Torsion Tension and Column (11-16)

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Lecture Note - 11

Behavior of RC Members: Torsion

Torsion means twisting. The types of torsion in structure are

1. Primary or equilibrium torsion: - Primary or equilibrium torsion is that which is
required to maintain the basic static equilibrium in a statically determinant
2. Secondary or compatibility torsion: - Secondary or compatibility torsion is that
which is required to maintain compatibility condition in a statically indeterminate

The torsional stiffness (KT) of a member is the torsional moment required to produce a
unit angle of twist.

Thus, K T = =
θ L
K T Æ Torsional stiffness
TÆTorsional moment
θ Æ Total angle of twist in length ‘L’.
GÆ Elastic shear modulous. =
2(1 + µ )
EÆ Modulous of elasticity.
µ ÆPoission’s ratio.
CÆTorsion constant or polar moment of inertia = KDb 3
KÆSt. Venant’s torsional constant, which varies with (D/b) ratio.
The value of K for various ratios of (D/b) is given in Table: 1

Table: 1 Values of K & α in torsion of rectangles

⎛ T ⎞
⎜ C = KDb ,τ max = 2 ⎟

⎝ αb D ⎠

D Value of
K α

1.0 0.141 0.208

1.2 0.166 0.219
2.5 0.196 0.231
2.0 0.229 0.246
2.5 0.249 0.258
3.0 0.263 0.267
4.0 0.281 0.282
5.0 0.291 0.291
10.0 0.312 0.312
α 0.333 0.333

A more convenient expression for C has been derived by Timoshenko as

⎛ b ⎞⎛ b 3 D ⎞
C = ⎜1 − 0.63 ⎟⎜⎜ ⎟
⎝ D ⎠⎝ 3 ⎟⎠

The following approximation can be made when dealing with flanged beam & other
section, which can be assumed to be rectangular.
For analysis, T, L or I sections are divided into component rectangles & the C value is the
combined value of the component rectangles. The division should be such that the value
of C obtained for the whole section, i.e.
⎛ b ⎞⎛ b 3 D ⎞
C = ∑ ⎜1 − 0.63 ⎟⎜⎜ ⎟
⎝ D ⎠⎝ 3 ⎟⎠
Should be the largest possible.

Bending & torsional stiffness of RC beam

The magnitude of distribution of moments as torsion to adjoining members is small.

This is because:
2(1 + µ )
If, µ = 0.15 then G =
And µ = 0 then G =
Which shows that G is very low as compared to E.

For a rectangle D=2b, the value of I is about three times that of C
So, the ratio of stiffness in bending to stiffness in torsion for adjoining members can
therefore be obtained as
: = 6.9 (approx. 7)
Hence the beams are several times more stiff in bending than in torsion

Torsional rigidity of RC members

On the basis of laboratory tests BS8110, Clause 2.4.3 states that for structural analysis or
design , the torsional rigidity may be calculated by assuming G=0.42 times the modulous
of elasticity of concrete & C is equal to half of the St. Venant value calculated for the
plain concrete section.

Torsional stress in flanged section

To determine shear stress of a section, the section is to be divided with largest possible
rectangle as one of its component, then by elastic analysis, the torsion is given by:
K n Dn bn3
Tn = T
∑ K n Dn bn3
By plastic analysis its value is given by
Dn bn3
Tn = T
∑ Dn bn3
The value of the maximum torsional stress by elastic & plastic analysis can be found
from the following equations:
τ max = 2 (Elastic method)
αb D
τt = (Plastic analysis)
2⎛ b⎞
b ⎜D − ⎟
⎝ 3⎠

Principles of design for torsion by IS 456

The clause 41.1 of IS 456 provides two options for design of torsion in the statically
indeterminate structure.
(i) If torsion can be eliminated by releasing redundant restrains & torsion is not
considered in the analysis of the structure, the structure may be designed for
zero torsion. The normal shear & bending reinforcement will take care of any
cracking if occurs.
(ii) If torsional stiffness is considered while analysis of the structure the member
should be designed for compatibility torsion.

Design philosophy:
Torsional reinforcement is not calculated separately from that of bending & shear.
Instead total longitudinal reinforcement is determined for a fictitious bending moment
which is a function of actual bending moment & torsion. Similarly the web reinforcement
is determined for a fictitious shear which is a function of actual shear & torsion.

Calculation for torsional shear

As per clause 41.3 of IS456
Ve = Vu + 1.6 u
Ve ÆEquivalent shear
Vu ÆFactored shear force.
Tu Æ Factored torsional moment.
bÆLeast lateral dimension.

