as support. The idea of correction implies that the
punishment so that they can be a better citizen upon offender can and should be ‘normalised’ or
release and be able to live a law abiding life. This ‘resocialised’ in line with commonly accepted
study aims to inform about the life of the prison (though rarely explicitly articulated) standards of
inmates under the reformation programs of the behavior (pp.3-4).
Bureau of Jail Management and Penology and how it
changed their lives and reformed them as an Preview
individual by understanding their lived experiences
through conducted one on one interviews. Section 2 of this paper presents a Statement
of the Research Problem, followed by an explanation
Keywords: Reformation, Safekeeping and Inmate of the Objective of the Study in Section 3, while
Welfare, Lived Experiences, Inmate Reformation, Section 4 gives the Significance of the Study. Section
Philippine Jail System, Phenomenological Inquiry, 5 gives a Review of the Literature, while Section 6
Inmate Experiences. explains the Methods used in the Study. The Results
and Discussion are then given in Section 7, while the
Introduction: Conclusion is presented in Section 8 and the
Recommendations are presented in Section 9. The
Reformation policy was derived from the next section, Section 10 contains the
Age of reason believing that the individual should be Acknowledgement and finally, the last section, lists
transformed after conviction, not by inflicting of the References.
physical harm on the body of the offender, but
through the practice of reforming them on a path of Statement of the Problem
honesty and right living. Today’s prisoners are under
the supervision of the penitentiary system that was The problem that this research sought to
developed to isolate them from the temptations of address is to determine how prison inmates
society, to reflect on their offenses, and be reformed experience the implemented reformation programs
(Cole & Cole, 2010, p.51) namely: Livelihood Projects, Educational and
According to the management of BJMP – Vocational Training, Recreation and Sports, and
Roxas City in an article on a local newspaper, Religious/ Spiritual Activities; how do they assess
imprisonment does not mean condemnation. Neither and evaluate the effectivity of the reformation
is punishment. Reformation involves correcting, programs of Bureau of Jail Management and
educating, re-orienting and rehabilitating inmates so Penology – Imus, Cavite; and how beneficial are the
that they could be better citizens after they are reformation programs in their everyday lives.
released from prison (Ewelum, Omeriyang,
Ugochuwi, 2015, p. 206). Kalu (as cited in Ayuk, Objective of the Study
Owan, Ekok, 2013, p. 3) also emphasized that the
purpose of reformation is to train through appropriate This study aimed to examine the lived
conditions, prison inmates to be better citizens upon experiences of inmates regarding the implementation
discharge. of reformation programs in Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology – Imus, Cavite. As such, (2016) found that most inmates they interviewed
it also determines the efficacy of such programs in wanted to achieve improvement in their lives through
order to reform the offenders into law-abiding participation in education and skills training
citizens while they are inside incarcerated. With programs.
respect to the intent of the State to value human For female inmates, it is particularly important to
rights and social justice, it aimed to know how the develop personal, educational, and vocational skills
respondents perceive the application of the for self-improvement (Vuk as cited in Lord, 2008;
reformation programs in the form of restorative Owen, 1998; Sexton, 2012). Women frequently
justice. express a desire to change their behavior and to live
less destructive lives. Thus, they often advocate for
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY more programs that would provide them with life
skills (Vuk as cited in Lord, 2008; Owen, 1998;
This study will be beneficial to the public as Sexton, 2012).
it further provides information and understanding Participation in formal activities can also
about the current situation of inmates in jails and in benefit women inmates and their well-being.
order to gain deeper analysis on imprisonment as a Researchers acknowledge the benefits of prison work
way of their reformation. This has a great amount of as a crucial factor in preventing self-destructive
significance as it likewise elaborates that the true behavior in women’s prisons (Vuk as cited in
intention of the law and the State for their Figueroa, 2011; Owen, 1998). Conversely, women
confinement is for them to be reformed through the inmates who lack work or other program assignments
presence of the reformation programs implemented are more involved in misconduct (Vuk as cited in
within the premises of BJMP – Imus and this study Petersilia, Honig, & Hubay, 1980). Participation in
contributes to the awareness of the public regarding educational, vocational and other prison programs are
inmates in the Philippine Jails. also associated with better well-being, including
lower anxiety and more pro-social attitudes (Vuk as
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE cited in Carvalho et al., 2015; Genders & Player,
1990; Wooldredge, 1999; Wormith, 1986).
