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English360 – Maula Nikma

Welcome to English360!

Hi, I’m Maula Nikma. I’ve been teaching English and TOEFL for years now. I write
ebooks such as “9 Rahasia Ngomong Inggris Otomatis dalam 120 Hari”, “TOEFL
Survivor”, “Learn English The Ninja Way”, “Oleh-oleh dari Cambridge”. I highly
recommend the ebooks so you can understand the whole idea of ‘learning English’
from my perspective. They are free to download!

I also have digital learning products; Hacking English System (DVD), StrategiTOEFL
(DVD), Pronunciation Mastery (DVD), INGGRIS.IN (LIVE Tutorial with Native
Speaker) and about to release my brand new projects on 14 different subjects.

This was everyday lesson sent to my students’ email for 1 (360 means 360 days) year
when it came out in early 2018. However, I was thinking it’d be even better if people
could learn the entire lessons from just 1 ebook instead of day-by-day lesson.

From this ebook, you can learn and practice functional English, grammar, and many
more. I do hope you enjoy it.

One more thing, make sure you subscribe to my email list and facebook group. I share
a lot of new lessons via email and give you free LIVE lessons and QnA on facebook.
Check your WA to check the links.

Thank you

Maula Nikma

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996
1. Introducing yourself.

When you meet a new friend, it is very polite to tell your name. There are many
ways how to introduce yourself in English.

You can say:

Hi, my name is Rudi. What is your name?
Hello, I am Rudi, and you are?
Hi, I’m Rudi, and you?

The first example is introducing yourself in a formal occasion. And the last example
is most commonly used when introducing yourself to a friend of the same age.

You can also say with additional information about yourself

Hi, I’m Rudi. I’m from Bandung and now I live in Jakarta. Nice to meet you.


Ketika kamu bertemu dengan kawan baru, akan sangat sopan jika kamu
memperkenalkan diri terlebih dahulu. Banyak cara untuk memperkenalkan diri
dalam bahasa Inggris.

Kamu bisa mulai dengan:

Hi, my name is Rudi. What is your name?

Hello, I am Rudi, and you are?
Hi, I’m Rudi, and you?

So, whenever you meet a new friend, introduce yourself with one of the example
above. Plus, don’t forget to ask his or her name, too.

2. Introducing others

Sometimes, you want to introduce your new friend to your family. So, you need to
tell your family your new friend’s name, where he or she lives, and what’s your
relationship with him or her.

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996
You can simply say:

- Hi everybody, this is my new friends, Rina.

- This is Rina, she lives in Jakarta. And we are co-worker.
- Hi, have you met Rina? She works with me.

It is important to remember when introducing friends, you should stress/

emphasize his or her name. For example;

Have you met RINA?

This’s RINA.

Please keep in mind before introducing friends, you need to know more about your
new friends before introducing him/her to your family or your other friends.


Untuk memperkenalkan orang lain dengan bahasa Inggris, kamu bisa memulai

- Hi everybody, this is my new friends, Rina.

- This is Rina, she lives in Jakarta. And we are co-worker.
- Hi, have you met Rina? She works with me.

Penting untuk diingat! Ketika memperkenal kan orang lain, nama mereka harus
ditekankan. Contohnya:

Have you met RINA?

This’s RINA.

Jangan lupa ketika memperkenalkan orang lain, kamu harus tau background orang

Ok, that’s it for today. I’ll see you next time.

3. Telling more about yourself

In the real life, after you have introduced yourself, people want to know more about
where you live. So, here’s how to tell more about your address.

I come from Medan.

I’m from Medan.
I live in Medan.
I’ve been living in Medan for 5 years

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996
Look again to the phrase, come from. This phrase is used to tell other people where
you were born. The second example only uses the word from. You can say like this
in an informal situation

The phrase live in is very common when you want to tell your address. You can, for
example, come from Medan, but you live in Bandung.


Cara memberitahu kawan asal dan di mana kamu tinggal dalam bahasa Inggris
sangat mudah. Kamu bisa mulai dengan:

I come from Medan.

I’m from Medan.
I live in Medan.
I’ve been living in Medan for 5 years

Kata yang perlu diingat adalah,

Come from – digunakan untuk memberi tahu asal kamu
Live in – digunakan untuk mengatakan dimana kamu tinggal sekarang
(seperti pada contoh diatas)
I’m from – cara lain untuk mengatakan (I come from).

That’s about it. Check for tomorrow’s lesson at the same time. See you!

4. Pronouns in English

There are 7 pronouns in English. Each pronoun functions differently.

subject pronoun: I, you, they, we, she, he, it

object pronoun: me, you, them, our, him, her, it
possessive pronoun: mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours, its

you need to remember which subject pronoun and which subject pronoun.

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996
You probably have seen the word my, your, his, her, their, our, its. These words are
called possessive adjective, they act as adjective that describe a noun. For example,
my book, our freedom.

Note that possessive adjectives cannot act as subject or object. But they must be
followed by a noun to be a subject or an object. For example, my son is taller than your


Pronoun adalah kata ganti. Kata ganti dalam bahasa Inggris terdapat 7.

I, you, they, we, she, he, it adalah kata ganti yang digunakan sebagai subjek
pada kalimat.

Me, you, them, us, her, him, it adalah kata ganti yang digunakan sebagai
objek pada kalimat.

Jadi, kita tidak menggunakan me atau them pada awal kalimat.

She likes me (bukan) she likes I

Possessive pronoun digunakan untuk mengatakan kepunyaan. Tidak seperti

possessive adjectives, possessive pronoun tidak membutuhkan kata benda lagi.

- That book is mine

- That is my book

o Salah
o Mine book

Tomorrow, we are going to look at how these pronouns are used in real life

5. Subject pronouns

As we all remember form the previous email that there are seven subject pronouns
in English, I, you, they, we, she, he, it. Each of these subject pronoun must be
followed by a verb. For example;

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996
She likes learning English with mr. Rijal.
We work for mr. Rijal.

Think of examples for the other subject pronouns!

Note that subject pronouns are not used with the same be verb. Look at the list

You are / you’re she is / she’s

They are / they’re he is / he’s
We are / we’re it is / it’s
I am / I’m


Cara menggunakan kata ganti dalam bahasa Inggris.

I, you, they, we, she, he, it selalu membutuhkan kata kerja (verb), karena
mereka semua adalah subjek kalimat. Perhatikan contoh berikut:

She likes learning English with mr. Rijal.

We work for mr. Rijal.

Subjek kata kerja like ditambah s karena subjek nya adalah she. (she, he, it selalu
menggunakan s(es) pada akhir kalimat). Namun, kata kerja work tidak
membutuhkan s karena subjek we adalah subjek plural.

Perhatikan kata ganti subjek berikut jika digunakan dengan kata kerja be:

You are / you’re she is / she’s

They are / they’re he is / he’s
We are / we’re it is / it’s
I am / I’m

Selalu perhatikan subjek dan be nya, mereka tidak bisa diganti dengan be yang lain.

Yup, that’s about it for today. Make sure to familiarize yourself how to use pronoun
and the be. I’ll see you tomorrow for more English lessons.

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996
6. Object pronouns (me, you, them, us, him, her, it)

Object pronoun is use as an object of the verb of a sentence. For example;

I need to talk to him about the offer

She’s always nice to me
They don’t like us very much

You can see the different between me and I that in the first and the second example, I
is the subject. But me is the object.


me, you, them, us, him, her, it adalah kata ganti yang digunakan sebagai objek pada
kalimat. Mereka selalu digunakan setelah kata kerja. Perhatikan contoh yang diatas
sekali lagi.

I need to talk to him about the offer

She’s always nice to me
They don’t like us very much

Pada kalimat pertama dan kedua, kita bisa membedakan penggunaan I dan me, I
digunakan sebagai subjek sedangkan me digunakan sebagai objek. Dalam bahasa
indonesia, keduanya diartikan saya.
Quick Quiz! Are the following sentences correct?

- She and me want to visit our friend at the hospital

- They talk about him and I.

Well, I bet you can differentiate the subject and the object pronouns. If you can’t,
there’s so much time to learn more about it. I’ll see you tomorrow.

7. How to use possessive pronouns

In case you forget. These are call possessive pronoun mine, yours, his, hers, theirs,

Look at the example below to see how to use them.

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996
- This book is not mine, it’s theirs
- I like yours more than hers
- Take what’s mine

Please keep in mind that mine and my are not use the same.

We use my always with a noun, it can’t stand along

- My book.
- The book is mine


Untuk mengatakan kepunyaan, dalam bahasa Inggris kita menggukanan kata ganti
kepunyaan. Kita menggunakan mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours dan its.

Perhatikan kembali contoh di atas

- This book is not mine, it’s theirs
- I like yours more than hers
- Take what’s mine

Penting diingat! Mine dan my tidak sama penggunaanya. My digunakan dengan kata
benda sedangkan mine tidak

- My book.
- The book is mine

Quick Quiz!

Compare possessive pronouns and their adjectives pronouns. Then, make two

Ex: yours – your

- I like yours
- Your book is like mine

I’ll see you tomorrow for more english lesson

8. Subject pronoun and object pronoun

In English, I and other subject pronoun might confuse you with the object pronoun.
You should always keep in mind that subject pronoun comes before the verb whole
the object pronoun comes after the verb. Look at the example below.

The vice president and I are going to visit the queen of England.

- The subject pronoun I comes before the verb are

- His new book tells the life story of me
- The object pronoun me comes after the verb tells.

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996
Note that subject is the one who do the action while object is the one who gets done
on and by something.

Important to remember that I as person as in I like dancing and I as nonperson as in I

is the 9th alphabet in English differ in use and also meaning.

This rule also applies for other subject pronouns.


Dalam bahasa Inggris, I dan kata ganti lainnya sangat membingungkan dengan
penggunaan kata ganti objek. Yang perlu diingat adalah kata ganti subjek selalu
datang sebelum kata kerja. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini.

The vice president and I are going to visit the queen of England.

- Kata ganti I datang sebelum kata kerja are

- His new book tells the life story of me
- Objek me datang setelah kata kerja tells.

Ingat! Subjek adalah yang melakukan perkerjaan sedangkan objek adalah terkena

Penting diingat bahwa I sebagai orang seperti dalam kalimat I like dancing, dan I
sebagai kata benda mati seperti dalam kalimat I is the 9th alphabet in English
memiliki makna dan penggunaan yang berbeda. Aturan ini juga berlaku pada kata
ganti subjek yang lain.

Yup, that’s the lesson on the use of subject and object pronouns. I’ll see you

9. How to use mine and my?

Mine is a possessive pronoun. It is uses without telling the noun again as in example;

the book that he bought is similar to mine. (meaning, my book and his book is
My is possessive adjective. Like all adjective, it gives extra information to the
noun. For example;
My car drives faster than his car.

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996

Hi, kali ini kita akan melihat cara menggunakan mine dan my.

Mine digunakan sebagain kepunyaan, tapi tidak menyebutkan kata benda lagi.

a. the book that he bought is similar to mine.

My berfungsi sebagai kata sifat. Seperti kata sifat yang lain, my harus datang
dengan kata benda. Contohnya,

b. My car drives faster than his car.

Try to make your sentence using mine and my. I’ll see you tomorrow for
more lesson.

10. Sentences in English

Hi, today we’re going to understand the sentences in English. like all language, a
sentence must consist of one subject (noun) and one predicate.

In the English language a predicate must consist a verb in it. If there is no verb, we
must make one. What does this mean? Let’s look at the example

The phone rings very loud

The car drives by itself
The children and parents talk about the news

In these examples, the subject directly follows by the predicate which is a verb

My phone is new
The person standing in the room is my friend
Unlike all animal, cockroaches are disgusting

In these example, the predicate is adjective and noun (not verb) so we must put to be
(is and are, depending on the subject) to complete the sentence.


Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996
Hi, dalam email hari ini, kita akan membahas tentang kalimat berbahasa Inggris.
Seperti semua bahasa lain, sebuah kalimat harus memiliki subjek dan predikat.

Dalam bahasa Inggris, predikat harus terdapat kata kerja. Jika tidak ada kata kerja,
maka harus di tambahkan to be. Mari liat contoh berikut.

a. The phone rings very loud

b. The car drives by itself
c. The children and parents talk about the news

Pada contoh diatas, subjek nya langsung diikuti oleh predikat, yaitu kata kerja.

d. My phone is new
e. The person standing in the room is my friend
f. Unlike all animal, cockroaches are disgusting

Pada contoh diatas, predikatnya adalah kata sifat dan kata benda, (bukan kata kerja).
Jadi, kita harus menambahkan to be (is dan are, tergantung dengan subjeknya)


So, today we learn the function of subject and predicate in the sentence to make
meaning. We must have at least one subject and one predicate, if the predicate is a
noun or an adjective, we must use to be to complete the sentence.

11. Sentence in English (nominal sentence)

There are two types of sentences in English, nominal and verbal. We need to
understand the differences, so we can make a correct and meaningful sentence in
our daily conversation.

Nominal sentence is a sentence that does not need a regular verb as the
predicate, but we use to-be verb. Let’s look at the example.

What makes me happy is you.

The car parked at corner is expensive

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996
The internet is so slow right now.

We can see from the example above that the to-be is used with the predicate you,
expensive and slow. These word are adjective and noun, that’s why we call this
sentences nominal sentences.

We’ll look at verbal sentences tomorrow.


Ada dua bentuk kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris, nominal dan verbal. Kita harus bisa
membedakan keduanya biar bisa membuat kalimat yang benar dan bermakna

Nominal sentence adalah kalimat yang tidak membutuhkan kata kerja

sebagai predikat, tapi menggunakan to be. Perhatikan contoh berikut.

a. What makes me happy is you.

b. The car parked at corner is expensive
c. The internet is so slow right now.

Kita bisa melihat pada kalimat di atas bahwa to be digunakan dengan predikat you,
expensive dan slow.

that’s the lesoon for today. We’ll look at verbal sentences tomorrow.

12. Sentence in English (verbal sentence)

Verbal sentence is a sentence when we used action verbs as the predicate. An action
verb is a verb that requires action. For example, read, look, call. Let’s look at the
example bellow.

Mr. presidents talks with the British prime minister.

Andy likes to cook dinner for her husband
The fire burns all my books.


Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996
Verbal sentences do not only used for person only (like for the subject who acts an
action), but we can also use action verbs for the subject that is not alive.


Verbal sentence adalah kalimat dimana kita menggunakan kata kerja (action verbs)
sebagai predikat. Action verb adalah kata kerja yang menggunakan anggota tubuh.
Contohnya, read, look, call.

a. Mr. presidents talks with the British prime minister.

b. Andy likes to cook dinner for her husband
c. The fire burns all my books.


Kalimat vebal tidak selalu digunakan untuk orang saja (seperti subjek yang
melakukan sesuatu), kita juga bisa menggunakan action verb pada subjek yang tidak

Alright. That’s the lesson for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.

13. Terms used when learning English grammar

It is important to get accustom to the terms that teachers use when teaching English
grammar. Here, we’re going to look at grammar terms used in this email
subscription. Let’s look at them.