Equivalent nominal shear stress should not exceed maximum shear stress as given in
table 2 (Ref. Table 20 of IS456)

Table 2 Maximum shear stress

Concrete grade M15 M20 M25 M30 M35 M40 & above
τc max
2.5 2.8 3.1 3.5 3.7 4.0

Calculation for equivalent bending moment

As per clause 41.4.2 of IS456
Equivalent BM, M e1 = M u + M t
M u ÆBM at cross sectional area and

Mt =
Tu 1 + D
DÆ Overall depth.
bÆ Width
If numerical value of M t is greater than M u then longitudinal reinforcement should also
be provided on the flexural compression face as equivalent BM: M e 2
Where, M e2 = M t − M u
The amount M e 2 being taken as acting in the opposite sense to the moment M u

Transverse reinforcement
Two legged transverse reinforcement should be provided with cross sectional area given
Tu Vu
by Asv = +
(0.87 f y )b1d1 (0.87 f y )2.5d1
sv ÆSpacing of stirrups
f y ÆCharacteristic strength of stirrups steel.
Tu ÆTorsioanal moment
Vu ÆShear force
b1 ÆCentre to centre distance between corner bar in the direction of the width.
d1 ÆCentre to centre distance between corner bar
(τ e − τ c )bsv
Asv ⊄
0.87 f y

Design steps according to IS 456

Step: 1 Determine design moments, shear and torsion M u , Vu and Tu .

Step: 2 Determine equivalent moment & longitudinal steels. Calculate

Mt =
Tu 1 + D
(a) M e1 = M u + M t
Design tension steel for M e1
(b) If M t > M u , then
M e2 = M t − M u
Design steel on compression face for reversal of moment = M e 2
Step: 3 Determine the equivalent shear given by the equation
Ve = Vu + 1.6 u .
Step: 4 Find shear stress & check for maximum shear. Determine the shear stress as
τ ve = e
Step: 5 Calculate area of shear links from the formula
Asv (τ ve − τ c )b
Sv 0.87 f y
Step: 6 Check for interaction of shear & torsion given by the relation
Tu Vu
Asv = +
(0.87 f y )b1d1 (0.87 f y )2.5d1
Adopt the larger value of step 5 & 6 for shear steel. The spacing should not exceed x1
or (x1 + y1 ) / 4 or 300 mm as per clause of IS456.

Lecture Note - 12

Analysis and Design T-Beam in Torsion

Example:- (Analysis of T beam in torsion)

A T beam is as shown in Fig 1. if the section is subjected to a factored torsion of 150
kNm. Calculate the torsion carried by two main rectangular portion of the T beam,
(a) Elastic theory
(b) Plastic theory


800 120

Fig. 1

(a) Proportioning of torsion by elastic theory

K 1 D1b13
T1 = T
∑ KDb 3
D 350
For flange, = = 2.91 , Thus from table, K1 = 0.26
b 120

D 800
Similarly, for web, = = 2.30 , K 2 = 0.24
b 350

K 1 D1b13 + K 2 D2 b23 = 0.26 × 350 × 120 3 + 0.24 × 800 × 350 3 =(1.57+82.32) × 10 8 mm 4

150 × 82.32
T1 = = 147.2kNm

150 × 1.57
T2 = = 2.8kNm
(The major part is carried by the web only)

(b)-Calculation by plastic method

T1 = T
D1b13 + D2 b23
Now, D1b13 + D2b23 = 350 × 1203 + 800 × 3503 = ( 6.05 × 108 + 343 × 108 ) = 349.05 × 10 8

⎛ 343 ⎞
Thus, T1 = 150⎜ ⎟ =147.4 kNm.
⎝ 349.05 ⎠
⎛ 6.05 ⎞
And T2 = 150⎜ ⎟ = 2.6 kNm
⎝ 349.05 ⎠

Example:- (Design of beam in torsion by IS 456)

The T beam given in Fig. 1 is subjected to the following factored loads. Bending moment
of 215 kNm, shear of 150 kN, and torsion of 105 kNm. Assuming f ck = 30 and
f y = 415 (N/mm2), design the reinforcements according to IS456. Cover to centre of
steel is 50 mm.

Step 1:
Assume that the torsion is fully taken by web. [ ref. Clause 41.1.1 of IS456]

Step 2: Equivalent bending moment

T ⎛ D⎞
Me = Mu + Mt = Mu + ⎜1 + ⎟ [ ref. Clause 41.4.2 of IS456]
1 .7 ⎝ b⎠

105 ⎛ 800 ⎞
= 215 + ⎜1 + ⎟ = 215 + 202.9 =417.9 kNm.
1.7 ⎝ 350 ⎠

Step 3: Calculation of longitudinal steel

If M t exceeds M u , provide compression steel for M t − M u )

If M t < M u design for M e only.

M e 417.9 × 10 6
Thus, = = 2.12
bd 2 350 × 750 2

p = 0.646, As =
(350 × 750 ) = 1696mm 2 [ref. SP 16]
Hence, provide 6 Nos. 20 mm bar.
1885 × 100
Thus, percentage provided = = 0.72%
350 × 750
Step 4: Determine equivalent shear
V e = V = 1 .6
Using kNm/m units, we obtain
Ve = 150 + 1.6 = 150 + 480 = 630 kN
Step 5: Find shear stress
Ve 630 × 10 3
τe = = = 2.4 N / mm 2
bd 350 × 750
This is more than τ c = 0.58 for 0.72% steel (assuming full extension of steel) and less
than τ max = 3.5 N / mm 2 [ref. Table 19 & 20 of IS456]
Hence, it is OK.

