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This experiment is about fluidization of a bed of solid by passing a fluid, usually a

gas upwards through a bed of particles supported on a distributor. Fluidization or
fluidizing, converts a bed of solid particles into an expanded mass that has many
properties of a liquid. As a fluid is passed upward through a bed of particles, pressure loss
due to frictional resistance increases as fluid flow increases. At a point, whereby the
upward drag force exerted by the fluid on the particle equal to apparent weight of
particles in the bed, fluidization occurs.
The size of solid particle which can be fluidized varies greatly from less than
1µ m to 6cm. It is generally concluded that particles distributed in sizes between 150µ m
and 10µ m are the best for smooth fluidization (least formation of large bubbles). Large
particles cause instability and result in slugging or massive surges. Small particles (less
than 20µ m) frequently even though dry, act as if damp, forming agglomerates or fissures
in the bed, or spouting. Adding finer sized particles to a coarse bed or coarse sized
particles to a bed of fines usually results in better fluidization.
The upward velocity of the gas is usually between 0.15m/s and 6m/s. This
velocity is based upon the flow through the empty vessel as is referred to as the
superficial velocity. As the velocity of flow increases, the particles rearrange themselves
to offer less resistance to the fluid flow and the bed will tend to expand unless it is
composed of large particles (mean diameter > 1mm). The expansion continues until a
stage is reached where the drag force exerted on the particles will be sufficient to support
the weight of the particles in the bed. The fluid/particle systems then begin to exhibit
fluid like properties and it will flow under the influence of a hydrostatic head. This is the
point of incipient fluidization and the gas velocity needed to achieve this is referred to as
the minimum fluidization velocity, Umf.
Beyond this velocity, the pressure drop across the bed will be approximately
equal to the weight of the bed per unit area. The effective ∆ P excludes the hydrostatic
pressure drop across the bed which can be neglected in gas fluidized systems operating at
atmospheric pressure. It is likely, however that this pressure drop will be exceeded just
prior to fluidization with gas fluidized systems in order to overcome cohesive forces

between the particles and break down the residual packing and interlocking of particles
within the bed.
The behavior of fluidization is depends on the types of the particles composed in
the vessel. Geldart (1973) classified powders into four groups according to their
fluidization properties at ambient condition. There are 4 stages of particles that are (A)
aerated, (B) bubble, (C) cohesive and (D) dense. In this experiment, we are considering
with a coarse sand which is in group B, Ballotini which is in group A and Glutinous flour
which is in group C.
From this experiment, we can obtain the bed expansion, bed pressure drop and the
flow rate of the fluid. By the equation given in the theory, superficial gas velocity, Umf
and ε mf for all cases can be calculated. Then only, we plotted two graphs which are bed
pressure drop against superficial gas velocity and bed expansion against superficial gas
velocity for all cases. The Umf predicted from the graph then is being compared with the
calculated one.


The upward flow of fluid through a bed of particles is a situation encountered

both in nature, as with the natural movement of ground water, crude petroleum or natural
gas, through porous media, and in industrial operations such as backwashing filters, ion-
exchange processes, extraction of soluble components from raw materials and for certain
types of chemical reactor. It is well known that if the particles are loosely packed and the
pressure drop due to the flow through the bed is equivalent to the weight of the bed, the
phenomenon of fluidization occurs. The fluidized state occurs naturally is so-called
‘quick sand’ and industrially, use is made of the high rate of solids mixing that
accompanies fluidization for various operations such as drying, coating, heat transfer and
chemical reaction.
This equipment is designed to allow the study of the characteristics of flow
through both fixed and fluidized bed of solid particles. Although the majority of fixed
and fluidized bed situations encountered by practicing engineers are three dimensional, in
order that students can readily observe the important phenomenon of bubbling that occurs
in gas-solid systems when the gas velocity is in the excess of that required for
fluidization. The transparent walls allow studies to be made of bubble behavior in the
gas-solid system.


