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The Sunset Crusader

Volume 41 Issue 1 Miami Sunset Senior High September 2018

Miami Sunset’s Cheer Team Gone; Synergy Dance Team is Rising

By: Emily Miranda
Staff Writer Students have also complained
about Street Soul’s disappearance. Al-
Last school year was the last
legedly, the reason that Street Soul’s
time Miami Sunset’s very own Street
coach had to leave is due to a liability
Soul and Cheerleading team were able
to hit the floor.
Fortunately, Sunset’s dance
When the cheer team lost their
teacher, Alexa Silva, has created a new
sponsor and coach at the end of last
dance team called “Synergy” which will
year, many people were shocked to
be the focus of Sunset’s performance
hear there’d no longer be a cheer team
events this year.
in the school.
Synergy isn’t just a dance team,
Administration has been in
it’s a new spirit team of the sorts. Silva
search for a new sponsor, but so far
says, “I wanted to make a team where
there hasn’t been anyone who offered
the girls could be there for each other
to help. 2018-2019 Synergy Team on the first day of school.
and the school, in a sense of spirit.”
With no cheer team, many students
Synergy will be competing and per-
are concerned about the school spirit of Sun- will have to prioritize and promote school
forming at Sunset pep rallies. The team has a
set. spirit even more, so events and school devel-
variety of music genres that they plan to in-
opment will be an issue.”
“Sunset lacks major school spirit as it corporate into their dance routines and will
is, no cheer team means less spirit so I’m just During football games, it’s important have an opportunity to work with different
afraid that we will be become completely to have spirit on the sidelines, but without choreographers.
bleak,” Hurma Aziz, a sophomore, remarked. the cheer team, this will be lacking.
Synergy’s goal this year is to make
Even students from SGA are con- Student athlete, senior Bryan Macha- their mark at Miami Sunset and everywhere
cerned as well. Genesis Torrez, Junior Board do, admits that without their cheer team that they may perform. Although everyone is
President, expressed her concern: “The cheer there will be less motivation. Players need all still hoping to have the cheer team back, Sun-
team is meant to pump up students during the motivation they can get while on the set is very excited to see what Synergy is
games and pep rallies. If there’s no cheer field, court, whatever the case may be. It’s ready to bring.
team, that means the student government important to have this sense of spirit.

Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Holds Amazing Opportunities

for Graduating High School Seniors
By: Angelina Buenaventura terested should complete and
Assistant Editor-in-Chief submit their Florida Financial Aid
As this school year comes Application (FFAA) no later than
to an end, many high school sen- August 31 after high school grad-
iors are preparing to take the big uation. They must also submit
step into college. Although it is their high school transcripts, and
very exciting, it is also nerve- test scores.
racking for the students who do The Florida Bright Futures
not have the sufficient funds for Scholarship is something that eve-
their education. That is where ry high school senior should be
the Florida Bright Futures Schol- aiming to receive. The opportuni-
arship has served a huge help to ty to have 100% of your college
many incoming college freshmen education paid for is something
in providing them with the eco- that not many kids get and is an
nomic aid necessary to complete incoming students because it from a Florida high school, amazing chance for students who
their college education. has not always been this gener- completed all high school re- are serious about their education
On January 11, 2018, the ous. In previous years, students quirements, minimum 3.5 to not have to worry about taking
Florida Senate voted to perma- were only receiving $75-$100 weighted GPA, a score of 29 out loans or overworking them-
nently change what the scholar- per credit. on the ACT and 1290 on the selves at a job.
ship offers to its candidates. In Students should won’t PSAT, and a total of 100 com- When it comes to higher
the top tier award for the Florida have to worry about their munity service hours. education here in America, the
Bright Futures Scholarship, stu- Bright Futures Scholarship ben- The requirements for first word that comes to mind
dents will be provided with 100% efits decreasing anytime soon the second tier Florida Medal- isn’t “affordable,” but luckily stu-
of their tuition paid along with because the bill proposed by lion Scholars (FMS) award are dents in Florida are presented
applicable fees, and an extra Sen. Bill Galvano has made the the same as the (FAS) but call with a way that can help them
$300 per semester for books and upgrade permanent from now for a 3.0 weighted GPA, a afford to go to college and not get
additional education purposes. on. score of 26 on the ACT and into serious debt.
For the second tier award, stu- The requirements for 1170 on the PSAT, and a total
dents are provided with 75% of the top tier Florida Academic of 75 community service
the cost of tuition. Scholars (FAS) award are as fol- hours.
This boost in the scholar- lows: You must be a graduate Students who are in-
ship is a great opportunity for