Be verbs – am, is, are, were

Action verbs – run, talk, sing, play, …etc.
Linking verbs – feel, seem, taste, appear, …etc.
Present verbs – sing(s), teach(es), wash(es), try(ies), …etc.
Past verbs – talked, wrote, drank, opened …etc.
Plural verbs – verbs that are used for plural subject

Plural noun – noun that is more than one

Noun – a subject or an object
Countable noun – nouns that can be counted
Uncountable noun – nouns that are not possible to count (water, oil)

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996

Hi, email kali ini, kita akan membahas istilah yang digunakan untuk belajar
grammar bahasa Inggris. Penting diingat karena untuk email selanjutnya, kita akan
menggunakan istilah-istilah ini.

Be verbs – am, is, are, were

Action verbs – run, talk, sing, play, …etc.
Linking verbs – feel, seem, taste, appear, …etc.
Present verbs – sing(s), teach(es), wash(es), try(ies), …etc.
Past verbs – talked, wrote, drank, opened …etc.
Plural verbs – verbs that are used for plural subject

Plural noun – kata benda lebih dari satu

Noun – kata benda (subjek atau objek)
Countable noun – kata benda yang bisa dihitung
Uncountable noun – kata benda yang tidak bisa dihitung (water, oil)

Try to familiarize yourself with the terms. I’ll see you tomorrow for more English
lessons. See you then.

14. Linking verbs

Usually, after a verb, there must be followed by a noun of any form (gerund, object
of preposition, noun phrase, noun clause, adverb). But, after a linking verb, only an
adjective can be used. Let’s look at the example.

She looks beautiful

The food tastes delicious
I feel happy
They are suspicious

As you can see, directly after a verb follows by an adjective.

Here are other linking verbs

To-be taste
Look feel
Seem sound

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996
You can also say, “I taste the food and it’s awful”, it is a correct sentence because the
verb taste is an action verb (you taste the food with your tongue)

Remember the linking verbs and try to make your own sentence.


Biasanya, kata kerja harus di ikuti oleh adverbia dan kata benda dalam semua
bentuknya (gerund, object of preposition, noun phrase, noun clause). Tapi, setelah
linking verb, hanya adjective yang boleh digunakan. Perhatikan contoh berikut.

a. She looks beautiful

b. The food tastes delicious
c. I feel happy
d. They are suspicious

Seperti yang bisa dilihat, setelah kata kerja diikuti oleh kata sifat.

Dibawah ini linking verb lain

To-be taste
Look feel
Seem sound

Kamu bisa bilang, “I taste the food and it’s awful”. kalimat ini benar karena taste
adalah action verb (kamu merasa menggunakan lidah kamu)

Remember the linking verbs and try to make your own sentence. I’ll see you

15. Subject and verbs agreement

In the English language, the subject of the sentence must agree with the verbs and
vise-versa. This mean that, if the subject is plural (they, we, children), the verb must
be plural verb, too. Look at the example bellow for better understanding.

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996
- The bird sings
- The birds sing

The bird in the first example is singular because it’s only one bird, we must put an s
at the end of the verb to make it singular verb.

The second example, the birds are many (more than one bird), so we must use plural

Have, do, are, were, are used for plural subject
Has, does, is, was, are used for singular subject

Now, make your own sentences with one plural subject and one singular subject


Dalam Bahasa Inggris, subjek dan kata kerja harus setara. Artinya, jika subjek nya
jamak (they, we, children), maka kata kerjanya harus jamak juga. Perhatikan contoh
berikut agar bisa membedakan.

- The bird sings

- The birds sing

Bird pada kalimat pertama adalah tunggal, kita harus menambahkan –s pada akhir
kata kerja sing untuk membuat kata kerja tunggal.

Contoh kedua, birds ada banyak (jamak), maka kata kerja jamak yang harus

Have, do, are, were, di gunakan untuk subjek jamak
Has, does, is, was, di gunakan untuk subjek tunggal

Now, make your own sentences with one plural subject and one singular subject

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996
16. Plural noun

Look at the following example

- The teachers are designing lessons

- Boxes for my new books are broken
- Lies are intolerable.
- Children have many fish

We add s at the end of the noun teacher, lesson, book, to make the noun becomes
plural form

We add es at the end of the noun box, lies to make plural form

Children is the plural form of child and the plural form of fish is fish

Children and fish are the irregular plural form, means that we don’t add s or es to
make the noun plural. Go to the link below to know more list for irregular plural



Hi, Howdy

Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:

- The teachers are designing lessons

- Boxes for my new books are broken
- Lies are intolerable.
- Children have many fish

Kita menambahkan –s pada kata teacher, lesson, book untuk membuat kata benda
tersebut menjadi jamak (plural)

Tambahkan –es pada kata benda seperti, box, lies dll untuk jamak

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996
Children jamak dari child dan bentuk jamak dari fish adalah fish.

Kata benda jamak seperti Children dan fish berubah tidak beraturan (irregular).
Artinya kita tidak menambahkan –s atau –es untuk menjadikannya plural. Klik link
berikut untuk melihat kata benda jamak irregular.

that’s for today. I’ll see you tomorrow and don’t forget to check my email.

17. Passive and active sentences

When we look at the subject of a sentence, we can see the difference whether it is
active or passive. Simply put, active sentence is when the subject is doing the action
as in “I turn on the light”. Passive sentence is when the subject is not doing the
action, but affected by the action, as in the “light is turned on by me”.

We need this formula when we want to change the active sentence to passives

S + be + past participle + by + o

Important to remember that not all sentence in English can be changed to passive, it
simply means slightly different.

Active: Doni cooked the cake

Passive: the cake was cooked by Doni

In active sentence, the cake is impressive or delicious

In passive sentence, the cake is bad or over cooked

Try to make you own active sentences and turn it into passive and see whether or
not it makes sense


Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996
Jika kita melihat fungsi subjek dalam kalimat, kita bisa melihat perbedaan kalimat
aktif dan pasif. Kalimat aktif jika subjek yang melakukan perkerjaan, seperti “I turn
on the light”. Subjek melakukan perkerjaan turn on.

Kalimat pasif jika subjek tidak melakukan perkerjaan, tapi menerima apa yang
dikerjakan, contohnya, “light is turned on by me”. Subjek light tidak melakukan
perkerjaan turn on.

Untuk mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi passif, gunakan fumus ini.

S + be + past participle + by + o

Penting! Tidak semua kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris bisa di ubah menjadi kalimat
pasif, karena akan merubah makna.

Active: Doni cooked the cake

Passive: the cake was cooked by Doni

Dalam kalimat aktif, kue nya bagus dan enak.

Dalam kalimat pasif, kue nya tidak enak

Baca lagi contoh kue Doni agar bisa memahami permedaannya.

Yup, that’s for today. Try to make you own active sentences and turn it into passive
and see whether or not it makes sense

18. Not all noun can be the subject of the sentence

First let’s look at the example bellow.

- For you to join us must provide id and cash

- After tired visiting our mother at her house because it’s so far

The first example does not contain a subject. The “for you to joint us” is not a subject
because it precedes by the preposition for. So it can’t be the subject.

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996
Note! All object of preposition (noun that precedes preposition) can’t be the subject,
so we need to put extra noun to make the sentence complete.

- For you to joint us, you must provide id can cash

- After tired visiting our mother at her house because it’s so far, we rest


Hi, apa kabar?

Mari lihat contoh berikut ini:

a. For you to join us must provide id and cash

b. After tired visiting our mother at her house because it’s so far

Kalimat (a) tidak memiliki subjek. “you to joint us” bukan subjek karena di
dahului oleh preposisi for. Jadi, you tidak bisa jadi subjek. Kalimat (b) juga
tidak memiliki subjek dan kata kerja.
Note! Semua objek preposisi (kata benda yang didahului oleh preposisi) tidak
bisa menjadi subjek, kita harus menambahkan kata benda lain agar kalimat
menjadi lengkap.

c. For you to joint us, you must provide id can cash

d. After tired visiting our mother at her house because it’s so far, we rest

So, remember that a complete sentence must at least have one subject and one
verb. Check my email tomorrow for more English lesson. See you.

19. Preposition of time

Preposition of time allows you to state time for specific or general idea of
time. When you want to tell time, you probably need a preposition of time (in,
on, at) to make other people understand of what you’re saying.

In - is used to say, in winter, in July, in 2018, in the past, in the future, in the
morning, in the afternoon
On – on Monday, on weekend, on independent day, on new year eve.
At – at 10 o’clock, at night, at noon.

Be sure to always say

I was born on September 9th, 1998
I was born in 1998

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Preposisi waktu memberikan gambaran spesifik untuk mengungkapkan

waktu. Jika kamu ingin mengatakan waktu, kamu butuh preposisi waktu (in,
on, at) untuk membuat orang lain mengerti apa yang kamu maksud.

In - digunakan untuk, in winter, in July, in 2018, in the past, in the future, in the
morning, in the afternoon
On – on Monday, on weekend, on independent day, on new year eve.
At – at 10 o’clock, at night, at noon.

Bedakan penggunaan tanggal lengkap dan tahun

I was born on September 9th, 1998
I was born in 1998

Ingat! In, on dan at digunakan untuk mengekspresikan waktu. Cek email

saya besok untuk pembelajaran tentang in, on dan at untuk mengekspresikan
tempat. See you tomorrow.

20. Preposition of place

There are so many prepositions of place. In this email, we’re going to look at
the most common one, in, on, and at.

in is used when we want to say the object is inside the box or inside the area.
a. What’s in your hand? (you’re holding something inside your palm)
b. Get in the car (to go inside the car)
c. I’m in Aceh right now. Come and visit

On is used to say about an object that is taped on something

d. The paper is on the table

e. The clock is on the wall
f. He is stuck on the ceiling

At is used when the object is close or nearby other object

g. Hi, can you pick me up. I’m at the store

h. At the campus is where you can pick me up
i. Hi, where are you? I’m at hospital

That’s for today. Let’s look more about prepositions of place tomorrow


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Dalam Bahasa Inggris terdapat banyak sekali preposisi untuk tempat. Dalam
email ini, kita akan melihat pada yang paling umum digunakan, in, on, dan

In digunakan saat objek berada dalam kotak (atau ruang) atau di dalam
sebuah kawasan.
a. What’s in your hand? (dalam genggaman)
b. Get in the car (di dalam mobil)
c. I’m in Aceh right now. Come and visit (di dalam sebuah kawasan)

On digunakan untuk objek yang tertempel pada sesuatu.

d. The paper is on the table (melekat divatas meja)

e. The clock is on the wall (tertempel di dinding)
f. He is stuck on the ceiling (melekat pada langit-langit)

At digunakan pada objek yang dekat atau di sekitar objek lain

g. Hi, can you pick me up. I’m at the store

h. At the campus is where you can pick me up
i. Hi, where are you? I’m at hospital

That’s for today. Let’s look more about prepositions of place tomorrow

21. Prepositions of place (extra)

We should always say in for certain word

a. In the mirror (I see myself in the mirror)
b. In picture (who’s that in the picture)
c. In the book (she writes your name in her lattes book)
Certain words are always pair with on

d. Part of body (there is something on your shoulder)

e. The internet (what’s on facebook interests me so much, I saw your picture
on the internet)
f. On page of a book (on page 9th you can find my biography)

For preposition at, we apply the rules from the previous email.


Untuk beberapa kata tertentu, kita harus menggunakan in

a. In the mirror (I see myself in the mirror)
b. In picture (who’s that in the picture)
c. In the book (she writes your name in her lattes book)
Beberapa kata selalu dengan on

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d. Part of body (there is something on your shoulder)
e. The internet (what’s on facebook interests me so much, I saw your picture
on the internet)
f. On page of a book (on page 9th you can find my biography)

Untuk preposisi at, aturannya sama seperti aturan yang telah kita bahas pada
email kemarin.

That’s for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.

22. Yes/no questions with Be

There are sometimes moments where you want to ask questions about
someone or something. To do that, you need to understand how to ask using

Is Susan a doctor?
Are they your friends?
Am I old enough to go to school?

Look again to the example above. Remember that in a question, be comes in

front of the subject. Susan, they and I are subject.


Jika ingin bertanya tentang orang atau sesuatu, kita harus mengerti bertanya
dengan menggunakan be.

a. Is Susan a doctor?
b. Are they your friends?
c. Am I old enough to go to school?

Perhatikan kembali contoh di atas. Ingat, dalam kalimat Tanya, be datang

sebelum subjek. Susan, they dan I adalah subjek.

Try to ask question about your phone. I’ll see you tomorrow for more lesson.

23. Question with Be + WH words

What, where, when, why, who and how are called question words

So when you’re going to ask questions about someone, you should put the a
question word at the beginning of the questions, in front of be.

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a. Is your phone in my bag? (yes/no answer)
b. Where is your phone? (in my bag)

c. Is your name Siska? (yes/no answer)

d. What is your name? (Siska)

e. What’s your job? (asking about something)

f. Where’s your phone? (asking about place)
g. When is your birthday (asking about time)
h. Why are you late? (asking for reason)
i. Who’s that? (asking about person)

Some people write what’s, where’s, who’s to make it easier to say. But it is not
common for people to write when’s, why’s.

See you tomorrow for more tips to improve your English. and don’t forget to
practice writing your question for your love one.


What, where, when, why, who dan how adalah kata tanya.

Jadi, jika ingin bertanta tentang seseorang, kamu harus letakkan kata tanya di
awal kalimat tanya, sebelum be.

a. Is your phone in my bag? (yes/no)

b. Where is your phone? (in my bag)

c. Is your name Siska? (yes/no answer)

d. What is your name? (Siska)

e. What’s your job? (asking about something)

f. Where’s your phone? (asking about place)
g. When is your birthday (asking about time)
h. Why are you late? (asking for reason)
i. Who’s that? (asking about person)

Umumnya what is, where is, dll di tulis what’s, where’s, who’s untuk
mempermudah penulisan. Tapi, when’s, why’s tidak sering digunakan.

That’s our lesson. See you tomorrow for more tips to improve your English.
and don’t forget to practice writing your question for your love one.

24. Using have and has

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We use have for:

a. I have a book
b. You have a book
c. We have a book
d. They have a book

We use has for

e. She has my book

f. He has my book
g. It has books

Important to remember that have is used for plural subject (except I). and has
is used for singular subject.

Try to make your own example by using has and have.

See you tomorrow for more about learning English on the go. Make sure to
check my emails every day at the same time.


Have digunakan untuk:

a. I have a book
b. You have a book
c. We have a book
d. They have a book

Has digunakan untuk:

e. She has my book

f. He has my book
g. It has books

Ingat! Have digunakan untuk subjek jamak (kecuali I). dan has digunakan
untuk subjek tunggal.

Try to make your own example by using has and have. See you tomorrow for
more about learning English on the go. Make sure to check my emails every
day at the same time.
25. Using have and has with past participle

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When we use have or has plus past participle, we want to state present perfect
or past perfect. We use have and has for something that we have finished.
Let’s look at the example below.

a. I have written a new book

b. She has completed her homework
c. The president and his vice have visited japan

Written, completed and visited are past participle. We add ed at the end of a
verb (complete, visit) to make it past participle verb.
Written is irregular verb, means that we don’t add ed. We will look at most
common irregular verb next time.

