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Management Forum


Innovation in China's Electronic

Information Industry

Gou Zhongwen
Vice Minister, Ministry of Information Industry, China

ABSTRACT electronic information industry realized a sales revenue

of 3.8 trillion yuan. In terms of the size of the electronic
While giving a review of the innovation process of information industry, China has already become the
China's electronic information industry, the paper has second largest country in the world. Although China's
analyzed the problems associated with the innovation electronic information industry has a big size, we also
in the electronic information industry, has highlighted must clearly see that there are some prominent prob-
the importance of improving the independent innova- lems associated with the innovation ability of the indus-
tion ability from the perspective of the composition of try that have to be addressed urgently. Understanding
the industry's innovation system, and has identified and handling these problems properly is key to promot-
the need for promoting innovation in the information ing the improvement of the abilities of China's informa-
industry by increasing the innovation effort in five tion industry and its healthy development.
aspects, i.e., technological innovation, industrial chain The innovation ability here refers to the innovation
innovation, industrial group innovation, application ability of the electronic information industry, and it
innovation, and policy innovation. is addressing the innovation issues from the industry's
Key words: electronic information industry, perspective. It is different from the technology inno-
innovation, problems, solutions vation system at the micro-level, and is also different
from the national innovation system at the macro-
I. INTRODUCTION level. The innovation system in the electronic infor-
mation industry requires addressing the innovation
China's electronic information industry has enjoyed a issues of the industry from a systematic point of
high-speed growth for more than 20 years, and has view, and the main purposes and functions are to
become the No.1 pillar industry for the nation's economy. enhance the competitiveness and competitive ad-
This also shows that the development of electronic vantages of the industry by improving the levels of
information industry must have possessed its special the industry and accelerating its development through
innovative vitality and driving force. In 2005, China's innovation. Industry innovation focuses on three

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aspects: the first is to improve the inner quality of the II. THE STATUS QUO OF INNOVATION
industry, and to move towards the production of IN CHINA
products with high technology content and high
added values, aimed at enhancing the competitive- From the status quo of innovation in the electronic
ness of the industry; the second is to aim at enhancing information industry of China we can see that the
self-adjusting and development mechanisms, to ac- electronic information industry has relatively strong
tively explore the advantages and uniqueness of innovation ability in two aspects: industrial concen-
industrial development, to continuously penetrate tration and industrial polices. In terms of the innova-
into other industries, to create new markets by taking tion in regional concentration, the level of economy
advantage of the major trend of economic growth, of scale and the level of industrial concentration have
and to make efforts to nurture and develop alternate been obviously improved, and the spatial distribu-
industries and emerging industries so as to maintain tion of industries is increasingly getting reasonable,
the long-term vitality of industrial development; and with the powerful manufacturing capacity in the
the third is to explore and reform the internal organi- Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta and areas
zational forms of the industry, to perfect the indus- around the Bohai Bay having been able to influence
trial chain, to promote industrial concentration, to the global market, and having formed a relatively
lower the cost of industrial development, and to strong regional competitiveness. This is inseparable
enhance the risk-resisting ability in the course of with the fact that China has been actively introducing
industrial development. To this end, we summarize foreign capital for many years, the electronic infor-
the innovations in the electronic information indus- mation industry is oriented to the international market,
try into five aspects, i.e., technological innovation, and that the electronic information products are
industrial chain innovation, industrial group highly market oriented. It also shows that China's
innovation, application innovation, and policy policies for the electronic information industry are,
innovation. The innovation elements in these five generally speaking, quite effective. In terms of inno-
aspects constitute the innovation system in the elec- vation in product concentration, China is leading the
tronic information industry. world in output of a wide range of products including
This article plans to outline the status quo of VCD/DVD players, color TVs, mobile phones, desk-
innovation in the electronic information industry, to top computers, radios/recorders, telephone sets,
analyze the problems associated with the innovation loudspeakers, magnetic heads, stored-program con-
system of the electronic information industry, and, trolled switching systems, monitors, CD drivers,
on the back of this, to make recommendations on hard drivers, and printers. In terms of innovation in
improving and enhancing innovation in the elec- company concentration, the backbone role and domi-
tronic information industry, and to point out prob- nating position of top 100 companies are becoming
lems that also need to be solved to ensure the success more and more prominent, a great number of major
of innovation in the electronic information industry. companies that are doing business across different
In this sense, studying the problems and their solu- regions, across different industries, across different
tions associated with the innovation in the electronic ownerships and across different countries have rap-
information industry can guide the ability building in idly emerged, and their competitiveness in the mar-
doing innovations in the electronic information ketplace has significantly improved. In 2005, the
industry, and also has profound theoretical and prac- combined sales income of the top 100 companies in
tical implications for the development of other in- the electronic information industry accounted for
dustries and even for building China into an innova- 21% of the total number of the industry, with 1
tion-oriented country. company in the industry having a sales volume of