According to Fergus (2014), correctional The criminal justice system is in major need
rehabilitation is concerned with effecting positive of reform. Crucial to this is the implementation of a
change in individuals. As such it is the model most five step plan that would transform the system and
commonly associated with treatment programs or create a society that believes in reformation rather
other forms of offence- or offender-focused than punishment, as well as in the ability of one to
intervention. At its heart is the notion that many change for the better (Borger, 2010, pp. 20-31). These
offenders can change for the better, given the right are: (1) Increasing the usage of psychology; (2) The
support. The idea of correction implies that the addition of vocational and job training programs; (3)
offender can and should be ‘normalised’ or Education reform; (4) Creating a budget for parole
‘resocialised’ in line with commonly accepted officers and community treatment centers; and (5)
(though rarely explicitly articulated) standards of Creation of an employment opportunity community;
behavior (pp.3-4). Criminal rehabilitation does not turn the
For another thing, the majority of inmates engage in prison system into a summer camp for convicted
some kind of work while incarcerated (Vuk as cited criminals (Maillet, 2007). Instead, it focuses on
in Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2004). Although preventing the commission future offenses by
inmates do not have a right to work, in most cases transforming former criminal offenders into
they are not able to refuse to work because of productive members of society and helping them
occasional benefits and privileges it provides (Vuk as successfully reenter the outside world. Criminal
cited in Walens, 1997; see e.g. Washington State rehabilitation offers a viable alternative to punitive-
Department of Corrections, 2016. Moreover, inmates based imprisonment that benefits society as a whole.
choose to work because it provides a source of Rehabilitation programs in prison do not only
income, a sense of temporary freedom, good time recognize wrongdoings, but it also focuses on the
credit, and access to certain items and services (Vuk positive future. Education, work training, and societal
as cited in Batchelder & Pippert, 2002; Glaser, 1969). reentry programs may not help each and every
Self-improvement is another reason why some offender, but they can make a significant difference
inmates engage in certain activities while avoiding in the lives those who want to do better. Numerous
others (Vuk, 2017). Gleaners are the type of inmates studies made by experts indicate the failures of the
who use the prison experience to better themselves punitive prison system. Thus, rehabilitation may hold
(Vuk as cited in Irwin, 1970). Crewe and colleague
the key to a better and brighter future for the former of people and emphasize the understanding of these
criminal offender and his community. elements.
In some cases, victims do not look to the The purpose of this phenomological study is
criminal justice system to exact revenge. Instead, to know the lived experiences of inmates under the
they want professional and expert to help to Reformation programs of the Bureau of Jail
transform wrongdoers into decent, productive and Management and Penology – Imus, Cavite.
law-abiding citizens. Victims will most likely to Researchers wanted to uncover and determine the
endorse treatment if the offender is not complete impact of reformatory programs experienced by
strangers but a lover, family member, relative, inmates. From a phenomenological viewpoint, human
neighbor, classmate, or colleagues. Rehabilitation experience is a valuable source of data (Creswell,
might take the form of counseling, behavior 2009).
modification, intense psychotherapy, detoxification Phenomenological research is a qualitative strategy in
from addictive drugs, medical care, additional which the researcher identifies the essence of human
schooling, and job training. Despite the temporary experiences about a phenomenon described by the
ascendancy of a pessimistic, “nothing works” participants in a study. This process respects the
disenchantment with the ideal of rehabilitation experience of the participants (Creswell, 2009).
