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IG- Instructor Guide – Education 200 (Research Methods): A Modular Approach 1

Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

Education 200 (Research Methods): A Modular Approach

Is a subject in advance educational research in the graduate program
Subject : Education 200
Descriptive Title : Research Methods
Unit Credit : 3 Units
Credit hours : 54 hours
Time : 8:00am - 5:00pm
Day(s) : Monday to Saturday
Contact Number : 09266584071
Email Address :
: facebook account Frederick Gomez

Course Content
This subject in advance educational research in the graduate program is
design to motivate, expose, develop, update, enhance and practice the
traditional and non-traditional paradigm in the research methods in a
theory-based knowledge to practice in doing research.

As a masteral subject in the graduate program, the student will learn the
ABC and 5W’s and 1 H in the science of research. The formulation of the
problem and answer the problem is basic to the discipline. The scientific
knowledge on generalizing and synthesizing information from the
Review of Related Literature and Studies (RRLS) is salient to the
construction of new knowledge. The methods, presentation, analysis and
interpretation of the data gathered and collected must be treated in utmost
probity to come-up the scientific conclusions and recommendations on
the vital issues dealt on the trend of the time and circumstances.

General objectives

Since research is vital for development as not only a work of an expert

the government and other socially engaged community counterparts
given priority to research and development, invention, innovation, and
their utilization, and to science and technology education, training and
IG- Instructor Guide – Education 200 (Research Methods): A Modular Approach 2
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

services is in need to decay the time and space making the world a glocal

So, at the end of the semester the student are expected to be motivated,
expose, develop, update, enhance and practice the 95% of the following:

1st Day
The Problems
The ABC of the Educational Research
The 5W’s and 1H in Research Pedagogy

A. Learning Objective
1. Understand and identify the independent variables (IV) and dependent variables (DV) in the ABC
of the Methods of Educational Research;
2. Write the intelligent PILOT (Problem, Importance, Literature, Objectives and Time-bounded)
introduction of the manuscript of research;
3. Understand and explain the ABC, 5W’s and 1H of research construction;
4. Construct the theoretical and conceptual framework on the research design; and
5. Understand the different philosophies underlying in the pedagogy of the Methods of Educational
B. Readings
1. Frick, Theodore W. (2011). Bridging Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in
Educational Research: Analysis of Patterns in Time and Configuration (APT&C).
Bloomington: Indiana University. proposals/
apt&c2005proffitt.pdf/accessed 4/4/2012
2. Ross, Kenneth N. (2011). Educational research: some basic concepts and terminology
International Institute for Educational Planning/UNESCO 7-9 rue Eugène-Delacroix,
75116 Paris, France. T. Neville Postlethwaite Institute of Comparative Education
University of Hamburg IIEP web site:
3. Rodrigues, Susan (2010). Using Analytical Frameworks for Classroom Research.
University of Dundee, UK :
4. Pappas, Christine C. (2011). Becoming a Teacher Researcher in Literacy Teaching and
Learning: Strategies and Tools for the Inquiry Process. University of Illinois at Chicago
(Emerita), USA: ChècheKonnen Center at TERC.
5. Jankowski, Nicholas W. (2009). E-Research: Transformation in Scholarly Practice.
Netherlands: Routledge Advances in Research
C. Topics
1. The Problem
2. The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research
3. The “5W’s” an “1H” in Research Pedagogy
D. Discussions
The field of education is under attack. This attack encompasses on the different philosophies
underlying on the different discourses and construction. The school as a system, In-put, thru-put
IG- Instructor Guide – Education 200 (Research Methods): A Modular Approach 3
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

and out-put process must be fortified by the DepEd and CHED vision, mission, philosophy,
goals, objectives and strategy that it should and must be cascaded to the institutional VMGs. As a
system, the framework of the constructivist positivist must dominantly yield. The K12 DepEd
program was taken from the positivist construction designed the framework of different strands
so as to delineate the learning capability of the learners according to their preferences and these
are the product of research.

