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Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 438 (2015) 239–244

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Thermogravimetric analysis of property changes and weight loss in

incinerated bone☆
S.T.D. Ellingham ⁎, T.J.U. Thompson, M. Islam
School of Science and Engineering, Teesside University, TS5 5QG, Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) are thermal analyses techniques,
Received 16 April 2015 which can give vital information about a material's properties and phase transitions when exposed to heating.
Received in revised form 8 August 2015 This study utilised a combined TGA-DSC approach to determine how exposure to varying temperatures and dif-
Accepted 10 August 2015
ferent heating regimes affect the decomposition of skeletal hard tissue. It was found that an accelerated heating
Available online 18 August 2015
rate causes the onset of phase changes in the bone matrix to be delayed to higher temperatures. The progression
of matrix changes within a certain phase is also highly dependent on the rate of heating. Longer exposure times or
Thermogravimetric analysis slower heating rates increase progression of decomposition within a certain phase, progression to a different ma-
Differential scanning calorimetry terial phase however will only occur after a key “activation temperature” is reached. These findings have impor-
Burnt bone tant implications for the subsequent analytical investigations of burnt bone.
Forensic anthropology © 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction and geometrical spatial arrangement of bone vary between different

skeletal elements, or depending on factors such as age, pathology,
Burnt bones are a frequent occurrence in forensic contexts, be it in disease or species (Aerssens et al., 1998; Quelch et al., 1983).
the aftermath of a mass disaster, intentional immolation or to hide a Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calo-
homicide, as well as in archaeological contexts. Heat is an extremely de- rimetry (DSC) are techniques very well established in materials sciences
structive force, which changes not only the morphology and architec- and frequently applied to determine the properties of natural and syn-
ture but also the elemental and isotopic compositions of bone. The thetic hydroxyapatites (Stanczyk and Van Rietbergen, 2004; Raynaud
extracellular matrix of bone is composed of a mineral phase (65 wt.%), et al., 2002; Figueiredo et al., 2010; Bertoni et al., 1998; Bahrololoom
an organic phase (25 wt.%) and water (10 wt.%) (Chen et al., 2011). et al., 2009; Gelinsky et al., 2008) for tissue engineering. Both tech-
The mineral phase consists of a poorly crystalline, non-stoichiometric niques measure the heat effects accompanying chemical reactions and
form of hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2), also known as dahllite, phase transitions as a function of temperature.
which incorporates several elemental substitutions, such as Mg and Their potential for the advancement of knowledge in the archaeo-
other ions, however the most abundant substitution is carbonate logical sciences is yet to be fully utilised.
(3–8 wt.%) (Figueiredo et al., 2010). Depending on its crystal position, The literature is in congruence in finding the weight loss of heated
carbonate apatite is classified either as a “Type A” (OH−) or “Type B” bone to occur in three successive stages, the first below 200 °C, the
(PO34 −) substitution, with the latter being more commonly found in second between 200 °C and 600 °C and a third step between 700 °C
human bone. Despite the low percentage of lattice substitutions they and 900 °C. At temperatures beyond 900 °C weight loss has been de-
play a vital role in the bone's metabolism, and it has been found that car- termined to not be of significance (Figueiredo et al., 2010; Mkukuma
bonate not only decreases bone's crystallinity, but also accelerates its et al., 2004; Peters et al., 2000; Mayne Correia, 1997; Pramanik et al.,
biodegradation rate (Figueiredo et al., 2010). The main component of 2013). The first weight loss phase corresponds to an evaporation of
the organic matrix is type I collagen, secondary components are non- water bound to the bone matrix, the so-called “dehydration” phase
collagenous organic proteins including phosphoproteins, which may (Thompson, 2004) whereas the second, the so-called “decomposition”
play a role in the regulation of crystal size, orientation and habit of the phase is attributed to the combustion of the organic bone components,
mineral matrix (Rho et al., 1998; Olszta et al., 2007). The composition particularly collagen. The last weight loss phase is mainly due to the re-
lease of CO2 produced though the decomposition of carbonate. This is
accompanied by an appearance of hydroxide ions (Mkukuma et al.,
☆ The results of this study have been presented at the 67th Annual Meeting of the
American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Orlando, FL, February 2015.
2004) and a re-crystallisation of the mineral apatite in the “inversion”
⁎ Corresponding author. phase. The final phase of bone transition occurring at temperatures be-
E-mail address: (S.T.D. Ellingham). yond 900 °C, the “fusion” phase, does not exhibit a large weight loss, but
0031-0182/© 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.
240 S.T.D. Ellingham et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 438 (2015) 239–244