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over 100 billion yuan and 22 companies having a stream products are far behind internationally ad-
sales volume of over 10 billion yuan. In terms of the vanced levels, and their production technologies and
policy environment for industrial management, funds, facilities are also far behind internationally advanced
technologies, talents, and government procurement, levels, leading to a series of problems including the
with the continuous perfecting of China's market lack of sustainability in growth, the weak core com-
economy system and the continuous deepening of petitiveness and the difficulties encountered in ventur-
the administrative management system, the change ing into international market. In recent years, the IPR
of government functions and the innovation in gov- disputes arising from the export of the electronic
ernment management methods have created a re- information industry are increasing, and the cost
laxed environment for the development of the elec- problems resulted from IPR factors are becoming
tronic information industry and related companies. more and more prominent. Take the charging of a
Especially, promoting innovation in industrial man- patent fee over China's DVD makers by international
agement of the electronic information industry and companies for example. According to investigations,
emphasizing the so-called dual-wheel movement if paying all the patent fees, the cost of China's DVD
principle featuring the combination of government's makers will increase by 30%, and this will greatly
"guidance, standardization, regulation, and service" weaken the competitiveness of Chinese products in
with market forces have objectively formed a favor- international market. Other electronic products also
able macro development environment. face similar problems. With the increase of produc-
tion capacity and export scale, the problem of patent
III. PROBLEMS IN INNOVATION IN fees will become even more prominent.
The second is that it is still inadequate in applica-
tion innovation. The biggest characteristic of infor-
mation technologies is that they have a powerful
At the same time, there are also some common
penetration effect on the economy of a nation. Infor-
problems in the innovation activities in China's elec-
mation technologies can be used in various sectors
tronic information industry, and these can be sum-
and industries, so as to improve the operational
marized as below:
efficiency of the economy and optimize the opera-
The first is that the ability to do original techno-
tional models of the economy. China is in the indus-
logical innovations is weak, and the industry is badly
trialization stage, and this industrialization is the one
in short of technological innovation abilities. This
in the modern age. It is the industrialization accom-
results in an industry that is big but not strong. The
panied by precision control, energy saving and envi-
investment of China's electronic information indus-
ronment protection. These all require information
try in the R&D of core technologies has been small.
technologies to realize.
According to the survey conducted by related au- Therefore, in China, various sectors and indus-
thorities to the nation's key companies, more than tries are waiting for using information technologies,
70% of them do not have adequate investment in and this also creates a huge application space for
technological R&D, their technological R&D in- information technologies, and along with it, comes
vestment accounts for less than 1% of their total the application innovations for the information
assets, which is far lower than the 10% level of major industry. The information industry will lose a growth
companies in developed countries. Due to low R&D space if it cannot get hold of the application
investment and inadequate innovation ability, most innovations. However, in terms of the current situ-
companies do not have products and technologies ation of China's electronic information industry, its
that are independently developed by themselves and potential to support the nation's economy is far
have their own IPRs, the technologies of their main- from being fully tapped. This is mainly reflected in

