Relationship Between Vertical Ground Reaction Force and Speed During Walking, Slow Jogging, and Running

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Clinical Eiomerhanics Vol. 11. No. 5, pp. ?

S3-25Y, 1996
Copynght 0 1996 Published by Elsevicr Science Limited. All rights rcscrved
Printed in Great Britain
0268-0033196 $15 .OO + 0.00



Relationship between vertical ground

reaction force and speed during walking,
slow jogging, and running
T S Keller’, A M Weisberger*, J L Ray3, S S Hasan4, R G Shiavi4,
D M Spengler*
‘Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Vermont, ‘Department of
Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, 3Department of Mechanical Engineering, and
4Department of Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, USA

Objective. To obtain descriptive information between vertical ground reaction force
(GRF)-time histories and gait speed, running style, and gender.
Design. GRF-time history measurements were obtained from male and female subjects
during walking, slow jogging, jogging and running on an indoor platform.
Background. Previous studies have established GRF descriptor variables for male subjects
running at speeds from 3 to 6 m s-‘, but very little descriptive data exists for slower or faster
running, nor have previous studies reported GRF descriptors separatelyforfemale subjects.
Methods. GRF-time histories were recorded for 13 male and 10 female recreational athletes
during walking and slow jogging at speeds between 1.5 and 3.0 m s-l, and running at
speeds between 3.5 and 6.0 m s -‘. Vertical GRF-time data for trials with speeds within
0.2 m s-’ of the prescribed speed were analysed to determine thrust maximum GRF (F,)
and loading rate (G,).
Results. In both male and female subjects, F, increased linearly during walking and running
from 1.2 BW to approximately 2.5 BW at 6.0 m s-‘, remaining constant during forward lean
sprinting at higher speeds. F, was linearly correlated to G,, the latter ranging from 8 to
30 BW s-’ over this speed range. Slow jogging was associated with a > 50% higher F, and
G, in comparison to walking or fast running.
Conclusions. Similar GRF descriptor data and velocity relationships were obtained for male
and female subjects. Impact forces were greatest when the subjects adopted a higher, less
fixed centre of gravity during slow jogging.

These results suggest that vertical GRF norms can be established for male and female
subjects alike, and that slow or fast running with a lower, fixed centre of gravity decreases
impact forces. Copyright @ 1996 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

Key words: Gait, ground reaction force, thrust maximum, speed, running, biomechanics

C/in. Biomech. Vol. 11, No. 5, 253-259, 1996

Introduction occurred among dedicated distance runners logging

The popularity of recreational running has increased high mileage on a daily basis. Two-thirds of the chronic
dramatically over the past few years, as has the injuries were attributed to high mileage, workout
incidence of overuse or repetitive loading injuries. intensity, running up hills and on hard surfaces, and/or
Clinical evidence suggests that workout intensity plays rapid change in training routine. Other researchers
a major role in the development of overuse injuries. have postulated that impact forces associated with
In a study *conducted by James and associates’ in- repeated loading are responsible for certain types of
volving 180 patients. 65% of the chronic injuries overuse injuries of the musculoskeletal system’.“.
The notion that there may be a positive relationship
between impact force and overuse injuries during
running, together with the need to assess athlete
Received: 25 January 1995; Accepted: 13 October 1995
Correspondence and reprint requests to: Tony S Keller PhD,
performance, has prompted numerous experimental
University of Vermont, Department of Mechanical Engineering, studies of ground reaction force (GRF)-time histories
119 Votey Building, Burlington, VT 05405-0156, USA during the past 20 years4. Ground reaction force-time
254 Ctin. Biomech. Vol. 11, No. 5, 1996