Remember that have and has are used depends on the subject, whether it’s
plural or singular

That, all for today. Check my email tomorrow at the same time for more
English on the go lesson.

Have dan has digunakan dengan Past Participle untuk tenses present perfect
have dan has digunakan untuk perkerjaan yang dimulai di masa lampau dan
memberi efek pada masa sekarang. Perhatikan contoh berikut.

a. I have written a new book

b. She has completed her homework
c. The president and his vice have visited japan

Written, completed dan visited adalah past participle. –ed ditambahkan di akhir
kata kerja (complete, visit) untuk membuat past participle. Written adalah
kata kerja yang berubah tidak beraturan, artinya, kita tidak menambahkan –
Ingat have dan has digunakan tergantung pada subjeknya, jamak atau tunggal.

That, all for today. Check my email tomorrow at the same time for more
English on the go lesson.

26. Using adjectives and noun

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It is sometimes necessary to give a noun adjective(s) to imply more meaning
for the noun. To do that, it’s very simple. We only add the adjectives before
the noun.

Say, you have a phone.

a. I have a phone.

And your phone is new

b. I have a new phone.

You can add multiple adjectives before the noun.

c. I have a new black phone

d. I have a new thin black phone
e. I have a new thin black Chinese phone

To order which adjective comes first is very personal. You can arrange it
whoever possible. But there are traditional rules

Number Opinion Size Age Shape Color Nationality Purpose noun

Strong Small New White Sport shoes

Three Beautiful Young Italian Girls

Add adjectives for the noun phone and car.

That’s it for today. See you next time.


Adjective (kata sifat) berguna untuk memberi makna tambahan kepada kata
benda. Caranya, hanya dengan menambahkan kata sifat sebelum kata benda

Jika kamu punya hp.

d. I have a phone.

Dan hp kamu masih baru

e. I have a new phone.

Kamu bisa tambahkan beberapa kata sifat untuk hp kamu.

f. I have a new black phone

g. I have a new thin black phone
h. I have a new thin black Chinese phone

Kamu bisa menyusun urutan kata sifat berdasarkan aturan tradisional

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Number Opinion Size Age Shape Color Nationality Purpose noun

Strong Small New White Sport shoes

Three Beautiful Young Italian Girls

Yup, that’s for today. I’ll see you tomorrow. try to add adjectives for your
phone and car.

See you next time.

27. Adverbs and adjectives

Let’s look at the examples bellow first

a. A very slow internet connection

b. A beautifully designed computer screen
c. A well dressed girl

As we know, adjectives words that describe nouns. Adverb, then, describe


In the examples above, the noun internet connection is described by the

adjective slow. Then, slow is described by the adverb very.

Look at the second and third example. Can you see the noun, adjective and
the adverb? Are they in the order of adv + adj + noun?

Now let’s try with your own examples.

I leave you to it for now. I’ll see you tomorrow for the next lesson.


Mari perhatikan contoh berikut:

a. A very slow internet connection

b. A beautifully designed computer screen
c. A well-dressed girl

Seperti yang kita tahu, kita sifat menerangkan kata benda. Adverb
menerangkan adjective (kata sifat)

Pada contoh di atas, kata benda internet connection dijelaskan leh adjective
slow. Adjective slow diterangkan oleh adverb very.

Perhatikan contoh kedua. Lihat noun, adjective dan adverb nya. Apakah
urutannya sudah benar seperti adv + adj + noun?

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Sekarang coba buat kalimat sendiri.

I leave you to it for now. I’ll see you tomorrow for the next lesson.

28. How to use very and too

You have probably heard people say “it’s too fast”. And you’ve probably
heard people say “it’s very fast”. Do they have the same meaning?

Too is used for something negative. But, very is used to say something
positive. So, you would say:

the bus driver drives too fast (means you don’t like it. The driver scares you)

the bus driver drives very fast (means you like it because the driver gets you
to your destination in time).

So, next time you’re confuse whether to use too or very, remember that too is
for negative and very is for positive.

This’s all for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Kamu mungkin sering mendengar orang bilang “it’s too fast”. Dan kamu juga
pernah mendengar orang bilang “it’s very fast”. Keduanya diterjemahkan
sangat. Apakah keduanya bermakna sama?

Too digunakan untuk (bermakna) negative. Very untuk (bermakna) positivis.

Jadi, kamu bilang:

a. the bus driver drives too fast (kamu tidak suka. Pengemudi ugal-ugalan)

b. the bus driver drives very fast (kamu suka. Mungkin karena kamu buru
ingin ke suatu tempat).

Ingat! Jika kamu bingung apa menggunakan too atau very, ingat too untuk
negatif dan very untuk positif.
This’s all for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.

29. Using the simple present

Hi, today we’re going to look at how to use the simple present.
Simple present is used when we want to say:

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Habitual action
a. He drinks coffee every morning
b. They learn English together

General fact

c. The earth is round

d. The ocean is salty

Note that we use drinks (with s) for subject he, she, it. We use is for singular

Quiz! Which one is correct?

e. He’s dead
f. He dies

That’s enough for today. try to do the quiz and wait for more lesson
tomorrow. See you.


Hi, hari ini kita akan melihat penggunaan simple present.

Simple present digunakan ketika ingin mengatakan:

a. He drinks coffee every morning
b. They learn English together

Fakta umum

c. The earth is round

d. The ocean is salty

Note: gunakan drinks (dengan –s) untuk subjek he, she, it.

Quiz! Yang mana yang benar?

e. He’s dead
f. He dies

That’s enough for today. try to do the quiz and wait for more lesson
tomorrow. See you.

30. Using adverb of frequency

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Adverb of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely,

We use adverb of frequency with the simple present and it comes between the
subject and the verb. Let’s look at the example bellow.

a. Dodi always drinks white coffee in the morning (100%)

b. She usually submits the assignment on time (80%)
c. Sarah often comes late to the class (60%)
d. Enda sometimes cooks breakfast for me (50%)
e. Budi seldom comes late for the meeting (40%)
f. My phone rarely crashes (20%)
g. She never visits her grandmother (0%)


How many times do you?

h. Stay up late
i. Call your mother
j. Ask for help from your friends

Note that sometime and sometimes are not the same. Look at the example

k. I sometimes go to Paris (once a week, I’m at Paris)

l. I will go to Paris sometime (I will go to Paris for vacation when I have

Yup, that about it for today. see you tomorrow.


Adverb of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely,


Adverb or frequency digunakan dengan simple present dan ia diletakkan

diantara subjek dan kata kerja. Perhatikan contoh berikut:

a. Dodi always drinks white coffee in the morning (100%)

b. She usually submits the assignment on time (80%)
c. Sarah often comes late to the class (60%)
d. Enda sometimes cooks breakfast for me (50%)
e. Budi seldom comes late for the meeting (40%)
f. My phone rarely crashes (20%)
g. She never visits her grandmother (0%)

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996

How many times do you?

h. Stay up late
i. Call your mother
j. Ask for help from your friends

Note: sometime dan sometimes tidak sama. Perhatikan contoh berikut

k. I sometimes go to Paris (once a week, I’m at Paris)

l. I will go to Paris sometime (I will go to Paris for vacation when I have

Yup, that about it for today. see you tomorrow.

31. Using adverb of frequency with BE

The previous email, we discussed about adverb of frequency with simple

present verbs. Today, we’re going to see how to use adv. of frequency with

The form is (S + Be + adverb of frequency) + adjective / adverb

You may say

a. He is rarely prepared for the meeting
b. My computer is always on
c. I am usually very hungry in the afternoon

Try to make your own sentences. Follow the rule and you are always correct.

That’s it for today. I’ll see you tomorrow

Make sure to always check my email at the same time


Email sebelumnya membahas tentang adverb of frequency dengan simple

present. Kali ini kita akan melihat penggunaan adv. or frequency dengan be.

Ingat! (S + Be + adverb of frequency) + adjective / adverb

a. He is rarely prepared for the meeting
b. My computer is always on
c. I am usually very hungry in the afternoon
Buat contoh tambahan dengan mengikuti aturan diatas.

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That’s it for today. Make sure to always check my email at the same time. I’ll
see you, tomorrow.

32. How to spell and pronounce verbs with final –es

When the subject is she, he or it, we need to add s at the end of the verb. As in
“she stops by my house this morning”.
However, some present verbs sometimes come with final –es. Let’s look why
some verbs use final –es.

a. Push – pushes / pushez

b. Teach – teaches /tichez
c. Kiss – kisses / kisses
d. Fix – fixes / fiksiz
e. Cry – cries / kraiz
f. Try – tries /traiz


g. we add es for verb ending with -sh, -ch, -ss, -x.

h. we change y into i and add es for verbs end with y.

Its pronounced “es”


The verb pay or enjoy does not follow the same rule like cry and try. We need
to add final –s because before y is a vowel.

Quiz. Think of other verb that ends with vowel + y

That’s about it for today. we will look for more lesson tomorrow.


Subjek she, he atau it, tambahkan –s pada ujung kata kerja, seperti dalam
contoh “she stops by my house this morning”.
Namun, ada beberapa kata kerja ditambahkan –es. Perhatikan cara
penambahan akhiran –es.

a. Push – pushes / pushez

b. Teach – teaches /tichez
c. Kiss – kisses / kisses
d. Fix – fixes / fiksiz
e. Cry – cries / kraiz
f. Try – tries /traiz

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- Tambahkan -es untuk kata kerja berakhiran -sh, -ch, -ss, -x.
- Ganti y menjadi i dan tambahkan –es untuk kata kerja berakhiran -y


Kata kerja pay atau enjoy, dll. tidak mengikuti aturan yang sama seperti cry
dan try. Akhiran –s dibutuhkan karena sebelum y adalah huruf vokal.

That’s about it for today. we will look for more lesson tomorrow.

33. understand how to use present progressive

in English, when we want to say about what we are currently doing right
now, we use be + verb –ing. Let’s look at examples bellow for details.

a. Right now I am reading this text.

b. She is talking with me right now.
c. They are singing a song.
d. You’re being silly.

Remember that we always use be to say present progressive. And also

remember to use the correct be for the subject.


Ketika kita mengatakan sesuatu yang sedang terjadi/dilakukan, kita

menggunakan be + verb –ing. Lihat kembali contoh diatas. Penting diingat
be yang benar selalu mengikuti subject nya.

I = am

She, he, it = am

You, they, we = are

That’s the lesson for today, I’ll see you tomorrow.

34. Understanding how to use past progressive

Past progressive is used to say about events or activities that happened in the
past when you were doing something else.

Misalnya, ketika kamu sedang menelpon kawan pada masa lampau, dan
diwaktu yang sama, ibu kamu memanggil.

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So, we say in English
a. My mother called me when i was calling my friend on the phone.

Other example:

b. I was taking bath when Susan rang the bell

c. When the phone rang, I was having my lunch.
d. They were watching the movie while i was cleaning the room.

Remember, you can’t mix the sentence (past tense always with past tense).

Important to note that past progressive tense tends to require two activities
(taking bath and the bell rang). But, you can also say just one action (I was

Think about what did you do early this morning, and make a sentence out of
it. I’ll see you tomorrow.


Past progressive digunakan untuk menggambarkan aktifitas yang terjadi di

masa lampau ketika kejadian lain sedang dilakukan dimasa lampau juga,
(dua kejadia)

Misalnya, ketika kamu sedang menelpon kawan pada masa lampau, dan
diwaktu yang sama, ibu kamu memanggil.

Contoh lain
a. My mother called me when i was calling my friend on the phone.
b. I was taking bath when Susan rang the bell
c. When the phone rang, I was having my lunch.
d. They were watching the movie while i was cleaning the room.

Ingat! Kamu tidak bisa mencampur past tense dan present tense dalam satu
kalimat (kecuali ada faktor yang memungkinkan).

Umumnya, past progressive biasanya membutuhkan 2 aktifitas (taking bath

dan the bell rang). Namum bisa juga dengan 1 kegiatan (I was eating).

Ok! Think about what did you do early this morning, and make a sentence
out of it. I’ll see you tomorrow.

35. Not all verbs can be used in progressive tenses

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To review, progressive tenses are used to say about something that currently
happening (in the past, present or future). Like “I'm cooking diner now” or “I
was cooking diner when you called”.
But, some verbs are not possible to use in progressive tense. because they are
non-action verbs. So, what are they? Let’s take a look.

Hate, like, love, prefer, want

Appear, seem, sound, tense
Agree, deny, believe, know, realize, understand.
Belong, concern, need, possess.

you can't say:

a. I'm hating you for what you've done.
b. It is seeming good
c. She is understanding the lessons.

Note that these words are the most common mistakes

That’s it for today. I’ll see you, tomorrow.

progressive tenses digunakan saat mengatakan sesuatu yang sedang terjadi
(in the past, present or future). seperti “I'm cooking diner now” atau “I was
cooking diner when you called”.

Tapi, ada beberapa kata kerja yang tidak bisa digunakan dalam tenses
progressive. Hanya active verbs yang bisa digunakan dengan progressive. Jadi,
apa saja non-active verbs?

Hate, like, love, prefer, want

Appear, seem, sound, tense
Agree, deny, believe, know, realize, understand.
Belong, concern, need, possess.

Kamu tidak bisa bilang:

a. I'm hating you for what you've done.
b. It is seeming good
c. She is understanding the lessons.

That’s it for today. I’ll see you, tomorrow.

36. See, look at, watch,

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Lets’ first look at examples bellow:
a. I see many books in the bookstore
b. She’s looking at the book. She probably will buy it.
c. Andy is watching the football match.

See is nonaction verb. Seeing happens because my eyes open. It’s a physical
reaction and not a planned action.

Look at is an action verb. Looking is a planned and purposeful action.

Looking happens for a reason.

Watch is an action verb. I watch something for a long time, but I look at
something for a short time.


Mari bedakan see, look at, watch, hear dan listen to.

See digunakan ketika mata terbuka. Kita menggunakan see karena hal
spontan. Tidak seperti see, look at digunakan karena rencana dan tujuan.
Contohnya “She’s looking at the book. She probably will buy it”. Look at
digunakan dengan memperhatikan buku yang akan dia beli dengan detail.

Look at itu melihat dengan teliti tapi sebentar. Watch melihat lebih lama.
Seperti “watching football”

One last note, nonaction verbs can't be used in progressive. But action verbs
can. Instead of saying “I'm seeing what you’re doing” say “I see what you’re

That’s for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.

37. hear and listen to

lets look at examples first

a. My neighbor plays music so loudly; I can hear it from outside the room
b. I'm listening to music because I like to listen to music.

Hear is a noncation verb. Hearing is unplanned and it expresses physical


Listen to is an action verb. Listening happens for a reason and purpose.

Hear digunakan ketika mendengar namun tidak memperhatikan. Listen to
digunakan mendengar dengan memperhatikan apa yang dibilang.