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the fact that apart from some MNCs, China essen- industry. To maintain the high-speed growth and to
tially does not have relatively big and independent make China into a powerhouse of information indus-
IT service companies. China's software companies try in the world, China's information industry must
are small in size and low in specialization level and make substantial breakthroughs in innovation-re-
market adaptability level. These all indicate that lated ability building. Improving industrial innova-
China's electronic information industry is still not tion ability is a systematic process, which not only
strong in application innovation, and is yet to trans- includes scientific innovation, but also includes in-
form China's huge market advantage into industrial dustrial chain development, industry concentration,
development advantage. market innovation, management innovation and
The third is that the industry is weak in key aspects policy innovation. Innovation ability is embedded in
of industrial chain innovation. As a result, the added the innovation system, and only when the innovation
value of the entire industry is low. Especially the system is made perfect, can the long-term and sus-
development of the basic industries of microelectronics, tainable innovation ability be obtained.
optoelectronics and materials is seriously lagged
behind, the critical ICs and important materials needed
for whole-system products essentially rely on im-
porting from abroad, and there is a lack of interaction
The basic nature, external effect and strategic impor-
along the industrial chain. For example, the import
tance of information technologies have decided that
volume of IC products accounts for about 70% of the
IT innovation needs government intervening and the
total need of the whole country. Between Jan and
support of public policies. From the development
Nov of 2002, the accumulated volume of imported
history of information technologies we can see that all
ICs and microelectronic assemblies in Guangdong
the major technological innovations are the results of
Province reached USD12.472 billion, and the total
the support of public policies. Developing countries
number reached 21.618 billion pieces. The import
has been growing at a big rate annually since 1998. need to accelerate the concentration of resources and
Compounded with the fact that core technologies of to promote technological innovation through public
major products are in the hands of foreigners, this policies, so as to take leading positions as latecomers.
results in a high reliance of industrial development Implementing public policies that specifically en-
on foreign companies, a limited effect in taking courage innovations in information technologies in
along domestic manufacturers, and a lack of accordance with the actual situation of a country is
independence. In recent years, although China's infor- also the common practice in the world. Countries
mation products export is rapidly growing, the export with relatively advanced information industry, such
concentrates in processed products with low technol- as the US, Japan and Korea, are supporting the
ogy content and a low added value, and products with development of critical and core information tech-
our own IPRs and high added values are rare. As a nologies in some R&D organizations with a huge
result, we are at the low end of the international budget, and then transferring advanced technologies
industrial chain. We have used lots of materials and to businesses from these R&D organizations. With
energy, but the profit margin is low, and we also have the intensifying of international competition, differ-
to be bullied by some MNCs in the forms of IPR ent countries in the world are continuously increas-
abuse and monopoly in technology standards. ing their support for IT innovations.
In general, lack of innovation ability has long been To change the situation in China's electronic infor-
the Achilles' heel of China's information industry, mation industry, which is marked by weak ability in
and has seriously constrained the core competitive- original innovations, we must greatly enhance abil-
ness and sustainable development of the information ity building in independent innovations. Indepen-