The problem, in part, is due to limitations of research and research methodologies used during
the past century. The epistemological value on the research conversation does not redown its true
purpose and meaning. The DepEd bridging-program wanted to fill the academic-gap between
traditional linear models in quantitative and qualitative research findings that lack of
generalizability. Due to the limited emerging qualitative and quantitative construction of
researches the future of the learners is at stake. Empirical findings made by APT&C (Analysis
and Pattern in Time and Configuration) on patterns of practice can be used in higher education to
better prepare the K12 teachers and educational leaders for professional practice that when
classroom teachers are fortified by educational qualification and experiences they may be able to
advance closer to the frontier of ‘quality education.’ This would mean living life to the fullest
through OBTLP (Outcomes-Based Teaching Learning Plan).

Research as the forerunner of change, not only educational researchers but also practitioners and
laymen alike is accountable. The policy, curriculum, instructions, achievement and other
learning environment are subject and venue of research, which only experts in the administrative,
supervisory and instructional eye can see in the environment of the school. Although other eye
outside from the system o the school can see but there intellectual lens cannot understand the
“magis” in the educative world.

In the other hand, the arsenal of the learning tool for the students to see the impact of
organizational choices and teaching strategies to optimize learning and making it critical and
reflective. The temporal processes and organizational structures in education can be understood
and used for making practical decisions. Like Research is the orderly investigation of a subject
matter for the purpose of adding to knowledge. Research can mean ‘re-search’ implying that the
subject matter is already known but, for one reason or another, needs to be studied again.
Alternatively, the expression can be used without a hyphen and in this case it typically means
investigating a new problem or phenomenon.

Within the realm of educational planning, policy construction, curriculum evaluation,

instructional assessment and learning performance audit many essences and things are always
changing: the structure of the education system, curriculum and textbooks, modes of teaching,
methods of teacher training, the amount and type of provisions to schools such as science
laboratories, textbooks, furniture, classroom supplies, and so on. These changes may lead to an
improvement, or a worsening, in the quality of an educational system. Sometimes they may
result in no impact upon quality – in which case major government expenditures on such changes
have been wasted. Although some institutional decision there budget through their AIP (Annual
Investment Plan) is really directed towards “quality education” but never pondering the
serendipity on research.
IG- Instructor Guide – Education 200 (Research Methods): A Modular Approach 4
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

The educational planner, curriculum maker and developer, education innovator and
constructionist working within this kind of environment must be able to undertake assessments
of the effects of major changes and then provide policy advice that will consolidate and extend
the post productive courses of action, and also intercept and terminate existing practices that are
shown to be damaging and wasteful within the educative systemic behavior of the system. This
will only happen from the light of the qualitative and quantitative approaches using the different
types of researches such as:

1).Historical research thatgenerates descriptions, and sometimes attempted explanations, of

conditions, situations, and events that have occurred in the past. For example, a study that documents
the evolution of teacher training programs since the turn of the century, with the aim of explaining
the historical origins of the content and processes of current programs.

2).Descriptive research provides information about conditions, situations, and events that occur in
the present. For example, a survey of the physical condition of school buildings in order to establish a
descriptive profile of the facilities that exist in a typical school.

3).Correlational research involves the search for relationships between variables through the use of
various measures of statistical association. For example, an investigation of the relationship between
teachers’ satisfaction with their job and various factors describing the provision and quality of
teacher housing, salaries, leave entitlements, and the availability of classroom supplies.

4).Causal research aims to suggest causal linkages between variables by observing existing
phenomena and then searching back through available data in order to try to identify plausible causal
relationships. For example, a study of factors related to student ‘drop out’ from secondary school
using data obtained from school records over the past decade.

5).Experimental research is used in settings where variables defining one or more ‘causes’ can be
manipulated in a systematic fashion in order to discern ‘effects’ on other variables. For example, an
investigation of the effectiveness of two new textbooks using random assignment of teachers and
students to three groups – two groups for each of the new textbooks, and one group as a ‘control’
group to use the existing textbook.