The Top Three Most Active Clubs at Miami Sunset

By: Dominque Cortez
Staff Writer
that they have planned include a cleanup at
In High school, students join clubs for
Kendall Lakes Park.
many reasons, whether it’s being more in-
Lastly, the Future Business Leaders
volved in school, helping their community, or
of America (FBLA) has been running for over
even making new friends outside of school
decade at Miami Sunset.
FBLA strives to inspire and prepare
Depending on the club, it can help
students to become community-minded busi-
students with self-development, to become
ness leaders in a global society through rele-
more social, and improve their skills.
vant career preparation and leadership expe-
Miami Sunset has a variety of clubs
that students can choose from. However, if
It strengthens leadership develop-
you really want a club to dedicate your time
ment by teaching the importance of soft
to, here are the top three most active clubs at
skills, by holding officer positions at local,
Some new ideas that they’re working state, and national levels, in which Sunset has
The Distributive Education Club of
on include: competing in the 5K competition held multiple district and state officer posi-
America (DECA), prepares emerging leaders
to raise funds for a worthy cause, and two tions.
and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing,
new competitions for those interested in It also provides competitions that
finance, hospitality and management, in high
fashion merchandising and automobile re- relate to the business world, which is reward-
schools and colleges around the globe.
pairs. ed with scholarship opportunities, cash
Sunset’s DECA chapter went through
Another club in Sunset that is really awards, and trophies. FBLA has an outstand-
many challenges in the past couple of years,
involved is “Key Club,” which is a student- ing record of many state and national win-
however, they were able to make a comeback
led organization whose goals are to encour- ners.
when Mrs. Milagros Perez decide to take over
age leadership by serving others. FBLA also values community service,
the club.
Sunset’s chapter has been run by Mr. as the organization has partnered with many
So far, the club is succeeding better
Renatto Hernandez since 2003. To be quali- local businesses, charities etc. To help
than expectation because Mrs. Perez made it
fied to join Key Club you must meet the strengthen their community.
her mission to recruit students of all sorts,
club’s and the GPA requirements. Sunset FBLA has created their own
regardless of their magnet or academy.
Projects that this club has participat- community service project called “SPARK”
DECA has completed some remarka-
ed in includes painting the school lounges which stands for, “Students, Prepared, Articu-
ble projects such as: providing foods and
and parking lot. late, Resourceful and Knowledgeable.”
clothes for those residents in the Florida Keys
The Key Club meets about twice a SPARK’s purpose is to teach students
that were relocated after Hurricane Irma, con-
week, plus time spent on other projects typi- to be prepared and be successful in the world
tributing a beautiful painting for the Day of
cally done outside of school on the weekend. of business by educating them on important
Giving Project hosted by RCI, and are current-
Their officers consist of the Presi- skills that are needed in the workforce.
ly working with Mrs. Fusco to provide boxes
dent, Daliana Aguilar, and Vice President, Future upcoming plans that FBLA has
of essential items for unfortunate people in
Sophia Cuni, who has many responsibilities include partnering up with local charities,
the “My Purse Project.”
which involve them making sure that every- participating in community service opportu-
They make sure that the members are
one is doing what they are supposed to do, nities, and holding social events monthly, as
involved by meeting every other Wednesday
teach future officers, and assure that all situ- well as prepare for competition and traveling
after school, also depending if there are com-
ations are dealt with fairly. Future projects to conferences.
petitions to prepare for instead.

