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Southern Voice

The Official Newsletter of the Metro South Alabang Toastmasters’ Club
Maiden Issue # 1 . 28 October 2017 . Series of 2017
Member that give you a 6 or below
Start of Something BIG are Detractors, a score of 7 or 8 are
called Passives, and a 9 or 10 are

Enjoy . Achieve . Inspire ๏ Promoters (score 9-10) are loyal

enthusiasts who will keep buying and
refer others, fueling growth.
๏ Passives (score 7-8) are satisfied but
unenthusiastic customers who are
vulnerable to competitive offerings.
๏ Detractors (score 0-6) are unhappy
customers who can damage your
brand and impede growth through
negative word-of-mouth.

The idea is to think how you could

make promoters out of members or
by Cesar Gustilo, TM guests.

Joining Toastmasters was a plan I For guests, some ideas are:

had 17 years ago. I was in Singapore ๏ Welcome them warmly;
then attending a leadership ๏ Introduce them to the officers and
conference when one of the speakers members before the start of the
suggested that one of the best ways
๏ Have an officer of member sit next to
to hone your speaking skill is to join
the guest to explain what’s going on;
a Toastmasters’ club. Yes, it took me
๏ Hand them a program and
17 long years to search for a suitable Toastmasters magazine;
club and to join it. ๏ Set expectations about Table Topics
before inviting them to participate;
My one reason why I joined this club GUEST TO PROMOTER ๏ Start the program on time.
by Raul de la Vega, DTM
is for my “personal development.” I
felt I needed a boost in developing “A lot of Toastmasters Clubs like to say For members, some ideas to give them a
my personal skill in speaking and what a great club they are.” They have good experience include:
leadership so that I can better serve fun meetings, the members enjoy each ๏ Welcome them warmly;
the communities I’m currently other’s company, there are terrific speech ๏ Introduce them to the guests and
projects delivered every session. But if visiting Toastmasters;
they are such a good club, why is their ๏ Involve them in the program;
membership still at 9, and only 6 or less ๏ Assign a mentor to guide them in
That simple decision helped me a lot achieving their goals;
are attending? This is where you might
because I’m recently exposed with ๏ Listen to what they have to say or
want to look at the Net Promoter Score of
people who are 20 miles ahead of your club. It gauges how loyal your offer;
me. They have also challenged and members are, by conducting short 2- ๏ Be respectful;
mentored me to always give my 101 minute surveys. How to calculate your ๏ Provide accurate data;
percent. I have even quipped my Net Promoter Score is based on a single ๏ Be timely in helping out
wife by telling her that, “The question (although pros ask more than
members I engaged with are one question, but that’s for another time). I’m sure you have your own ideas. Give
addicted to excellence.” Thank God I “On a scale of 0-10, how likely is it that everyone who visits the club the most
joined Metro South Alabang you would recommend Metro South positive happiest experience. Have you
Toastmasters to your friends, family or turned a guest into a promoter?
business associates?”

TM Mission: “We empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders”
It is a blessing that about the time Congratulations to our
that I re-joined the club there were Best Prepared Speech Speaker
so many other like-minded and (Magin Flores),
inspiring individuals in the club Best Table Topic Speaker
who motivated me to finish my CC (Tess Siapno)
last June. I was mentored by no less and Best Evaluator
than  ACS Lespar Aquino, now a (Cesar Gustilo) for our
member of BF Community October 14 club meeting.
Toastmaster Club. Les' dedication,
motivation and support paved the
way for me to be able to finish my
Competent Communicator.

CHAPTER 1 I thought that I would just finish my

by Anne Macalintal CC then I could rest on my laurels
but I had another think coming :
“Anne, for the meeting later with the
there’s still so much more to learn,
brand heads you can just speak in
not only to improve the speaking
Taglish if you want"
ability but also the leadership skills
which a Toastmaster embodies, after
The words that were spoken to me
all the Toastmaster ’s tag line
by a colleague before our dreaded
is:  “Where Leaders Are Made”  - so
meeting with our internal business
it’s not only about effective speaking
partners. While I know that she's
skills but Better  Leaders with great
supportive of me and that she meant
speaking ability. So as for me, this
well, I felt embarrassed the moment
is  Chapter 1 of my Toastmaster’s
I realized other officemates
journey then  onto the path of Toastmaster’s
overheard what she had just told
me! I wanted to shrink in pain!
DTMship! Journey
"Ours is the only organization I wasn’t born a leader. They were all
H o w e v e r, b e i n g t h e m a t u r e I know dedicated to the individual, around me though. In the community,
individual that I am, I could not we work together to bring out the at work, at school. Leaders were
best in each of us and then everywhere. They were the heads of
blame her. I always tell my friend families, coaches of teams, business
we apply these skills to help others.”
how nervous I am every time I need leaders, mentors, organizational
to present to the board at RALPH SMEDLEY decision-makers.
Founder of Toastmasters International
management meetings and so on. So I admired these leaders. They influenced
I vowed to go back to ACT who I was and who I was becoming.
Toastmasters club to hone my public Whatever they did professionally or
speaking skills. I joined ACT in Oct 2017-2018 MSATC Officers how they became what they were, I
aspired to walk in their footsteps. And,
2015 but after 2 months in the club, I Genevieve Badiola, CC so, I committed myself to becoming one.
requested to take a leave to finish President& Treasurer
Finally, it came to me. It wasn’t just
my masters. I finished my masters Anna Lynn Macalintal, CC what leaders knew that enabled them
last June 2016 but I would always VP Education to lead. They had a voice. They could
find an excuse to defer rejoining the tell their story. They could listen and
Guillerma Flores, CC answer. They didn’t just accomplish,
club. It took a friend to insult me to VP Membership they communicated. So I set out to find
finally convince myself to go back to my voice. Learn to process information
Cesar Gustilo, Jr., TM on my toes. I needed to learn to listen.
ACT. Learn to give feedback—and accept it.
VP Public Relations
Last Nov 2016, I rejoined the club, Marites Siapno, TM I needed to organize, plan, deliver,
follow up. I needed a place where all
armed with so much enthusiasm Secretary the ingredients were there, and someone
and motivation to complete my would guide me along the way. I found
Marites Siapno, TM that place. I found a community of
Competent Communication track.
Treasurer learners and the path to leadership.
I’ve always wanted to speak of
topics that would inspire others and Raul de la Vega, DTM I am a leader—and I was made.
share my learnings, beliefs, and Sergeant-at-Arms

TM Mission: “We empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders”

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