Step 6: Design of stirrups

As per Clause 41.4.3 of IS456: Two conditions should be satisfied:
Condition 1
Asv (0.87 f y ) T V 105 × 108 150 ×103
= + = + = 685.7 N/mm
sv b1 d1 2.5d1 250 × 700 2.5 × 700
Condition 2
Asv (0.87 f y )
= (τ e − τ c )b = (2.4 − 0.58) × 350 = 637 N / mm
Asv ( 0.87 f y )
Hence, the value of will be 685.7 N/mm =6.9 kN/cm
Step 7: Design of stirrups

Vus Asv ( 0.87 f y )

Adopting 10 mm bar at 8 cm gives = = 7.09
d sv
x1 + y1 250 + 700
As per Cl., Spacing should not exceed: x1 = 250 or = = 237.5
4 4
or 300 mm.

Step 8: Provision of longitudinal steel

Longitudinal steel consists of 6 nos of 20 mm diameter at bottom & nominal hangers, 12
mm at top. As the depth of beam is more than 750 mm, provide side reinforcement 0.05%
on both faces.

Therefore, As =
(800 × 350 ) = 140mm 2
Hence, provide 2 nos of 10 mm bars. Thus, As = 157mm 2
Spacing = = 250 mm

Design for Torsion by British Code

Design principle as per BS8110

If a section is subjected to bending moment (M), shear force (V) & torsion (T), it is
necessary to design the transverse & longitudinal steel. It should be separately designed
for SF, BM & torsion
Calculate τv =
As per clause 2.4.4 of BS8110 part 1 -1985, the torsional shear stress assuming a plastic
distribution will be:
τt =
⎛ b⎞
b2 ⎜ D − ⎟
⎝ 3⎠
As per BS8110, without torsional reinforcement, the value of τ t should not exceed by
τ tc = 0.067 f ck or 0.4 N/mm2
Also, even if the section is fully reinforced for shear and torsion, the maximum value of
shear stress (τ v + τ t ) should not exceed τ c (max ) = 0.8 f ck or 5 N/mm2

The rules for design is given in the following table

Table 3 Design for shear and torsion (BS 8110)

Bending shear stress Torsion shear stress
τ t < τ tc τ t > τ tc
Less than safe in concrete Nominal shear steel, no Designed torsion steel
(τ v < τ c ) torsional steel

Greater than safe value in Designed shear steel, no Designed shear and
concrete( τ v > τ c ) torsional steel torsional steel

The area of links for the torsion may be calculated from the relation of:
Asv T
(0.87 f y ) =
sv 0.8 x1 y1
Asv f y
The area of longitudinal bar for torsion to be provided as: As1 = (x1 + y1 )
s v f y1

Maximum spacing allowed for links and longitudinal steels in BS8110

The spacing of links should not exceed x1 or y1 or 20 mm to control cracking.
The distance between the longitudinal steels should not exceed 300 mm.

Design steps for Torsion by BS:8110

Step: 1 Find the area of tension steel for M.
Step: 2 Calculate τ v = .
Step: 3 Calculate τ t due to torsion.
Step: 4 Design shear & torsion steel as per table 3
Asv f y
Step: 5 Calculate additional longitudinal steel by equation As1 = (x1 + y1 )
s v f y1
As1 ÆTotal area of longitudinal steel
Asv ÆArea of two legged stirrups
f y1 ÆYield stress of the longitudinal steel
f y ÆYield stress of links
x1 , y1 ÆCentre to centre distance of links

Place this area as rods around the periphery of the beam.

Example :-(Design of beam in torsion by BS 8110)

The T beam given in Fig. 2 is subjected to the following factored loads. Bending moment
of 215 kNm, shear of 150 kN, and torsion of 105 kNm. Assuming f ck = 30 and
f y = 415 (N/mm2), design the reinforcements according to BS8110. Cover to centre of
steel is 50 mm.
Step1: Calculation of steel
Bending moment capacity assuming the NA at bottom of slab:
M 1 = (0.36 × 30 × 700 × 120)(750 − 0.42 × 120) = 634kNm
As 215 kNm is very much less 634 kNm, NA is inside the slab.
Hence, calculating the steel necessary for 215 kNm , we get
MU 215 × 10 6
= = 0.55
bd 2 700 × 750 × 750
0.156 × 700 × 750
p = 0.156 , As = = 819mm 2
Therefore, provide 3-20φ (tor).
942 × 100
Thus, percentage of steel on web area = = 0.36%
350 × 750


800 120

Fig. 2

Step 2: Calculation of steel for shear

Here, the shear force, V=150kNm
V 150 × 10 3
τv = = = 0.57
bd 350 × 750
τ c for 0.3% steel =0.40N/mm2
Thus, the steel for shear will be required.