(Martinson, 1974), “helping” offenders remain as Phenomenology uses inductive research
much a part of the system’s mission as making them methods to comprehend universally-lived
sorry for what they did (Karmen, 2004). experiences (van Manen, 1990). A phenomenological
researcher acknowledges the “whole might be quite
METHODS different than the sum of its parts” (Omery, 1983).
The researcher analyzes and interprets lived
A phenomenological research study is a experiences to find essential themes and the themes
study that attempts to understand people's taken together allow meaning of the experience to
perceptions, perspectives and understandings of a emerge as a whole (van Manen, 1990).
particular situation (or phenomenon). Its focus is
experience with regard to some phenomenon or other Research Participants
and how they interpret those experiences (van
Manen, 1990). The selected participants in this study are
The researchers used a descriptive method the following: Marlo J. Ymballa and Inmate Welfare
of research as the design of this study. This kind of Development (IWD) Officer Mary Grace Baliber
research implies qualitative method as it adapts who are tasked in the administration and execution of
phenomenology in terms of data gathering. Burns and the reformation programs at Bureau of Jail
Grove (2003) described a qualitative approach as “a Management and Penology – Imus, Cavite and
systematic subjective approach used to describe life several inmates who are under the reformation
experiences and situations to give them meaning”. programs of the said institution, whose respective
Parahoo (1997) stated that qualitative research identities were not disclosed due to confidentiality
focuses on the experiences of people as well as reasons.
stressing uniqueness of the individual.
A descriptive type of research describes
what exists and may help uncover new facts and
meaning. The purpose of a descriptive research is to
observe, describe and document aspects of a situation
as it naturally occurs. This involves the collection of
data that will provide an account or description of
individuals, groups or situations. The instruments we
used to obtain data includes questionnaires,
interviews (closed questions) and observation
(checklists, etc) (Polit & Hungler, 1999).
Holloway and Wheeler (2002) refer to
qualitative research as “a form of social enquiry that
focuses on the way people interpret and make sense
of their experience and the world in which they live”.
Researchers use the qualitative approach to explore
the behaviour, perspectives, experiences and feelings
Sampling Technique
Reformation Participants Age Duration
The study utilized purposive sampling Program of stay
technique. Participants were selected based on their Livelihood Inmate 1 & 30 7 years, 5
experience with the phenomenon. A purposive Project Inmate 7 years
sample is a non-probability sample that is selected
based on characteristics of a population and the Educational Inmate 2 & 38, 26 6 years, 1
objective of the study. Purposive sampling is also and Vocational Inmate 8 year
known as judgmental, selective, or subjective Training
sampling (Crossman, 2017).
This involves identifying and selecting Recreation Inmate 5 & 27, 32 4 years, 2
individuals or groups of individuals that are and Sports Inmate 6 years
especially knowledgeable about or experienced with
a phenomenon of interest (Cresswell and Plano Clark Religious and Inmate 3 2 years
2011). In addition to knowledge and experience, Spiritual
Bernard (2002) and Spradley (1979) note the Activities
importance of availability and willingness to
participate, and the ability to communicate impact of reformation programs in the lived
experiences and opinions in an articulate, expressive, experiences of inmates. Through this procedure, the
and reflective manner. researchers were able to determine how the
In this study, the researchers decided to management performs its duty to handle inmates with
select this sampling method since the participants regard to the implementation of programs in order to
have sufficient knowledge and experience to share. reform them during detention. Moreover, the
Hence, their insights would greatly benefit this researchers conducted an interview with an IWD
research. officer (Inmate Welfare Development) who is
familiar and knowledgeable in the discipline to
Data Gathering Procedure reform offenders for the sake of leading them into
law-abiding citizens.
