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Activites for Face Wash Categor

Mean values for statements signifying "A" ranging from [>3 & <4]
"Confidence after using"
"enjoy shopping"
"drinks ad entertainment"
"take advice"
"emotional attachment"
"comfortable to wear"
"purchase a lot of personal products"
"tried and tested"
"enjoy long rides"
"reflect my uniqueness"
"purchase with friends"
"cook for friends and family"
"buy products not in shopping list"
"enjoy bargaining"
"Often buy foreign brands"

Mental Mapping
Activites for Face Wash Category

Mean values for statements signifying "A" ranging from [Under 3] List of Key words
"Upset when I don’t see products" Modern
"Eat at certain restraunts" Confident
"Take advice from parents buy with friends" Outgoing
"Buy products popular with friends" Influencible
"Only buy products with celebrity endorsements" Comfort
Innovation adopting
Price conscious
Family values

Mental Mapping
Opinions for Face Wash Catego

Mean values for statements signifying "A" ranging from [>3 & <4]
"Pride in performing activities"
"Brand show that one is not elegant or classy"
"shopping an entertainment"
"mall pubs place of enjoyment"
"Traditions are relevant"
"Seating accomodation for family in shops"
"Right product is a sense of achievement"
"Take initiatives to show my talent"
"Promotion does not work in less useful products"
"Few products are genuinely useful"
"Influenced by latest trends"

Mean values for statements signifying "A" ranging from [>4]

"Like to Travel"
"Love my country"
"Repect to Individuality"

Mental Mapping
Opinions for Face Wash Category

Mean values for statements signifying "A" ranging from [Under 3] List of Key words
"Form opinion about people poorly dressed" Attention-seeker
"Telephone > meeting people" Fashion savvy
"Similar brands strengthen social bond" Affluence
"Image is dependent on materialistic possessions" Socialising
"Price is not be related to quality of personal care products " Ethnocentric
"Do not like surprises" Family-Oriented
"Trust celebrity endorsements" Traditional
"Social drinking is acceptable and at times necessary" Go-getter
Avis Shoppers
Functionality focussed
Educated shopping

Mental Mapping
Team Details
Members PRN
Shilpi Saha 17020841082
Priyanka Bhatia 1020841135
Saeesha Rastogi 17020841205
Viplav Singh 17020841093
Mansi Bhimani
Kaushal Kothari

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