Step 3: Calculation of steel for torsion

Here, the torsion moment, T=105 kNm
Assume that torsion is taken fully by the beam part

2T 2 × 105 × 10 6
Therefore, τ t = = = 2.51N / mm 2
⎛ b⎞ ⎛ 350 ⎞
b2 ⎜ D − ⎟ 350 2 ⎜ 800 − ⎟
⎝ 3⎠ ⎝ 3 ⎠
Thus, τ t > τ tc = 0.067 f ck = 0.067 30 = 0.37 N / mm 2
Hence, τ t requires designed reinforcement.
Step 4: Determine (0.87 f y )
Determine (0.87 f y ) separately for (a) shear and (b) torsion
(a) (0.87 f y ) for shear = (τ v − τ c )b
= (0.57 − 0.40)350 = 59.5 N / mm
Asv T
(b) (0.87 f y ) for torsion =
sv 0.8 x1 y1
x1 = 350 − (2 × 30) − 10 = 280
y1 = 800 − (2 × 30) − 10 = 730
Asv 105 × 10 6
Thus, for torsion: (0.87 f y ) = = 650 N / mm
sv 0.8 × 280 × 730
So the total value = 59.5 + 650 = 709.5 (design value)

Step 5: Design for shear

Design of shear steel by SP16 (using Fe415 steel)
Vus Asv 709.5 × 10
= (0.87 f y )in kN / cm = = 7.09;
d sv 1000
From SP 16, Table 62: Use = 8.167. Thus provide 12φ (tor) @100 mm c/c.
Step 6: Design of shear steel by formula
Asv 59.5 650
= + = 0.165 + 1.80 = 1.96
sv 0.87 f y 0.87 f y
Choose 12 mm rods , we get

Asv = 226mm 2 for two legs

Therefore, s v = = 115mm
Step 7: Check spacing for max specified
sv should not be greater than x1 =280 mm ;y1=730 mm and
x1 + y1 280 + 730
= = 252mm or 300mm
4 4
Hence provide 12φ (tor) @115 mm c/c.

Step 8:
Extra longitudinal steel for torsion at corners
⎛ f yv ⎞
Ast = ⎜ ⎟( x + y1 ) = 1.80 × 1(280 + 730 ) = 1818mm 2
⎜ f ⎟ 1
⎝ y1 ⎠
Use 4 bars of 25 mm diameter
Provide one bar at each corner As = 1968mm 2

Lecture Note -13

Design for Torsion in Channel Section

Example:- (Torsion in channel section)

A precast edge beam of a building is of a channel section shown in the Fig. below. It is of
span 12 m and is restrained at the ends. Precast floor slabs are placed on the lower flange
as shown. Assuming that the load from the slab is 30 kN per meter length, determine the
twisting moment for which the edge beam should be designed.
Also, determine the torsional steel for the reinforced concrete channel section assuming
f ck = 25, f y = 415 .





30 kN/m


Step1: Calculation of shear center
Here the value of b = 560-250/2 = 435 mm and h = 1100 + 200/2 + 200/2 = 1300 mm
Thus, e = 2 from centre of web
6 wh

= = 134mm
⎛ 250 × 1300 ⎞
2⎜1 = ⎟
⎝ 6 × 435 × 200 ⎠
=134-250/2=9 mm from outer edge

Step 2: Position of center of gravity of channel

Taking moment about the outer edge, we get

(1100 × 250 × 125) + (560 × 200 × 2 × 280) =
97095 × 10 3
= 195mm inside
(1100 × 250) + (560 × 200 × 2) 499 × 10 3

Step 3: Loads on channel

Factored DL=1.5(0.499 × 25)=18.75kN
Factored load on flange =1.5 × 30=45kN
Thus, the total load =63.75kN

Step 4: Design torsional moment per unit length on channel

Due to DL of channel =18.75

(195 + 9) = 3.83kNm / m

Due to load from slab = 45

(9 + 250 + 160 ) = 18.86kNm / m
Total moment =22.69 kNm

Step 5:Maximum torsion

22.69 × 12
Maximum torsion at the end, T = = 136kNm

Step1: Torsion in main rectangle (web)

T1 =
( )
T t 3h
∑t h3

web (t 3 h ) = 250 3 × 1500 = 23.4 × 10 9

flanges (t 3 h ) = 2 × 200 3 × 310 = 5.0 × 10 9
136 × 23.4
Therefore, T1 = = 112kNm

Step 2: Design shear (τ v )


wl 63.75 × 12
V = = = 382.5kN
2 2
V 382.5 × 10 3
τv =
= = 1.06 N / mm 2
bd 250 × 1450
Assume τ c for grade M25 concrete =0.40 (Ref: SP16, Table 61)
(τ v − τ c ) = 1.06 − 0.40 = 0.66 N / mm2

Step 3: Torsional shear stress( τ t )

