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Q.1 Choose the word that is near most similar in meaning to the Capitalized words. (1 Mark
each) (20)

1. BRISTLE(stiff)
a) Regulate
b) Flare up
c) Frail
d) Exhilarate
e) None of These

a). Immerse
b) Rescue
c) Drown
d) Overflow
e) None of These

a) Argument
b) Procession
c) Angry Speech
d) Torture
e) None of These

4. QUASI (resembling)
a) Secret
b) Improper
c) Seeming
d) Whole
e) None of These

a) To Prove
b) Boast
c) Defraud
d) Defame
e) None of These

a) Unnecessary
b) Disorder
c) Confused Talk
d) Game
e) None of These
a) Condescend
b) Pretend
c) Disparage
d) Refuse
e) None of These

a) Trade Agreement
b) Government Secretariat
c) Labouring Class
d) Wealthy Class
e) None of These

a) Liberal
b) Fearful
c) Comic
d) Praise Worthy
e) None of These

a) Baleful
b) Belonging to a male person
c) Social
d) Fighting by Nature
e) None of These

Choose the word that is nearly most opposite in meaning to the Capitalized words.

11. LANGUID(lacking energy)

a) Feeble
b) Dull
c) Vigorous
d) Weak
e) None of these

12. HIGH-STRUNG(courage)
a) Nervous
b) Tense
c) Costly
d) Calm
e) None of these

13. METTLE(courage)
a) Courage
b) Boldness
c) Cowardice
d) Spirit
e) None of these

14. ABRIDGMENT(reduced writng)

a) Epitome
b) Dissect
c) Abstract
d) Synopsis
e) None of these

15. CAJOLE(flatter mildly)

a) Flaunt
b) Coax
c) Beguile
d) Flatter
e) None of these

16. CELIBACY(being unmarried)

a ) Virginity
c) Chastity
d) Single
e) None of these

17. INCLEMENT(merciless)
a) Rough
b) Unpleasant
c) Unfavorable
d) Genial
e) None of these

18. IRRESOLUTE (indecisive)

a) Ineffective
b) Without resolution
c) Yielding
d) Sturdy
e) None of these

19. ANNEXATION(attachment of documents)

a) Supplement
b) Augmentation
c) Appendix
d) Contraction
e) None of these

20. INCUR (sustain)

a) Shun
b) Run
c) Blamed
d) Meet
e) None of these

Q.5. (a) Use ONLY FOUR of the following in sentences which illustrate their meaning: (Extra
attempt shall not be considered). (04)
1. The milk of human kindness (natural kindness)
Ans. She paid the hospital bills for the poor old lady as she had milk of human kindness and
couldn’t see the poor woman crying.

2. A rule of thumb (a guessed measure)

Ans. The tailor has stitched my dress with a rule of thumb, consequently it’s not fit for my

3. Out and out (full)

Ans. Mr. Pervaiz Musharraf proved himself to be an out and out dictator president of the
4. To wash one's dirty linen in public (to reveal your own evils)
Ans. Ali’s mom washed her dirty linen in public when she beat her son and scolded him
loudly for committing theft at his own home.

5. To pay through the nose (to pay too much)

Ans. If you want to study in a good institution these days, you have to pay through nose for
this purpose.

6. To lose face (to lose status)

Mr. Ali lost face with his customers as he failed to provide them the promised stuff.

Q.5. (b) Use ONLY FOUR of the following pair of words in sentences which illustrate their
meaning: (Extra attempt shall not be considered). (04)

1. Adjoin, Adjourn
Ans. Adojoin: The adjoining areas of FATA are also facing the commotion and bustle due to
operations in FATA.
Adjourn: Our ex-prime minister Mr. Gillani was dethroned for adjourning the writing a letter
to Swiss Government, an order of the Apex court.

2. Allay, Ally
Allay : Pakistan is standing in a blind allay.
Ally : If Iran allies with America, it will be blessed by American aids.
3. Bases, Basis
Ans. Bases: This movie is based on the fiction authorized by Sa’adat Hasan Manto.
Basis: She needs coaching on daily basis.

4. Click, Clique
Ans. Click: She took a photo with the sound of click
Clique: At the “Pakistan Day”, all the political cliques addressed to the public.

5. Distract, Detract
Ans. Distract: Her attention was distracted by the loud volume of T.V.
Detract: The performance of Australian cricket team has been detracted since the victory of
world cup.