rather is characterised by the sintering and melting of the crystallites bone samples and isolated collagen (Lozano et al., 2003) found extracted
and the formation of an additional mineral phase, the β-tricalcium collagen to be more thermally stable than collagen in bone. They attri-
phosphate (Thompson, 2004; Ellingham et al., 2015). bute the lack of stability of collagen in bone to the fact that hydroxyap-
In a study designed to determine the effects the proportions of or- atite crystals in the fibril intraspaces act as fracture centres, decreasing
ganic content in bone have on the thermal decomposition of the mineral the number of collagenous cross linkage (Lozano et al., 2003; Miles
phase, Mkukuma et al. (Mkukuma et al., 2004) found that the two factors et al., 2005). Trȩbacz and Wójtowicz (Trȩbacz and Wójtowicz, 2005)
are indeed closely related. Whilst all bones lose carbon dioxide when who compared the thermal behaviour of intact bone, demineralised
heated between 200 °C and 600 °C, they found this loss to continue bone and tendon collagen up to 300 °C found the first endothermic
more predominantly in bones with a low organic content up to temper- peak, which is associated with the loss of water, to occur at temperatures
atures of 1500 °C, accompanying an adsorption of water. They also found around 100 °C lower in collagen and demineralised bone than in intact
bone of lower organic content to exhibit a greater carbonate content bone.
than ones with a higher percentage of organic material, which in turn It is the aim of this study to investigate the influence that different
have a larger content of HPO2− 4 ions in their mineral than the former. heating regimes and varying exposure times have on the rate of proper-
Figueiredo et al. (Figueiredo et al., 2010) investigated the differential ty changes of heated bone, and thus the exposure temperature ranges
behaviour of bovine, porcine and human bone (sections from a femoral after which successful further analyses can be carried out.
diaphysis) upon heating, thus drawing inferences on their property
variations. Through thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) at a temperature 2. Materials and methods
increase of 10 °C/min, they discovered that whilst human and bovine
bone exhibit similar water contents, the H2O content of porcine bone Fresh domestic sheep (Ovis aries) rib bones, acquired from a local
was markedly higher. Collagen content differed no more than 4% be- butcher, containing both compact and cancellous bone, were cut into
tween species, with porcine bone also showing the highest weight cross sections weighing approximately 20 mg and analysed on an
percentage. The carbonate content of all three tested species is also Evisa® STA 1500 Simultaneous Thermal Analyzer (Bähr-Thermoanalyse
very similar, with the bovine bone showing slightly higher amounts GmbH, Hüllhorst, Germany). Samples were enclosed in aluminium oxide
than the other two. crucibles and heated from 20 °C to 1100 °C in a stream of air delivered
Peters et al. (Peters et al., 2000) compared the different properties of from a cylinder. Samples were heated in triplicates at heating rates of
human healthy spongy bone, callus bone and tumour bone, and found 6 °C/min, 12 °C/min and 24 °C min. Additionally two sets of samples
a substantially higher mineral content in tumour bone and the least were heated at a rate of 12 °C/min up to a maximum of 300 °C and
mineralisation in spongy bone, with the values for callus bone lying 400 °C, at which temperature they were held for 45 min. An empty cru-
in-between. Their study showed tumour bone to exhibit a carbonate cible was heated simultaneously under the same conditions as the sam-
content over twice as high as spongiosa, the amount of carbonate in cal- ples and the resulting thermogram was subtracted from that of the
lus bone ranging somewhere in-between. These studies give an insight samples, enabling the correction of buoyancy effects.
into the various factors influencing bone composition.
Raynaud et al. (Raynaud et al., 2002) investigated the thermal prop- 3. Results
erties of isolated hydroxyapatite powder. They found the first weight
loss to occur at between 1000 °C and 1450 °C, caused by the dehydrox- The thermograms of the samples subjected to the three different
ylation of the hydroxyapatite, which accompanies the formation of heating regimes exhibited comparable patterns showing three distinct
tricalcium phosphate and tetracalcium phosphate monoxide in a highly stages of weight loss, however occurring at slightly different rates
endothermic reaction. (Fig. 1).
Several studies have monitored the thermal behaviour of both, colla- Similarly, the DCS heat flow curves indicated an approximately 25 °C
gen and hydroxyapatite, separately (Lozano et al., 2003; Trȩbacz and delay in the temperature onset of the matrix phase changes, with every
Wójtowicz, 2005). A study comparing the thermal behaviour of intact doubling of the heating rate (Fig. 2).

Fig. 1. Average TGA curves of bones subjected to differing heating regimes.