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dent innovation is the new strategy for China's sci- made perfect, can the long-term and sustainable inno-
ence and technology development in the new century. vation ability be obtained. The electronic information
The government attaches great importance to the industry should be based on innovation. By analyzing
progress and innovation of science and technology, the practices in the electronic information industry of
and has clearly reaffirmed the central role of the the world, we can see that the electronic information
ability to do independent innovations in promoting industry has some prominent characteristics: a high
restructuring and in improving the competitiveness development speed of technologies, more and more
of the country, in a bid to accelerate the construction detailed industrial segmentation, prominent regional
of the nation's innovation system. During the "Tenth concentration, continuous increase of the width and
Five-Year-Plan Period", in order to rapidly take a depth of application, and policy support and guidance.
number of commanding heights in science and tech- These characteristics have centrally demonstrated the
nology in the 21st century, and to make break- five components of the innovation system of the
throughs in major key technologies and to realize electronic information industry.
industrialization, the state had implemented 12 ma- We can say that the innovation system of the elec-
jor R&D programs involving two fields of the elec- tronic information industry is a system consisting of
tronic information industry, i.e., ICs and software. five components, i.e., technological innovation, indus-
As a result, we have made some major breakthroughs trial chain innovation, industrial group innovation,
in chip designing, system software, functional ge- application innovation, and policy innovation. These
nomes and bio-chips, have grasped some key components interact and mutually promote each other
technologies, have formed some high & new tech- within the same system to drive the continuous devel-
nology products and leading industries with China's opment of the electronic information industry. The
own IPRs and international competitiveness, have innovation system of China's electronic information
narrowed the gap with world leaders, and have taken industry is essentially formed spontaneously under the
a position in the electronic information technology work of the market mechanism, but there are also
arena of the world. As a developing country, China government intervening factors, and basic driving fac-
takes the electronic information industry as a strate- tors include technical benefit motivation, market com-
gic industry for improving its comprehensive na- petition motivation, regional competition motivation,
application demand motivation, and industrial policy
tional power. It should also take the initiative to build
motivation. Among them, technological innovation
the innovation system for its electronic information
has its own source of growth, through which it can
industry, so as to enhance industrial innovation abil-
accumulate and grow by itself. Technological break-
ity through the construction of the innovation system,
throughs can take along the development of the industry.
and to realize the development objective of "driving
Application innovation guides the direction of techno-
industrialization with informatization and promot-
logical innovation and expands market for technologi-
ing informatization with industrialization".
cal innovation. Industrial chain innovation promotes
further segmentation of the industry, enabling the re-
V. INDUSTRIAL INNOVATION SYSTEM sults of technological innovation to be enlarged, to form
AND INDUSTRIAL INNOVATION novel industries one after another. Industrial group
ABILITY innovation mutually compensates with industrial chain
innovation, promotes technology concentration and the
Industrial innovation ability is embedded in the indus- spill-over of knowledge, improve the efficiency of
trial innovation system. Enhancing ability building in industrial development, and consolidate the results of
innovations is a system project, requiring systematic technological innovation. Policy innovation is the sys-
solutions, and only when the innovation system is tem assurance and driving force for the other innovation

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components, creating a suitable social environment for digital products and high-end electronic equipment,
the other innovation components to play their respec- accelerate the industrialization of high technologies
tive roles properly. Therefore, we can see that all the such as networking product, information appliances,
components of the innovation system of the electronic and digital video products, and improve the added
information industry are mutually dependent and sup- value of the products; we need to pay attention to the
porting each other, and together, they constitute a whole development of key industries and key products, to
system that can cycle and grow by itself. form industrial groups as the new growth points of
Specifically, enhancing the innovation ability of the economy, to break the bottlenecks of the software
China's electronic information industry also needs to and IC industries, and to attach great importance to
start from these five components constituting the information service industry focusing on e-business
industry's innovation system. and network information service.
First, in technological innovation, we need to build Third, in application innovation, we need to build
the technological innovation ability focusing on core the application innovation ability focusing on ex-
technologies. panding both domestic and international markets.
Based on the international environment of China We need to explore domestic market in an all-
and its basic national situation, we must highlight the round way, and on the back of consolidating existing
state's objectives and rely on independent innova- product market, to continuously explore emerging
tions to realize leapfrogging development in key IT markets, to explore the market for informatization,
fields, which are of strategic importance, are the especially the market for reforming traditional
direction of future development, are forward-looking, industries, and to actively explore western market,
and are of a basic nature. While emphasizing prin- rural market and the markets in middle-and-small-
ciple innovation and technological innovation, we sized cities; we need to explore diversified interna-
should also pay attention to concept innovation, so as tional market, pay attention to marketing, continu-
to form new ideas, new theories, new technologies, ously increase the market share of China's IT prod-
and new processes on a continuous basis, to enhance ucts in developed countries including Europe, the
the sustainable innovation ability, and to have more US and Japan, explore foreign markets in South
and more IPRs, especially the invention patents. We America, East Europe and Africa, implement the
need to enable the overall technological level of "going out" strategy, promote cross-border opera-
China's information industry to have a significant tions and cooperation, nurture and develop China's
improvement and to increase the number of IPRs by IT MNCs, improve international competitiveness,
enhancing technological innovation. and improve the share in international market.
Second, in industrial chain innovation, we need to Fourth, in industrial group innovation, we need
build the industrial chain innovation ability focusing to build the industrial group innovation ability
on creating a complete supporting environment. based on the principle of putting the regional
We need to aim at the development trend in the advantage into play.
world market, consolidate and improve the process- Developing information industries for different
ing and assembling industry, move towards emerg- regions with their respective uniqueness and build-
ing product fields including high-end products and ing a reasonably distributed industrial system through
digital products, and promote the upgrade of elec- enhancing the comparative advantage are the impor-
tronic information products; we need to increase the tant objective for the restructuring of China's infor-
proportion of hi-tech products and products with a mation industry at present. Take advantage of the
high added value and a high suitability, so as to form opportunities brought about by the nation's west
a product portfolio encompassing high-end, middle- development campaign to realize regional structure
end and low-end products; we need to focus on adjustment through industrial relocation, technol-