There are three objectives of doing the fluidization experiment:

∗ To determine the pressure drop and bed expansion through a fixed and
fluidized bed.
∗ To verify the Ergun equation (1952), Wen & Yu equation (1966) and
Baeyens & Geldart equation (1977).
∗ To observe the onset of fluidization

a) Pressure drop across the bed, ∆ P
In order to determine the pressure drop through a fixed bed fro any flow
condition, the Ergun equation (1952) can be used:

 − ∆P  150 µU (1 − ε ) 1.75 ρ g U (1 − ε )
2 2

 = +
 H  d pε 3
d pε 3

dp = Size of particles (µ m)
H = Height of bed (m)
µ = Viscosity of air (N/m2s)
U = Average superficial velocity (m/s)
ε= Bed voidage (-)
ρg = Density of air (kg/m3)
∆P = Pressure drop across the bed (N/m2)

Re = average Reynold’s number based on superficial velocity which is


ρg Ud p
∴ Re =
µ(1 − ε )
and if Re < 10 than laminar flow

Re > 2000 turbulent flow

If the flow rate Q is measured in liters/s and U is the average superficial velocity
in m/s, then:
U = Where A = Bed cross sectional area
Theoretically, at incipient fluidization;
∆P = Where ∆P is in cm water gauge.

Pressure drop, ∆ P
Superficial gas velocity, U

∆P =

The pressure drop at fluidization can also be predicted by using the equation:
∆P = H (1 − ε ) ( ρ g − ρ g ) g

Where ρg = density of the particle

g = gravitational force

b) Minimum Fluidization velocity, Umf

For particles, dpi > 100 µ m, Wen and Yu (1966) can be used to find Umf
Ar = 1060Remf + 159 mf


Re mf = 33 .7 1 + 3.59 x10 −5 Ar ) 0.5

For spheres ranging from 0.01 < Remf < 1000

ρ g ( ρ p − ρ g ) gd sv3
Where Ar =
ρg U mf d sv
And Re mf =

For particles, dpi < 100µ m, Baeyens and Geldart (1977) can be used;

(ρ p − ρg )
.g 0.934 .d p

U mf = 0.066
1110.µ 0.87 .ρ g
For angular (quartz) shape of particles, from Abrahamsen and Geldart (1984),
d v =1.13 d p


1. Firstly, identify the apparatus used for the experiment whether it is in good
condition or else it might affect the data taken from the experiment.
2. Then, the column of the fluidized bed is filled to a height of 150 mm with the
coarse grade sand.
3. Next, switch on the air pump and the control valve is adjusted to give the flow rate
of 2.0 l/min.
4. The flow rate is then increased by 1.0l/min.
5. The bed expansion, manometer reading and the state of the bed is recorded in each
of the increasing flow rate.
6. The entire experiment is repeated by using Ballotini and Glutinous flour.
7. Lastly, the volume of the particles is taken by weighing it, in order to determine the
bulk particle density.
8. All data are recorded in tables form for easier observations.


Column manometer

Fluidize bed apparatus


Experiment 1: Coarse grade sand

Flow rate, Superficial gas Bed pressure Bed expansion, Bed state
Q (l/min) velocity, U drop, ∆ P Ht (mm) (mm)
(cm/s) (mm water)
1.0 0.00000 0 150 150
2.0 1.20286 106 150 150
3.0 1.80429 152 150 150
4.0 2.40572 173 154 150
5.0 3.00716 184 155 150
6.0 3.60859 187 160 150

Bed pressure drop against superficial gas velocity


Bed pressure drop,AP

(mm water) 120
0.000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000
superficial gas velocity, U (cm/s)

Bed expansion against superficial gas velocity

Bed expansion (mm)

0.000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000
superficial gas velocity, U (cm/s)

Experiment 2: Ballotini
Flow rate, Superficial gas Bed pressure Bed expansion, Bed state

Q (l/min) velocity, U drop, ∆ P Ht (mm) (mm)
(cm/s) (mm water)
1.0 0.00000 0 150 150
2.0 1.20286 340 150 150
3.0 1.80429 520 150 150
4.0 2.40572 720 150 150
5.0 3.00716 880 150 150
6.0 3.60859 112 150 150
7.0 4.21002 137 150 150
8.0 4.81145 158 150 150
9.0 5.41288 171 150 150
10.0 6.01431 191 150 150