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Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:

a. I can’t hear you if you stand too far from me

b. I can’t listen to you, my mom says you’re a bad influence.

So, can you see the difference? I’ll come back tomorrow for more lesson. See

38. How to use think about and think that

I think that think about and think that are different. Yes, they are.

Think about is use to state ideas in our heads, as in

a. I think about my college tuition right now
b. I'm thinking about grammar exams

The two examples imply the ideas about college tuition and grammar exams
in my mind.

Think that is used to say opinion or beliefs, as in.

a. I think that your phone is too expensive.

b. Susan thinks that you’re in to her
c. Don’t you think that the weather is nice today?

Also remember that you can't say thinking that, but you should say “thinking


Think about digunakan untuk mengungkapkan apa yang kita kita pikirkan.
Think that digunakan untuk mengungkapkan opini atau sesuatu yang kita
yakini. Perhatikan kembali contoh diatas.

a. I think about my college tuition right now

b. I think that your phone is too expensive.

Kita tidak bisa mengatakan “I think that my college tuition right now”

Perlu diingat, kita tidak bisa menggunakan kalimat “I’m thinking that your
phone is too expensive”.

Yup, that’s it for today, I’ll see you next time.

39. How to use would like

Compare the following examples

a. I'm thirsty. I want a glass of water

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b. I'm thirsty. I would like a glass of water.

The examples imply the same meaning (requesting a glass of water), but
would like implies polite request. I would like is the nice way of saying I

would like can be used for all subjects and does not change the verb

a. She would like d. They would like

b. He would like e. You would like
c. I would like f. We would like

c. Remember she and he do not change the verb like into likes. It stays like.


Kata want dan would like memiliki arti yg sama. Namun penggunaanya
berbeda. Would like digunakan lebih sopan dari pada want. Perhatikan
kembali contoh yang di atas.

Penting, kata like pada she would like dan he would like tidak berubah
menjadi likes.

That’s for today, I’ll see you next time.

40. Would like + infinitive

The previous email, we talk about would like. Today we’re going to look at
how would like + infinitive is used. Let’s get on to in

a. Your dad would like to have a conversation with you.

b. The teacher would like you to come to her office.

You can't construct the pronoun with would like. Look at how it’s
pronounced below.
c. I’d like (aid like) f. They’d like (theyd like)
d. She’d like (shed like) g. You’d likey (youd like)
e. He’d like (hed like) h. We’d like (wed like)


Pada email sebelumnya, kita membahas penggunaan would like. Hari ini kita
akan melihat bagaimana penggunaan would like + infinitive (to infinitive).
Perhatikan kembali contoh diatas

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a. Your dad would like to have a conversation with you.
b. The teacher would like you to come to her office.

To infinitive langsung ditambahkan setelah kata would like.

Yup, that’s the lesson for today. Check out for tomorrow lesson. Stay tuned

41. Would like vs like

Let’s look at the following examples

a. I would like to hang out with you
b. I like to hang out with you

In English, I would like indicates that I want to do something now or in the


I Like means that I enjoy to hang out with you. Like indicates that I always
enjoy something.


Would like dalam bahasa Inggris digunakan untuk ingin melakukan sesuatu
pada masa sekarang atau masa depan. Like digunakan untuk mengatakan
kesenangan akan sesuatu.

Mari lihat kembali contoh berikut:

a. I would like to hang out with you

b. I like to hang out with you

I would like to hang out berarti saya ingin ngopi bareng kalian

I like to hang out berarti saya senang ngopi bareng kalian

Thats enough lesson for today. Practice more with Would like vs like. Try to
say other verbs and other pronoun. Good luck. I’ll see you tomorrow

42. Count and noncount nouns

Non count noun is nouns that can't be counted and they do not have plural
from, which means, non-count noun always come in singular form

Count noun is a noun that can be counted and we add final –s at the end of
the noun. Let’s look at the example bellow.

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a. I have one book
b. I have two books

c. She has a phone

d. She has a lot of phones

The following words make count noun plural:

e. Two i. A lot of
f. Many j. Several
g. Few k. A number of
h. Some


Dalam bahasa Inggris, ada kata benda yang dapat dihitung (count noun) dan
ada yang tidak bisa dihitung (non-count noun). Non count noun tidak
memiliki bentuk plural (jamak) dan ia selalu diganakan dalam bentuk
singular (tunggal). Count noun memiliki bentuk jamak dan ditambahkan –s
pada akhir kata. Perhatikan contoh di atas sekali lagi.

a. I have one book

b. I have two books

c. She has a phone

d. She has a lot of phones

Perhatikan bagaimana “dua buku” dan “banyak buku” ditulis dalam bahasa
Inggris. Keduanya ditambahkan –s karena memiliki makna banyak, lebih dari

Yup, thats for today. Make sure you check out my other email tomorrow. See
you then.

43. Using an vs a

An and a are used in front of singular count noun. As in:

a. a guitar
b. an animal
we use an in front of words that begin with the vowels a, e, i, o. as in:

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c. you should bring an apple
d. I have an old guitar

Notice that an is used because the word after it is a vowel, (not necessarily
because of the noun)

Now pay close attention to the following nouns:

e. An uncle (an is used because uncle is pronounced with a, vowel)

f. A university (because it’s pronounced with y, consonant)
g. An honor (because it’s pronounced with o, vowel)
h. A horse (because it’s pronounced with h, consonant)


Dalam bahasa Inggris, sebelum kata benda tunggal selalu diberi partikel a
atau an. Partikel a digunakan pada kata yang berawalan dengan bunyi
konsonan (k, m, b dll). Partikel an digunakan pada kata benda yang
berawalan bunyi vocal (a, i, e, o). Seperti pada contoh dibawah:
a. a guitar c. you should bring an apple
b. an animal d. I have an old guitar

Perlu diperhatikan ada beberapa kata seperti univestiy dan honor. Kata
tersebut menggunakan partikel yg berbeda yaitu “a univesity” dan “an
honor” karena berbunyi y (konsonan) dan o (vokal).

Alright, that’s about it for today. Make sure to practice and make your own
sentences. I’ll see you tomorrow.

44. Measurements with non-count nouns

Let’s look at the examples bellow first.

a. I’d like to have some water

b. Can I have a glass of water
c. Would you like a cup of coffee?

Units of measure are used with non-count nouns to express a specific

quantity. For example, a glass of, a cup of, a piece of.

Below are common expressions of measure

d. A bag of rice h. A box of candy

e. A bar of soap i. A jar of pickles
f. A bottle of olive oil j. A piece of cheese
g. A bowl of cereal k. A sheet of paper

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Dalam bahasa Inggris, non-count noun tidak bisa dihitung tapi bisa bisa
dihitung dengan expression of measurement, a glass of, a bag of, a cup of dll.

Gula tidak bisa dihitung, tapi satu sendok gula bisa dihitung, a spoon of

Hmhm, I think that is enough for today. don’t want to drown you, just yet. :D

I’ll see you tomorrow.

45. Using many, much, a few a little

I hope you still remember about count and non-count nouns. Today we’re
going to look deeper about it.

First let’s look at some examples.

a. I don’t get many phones

I don’t get much money
b. She gets a few phones
She gets a little money

Look again to the examples above.

c. Many is use with plural count nouns

d. Much is used with non-count nouns
e. A few is used with plural count nouns
f. A little is used with non-count nouns

Yang perlu diingat pada email kali ini hanya tentang penggunaan:

g. Many - untuk kata benda jamak yang bisa dihitung

h. Much – untuk kata benda yang tidak bisa dihitung
i. A few - untuk kata benda jamak yang bisa dihitung
j. A little - untuk kata benda yang tidak bisa dihitung

Yup, not much for today. I’ll catch up with you tomorrow. See you!

46. Using the

Let’s first look at examples bellow

a. Where’s Rudi
b. He’s in the kitchen

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a. The speaker uses the when the listener and the speaker have the same idea
about something or someone. The shows that a noun is specific.

We use the when something or someone is the only one in the world.

c. The sky is blue

d. Oh, the sun is so hot today.

The is used with singular noun, plural noun and non-count noun.

Notice in the examples, the speaker is using the for the second mention of a
noun. When the speaker mentions a noun for a second tine, both the speaker
and listener are now thinking about the same thing.

e. I like have a phone and several books. The phone is Lenovo and the book
are non-fiction.


Kita menggunakan the ketika dua orang memiliki pemahaman yang sama
tentang sesuatu atau seseorang. The digunakan untuk kata benda yang
spesifik, yang terterntu.

The juga digunakan pada kata benda yang hanya ada satu-satunya di dunia.
Seperti pada contoh diatas, the sky dan the sun.

Ok, that’s the lesson about how to use the. Make sure to understand what
specific means. I’ll see you tomorrow.

47. Using no article.

Remember! A noun needs an article. But, some are replaced by other

quantifier. And sometimes, a noun doesn’t need an article, because we want
to make generalizations. So, no article means noun that doesn’t need an

Compare the following examples.

a. The apples that your brought home are rotten
b. Apples are good for you
c. Students use pens and pencil in the class
d. I like to listen to music
In example a, the specific apples that he brought home. While example b
refers to all kind of apple. Example c refers to all students in general, students
in Indonesia and all over the world uses pen and pencil. Music in example d
is non-count noun and it refers to all kind of music.

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Compare the following examples

f. I really enjoy music. It relaxes me

g. We went to a concert last night. The music was very good.


Kata benda dalam bahasa Inggris terkadang tidak menggunakan partikel

untuk membuat kata benda tersebut bermakna secara umum.

Perhatikan kembali contoh berikut ini

a. The apples that your brought home are rotten

b. Apples are good for you
c. Students use pens and pencil in the class
d. I like to listen to music

Kalimat a menggunaka the apples karena apples nya specifi sedangkan pada
kalimat b apples secara umum (semua jenis, yang ada dimana saja) baik
untuk kamu. Kalimat c pensil dan bolpen secara umum digunakan oleh
semua siswa. Dan pada kalimat d, dia suka mendengar semua jenis musik

Bandingkan 2 contoh dibawah ini.

h. I really enjoy music. It relaxes me

i. We went to a concert last night. The music was very good.

Kamu bisa melihat perbedaannya?

Alright then. I’ll leave you to the no article :D

I’ll see you tomorrow for more English lessons

48. Using some and any

Some and any are used for plural nouns. It also can be used for non-count
Some is used in affirmative statements, as in
a. Alisia has some money
b. Bang Dodi needs some money

Any is use in negative statements, as in.

c. Alisia doesn’t need any money

d. Alisia doesn’t have any money

We use both some and any in a question

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e. Does Alisia need any money?

f. Does Alisia have some money?


Some dan any digunakan pada kata benda yang dapat dihitung dan juga
yang tidak bisa dihitung.

Some digunakan untuk kalimat positif sedangkan any untuk kalimat

negative. Kita bisa gunakan some dan any untuk kalimat pertanyaan.

And that’s it for today. check my email tomorrow. I’ll see you then

49. Using Be with past tense

We use past tense to say something that happens in the past. Let’s look at the
examples bellow to understand present and past tenses
b. I'm in the class today
c. She is in the store right now
d. My phone is at his house

e. I was in the class yesterday

f. She was in the store yesterday
g. My phone was at his house last night

Simple past tense of Be is was and were. We use was for singular and were for

I, she, he, it = was

We, you, they = were


Past tense (masa lampu) digunakan untuk membicarakan kejadian yang telah
siap (telah terjadi) pada masa lampau. Mari lihat kembali contoh di atas
untuk membedakan present tense dan past tense.

a. I'm in the class today

b. She is in the store right now
c. My phone is at his house

d. I was in the class yesterday

e. She was in the store yesterday
f. My phone was at his house last night

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Past tense untuk Be adalah was dan were. Was digunakan untuk subjek
tunggal dan were untuk subjek jamak.

I, she, he, it = was

We, you, they = were

Hmhm, that about it for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.

50. Using be with past tense: negative sentences

As we discussed in the previous email that there are only two past bees: was
and were. To use past be with negative sentences, we only need to add not
after the be. Let’s look at example below.

a. I was not in the class yesterday

b. I wasn’t in the class yesterday

c. We were not at home last night

d. We weren’t at home last night

Remember, was not and wasn’t have the same meaning. And so do were not
and weren’t

Important to note:

Present Past
Today Yesterday
This morning Yesterday morning
This afternoon Yesterday afternoon
Tonight Last night
This week Last week

Pada email sebelum nya kita telah membahas was dan were. Kali ini kita akan
melimat penggunaan was dan were dalam bentuk kalimat negatif. Untuk
membuat kalimat negatif menggunakan was dan were, kita hanya perlu
menambahkan not setelah was dan were. Lihat contoh berikut ini.

e. I was not in the class yesterday

f. I wasn’t in the class yesterday

g. We were not at home last night

h. We weren’t at home last night

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Ingat! Was not, were not dan wasn’t, weren’t memiliki arti yang sama.

51. How to ask questions Using past of be

When we want to ask about someone (or the subject), we use be in front of the subject.
Let’s look at examples below for clearer picture of it
- Were you at home last night? Answer – yes, I was / no, I wasn’t
- Was Andy in the class yesterday? Answer – yes, he was / no, he wasn’t

When we ask information about someone (the subject), we use the question words.

- Where were you last night? Answer – at home

- Where was Andy yesterday? Answer - in the class

Note: some people answer questions with short answers, like “yes, I was” or “at home”.
You can answer with long answers, yes, I was in the class or I was at home.


Ketika kita ingin bertanya tentang seseorang (subjek kalimat), kita menggunakan be di
sebelum subjek. Mari lihat kembali contoh diatas.

- Were you at home last night? Answer – yes, I was / no, I wasn’t
- Was Andy in the class yesterday? Answer – yes, he was / no, he wasn’t

Jika kita bertanya informasi tentang seseorang (subjek kalimat), kita menggunakan
kalimat tanya. Perhatikan penempatan kata tanya pada kalimat berikut.

- Where were you last night? Answer – at home

- Where was Andy yesterday? Answer - in the class

Well, this’s about it for today. we’ll catch up more lesson tomorrow. don’t forget to ask
by replying the email.

52. Simple past tense – using –ed

Hi, today we’re going to understand how to say past tense activities. first, let’s compare
present and past tenses.
- I walk to work every day
- I walked to work yesterday

- She calls her mom every night

- She called her mom last night

As you can see, verb –ed tell you that the event happens in the past (the event happened
yesterday and last night). In English we add –ed for most verbs to refer to past events.

Note: we use past tense with –ed for all subjects (I, you, they, we, she, he, it).

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Kali ini kita akan melihat penggunaan past tense (masa lampau). Bandingkan dulu
present tense (masa sekarang) dan past tense (masa lampau) pada kalimat berikut ini.

- I walk to work every day

- I walked to work yesterday

- She calls her mom every night

- She called her mom last night

Seperti yang kita lihat, kata kerja + –ed memberi makna lampau (baik ada keterang
waktu atau tidak). Dalam bahasa Inggris, kita menambahkan akhiran –ed pada sebagian
besar kata kerja.

