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Measuring Thermal Crystallinity in PET

Vahid Shabafrooz1, Masoud Allahkarami1, 2, Sudheer Bandla2, and Jay C. Hanan1

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Tulsa, OK 74106
Research and Development, Niagara Bottling LLC, Ontario, CA 91761

Abstract necessitates innovation [8]. The thermal crystallization

behavior of PET influences the properties of PET during
The mechanical properties of poly (ethylene bottle manufacturing. Crystallinity in PET can be
terephthalate) (PET) depend on the degree of crystallinity. measured by different methods [9]. X-ray diffraction is a
PET crystallizes from both thermal and strain-induced commonly used technique for measuring crystallinity in
process paths. Strain-induced crystallization occurs under PET. It provides an advantage of obtaining additional
uniaxial or biaxial stretching, the latter is common in microstructural details such as crystal size and orientation
stretch blow molding. Thermal crystallization takes place [10]. Raman Spectroscopy, which allows determining
when cooling from the melt or under sustained elevated crystallinity based on the polymer chain rotational
temperature which are both common during injection and conformations, is another useful technique to study PET
blow molding. The current work focuses on comparing crystallization [11]. It can be faster than XRD and more
methods used to quantify the percent thermal crystallinity easily examine a smaller spatial area.
in injection molded water bottle preforms. An injection With the objective of comparing different methods to
molded preform with a gradient of induced thermal measure the thermal crystallinity in PET, in the present
crystallinity was examined using Differential Scanning work, X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Differential Scanning
Calorimetry (DSC), Micro X-ray Diffraction (µXRD), and Calorimetry (DSC), and Raman Spectroscopy were used.
Raman Spectroscopy. Correlating these three techniques Each of the abovementioned techniques measures
for percent thermal crystallinity, helps with the crystallinity based on different physics. Therefore,
development of nondestructive crystallinity measurement correlating the measurements will help better understand
methods to aid with process optimization and part quality. thermal crystallization in PET and aid with the
development of tools for quality and process optimization.
Due to their unique properties, polymers are good
alternative materials to glass and metals for packing Commercially available PET of 0.8 dL/g intrinsic
applications [1]. Beverage packaging covers a wide range viscosity (I.V.) was used in the current work. PET
of products such as carbonated beverages, isotonics, and preforms were injection molded on a 90 ton injection
water [2]. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a widely molding machine manufactured by Husky Injection
used polymer in beverage packaging, for producing bottles molding systems. PET was dried for 4 hours at 170°C to
through injection stretch blow molding. PET is a semi- avoid degradation during processing due to the presence of
crystalline polyester that exhibits an amorphous or semi- moisture. Preform samples used for the measurements
crystalline microstructure based on processing history [3]. were collected after the injection process stabilized. The
Over the years, several researchers have evaluated the preform was locally reheated above the glass transition
properties of PET from stretch-blow molded bottles. temperature using IR lamps, and air cooled to have thermal
Stretch crystallinity, formed due to the stretching of PET crystallization. The crystallized preform was cut along its
chains, plays an important role in the performance of the length and samples for analysis were collected along the
bottle [4]. Molecular orientation and the extent of gradient, as shown in Figure 1 (b) and (c).
crystallinity have a great impact on the modulus of PET [5].
Along with others, Bandla et al. [6] showed that the percent Methods
crystallinity of blow molded PET depend on the stretch
ratio. DSC was performed using a Q-2000 TA instrument on
PET bottles can have a complex shaped base and three different regions of the preform (along the amorphous
multifaceted side geometries [7]. The quality of a stretch to crystalline gradient) to determine the thermal
blow molded bottle depends on several factors including crystallinity. DSC thermographs were obtained by heating
the quality and thermal history of the injection molded the samples from 25°C to 300°C at 10°C/min and held at
preform. The current trend toward a more efficient 300°C for 5 minutes (first heating cycle), then cooled to
material usage in the plastic packaging industry is pushing 25°C at 10°C/min and held at 25°C for 5 minutes (first
the limits on processing machinery. Producing a light cooling cycle), and finally reheated to 300°C at 10°C/min
weight bottle with high quality is challenging and (second heating cycle) under a nitrogen atmosphere.

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XRD measurements were performed using a Bruker Results
D8 Discover micro-X-ray diffraction system equipped with DSC Studies
a 2D detector. CuKα radiation (λ = 1.54184 Å) was used. The melt and the crystallization behavior of the PET
Crystallinity and texture measurements were performed preform were investigated through DSC measurements on
using a 0.5 mm collimator. Samples were fixed on to a Si three different regions. The glass transition (Tg) and
single crystal (zero background substrate) for data melting temperatures (Tm) were collected from the first
collection in the reflection orientation. The maximum heating cycle (Figure 2a), and the crystallization
detector distance (300 mm) by this system was selected temperature (Tc) from the first cooling cycle (Figure 2b).
since peaks were better distinguished, although their
intensity decreased. At 300 mm the detector
simultaneously covers the area of 20° in 2θ and 20° in ψ.
Multiple measurement points were selected on a straight
line from the crystalline to the amorphous regions, as
shown in Figure 1 (c). At each measurement point, three
frames were collected and merged to cover 12° to 58° of
the 2θ interval.

