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Compréhension orale

Slam poem: Why do people bully?

Why Do People Bully?

Why do people …............?

Why do people tease?
Why do people …......... me?
I shout to ….......... it please!

Is it because I have brown hair?

Is it because I'm ….....?
I wish they would leave me ….........
They …........ me want to …....

I really …......... tell someone

But my nerves get in the way
I just want to be their …........
Why won't they ….. me …....?

I wonder why they bully

I wonder why they're …....
Perhaps they are …............
I wish I could …..... them ….....

By Chelsea Oultram (read by James Cotter)

(2)Ecoute attentivement....)

3)Contenu linguistique

1-Relever dans le texte l'équivalent de ...

2- Relever dans le texte l'équivalent de vouloir...

3-Relevez dans le texte l'équivalent de laisser faire...

Compréhension écrite

Teenage Irish girl who emigrated to America

'hanged herself after cyber-bullying torment'
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 9:02 AM on 27th January 2010

A teenage Irish girl who recently emigrated to America is feared to have killed herself after a
horrific campaign of cyber-bullying.
U.S. authorities are investigating reports that Phoebe Prince, 15, hanged* herself after being
tormented by text messages and postings on Facebook.
Other students at her school in Boston, Massachusetts, told police she was the victim of a campaign
of harassment* by bullies.
One message sent to the teenager shortly before she took her own life read: 'Go kill yourself'.
In the weeks leading up to her death, Prince had said she received harsh messages on her mobile
phone and nasty* comments on the social networking site Facebook.
The teenager was found hanging at the home she shared with her mother Anne, three sisters and a
brother on January 14th.
Her family had only been in the U.S. for six months after emigrating from the small village of
Fanore, Co.Clare, to start a new life.

Read more:


*to hang: se pendre


Questionnaire /15

1/Who was Phoebe Prince?

2/ What happened to her? (What did she do?)

3/Why? (What did the bullies do to her?)

4/Retrouver dans le texte les noms communs correspondants aux définitions données

A child who is 15 years old : To move from one country to another :

People who hit, tease others on purpose : When someone bullies people using computers
and mobile phones:

5/Cherche dans le texte si les phrases ci-dessous sont vraies (R= right) ou fausses (W=wrong). Dans
le cas des réponses fausses, rétablir la vérité en citant le texte.

Phoebe Prince was a victim of physical bullying R W

Phoebe Prince commited suicide R W
She received violent messages on her mobile phone and on Facebook R W
Other pupils knew that Phoebe was bullied R W

6/ Trouver dans le texte les phrases équivalentes à celle-ci dessous:


Cocher les bonnes structures

Bullying makes Phoebe hang herself
to make Phoebe to hang herself

The other pupils to let the bullies harass Phoebe

let the bullies harass Phoebe

Phoebe Prince wants the bullies to be her friends

wants to the bullies to be her friends

1/ Complète les phrases par let ou make en utilisant le bon temps

-Don't be afraid. Don't..............bullies tease you!
-John always hits me and …........... me cry.
-Last year, I bullied Mary and ….................her feel bad
- He told me that if I.............a bully laugh at me, he would keep on bullying me.

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