Cotatan: kita menggunakan kata kerja lampau (yang berakhiran –ed) untuk semua
subjek (I, you, they, we, she, he, it).

Think about what you did last night and make a sentence out of it. I’ll see you tomorrow.

53. Past tense practice – making past tense verbs

As we all know, we add –ed to make past tense verb. But, some verbs need extra care to
make them past verbs. let’s look the rules to change verbs from present to past

- Just add –ed (call, open, walk, talk)

- Double the final consonant and add –ed (drop, stop, hop)
- Drop the final e and add –ed (like)
- Change the y to I and add –ed (cry, carry, worry, marry, pay)
- Change the spelling (take – took, bring – brought, write –wrote)

Remember some verbs change irregularly, so you need to pay more attention to these
verbs. Below are the most common irregular verbs.

beat beat beaten choose chose chosen

begin began begun come came come

bet* bet bet cost cost cost

blow blew blown cut cut cut

break broke broken deal dealt dealt

build built built do did done

burst burst burst draw drew drawn

buy bought bought drink drank drunk

catch caught caught drive drove driven

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eat ate eaten fall fell fallen


yes, kita menambahkan –ed pada akhiran kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris. Tapi, ada
beberapa kata kerja memerlukan perhatian lebih untuk merubahnya menjadi kata kerja
masa lampau. Mari lihat aturan cara merubah kata kerja present menjadi past.

- Hanya tambahkan –ed (call, open, walk, talk)

- Tambah konsonan akhir dan tembahkan –ed (drop, stop, hop)
- Buang akhiran e dan tambahkan –ed (like)
- Ganti y menjadi i dan tambahkan –ed (cry, carry, worry, marry, pay)
- Ganti ejaannya (take – took, bring – brought, write –wrote)

Penting! Ada sebagian kata kerja berubah ke bentuk lampu secara acak (tidak mengikuti
aturan dengan menambahkan –ed). Diatas ada kata kerja yang berubah secara acak.

So, look again to the irregular verbs and find the meaning of the words you don’t
understand. I’ll see you tomorrow.

54. Past verb pronunciation practice.

Hi, quick question. How to pronounce the word, liked, watched, dreamed?

Here’s how.

Group A – final –ed is pronounced /t/ if the verb end in a voiceless sound
- Walked - laughed - missed - stretched
- Washed - helped - sniffed - watched

Group B – final –ed is pronounced /d/ if the verb ends in a voiced sound.

- Closed - rubbed - filled - loved - hugged

- Stirred - turned - seemed - stayed - called

Group C – final –ed is pronounced /id/ if the verb ends in the letter d or t

- Rented - waited - visited -needed - blinded


Hi, bagaimana cara mengucapkan kata, liked, watched, dreamed?

Yuk lihat aturannya.

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Group A – akhiran –ed dibaca /t/ jika kata kerja berakhir dengan voiceless consonants
(p, f, s, sh, c, tch, k)
Contohnya: liked /likt/

Group B – akhiran –ed dibaca /d/ jika kata kerja berakhir dengan voiced consonants (g,
j, z, v, b, )
Contohnya: closed /closd/

Group C – akhiran –ed dibaca /ed/ jika kata kerja berakhir dengan /d/ atau /t/.
Contohnya: visited /visitid/

Practice more how to pronounce group A and B. check my email tomorrow. I’ll see you

55. Past time words: yesterday, last and ago.

Hi, today we’re going to look at how yesterday, last, and ago used in sentences. Let’s
check them out.

- Yesterday
o Bob was here…
 Yesterday
 Yesterday morning
 Yesterday afternoon
 Yesterday evening
- Last
o Nanda was here …
 Last night
 Last Friday
 Last year
 Last summer
- Ago
o Susan was here …
 Five minutes ago
 Two hours ago
 A (two)week ago
 A year ago
- A


- last is used with night, with long periods of time (week, month, year), with seasons
(spring, summer, etc.), and with days of the week, past events (independence day,

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- Ago means “in the past”. It follows specific lengths of time (two minutes, five years,


Penggunaan yesterday, last dan ago. Semua kata tersebut digunakan untuk past tense
(masa lampau) saja. Tidak bisa digunakan pada masa sekarang atau masa akan datang.

- Yesterday digunakan dengan (morning, afternoon, evening)

- Last digunakan dengan night, waktu yang panjang (week, year, month). Last juga
digunakan dengan nama musim (summer, falls), past events (ramadhan, semester)
- Ago artinya “pada masa lampau”. Ago selalu di ikuti dengan waktu yang spesifik
(two minutes, five years).
- A

Thats about it. I’ll see you tomorrow.

56. Negative simple past

Sometimes, when you’re accused of something you didn’t do, you deny it. So how to
deny it? Here’s how.

I did not still your car

Subject did not base verb statement

Incorrect to say - she did not walks to school yesterday

- she did not walked to school yesterday
Remember! You can construct did not to didn’t.
Important! Always used did not with main verb. You can’t use did not with be.

Incorrect to say - Susan didn’t be here last night

You should say - Susan wasn’t here last night

Ketika kamu dituduh melakukan sesuatu yang tidak pernah kamu lakukan, kamu pasti
menyangkalnya. Bagaimana cara menyangkalnya dalam bahasa Inggris? Kita
menggunakan did not

Penting! Did not tidak bisa digunakan dengan be. Did not selalu digunakan
dengan kata kerja
That’s it the lesson on how to use did not in English. Check my email tomorrow at the
same time. Practice more and best of luck.

57. Asking question with past tense

To ask question about past events, we put did in front of the subject.

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- Did you still my wallet?

- Did she bring the book?
- Did Andy bring the book?

Remember! whenever we use did or did not, we always use base verb (not brings or


Untuk bertanya tentang kejadian masa lampau dalam bahasa Inggris, kita meletakkan
did sebelum subjek. Perhatikan kembali contoh diatas.

Penting! Kapanpun kita menggunakan did atau did not, kita selalu menggunakan kata
kerja dasar (bukan brings atau brought)

Hmhm, I leave you to make your own sentences. I’ll see you tomorrow.

58. Asking questions with question words + helping verbs

If you expect a short answer, you can ask question with did. We discussed this
yesterday. Now we’re going to look at how asking question if you don’t know what the
object is.

Let’s look at examples below

- What did she cook?

- What is Andy holding?
- Who did she call?
- Who is she talking to?

Remember the rule!

Question word helping verb subject base verb

What did she cook
Who did she call

Jika kamu hanya ingin jawaban singkat, kamu bisa bertanya dengan menggunakan did
saja. Kita telah membahas tentang ini kemaren. Hari ini kita akan melihat cara bertanya
jika kamu tidak tahu objeknya.

Perhatikan kembali contoh yang ada di atas.

Ingat susunan cara bertanya dengan kata-kata pertanyaan.

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Question word helping verb subject base verb

What did she cook
Who did she call
Remember the rule and make sure you can differentiate between “did she call you” and
“who did she call”. That’s about it. I’ll see you tomorrow.

59. Using before and after in time clause.

Today, we’re going to look at clauses. But first, let’s take a look at some terms

Clause is a group of words that has a subject and a verb.

Main clause is a complete sentence
Time clauses can begin with before or after

Now, let’s look at examples.

I ate breakfast = a main clause

Before I went to the class = time clause

I ate breakfast before I went to the class

Main clause time clause

Before I went to the class, I ate breakfast

Time clause main clause

Note! Can you understand the meaning if you only say the time clause?

Now let’s see how to use after

After we finished our work, we went shopping

Time clause main clause

Remember! - you can put time clause before the main clause or after it.
- if you put the time clause before the main clause you need to use
coma (,)
Important! After and before don’t always come with time clause. They can be used as
preposition, as in.
- We went shopping after the working
- I ate breakfast before the class.
- S


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See you tomorrow.

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60. Using when in time clauses.

Let’s look at examples below first.

a. When the rain stopped, we continued driving.

b. We continued driving when the rain stopped.

c. When Agus was a child, he lived with his aunt.

d. Agus lived with his aunt when he was a child.

When can be used before a time clause. When + s + v is time clause.

Notice that the noun Agus come before the pronoun he

Remember! When is also used to ask questions. A question is a complete sentence but
time clause is not a complete sentence. Let’s compare time clause and question.

- When did the rain stop? it’s a complete sentence

- When the rain stopped it’s not a complete sentence. We can't understand it.


Menggunakan when pada klause waktu.

Perhatikan sekali lagi kalimat berikut ini.

a. When the rain stopped, we continued driving.

b. We continued driving when the rain stopped.

c. When Agus was a child, he lived with his aunt.

d. Agus lived with his aunt when he was a child.

When bisa digunakan sebelum klausa waktu. Formulanya when + s + v

Perharikan bagaimana kata benda Agus datang sebelum kata ganti he

Ingat! When bisa juga digunakan untuk bertanya tentang waktu. Pertanyaan adalah
kalimat lengkap tapi klausa waktu bukan kalimat lengkap. Meri bedakan klausa waktu
dan kalimat pertanyaa.

- When did the rain stop? memiliki makna yang bisa respon
- When the rain stopped, tidak memiliki makna

That’s for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.

61. The present progressive and the past progressive

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Hey, today we’re going to look at the present and past progressive tenses
to make things clear, progressive is other term for continues.
Present progressive (in progress right now). It describes an activity in progress right now
, at the moment of speaking, as in.
- It’s 10:00 now. Susan is reading a book

Past progressive (in progress yesterday). It describes an activity in the progress at a

particular time in the past, as in.

- It was 10:00. Susan was reading a book.

Remember that the be should always agree with the subject. In present progressive If the
subject is singular use is or am. If the subject is plural, use are. And for the past
progressive use was or were.


Present progressive (yang dalam proses saat ini). Digunakan untuk aktivitas yang
sadang terjadi pada saat ini, pada waktu berbicara.
- Susan is reading a book. (saat ini susan sedang membaca buku)

Past progressive (yang dalam proses pada masa lampau). Digunakan untuk aktifitas
yang yang sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau.

- It was 10:00. Susan was reading a book (pada jam 10:00 tadi, susan sedang membaca

Penting, perhatikan Subjek (susan) dan be nya (is) kemudian diikuti dengan verb –ing

Ingat! Be harus selalu mengikuti subjek nya. Jika subjek nya plural maka gunakan are.
Jika subjeknya singular, maka gunakan is atau am.

Was dan were digunakan untuk past tense (masa lampau)

Is, am, are digunakan untuk past tense (masa sekarang)

Yup, that’s the lesson for today. check my email tomorrow. I’ll see you then.

62. Using while with the past progressive

Let’s look at examples

- The phone rang while I was sleeping
- Santi called me while I was calling my mother
- Our children cried while we were away

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While + subject + verb is a time clause. Can you see the time clause from the examples

A while-clause describes an activity that was in progress at the time another activity

From the examples above, you can also say:

- While I was sleeping, the phone rang

- While I was calling my mother, Santi called me
- While we were away, our children cried


Perhatikan keenam contoh diatas. Pastikan kamu mengerti semua vocabulary nya

While + subjek + kata kerja (verb) adalah klausa waktu. Klausa-while (while I was
sleeping) memberikan gambaran suatu kejadian yang sedang dalam progress pada masa
lampau di saat kejadian lain telah terjadi.

Penting! Klausa-while biasanya digunakan untuk past tense (masa lampau).

While you’re reading this email, I was preparing the email for tomorrow. So, check my
email tomorrow for more English lesson. Bye.

63. Past tense and past progressive tense


Today we’re going to take a closer look on past tense and past progressive tense. what
are the differences?

Firstly, let’s look at some examples, shall we?

- Judi called me last night
- I studied English last night
- The doctor was in Bandung yesterday
- I came to see a doctor yesterday
- Where did the doctor go yesterday?

Simple past describes activities or situations that began and ended at a particular time in
the past (yesterday, last night). Try to understand deeply about began and ended in the

Now let’s look at examples of past progressive

- Judi called me while I was studying last night.

- while the doctor was in Bandung, I come to see a doctor yesterday.

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Past progressive describes an activity that was in progress (was happening) at the time
another action happened. Let’s break down the examples above

- studying was in progress when Judi called

- while the doctor was still in progress being (staying) in Bandung, I came to see him.



Hari ini kita akan melihat perbedaan simple past tense dan past progressive. Bagaimana
cara membedakannya.

Mari perhatikan kembali contoh simple past tense yang ada diatas tadi.

- Judi called me last night

- I studied English last night
- The doctor was in Bandung yesterday
- I came to see a doctor yesterday
- Where did the doctor go yesterday?

Simple past tense digunakan untuk menceritakan kejadian yang dimulai dan berakhir
pada masa lampau pada waktu tertentu. Pahami saat Judi memulai telponan dengan
saya dan kejadian tersebut berakhir pada masa lampau juga.

Sekarang meri perhatikan past progressive

- Judi called me while I was studying last night.

- while the doctor was in Bandung, I come to see a doctor yesterday.

Past progressive menjelaskan kajadian yang dalam proses saat kejadian lampau lainnya
telah terjadi. Perhatikan kembali contoh kalimat past progressive di atas.

- Saat saya sedang belajar di masa lampu, Judi menelpon saya.

- Ketika dokter sadang berada di Bandung pada masa lampau, saya datang
menjumpai dia pada masa lampau

Whoh, it’s a lot to take in. I know. I leave you to it to digest the differences between
simple past and past progressive tense. I’ll see you tomorrow.

64. Using Be going to

Hey, how is it going? I hope everything’s under control.

Today we’re going to express future time using be going to. Let’s get going.

First let’s look at some examples.

- I am going to go downtown tomorrow
- We are going to come to the exhibition next week

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- Deni is going to be in town tomorrow morning

Be going to talks about the future. Remember the form be (am, is, are) + going to + base

The negative form is be + not + going to + base verb

- I am not going to go downtown tomorrow

- We are not going to come to the exhibition

To ask question about your future plan, we put be before the subject.

- Are you going to come to class tomorrow?

- Is Jami going to be here tomorrow night?
- What time are you going to pick me up?

As you can see all be coms before the subject.


Hi, kali ini kita akan melihat cara menggunakan be going to untuk mengungkapkan
rencana masa depan.

Perhatikan letak be (am, is, are) + going to + kata kerja pada kalimat di atas. Be going to
diartikan “akan”.
Untuk mengatakan “tidak akan” dalam bahasa Inggris, kita hanya perlu menambahkan
not setelah be.
Untuk bertanya “apakah kamu (subjek) akan?” kita letak kan be sebelum subjek.

Please read again the examples above and try to make your own sentences about your
plans for tomorrow or for the next two weeks. I’ll see you tomorrow.

65. Using present progressive to express future time

Sometimes the present progressive is used to express future time. Look at examples
- We are going to visit the Borobudur temple
- We are visiting the Borobudur temple

Both sentences mean the same thing.

The present progressive is used for future meaning when the speaker is talking about
plans that have already been made.


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Hi, apa kabar!

Dalam bahasa Inggris, present progressive bisa juga digunakan untuk mengungkapkan
waktu akan datang. Perhatikan kembali contoh di atas.