S.T.D. Ellingham et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 438 (2015) 239–244 241

Fig. 2. Average DSC curves of bones subjected to different heating regimes.

In order to determine the exact temperature ranges of increased 12 °C/min retained 42.3% and samples heated at 24 °C/min retained
weight changes the first derivative of the TGA curve (Δmass/Δtemp) 45.9% of their mass.
was calculated. Distinct peaks were noted at around 100/125/150 °C, Exposure time also appeared to have an influence on the samples
350/375/400 °C, 475/500 °C/NA and 750/775/800 °C at the heating which were held at fixed temperatures. The samples which were held
rates of 6, 12 and 24 °C/min respectively (Fig. 3). at 300 °C retained an average of 83.46% of their original weight, which
These observed weight changes correspond with the matrix phase however was reduced to a mere 66.68% after being held at this constant
alterations shown by the DSC, which show an endothermic process temperature for 45 min (Fig. 4).
taking place until heating of around 350 °C, peaking between 100 °C Samples held at a constant when reaching 400 °C started out with
and 150 °C, which is superseded by an exothermic reaction up to around 64.8% of their original weight, which was reduced to 50.6% after 45 min.
450 °C, which is followed by another brief endothermic phase, imme-
diately trailed by a strong exothermic reaction with a peak at 500 °C 4. Discussion
and continuing until 750–800 °C at which point a slight endothermic
phase remains. The overall thermal behaviour of the experimentally heated sheep
The three different heating regimes also resulted in different weight ribs was in concordance with the findings of previous studies, albeit
losses at the maximum temperature of 1100 °C. The largest weight loss temperature ranges for the onset of mass loss varied slightly. Previous
occurred in the samples heated at a rate of 6 °C/min, which retained studies have reported weight changes to occur between 300 °C and
an average of merely 40.4% of their original mass. Samples heated at 1000 °C (Thompson, 2005), the weight loss observed in this study

Fig. 3. Average TGA 1st derivative curves from bones subjected to different heating regimes.
242 S.T.D. Ellingham et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 438 (2015) 239–244

Fig. 4. Average TGA curves of bones heated to 300 °C and 400 °C respectively and held at these temperatures for 45 min.

commenced at temperatures as low as 50 °C in samples heated at of the holding time due to the complete evaporation of water and com-
6 °C/min and ceased to lose any further mass at 700 °C in the 6°/min mencing combustion of the organic compounds. As can be extracted
heated samples and at 900 °C in the 24 °C/min samples. from the 1st derivative curve of the TGA measurements, a prominent
The first phase of weight loss, peaking in the temperature range loss of 8.2% mass occurs within 7 min of first reaching the target temper-
of 100–150 °C is mainly attributed to the evaporation of water which ature of 300 °C, after which it continues at a less dramatic rate losing an
can be detected as the large endothermic event on the DSC graph additional 8.6% in the following 40 min. The samples which were con-
(Fig. 2). The second weight loss phase, which is also the most severe, tinuously heated to 400 °C and subsequently held at this temperature,
is attributed to the combustion of the organic components which intro- demonstrated a pattern identical to the one described for the samples
duces the exothermic process of the hydroxyapatite re-crystallising. continuously heated at 12 °C/min, exhibiting a prominent weight loss
A brief endothermic event attends the decomposition of the carbonate peak due to the combustion of organic compounds between 300 °C
at around 450 °C, which is followed by a strong exothermic phase as and 400 °C (Fig. 5).
the bone's collagen continues to combust, spiking at around 500 °C, However, instead of experiencing another spike in weight loss
and the re-crystallisation of mineral proceeds. The process remains exo- for the decomposition of carbonate, as has been observed in samples
thermic up to 750–800 °C, at which point the minerals begin to sinter heated to temperatures of up to 500 °C, the samples held at a constant
and melt in a slightly endothermic event. From 400 °C onwards the of 400 °C only continued to lose 14.2% mass associated with retained
1st derivative of the TGA curve clearly shows a different weight loss organic components over the following 45 min. This can be extracted
pattern between the samples subjected to the differing heating regimes. from the corresponding DSC curve showing no phase changes after
The 6 °C/min exhibits a sharp weight loss peak at 460 °C, associated with the one introducing the collagen combustion at around 300 °C (Fig. 6).
the decomposition of carbonate, and some less prominent smaller peaks These observations show, that whilst an increase in exposure time
at 550 °C and 660 °C, before ceasing to lose any more mass from 700 °C may increase overall bone weight loss as the processes started at a spe-
onwards. The carbonate loss peak is less pronounced in the samples cific activation temperature continue to proceed, however, from what
heated at 12 °C/min, peaking between 450 °C and 500 °C. The last organic can be seen in the framework of this experimental work, the bone will
components are lost at around 800 °C, seen as a spike on the derivative not enter transition to a different material phase by mere duration in-
plot, after which no more mass loss is recorded. Samples heated at a crease, if the appropriate phase activation temperature is not reached.
rate of 24 °C/min do not show any weight loss peak associated with These findings are in concordance with the findings of Ellingham et al.
carbonate loss in the TGA derivative curve, but rather a regular (Ellingham et al., 2015) who found that a variation in exposure time
decrease, indicating a prolonged loss of carbonate over progressive did not have a significant influence on the Fourier transform infra-red
heating, rather than the almost instant loss which can be seen in the (FTIR) spectra of burnt bone and therefore retrospective temperature
6 °C/min curve. At temperatures exceeding 900 °C the 24 °C/min prediction. Once a certain phase change has commenced, its progress
samples do not exhibit any further weight loss. can, however, be altered by the exposure time; in this study the weight
The increase in heating rate did not only delay the onset of the bone's loss peaks for samples heated at 6 °C, 12 °C and 24 °C exhibited a ca 25 °C
phase transition and the temperature at which all organic components shift with every doubling of temperature. This can be explained by the
were completely combusted and no more weight loss occurred, but fact that the activation energy in bones heated at a slower rate is signif-
also demonstrated an influence on the total weight loss, the samples icantly higher than at faster rates, a phenomenon which has also been
heated at 6 °C/min having lost 5% more mass when heated to 1100 °C measured by Yang et al. (Yang et al., 1997).
than the samples heated at 24 °C/min. The observation that exposure Gaining a more comprehensive understanding of the factors
time has an influence on the loss of mass was confirmed by the sam- influencing the onset of property changes and phase transitions in
ples which were held at fixed temperatures of 300 °C and 400 °C re- heated bone can be crucial to determine whether a sample will yield
spectively for 45 min. The samples which were held at a constant of results from further analyses, such as carbon dating, stable isotope
300 °C reached this temperature after 22 min retaining 83.46% of their analyses or even DNA analyses, which can be quite cost- and time con-
starting mass, and continued to lose another 16.78% in the remainder suming. Studies have showed DNA to be successfully amplifiable in
S.T.D. Ellingham et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 438 (2015) 239–244 243