2T 2 ×112 × 106
τt = = = 2.53N / mm 2
⎛ t⎞ 250 × 250 × (1500 − 250 3)
t2 ⎜ h − ⎟
⎝ 3⎠
Total shear stress = 1.06+2.53=3.59 N/mm2
This is less than τ max = 0.8 f ck = 4 N / mm 2 (Ref: BS 8110)
τt min
= 0.067 f ck = 0.335

But according to IS 456, this value ( τ max ) will be 3.1 N/mm2

Step 4: Design of shear by BS8110

Here, τ t > τ t min Hence, design for shear & torsion

Here also, τ v > τ c

Asv (0.87 f y ) V
Therefore, for shear = (τ v − τ c ) b = = 0.66 × 250 = 165 N / mm
sv d
Asv (0.87 f y ) T 112 ×106
for torsion = = = 543.9 N / mm
sv 0.8 x1 y1 0.8 ×180 ×1430

[Note: x1 = 250-(2×35) = 180]; and y1 = 1500-70 = 1430]

V (543.9 + 165 ) × 10
Thus, = in kN/cm=7.08kN/cm(708N/mm)
d 1000
Providing 12 φ (Tor) @100 mm c/c(this gives Vus d =8.16 which is greater than 7.08
(Ref table 62 of SP16)

Step 5

Design shear by IS456

T 1.6 × 112
Ve = Vu + 1.6 u =382.5 + = 1099 kN
b 0.250
d = 1500-50 =1450 mm
0.4 × 250 × 1500
Capacity for concrete = τ c bd = =150 kN
Vs ⎛ 1099 − 150 ⎞
=⎜ ⎟ = 6.5kN / cm
d ⎝ 145 ⎠
Therefore, providing 12 φ (Tor) @120 mm c/c gives = 6.8

Step 6: Longitudinal steel for torsion by BS8110

According to BS,
Asv ⎛ fy ⎞
Ast = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ( x1 + y1 )
sv f
⎝ y1 ⎠
Asv 543.9
= = 1.50
sv 0.87 × 415
Ast =(1.5)(180+1430)=2415 mm2

Therefore providing 8-20 φ(Tor) two on each corner [Area = 2513 mm2]

In addition, provide steel for bending also.

wl 2 63.75 × 12 2
M max = = =918 kNm
10 10
M 918 × 10 6
= =1.75
bd 2 250(1450) 2
0.532 × 250 × 1450
As = =1928 mm2
Using 7-20 φ (Tor) (2199 mm2)
Use 11-20 φ (Tor) on tension side (3455 mm2) & 4-20 φ (Tor) on compression side (1256

Step 7: Longitudinal steel by IS456


Me = Mu +
Tu 1 + D

=918 +
112 1 + 1500 )
250 = 918 + 461 =1379 kNm ( M < M )
t u
Me 1379 × 10 6
= =2.62
bd 2
250(1450) 2
p= 0.845% (Ref table 3 of SP16)
0.845 × 250 × 1450
Thus, As = =3063 mm2
Using 10-20 φ (Tor) on tension side (3141 mm2)
As M t < M u compression steel is not required.

Step 8:
Detail steel according to standard practice

m 45 × 10 3
Ast required to carry load = = =125 mm2/m
0.87 f y 0.87 × 415
Asv (0.87 f y )
Hence for shear & torsion =708.9 N/mm

708.9 × 1000
Asv = = 1963 mm2/meter length
0.87 × 415
Total steel required =1963 + 125 =2088 mm2/meter
Area provide by the stirrups (12 mm @ 100 mm c/c)= 2 × 1131 =2262 mm2/meter
>required (2088 mm2)
Hence, O K.

Lecture Note – 14

Design of Column

Axially loaded compression members

All compression members are to be designed for a minimum eccentricity of load in two
principal directions. Clause 25.4 of IS456 specifies the following minimum eccentricity
emin for the design of columns:
l D
emin = + , emin = 20 mm. (which ever is more)
500 30
lÆ The unsupported length of the column
DÆ The lateral dimension of the column in the direction under consideration.

After determining the eccentricity, the section should be designed for combined axial
load and bending. However, as a simplification, when the value of the minimum
eccentricity calculated as above is less than or equal to 0.05D, clause 39.3 of IS456
permits the design of short axially loaded compression members by the following
Puz = 0.4 f ck Ac + 0.67 f y Asc
Pu ÆThe axial load (ultimate),
Ac ÆThe area of concrete, and
Asc Æ The area of reinforcement.
The above equation can be written as
⎛ pAg ⎞ pAg
Pu = 0.4 f ck ⎜⎜ Ag − ⎟⎟ + 0.67 f y
⎝ 100 ⎠ 100
Ag Æ The gross cross-sectional area
pÆ The percentage of reinforcement

Dividing both sides by Ag

We get,
Pu ⎛
= 0.4 f ck ⎜1 −
p ⎞
⎟ + 0.67 f y
= 0.4 f ck +
(0.67 f y − 0.4 f ck )
Ag ⎝ 100 ⎠ 100 100

If the cross section of the column is known can be calculated & reinforcement
percentage can be read from charts 24 to 26 of SP16.In the upper section of these charts
is plotted against Ag . The combined use of the upper & lower section would
eliminate the need for design for any calculation. This is particularly useful as aid for
deciding the sizes of columns at the preliminary design stage of multistoried buildings.