Ingat! Kedua contoh di atas memiliki arti yang sama.

Ingat! Present progressive bermakna masa depan ketika penutur berbicara tentang
rencana yang telah di buat.

Yup, that’s the lesson for today. check my email tomorrow. I’ll see you then.

66. Words used for past time and future time


past time words:

Yesterday last Ago

Future time words:

Tomorrow next in five minutes

Let’s look at some examples. Decide which is future tense and which is past tense

- It rained yesterday
- It’s going to rain tomorrow
- I wasn’t in the class last week
- I'm going to be in the class next week
- We graduated from high school two weeks ago
- We are going to graduate from high school in two weeks

Remember the words, you can’t use past words in future tenses.



Hari ini kita akan melihat kata-kata yang digunakan untuk waktu lampau dan waktu
akan datang.

- Kata-kata lampau:
Yesterday last Ago

- Kata-kata waktu akan datang:

Tomorrow next in five minutes

Perhatikan penggunaan kata kerja lampau (rained, wasn’t, graduated) dan penggunaan
be going to.

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Ingat! Kata-kata past time dan future time. Kamu tidak bisa menggunakan kata-kata
past untuk future tense.

That’s about it for today. I’ll see you tomorrow. stay tuned.

67. Using (a couple of) or (a few) with past and future.


Let’s jump to examples on in and ago immediately.

- We’re going to talk to your parents in two days
- We talked to your parents two days ago

Note that numbers are often used in time expressions with ago and in.

Let’s look at examples of a couple of and a few

- I studied at this school a couple of years ago

- She’s going to study at this school in a couple of years

- She texted me a few days ago

- I'm going to text her in a few days.

You can add more to use in future expressions that begin with in.

- I'm going to text her in a few more days.



Saya harap kamu masih ingat penggunaan ago (untuk masa lampau) dan in (untuk
masa akan datang). Kali ini kita akan melihat penggunaan a couple of dan a few untuk
masa lampau dan masa akan datang.

Perhatikan kalimat berikut ini:

- We’re going to talk to your parents in two days

- We talked to your parents two days ago

Catatan! Angka sering digunakan untuk mengekspresikan waktu dengan ago dan in.

Sekarang perhatikan penggunaan a couple of dan a few

- I studied at this school a couple of years ago

- She’s going to study at this school in a couple of years

- She texted me a few days ago

- I'm going to text her in a few days.

Kamu bisa menambahkan more untuk ekspresi masa akan datang yang dimulai
dengan in.

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- I'm going to text her in a few more days.

Thanks for checking my email. I’ll see you tomorrow for more awesome lesson. See you

68. Using will for future time

As we have learnt from the previous lessons that future tense is expressed by using be
going to. Today, we’re going to look at other way to express future time, using will.

Let’s look at the following statements

a. Nur will arrive in 2 days
b. Nur is going to arrive in 2 days.

Both sentences basically have the same meaning.

Remember to always use will with base verb as in (a). you can use arrives, to arrive or

Now let’s look at some examples of negative with will

c. Hidayat will not be here tomorrow

d. Susanti will not visit you for two days

Try to make your own example. Remember the form

S + will not + base verb + o/c

Also remember the constructions of will

e. I will come – I’ll come

You will come – you’ll come
They will come – they’ll come
We will come – we’ll come
She will come – she’ll come
He will come – he’ll come
It will come – it’ll come
She will not come – she won’t come


Hi, kali ini kita akan melihat penggunaan will untuk masa akan datang.

Perhatikan kalimat berikut ini

a. Nur will arrive in 2 days
b. Nur is going to arrive in 2 days.

Kedua kalimat di atas memiliki makna yang sama.

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Ingat! Selalu gunakan will dengan kata dasar, seperti kalimat (a). Kamu tidak bisa
menggunakan arrives, to arrive atau arriving.

Sekarang perhatikan kalimat negatif menggunakan will

f. Hidayat will not be here tomorrow

g. Susanti will not visit you for two days

Coba buat kalimat sendiri dengan formula berikut.

S + will not + base verb + o/c

Penting! Kamu bisa menyingkat will seperti contoh berikut ini

h. I will come – I’ll come

You will come – you’ll come
They will come – they’ll come
We will come – we’ll come
She will come – she’ll come
He will come – he’ll come
It will come – it’ll come
She will not come – she won’t come

Hmhm, that’s a lot to take in for one day. Keep practicing. And,

I’ll see you tomorrow.

69. Asking question with will

You can ask question like “are you going to visit my mother tomorrow?”. you can also
ask question using will. Let’s take a look.

a. Will you visit my mother tomorrow? answer – yes, I will/ no, I won’t
b. Will your mother want to see me? Answer – yes, she will / no, she won’t

The form is: will + subject (you, your mother) + main verb (visit, want) + o/c

You can also ask with questions words

c. When will she talk to me again?

d. Where will the you be tonight?
e. What time will your children be asleep?


Hi, kali ini kita akan membahas cara bertanya dengan will

Kamu bisa bertanya dengan “are you going to visit my mother tomorrow?”. kamu juga
bisa bertanya dengan menggunakan will.

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Perhatikan kalimat berikut

a. Will you visit my mother tomorrow? answer – yes, I will/ no, I won’t
b. Will your mother want to see me? Answer – yes, she will / no, she won’t

Formulanya adalah: will + subjek (you, your mother) + kata kerja (visit, want) + o/c

Kamu juga bida bertanya dengan kalimat tanya

c. When will she talk to me again?

d. Where will the you be tonight?
e. What time will your children be asleep?

Pastikan kamu memahami penggunaan will untuk membuat kalimat tanya sebelum
menutup email ini. I’ll see you tomorrow.

70. verb summary

today we’re going to recap all lesson about verbs in English. to easily understand, let’s
look at the table below.

Statements Negative Question

Simple present We eat lunch every We don’t eat Do you eat sea
day breakfast food?
She each lunch She doesn’t eat Does she eat sea
with me every day breakfast food?
Present progressive I'm eating I'm not eating Am I dreaming?
pineapple right chilies Are they eating
now We aren’t trying to fried rice?
we are drinking win is he drinking?
coffee right now She isn’t trying to
she is calling her help
mother right now
Simple past He visited me last I did not visit your Did he talk to you?
night You didn’t do your
We spoke on the homework?
phone yesterday
Be going to I’m going to meet I’m not going to Is she going to call
the president in talk to her you?
two weeks He’s not going to Are they going to
She’s going to give me the book by the new phone?
travel to japan in a They’re not going Am I going to eat
few days to go to campus the chicken?
Will I’ll go talk to them He won’t stop Will you stop
joking joking

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Ooh, that’s too much. Try to understand one by one. I’ll check with you tomorrow.

71. form of be verb summary

today we’re going to take a closer look to forms of be.

Statement Negative Question

Simple present I am from Brazil I am not crazy Is she your friend?
He is a doctor She is not the Are they from
They are my teacher Australia?
friends We are not from Am I your lover?
Simple past Andi was late Jon wasn’t happy Was she in hospital
yesterday The doctors weren’t last week?
They were in on time Were you afraid ?
Be going to I’m going to be late I'm not going to be Are you going to be
She’s going be a the president late?
doctor He’s not going to Is he going to be
We’re going to be be my friend awesome?
happy They’re not going Am I going to be
to be musician happy?
Will He will be at home He won’t be at Will he be at home
tomorrow home tomorrow tomorrow?

This table should cover the basic use of be in the English language. Take a closer look on
simple present and be going to. I’ll see you tomorrow.

72. may/might vs will

hi, today’s lesson is about how to use may/might and will. They are used with the same
form, but they have different meaning. Let’s look to examples

a. It may rain tomorrow

b. It might rain tomorrow

c. Anita may be at home tomorrow

d. Anita might be at home tomorrow

May and might have the same meaning. They express a possibility in the future. May
and might always come before a base verb (rain, be).

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e. Tom will be at the meeting tomorrow

f. Anita might be at the meeting tomorrow

In (e) the speaker is really sure the tom will be in the meeting. While in (f) the speaker is
not sure about Anita’s presence at the meeting, but it is possible.

g. It might not rain tomorrow (it is possible not raining tomorrow, but not sure)
h. It will not rain tomorrow (I'm sure that tomorrow will not rain)


Hi, topik kita hari ini adalah perbedaan may/might dan will. Keduanya memiliki aturan
grammar yang sama (may/might, will + kata kerja dasar), tapi memiliki makna yang
berbeda. Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut ini.

a. It may rain tomorrow

b. It might rain tomorrow

c. Anita may be at home tomorrow

d. Anita might be at home tomorrow

May dan might memiliki makna yang sama. Keduanya digunakan untuk kamingkinan
pada masa akan datang. May dan might selalu datang sebelum kata kerja dasar (rain, be)

e. Tom will be at the meeting tomorrow

f. Anita might be at the meeting tomorrow

Pada (e) penutur sangat yakin kalau tom pasti akan datang ke pertemuan besok.
Sedangkan (f), penutur tidak yakin kalu Anita pasti datang di pertemuan besok, tapi ada
kemungkinan ia akan datang.

g. It might not rain tomorrow (kemungkinan besok tidak hujan)

h. It will not rain tomorrow (besok pasti tidak akan hujan)

So, I bet you get the picture of the difference between may/might and will. Keep
practicing and I’ll see you tomorrow.

73. Maybe and May Be


May be = verb
Maybe = adverb

Let’s look how the two words are used

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a. Maybe Chang will be here tomorrow

b. Chang may be here tomorrow.

Maybe is an adverb and it comes in front of a subject and a verb.

May be is a verb (may + base verb) and it’s used as the verb of a sentence.


May be = kata kerja

Maybe = adverbia

Mari lihat bagaimana penggunaan kedua kata tersebut.

c. Maybe Chang will be here tomorrow

d. Chang may be here tomorrow.

Maybe adalah advebia dan datang sebelum subjek dan kata kerja.
May be adalah kata kerja dan digunakan sebagain kata kerja dari sebuah kalimat.

That’s the lesson for today. Dont forget to check my email tomorrow. I’ll see you

74. Clauses with if

Hi, today we’re going too look at if-clause

An if-clause begins with if and has a subject and a verb. An if-clause can come before or
after a main clause. If if-clause comes before the main clause, you need to put coma (,)
right after the if-clause. Look at examples below.

a. If it rains tomorrow, we won’t go to school

b. We won’t go to school if it rains tomorrow

The simple present (not will or be going to) is used in an if-clause to express future time.

c. If it rains tomorrow, we won’t go on a picnic

d. I’m going to by a new car next year if I have enough money. If I don’t have enough
money next year for a new car, I’m going to buy a used car.


Hi. Hari ini kita akan membahas if-clause

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Clause if adalah klausa yang dimulai dengan if dan memiliki subjek dan kata kerja.
Clause if bisa datang sebelum atau sesudah kalimat utama. Jika Clause if datang sebelum
klause utama, kamu harus menambahkan koma (,) setelah Clause if. Perhatikan

e. If it rains tomorrow, we won’t go to school

f. We won’t go to school if it rains tomorrow

Simple present (bukan will atau be going to) yang digunakan dalam Clause if untuk
mengatakan waktu akan datang.

g. If it rains tomorrow, we won’t go on a picnic

h. I’m going to by a new car next year if I have enough money. If I don’t have enough
money next year for a new car, I’m going to buy a used car.

So, if you have free time, what would you do?

Try to make your own examples. I’ll see you tomorrow.

75. Expressing habitual present with time clauses and if-clauses

Hi, today we’re going to look more about clauses.

Compare examples of future and habitual present

a. after Santi gets to work today, she is going to have a cup of coffee
b. after Santi gets to work, she always a cup of coffee

example (a) is stating future. Example (b) is Santi’s habitual action.

c. If it rains tomorrow, I’m going to wear my raincoat

d. If it rains, I wear my raincoat

Example (c) expresses a specific activity in the future. The simple present is used in the
if-clause. Be going to or will is used in the main clause.

Example (d) expresses habitual activities, so the simple present is used in both the if-
clause and the main clause.


Hi, email kali ini kita akan melihat lebih dalam tentang klausa bahasa inggris.

Banding can pasangan contoh berikut ini.

a. after Santi gets to work today, she is going to have a cup of coffee
b. after Santi gets to work, she always a cup of coffee

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c. If it rains tomorrow, I’m going to wear my raincoat

d. If it rains, I wear my raincoat

contoh (a) dan (c) adalah aktifitas masa depan yang tertentu. Simple present digunakan
dalam klausa-if. Be going to atau will digunakan pada kalimat utama.

Contoh (b) dan (d) mengutarakan rutinitas, jadi simple present digunakan pada klausa-
if dan klausa utama.

Read again the examples and try to understand the meaning. I’ll see you next time for
more lesson.

76. Using what + forms of Do

What = a question word

Forms of do = do, did, doing, done

Hey you. today’s lesson is about asking questions using what + forms of do.

a. What do you do every weekend?
b. What are you doing right now?
c. What do you do?

In (a) and (b), what + a form of do is used to ask about activities. example (c) means
what kind of work do you do? Or what is your job


d. What did you do last night?

(d) asks about past activity.


e. What are you going to do after work?

f. What will you do if it rains tomorrow?

Remember how to used do (resent), did (past) and doing (with be)


Hey you. hari ini kita akan berbicara tentang cara bertanya dalam bahasa Inggris dengan
menggunakan what + bentuk-bentuk do.

a. What do you do every weekend?
b. What are you doing right now?
c. What do you do?

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Pada kalimat (a) dan (b), what + do digunakan untuk bertanya tentang aktifitas. Contoh
(c) artinya apa perkerjaan kamu.


d. What did you do last night?

(d) bertanya tentang aktifitas masa lampau.


e. What are you going to do after work?

f. What will you do if it rains tomorrow?

Ingat selalu penggunaan do (masa sekarang), did (masa lampau) dan doing (digunakan
dena be)

That’s the lesson on asking questions in English. I’ll see you tomorrow for more lesson.
See you.

77. using can

can is modal verb. It expresses ability or possibility. Let’s look at some examples.
a. I have some money. I can buy a new phone.
b. she likes music. she can sing a song.
c. It’s dark in the room. he can’t see me

Remember! Base verb always comes after can. you cannot use infinitive (to sing) or put
final –s.

Remember! Can't/ cannot expresses inability.


Hey there,

Hari ini kita akan membahas penggunaan can dan can’t

Can adalah modal verb. Can digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kebisaan atau
kemungkinan. Perhatikan contoh berikut.

a. I have some money. I can buy a new phone.

b. she likes music. she can sing a song.
c. It’s dark in the room. he can’t see me

Ingat! Setelah can selalu gunakan kata kerja dasar (buka to buy/to sing/ sings atau pun

Ingat! Can’t dan cannot itu sama. Keduanya digunakan untuk mengatakan
ketidakbisaan atau ketidakmungkinan.

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That’s the lesson on can and can’t. I’ll see you tomorrow.

78. How to pronounce can and can’t

Hey there, have you ever wondered how to pronounce can and can’t

Can is usually pronounced /ken/.

