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The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics

Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

Research, Philo, PoS, Theo, Hist & Education
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

Why ABC of Research?

1. it is a science
2. it has a process
3. it has a method
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

How to do?

1. follow the systemic behavior of the

The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

Why do the Research?

1. it has a problem
• 1.1. state the problem
1.1.1. by profiling
1.1.2. by descriptive
1.1.3. by inferential
1.1.4. by statistical
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

Why Publish?
1. For the scientific community
1.1. Research is incomplete until published;
1.3. Unpublished research has doubtful scientific
1.4. Non-cited work does not contribute to the body
of knowledge.
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

2. For the researcher

2.1. Personal satisfaction
2.2. Measure of scientific contribution
2.3. Criteria for promotion
2.4. Protection against plagiarism
2.5. Image-Building
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

3. For the Academe

3.1. Gauge of excellence of scientific
3.2. Basis for accreditation & recognition;
3.3. Basis for budget release
3.4. Basis for promotion
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

When to Publish
1. When there is question of reliability &
2. When it involves significant, substantial
acceptance, rejection and theorizing;
3. When it complements recently scholarly
4. When presented to conferences or seminars;
5. When refereed from the outside or the
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

Reasons for Rejection of Article

1. Not contribute the “body of knowledge”;
2. Conceptual framework or RRLS are NOT
well developed;
3. Methodology does not answers the 5W &
4. The writing style is disorganized &
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

Article Title (8-15 words)

The 5W & 1H or the ABC of Research
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

Basic Structure of a Title

Main Theme: Research Design + Population +

Geographical Area

Value Profile and Susceptibility to Interpersonal
Influence: A Survey of Student Smokers at Xavier
University, School Year 2011-2012
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

“Travelers' Destination Outlook as Source of New Product
Concepts: A Q-method Study of the Panaad Rites in the Island
of Camiguin, Fiscal Year 2012-2013”

“A Portrayal of Preadolescent Children in Region X

Television Commercials: A Content Analysis, 3rd Quarter 2012”

“Colors and Shopping Intentions: An Experimental

Examination of the Intervening Effect of Price Fairness in
Gaisano & LimKetKai Malls, CDO, 2nd Quarter 2012”
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

Swales (1990):
“When writers are requested to write an abstract, they are said to
have trouble doing it.”

Rhetorical Moves of Abstracts (SiPuMSaFC)

Move 1: Situating Research
Move 2: Purpose
Move 3: Method
Move 4: Salient Findings
Move 5: Conclusion
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

Full Abstract Sample

[Move 1] Errors in writing are inevitable among
non-native speakers of the English language.
However, left uncorrected, such errors will
undermine school efforts of institutionalizing
quality communication to effect quality instruction.
[Move 2] Hence, this study was conducted to
examine the errors in writing frequently committed
by science, math, and engineering faculty of the
subject university. [Move 3] The analysis of essays
was done by identifying the errors and
categorizing them
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

• according to language functions. Frequency was

used to determine the order of errors. The
tabulation included the actual number of usage
and the number of correct and erroneous usage.
[Move 4] Findings show that the essays
contained grammatical errors although relatively
low. Most frequent errors were in the use of
tenses, prepositions, noun inflection, articles,
and subject-verb agreement Errors in
conjunction, verb form, pronoun, and modifier
were less frequent. [Move 5] The findings make
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

• language retooling program necessary for the faculty to achieve

accuracy in the use of the English language;

Introduction: Elements
• Element 1: Problem

• “Learning mathematics remains one of the difficult challenges ...”

• “Although many teachers use cooperative learning methods, few

structure them systematically.”
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

• “In spite of the numerous expeditions and surveys on Mt.

Makiling, data on the microbial species has not been
given any attention.”

• “Biological and phytochemical studies have been

conducted on ampalaya but no study on its anti-
tubercular activity has been done yet.”
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

Element 2: Importance
Element 3: Literature
Element 4: Objectives
Element 5: Time and Setting

The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez


• Scope = coverage of the study
• Identify the following boundaries:
• Subjects
• Objectives
• Time frame
• Area
• Facilities
• Issues of focus
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez


• Delimitation – factors that the researcher controls.

In order to assure manageability of the collected data, survey
instruments used only multiple-choice items and did not include
open-ended response items.
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

• Due to the large number of potential participants

in the studied population, the population involved
in the current study focused only on members
within South Dakota.
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

Limitation – factors over which the researcher has

little or no control

• Small sample available for the study
• Failure of sample respondents to answer with
• Factors not accounted for or not controlled
• 4. Mortality rate or loss of respondents
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

• Define terms used in the study that are unusual or not
widely understood.