In this study, the researchers gathered two The Secondary data was gathered from
sources in data gathering: primary data and secondary books, journals, previous studies and sources from
data. the internet. Its analysis shall be supplementary
information that will serve as contribution to the
The primary data is an in-depth interview. merit of this study. In addition, previous studies of
In-depth interviewing, also known as unstructured other researchers would also help them in terms of
interviewing, is a type of interview which researchers specifying the need to implement Reformation
use to elicit information in order to achieve a holistic programs to offenders who are rehabilitated for good.
understanding of the interviewee’s point of view or
situation. It can also be used to explore interesting Instrumentation
areas for further investigation. This type of interview
involves asking informants open-ended questions, In this study, the researchers made use of
and probing whenever necessary to obtain data semi-structured interview guide questionnaire as their
deemed useful by the researcher. (Berry, 1999) research instrument. A semi-structured interview is a
The topic of the qualitative interview meeting in which the interviewer does not strictly
focuses on participants’ lived experiences, not just a follow a formalized list of questions. They will ask
participant’s beliefs or attitudes about issues (Kvalve, more open-ended questions, allowing for a discussion
1996). with the interviewee rather than a straightforward
The researchers conducted interviews to question and answer format (Doyle, 2017).
selected inmates at Bureau of Jail Management and According to Doyle (2017), a semi-
Penology – Imus, Cavite in relation to their lived structured interview format encourages two-way
experiences under Reformatory programs in the said communication. Both the interviewer and the
premises. Furthermore, the researchers prepared candidate can ask questions, which allows for a
guide questions that are subjectively answerable comprehensive discussion of pertinent topics. In view
based on their insights and observations. of the conversational tone, the candidate may feel
In this study, the researchers conducted an more comfortable expanding on techniques and
interview with the jail warden specifically about the
experiences that will highlight the traits that make the programs resulted to transition in changing the
life of an offender.

 Engagement in a
Inmates’ experience specific reformatory Inmates’ experience on the implementation of
on the program reformation programs
implementation of  Adjustment in the
reformation environment Livelihood Program
programs  Insights about the
management’s Engagement in a specific reformatory
implementation of program. The first respondent of this study,
programs hereinafter referred to as Inmate 1, is engaged in the
 Perception of the Livelihood Program since the year 2011 and
inmates’ regarding according to him, being under the program helped
Evaluation on the the efficacy of him deal with the great amount of environmental
efficacy of the reformation shift when he was committed in the herein subject
programs programs national government institution as it took him some
time in order to accept that his liberty was
 Relevancy of
temporarily taken away from him. As inmate 1 stated:
“Masaya po kasi po may nagtuturo po samin
sa mga programang yon. Masaya po kami
programs as a form
habang gumagawa po.”
of restorative justice
 Positive changes in
Insights about the management’s
an inmate’s behavior
implementation of programs. According to him, he
Benefits of  Skills and knowledge transforms pieces of paper into ships and other crafts
reformation acquired in the which he greatly enjoyed most importantly. He
programs program likewise added that the agony was lessened with the
 Application of help of his fellow inmates as well as the effective
learning as a means implementation of the reformation program he is
productive living engaged into. He even said that he is earning money
them a good fit for the position. with the help of the livelihood program that he is
In order to determine the impact of engaged in and according to him, the jail guards, the
reformation programs in the lived experiences of jail warden and other personnel from the Bureau do
inmates at BJMP- Imus, the researchers formulated not treat them as prisoners but as people who needs
questions concerning the point of view of the primary to be reformed.
respondents relating the efficacy of implementing
such programs. Evaluation on the efficacy of the programs
Furthermore, during the interview, the jail
warden answered questions with regard to the Perception of the inmates’ regarding the
behavior of inmates in the course of their efficacy of reformation programs. Acceptance of his
participation in a particular reformatory program and current situation helped him to escalate his
how they try to engage and interact with their co- knowledge and skills while inside the jail. Positively,
inmates. He also answered the problems encountered he was able to cope-up to the changes in his
in surroundings and he has adapted the nature of his
the implementation of the said programs and the work as a means of productive living. Inmate 1
areas of improvement when it comes to order and explained it along the lines of:
On the other hand, the researchers asked Benefits of reformation program
the Penology expert relating to the benevolence of
putting offenders behind bars just for the sake of Positive changes in an inmate’s behavior.