6).Case study research generally refers to two distinct research approaches. The first consists of an
in-depth study of a particular student, classroom, or school with the aim of producing a nuanced
description of the pervading cultural setting that affects education, and an account of the
interactionsthat take place between students and other relevant persons. For example, an in-depth
exploration of the patterns of friendship between students in a single class; the second approach to
Case Study Research involves the application of quantitative research methods to non-probability
samples – which provide results that are not necessarily designed to be generalizable to wider
populations; for example, a survey of the reading achievements of the students in one rural region or
locale of a particular province, municipality, city or country.

7).Ethnographic research usually consists of a description of events that occur within the life of a
group – with particular reference to the interaction of individuals in the context of the sociocultural
norms, rituals, and beliefs shared by the group. The researcher generally participates in some part of
the normal life of the group and uses what he or she learns from this participation to understand the
interactions between group members.
IG- Instructor Guide – Education 200 (Research Methods): A Modular Approach 5
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

For example, a detailed account of the daily tasks and interactions encountered by a school principal
using observations gathered by a researcher who is placed in the position of ‘Principal’s Assistant’ in
order to become fully involved in the daily life of the school.

8).Research and development research differs from the above types of research in that, rather than
bringing new information to light, it focuses on the interaction between research and the production
and evaluation of a new product. This type of research can be ‘formative’ (by collecting evaluative
information about the product while it is being developed with the aim of using such information to
modify and improve the development process). For example, an investigation of teachers’ reactions
to the various drafts and redrafts of a new mathematics teaching kit, with the information gathered at
each stage being used to improve each stage of the drafting process. Alternatively, it can be
‘summative’ (by evaluating the worth of the final product, especially in comparison to some other
competing product). For example, a comparison of the mathematics achievement of students exposed
to a new mathematics teaching kit in comparison with students exposed to the established
mathematics curriculum.

Exploring theoretical approaches from both a macro and a micro perspective, each chapter:
outlines the theoretical assumptions of the approach; highlights the constraints and tensions
within the approach; contextualizes the tradition in which the approach is located; provides data
and case studies to illustrate how the approach is used in classroom research and the realities of

The ABC of the Methods of Educational Research and the importance of learning the “5W’s”
and “1H” in Research Pedagogy are made indispensable because as a science, it adopts a
systemic behavior in the process. It has a process because steps and procedure are indispensable.
It has a method because every profiled, inferred, statistically argued statement of matter & facts
so with the evidences are proven in both antecedent and consequent findings of the research

The 5W’s and 1H Pedagogy of Research is important of the scientific value of the research
community. Research is incomplete until it is published. Unpublished research has doubtful
scientific values. Non-cited work does not contribute to the body of knowledge. For the
researcher personal satisfaction are measured of scientific contribution. It becomes also a
criterion for promotion, protection against plagiarism and somehow it becomes also an area of

For the Academe, research is the gauge of excellence of scientific training. It serves as the basis
for accreditation & recognition. However, it also becomes the basis of budget release and
criterion for promotion. Likewise, publication is also needed when there is a question of
reliability & validity of the discourses. When it involves significant, substantial acceptance,
rejection and theorizing research is significantly published. Moreover, when it complements
recent scholarly discourses as presented to conferences or seminars to prove and disprove and to
the extent theorizing the unknown phenomenal world. And, lastly when the research is refereed
from the outside or inside intellectual group or in an organization for peer referee is
recommended for making the manuscript intelligible.
IG- Instructor Guide – Education 200 (Research Methods): A Modular Approach 6
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

E. Activity
Submit this think piece in a computer generated one whole long size bond paper on April
17, 2012 APA format. Margin left I inch and right 1 inch; top 1 inch and bottom 1 inch and
double space. Font style & size TNR 12