Art Classes in Trouble Without Running Water

By: Emily Batista phasing out the agency entire-
Staff Writer ly. That would include losing
For five years, the stu- The National Endowment for
dents at Miami Sunset Senior the Humanities, the Corpora-
High have been in desperate tion for Public Broadcasting
need of running water in their and the Institute of Museum
art classes. Without any work- and Library Services, which all
ing sinks or access to water face cuts at the very least.
the higher-level students have
Not everything is as bad
no way to improve their skills
as it seems. Ms. Judy Elkins,
in water-based mediums such
the new art teacher at Sunset
as acrylic paint and watercol-
High, said, “There are so many
mediums we can use that do
Level 3 and 4 art stu- tional Endowment for the not need water. Mrs. Kebaili
about it.”
dents have been reduced to Arts, along with its $148 mil- was a great problem solver
only using materials such as There are two sinks lion annual budget. The NEA and used many sources such
graphite, colored pencils, and inside the art classroom, helps art institutes and art as the bathroom sink or the
pens which is the same materi- both of which are broken, classrooms alike with sup- water fountain. My students
als used by level 1 and 2 stu- and access to the hose out- plies and repairs. and I can work our way around
dents. Mrs. Kebaili- side is not available anymore this problem and possibly
because of recent situations This could be the rea-
Kletzenbaur, a former art come up with even better art-
like the shooting at Stoneman sons as to why no repairs or
teacher at Sunset who just re- work and projects.” This
Douglas High School. money has been sent out into
cently retired in May 2018 has means that the students can
repairing the sinks. If
said “My students and I were This is not the only still improve on their artistic
Trump’s proposal is ap-
reduced to using basic items, problem at hand. President abilities without the use of wa-
proved, the endowment's an-
restricting them from improv- Trump’s initial federal budg- ter-based mediums. Students
nual funding would be re-
ing their skills. I sent countless et plan has proposed com- can only hope the water issue
duced from $150 million to
emails to the school board and pletely eliminating the Na- is the only detriment to their
$29 million, the first step in
they would not do anything art education.

The Worst Red Tide Florida Has Seen in Over Ten Years
By: Angelina Buenaventura
Assistant Editor-in-Chief

These past 10 months, deaths, 354 sea turtle deaths,

since November of 2017, the and 41 dolphin deaths.
counties of southwest Florida
The red tide also may
have suffered $8 million dol-
have already had a huge im-
lars in damage to businesses,
pact on the health of humans.
over 2,000 tons of dead ma-
The toxins released into the
rine life, and rising health
air from the massive algal
complaints from local resi-
bloom can cause respiratory
dents from the red tide.
problems such as coughing
The red tide that has and difficulty breathing when
terrorized the waters along inhaled.
Florida’s southwest coast is
The reason why this
not something new to Florida’s
coast. This red tide is the Since many local busi- natural occurring event is pro-
waters. It is a naturally pro-
longest and most harmful nesses rely on tourist activity gressively getting worse is be-
duced algal bloom that has
one since the 17 month long to keep their corporations cause humans are putting
been an ongoing, periodic oc-
red tide in 2006. The current running, the sunny beaches more toxins into our waters.
currence since the 1700’s.
red tide has shown no sign that have turned into fish If we hope to fix this
Over the years, red tides of diminishing. graveyards have put many issue, or at least stop the tox-
have started to take place for businesses in a tough eco-
Governor Rick Scott ins in its path, society needs
longer periods of time and nomic spot.
declared a state of emergen- to be educated and made
have become more hazardous
cy for seven counties due to For example, in Fort more aware of what people
to marine life and humans.
the destruction it has caused Myers Beach, employees of are putting into our waters.
What makes a red tide to southwest Florida’s beach- businesses have been esti- Humans should make a great-
harmful are the toxins that are es and Florida’s tourism in- mated to have lost $559,770 er effort to keep our waters as
released from the overgrowth dustry. in wages over the course of free of pollution as possible.
of algae. These toxins come this event.
"I am issuing an emer- What society does to
from man-made pesticides and
gency declaration to provide Not only has the red our environment will always
other chemicals we use that
significant funding and re- tide drastically impacted come back around. This isn’t
wash into our oceans and cre-
sources to the communities Florida’s economy, but its en- something debatable, like cli-
ate the dangerous algal
experiencing red tide, so we vironment as well. There has mate change. This is clearly
can combat its terrible im- been as over 2,000 tons of happening and there has to be
The red tide is currently pacts," Governor Rick Scott dead sea animals washing up more environmentally con-
stretching out over 130 miles announced back in August of on Florida shores, including cerned individuals that take
of Florida’s southwestern this year. as many as 115 manatee action to make things better.