reforming them; the efficacy of such programs Despite of the lack of educational attainment, Inmate
throughout the entire span since it was implemented; 1 shares that every endeavor in life requires passion
and a certain case in which the implementation of and dedication; it means that you always have to put
your heart to let things flow in one accord and see Engagement in a specific reformatory
things as an opportunity to rebuild oneself and turn it program. The third respondent in this study,
into something that can help him live as sustainable hereinafter referred to as Inmate 3, is engaged in
as possible as well as decent normal life. Religious and Spiritual Activities and is in charge of
heading the same. His duty is to manage and monitor
Inmates’ experience on the implementation of the activities being implemented under the said
reformation programs program. He is being charged for violation of
Sections 5 and 11 of RA 9165 (Comprehensive
Educational Program Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002) but claimed that all of
the evidence found were planted.
Engagement in a specific reformatory Insights about the management’s
program. As an inmate who participated under implementation of programs. Inmate 3 tells us how
BJMP’s Educational program, the second the impact of Religious program transformed his life.
respondent was able to surpass all his fears and He narrated that he used to be a non-believer of any
failures inside the management. Through religion until he was detained inside the premises of
Alternative Learning System (ALS), he graduated BJMP. Formerly, he admitted his stubborn refusal to
in the year 2013 and is proud that he is able to use listen to the word of God from his relatives knowing
what he learned despite being detained. that he does want to engage in any religious
Insights about the management’s organizations.
implementation of programs. It is because of these
programs that he learns how to communicate with Evaluation on the efficacy of the programs
other people; he practices his skill from vocational
schools and he is able to prove that there is no such Perception of the inmates’ regarding the
thing as being late when it comes to learning. efficacy of reformation programs. Inmate 3
personally evaluates that the government is fulfilling
its duty to reform them into better individuals and to
Evaluation on the efficacy of the programs mold them into law-abiding citizens. Furthermore, he
considered religious counseling and other religion-
Perception of the inmates’ regarding the based programming an important aspect of reforming
efficacy of reformation programs. Thus, it also prisoners like him. He expressed his delight to be a
provides opportunities for other inmates to continue religious coordinator inside the prison, having an
their learning; considering that majority of them are opportunity to see a set of hope inside a secluded area
high school graduates, studying is a privileged vested like prison, he said that his stay in jail gave him a
to them since it won’t cost a dime. chance to be more connected to God, and seeing
Benefits of reformation program himself becoming a better person day by day.

Positive changes in an inmate’s behavior. It Benefits of reformation programs

can be inferred that learning is a continuous process,
it has no boundaries, it has no ends, and it is a craved Positive changes in an inmate’s behavior.
for people who are in dire need to unravel He said that his fellow inmates gained direction and
knowledge. As a matter of fact, it encapsulates that meaning for their life from the practice of religion
the concept of education is universal; it does not while in prison. They felt that God will provide a
require any good standing or experience, all it needs direction to go in life, one that is better than their
is unwavering interest. It is because of these present psychological or physical condition. Religion
programs that he learns how to communicate with also provides hope for the inmates hope to reform
other people; he practices his skill from vocational from a life of crime, and from a life of imprisonment.
schools; and he is able to prove that there is no such He even feels that being incarcerated is the "Will of
thing as being late when it comes to learning God" and that full acceptance of this will is essential
to being faithful in one's religious belief. He feels that
Inmates’ experience on the implementation of practicing religion gives them a “peace of mind,”
reformation programs which means having some level of personal content.