histories provide dcscriptil e information concerning Methods

the magnitude. direction and point of application of the
impact fori~:: In general the vertical component of the Twenty-three subjects (13 males and 10 females) were
GRF domimites the impact force--time histor) in used in this study (Table 1). All subjects were recre-
comparison t/1 the other two components (backward-. ational athletes who participated on a regular basis in a
forward. me&al-lateral). and hence is the easiest to variety of activities including: basketball. squash, cyc-
quantify. The vertical GKI’ also shows the least vari- ling, soccer. racquetball, distance running. volleyball,
abitit! between and within subjects’ i. Studies have tennis, weight lifting, triathlons. and other sports. All
indicated that the descriptive data characterizing the were within the range of normal weight for their height.
verlicitl GRE (loading rate. impact peak. relative The majority of subjects surveyed indicated that they run
minimum. :hl u\t maximum. decay rate) are dependent at average speeds of X-c) minutes/mile for females and
up0n numcroiis external factors such its suhjcct body 7- S minutes/mile for males. ‘I’hese speeds correspond
masi. loading rate. running speed. running stvle, area approximately to 3.0-3.3 m s ’ and 3.4--3.X m s-’ for
tri !hc foot sround contact. :IS well as the mechanical females and males respectively. During the tests the
lm~p~rtic’s of’ the fool. shoe. ;Ind surface involved’~” “. male and female subjects wore Nike Aircraft running
<ii thy nl:\!?v esterna! tactors which intluencc the shoes with identical soles and cushioning.
GRF. gait ++~ed has been the central focus of man) Subjects were asked to walk. jog, and run over a
- !(I 11-m running platform. ‘This arrangement provided 6 m
invcstigiltiony ’ i ’ .I’hcs1: studies have consistentI!
rtcttcd thilt. rhr: nla,gnitutie clf the vertical CiRE‘ increasec; for the subjects to accelerate :md decelerate. Football
witli rni,rc;t3iti!; speed %>?‘cr thy range 111‘ spends dummie\ were placed at the end of the runway as ;I
~~xrtmined. i>:lr h;~vc genr~rall\ been limited to a narro\\ buffer during deceleration and subjects were en-
tati~c 01 \\,;iliiing 01 runnirtg speeds ;md:‘or 3 small couraged to USC them at higher speeds. A A-channel
1rumt~r <,I x?ibjcctb. In :]I! c>ffort TV)establish reference force pl;itform (,Model OR&3, Advanced Mechanical
stanthrrdu l’<)r C;RF dat,r as il function of running speed. Technology. Inc.. Newton. MA). with a natural
Munr~) CI ~1.. .:oliccted GRF data from 20 adult males frequency 01’401) Hz. was located flush in the centrc of
a1 \ptc’(fs rzmging from i-5 m 5 ’ tit the SQWdS the platform and was directly connected to a IWP I 1123
~x;m~~nc~l. th majorirt of the subjects in this stud! computer. A I:-bit A0 converter was used to sample
\+tcrc rC;ir--t(>~!I 5trikcrs LL~OSCGKF-time history wan, the GKF --time history data at 3% samples per second.
~h;ir;+~t~~r~~c:c!t)\ ;I,] iriiti;jl sharp peak (impact Inax- l‘his SilJllpling frequency was based upon Nigg’s’”
mum) i’olic~t:~l hi ;I sccc,nd pc;ik at mid-stance (thrust reconimendution that the appropriate frequency for
m;t*imilJn! i hc( nored that rhr impact maximum data acquisition should be at least five times the
irrcrc.;\\etl i airagut i .i-Iold) in it linear manner from maximum frequency content of the analysed signal.
j CL%~lvwcigh! (l3W) t(i 2.S HW over this range 01 During running up to 6 m s ’ the frequency content of
>pcctl~ - ir,irc;i5C:s iI, the thrust maximum and the GRI; -time histories is not more than 3) lIzI-‘.
;~~,c~-:Q~c \trr?ir~ri C;KF cxcrtctl throughout the stance The force platform surface measured 50X mm x
phahz howc.\ J:- ~c’ce i+s remarkable ( I, I -fold and 357 mm and was outlined with a bright yellow. ‘r-mm
1h..I“.11,ldi ;tbL’i ?hcxe running speeds. and exhibited ;I wide I;I~c’. Subjects were allowed as many practice
??lOrL’ 11011. iir!t.;tr relationuhlp kvith i;peed (increasing less trials a\ needed to achieve acceptable foot contact
wit!? ;noi-c;rslll,z3 running speed). Nipg et al: found (within the bounds of the force platform minus 25 mm
SilTiililj ti’?,ittii 1~11 14 rllalc\ running at speeds ranging on each side) and were given ;i rest of at least I min
r”riK: .; f. iJ’l Whili~ these results establish useful between speed trials. A line of 20 1X1) lights. spaced
\tnndnr&. !%:I.(; KI-‘de>cripi;pr \,:lriables for nialc runners. 0.5 m apart and set to blink in sequence at the desired
the; do noi l>r(!l J&Z descriptive data for women. nor do specda. \tas placed OJI the margin of’ the running stage
thcW rcsuii~ ;lr pre\%~u\ IitCraturc consider running at in order to guide the subject. Subjects were required to
ifXW.l$ IC\S t!-c,ii\ : 111 \ ’ or grcatcl- that) f, 111x ‘, contact the force platform using the same foot (right or
‘Z%C,i>f>jt’cti\‘* of thE> <~uJy W;IS LO re-examine the I&t), because the data acquisition program required
relationship between 111~ vertical CiKF and speed consistent foot usage throughout. Data from both right
tzncompassmg ;i wide r;\nge of physiological running and left foot strikers were combined into distinct speed
speeds. In particular WC‘wished to answer the following categories according to the method of Munro and
qut,stions: (1 ) docc the vertical GKI~ increase in a lineal associates’. An KGB video camera (Hitachi, model
manner at running speeds greater than S m s ‘?. (7) KP-C’IOSA. Hitachi Denshi Ltd. Japan) and a h-head
does gender intluencc the vertical GKF‘.‘. and (3) what videocassette recorder (I litachi. model VT-33OA,
ei’f~ct does sIo\~ .joggmg as opposed to fast walking Hitachi Japan) were used to film and record (at 30
have on the vcrtlcal GKF’.’ frames per second) the foot-strike pattern and contact
angle during each trial. The camera was located
adjacent to the force platform facing either the medial
or lateral aspect of the foot, depending upon whether a
left or right foot strike occurred. respectively.
Age iyears) 25.2 (SD 4.31 28.4 (SD 5.4)
Height (cm1 178.4 (SD 7.0) 168.3 (SD 7.0) A minimum of four walking speeds (1.5. 2.0. 3.5.
Mass(kg} 75.6 (SD 12.0) 57.6 (SD 5.81 3.0 m s .‘) and four running speeds (3.5. 4.0. 5.0,
Keller et al: Ground reaction force and gait speed 255