Homework is Not Making a Difference in Education

By: Amanda Gomez
ty. Neither of those None of the counties who were
With the pres-
schools have a ranked higher than Miami-Dade prescribed as
sure on America’s
strict homework much homework. Miami-Dade, which is the
education system to
policy. fourth largest school district in the United
rise to the occasion
and compete on a Miami-Dade County States, mandates that students should be giv-
global level, our is ranked 35th out en an average of 120 minutes of homework
country is split as to of 68 counties in per day, five days a week, in addition to 30
what form of educa- Florida. The rank- minutes of independent reading.
tion provides the best ing factors taken Continued on page 4
possible outcome to into consideration
the students. Howev- are test scores,
er, our county specif- graduation rates,
ically has been implementing one aspect of and most importantly, college readiness. Yet
education that has proven to be a failure for Miami-Dade County doesn’t emphasize the
a long time: homework. importance of college readiness, instead, QUOTE OF THE
Through conducting research, infor-
their curriculum focuses on test scores MONTH
which entails the students doing large
mation was found from a website called
amounts of homework., a website that ranks the best dis-
tricts and schools based on analysis of key The Florida Public School District Av-
statistics and millions of reviews from stu- erage scores for the ACT test showed that “Winners are not people
Miami-Dade’s average composition mean
dents and parents using data from the U.S. who never fail, but people
Department of Education. It was concluded score was 18.3 in comparison to Sarasota
that the top ranked high school in Florida is county which was 21.5. For SAT scores, Mi- who never quit.”
Pine View High School, in Sarasota County. ami-Dade had an average score of 1400 in
The second ranked high school is Suncoast comparison to Sarasota which is 1550 (data
Community High School in Palm Beach Coun- collected was from 2016 when there were
three parts to the test.)

Miami Sunset Welcomes New Activities Director Mr. Porras

By: Mohammad Aziz school that they don’t make time for
Staff-Writer school clubs and activities. If they gave it
School spirit is the heart of high a chance they would be amazed at how
school, after all, it is the students that much more they would enjoy school,”
make Miami Sunset what it is. Porras said.
But just like the best performers
need a director, the school’s activities Along with trying to elevate spirit,
director serves the school as a guide to Porras has the challenge of finding the
help the student body make our school time to execute all the events that he
a better place. Miami Sunset started off wants to do for the year to come.
last year with a new activities director, Porras’s main goal is to promote Miami
former testing chairperson, Ms. Rey Sunset activities to our students so there
Munoz. However, she got promoted to will be an increase in participation in
assistant principal after Mr. Cook re- school events. To plan a great year,
tired. Porras is in contact with other activities
This left Miami Sunset at a cross- was a math teacher at Norma Butler directors to come up with the best events
roads. Fortunately, Mr. Lux was able to Bossard Elementary. the county would allow.
find the perfect candidate for the vacant However, with a degree in hospi- Porras also plans on having more
position. After multiple applications tality and experience as a hotel employ- pep rallies for the school. He remarked,
were submitted, Miami Sunset welcomed ee, Porras’s wanted to pursue a career “Pep Rallies are planned to encourage
their new activities director to the that catered to his passion for planning school spirit and to support the school’s
school, Israel Porras. events and organizing activities and teams. I think they are an important part
that’s why he believed the activities di- of high school life.”
rector position was a perfect fit for him.
What made Porras stand out from
the rest of the applicants was his drive Even though Porras arrived at the
and his ambition. Porras claimed that Although Porras is very excited school close to the end of the year last
he had been wanting to pursue the posi- about the job, he is well aware of the ob- year, he was able to learn a lot about Sun-
tion for years, and he is already enjoy- stacles that come along with the posi- set and he is extremely excited to be
ing it. He said, “I’m loving it! There tion. School spirit doesn’t stem from working with the student body now that
might be people who disagree, but this the activities director, but the students he has gotten comfortable.
is a dream job for me, who else gets to themselves.
spend their day planning fun things to
do?” Porras had an important message
“So many students have spoken for the student body: “I will do every-
Before Porras arrived at Sunset,
to me about how there isn’t enough thing I can to facilitate school spirit on
he was the CAP Advisor and the test
school spirit. I tell them all the same my part, but it is up to the students to
chair for three years at Ronald W.
thing, it’s up to you. Sometimes stu- bring it. The students are the key to
Reagan Senior High, and prior to that he
dents have so much going on outside of making the school great.”

