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Teaching and percieving

Humans perceive theworld in three dimensions since this is their natural environment.
The perception of the world in three dimensions enables rapid learning and gaining
of new experiences. Most education, simulation and training is still based on the
presentations of text and two-dimensional images, where each person has to create
his own visual representation. In doing so, not all people are equally successful. By
using three-dimensional interactive technologies it is possible to replace the process
of creating own representations by imposing correct visualizations. By requiring
direct interaction with the presented content it is possible to further accelerate the
learning process. This shortens the time required for education and training, improves
quality and indirectly saves financial resources.

Dewey (1916) suggested that the main function of education was to enhance the learner’s
reasoning processes. A learner who is not motivated will not really perceive a problem, so
problems selected for study should be derived from learner interests (Dewey, 1916).
Integrating problem solving and free discovery triggers the learner’s motivation and
perceived self-efficacy to improve learner abilities in solving real-life problems.


Učenje s tehnologijo se nanaša na situacije, v katerih nekdo uporablja tehnologijo s ciljem

spodbujanja učenja. Današnji interes za učenje s tehnologijo odseva to, kar imenuje Lowyck
(2008, str. xiii) »skupna prizadevanja (poskusiti) uporabiti razpoložljivo tehnologijo za
namene šolanja«. Danes najpogosteje uporabljena tehnologija v učne namene so računalniki
in informacijska tehnologija.

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