Fig. 5. Average TGA 1st derivative curves of bones heated to 300 °C and 400 °C respectively and held at these temperatures for 45 min.

experimentally burnt sections up to temperatures of 200 °C at 2-hour Hüls et al., 2010). These findings indicate that an intercalation of “for-
exposure duration (Imaizumi et al., 2014; Fredericks et al., 2012), tem- eign” carbon from the atmosphere or the fuel source into the bone apa-
peratures that coincide with the onset of collagen degradation as ob- tite takes place whilst the bone is undergoing the phase changes caused
served by the thermogravimetric studies. by heating. These physico-chemical changes during calcination, such as
For the dating of skeletal remains the collagen making up the organic the re-crystallisation, increase the bone's resistance to diagenetic factors,
portion of the bone is routinely used. This is the case for two reasons: which in turn has a direct positive impact on its reliability for 14C dating
collagen includes 95% of the bone's carbon and therefore allows smaller (Zazzo et al., 2012). The apatite carbonate decomposes, thus causing
sample sizes to still yield results, and secondly, the carbon which is a decrease in the stress on the crystal structure, and the subsequent re-
found in the mineral fraction of the bone, the carbonate apatite, has crystallisation functions as a protective barrier, rendering the calcined
been found to be thermodynamically unstable and prone to diagenetic bone a closed system trapping in the deposited carbon. Several authors,
changes (Zazzo et al., 2009). When heated, the bone organic matter is however, cautioned that the external carbon uptake might pose a source
completely degraded at temperatures between 500 °C and 600 °C; for error, should “old” fuel, such as ancient wood, coal or peat, be used
nonetheless carbon dating has successfully been performed on cremat- (van Strydonck et al., 2005; Snoeck et al., 2014a). In some instances
ed bone which has been subjected to temperatures of 700 °C and above, they reported this effect to cause a dating offset of decades and centuries.
in fact, the success rate has been found to increase from temperatures of Similar trends to those observed for the success rate of carbon
600 °C onwards (van Strydonck et al., 2005, 2010; Zazzo et al., 2012; dating, have been found to apply to the analyses of stable isotopes,

Fig. 6. Average DSC curves of bones heated to 300 °C and 400 °C respectively and held at these temperatures for 45 min.
244 S.T.D. Ellingham et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 438 (2015) 239–244

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