Percent of Total ReDetitions

6.0 m s-‘) were measured for males. Female subjects
were measured at the same walking and running speed
intervals up to 4.0 m s-l, after which the speed inter-
vals increased at 0.5 m SC’ intervals up to the subjects’
maximum speed. In order to obtain GRF-time
histories at the subjects’ maximum speed, male and 60

female subjects were encouraged to run as fast as 40

possible above 6.0 m s-’ and 5.0 m SC’ respectively. In 20
a subset of 12 subjects (6 males, 6 females), the subjects 0
were asked to slow jog at speeds of 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 5 6 6.5 7

3.0 m s-‘. Slow jogging was distinguished from walk- Speed (meters/second)
ing by the absence of a double support phase. Walking, Forefoot E2 Midfoot 0 Reatfoot
slow jogging, and running speeds were measured by Figure 1. Foot strike indices (rear-foot, mid-foot, fore-foot) versus speed
two photoelectric cells located 1 m from the centre of for all subjects. indices are depicted in terms of the percentage of total
walking and running repetitions (n = 8791. Foot strike patterns change
the force platform, and mounted so that the photo- from predominantly rear-foot to predominantly mid-foot at 6 m 5-l.
electric cells were triggered by the subjects’ waist. Up to
10 trials at each speed were recorded, and only trials in Means and standard deviations (SD) of the descriptive
which there was good foot contact within the perimeter of variables were obtained at each of the fixed walking,
the tape, a steady stride, and speeds within ?Z0.2 m SC’ slow jogging, and running speeds. Linear regression
of the prescribed speed were analysed. models were also applied to the force-velocity data,
The six-channel GRF-time history data was later and R2 values and levels of significance were calculated
processed on a PDP 11173computer using data analysis for the regression equations. An analysis of covariance
methods described previously”. The main variables (ANCOVA, equality of slopes) was also performed to
reported in this paper are the vertical thrust maximum determine if the regression models were significantly
force (F,), vertical thrust maximum loading rate (G,), different for male and female subjects. GRF descriptor
and speed (v). In order to precisely determine the variable differences between men and women, at differ-
magnitude and time duration of the vertical thrust ent speeds, and between slow jogging and walking were
maximum force, a four-point interleave filter (3 db cut- assessedusing a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).
off = 15 Hz) was used to smooth the 256 samples/
second GRF-time history data. This smoothing
process produced data records containing 65 samples/s
(256/4 + 1). Thrust maximum loading rates were calcu- Analysis of the foot strike indices indicated that the
lated by dividing F, by the time interval between initial majority of subjects were rear-foot strikers at speeds
foot contact and the occurrence of the vertical thrust less than 5 m SC’ (Figure 1). At speeds above 3 m SC’
maximum force. In accordance with Munro et al.‘, F, there was an increasing frequency of mid-foot and fore-
and G, were normalized to the subject’s bodyweight foot strikes. Eighty-six percent of the subjects were
(BW). Vertical impact peak forces were not determined mid-foot or fore-foot strikers at 6.0 m SC’. Eight
from the GRF-time histories, since these short duration females achieved speeds of 5 m s-’ and two completed
peaks were attenuated by of the smoothing scheme used five trials at 6 m s- ‘. All males achieved speeds of
to process the data. The smoothing scheme, however, 6 m s-l and four completed four or more trials at
produced only a small reduction (about 2-5%) in the 7 m s-‘. One male subject completed three trials at a
