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Lesson Plan for 9/10/18 (ENG 111)

 Reading: They Say/I Say, Chapter 1 (pgs. 19-29) & Chapter 12 (pgs. 162 – 165)
 Assignment(s): Tutorial: Chapter 1 – “They Say” - DUE

I. Finish Lamott Reading & Notetaking w/iPad (10 - 15 minutes)

a. Last class we finished reading the essay aloud. Take a minute to review your highlights,
underlines, margin notes, etc. In the “whitespace” at the end of the essay, answer the
following question: How does your writing process compare to what is discussed in the
Lomott essay?

b. After you have finished answering the prompt, click “Done.” Next, click the “Share Sheet”
icon and select “Google Drive” app. This will save an additional copy of the note to your
Endicott Google Drive, which is integrated into Canvas (should I ever ask you to submit
your notes for a participation grade).

c. Class/Group Discussion of Lamott’s “Shitty First Drafts”

i. What were your overall impressions of the readings?

ii. What things did you learn that you hadn’t known or thought about before?

d. Other Questions to Consider

i. What are some of your fears or apprehensions about writing (if any)?

ii. What assumptions do you have about writing or writers?

iii. Why do we write? What purpose does it serve? What role does language play in

iv. How does technology change the way we write?

v. What do you feel are the differences/similarities between writing a text and
composing a visual?

II. Discussion of Summary & Deblanco (30 – 35 minutes)

a. Ask students what they believe constitutes a “good” or “effective” summary. What does a
strong summary need?

i. Concise: focuses on the main ideas, and leaving out much of the supporting and
explanatory detail of the original text.

a) Few, carefully chosen words; elimination of extra details or information.

b) Look back through a few of the paragraphs in the Deblanco essay – jot
down what you believe the main idea of each paragraph is? Next, ask
yourself, “why?” Why is this information there and how does it enhance
the Deblanco’s argument(s)?

ii. Complete: covers all of the important ideas found in the primary text.

a) Does not skip over key points in the summary.

b) What are the key points in Deblanco’s essay?

a. College as a place for securing economic stability of graduates and

the larger economy.

b. College as a place that embodies political ideals – ex. a free,

democratic society.

c. College as a place to enjoy oneself and foster an appreciation of

ideas, values, experiences outside of one’s own.

d. College as a place to create educated citizens with well-attuned

“bullshit meters.”
iii. Objective: the goal should be to cover the text fairly, without inserting one's own
opinion or perspective.

a) No “first-person.”

III. Troubleshooting Technology Issues (ex. Tutorials) – Remaining Time

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