Guided think piece

1. Can the institutional and personal vision and mission, philosophy and goals, objectives
and strategies go together? How do you reconcile these?
2. What is your solution in reconciling these IV and DV? Why these IV and DV dominant
in you?
3. How do you relate these IV and DV to the Input-Thru-put-Output process in the
classroom setting?
4. Can these IV and DV indentified help you in the reconstruction on innovation or the
reinventing of the instructions, supervisory and administrative intelligences?
5. What type of the researches that you want to engage in the solution of the identified
6. With all these IV and DV, construct the conceptual framework of the identified concern?
7. Which of these types of researches that you prefer most? Can you work with quali-quanti

F. Announcement

Deadline of the ‘Think piece’ will be submitted on April 17, 2012 at 5:00 pm at the office of the
College of Education.

2nd Day
Title Construction & Abstract formulation
/Review of Related Literature and Studies

A. Learning Objective
1. Understand the significant role of the Review of Related Literature and Studies (RRLS) to
possible theories, concepts or principles to support the investigation;
2. Identify and gain intelligences of the RRLS in the construction of CF & TF of the possible
framework of future studies;
3. Guide to preparing the RRLS to future possible construction of discourses in the positivist and
constructivist framework;
4. Formulate and construct an intelligent abstract as a little book of the study;
5. Write and understand the role of generalization and synthesis in the construction and formulation
of abstract.

B. Readings
1. Róisín , Ryan-Flood and Rosalind Gill (2009).Secrecy and Silence in the Research
Process. UK: The Open University, University of Essex
2. Bellotti, Elsa (2011). Qualitative Networks: Mixing Methods in Social Research. UK:
IG- Instructor Guide – Education 200 (Research Methods): A Modular Approach 7
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

3. Lury Celia and Nina Wakeford (2011). Inventive Methods: The Happening of the Social.
UK: Goldsmiths University of
4. Bruun, Hans Henrik (2011)./ Literature and Literature Review. Denmark: University of
Copenhagen and London: Sam Whimster Metropolitan University/ www.routledge.
com/9780415478984/accessed 4/8/2011
5. Kalmbach Phillips, Donna and Kevin Carr. (2010). Becoming a Teacher through Action
Research Process, Context, and Self-Study. USA: George Fox
University/ / /accessed 4/10/2011

C. Topics
1. Basic Structure of the title & RRLS
2. Construction & Abstract formulation

D. Discussions

Professional literature comes from published materials like books, journals, magazines,
pamphlets, etc. while related studies are from published and unpublished materials like theses,
research reports, dissertations and researches of any disciplines. In the construction of the title it
must be within 8-15 words taken from the identified IV and DV, it is within the framework of
the importance of the study. However, all of these frameworks are within the reach of the RRLS.
Abstract formulation or we may call it as little book of the research emphatically synthesizes and
generalizes the nutshell of the study.

It is advisable that prepare to review the literature first before framing the introduction,
theoretical framework, statement of the problem, scope, delimitation and research methodology.
The RRLS can give advantages 1) it helps the researcher look for possible theories, concepts or
principles to support his investigations; 2) it is essential in formulating a sound research problem
or research title, hypotheses, assumptions, etc.; 3) it enlightens the researcher as to the direction
of the study; 4) it proves that the study is researchable and possess novelty; 5) it helps to identify
the statistical instruments to be used in the study; 6) it serves as a guide to writing the findings,
conclusions and recommendations; 7) it helps the researcher to connect himself to the topic (s)
that he/she is preparing; 8) it will direct the researcher the kind, type and classes of RRLS that
he/she may prefers; 9) in the RRLS it is made conventional that the author(s) of the previous
studies are acknowledge and recognized. The author(s), year published, the title, the place
published and the publication company are acknowledged with diligence and sobriety.