“There’s no Real Evidence to Suggest Homework Improves Students’ Abilities”

Continued from page 3

Education experts have
By comparison, Pine View
claimed that there is no specific
and Suncoast, which don’t en-
evidence that proves that home-
force the amount of time teachers
work itself is beneficial to stu-
need to assign homework to stu-
dents. David Bloomfield, an edu-
dents, have their outstanding
cation professor at Brooklyn Col-
rankings to show for it. Instead of
lege and the City University of
giving so much homework, those
New York Graduate Center, told
schools focus on reading, and on-
INSIDER that, "The lasting educa-
ly assign homework if an assign-
tional value of homework at that
ment wasn’t finished in class.
age is not proven."
With this philosophy, stu-
The solution to Ameri-
dents have time to do extracurric-
can’s education problem is not
ular activities and aren’t stressed
drilling more homework into stu-
with the immense amount of
dents and stressing them out.
homework, which prohibits them Extracurricular activities thinking, and solving problems,
The solution needs to come from
from doing other important are also important because it students are getting more out of
a whole new reform in education.
things that studies have shown keeps students doing something their education than just text-
benefit teenagers that are still de- that’s productive in a positive books and lectures can provide. The way education in
veloping cognitively. manner and by becoming more Additionally, high endurance America works today is not mak-
involved in school it helps devel- clubs like sports can train stu- ing an impact in students lives,
The overwhelming amount
op strong social skills. Having dents to maintain patience and nor is it preparing students for
of homework causes problems for
more time to do things other resilience when faced with chal- the real world or college. Making
students of Miami-Dade county.
than academic work strengthens lenges. reforms in education all at once
Because of the county’s policy,
the mind and can promote better would not be productive because
students have less time for extra- However, if students are
time management skills and help of the drastic change. However,
curricular activities, athletes, per- forced to do large amount of
teach students responsibility if our country works together
formers, and competitors some- homework, it can have a negative
and dedication. their academic and starts small, such as chang-
times are not up to par with their effect on them because they will
ing the homework policies of
opposition from other schools or Mountain High Academy be forced to sacrifice their activi-
school districts that just don’t
counties. Also, staying up late conducted a study that proved ties and all of this other type of
get it, a difference can be made
constantly to finish homework that extracurricular activities personal development just to
and the education system can
causes students to lose sleep, and help in academics as well. Their make their grades and meet arti-
start moving towards a better
that affects their performance in conclusion was through in-depth ficial requirements.
the classroom. reading, critical and creative