6. Liable, Libel
Ans. Liable: The president of a state is always liable to the judiciary of that state.
Libel: The news about the justice in news paper has libeled him on national level.

Q.6. (a) Correct ONLY FIVE of the following. Extra attempt shall not be considered. (05)

1. My boss agreed with my plan.

Ans. My boss agreed on my plan.

2. If he was here, he would be as wise as he was during the war.

Ans. 2. If he was here, he would have been as wise as he had been during the war.

3. We have amusements in form of music.

Ans. We have amusement in form of music

4. You get hungry for all the work you have to do.
Ans. You get angry for all the work that you have to do.

5. We were glad for being there.

Ans. We were glad to be there.

6. I prefer the fifth act of Shakespeare King Lear the best of all.
Ans. I like the fifth act of Shakespeare King Lear the best.

7. After finishing my lecture, the bell rang.

Ans. After I finished my lecture, the bell rang.

8. We needed not to be afraid.

Ans. We don’t need to be afraid. / We needed not to afraid.

Q.6 (b) Change the narration from direct to indirect speech. (DO ONLY FIVE) Extra attempt
shall not be considered.

1. “If I had spoken to my father as you speak to me he’d have beaten me,” he said to me.
Ans. He told me that had he spoken to his father as I spoke to him, his father’d have beaten

2. “How far is it”? I said, “and how long will take me to get there”?
Ans. I asked that how far was that and how long would that take me to get there?

3. “Do you know anybody in this area or could you get a reference from your landlady?" he
asked me.
Ans. He asked me if I knew anybody in that area or if I could get a reference from my land

4. She told me to look where I was going as the road was full of holes and very badly lit.
Ans. Its already indirect narration.

5. He wanted to know if I was going to concert and suggested that we should make up a
party and go together.
Ans. Its already indirect narration.
6. He said, I must'nt mind if the first one wasn’t any good.
Ans. He said that he mustn’t mind if the first one wasn’t any good.

7. “What a nuisance! Now I’ll have to do it all over again”, he exclaimed.

Ans. He exclaimed with anger that it was a nuisance and he would have to do that all over

8. “I must go to the dentist tomorrow”, he said. “ I have an appointment”.

Ans. He said that he had to go to the dentist next day as he had an appointment.

Option 2:

1. My boss agreed with my plan.

My boss agreed to my plan.
2. If he was here, he would be as wise as he was during the war.
If he were here, he would have been as wise as he was during the war.
3. We have amusements in form of music.
We have amusement in form of music.
4. You get hungry for all the work you have to do.
You get hurry for all the work you have to do.
5. We were glad for being there.
We were glad to be there.
6. I prefer the fifth act of Shakespeare King Lear the best of all.
I prefer the fifth act of Shakespeare’s King Lear to all.
7. After finishing my lecture, the bell rang.
As soon as I completed my lecture, the bell rang.
(No sooner did I complete my lecture than the bell rang.)
8. We needed not to be afraid.
We needed not be afraid

1.A ten feet long snake made people run here and there
A ten foot long snake made people run here and there
2.We are going to the concert, and so they are.
We are going to the concert so they are.
3.Enclosed with this letter was a signed Affidavit and a carbon copy of his
request to our main office.
Enclosed with this letter were a signed Affidavit and a carbon copy of his
request to our main office.
4.Fear from God.
Fear God.
5.Pakistan has and will support the Kashmiris.
Pakistan has supported and will support the Kashmiris.
6.He has come yesterday.
He came yesterday. (“Yesterday” demands only past indefinite)
7.Arshad's down fall was due to nothing else than pride.
Arshad's down fall was because of nothing else but pride.
8.Do not avoid to consult a doctor.
Do not avoid consulting a doctor.
<-----------Sentence Correction CSS 2011-------->
1. Please speak to concerned clerk.
Please talk to concerned clerk.
2. You have got time too short for that.
You have got too short time to do that.
3. Not only he was a thief, but also he was a murderer.
He was not only a thief, but also a murderer.
4. They thought that plan would be succeeded.
They thought that plan would have been succeeded.
5. It is unlikely that he wins the race.
It is unlikely that he will win race.
6. My uncle has told me something about it yesterday.
My uncle told me something about it yesterday.
7. I hope that by the time I would have got there it would have stopped raining
I hope that by the time I get there, it will stop raining.
8. They prevented driver to stop.
They prevented driver from stopping.

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