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GQUBLIZY COVZBOL. Zecrene Aozes Conrmns. 3£. % Summon iping. Le Le ¥ Snph. flaca: Ke 24% ores gt Kp CEK)" Mey hese ae BEE 2 dicseles for Hbs: 42s “25 42S 42ST men Cx;) gy A 2 maxX) Gua tiles guide. the oko be Be fest 257. dihiser, lowe- tien J, second! 25/ bahueny Y, LG... B fad frarkks, ont te a, ) Rarh Phe. dato fram smalisf yo [apes & [il Pad fasion of Poo KEL, Casiten by) = j. 24 li) We Lasrhur QI nmbect we gort™’ Z- = TABLE 3E.2 3.8. The time to failure in hours of an electronic Electronic Component Failure Time, ‘component subjected to an accelerated life testis shown iaTible 3E2, To accelerate the failure test, wo 4 8 he, valfyWere sted at an elevated temperature (wag! we a ea beamagl rnr? mots in ke (@) Calculate the a ii stadrd deviation mg Oo 129 12g 125 141 (©) Construct a histogram W133 eas (€) Construct a stem-and-leaf plot, 14200 37128140. (@) Find the sample median and the lower and ist 41293 AP quails. 1 14213019 125123122126 a @ Alp Giray Gzen | 0533 549 91 08 || wwwilecturemania,com MB lecturemania 38) a) nz b.10z¢0 SX; a 12741264 - 2 uj 120% 12674 ~ ~-- 4 126° 398899 ++ # 126 = $499 6853.9 - S199” x= “220 os X= Te a5 88+ = 89.06 5-496 = 3g Oz eeastvet a hirhagrem:; “Wiad hz # of classes Xa? We Ane, (40 YS clossas. (i) Find close width : we mex CX) - mer Cx;) i Sy we hare; mox xi) = 160 we Wa-NE _ Z iin) pen CK) UE 4 lid) Gs hoot Freguncy- Ainibtea Chsses Tally. LMBEx LIS TK TRE 2 2. BSE L12 74K TT / 3. GAEL IBF THK ZL 1GE ML UE HHL S.Mg6 4 HCEISZ 7 £2 EK 660 7 6 (7) Drows Hstagrone a 2 @ Sat 83 Me st ue| Alp Giray Gzen | 0533 54991 08 | alplect @Blecturemania success maximizer PS enhuct a Shu maad- haf plot we Lite. each porter x; ar Aue PrEa tt, consis Bigp ef ae ar pre af fe ading LaF 3 anil a bak: consisting of th vemaining ews, We. have,- LL) 8 3 sloLti2F7324@@Oyze FSS 556 7O0@O5399 BlettL3Q@Orer tyfoo t2 2 £5 fs 46]0 4) n24o Se vs 4g. oes 1025 Wiad 975.1264 O25. (2s 12g=g hw 2. &. 20,54 derpde~ 3) 0/56.)26-p 0,50. (27 > l2gegp, . t 4 Fs 3 2. BL. 3098 Mande F025. 1384 098.106 = D515 <9, 2) Gustecd a beox~lbd Mi boy Pot 7; —L Ee ‘ y ; i Sa a “ minX) Go Gr —t + + + 40 ‘ — — UB (10 84 YB), BSS pho iso \ ve haw, t "io Alp Giray Gzen | 0533 549.91 08 || MB lecturemania success maximizer robobitife Lirpribbers ——y I Lscvek. ' Cartas X a nade | X toles valves 02 on interval (of) Hod probabithy pass fchiay fer: » probability. ckasity Loe Radner A wont py. een? | Plxax) -2 Ye) to be a parf, | Patxebd= Stiddy () $6) xO | #l) fo be a pdf; (i) SE fox) aL ( O Kida 2 | UD SF plphebe » 4 (total BAEA > 2) pe FOR) 2 anf) | 2 * (ee Fl) = Sn PSL ECR 2 2 xi Fl) | os ver Lx) 2 glx ys"! Kextle Ft fA! Le 4 | 2 Xa EY ao * Alea Mote plot, if K nd Y ae tatharsdig h parlore oe autre ue save, verabes at abe LlaktbYGrc)2 a bON ¢ hE) ee VarlaXe hy tela at Ve lx eb* vel 32 ‘The probability distribution of the dverete random 3.20. <1. Find the appropri- n of x i fla) =e, 32 ind variance of the random variable in 321. il the appropriate value of &. Find the ‘mean and variance of x. Giray Gzen | 0533 54991 08 || @ M8 lecturemania mee =a 329 Fede Shots hh. Es 4 at x20 x20 xzo L£-7 Pode Go). r*, x adap == we 229) Tp oe L. Sek. hb fue*] =. (0-c-4) [eat] 2 e ° folae véxkes we Ll) 2 face" aL ; 0A Sure 2 ote Flew 2 2-772 Lb 322) KEE tab, 2S The tr K: Sum of tuo tea pat of Ke pel + 2 3 4 FS 8 x | 46) 7 2 3 4 es £ F 2] be 2 z J s é - & 2 [26 s ¥ & g3 4 | 346 4 2 z = é 9 to S {446 ‘ % gf 2 ww & & /SL%6 > ; ‘ s g Jo Ut 72 2 |&46 2 & | 56 D2) ps EO 2 2 pg IZ talent 9 | she 2 aa 2 | Yo FO 22? hg Pipe -- 4 Bh = SUES v loye Os Vrlya= She 3-77? = 5, BB Yu @ Alp Giray Gzen | 0533 54991 08 | | MH lecturemania P24) a) PC Pail wibher wrorrea fy) failure is well modeled by the following probability distribution 2PlKet)= SHtilde é flx)=0.125e 7 x>0 ' 02s = 9125 (@) What percentage of the calculators will fail = S anS.e ee =41-2 within the warranty period? (b) The manufacturing cost of 2 calculator is $50, 2 OME ‘and the profit per sale is $25. What is the effect =o ‘of warranty replacement on profit? 