Inmates’ experience on the implementation of
reformation programs
Religious Program
Health Program
Engagement in a specific reformatory kung anong encourage ng mga kasama
program. The fourth respondent of this study, mo, kung ayaw mo ayaw mo, kailangan
hereinafter referred to as Inmate 4, is engaged in the may sarili kang paninindigan at tsaka
Health activities and heads the same as a Chief Medic wag ka makakalimot sa kanya dahil sya
under the supervision of a registered nurse and lang ang makakatulong at sa kanya
belongs as well in the Religious and Spiritual walang imposible.”
Program. He is being charged for violation of
Sections 5 and 11 of RA 9165 (Comprehensive Inmates’ experience on the implementation of
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002) and he then reformation programs
mentioned that he was arrested on Father’s Day of
the year 2016. Sports and Recreation Program
Insights about the management’s
implementation of programs. Being involved in Engagement in a specific reformatory
religious program also helps him to know God and program. The fifth respondent of this study,
inexplicably cannot put into words how his life has hereinafter referred to as Inmate 5, is engaged in the
transitioned positively. To him, he considers BJMP as Sports and Recreation Program and likewise heads
a place for rehabilitation and reformation; its nature the same. His duty is to organize games of various
inculcates the changing of life through processes that kinds through small tournament between his fellow
can mend weariness and solitude. Learning from your inmates in order for them to enhance their skills and
mistake is insufficiently ineffective, what should be to improve their strategic thinking skills.
the grounds for change can be best obtained from Insights about the management’s
reformatory programs. implementation of programs. According to him, being
engaged in this specific reformation program helped
Evaluation on the efficacy of the programs him overcome homesickness and having the
opportunity to head the program made so much
Perception of the inmates’ regarding the impact of him as he likewise gets to help his fellow
efficacy of reformation programs. He realized that inmates to improve themselves and to help build
life does not end just because you got imprisoned. It good relationships with others as they are the ones
is up to you on how you will deal with the situation who could understand each other more than other
and learning how to socialize and build friendships people as they somehow share the same struggles,
towards other inmates because good relationships are difficulties, feelings and situations. This program did
one of the things he values the most and as stated by not just help him but also the whole community as it
him, he was able to improve it more during his stay provides them happiness despite of the circumstances
for almost two years in the city jail. Considering that of their individual lives.
he is engaged under Health program, he said that he
is able to help those inmates who are calling for their Evaluation on the efficacy of the programs.
health concerns such as coughs, colds, and skin
diseases specifically itchiness and scabies. Perception of the inmates’ regarding the
efficacy of reformation programs. Despite the
Benefits of reformation programs absence of his family, he is spending his time
productively so that amusement and entertainment
Positive changes in an inmate’s behavior. can set-aside anxiety caused by familial separation.
He turned his stay in jail as a way of developing According to him, reformatory programs are
himself to be a law abiding citizen and acquire skills necessary because it helps develop an inmate’s well-
and knowledge that he can use upon his release. He being and also a way to loosen up on the mundane
then added that there is so much learning aside from concerns that may result to stress and depression. The
giving medications and caring one's health and key is always productivity. Inmates have to use their
expressed his appreciation to the health care program time wisely and effectively while being deprived of
that BJMP – Imus continues to offer to them. He also their freedom inside BJMP.
learned how to adapt in the changes in the
environment by means of choosing the company of Benefits of reformation programs
people that would encourage everyone in order not to
feel inferior and alone. As stated inmate 4: Positive changes in an inmate’s behavior. As
“Siguro, piliin mo rin kung sino yung the organizer under Sports and Recreation program,
pakikisamahan mo. Nasasaiyo rin naman the need of implementing this reformatory program is
yun eee, unang una may pagiisip ka na, more than just a pastime to them. It helps develop a
different kind of mindset which creates self- Positive changes in an inmate’s behavior.
confidence and self-esteem through their engagement According to him, he is grateful for being able use his
in such activity. In his evaluation under reformatory talent in dancing through sharing it to others by being
programs, he reiterates that participation through a choreographer when there are events or programs
socializing can help an inmate’s mental stability in inside. In addition, he stated that his imprisonment is
overcoming stress and frustration. He also makes more of self-discovery and appreciating life the way
collaborations with the female inmates so that he never did while he was outside the prison.