thrust force values at the highest speeds. speed of 8 m SC’ using a rear-foot strike pattern. Many
Foot-contact patterns for each trial of each subject subjects increased their stride length and assumed a
were quantified by examining digitized images obtained more crouched, forward leaning posture during their
from the videotape recordings. Originally we had high-speed running trials.
intended to determine both the foot-strike index (rear- The vertical GRF-time histories exhibited a double
foot, mid-foot, fore-foot)-i and the contact angle from peak during walking and running below speeds of 2.5-
the video recordings of the foot-strike patterns. Both 3.0 m SC’ (Figure 2). At these speeds the thrust maxi-
are important parameters which are required for mum force was generally the first peak recorded and
dynamic analysis and modelling of rigid body motion of occurred between 15 and 25% of the total stance time.
the lower extremities. Subsequent analysis of digitized At higher running speeds, the GRF-time histories
images of each foot strike, however, indicated that consisted of a single peak (thrust maximum) located at
while this procedure was adequate for determining the about 40-50% of the total stance time. The mean
foot-strike index, we could not obtain accurate contact values for F, ranged from 1.15 BW at 1.5 m SC’ to
angle measurements above 3 m s-’ with the frame rate 2.54 BW at 4.5 m s-’ for females, and from 1.23 BW at
used (30 Hz). This paper, therefore, presents only the 1.5 m SC’ to 2.46 BW at 5 m s-l for males (Table 2).
former. It should be noted that one can perform centre The average loading rate increased from 7.77 to
of pressure measurements to determine contact 30.0 BW SC’ and 8.20 to 29.1 BW SC’ in the speed
patterns2,‘, but such measurements cannot be used to range 1.5-6.0 m SC’ for the female and male subjects
compute contact angle measurements. respectively.
256 C/in. Biomech. Vol. 11, No. 5, 1996


Time (% Stance) Time (% Stance)

Figure 2. Anterior-posterior vertical GRF-time histories patterns as functions of running speed. Time histories shown were smoothed using a 4-point
interleave filter and normalized as a percentage of the total stance time according to the method of Hasan et al. 14, Impact peaks were not present in the
vertical GRF- time histories because of the smoothing procedure used to post-process the data. (a) Female subject (7) for speeds of 1.5-6.0 m S- ‘.
Transition from double to single vertical force peak occurs at 2.5 m s ‘. (b) Male subject (9) for speeds of 1.5-7.0 m sm.‘. Transition from double to single
veltical force peak occurs a? 3.0 m q ’

‘11~ icrtlcai thrust maximum force increased in a Males (n = 291) F, = 0.598 L’ + 0.249.
lineal- manner with increasing speed up to abot~t R” = 0.65 (PCO.001)
1 ,? !I-, c ’ for both males and females (,Figure 3). V’ari- Females (n = 240) F, = 0.634 v + 0.159,
:~l~ms in 2;, wt:re greatest in the speed transition region R” = 0.66 (PCO.001)
l>riM;<$<:n lvalking and running (e.g. 2.5.-3.0 m s ‘) at
which point some subJccts walked and some jogged. where n is the number of trials. Incremental changes in
ii; 3.5 nl :. the male and female subjects were run- F, were statistically significant (ANOVA, P-cO.05) up to
ning at 53,11”:1(SD 5.2) and 67.5(X, (SD 6.1) of their 3.5 m s-l for both male and female subjects. At speeds
maximum speed respectively. Linear regression equa- greater than about 3.5 m s-l there were no significant
rions and the coefficient of determination (R’) for F, increases in F, for either group of subjects. In the male
(RN’) vc’rsux speed (walking and running gaits) in the subjects there was a slight decrease in F, at the highest
range (11I 5 ~TI4- I c: i’ -C 3.5 m s -’ were: speeds. particularly for the subject who ran up to
Table 2. Summary of vertical GRF variables (mean values) grouped by running speed and sex