E. Activity

Submit this think piece in a computer generated one whole long size bond paper in a
double space on April 18, 2012 APA format. Margin left I inch and right 1 inch; top 1 inch and
bottom 1 inch. Font style & size TNR 12

Guided Think piece

1. Construct a title and formulate a theoretical and conceptual framework of the IV & DV;
IG- Instructor Guide – Education 200 (Research Methods): A Modular Approach 8
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

2. PILOT your introduction towards your IV and DV;

3. Support your No. 1 and No. 2 with the RRLS;
4. Connect your CF/TF & your PS to your RRLS;
5. Evaluate the impact and magnitude of the RRLS

F. Announcement

Deadline of the ‘Think piece’ will be submitted on April 18, 2012 at 5:00 pm at the office of the
College of Education.

3rd Day
Scope, Delimitation vs. Limitation

A. Learning Objective
1. Understand and write the acceptable introduction in a publishable research journal;
2. Discover and write the essential elements of an intelligible introduction, scope, delimitation and
limitation of the researchable manuscript;
3. Explore and write intelligible methodologies in a researchable paper;
4. Understand the pros and cons on the why and how of the methodologies;
5. Understand the language of research through the methodology of the research paper.

B. Readings

1. Strydom, Piet. (2011). Contemporary Critical Theory and Methodology. UK:

Copenhagen, Denmark, London Metropolitan University/ /accessed /4/9/2011
2. Coleman, Simon and Pauline von Hellermann (2011). Multi-Sited Ethnography:
Problems and Possibilities in the Translocation of Research Methods.UK: University of
Sussex /
3. Pat Drake (2011).Practitioner Research at Doctoral Level: Developing Coherent Research
Methodologies. UK: University of Sussex, UK with Linda Heath, University of
4. Chandra Lekha Sriram, University of East, John C. King, Julie A. Mertus, Johanna
Herman. (2011). Surviving Field Research: Working in Violent and Difficult Situations.
American University, USA, Olga Martin-Ortega/ /9780415489355
5. Foreman-Peck, Lorraine, Christopher Winch. (2011). Using Educational Research to
Inform Practice: A Practical Guide to Practitioner Research in Universities and Colleges.
UK: Oxford University and King College/
C. Topics
1. Introduction
2. Scope, Delimitation vs. Limitation
3. Methodology
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Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

D. Discussions
It is easy for a writer to write an introduction after the heart of the study (TF&CF) is done and
the SP were answered by drawing-out reliable and valid presentation, analysis and interpretation
in arriving findings, conclusions and recommendations of the research.

For a publishable research it should be if not must be guarded always with the salient points of a
PILOT (Problem, Importance, Literature, Objectives and Time-bounded) introduction. A busy
man will not be interested anymore in going into details of the research but only the abstract if
not the introduction will do for their conceptual mapping about the paper. Therefore it is
commendable that the introduction must give flavor and spices about the research paper.
Meaning, it is within the intelligent framework of the introduction that a paper be judge.

The first statement of the introduction it should emphatically talk about the paper and every
claim that the writer is mentioning must be always supported by evidences like the RRLS. In the
scope and delimitation of the study the 5W’s and 1H of the study must be conventionally cleared
and emphasized. It is the scope and delimitation will give boundary of the study. In other words,
the study is controlled by the researcher. The limitation of the study is not the same to the
delimitation. The limitation is not controlled by the researcher. Meaning in this area, there is a
limited population and venue of the research which brings the researcher into dilemma which
somehow, delimits the researcher in the study. To make a layman understand that there are
population and venue of the research that the researcher cannot control therefore it is the
limitation of the researcher. Likewise, when the research population is by the thousands, millions
and even the venue/setting but the researcher can manage the number of the populations and
setting of the study it was called delimitation.

The methodology must always content with a designs according to the types of researches
underdone. For example, a qualitative research need one year and a haft (1½) for the emersion
and living with the population and venue of the research in order to come-up a solid truth of the
matter and fact of the study. However, for the quantitative type of research, the manner of
handling the data is not as tedious as to the qualitative type of research. However, with the
marriage of the two disciplines in the field of research the constructivist favors on the idea of the
pragmatist epistemologist that the two designs must go together to marry the truth of the matter
and fact on the issue to be resolve. The contention is that the designs, randomization of the
population, gathering and collecting of the data, instrumentation and the statistical treatment of
the study would always depends on the type of the research engaged by the researcher. Set
always a mathematical and statistical tool of the issue in order to gauge/measure the parameter of
the study under investigations.