inmates of both genders could participate and enjoy
their time. Inmates’ experience on the implementation of
reformation programs
Inmates’ experience on the implementation of
reformation programs Livelihood Program

Cultural Entertainment Program Engagement in a specific reformatory

program. The seventh respondent of this study,
Engagement in a specific reformatory hereinafter referred to as Inmate 7, is engaged in the
program. The sixth respondent of this study, Livelihood program and finds the same as therapeutic
hereinafter referred to as Inmate 6, is engaged in the as it offers activities that help ease her current
Cultural Entertainment and chose to engage in such situation and for her to decipher more about life. She
due to his passion to dancing as he sees it as a way of explained that she did not have a hard time dealing
expressing himself. The management choose him with the enormous transition from her previous life to
because he is already a choreographer before he was her current life in prison. According to her, her whole
detained inside the premises. experience so far inside the Bureau served as an eye
Insights about the management’s opener as she was able to contemplate about how she
implementation of programs. The activities and lived her life back then and she was able to notice the
regular performances he was able to participate in things she tend to forget while being engulfed with
helped him understand life even more and the things freedom, thinking that it is absolute.
he tend to forget when he was still a free individual. Insights about the management’s
Being under the said program with the help of the implementation of programs. Inmate 7 added that
management of BJMP – Imus, Cavite, he was able to survival inside the prison rests upon one’s notion of
accept the situation he is in at the moment and acceptance and understanding about the prime
learning to trust God and the process as he go along purpose of the law and the government which is to
the journey. reform them through various reformation programs
being implemented in the Bureau.
Evaluation on the efficacy of the programs
Evaluation on the efficacy of the programs
Perception of the inmates’ regarding the
efficacy of reformation programs. Since he is already Perception of the inmates’ regarding the
a choreographer before he is detained inside the efficacy of reformation programs. She explains that
premises of BJMP, the sixth respondent under her life inside BJMP is far different from her initial
Cultural program is able to use his talent to entertain impression; that she does not experience any
other inmates during special events. Instead of being untoward incident that left her traumatically afraid.
in the state of nothingness, he uses his skill in order The management, along with other inmates,
to manage his adjustment to an environment considers them as a family without any disparity and
unknown to him before. As a matter of fact, his self-serving conditions. As a matter of fact, she is not
objective in life is no longer bombarded by other treated as an inmate who needs to be punished
unnecessary things since his stay in BJMP created a severely because of her penal violation; she is a
direction to keep him going. He appreciates the human being detained in an isolated area, given the
management’s implementation of reformation opportunity to change and grateful enough to
programs considering that he is able to draw near to contemplate that chances are given to those who seek
God and at the same time rediscover the things that it.
slipped from his fate when he was outside the Benefits of reformation programs
Positive changes in an inmate’s behavior. As
Benefits of reformation program explained by her, prison is not a kind of hell for
criminal offenders. It intends to reform them rather
than punish them or segregate them from the greater world with which they sought to identify that they
community. It removes them from the temptations were fundamentally “good people” with prosocial
that had driven them to crime and to provide each of aspirations. Typically, they aimed to better
them with time to listen to their conscience and themselves through education, by learning skills, and
reflect on their deeds. She likewise developed better by going on drug/alcohol awareness or anger
perception about the concept of reformation inside management courses and to contribute to a wider
the prison and with regard to its prime purpose of notion of social good. Religious program likewise
inmate reformation and re-establishment of the alters their fundamental beliefs and overall lifestyle
character and reputation of a person. Benefits of reformation programs

Inmates’ experience on the implementation of Positive changes in an inmate’s behavior.