Females Males
Thrust Thrust
max. farce Loading rate Speed max. force Loading rate
(F,, BWJ fG, BW s ‘i (lt 0.2 m s ‘) Fz, SW! (G, BW s-‘I
1.5 (r: 501 1.15 (0.10) 7.77 (1.781 1.5 (n = 65) 1.23” lO.10) 8.20 (1.84)
2.0 in 50; 1.36 (0.18) 11.5 (2.36) 2.0 (n = 641 1.42’ (0.14) 11 .o (2.29)
2.5 /n .= 49) ‘I .73 (0.43) 14.6 (3.71) 2.5 h = 65) 1.62 (0.24) 14.6 (2.46)
3.0 (r> = 50) 2.11 (0.46) 16.9 (3.97) 3.0 In = 61) 2.10 (0.50) 16.0 (3.30)
3.5 (a -= 41 J 2.36 (0.25) 19.1 (3.82) 3.5 (n = 37) 2.45 (0.28) 18.32 (3.36)
4.0 (n 46) 2.33 (0.32) 19.6 (4.65) 4.0 In = 58) 2.35 (0.48) 18.9 (4.85)
4.5 (n IO! 2.54 (0.27) 23.7 (4.91)
5.0 in = 38; 2.28 (0.32) 22.3 (4.61) 5.0 (n = 60) 2.46* (0.33) 22.8 (4.51)
5.5inx 101 2.13 (0.32) 22.5 (6.87)
6.C (P IO! 2 45 !0.13) 30.0 (2.63) 6.0 (n = 67) 2.38 (0.28) 29.1 (15.2)
6.58 (n ; 26) 2.34 (0.23) 37.8 (29.3)
7.0% (n = 17) 2.29 (0.19) 36.5 (22.5)
8.0% (n = 3) 1.89 (0.49) 58.5 (37.6)
so m parentheses. n - number of trials
f Significant difference ~ANOVA, P<O.O5) compared to females.
*iAopruximate running speed across force platform since subjects were accelerating between 4 and 6 mare speed measurement interval
Keller et al: Ground reaction force and gait speed 257

3- 3.57

2.8 -
IL” 0
iz2., : g 2.5- 0
-1; I b

g22.4 :
3 2.2-
E : I
E 2.0-
.m c
- 1 3
2 2-
2 1.5-
2 HI-
t; - 0
c ;
3 1.6-
0 Females - walk, run f 1.0-
- / 0 Male
5 0 Males - walk, ran
> 1.4- 0 Female


0.01 I I 81, i I I I I I I II ,I -0 1 I
0 10 20 30 40
Thrust Maximum Loading Rate (BWs”)
Figure 3. Comparison of male (open squares) and female (open circles) Figure 4. Vertical thrust maximum force (F,) versus thrust maximum
vertical thrust maximum force versus speed (1.5-6.0 m ss’). Mean and loading rate (G,) for male (open squares) and female (open circles) during
standarddeviationsareshown.Bestfitlineforcombinedmaleandfemale walking and running. Both male and female subjects exhibited a similar
subjects is also shown for speeds up to 3.5 m s-’ (see text for linear positive linear relationship between F, and G,. Best fit line for combined
regression equation). Differences between male and female subjects male and female subjects is shown in the range 2.9 < G, < 26 BW s-’
were significant (ANOVA, P<O.O5) at speeds of 1.5,2.0, and 5.0 m s- ‘. (see text for linear regression).