Can’t is usually pronounce with the same vowel sound as “ant”
Native speakers usually drop the /t/ sound.

Can't is usually stressed, but can is not.

Practice the stressing

- Rick can come to the meeting
- Rick can’t come to the meeting


Hi, kali ini kita akan mencoba latihan cara membunyikan can dan can’t

Can biasanya di ucapkan /ken/

Can’t di ucapkan /ken/ dengan bunyi hampir sama dengan /ant/

Biasanya bunyi /t/ pada can’t tidak di ucapkan.

Can’t biasanya di tekan sedangkan can tidak.

Latihan tekanan pada can’t

- Rick can come to the meeting
- Rick can’t come to the meeting

That’s how you say can and can’t. remember the ant. Ant can’t harm you.

79. Using could: past of can

Hi there. Let’s take a look at using could.

a. I’m in Hawaii. I can go swimming every morning.
b. I was in Hawaii. I could go swimming every morning when I was there.

Note! Use could in past tenses.

c. I can’t talk to you right now. I’m with clients

d. I’m sorry. I couldn’t talk to you earlier. I was with clients

Note! You can write could not and couldn’t. both are correct.

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e. Could you speak English before you subscribed to this email?

Remember to put could before the subject when asking questions.


Hi, selamat datang kembali. Kali ini kita akan melihat tentang penggunaan could.
a. I’m in Hawaii. I can go swimming every morning.
b. I was in Hawaii. I could go swimming every morning when I was there.

Note! Could digunakan untuk kalimat masa lampau

c. I can’t talk to you right now. I’m with clients

d. I’m sorry. I couldn’t talk to you earlier. I was with clients

Note! Kamu bisa menulis could not dan couldn’t. Keduanya benar

e. Could you speak English before you subscribed to this email?

Ingat ungtuk meletakkan could sebelum subjek saat bertanya dengan could.

So, remember the rules on how to use could and couldn’t. I’ll see you next time.

80. Using be able to

Hi. How is it going?

today’s lesson is about the use of can and be able to

a. I’m able to touch my toes
b. I can touch my toes


c. I wasn’t able to finish my homework last night

d. I couldn’t finish my homework last night


e. I will be able to go shopping tomorrow

f. A can go shopping tomorrow

Note! Be able to and can/could have the same meaning.


Penggunaan be able to dan can


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a. I’m able to touch my toes

b. I can touch my toes


c. I wasn’t able to finish my homework last night

d. I couldn’t finish my homework last night


e. I will be able to go shopping tomorrow

f. A can go shopping tomorrow

Ingat! Be able to dan can/could memiliki makna yang sama.

You can use be able to and can interchangeably. Keep practicing your English. I’ll see
you tomorrow for more lessons.

81. Using two, too and to

Hi there.

Two, too and to are pronounced the same /to/ but they are used differently

a. We want two phones (two is a number)


b. Dodi is too young. He can’t read.

c. His phone is new. My phone is new too

If too is used before an adjective, it means very. In (c) too means also


d. I talked to Jack
e. I want to watch television

In (d) to is a preposition. It is used before a noun. In (e) to is part of an infinitive. It is

used before verb.


Hi there.

Two, too dan to di ucapkan sama /to/ tetapi digunakan berbeda. Perhatikan


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a. We want two phones (two adalah angka)


b. Dodi is too young. He can’t read.

c. His phone is new. My phone is new too

Jika too di sebelum kata sifat, artinya sangat. Pada kalimat (c) too artinya juga.


d. I talked to Jack
e. I want to watch television

Pada kalimat (d) to adalah preposisi. To sebagai preposisi digunakan sebelum kata
benda. Dalam (e) to adalah bagian dari kata kerja.

That’s the lesson for today on the difference between two, too and to. I’ll see you
tomorrow for other lesson. See you then.

82. Using should

Hi you,

Today we’re going to look at the use of should.

Should can be used for many expressions, such as giving advice, necessity, requests and

Let’s look at some examples

a. My clothes are dirty. I should wash them.

b. Tom is sleepy. He should go to bed.
c. You are sick. You should see a doctor.

Should means “this is a good idea”, “this is a good advice”

Remember! Should always followed by base verb.

- He should buys milk (incorrect)

- He should to buy milk (incorrect)

d. You shouldn’t bring food to the class

Shouldn’t means “its not a good idea”


What should you do tomorrow?


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Hi you,

Email kali ini kita akan membahas penggunaan should.

Should bisa digunakan untuk banyak ungkapan, seperti memberi saran atau meminta

Perhatikan contoh berikut.

a. My clothes are dirty. I should wash them.

b. Tom is sleepy. He should go to bed.
c. You are sick. You should see a doctor.

Should artinya “itu saran/pendapat yang baik”

Ingat! Should selalu digunakan dengan kata kerja dasar

- He should buys milk (salah)

- He should to buy milk (salah)

d. You shouldn’t bring food to the class

Shouldn’t artinya “itu bukan hal yang baik dilakukan”

Quis hari ini!

What should you do tomorrow?

You shouldn’t forget to check my email tomorrow. I’ll see you then.

83. Using have/has to


Let’s look at some example to understand the meaning of have/has to

a. People need to eat food to stay alive

b. People have to eat food to stay alive
c. She needs to see a doctor
d. She has to see a doctor

(a) and (b) have the same meaning. (c) and (d) have the same meaning too.

Have + infinitive has a special meaning. It expresses the same idea as need.

Below are other ways of using have/has to in sentences.

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- Past form (had + infinitive)

e. I had to study last night. My mom asked me.

- Question form (do, does or did is used in question with have to)
f. Do you have to leave now?
g. What time does Susan have to leave?
h. Why did they have to leave last night?
- Negative form (don’t, doesn’t, or didn’t, is used with have to)
i. I don’t have to leave now.
j. The concert was free. We didn’t have to buy tickets.

Note! You can’t say hadn’t with have to.

- I hadn’t to study last night (incorrect)

- I didn’t have to study last night (correct)


Penggunaan dan arti have/has to dalam kalimat

a. People need to eat food to stay alive

b. People have to eat food to stay alive
c. She needs to see a doctor
d. She has to see a doctor

(a) dan (b) memiliki arti yang sama (orang butuh/harus makan supaya tetap hidup). (c)
dan (d) memiliki arti yang sama juga.

Dibawah ini penggunaan have/has lebih lengkap.

- Bentuk lampau (had + infinitive)

e. I had to study last night. My mom asked me.

- Bentuk pertanyaan (do, does atau did digunakan untuk bertanya dengan have to)
f. Do you have to leave now?
g. What time does Susan have to leave?
h. Why did they have to leave last night?

- Bentuk negatif (don’t, doesn’t, atau didn’t digunakan dengan have to)
i. I don’t have to leave now.
j. The concert was free. We didn’t have to buy tickets.

Ingat! Hadn’t tidak bisa digunakan dengan have to.

- I hadn’t to study last night (salah)

- I didn’t have to study last night (benar)


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Check my email tomorrow at the same time for other lesson.

84. Using must

Hi, today we’re going to understand how to use must.

a. People need food. People have to eat food

b. People need food. People must eat food.

Examples (a) and (b) have the same meaning: have to eat = must eat

Remember that all subject can be used with must. Must is followed by base verb.

Compare the following example and notice the difference between must, have to and

c. I must take an English course to graduate. I can’t graduate without it.

d. You have to take an English course to improve your grades.
e. You should take an English course. It helps you with your life.

Must = something is very important and you don’t have other choice. In (c), you don’t
have other choice but to take an English course to graduate.

Should and Have to = it’s not necessary; you have choice (take or not take English


Hi, email kali ini kita akan melihat penggunaan must, have to dan should.

a. People need food. People have to eat food

b. People need food. People must eat food.

Contoh (a) dan (b) memiliki arti yang sama, harus

Ingat! Semua subjek bisa digunakan dengan must. Must diikuti dengan kata kerja dasar.

Bandingkan contoh berikut dan perhatikan perbedaan antara must, have to dan should.

c. I must take an English course to graduate. I can’t graduate without it.

d. You have to take an English course to improve your grades.
e. You should take an English course. It helps you with your life.

Must = digunakan untuk sesuatu yang penting dan kamu tidak punya pilihan lain.
Dalam kalimat (c) kamu tidak punya pilihan lain selain mengambil kelas bahasa Inggris
agar bisa wisuda.

Should dan have to = digunakan untuk yang penting tapi kamu memiliki pilihan
(mengambil kelas bahasa Inggris sangat membantu, tapi ada cara lain selain mengambil
kelas bahasa Inggris).

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I’ll see you tomorrow.

85. Using may I, could I, and can I

Hi, below are examples how to ask for something politely.

a. May I borrow your pen?
b. Could I borrow your pen?
c. Can I borrow your pen?

You can also say please.

d. May I please borrow your pen?

e. Can I borrow your pen, please?

Usually please is often stressed in conversation.

Typical responses
f. Yes of course
g. Certainly
h. Sure
i. No problem


Hi, kali ini kita akan meminta sesuatu kepada orang secara sopan.

a. May I borrow your pen?

b. Could I borrow your pen?
c. Can I borrow your pen?

Kamu bisa menggunakan please.

d. May I please borrow your pen?

e. Can I borrow your pen, please?

Biasanya, please sering ditekan pengucapannya.

Tanggapan ketika di minta sesuatu

f. Yes of course
g. Certainly
h. Sure
i. No problem

That’s how you ask and respond to polite questions. Practice with the examples above
and try to make your own sentences. I’ll see you tomorrow.

86. Could you and would you

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Yesterday, we talked about asking people politely for something (pen, book etc). today
we’re going to look at how to ask for people to do something, using could and would.
a. Could you (please) open the door?
b. Would you please open the door?

(a) and (b) have the same meaning: I want you to open the door. I’m asking you politely
to open the door for me.


Kemarin kita telah membahas cara meminta secara sopan. Hari ini kita akan menyuruh
orang untuk melakukan sesuatu secara sopan. Kita menggunakan would you, could

c. Could you (please) open the door?

d. Would you please open the door?

(a) dan (b) memiliki makna yang sama: aku mau kamu membuka pintu. Aku meminta
secara sopan agar kamu membuka pintu untuk aku.

87. Imperative sentences

Hi, how’s everything?

Let’s say you want to ask or want someone to do something for you. You’d say “close
the door” or “open page 50”. We call these sentences imperative sentences.

Imperative sentences are sentences that don’t have subject and it means to give
commend or demand.
Let’s look at some other examples.
a. Bring the book.
b. Sit down with me.
c. Be careful
d. Don’t worry
e. Don’t be late, please.

In (a), the sentence means “Andy, I want you to bring the book. I'm telling you to bring
the book”.

Remember! imperative sentence uses base verb (bring, sit, be, etc.). We use don’t to say
negative imperative sentences, as in (d) and (e).

Imperative sentences give orders (in a), directions (in b), and advice (in d). with the
addition of please, as in (e), imperative sentences are used to make polite requests.

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Jika kamu ingin menyuruh sesuatu kepada seseorang dalam bahasa Inggris. Kamu
harus bilang “close the door” atau “open page 50”. Kalimat seperti ini di sebut
imperative sentence (kalimat perintah).
Mari perhatikan beberapa contoh berikut.

a. Bring the book.

b. Sit down with me.
c. Be careful
d. Don’t worry
e. Don’t be late, please.

Kalimat (a) berarti “Aku mau kamu membawa buku. Aku menyuruh kamu membawa

Ingat! Kalimat perintah dalam bahasa Inggris memakai kata kerja dasar (bring, sit, be,
etc.). Kita gunakan don’t untuk kalimat perintah negatif (Jangan lakukan) seperti pada
kalimat (d) dan (e).

Kalimat perintah digunakan untuk memberi perintah (seperti kalimat a), arah (b), dan
saran (d). Dengan menambahkan please, seperti dalam kalimat (e), kalimat perintah
digunakan untuk meminta secara sopan.

Thats the lesson for today. Make sure to practice. Tomorrow we’re going to recap what
we have learnt for the past week. I’ll see you tomorrow.

88. How to use modal auxiliaries


Modal auxiliaries are:

Can Could
Might May
Must Should

An auxiliary is a helping verb. It comes in front of the simple form of a main verb.

Understand the meaning of all auxiliaries and put it one by one to the following
a. Anita (an auxiliary) visit her mother

Other expressions that are similar to modal auxiliaries are:

- Be able to
- Be going to
- Have to

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b. Anita (other auxiliary) visit her mother

Remember that be and have are always depended on the subject.


Hi, pada email-email sebelumnya, kita telah membahas:

Can Could
Might May
Must Should

Kata-kata di atas disebut modal auxiliaries. Auxiliary adalah pembantu kata kerja. Ia
selalu datang di belakang kata kerja dalam bentuk dasar nya.
Ingat kembali makna dan arti dari semua auxiliary dan letak kan auxiliary di kalimat
berikut ini.
a. Anita (an auxiliary) visit her mother

Ada bentuk lain yang mirip sepertin modal auxiliary

- Be able to
- Be going to
- Have to

b. Anita (other auxiliary) visit her mother

Ingat! Be dan have harus setara dengan subjek.


Check my email tomorrow because tomorrow we’re going to look on the actual meaning
of auxiliaries and other similar expression. See you tomorrow.

89. Recap the modal auxiliaries and similar expression

Hi, today is the the summary day. We’re going to look back to what we’ve learnt about
modal auxiliary (e.g. may, will) and other expression (e.g. have to, be able to)

- Ability
a. I can write
b. I’m able to meet you
c. I couldn’t check the email yesterday (past ability)

- Possibility
d. It may rain tomorrow
e. It might rain tomorrow

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- Necessity
f. You must have a passport
g. I have to bring the phone
h. I had to study last night (past ability)

- Advisability
i. You should see a doctor

- Future happening
j. I and my sister will visit our nanny
k. She is going to buy a new phone

- Polite question
l. Can you please help me?
m. Could you bring the book?
n. May I help you?
o. Would you take me home?

so that’s the summary about the use and meaning of modal auxiliaries and other similar
expression. Try to understand the differences. I’ll see you tomorrow.