Tension in column
In case of purely axial tension in column, We have,

Pu =
(0.87 f y )
(0.87 f y )
f ck 100 f ck
Charts 66 to 75 in SP16 are given for rectangular sections with reinforcement on the two
sides & charts 76 to 85 are for reinforcement on four sides. It is to be noted that these
charts are meant for strength calculations only; they do not take into account crack
control which may be important for tension members.

Compression members subject to biaxial bending

Exact design of members subject to axial load & biaxial bending is extremely laborious.
Therefore the code permits the design of such members by the following equation.
α αn
⎛ M ux ⎞
⎛ M uy ⎞
⎜ ⎟ + ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ≤ 1.0
⎝ M ux1 ⎠ ⎝ M uy 1 ⎠
M ux , M uy Æ The moments about x,y axes
M ux1 , M uy1 ÆThe maximum uniaxial moment capacities with an axial load Pu ,
bending about x,y axes respectively.
α n ÆAn exponent whose value depends upon Pu / Puz where

Puz = 0.45 f ck Ac + 0.75 f y As

Pu / Puz αn
≤ 0.2 1.0
≥ 0.8 2.0

For intermediate value linear interpolation can be done. Chart 63 of SP16 can be
used for evaluating Puz

Slender compression member

l ex l ey
When the slenderness ratio or of a compression member exceed 12, it is
D b
considered to be a slender compression member.

l ex , l ey Æ The effective lengths with respect to the major axis & minor axis

When a compression member is slender with respect to the major axis an additional
moment M ax given by the following equation should be taken into account in the design

Pu D ⎛ l ex ⎞
M ax = ⎜ ⎟
2000 ⎝ D ⎠

Similarly, a column slender about minor axis an additional moment M ay should be

P b ⎛ l ey

M ay = u ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
2000 ⎝ b ⎠
The expression for the additional moments can be written in the form of eccentricities of
load, as follows:-
M ax = Pu eex
2 2
D ⎛ l ex ⎞ e 1 ⎛ l ex ⎞
eax = ⎜ ⎟ ⇒ ax = ⎜ ⎟
2000 ⎝ D ⎠ D 2000 ⎝ D ⎠

Table 1 of SP16 (page 106) gives different values of slenderness ratio for a given value of
eax eay
D b
In accordance with clause of the code, the additional moment may be reduced
by the multiplying factor k given below:-

Puz − Pu
k= ≤1
Puz − Pb
Where, Puz = 0.45 f ck Ac + 0.75 f y As

Which may be obtained from chart 63 & and Pb is the axial load corresponding to the
condition of maximum compressive strain of 0.0035 in concrete and tensile strain of
0.002 in outermost layer of tension steel. Though this modification is optional according
to the Code, it should always be taken advantage of, since the value of k could be
substantially less than unity. The value of Pb will depend on arrangement of
reinforcement and the cover ratio d’/D, in addition to the grades of concrete and steel.
The values of the coefficients required for evaluating pb for various cases are given in
Table 60. The values given in Table 60 are based on the same assumptions as for
members with axial load and uniaxial bending. The expression for k can be written as
follows :
1− u
k= ≤1
Chart 65 can be used for finding the ratio of k after calculating the ratios , and

Design of column for biaxial bending by BS 8110 method

For the design of symmetrically reinforced rectangular column under biaxial bending,
results comparable with those obtained by the Bresler method can be obtained by the
simplified design procedure recommended in clause of BS8110. The principle of
the method is to transform the biaxial bending case, which should withstand an increased
moment about that axis according to the two conditions of the code.

Let the column be subjected to (P, M x , M y )

PÆ Axial force
M x Æ Moment about x-axis
M y Æ Moment about y-axis

Then it can be designed for uniaxial bending of (P, M x/ ) or (P, M y/ ) depending upon the
following conditions:
Conditions 1:
Mx My
When ≥ / , M x controls the design and the column is to be designed for P and
d b
M x , where

M x/ = M x + α My
Mx My
When < / , M y controls the design and the column is to designed for P and M y/ ,
d b
M y/ = M y + α Mx
Here, dÆ Effective depth with respect to major axis and total depth D
b / Æ Effective depth with respect to minor axis and total depth b
⎛ 7 P ⎞
α ÆCoefficient= ⎜⎜1 + ⎟
⎝ 6 f ck bd 2 ⎟⎠

Lecture Note – 15

Example of Column Design

Example Slender Column (with biaxial bending)

Determine the reinforcement required for a column which is restrained against sway, with
the following data:

Size of column 40 x 30 cm
Concrete grade M 30
Characteristic strength of reinforcement 415 N/mm2
Effective length for bending parallel to larger dimension, l ex = 6 m.
Effective length for bending parallel to shorter dimension, l y = 5.0 m
Unsupported length =7.0m
Factored load =1500kN
Factored moment in the direction of larger dimension = 40 kNm at top & 22.5 kNm at
Factored moment in the direction of shorter dimension = 30 kNm at top & 20 kNm at

The column is bent in double curvature. Therefore reinforcement will be distributed
equally on four sides.
l ex 6.1 × 100
= = 15.0 >12
D 40
l ey 5 × 100
= = 16.7 >12
b 30
Therefore the column is slender about
both the axes.
From Table I,
l e
For, ex = 15.0 , x = 0.113
l ey e
For, = 16.7 , x = 0.140
b D
Additional moments:
M ux = Pu e x = 1500 × 0.113 × =67.8 kNm

M uy = Pu e y = 1500 × 0.14 × =63.0 kNm
The above moments will have to be reduced in accordance with of the Code; but
multiplication factors can be evaluated only if the reinforcement is known.

For first trial, assuming p=3.0 (with reinforcement equally on all the four sides).

From chart 63
= 22.5 N/mm2
∴ Puz = 22.5 × 1200 × 10 =2700 kN
10 3
Calculation of pb :
Assuming 25 mm dia bars with 40 mm cover d'/D (about xx-axis) = = 0.13
Chart or Table for d’/d=0.15 will be used
d’/D(about yy-axis) = =0.17
Chart or Table for d’/d=0.20 will be used

From the table 60

⎛ p ⎞
Pb(about xx- axis)= ⎜⎜ k1 + k 2 ⎟⎟ f ck bD
⎝ f ck ⎠

⎛ 3⎞ 2
Pbx = ⎜ 0.196 + 0.203 × ⎟ × 30 × 30 × 40 × 10
⎝ 30 ⎠ 10 3
=779 kN
⎛ 3⎞ 2
Pb(about yy- axis) = ⎜ 0.184 + 0.028 × ⎟ × 40 × 30 × 30 × 10 =672 kN
⎝ 30 ⎠ 10 3
Puz − Pu 2700 − 1500
kx = = =0.625
Puz − Pbx 2700 − 779
Puz − Pu 2700 − 1500
ky = = =0.592
Puz − Pby 2700 − 672
The additional moments calculated earlier, will now be multiplied by the above values of
M ax = 67.8 × 0.625 =42.4 kNm
M ay = 63.0 × 0.592 =37.3 kNm

The additional moments due to slenderness effects should be added to the initial moments
after modifying the initial moments as follows (see Note 1 under 39.7.1 of the Code) :
M ux = (0.6 × 40 − 0.4 × 22.5) =15.0 kNm
M uy = (0.6 × 30 − 0.4 × 20 ) =10.0 kNm
The above actual moments should be compared with those calculated from minimum
eccentricity consideration (see 24.4 of the Code) and greater value is to be taken as the
initial moment for adding the additional moments.
l D 700 40
ex = + = + =2.73 cm
500 30 500 30
l D 700 30
ey = + = + =2.4 cm
500 30 500 30
Both e x , e y are greater than 2.0cm (20 mm)
Moments due to eccentricity:
M ux = 1500 × =41.0 kNm >15.0 kNm
M uy = 1500 × =36.0 kNm > 10.0 kNm
:. Total moments for which the column is to be designed are:
M ux = 41.0 + 42.4 = 83.4 kNm
M uy = 36.0 + 37.3 =73.3 kNm
The section is to be checked for biaxial bending.
Pu 1500 × 10 3
= =0.417
f ck bD 30 × 30 × 40 × 10 2
p 3 .0
= = 0.10
f ck 30
Referring to chart 45(d’/D=0.15)
= 0.104
f ck bD 2
M ux1 = 0.104 × 30 × 30 × 40 × 40 × 10 =149.8 kNm
10 6
Referring to chart 46(d’/D=0.20)
= 0.096
f ck bD 2
M uy1 = 0.096 × 30 × 40 × 30 × 30 × 10 =103.7 kNm
10 6

M ux 83.4 M uy 73.3
= = 0.56 ; = = 0.71
M ux1 149.8 M uy1 103.7
Pu 1500
= = 0.56
Puz 2700
M ux
Referring to chart 64 , the maximum allowable value of corresponding to the above
M ux1
M uy Pu
value of and is 0.58 which is slightly higher than the actual value of 0.56. the
M uy1 Puz
assumed reinforcement of 0.30 % is therefore satisfactory.
As = pbD = 3.0 × 30 × 40 =3600 mm2
100 100

Lecture Note – 16

Design of RC Members in Tensions

Elastic Method
• No crack at working load.
• Use the principle of elastic theory and modular ratio.
• Sometimes lower working stresses are adopted depending on the exposure
• Both steel & concrete are assumed to be elastic.
• Value of modular ratio is taken as 15.
• The whole section including the concrete cover to reinforcement is assumed to be
effective in direct tension.
• The area of reinforcement is calculated assuming that the whole tension is taken
by steel only.