8 m s-l (F, = 1.89, SD 0.49 m s-‘. Changes in G, were

(Table 3). Differences in F, and G, for slow jogging
also linear with regards to speed throughout the range
versus .walking were statistically significant (ANOVA,
of walking and running speedsexamined. However, the
P<O.OOl) at speeds ranging from 1.5-2.5 m s-r in
relationship between F, and G, was most linear only up
female subjects and 1.5-3.0 m s-l in male subjects.
to about 26 BW s-l, after which F, remained relatively
Females exhibited a smaller difference in forces
constant (Figure 4). The following linear regression
between slow jogging and walking than males. Both
equation and coefficient of determination (R*) was
groups indicated that walking was preferable to slow
obtained for F, (BW) versus G, during walking and
jogging or ‘slogging’.
Males (n = 436) F, = O.O89G, + 0.520, Discussion
R* = 0.79 (P<O.OOl)
In this study, GRF-time histories and foot-strike
Females (n = 356) F, = O.O90G, + 0.482,
indices were analysed for 23 young male and female
R2 = 0.77 (P<O.OOl)
recreational athletes during walking, slow jogging, and
where G, < 26 BW SK’. running on a force platform. Normative data for
An ANOVA indicated that the difference in F, (BW) vertical GRF descriptor variables (thrust maximum,
between male and female subjects was significant for average loading rate) were presented and relationships
the following gait speeds: 1.5, 2.0 and 5.0 m s-l, but between the GRF descriptors and speed were studied.
these differences were small (<8%). There were no The notion that altered running gait (slow jogging
significant differences in G, (BW s-l) between the male versus walking) may influence the GRF-time histories
and female subjects at any of the speeds examined. was also examined. In order to establish normative
An ANCOVA indicated that there were no significant GRF data, a relatively large number of subjects
differences between the force-velocity and loading wearing shoes with identical soles and cushioning was
rate-velocity linear regression equations (equality of studied. Over 1100 GRF-time histories and foot
slopes) obtained for the male and female groups. contact patterns were collected and analysed for
Consequently the data for male and female subjects walking, slow jogging, and running at speeds ranging
was combined, yielding the following linear regression from 1.5 m s-l -8.0 m s-l. Despite limitations in the
relationships: runway length, most of the male and two of the female
recreational athletes examined in this study were able
Males + females (n = 531) F, = 0.614 v + 0.208,
to achieve constant running speeds up to 6 m s-‘.
R* = 0.65 (P<O.OOl)
Males + females (n = 753) F, = O.O89G, + 0.503, The magnitudes of the vertical thrust maximum
forces obtained in this study for walking (less than
R* = 0.78 (P<O.OOl)
about 2.5-3.0 m s-‘) and running (greater than 2.5-
where 1.5 < v < 3.5 m s-’ and 2.9 < G, < 26 BW s-l. 3.0 m s-l) compare favourably with previously pub-
Thrust maximum forces and loading rates were as lished results*,3,S,9,“,‘2~IS-*O
. Results from these
much as 62 and 65% greater, respectively, during slow studies are summarized graphically in Figure 5 for
jogging than during walking at the same speed comparison to the present study. Examination of
258 C/in. Biomech. Vol. 11, No. 5, 1996