While it is true that the language of research is statistics and the grammar is mathematics, the
methodology plays a significant role of the research in the epistemological arena of criteriology
and certitude of the axiological meaning of the problem.

E. Activity
Submit this think piece in a computer generated in a one whole long size bond paper
double space on April 19, 2012 APA format. Margin left I inch and right 1 inch; top 1 inch and
bottom 1 inch. Font style & size TNR 12
IG- Instructor Guide – Education 200 (Research Methods): A Modular Approach 10
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

Guided Think piece

1. Write a paragraph (s) that has an emergence of a PILOT, scope and limitation with the
support of the methodology of your propose TF&CF as a derivative of your SP

F. Announcement

Deadline of the ‘Think piece’ will be submitted on April 19, 2012 at 5:00 pm at the office of the
College of Education.
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation (PAI)
Review of Related Literature and Studies (RRLS)

A. Learning Objective
1. Discover the connectivity between the PAI &RRLS in the study;
2. Accept and reject theory and hypotheses of the study by using the PAI & RRLS;
3. Write the PAI & RRLS intelligently;
4. Employ the role of evidence using the PAI & RRLS to connect the CF/TF

B. Readings

1. Morehouse, Richard (2011). Beginning Interpretive Inquiry: A Step-by-Step Approach to

Research and Evaluation. USA: Viterbo University/
/9780415601894/ accessed 4/2/2011
2. Ovens, Peter, Frances Wells, Patricia Wallis and Cyndy Hawkins. (2011). Developing
Inquiry for Learning: Reflective and Collaborative ways to Learn how to Learn in Higher
Education. UK: Columbia and Nottingham Trent Universities/
3. Yanow, Dvora and Peregrine Schwartz-Shea (2011). Interpretive Approaches to Research
Design: Concepts and Processes. USA:University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands and
University of Utah/
4. Walliman , Nicholas, (2010). Research Methods: The Basics. UK: Oxford Brookes
University/ 4/4/2011
5. Jackson , Alecia Youngblood and Lisa A. Mazzei (2011).Thinking with Theory in
Qualitative Research: Using Epistemological Frameworks in the Production of Meaning.
USA: Appalachian State University & Gonzaga University

C. Topic

1. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation (PAI)

2. Review of Related Literature and Studies (RRLS)

D. Discourses on Important Notes:

• Presents the theoretical core of the study;
• Synthesizes the work of others;
IG- Instructor Guide – Education 200 (Research Methods): A Modular Approach 11
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

• Acknowledge author(s) with the observance of the ethical standard;

• Use the 2007 up to date RRLS
• Write a manuscript that grade 3 or elementary pupils can understand

Synthesized Review:
• One way those teachers can include the study of discourse in the second language
Classroom is to allow students themselves to study language; that is, make them discourse
Analysts (Murcia, 2007; Carter, 2008; Riggenbach, 2009);
• Includes studies from the past three (3) years;
• Covers not too few nor too many work;
• Establishes relationships of cited works;
• The connectivity between IV & DV; SP & RRLS is important.
• Link your presentation, analysis, interpretations and findings of the research problem and
importance of the study.

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation

• There are three levels in the interpretation of data
•• Table reading. The contents of the table are to be presented numerically and descriptively;
••Implication or meaning of the data. What the results means;
••Cross-referencing or corroboration. The results are to be compared with the existing knowledge

• Interpret the data carefully;
• Watch the grammar and avoid high-sounding words;
• The language of research is specific and requires basic terms;
• Avoid expressions that are unnecessary and too long;

E. Activity
Submit this think piece in a computer generated one whole long size bond paper double
space on April 20, 2012 APA format. Margin left I inch and right 1 inch; top 1 inch and bottom 1
inch. Font style & size TNR 12

Guided Think piece

1. Have your table on the study entitled ‘recidivism in absenteeism;’
2. Have a mock-data/pseudo-data for No. 3;
3. Apply your knowledge on the presentation, analysis and interpretation discourses;
4. Use theory and previous study that would accept and reject the present claims;
5. Use your No. 3 for your claims supported by data and draw your implication.