Bed pressure drop against superficial gas velocity

Bed pressure drop, AP

(mm water)




0.000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000
superficial gas velocity, U (cm/s)

Bed expansion against superficial gas velocity

Bed expansion (mm) 120
0.000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 6.000 7.000
superficial gas velocity,U (cm/s)

Experiment 3: Glutinous Flour

Fluidization did not occur. As the velocity of gas increases, half of the bed lifted as a
piston. Then it dropped and built a “rathole”, the gas opens channels that extend from the
gas distributor to the surface.


Experiment 1: Coarse grade sand

Calculation of superficial gas velocity

Πd 2
Area =
Π(59 .4 E −3 ) 2
Area =
Area = 2.771 E −3 m 2
U =
3.3333 E −5
U =
2.771 E −3
U = 0.01203 m / s

Calculation of minimum fluidization velocity, Umf :

ρ p: 2677.9 kg/m3
dp: 287.5E-6m
Bed diameter: 59.4mm
ρ g: 1.2 kg/m3
µ g: 1.8E -5N/m2s
Mass of particle: 478.78g
Volume of particle: 329ml
g: 9.81m/s2

Bulk particle density, ρb = weight

= 478.78 g x 1 kg x 1000 ml x 1000 L
329ml 1000g 1L 1 m3
= 1455.26 kg/m3

Because of dpi is > 100µ m, Wen & Yu (1966) can be used to find Umf

ρg ( ρ p − ρ g ) gdp 3
Ar =
1.2( 2677 .9 −1.2 )( 9.81) ( 287 .5 E −6 )

Ar =
(1.8E ) −5 2

Ar = 2311 .099

Re mf = 33 .7 (1 + 3.59 E −5 Ar )
0 .5
= 33 .7[(1 + 3.59 E × 2311 .099 ) ]
−5 0 .5
Re mf −1
Re mf = 1.3702

ρg U mf dp
Re mf =

1.3702 =
(1.2)U mf (287 .5E ) −6

1.8 E −5
U mf = 0.0715 m / s

( 1- εmf )( ρp – ρf )g = 150 µ Umf ( 1 – εmf )² + 1.75 ρf Umf² ( 1 – εmf )

dsv² εmf ³ dsv εmf ³
(1-εmf)(2677.9 – 1.2)(9.81) = 150(1.8 x 10-5)(0.0715)(1-εmf )² + 1.75(1.2)(0.0715)2(1–εmf)
(287.5 x 10-6)2 εmf ³ 287.5 x 10-6 εmf ³
26258.427 = 2335.577 (1-εmf ) + 37.342
εmf ³ εmf ³
26258.427 εmf ³ = 2335.577 – 4671.154 εmf + 37.342
26258.427 εmf ³ + 4671.154 εmf = 2372.919
By trial and error, εmf = 0.321387

Experiment 2: Finer sand

Calculation of superficial gas velocity

Πd 2
Area =
Π(59 .4 E −3 ) 2
Area =
Area = 2.771 E −3 m 2
U =
3.3333 E −5
U =
2.771 E −3
U = 0.01203 m / s

Calculation of minimum fluidization velocity, Umf :

ρ p = 2945.6 kg/m3
dp = 267.5E-6m
Bed diameter: 59.4mm
ρ g: 1.2 kg/m3
µ g: 1.8E -5 N/m2s
Mass of particle: 577.20g
Volume of particle: 320ml
g: 9.81m/s2

Bulk particle density, ρb = weight

= 577.20 g x 1 kg x 1000 ml x 1000 L
320ml 1000g 1L 1 m3
= 1803.75 kg/m3

Because of dpi is > 100µ m, Wen & Yu (1966) can be used to find Umf

ρg ( ρ p − ρg ) gdp 3
Ar =
1.2( 2945 .6 −1.2 )( 9.81) ( 267 .5 E −6 )