3) Ellureoye. on poft) = ECSOM) = 50. Pl Fail wither werraty ttt en war 2 50 ME = SD whee Y= fh ih pat wil Dice frobobilty bidibtias Ziromial Lstibe tion. xr Brorial lary) pe ph of rappel trek, pt FineLl probabilihy- of SUAS x: # af succn Ss. . yer Pixend2 FO) (3)-P OF? Fixle api 77 Va OX) = ap OC: ye Geowet le Lis ibe Bart. x Geavetie bp) p: Fixed probobitgs af sucess xX: of btah ty oben FUAST SuccaSs, Pike nde flee Up)" p MeE He Z- 5 ants Vertx) =F Alp Giray Gzen | 0533 54991 08 | | @ MB lecturemania Mpegemetic Libihiherr D: # 0f Defoe hues Sekt 7 sony vordy 7-2: # of Non -Lefechinas XA cf Lech. (ferns Tr # af hey. X A Hyperpeone thie C 7; 2,2) Pikex)= fle) = GILT) (3) A2FUX) 24.2. 5 o-*s vr ir) 20. 2. 7-2 7h =a Mote that if nedt (proctically n2 4057) pha, raat Bitten Libid tor * Ge Roamans 7) Aa Xw forxsor lA) r x: # of cu0ws (OR H a vse) “a ax en Mikel = foJ= 2 pebll2 db 7772 Var (x2 A CU) Az Bovege af eves & (AA X # Linpich ad n & bo fee, pts oo stwalf Grae tcally np £9) thr, Xr foeron CV) x. 331 A 1m Biel 30 cont nonconforming, - s ete & mrmnettemonammeccar 420 XA Yuusemetrt (5; 5,5) # Gtomcnetrmenmtrane plad= GS = OY nip) PUx> te b= fo) =4- I) Poses) = fd = LAA. 9 26g Trey 2 OG3P (29) (8) 5. . ) Alp Giray Gzen | 0533 54991 08 | | @ @8 lecturemania 3.26. A mechatronic assembly is subjected to a final func- tional test. Suppose that defects occur at random in these assemblies, and that defects occur according to 4 Poisson distribution with parameter A = 0.02. (@) What is the probability that an assembly will have exactly one defect? (©) What is the probability that an assembly will have one or more defects? (©) Suppose that you improve the process so that the occurrence rate of defects is cut in half to 4.= 0.01. What effect does this have on the prob- ability that an assembly will have one or more defects? 3.27. A production process operates with 19 nonconform- ing output. Every hour a sample of 25 units of prod- uct is taken, and the number of nonconforming units counted. If one or mote nonconforming units are found, the process is stopped and the quality control technician must scarch for the cause of nonconform- ing production. Evaluate the performance of this decision rule (28) Continuation of Exercise 3.27. Consider the deci- / sion rule described in Exercise 3.27. Suppose that the =~ Process suddenly deteriorates to 4% nonconforming utput. How many samples, on average, will be required (0 detect this? 3.29) xrv esas (4 20702) fx)2 2°" 002 / a fs ot 0102" 0, 0196 Zs J piketa 2 WALKS 4) = 1-Hk20) = 2-70) 0702 ° ei- SO? 9.0196 8! c) PUK > 4; Ages) = 4-£ lo -oot eo 2f-2 24% _ 9,00 995 eo! 3.22) X: & of aancon formiag Jers XW brome 2225; pox) x Hts) = (25) aes (agg a5-x beat Pe bot pf X20 is e plecggt]a PCK 20) = (2). 00 O9F” = 0998 = 0/222. pC beject ) ah OIF = . 22,27 of He tive, podechor will fe shygeod 3.26) pl: bveage flan bagth- Prpected A af soysls X 2 of biak % hekat pre shee. A Alp Giray Szen | 0533 54991 08 | | to dakect a schiff, fe ten. @ M8 lecturemania success maximizer Bari pz Pl pject;p2006) = 1-096 = 0,64 Than; XA Geonetbce l= 064) phl= ECK)=2 Boe = 158 soups, Ze wT Cuhet 5 the pobobitiy thet) defechag res shift uwtfin 3 couples 7 ML fixe (4-4:60) * 064 Ax ei)= felt Hy fila Ob bt O56. 