F. Announcement

Deadline of the ‘Think piece’ will be submitted on April 20, 2012 at 5:00 pm at the office of the
College of Education.
IG- Instructor Guide – Education 200 (Research Methods): A Modular Approach 12
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

5th Day
Summary, Findings,
Conclusions and Recommendations

A. Learning Objective
1. Develop a summary, findings, conclusions and recommendations that is acceptable to the
community of researchers and publishers;
2. Draw-out thinking, judgment and action veritable and epistemologically driven from the
generated data;
3. Learn and apply in the future (re)constructions in summary, conclusions and recommendations;
4. Be honest and true to your data and write haft of a short size bond paper of each topic on your
summary, findings, conclusions and recommendations enumeratively when letter ‘S’ is added.
However, when it is written as finding, conclusion and recommendation write it in a paragraph
5. Practice writing/drawing-out inferences in summary, findings, conclusions and recommendations
by observing logical oppositions.

B. Readings

1. Ross , Kenneth N. (2010). Quantitative research methods in educational

planning.International Institute for Educational Planning/UNESCO. Paris, France:7-9
rue Eugène-Delacroix, 75116/ and
2. eBooks/ 4/4/2011
3. eUpdates/ 4/5/2011
4. Morehouse,Richard (2011). Beginning Interpretive Inquiry. USA:Viterbo
5. Fenwick , Tara,Richard Edwards and Peter Sawchuk (2011). Emerging Approaches to
Educational Research: Tracing the Socio-Material.UK: University of Stirling, and
Toronto, Canada : OISE University/

C. Topics
1. Summary, findings, conclusions and recommendations
2. Drawing-out logical inferences, oppositions and implications of the data

D. Discussions
All presentation in the summary must be brief that they were not duplicated in the chapters. The
thinner or the slimmer is the better. Most of the study found in the library are very bulky and
thickly. Discourses most of the time are redundant. It will not catch the attention of the re-
searcher. The summary is essential as a benchmark in the preparation of findings, conclusions
and recommendations for the systematic logical and consistent results.

Findings are residue of the presentations, analysis and interpretations of data. Because of that,
findings must be written in the past tense. Use the constructivist positivist approach in stating the
qualitative and quantitative findings.
IG- Instructor Guide – Education 200 (Research Methods): A Modular Approach 13
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

Conclusions must be written in the present tense. They are stated based on the findings of the
study. State the conclusion not in a findings or recommendations form. If the study has seven
statement of the problem there should be also seven conclusions. It is recommended that the
conclusion must be stated in a bullet form or enumerative however, if not numbered it can do it
in a paragraph form.

Recommendations may or may not appear necessarily in the study. There are studies that need no
recommendation(s). However, if it is needed state it in a bullet forms. The recommendations in
the study must base on the findings and conclusions. The number of findings and conclusions
must also be the number of the recommendations. In other words, findings were drawn base on
the SP; conclusions were drawn base on the findings; recommendations were drawn base on the
conclusions. The recommendations therefore are the answer of the identified ‘concern’ that need
to be address embracing the demand of the time and circumstances.

E. Activity
Submit this think piece in a computer generated five (5) whole sheets of long size bond
paper in a double space on April 21, 2012 APA format. Margin left I inch and right 1 inch; top 1
inch and bottom 1 inch. Font style & size TNR 12

Guided Think piece

1. Now apply your knowledge in the problem, the RRLS, methodology, presentation,
analysis and interpretation of data to construct a summary, findings, conclusions and

F. Announcement

Deadline of the ‘Think piece’ will be submitted on April 21, 2012 at 5:00 pm at the office of the
College of Education.