Student of the Month Teacher of the Month Staff of The Month

Miranda Gonzalez Matthew Flipse Jacqui Biscoito
12th Grade
Mr. Flipse is Sunset’s
Unweighted GPA: liveliest U.S. History What is it
3.2 teacher. He is known like working
by most juniors for
Weighted GPA: at Sunset?
doing the best Forest
3.8 Jacqui: A nor-
Gump impression in
What sports/ the school. His style mal day be-
clubs/activities of mixing important
gins when I
do you do after U.S. history with corny
jokes and impressions come to work
school or have
done? will sure leave his stu- at 6am to help Sunset’s Cafeteria Manager
dents with something special to remember for prepare break-
The clubs I plan to engage in this year in- years to come.
clude National Honor Society and FBLA. I feel fast. Then around 6:45 to 7:10, I help
as though these clubs could give me the ex- Why did you decide to become a teacher? serve the food because I enjoy inter-
tra touch to finalize my high school tran- Because I can’t sing and dance. No. ha-ha. Ini- acting with the students. Typically, I
script. tially, I became a teacher because I wanted to
would just supervise, but I will assist
What do you plan on doing when you coach, and the easiest way to get into that as-
pect of what I wanted to do would be to get if understaffed.
into a school system. I have a lot more pa-
When I graduate, I plan on staying in Miami, tience with kids than I do with adults. Because
and receiving my bachelor’s degree in politi- I feel like when you become an adult you How long have you worked at Sun-
cal science from FIU, ultimately becoming a should have figured it out in respect to right set
political analyst and obtaining a public plat- from wrong and common decency and respect
Jacqui: I have worked as a cafeteria
form. but with kids it’s a lot more tolerable.
manager since January of 1998, which
What is your drive to succeed?
Did have any other dream job in mind other is about 20 years.
I believe I am blessed with opportunities to
than teaching?
further improve myself and grow intellectu-
ally and seizing every chance to expand my I think if you’re an athlete like me when I was
Did you originally want this job?
knowledge is essentially what drives me to growing up than you kind of dreamed of be-
be the best student and individual I could be. ing a professional sports figure, So for me, it Jacqui: No, at first, I use to work as a
would have to be a professional soccer player. cafeteria manager at an elementary
But I also think that teachers are also all frus-
Who is your role model? school. But then they recommended/
trated actors, and what I mean by that is in
My role model is my father, a college profes- sent me to Sunset to supervise for
order to get the kids to want to learn you have
sor, who has implemented in me the tremen-
to capture their attention and their focus and about four weeks while waiting for a
dous value of learning and the significance
we find out that in many respects that we’re new replacement manger. But during
of being educated.
entertaining at the same time as educating.
those few weeks,I started to enjoy
What teachers inspire you the most? Most of your students know you can do working here at Sunset and decided
In my high school career in Miami Sunset, amazing celebrity impressions. How’d you to apply when the position was availa-
one of my favorite teachers has been Mrs. learn how to do them? What is your favorite
Cros, who inspired me to be a better student one to do?
by always pushing me to excel in my work
One of my favorites to do because everyone
and prepare me for my AP exam. Are there any fun activities that
really enjoys it, and it was actually the very
first one I did is Marvin the Martian from you enjoy doing outside of school?
What is your favorite class/subject? Why? Looney Toons. I did that to shut my brother
My favorite class is English; I believe I pos- up because he was claiming that his impres- Jacqui: When I’m not working at
sess abilities that allow me to excel in con- sion was good when it really wasn't so I had to school. I enjoy doing activities like
cepts regarding language and writing. show him how it’s done. I then started imitat- going to the beach, working out at the
ing people in the neighborhood, and then po-
gym, and spending time with family.
What lesson has impacted you the most litical figures, and actors. Of course, I think
about high school? the favorite one of most my students has to
be Forest Gump since everyone knows and · How do you decide what to
Learning that certain decisions I make at this
loves him.
age have important consequences later on, cook for the students?
whether it be of a social or academic aspect, Out of all your years of teaching and coach-
ing what has been your most memorable
Jacqui: There is a guideline or menu
making correct and mature choices is incred-
ibly important. experience? that we are supposed to follow, but
I think all teachers can really relate to this we are allowed to enhance it to the
What is your favorite movie or show and when somebody tells you that “I do what I do liking of the students.
why? today because of you” and you have no idea
My favorite show is Game of Thrones, its in- sometimes the impact that you have on kids
triguing storyline, exceptional character de- but in that particular case when it happens it’s Were there any happy or eventful
velopment, and emotional elements make it very rewarding. For me, it was this one stu- memories while working here?
the best show I have ever watched. dent in particular who was struggling with his
Jacqui: The most noteworthy memory
sexual identity said that I was the first male
figure in his life that said he was okay for be- that I can recall while working here
What are you looking forward to in your ing him. He never got that from his family or that was my favorite was when Mr.
future? from his church or from his other teachers or
Cook and Mr. Lux would come and
For my future, I am looking forward to the friends and he felt like he had to hide it and I
let him know that it was okay to just be him- help serve the food to the students
personal growth and experiences that lie
ahead of me, and to reaching the goals I have self and I’ll never forget how appreciative he during Thanksgiving.
so diligently set for myself. was of how I helped him.

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