3. Retative difference
and walking gaits
1%) in vertical GRF descriptors between slow running (running while keeping the centre of gravity
low) at 3.6-4.2 m s-l produced GRF forces which
. . ---_- __-._____-__
Males were about 25% lower than normal heel-toe running
Speed F, I;. FJ G, at the same speeds. Our findings associated with
tl?.2ms ’
_ _- ________ -.. forward leaning during running are consistent with this.
15 49.0* 45.1 62.2X 65.4* An interesting finding in this study was that slow
2.0 39.4” 13.5* 49.6* 36.0” jogging or ‘slogging’ produced forces that were
2.5 18.7* 0.3 42.5* 11.6’
3.a 5.6 1.3 l&6* 15.4x significantly greater than those during walking.
*SwmiRcanr differrncr !nNovn , PcO.001) between slow jog and walk.
Differences between walking and ‘slogging’ were
greatest in the male subjects, who exhibited vertical
i-igurc 5 indicates that walking is associated with thrust maximum forces at 2.5-3.0 m s-l which were
vertical thrust maximum forces between 1.1 and comparable to F, values during running at speeds
1.s 13w. The range of thrust maximum forces
between 3 and 8 m s I. The greater ‘slogging’ versus
measured during the fast running speeds most walking differences for the male subjects may be due to
commonly reported in the literature (4-4.5 m s ‘) are the fact that most females are already jogging at a
about double that of walking gait values. which is also speed of 3.0 m s ‘. whereas the majority of the male
consistent with the present study. subjects chose to walk at 3.0 m s -I. Walking versus
I)nly two prior studies have performed comprc- running preferences reflect differences in stature
hens& GRF--time history studies over a range of run- among the subjects; males tended to be taller and had a
ning speeds’,i. For speeds of 3-S m se-‘, Munro and larger stride length. One explanation for the observed
associat& reported vertical thrust maximum force increased vertical thrust maximum forces associated
values ranging from 2.51 BW (SKI 0.21) to 2.83 BW with ‘slogging’ is the fact that both the male and female
(SP 0 I?‘\. The majority of the subjects examined by subjects adopted a higher centre of gravity in order to
Munro and associates were rear-foot strikers. Nigg slow jog, which increases the downward velocity of the
ct at.” reported that vertical thrust maximum force head, arms and trunk, and therefore increases the
values ranging from 1.86 kN (SU 0.17) to 2.26 kN (XI magnitude of the GRF. Although ‘slogging’ at walking
0.42) or approximately 2.6-3.2 BW (estimated using speeds was a less natural gait, none of the subjects had
mean BW reported) are produced during running at any problems with this style of running. ‘Slogging’,
1% h m 3. ’ Nigg and associates reported that the foot
however, produced a more bouncy and jarring style of
contact pattern changed from a rear-foot strike to a running. Given the choice between ‘slogging’ and
mid-foot strike pattern at the highest speeds. Their data walking at the lowest speeds, therefore, all subjects
also suggest that the vertical thrust maximum forces 350,
wcrc more variable at the highest speed, which was
speculated to be the result of’ variations in foot contact 2 A
patterns. WC observed a similar change in foot strike $
pattern. but a more consistent force variability with d -I
increasing running speed. Both of the aforementioned
studies’.’ indicated that the increase in the vertical
thrust maximum force during running was linear with
increasing speed in the range 3-6 m s ‘. We also noted
a Linear increase in the vertical thrust maximum force
with increasing speed, but the relationship between the
vertical thrust maximum force and speed in our study b 150
was linear only up to 4.0 m se ’ or about SO-60% of 2
Symbols _ Literature
maximum running speed of the subjects. Above this 5 - - Present Study
speed the vertical thrust maximum force remained 2


relatively constant.
Noteworthy. therefore. was the finding that the
vertical thrust maximum forces during running at 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
S--h m s i were longer in magnitude (about lo-20%) Speed Ims-‘)
than that of Nigg et al.’ and Munro et al.i An explana- Figure 5. Comparison of vertical thrust maximum force (F&speed data
tion for this finding may be the fact that the subjects in from the literature with the results of this study (linear regression line for
the present study adopted a forward leaning running male t female subjects). In contrast to that observed in previous studies
(symbols in plot), F, values obtained during running did not increase
posture at higher speeds. particularly during their significantly above speeds of 3.5 m s ‘. This was hypothesized to be the
tastcst running trials. A forward leaning running style result of the lower centre of gravity associated with the fotward leaning
running posture adopted by most subjects. Symbol key: A --- Alexander
lowers the centre of gravity of the subjects. and reduces and Jayes” (7 male subjects, age range 7 23-58 years); - Munro et
the downward velocity of the head, arms and trunk at al.’ (20 male subjects, mean age = 25.4 years); A 7 Nigg et al.’ (14 male
subjects, mean mass = 73 kg, F, data normalized with respect to mean
touchdown, thereby reducing the magnitude of the mass of subjects); * = Bates et al. ll; c = Cavanagh and Lafortune3 (10
CRF in comparison to running with more upright male and 7 female subjects, mean age 24 years); + 7 Frederick et al.” (6
male and 3 female subjects); :> = Dickinson et al.16 (6 male subjects,
postures. Bobbert et al.” noted that a ‘groucho’ style mean age 7 26.3 years); H = Hamill et al.“; c: - Roy”.
Keller et al: Ground reaction force and gait speed 259

indicated that they would prefer to walk. Based upon Acknowledgements

the fact that ‘slogging’ produced a significant increase in The authors would like to thank James P Bohan Jr,
vertical GRFs, this type of running style should be Melvyn A Harrington Jr and Mike Stanfill for their
avoided, since increased forces are highly undesirable technical assistanceduring the study. We also thank Eko
from the point of view of injury prevention. In this Moeljanto for his assistance in computer programming.
regard, a running style with a lower centre of gravity
would appear to be optimal for minimizing GRFs. References
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