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ogy transfer, targeted support and joint development we will surely be able to build an innovation system
in connection with IT application; and speed up the for the electronic information industry that is fo-
step of regional restructuring through utilizing each cused on businesses and based on the organic com-
other's advantages, collectively inviting businesses, bination of industries, academics, R&D organiza-
changing government ideas and functions, and im- tions and applications, and to improve the interna-
proving investment environment. tional competitiveness of the industry, so as to
Fifth, in policy innovation, we need to build the enable China's electronic information industry to
policy innovation ability focusing on public techni- have a world-class innovation ability.
cal services.
The function and the role of government in the
innovations of the electronic information industry
need to be shifted towards public technical poli-
Mr. Gou Zhongwen was born in Zhenyuan, Gansu
cies and public technical services. The government's
of China in June 1957. He graduated from the
public technical services need to be based on
Electronics Engineering Department of the North-
certain technology R&D infrastructures, i.e., pub-
west Institute of Telecom Engineering in 1981. In
lic technology platforms. In view of the status quo
Jan, 1989, he received a master’s degree in engi-
of the electronic information industry, we need to
neering from the
build the following public technology platforms:
Xi’an University of
key laboratories at ministry or provincial levels
Electronics Science
based on industry R&D centers; science and tech- and Technology.
nology innovation platforms for the information He successively
industry; technological service platforms for pub- took the post of
lic applications in the information industry; plat- Deputy Director of
forms for the sharing of scientific information the No.29 Research
resources in the information industry; and the Institute of the Min-
R&D results transformation platforms and service istry of Mechanical
systems in the information industry. and Electric
In summary, the electronic information industry Industry, Deputy
is the main force in the national innovation cam- Director of the No.
paign in China and the important component in the 29 Research Institute of the Ministry of Electron-
national innovation system. If the innovation sys- ics Industry, Deputy Director of the Division for
tem in China's electronic information industry fo- Science & Technology and Quality Monitoring,
cuses on changing China from a big country in and Director of the Research Center for the
terms of electronic information products to a pow- Development of Computers and Microelectron-
erhouse in this arena, combining integration inno- ics under the Ministry of Electronics Industry.
vation with independent innovation, accelerating He became President of CCID in Oct, 2000, and
breakthroughs in key technologies, perfecting in- he has been Vice Minister of the Ministry of
dustrial chains, venturing into the high-end of the Information Industry since Feb 2002. In recent
industrial chain, enhancing the optimization, inte- years, he has been engaged in industrial admin-
gration and consolidation of IT resources, building istration in the information industry, and accu-
concentration abilities, speeding up the promotion mulated rich experiences in the mutual support
and application of electronic information and mutual promotion between information tech-
technologies, speeding up application innovation, nology innovation and information industry de-
and optimizing and perfecting industrial policies, velopment in China.

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