reformation programs Inmate 8 accepts her current condition and is able to
stand on her own, stronger than she could have ever
imagined. Based on her insights, life is all about
Educational Program setting a positive standing; she teaches that one
should not agitate to the current of life as we let God
Engagement in a specific reformatory be in control of everything. She said that reformation
program. The eighth respondent of this study is programs help her to become an individual who
engaged in the Educational Program offered by the accepts defeat in life; that God allows such
Bureau who recently passed the Alternative Learning circumstances to happen to test whether or not how
System (ALS) and is now taking up the Beauty Care firm enough are we going to stand on our faith.
Services course under the Technical Education Skills
and Development Autority (TESDA). She views CONCLUSION
education as one of the primary notch of an
individual in order to survive and contribute to the To encapsulate this research study, this
society and her imprisonment does not bar her from mainly tackles about the lived experiences of inmates
obataining her education. Through the aid given by under the jurisdiction of Bureau of Jail Management
the Bureau and with a strong character and and Penology – Imus, Cavite with regard to the prime
unbeatable determination she developed during her purpose of the law and the government with respect
stay so far, she was able to pass the final examination to imprisonment of an individual; which is to reform
for her to obtain a diploma through the Alternative him as a person so that he will be able to be a law
Learning System. abiding citizen upon his release and to contribute
Adjustment in the environment. With the more to the society through the application of the
enormous shift of the living environment, it was knowledge and skills he obtained and learned while
never easy to adapt but according to her, you must in the custody of the Bureau.
have the will to help yourself otherwise, the This study also provides deeper analysis of
reformation programs being offered by the Bureau each of the situation of the inmates to clear and
will become futile. enlighten the public with the most common
Insights about the management’s misconception that imprisonment and punishment are
implementation of programs. It is with these congruent and do come hand in hand. This study talks
programs that she was able to realize the things she about how an inmate’s life has changed and improved
had taken for granted such as her time with her through the help of the reformatory programs being
family, the value of money, and her unstable implemented in the premises of BJMP – Imus,
relationship with God. She believes that her stay Cavite. This study also talks about the effective and
inside BJMP gave her the lessons that she was humane management and implementation of the
blinded before and took it as an inspiration to turn her reformation programs as a requisite in order to
pain into power. materialize the abovestated purpose of the law and
the government.
Evaluation on the efficacy of the programs The conclusion to this study lies in the
affirmative as the lives of the inmates changed and
Perception of the inmates’ regarding the improved through their participation in the
efficacy of reformation programs. As stated by reformation programs they chose to engage in as
Inmate 8, she sees imprisonment as a chance to discussed in the previous chapter. It is evident that
restart and seek spirtual redemption. In the Bureau, their lives and dispositions have improved and
they fixated on projects that are demonstrated to their according to them, their engagement in the
loved ones, to themselves, and to the law abiding reformation programs present in the Bureau equipped
them with knowledge and skills that they will this study inside their premises and to the eight
definitely apply once they are released. Most inmates who truthfully and openly shared their
importantly, they were able to understand the prime experiences and answered our questions. Their
purpose and intention of the government with regard statements and lived experiences are the foundations
to their imprisonment and did not perceive their of this study that solidified our purpose.
experience as a punishment but rather a journey to
their reformation as an individual. We likewise extend our gratitude to our thesis
adviser, Atty. Mark Brian R. Celestino for guiding us
RECOMMENDATIONS in conducting and writing this study. His efforts,
guidance and comments are very much appreciated
Based on the conclusion of the study, the following despite of his busy schedule.
recommendations are suggested:
We likewise thank our professors Ms. Raizza R.
1. The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology Corpuz and Mr. John Dionisio for their guidance.
(BJMP) in Imus, Cavite should strengthen the We thank our family, friends and colleagues who
Therapeutic Community Modality Program (TCMP) supported us in our pursuit of breaking one of the
as a foundation in the enhancement of behavioral and common misconceptions present in the society.
social transition. The implementations of such helps
the inmates rediscover valuable skills and knowledge REFERENCES
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