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CS1201-Data Structures


Department of Electronics and Communication
Question Bank
Subject Code / Name : CS 1201 / Data Structures
Year / Sem : II / III
Part – A (2 Marks)
1. Define Algorithm.
2. Define efficiency of an algorithm.
3. How will calculate the space requirement of an algorithm?
4. How will calculate the time taken by a program?
5. Define Big “Oh” notation.
6. Define Big Theta notation
7. Define Amortized analysis.
8. List out the limitation of asymptotic notation.
9. List common running times for algorithms based on big-oh notations .
10. Define Potential method.
11. What are the methods available for amortized analysis ?
12. Define amortized test.
13. Define dynamic table.
14. What are the properties to be considered in table contraction?

1. a. Explain briefly about analysis of algorithm (8)
b. Derive worst case and average case analysis of insertion sort (8)
2. Explain in detail about asymptotic notation (16)
3. Derive time complexity for matrix addition (16)
4. Explain amortized analysis along with their methods. (16)
5. Explain Performance Analysis. (16)


PART – A (2 Marks)
1. Define ADT.

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CS1201-Data Structures

2. Define arrays.
3. List out the operations of the list ADT.
4. Define Deque.
5. Define push & pop in a stack.
6. Convert the infix expression a*b/c+d to its equivalent postfix expression.
7. List out the applications of stack.
8. Define circular queue.
9. What are the different types of Linked list?
10. List out the applications of queue.
11. Define priority Queue.
12. List the advantages of circular linked list.
13. Define Structure.

1. Write a program in C to return the position of an element X in a
Linked List L. (16)
2. (a) Explain the various types of arrays and their manipulation of data
using c with example. (8)
(b) Define structure and union and their implementation with example. (8)
3. Write a Program in C to create an empty stack and to push an element
into it. (16)
4. Explain how queues can be implemented using Arrays. (16)
5. (a) Write a ‘C’ program to add two polynomials. (8)
(b) Write a C program to implement push operation in stack. (8)
6. Explain the various applications of stacks. (16)


PART – A (2 Marks)
1. Define tree.
2. Define Binary tree.
3. What are the types of binary tree?
4. What are the different binary tree traversal techniques?

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CS1201-Data Structures

5. What are the tasks performed while traversing a binary tree?

6. Define a binary search tree.
7. What are the basic operations performed in a binary search tree?
8. Define sorting.
9. What are the factors to be considered while choosing a sorting technique?
10. List out some of the stable and unstable sorting techniques.
11. Mention the limitations of insertion sort.
12. Define Searching.
13. Define hash function.
14. Define hashing.

1. Construct an expression tree for the expression A+(B-C)*D+(E*F). (16)
2. Write a program in C to create an empty binary search tree
& search for an element X in it. (16)
3. Explain in detail about Open Addressing. (16)
4. (a) Write a function to delete the minimum element from a
binary heap. (8)
(b) State & explain the algorithm to perform Insertion Sort. (8)
5. Write a recursive algorithm for binary tree traversal with an
Example (16)
6. Write an Huffman coding with example (16)
7. Write a C program to perform Merge sort & analyze time
complexity of the algorithm. (16)
8. Write a C program to perform Quick sort & analyze time
complexity of the algorithm. (16)


PART – A (2 Marks)
1. Define a graph.
2. Define undirected graph.
3. Define directed graph.
4. Define a path in a graph.

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CS1201-Data Structures

5. Define weighted graph.

6. Define Minimum Spanning Tree.
7. What is Transitive Closure? How it is implemented?
8. What is a connected component?
9. Define Shortest Path Problem of a graph.
10. What is the use of modified Warshall’s Algorithm?
11. What is the use of Dijkstra’s Algorithm?
12. How can you minimum spanning trees from graphs?
13. State the different ways of traversing a graph.

1. Explain the Dijikstra’s Algorithm for finding the shortest path and
find the shortest path from v1 to v6. (16)

2. (a) Explain the Warshall’s algorithm. (8)

(b) Explain shortest path algorithm. (8)
3. Explain depth-First traversal and breadth-first traversal (16)
4. Explain prim’s algorithm for finding minimum spanning tree for the
following graph. (16)

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CS1201-Data Structures

5. (a) Explain an Application of Scheduling. (8)

(b) Explain Kruskal’s Algorithm for finding minimum spanning tree

for the following graph. (8)

6. What is meant by flow problem? Explain with an example. (16)


PART – A (2 Marks)
1. What are types of automatic list management?
2. How the reference count method works?

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CS1201-Data Structures

3. What is mean by garbage collection?

4. Explain the term compaction.
5. Define first fit.
6. Define Breadth First Traversal.
7. How the garbage collection is done in automatic list management?
8. List the disadvantage of reference count method.
1. Explain the linked list Representation of a list with an example. (16)
2. Explain Reference Count Method with an example. (16)
3. Explain Garbage collection with their variations. (16)
4. Explain the Dynamic Memory Management with necessary methods.(16)


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