6th Day
Bibliography vs. Reference
and Appendixes

A. Learning Objective
1. Understand and learn the ‘how and why’ of the APA format in the social science researches;
2. Explore and discover the difference between bibliography and a reference;
3. Understand instinctively the supporting evidence(s) on the special role of the bibliography and
reference in every claims in the context of the paper/research work;
4. Identify and classify document(s) worthy of appreciation using the technique on the ‘question
5. Learn the how and why in the use of the recent bibliography and references through elibrary,
emails, http, www. html, pdf, and other web connectivity.
IG- Instructor Guide – Education 200 (Research Methods): A Modular Approach 14
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

B. Readings

1.Dodd, Sarah-Jane and Irwin Epstein (2011).Practice-based Research: A Textbook for

Social Workers. USA: Hunter College, City University
2. Bradford, Simon and Fin Cullen.Research Methods for Youth Practitioners: An
Introduction. UK :Brunel University
3. Simonsen, Jesper, Jørgen Ole Bærenholdt, andMonika Büscher (2011). Design Research:
Synergies from Interdisciplinary Perspectives. UK: John Damm Scheuer, Lancaster
University and Roskilde University and Roskilde University
4. Dowling, Paul and Andrew Brown(2011). Doing Research/Reading Research: Re-
Interrogating Education. UK: University of London
5. Gast, David L. (2011). Single Subject Research Methodology in Behavioral Sciences. ,
USA: University of Georgia
C. Topics
1. Bibliography, References and Appendixes
2. Document and Documentations

D. Discussions
Bibliography and referencing is the backbone of the research study. As the TF/CF&SP is the
heart of the study, the B/R is the backbone that supports the system of the body to stand.
Meaning, to make the research strongly founded by bases and supporting evidence(s) let the
bibliography and references speak.

The bibliography and references that has a bearing of the study make sense of the research paper.
The recent trend and findings used in the bibliography and references enhances, enriching and
updating the previously paper under study. The more recent bibliography and references used in
the study, the higher the internal and external reliability and validity. The research recently and
previously done is researchable. Therefore, it is a good ‘issue’ in research. Likewise, the
bibliography and references has something to do on the maxim ‘a good research is repetitive.’
This would mean that the issue is the same but time and space may not be the same.

E. Activity
Submit a proposal paper in a computer generated short size bond paper double space on
April 23, 2012 APA format. Margin left I inch and right 1 inch; top 1 inch and bottom 1 inch.
Font style & size TNR 12
Guided Think piece (Final Proposal Rubric 100 (30%))
1. The following topic and sub-topic are present:
Education 200 (Methods of Educational Research)
_____ Chapter 1
_____ Introduction (PILOT),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 points
_____Theoretical/Conceptual framework,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 points
_____Statement of the problem,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 points
_____Scope/Limitation/Delimitation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 points
_____Importance/Significance,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 points
IG- Instructor Guide – Education 200 (Research Methods): A Modular Approach 15
Dr. Frederick W. Gomez

_____Definition of terms,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 points

21 points
_____ Chapter 2
_____ Books,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5 points
_____Journals,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5 points
_____Published studies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 points
_____Unpublished studies ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 points
_____Documentation/fossilization,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 points
25 points
_____ Chapter 3
_____Design,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5 points
_____Setting,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 points
_____Population,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2 points
_____Sampling,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5 points
_____Data gathering,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3 points
_____Data Collection,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3 points
_____Data instrumentation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3 points
_____Data Interpretation,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3 points
26 points
_____Questionnaire,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 13
_____ Letter Request/Permit/Authority,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2
_____ Research Ethics ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3
_____ APA and refs are correct ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5
_____ Grammar/Tone/Writing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5
F. Announcement

Deadline of the ‘Proposal paper’ will be submitted on the prescribed date at 5:00 pm at the office
of the College of Education.
Percentage distribution needed in order to pass Education 200
Proposal 30%
Think Piece 25 %
Discourses 25%

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