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Far from civilization, The Batak believes in an animistic belief the Bataks still bestowed their faith

through the nature of spirits, which they believed reside to big rocks and trees. These spirits were said
to be powerful and can cure sickness upon the call of their baylan. Batak believe that ghosts exist in
animals, plants, stones and natural phenomena such as thunder and lightning. These spirits can be good
and bad. There are two main spirits in faith:

- Paneyon
This spirit keeps an eye on people and remains kind until natural resources get misused
- Diwata
-these are kind spirits and you can compare them to fairies.

The Babaylan, a shaman, maintains contact between the spirits and is also a traditional healer.

In the time that many Batak had to give up their place and relocated there have been missionaries to
higher parts they have helped in this difficult and arduous period. These missionaries have learned the
Batak English and Tagalog and are spreading the Christian faith. As a result, many Batak converted to

When a person dies, the whole village is moved in a settlement. Often the hut of the deceased is burned.

There is just only a little information about the religion and practices they usually do, and as a student of
Humanities and Social Sciences, we think that the government should take on consideration the status;
both in economic and social status of this ethnic group so that they can live according to their natural
way of living and to spread their tribe’s culture amongst other tribes. Because in what we have read, the
Batak was one of the smallest tribe here in the Philippines, one of the aspects of it being close to
extinction is; upon marriage, it is once polygamy and the most powerful has the most wives but with
emergence of Christianity, Bataks welcome the monogamy. And in the field of monogamy, some Bataks
were forced to marry neighboring tribe in order for them to live, and for their survival of their children,
that causes the Batak group to lessen their number because they join another tribe leaving Batak behind.
This is quite dramatic because, our own siblings that show true patriotism were ruthlessly set aside and
hide them from reality. Taking away all their privileges in aspect of their health, education and even
their privileges to religion, to practice such things within the vicinity of their own community. We are
concern about this so that we could be an eye-opener, or a stepping stone in order to improve, take
care and preserve their culture and arts that is keep on passing from generation to generation.

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