066-4 O98 ‘ay =O IS 23 By, aes I) wy. af at Hacernfarshle thor testing procedure is used by the purchaser to Pretec asst L's tat contain too many noneon, By iyee pen, peebre (1225, 024;029) Pree. components. The procedure consists of selec! foe. components at ridom from the lot (without 2) 23 ) raghcesnent and testing them If none of the compe flea (3) Gx nonconforming, the lot is accepted eT Sie al #) compagnents, what isthe probability of lot accept culate the desired probability in (a) by bindmial approximation. Is this approx. dP bcapt) = Pl XeoJ) satisfactory? Why or why not? (c) Suppose the lot size was N = 150. a Z) U3 weld #4 binomial approximation be satisfactory . Le O 5/7 > 0,623 ja th case? = 735) { @ Suppose that the purchaser will reject l sS a) He let with the decision rule of finding one « ee mere nonconforming components in a sample ‘i 2 SF siee. n, and wants the lot to be rejected with ¢ 4) 22a? O08 at least 0.95 if the lot contains five eR Xp Baan E744) PCR O) 2 (35). 0008? O92 = 0659 4 Yes go = 0033 £0105 deat sats facto hyve kin bdan roel be soi fockory, Mole thef. 2hs A) PCR RAR GSA MK 20)L 005 KrzsiR py, MBlecturemania Contos Mobaby ite Litib tay ommal Da tibet aA," Xv Mormal Cu 3-2) ZLX/ su; Ver€X) 2 o—* Stnabrd Wecmal thitrbtia; Br Momal lu 20 ; o-*= £3) x x 25 oe C22 abe) 2A ie 4 Lz ! a © habe ab -— - [A] Normal Ayprorina tin b Bisanel bith fr, at; Xn Siromte lar; p) bo prj Awe pit ae we Af we ce guroninadk Borontal Pobabib ies E Hemel ditib tan. Y Namal Luanp; o~ very) lens pex eb) SPL YZ 5+05) od PLx2b) XY PLYSb-0,5) We atl ar swhstract 0,5 becoum. X ha scree Litibetin bet IG ha a cortwos Mi thhe, @ Alp Giray Gzen | 0533 54991 08 || M8 lecturemania success maximizer 329. A sample of 100 units is selected fram a production Process that is 1% onconforming. What is the exceed 3.30. A random sample of $0 uni duction provess ever conforming product ma the probability that P < 0.04 ifthe fraction noncon. forming really 329) 22108; p=a,0L xn Binomial (92 (00; p ©0104) whee X: #4 of amente tng Sheus. -~ xX Pra Mp rptharlat( bt LES 2) 2 ACB) 2 BR bata AP>1) 2 1-0,6463 20, 1597 be2 3 PC#SI) = £- 0, 9793 20,0227 £28 2 PPD?) = L- 0, 9987 20,003 3.30) X ~ Lraniel Cn= 50; p2002) fof 2084 BD Xs 50.0062 2 Ma np 2 50:0022L » 0-2 50.002. 8:96 = 0,99 4 ry Momalluz ty o~*2 098) , PUP 40004) 2 PO x42) ¥ PC YL 15) 2 PLM, 25-4) = Pl22 4,52) > 09354 340. The output voltage of @ power supply is normally ‘tstributed with mean 5 V and standard deviation 0.02 V. If the lower and upper specifications for volt- age are 4.95 V and 5.05 V, respectively, what is the Probability that a power supply selected at random will conform to the specifications on voltage? 341. Continuation of Exercise 3.40. Reconsider the power supply manufacturing. process in Exercise 3-40. Suppose we wanted to improve the process, Can shifting the mean reduce the number of nonconfarm- ing units produced? How much would the process variability need (0 be reduced in order to have all but ‘one out of 1000 units conform to the specifications’? Alp Giray Szen | 0533 54991 08 | | VO9F 3:49) X rs Mormad Gu 25; 7° 2403)) P(UISLKL 5,05) W955 y Xaft » SASS = (Me + Re es) = P(-452 22 2,5) 2 0, 93988 = (L- 019938) = b, FFE . @ Mi lecturemania 2 sy) foas antved at feget so shifthg poay prea lt etl director snerestes toncom farpe Hes Ue wort: P (MISE KE f : So5J=L- kL. - 2OGIG 1899 GS-5 a p ( uetacee SHES ) = 0,999 Then; 22 > 3,29 Z) J = ort c= B8f 2 0, 0152 eo ake, lightbulb has a normally distributed light output ‘mean 5,000 end foot-candles and standard devi- ‘ation of 50 end foot-candles. Find a lower specifica tion limit such that only 0.5% of the bulbs will not ‘exceed this limit. 3.42) X ro Meimal (42 5000; o~* 50+) POX £&a) = 6,008 ; mA P(E 2 28022) = a.005 2: 49s col. =e =- 2,57 15929" Thaj Xe 5009 2-2, 54 so Xp < 5000-59, YS? @ Al Ip Giray Gzen | 0533 549 91 08 | |

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