Ar =
(1.8E )−5 2

Ar = 2047 .73

Re mf = 33 .7 (1 + 3.59 E −5 Ar )
= 33 .7[(1 + 3.59 E × 2047 .73 ) ]
−5 0.5
Re mf −1
Re mf = 1.2167

ρg U mf dp
Re mf =

1.2167 =
(1.2)U mf (267 .5E ) −6

1.8 E −5
U mf = 0.0682 m / s

( 1- εmf )( ρp – ρf )g = 150 µ Umf ( 1 – εmf )² + 1.75 ρf Umf² ( 1 – εmf )

dsv² εmf ³ dsv εmf ³
(1-εmf)(2945.6 – 1.2)(9.81) = 150(1.8 x 10-5)(0.0682)(1-εmf )² + 1.75(1.2)(0.0682)2(1–εmf)
(267.5 x 10-6)2 εmf ³ 267.5 x 10-6 εmf ³
28884.564 = 2573.360 (1-εmf ) + 36.514
εmf ³ εmf ³
28884.564 εmf ³ = 2573.360 – 2573.360 εmf + 36.514
28884.564 εmf ³ + 2573.360 εmf = 2609.87
By trial and error, εmf = 0.383097

Fluidization is a process when a fluid is passed upward trough a bed of particles
the pressure loss in the fluid due to the frictional resistance with increases with increasing
fluid flow. A point is reached when the upward drag force exerted by the fluid on the
particles is equal to the apparent weight of particles in the bed. At this point the particles
are lifted by the fluid, the separation of the particle increases, and the bed become
fluidized. The superficial fluid velocity at which the packed bed becomes a fluidized bed
is known as the minimum fluidization velocity. This velocity increases with particle size
and particle density and is affected by fluid properties.
For the first types of particles which is coarse grade sand, the graph shows a little
increasement in the pressure drop when the superficial velocity gas also increase. The
fluidization starts when it reaches minimum fluidization velocity which is about
The second type is finer sand or ballotini, from the graph we can saw that the
pressure drop also increase as the superficial gas velocity increased. For this case, the
minimum fluidization velocity is 0.0682m/s. For this two types of particles, bubbles
continue to grow, never achieving a maximum size.
Lastly is the glutinous flour, fluidization did not occur in this case. The bed not
expanding and resist aeration. This is because the flour is cohesive and the structure is so
strong upon fluidization. Beside that, it also because the interaction force between the
particles is strong if compared to the hydronamic force by the fluiding gas.

For Glutinous Flour, fluidization did not occur because group C particles exhibit
cohesive tendencies. The structures are so strong which upon fluidization, cracks and rat
hole is form and at a given pressure different, the bed not expanding and resist aeration.

Other than that, it is very difficult to fluidize because the inter particle forces is higher
than hydrodynamic forces exerted on the particles by the fluidizing gas. However, group
C fluidization can be improved by mechanical help such as include a vibrator or a mixer.
Lastly, for bed voidage at minimum fluidization velocity, εmf for sand is 0.321387
while εmf for Ballotini is 0.383097. This shows that bed voidage for Ballotini is higher and
makes it more porous than sand.


1. The minimum fluidizing velocity, Umf for coarse grade sand is 0.0715m/s while Umf
for Ballotini is 0.0682m/s.
2. The voidage at minimum fluidizing velocity, ε mf for coarse grade sand is 0.321387
while ε mf for Ballotini is 0.383097.
3. The bed expansion and the pressure drop of the particle are proportional to the
superficial velocity of the gas supply.


∗ Students should be able to utilize appropriate conversion factors to ensure
consistency of units when making calculations.
∗ Students should read and have a brief idea of what is going on in the
experiment by reading the lab manual or other reference book for better
∗ Make sure that the apparatus is in good condition for better operation.


1. Fluidized beds Combustion and Applications.

Edited by J.R.Howard,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, the University of Aston in Birmingham,
United Kingdom.
Applied Science Publishers London and New York.

2. Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, Seventh Edition

Edited by Robert H. Perry and Don W. Green,
McGraw-Hill International Edition,
Chemical Engineering Series.



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