• Define terms either technically or operationally.

• Do not define terms already defined in the

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework.
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

Review of Related Literature & Studies

Important Notes:
• Presents the theoretical core of the study;
• Synthesizes the work of others;
• Acknowledge author(s) with the observance of the ethical
• Use the 2007 up to date RRLS
• Write them that grade 3 pupils can understand
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

Synthesized Review:
• One way that teachers can include the study of discourse in
the second language classroom is to allow students themselves
to study language; that is, make them discourse analysts
(Murcia, 2007; Carter, 2008; Riggenbach, 2009).
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

• Includes studies from the past three (3)years;

• Covers not too few nor too many work;
• Establishes relationships of cited works;
• The connectivity between RRLS is important.
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

• 1.1. Characteristics (Population);
• 1.2. Selection (Randomization);
• 1.3. Type of research engaged.

Materials or Instrumentation
• 3.1. Formulation as to type of research engaged;
• 3.2. Number of items from the universal population into a sample
size of population
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

3.4. Scoring
3.5. Validation
3.6. Nature of the items
3.7. Score Interpretation by qualitative or quantitative
. Procedure
. Analyses
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

• Report the results.
• Use tables for detailed results and only when necessary.

“The control group averaged 83.2% while the experimental group
averaged 93.6%.”
• Use subheadings if results are relatively long.
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

• Present only the salient findings (trends, patterns,

• Put symbols and figures in parentheses when reporting
the results.
• “The mean of 3.25 for the boys was higher than the
mean of 3.00 for the girls in the sample.”
• “The boys scored higher overall (x=3.25) than the
girls (x=3.00).”
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

Elements of Discussion:

Element 1:Restate the study’s main purpose;

Element 2:Reaffirm the importance of the study;
Element 3:Summarize the results in relation to the objectives;
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

Element 4: Relate the findings back to the literature/studies;

Element 5: Provide possible explanations for unexpected or
non-significant findings;
Element 6: Discuss the practical implications of the study;
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

Element 7: Highlight the main limitations of the study that

could influence its internal and external validity;
Element 8: Discuss insightful directions or opportunities for
future research on the topic;
Element 9: Accept or reject previous findings or studies in the
body of existing knowledge;
Element 10: Theorize findings that contribute new knowledge in
the field of science and in the preservation,
protection and promotion of life.
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

• Conclusions are not the same as findings and should not simply
be restatements of findings;
• Stated in the present tense.
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

• A study of public school superintendents across
America in 1991 yielded the following findings:
• 1. Only 5% were non-White.
• 2. Only 8% were female.

• Women and minorities continue to remain
underrepresented in the ranks of public school
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

1. Between 6 pm to 11 pm, 40-50% of the population
watched TV.
2. At 7 pm less than 10% of the population listened to the

• TV is more popular than radio in the evening.
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

• Full-time instructor faculty, 96% were licensed and 94% were
master of art teaching graduates.

• Conclusions:
• Full-time instructor faculty are competent teachers.

• Right: Full-time instructor faculty are qualified to teach

The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

Verb Tenses for Research Writing

• For facts or information write them in the present tense.


• A multiple choice questionnaire was used since it offers a way to

reduce the time respondents will need to complete it, and
therefore to increase the number of completed questionnaires.
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

• Most of your methodology section will be written in the past

tense because you are recording what you have done.
Notice too that it is usually written in the simple past (the
verb tense used for events that are now finished).

For example:
a. The sample was weighed.
b. Fish seed were added to the pool.
c. A thermometer recorded changes in external
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

• For facts or information that are true and unlikely to change, write
about them in the present tense. For example:

• Vietnam was chosen for this study because it has a long coastline.

• Cornmeal was used to feed the fingerlings because it provides

high nutritional content at a relatively low cost.
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

• The present tense is used to talk about the thesis or

dissertation itself and what it contains, shows, etc. For

• Table 3 shows that the main cause of weight increase was

nutritional value of the feed.
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

• The past tense is used to describe the result of the study.

For example:
• Scores on standardized tests did not correlate with the
ability to write.

• The present tense is used to for generalization or


For example:
• Scores on standardized tests do not correlate with the
ability to write.
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

• The past tense is used for discussions about works of theory or

philosophy. For example:

• In his Critique of Pure Reason, Immanuel Grant speculated that …

The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

• The present tense is used for a highly formal

recommendation. For example:

• After consideration of all the information available

concerning the problems just described, it is recommended:

1. That the management adopts the …

2. That the faculty members employ strategies that …
3. That the students pursue courses that …
The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and Statistics
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

• More discourses!!!
• See you in Seminar in Research

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