Figure 2. Thermal properties of PET preform collected

from crystalline, semi-crystalline, and amorphous
regions representing a) Tg and Tm, and b) Tc.

Figure 1. a) Schematic of the sample orientation with Heat of melting and heat of crystallization from the
respect to the Diffractometer geometry (the diffraction first heating cycle were selected to determine the
vector is perpendicular to the cut surface, allowing crystallinity using the equation:
measurement out of plane texture and crystallinity), b)
Sectioned PET preform having gradient of crystallinity
along the length axis, and c) photo of the measurement ⎡ ΔH − ΔH cc ⎤
location on the gradient region obtained by optical Xc = ⎢ m ⎥ ×100
microscopy. A and B represent the crystalline and the ⎣ ΔH c ⎦ (1)
amorphous regions, respectively.
Where ΔH m is the heat of melting, ΔH cc is the heat of cold
crystallization, and ΔH c is the heat of melting for 100%
Raman Spectroscopy was carried out using a
Renishaw inVia confocal Raman microscope equipped crystalline PET. As seen in Table 1, the crystallinity of the
with 785 nm excitation laser. Measurements were preform is increasing from 9.60% to 25.92% by air cooling
performed every 500 µm from crystalline to the sample (Table 1).
amorphous regions of the PET preform. The intensity of
the 1096 cm-1 Raman peak was used for correlating with XRD Measurements
respect to crystallinity [11]. The concentrated partial diffraction ring observed in
two-dimensional frames, showed strong orientation of the
PET crystallites (Figure 3). This can be due to orientation

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induced from injection molding. The triclinic crystal The percent crystallinity data from DSC and XRD
structure was observed with four principle reflections from measurements along the length were compared with the
the (010), (110), (100), and (105) planes (17.5°, 22.5°, intensity of the 1095 cm-1 Raman peak, as illustrated in
25.6°, and 42.6° 2θ for CuKα X-rays [10]. The percent Figure 5. As seen in the crystalline region, Point A
crystallinity was measured based on the ratio of the (measurement location at 10) showed an average value of
crystalline fraction (Ac) to the total area (Aa + Ac) under the 25% crystallinity, from XRD, and 26%, from DSC, and
diffracted curve, Equation 2 [6]. Percent crystallinity was peak intensity variation of 180 for the 1095cm-1 peak from
determined by rotating the sample to have orientation Raman spectroscopy. Moving from measurement location
independent measurements. 10 to 32, the percent crystallinity dropped to an average of
10 % obtained by XRD and DSC. Interestingly, the peak
⎡ Ac ⎤ intensity at 1095 cm-1 went to 89, showing a significant
Xc = ⎢ ⎥ ×100 decrease as compared to point A.
⎣ a + Ac⎦

Figure 3. a) Typical 2D X-ray diffraction pattern from

the crystalline region, A, and amorphous region, B, b)
comparison of 1D diffraction pattern for amorphous
and crystalline samples.

Raman Spectroscopy
High-temperature annealing can have an impact on the
Raman spectrum of PET [11]. According to several
spectroscopic studies [12-13], significant changes take
place in the terephthalate segment of PET during the
amorphous to crystalline transition. Figure 4 shows the
intensity of the 1095 cm-1 peak, derived from curve fitting Figure 4. a) Peak intensity at 1095 cm-1, b) 3D plot of 23
indicating variation in the polymer structure. As seen in measurement points from region A to B.
the figure, variation of peak intensity can be informative
for measuring crystallinity (Figure 4).

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Table 1. Thermal properties of the PET preform in three different regions.

Sample Region Tg (°C) TC (°C) Heat of Cold Crystallization Tm (°C) Heat of Melting %
∆H$$ (J/g) ∆H% (J/g) Crystallinity
Amorphous 80.91 166.11 23.54 246.62 36.99 9.60
Semi-crystalline 80.11 168 14.11 246.94 36.69 16.12
Crystalline 81.54 166.89 0.0 246.82 36.32 25.92

Three methods for crystallinity measurement: X-ray
diffraction, DSC, and Raman spectroscopy were employed
to characterize crystallization in PET. A significant range
of crystallinity was measured: 25% to 2% by XRD and
26% to 9% by DSC. Using the measurements from XRD
and DSC techniques, percent crystallinity and peak
intensity for the 1095 cm-1 Raman peak were correlated.


We acknowledge Dr. Andrew King at Renishaw Inc.

for his support and help with Raman Spectroscopy data
Figure 5. The percent crystallinity obtained by DSC, collection. This work was partially possible through
XRD, and Raman Spectroscopy methods. foundation grants to the Helmerich Research Center and
industry sponsorship.
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