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APPENDIX 4: Narcotic, Controlled Drugs, Benzodiazepines & Other Targeted Substances

Table I summarizes the requirements for prescribing, dispensing & record keeping for narcotic, controlled drugs, benzodiazepines and
other targeted substances. This information is not intended to present a comprehensive review, the reader is therefore encouraged to
seek additional and confirmatory information (e.g. Controlled Drugs & Substances Act, Narcotic Control Regulations, Controlled Drug
Regulations, Benzodiazepines & Other Targeted Substances Regulations) .
Reviewed 2002 by the Office of Controlled Substances, Health Canada.

Table I - Narcotic, Controlled Drugs, Benzodiazepines & Other Targeted Substances Summary

Classification and Description Legal requirements

Narcotic Drugs (Straight, Schedule “N” Written Rx required
drugs Verbal Rx not permitted
1 narcotic (e.g.. cocaine, codeine, Refills not permitted
hydromorphone, morphine)
Written Rx may be prescribed to be dispensed in divided portions (part fills)
1 narcotic; + 1 active non-narcotic ingredient
(e.g Cophylac, Empracet-30, Tylenol # 4) For part fills copies of Rxs should be made in reference to the original Rx. Indicate on
the original Rx: the new Rx number, the date of the part fill, the quantity dispensed &
All narcotics for parenteral use (e,g.. fentanyl, the pharmacist’s initials.
Transfers not permitted
All products containing diamorphine
(hospitals only), hydrocodone, oxycodone, Record & retain all documents pertaining to all transactions in a manner that permits an
methadone or pentazocine audit.

Dextropropoxyphene, propoxyphene Sales reports required except for dextro- propoxyphene, propoxyphene.
(straight) (e.g. Darvon-N, 642) Report any loss or theft of narcotic drugs as well as forged Rxs within 10 days to the
Dermol, Dilaudid, Duragesic, Leritine, Office of Controlled Substances at the address indicated on the forms
Lomotil, Robidone, Percodan, Percocet,
Tussioner, Talwin, Novahistex-DH,
Narcotic Preparations Written or verbal Rx permitted
Verbal prescription narcotics: 1 narcotic + Refills not permitted
2 or more active non-narcotic ingredients in a Written or verbal Rx may be prescribed to be dispensed in divided portions (part fills)
recognized therapeutic dose (e.g., Cophylac
Expectorant, Darvon-N Compound, Fiorinal For part fills copies of Rxs should be made in reference to the original Rx. Indicate on
with Codeine, 692, 282, 292, Tylenol # 2 & # the original Rx: the new Rx number, the date of the part fill, the quantity dispensed &
the pharmacist’s initials.
Transfers not permitted
Exempted codeine compounds when dispensed pursuant to a Rx follow the same
Exempted codeine compounds contain
regulations as for verbal Rx narcotics.
codeine up to 8 mg/solid dosage form or 20
mg /30 mL liquid + 2 or more active non- Record & retain all documents pertaining to all transactions in a manner that permits an
narcotic ingredients (eg. Atasol-8. Robitussin audit.
with Codeine) Sales reports not required.
Report any loss or theft of narcotic drugs as well as forged Rxs within 10 days to the
Office of Controlled Substances at the address indicated on the forms
Controlled Drugs Written or verbal Rx permitted
Part l Refills not permitted for verbal Rx
e.g., amphetamines (Dexedrine), Refills permitted for written Rxs if the prescriber has indicated in writing the number of
methylphenidate (Ritalin), pentobarbital refills & dates for, or intervals between, refills
(Nembutal), secobarbital (Seconal, Tuinal) Written or verbal Rx may be prescribed to be dispensed in divided portions (part fills)
preparations: 1 controlled drug + 1 or more For refills & part fills copies of Rxs should be made in reference to the original Rx.
active noncontrolled drug(s) (Cafergot-PB) Indicate on the original Rx: the new Rx number, the date of the repeat or part fill, the
quantity dispensed & the pharmacist’s initials.
Transfers not permitted
Record & retain all documents pertaining to all transactions in a manner that permits an
Sales reports required except for controlled drug preparations (cafergot)
Report any loss or theft of controlled drugs as well as forged Rxs within 10 days to the
Office of Controlled Substances at the address indicated on the forms
Part II Written or verbal Rx permitted
e.g. barbiturates (amobarbital, Refills not permitted for verbal Rx
Phenobarbital), butorphanol (Stadol NS) Refills permitted for written or verbal Rxs if the prescriber has authorized in writing or
diethylpropion (Tenuate) nalbuphine verbally (at the time of issuance) the number of refills & dates for, or intervals between,
(Nubain), phentermine (Ionamin), refills
preparations: 1 controlled drug + 1 or more Written or verbal Rx may be prescribed to be dispensed in divided portions (part fills)
active noncontrolled ingredient(s) (Fiorinal,
Neo-Pause, Tecnal) For refills & part fills copies of Rxs should be made in reference to the original Rx.
Indicate on the original Rx: the new Rx number, the date of the repeat or part fill, the
Amytal, Butisol, Donnatal, Tedral quantity dispensed & the pharmacist’s initials.
Part III Transfers not permitted
eg , anabolic steroids (methyltestosterone, Record & retain all documents pertaining to all transactions in a manner that permits an
nandrolone decanoate), Deca-durabolin, audit.
Sales reports not required
Report any loss or theft of controlled drugs as well as forged Rxs within 10 days to the
Office of Controlled Substances at the address indicated on the forms
Benzodiazepines & Other Targeted Written or verbal Rx permitted
Substances Refills for written or verbal Rxs permitted if indicated by prescriber
e.g. alprazolam (Xanax), bromazepam Part refills permitted as per prescriber’s instructions
(Lectopam), chlordiazepoxide (Librium),
clobazam (Frisium), ethchlorvynol, lorazepam Rxs are valid only for 1 year
(Ativan), mazindol, meprobamate, oxazepam For refills or part fills of Rxs the following information should be recorded: date of the
(Serax) repeat or part fill, Rx number, quantity dispensed & the pharmacist’s initials.
Transfers of Rxs permitted except a Rx that has been already transferred
Record & retain all documents pertaining to all transactions in a manner that permits an
Sales reports not required
Report any loss or theft of benzodiazepines & other targeted substances within 10 days
to the Office of Controlled Substances at the address indicated on the forms

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