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Tool List – Important Fields Sage Equipment Field Mapping

Abbreviation (list is set, used as first part of Tool Name) (Not needed with Short Name Field)
Tool Name (Basic Name of Tool, No Brand) *Description
Tool Number (Abbreviation + Office Designated Number) * Short Name
Tool Description (descr. based on Invoice/PO/Product Info) Notes
Status Status (will be 1 unless stolen/broken)
Equipment Type Type (14-Tool) ? (do we need more designations??)
Serial Number (as defined by what is on the tool if possible) Serial#
Date of Purchase (as defined by Invoice / PO / Receipt) Purchased
Purchase Order Number User Def1
Brand of tool ? or Supplier Invoice #? User Def2
Employee/Job where tool is located/Stolen/Broken Last Location
(if stolen or broken, Status will change to 3-Out of Service)

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