Allowable stress in steel for direct tension(As per BS:5337:1976)

Type of Exposure Permissible stress(N/ mm2)
Plain bars Deformed bar
Flexural A 85 100
tension and B 115 130
shear C 125 140

Compression A to C 125 140

Class A:- Exposed to wetting and drying, such as underside of roof of liquid retaining
structures(Allowed crack width 0.1 mm)

Class B:-Exposed to continuous contact with water e.g. walls of liquid retaining
structures. (Allowed crack width 0.2 mm)

Class C:-Not so exposed , for instance members exposed only to outside air. (Allowed
crack width 0.3 mm)

According to BS5337 (British code) the minimum cover should be 40 mm for surfaces in
contact with water.

Design procedure
Step 1:
Calculate area of steel required

As1 = where, f s ÆGiven in table
TÆTensile force
As1 ÆArea of steel required.
Provide this area of steel As1 in the direction of T.
Find the size & spacing of bars.
Maximum spacing ≤ 300 mm.

Step 2:
Check concrete stress f c
Equivalent area of concrete , Ae = Ac + (m − 1)As1
Where, Ac =Area of concrete
fc = =Concrete stress
f c ≤ Allowable tensile stress in concrete

Allowable stresses in concrete in direct tension without cracking of concrete.

Concrete Grade Permissible direct tension(N/ mm2)

30 1.44

25 1.31

As per IS456, Annex B.2.1.1

Allowable stresses in concrete in direct tension allowing cracking of concrete are as
Grade of Concrete 15 20 25 30 35 40
Tensile Stress(N/mm ) 2.0 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0 4.4

Step 3:-
Area of secondary reinforcement (Ast2)
The minimum secondary steel to be provided, which should be based on the
concrete area is 0.3% for deformed bars & 0.5% for plain bars,
Thus, Ast 2 = c (0.3) for deformed bars
= c (0.5) for plain bars
Step 4:-
Check cover to reinforcement
The rule for minimum cover should be satisfied.
In addition, clear distance between bars should not exceed 300 mm. to limit crack
width in tension members.
The lap length recommended in tension members are given in tension members is
given as follows by British code.
Grade of Plain bar (Allowable stress) Deformed bar (Allowable stress)
concrete 85(A) 115(B) 100(A) 130(B)
25 24d 32d 20d 26d

30 22d 29d 18d 24d

Design of RC Flexural Members in Tensions

Permissible Concrete stress for strength

Grade of Compression Tension Shear
Concrete Direct Bending Average Local
30 8.37 11.0 1.0 1.49 0.87
25 6.95 9.15 0.9 1.36 0.77

Strength Calculation of Flexural Member (By elastic method) (BS: 5337)

mf c
where, xÆN.A. depth
dÆ Effective depth

MÆMoment of resistance
1 ⎛ x⎞ M
M = b ⋅ fc ⎜ d − ⎟ ; As =
2 ⎝ 3⎠ ⎛ x⎞
fs ⎜d − ⎟
⎝ 3⎠
V x
Shear stress, C = , where z = d −
b⋅ z 3

Permissible concrete tension in bending

Grade Tension in bending (MPa) (
Shear τ = v
30 2.02 2.19
25 1.84 1.94

Example: (Only bending)

A column of 300 × 300 mm cross section is carrying a moment of 25 KNm. Using
M30 grade of concrete and 16 mm diameter Fe250steel, find the steel area required.
Assume, cover =40 mm & m=15.

Assume exposure condition as class B
f st =115 N/mm2. f cb =11.0 N/mm2.
f ct =2.02 N/mm2. d = 300 − 40 − = 252 mm.
N.A. Calculation
d 252
x= = =148.5 mm.
fs 115
1+ 1+
mf c 15 × 11

M 25 ×106
As = = =1073 mm2.
⎛ x⎞ ⎛ 148.5 ⎞
f s ⎜ d − ⎟ 115 ⎜ 252 − ⎟
⎝ 3⎠ ⎝ 3 ⎠
Hence provide 6-16φ longitudinal bars. Thus, As = 6 × 162 = 1206 mm2.
100 As 100 × 1206
Thus % of reinforcement provided, p = = = 1.6%
bd 300 × 252

Example: (Axial Tension)


A RCC column of 400 × 400 mm is subjected to axial tension of 150KN.Find the

area of steel required using Fe415 & M30 concrete. Use m=15.

Assume exposure class as B.
T 150 × 10 6
∴ Ast1 = = = 1154 mm2
fs 130
Use 6 nos. of 16 φ Æ 1206 mm2

Check concrete stress

Ae = Ac + (m − 1)As1
= 400 × 400 + (15 − 1)1206 = 176884 mm2
T 150 × 10 3
f ct = = = 0.85 MPa
Ae 176884
< 1.44 MPa. Hence OK
Secondary Steel
Ast 2 = 0.3% (min.)
= × 400 × 400 =480 mm2

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