90. I have done (present perfect)

Today, we’re going to understand the use of present perfect. Let’s start with little
1. My shoes are dirty
2. I'm cleaning my shoes
3. I have cleaned my shoes
4. My shoes are clean now

Have cleaned is the present perfect (have + past participle)

Examples of past participle (cleaned, gone, been, done)

Don’t be confused with past participle and simple past verbs

Simple past. past participle

- Called. Called
- Tried. Tried
- Wrote written
- Read. Read

We use the present perfect for an action in the past with a result now. look at examples

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a. I’ve lost my passport (I can’t find my passport now)

b. We’ve bought a new car (we have a new car now)
c. It’s my birthday today and he hasn’t bought me a present (he doesn’t have a
present for me)
d. Where’s Anton? She’s gone to bed. (she is in bed now)


Hari ini kita akan belajar tentang penggunaan dan makna present perfect. Yuk, lihat
skenario berikut.
1. My shoes are dirty
2. I'm cleaning my shoes
3. I have cleaned my shoes
4. My shoes are clean now

Have cleaned adalah present perfect (have + past participle)

Contoh lain past participle (cleaned, gone, been, done)

Jangan terbalik antara past participle dan simple past

Kata kerja dasar Simple past. past participle

- Call Called. Called

- Try Tried. Tried
- Write Wrote written
- Read Read. Read

Write dan read adalah contoh kata kerja yang perubahannya tidak beraturan (irregular

Jadi, kita menggunakan present perfect untuk kejadian masa lampau dengan hasil
dirasakan pada masa sekarang. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini.

a. I’ve lost my passport (aku tidak bisa menemukan paspor ku sekarang)

b. We’ve bought a new car (sekarnag kami memiliki mobil baru)
c. It’s my birthday today and he hasn’t bought me a present (dia tidak membeli
kado untuk aku sekarang)
d. Where’s Anton? She’s gone to bed. (dia tidur sekarang)

Make sure you familiar with at least 50 irregular verbs. Now try to make your own
present perfect sentences. I’ll see you tomorrow for more present perfect usage. See you

91. I’ve just, I’ve already, I haven’t… yet

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Today our lesson is about present perfect. We’re going to look more about present

I’ve just
Just = a short time ago
a. Is he here? He’s just arrived
b. Are you hungry? I’ve just had dinner
c. Are they here? They’ve just gone

I’ve already

Already = before you expected / before I expected

d. What time are Lusi and Andy come?

They’ve already arrived
(before you expected)
e. Its only 9 o’clock and she’s already gone to bed
(before I expected)
f. Hi, this is Emma.
Yes, I know. We’ve already met

I haven’t… yet

Yet = until now

Yet is usually used in negative sentences and questions. Yet usually comes at the end.

g. Is Emma here?
She hasn’t arrived yet
h. Has Susan started her new job yet?
Not yet. She starts next week

Remember to always use past participle whenever you see have/has.


Hari ini kita akan melihat lebih dalam tentang present perfect.

I’ve just
Just = barusan saja
a. Is he here? He’s just arrived
b. Are you hungry? I’ve just had dinner
c. Are they here? They’ve just gone

I’ve already

Already = sebelum kamu sangka

d. What time are Lusi and Andy come?

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They’ve already arrived

(mereka sudah sampai sebelum kamu sangka)
e. Its only 9 o’clock and she’s already gone to bed
(sebelum kamu sangka)
f. Hi, this is Emma.
Yes, I know. We’ve already met

I haven’t… yet

Yet = belum

Yet biasanya digunakan dalam kalimat negatif dan pertanyaan. Yet seringkali datang di

g. Is Emma here?
She hasn’t arrived yet
h. Has Susan started her new job yet?
Not yet. She starts next week

Ingat! Selalu gunakan past participle kapanpun kamu gunakan have/has.

That’s the use of yet, already and just. Remember them all. I’ll see you tomorrow for
other use of present participle.

92. How to use have you ever

We use the present perfect (have been / have had / have played etc.) when we talk
about a time from the past until now – for example, a person’s life.

Let’s look at some examples

a. Have you been to japan? (time from the past until now)
b. I’ve seen that women before. (this means, I saw that woman long ago, and it affects
me today).
c. Have you read the book? “yes, I’ve read it twice”

Present perfect + ever (in question) and never

d. Has she ever been to Australia?

e. Mr. Andre has never travelled by plane.
f. Who’s that? I don’t know, I’ve never seen him.

Compare the following sentences

g. I can’t find Susan. Where has she gone?

h. Oh, hallo Susan. I was looking for you. Where have you been?

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Kita gunakan present perfect (have been / have had/ have player etc.) ketika berbicara
tentang sebuah kejadian dari masa lampau sampai masa sekarang – contohnya,
kehidupan seseorang.
Perhatikan contoh berikut ini
a. Have you been to japan? (pertanyaan untuk masa lampau sampai sekatang)
b. I’ve seen that women before. (artinya, dulu pernah melihat cewek itu, sekarang
masih ingat).
c. Have you read the book? “yes, I’ve read it twice”

Present perfect + ever (dalam pertanyaan) dan never

d. Has she ever been to Australia?

e. Mr. Andre has never travelled by plane.
f. Who’s that? I don’t know, I’ve never seen him.

Bandingkan contoh berikut.

g. I can’t find Susan. Where has she gone?

h. Oh, hallo Susan. I was looking for you. Where have you been?

that’s the lesson for today. check my email tomorrow because tomorrow we’re going to
learn about certain words used in present perfect.

93. Using for, since and ago.

Hi! Welcome back

We use for and since to say how long.

a. Yodi is in Japan. He’s been there since Friday (starting Friday until now)
b. Nani stays in Japan for two weeks (last two weeks until today)
c. Roni has been living in Canada for two weeks (starting last two weeks and probably
continue in the future)

We use for + a period of time (three days, two weeks, five minutes)

d. We’ve been waiting for two hours (not since two hours)
e. She’s been eating for 30 minutes (not since 30 minutes)

We use since + the start of the period (Monday, 5 o’clock)

f. We’ve been waiting since 8 o’clock (from 8 o’clock until now)

g. She’s been eating fast food since February (from February until now)

We use ago to say time before now

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h. Susan started her new job two weeks ago (two weeks before now)
i. Life was very difficult a hundred years ago (a hundred years before now)

We use ago with the past (started/ was)

Compare ago and for

j. When did Maya arrive in Jakarta?

She arrived in Jakarta two nights ago
k. How long has she been in Jakarta?
She has been in Jakarta for two nights
l. S


Hi! Selamat datang kembali

Kita mengunakan for dan since untuk mengatakan waktu

a. Yodi is in Japan. He’s been there since Friday (dimulai dari Jumat sampai sekarang)
b. Nani stays in Japan for two weeks (ia di Jepang hanya selama 2 minggu)
c. Roni has been living in Canada for two weeks (dimaulai dari 2 minggu yang lalu
sampai sekarang hingga kedepannya)

Kita menggunakan for + jumlah waktu (three days, two weeks, five minutes

d. We’ve been waiting for two hours (not since two hours)
e. She’s been eating for 30 minutes (not since 30 minutes)

Kita menggunakan since + permulaan waktu (Monday, 5 o’clock)

f. We’ve been waiting since 8 o’clock (dari jam 8 sampai sekarang)

g. She’s been eating fast food since February (dari februari sampai sekarang)

Kita menggunakan ago untuk mengatakan waktu sebelum sekarang

h. Susan started her new job two weeks ago (2 munggu sebelum sekarang)
i. Life was very difficult a hundred years ago (100 tahun sebelum sekarang)

Kita menggunakan ago selalu dengan kalimat masa lampau (started/ was)

Bandingkan for dan ago

j. When did Maya arrive in Jakarta?

She arrived in Jakarta two nights ago
k. How long has she been in Jakarta?
She has been in Jakarta for two nights

Lihat kembali contoh contoh di atas dan pastikan semua kosa kata yang digunakan
sudah di pahami. Cek email saya besok di waktu yang sama. Pembelajar besok adalah
penggunaan present perfect dan simple past. See you.

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94. Present perfect and simple past

Hi, today we’re going to see the use of present perfect and simple past

With a finished time (yesterday / last week etc.), we use the simple past (arrived/ saw/
was etc.)
a. We arrived yesterday (or last week, at 2 o’clock, six months ago)

Remember that simple past event started in the past and ended in the past too.

Do not use present perfect (have arrived/ have seen/ have been) with a finished time.

b. I saw Susi yesterday (not I have seen)

c. Where were you on Sunday afternoon (not where have you been)

We use past to ask when or what time

d. When did you buy the shoes? (not when have you bought)
e. What time did he go? (not what time has he gone?)

Compare present perfect and simple past

f. I’ve lost my key (I can’t find it now)

I lost my key last night (now the key is with me)
g. Ben has gone home (he’s not here now)
Ben went home 10 minutes ago
h. Gugun hasn’t called me yet
Gugun did not call me yesterday


Hi, kali ini kita akan melihat penggunaan present perfect dan simple past.

Untuk waktu yang telah selesai (yesterday / last week), kita menggunakan simple past
(arrived / saw /was)
a. We arrived yesterday (atau last week, at 2 o’clock, six months ago)

Ingat! Past tense dimulai di masa lampau dan berakhir di masa lampau juga.

Jangan gunakan present perfect ( have arrived / have seen / have been) dengan waktu
yang telah selesai.

b. I saw Susi yesterday (bukan I have seen)

c. Where were you on Sunday afternoon (bukan where have you been)

Kita menggunakan simple past untuk bertanya when (kapan) atau what time (jam

d. When did you buy the shoes? (bukan when have you bought)

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e. What time did he go? (bukan what time has he gone?)

Bandingkan present perfect dan simple past

f. I’ve lost my key (aku tidak bisa menemukan kunci saat ini)
I lost my key last night (tadinya hilang, sekarang sudah dapat)
g. Ben has gone home (dia tidak lagi di sini)
Ben went home 10 minutes ago
h. Gugun hasn’t called me yet (dia belum menelpon aku)
Gugun did not call me yesterday (dia tidak menelpok aku kemaren)

Ok, this is the end of the present perfect series. Please review again my previous emails.
Tomorrow we’re going to continue on the passive and active sentences. See you!

95. Understanding Passive (is done/ was done)

- The office is cleaned everyday

- The office was cleaned yesterday

Compare active and passive

a. Somebody cleans the office everyday (active)

b. The office is cleaned everyday (passive)

c. Somebody cleaned the office yesterday (active)

d. The office was cleaned yesterday (passive)

To make Passive sentences, use be + past participle, as in (b) and (d).

The past participle of regular verb is –ed (cleaned, called). The irregular verb (done/
built/ written). Look for more the use of regular and irregular verbs below

e. I am never invited to parties (present tense)

f. Butter is made from milk (present tense)
g. This house was built 100 years ago (past tense)
h. When was the telephone invented (past tense)

Passive + by

i. The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell in 1876 (Alexander Bell invented it)
j. I was bitten by a dog a few days ago (a dog bites me)



Tergantung dengan siapa yang melakukan sesuatu, kalimat dibedakan dengan passive
dan active.

- The office is cleaned everyday

- The office was cleaned yesterday

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Bandingkan kalimat active dan passive berikut ini

a. Somebody cleans the office everyday (active)

b. The office is cleaned everyday (passive)

c. Somebody cleaned the office yesterday (active)

d. The office was cleaned yesterday (passive)

Untuk membuat kalimaat passive, selalu gunakan Be + past participle, seperti (a) dan (b)

Past participle dari kata kerja regular diakhiri dengan –ed (cleaned, called). Irregular
verb (done/ built/ written).

e. I am never invited to parties (present tense)

f. Butter is made from milk (present tense)
g. This house was built 100 years ago (past tense)
h. When was the telephone invented (past tense)

Panggunaan passive dengan by

i. The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell in 1876 (Alexander Bell invented it)
j. I was bitten by a dog a few days ago (a dog bites me)

That’s the lesson for today on how to use passive sentences. Tomorrow we’re going to
look at continuous passive sentences. See you tomorrow.

96. Using is being done and has being done

Today we’re going to look more about passive (continuous passive). Note that
passive sentences are always using be + past participle.
Look at illustration below.
a. Someone is writing the book (active)
b. The book is being written (passive
c. My car is at a garage. It is being repaired (someone is repairing my car).

Compare the present continuous and present simple

d. The office is being cleaned at the moment (continuous)

The office is cleaned everyday (present simple)
e. Football matches are often played at the weekend, but no matches are being
played next weekend.

Have/has been (present perfect passive)

a. My key has been stolen (somebody has stolen it)

b. I’m not going to the party. I haven’t been invited. (nobody has invited me)
c. Has this shirt been washed? (has somebody washed it?

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Compare present perfect and simple past.

d. The room isn’t dirty any more. It has been cleaned (present perfect)
The room was cleaned yesterday (past simple)
e. I can’t find my keys. I think they’ve been stolen (present perfect)
My keys were stolen last week. (past simple)


Hari ini kita akan membahas tentang kalimat passive (continuous passive). Ingat!
Kalimat passive selalu menggunakan be+past participle.

Perhatikan contoh berikut ini.

f. Someone is writing the book (active)
g. The book is being written (passive
h. My car is at a garage. It is being repaired (someone is repairing my car).

Bandingkan penggunaan present continuous dan present simple

i. The office is being cleaned at the moment (continuous)

The office is cleaned everyday (present simple)
j. Football matches are often played at the weekend, but no matches are being
played next weekend.

Penggunaan Have/has been (present perfect passive)

f. My key has been stolen (seseorang telah mencurinya)

g. I’m not going to the party. I haven’t been invited. (tidak ada yang mengundang
h. Has this shirt been washed? (apakah ada yang telah mencuci baju ini?)

Bandingkan present perfect dan past simple.

i. The room isn’t dirty any more. It has been cleaned (present perfect)
The room was cleaned yesterday (past simple)
j. I can’t find my keys. I think they’ve been stolen (present perfect)
My keys were stolen last week. (past simple)
k. S

This is the end of our series on passive sentences. Check my email tomorrow at
the same time for more Easy English lesson. See you then.

97. Using be in present and past tenses (recap)

Do not forget this.

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Be (am/is/are/was/were)

Using Be + ing
Am/is/are/ + ing (present continuous
a. Please be quite. I’m working.
b. He isn’t calling his mother at the moment.
c. What are you doing this evening?

Was/were + ing (past continuous)

d. I was working when you texted me

e. He wasn’t calling his mother, so we could talk to him.
f. What were you doing at 3 in the morning?

Be + past participle (passive)

g. In never invited to parties (passive present simple)

h. Butter is made from milk (passive present simple)
i. These offices aren’t cleaned everyday (passive present simple)
j. These house were built 100 years ago (passive past simple)
k. How was the window broken? (passive past simple)

Perhatikan penggunaan be dan kata kerja nya. Pastikan kamu paham

penggunaan -ing (continuous) dan –ed (past participle).

Ingat selalu
Be (am/is/are/was/were)

Yup, that’s the lesson for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.

98. Using have/do in present and past tenses (recap)

Yesterday we talked about be(s) and today we’re going to look back at how to
use have/has and do/does/did.

Has/has + past participle (present perfect)

a. I’ve cleaned my room
b. Toby has lost his wallet
c. Where have Susan and Santi gone?

Do/does + infinitive (present simple negative and questions)

d. I like coffee, but I don’t like tee

e. What do you usually do at weekends?

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f. Haris doesn’t go out very often

g. Ew. What does she drink?

Did + infinitive (past simple negative and questions)

h. I didn’t watch tv yesterday

i. What time did they come back?

Perhatikan kembali contoh-contoh di atas sekali lagi. Jangan terbalik yang mana
past be dan present be. Begitu pula dengan have dan do. Ingat juga have dan do
digunakan untuk subjek plural dan I, has dan does digunakan untuk subjek

Jangan lupa cek email saya besok untuk topik lainnya. See you.

99. How to use either and neither

Let’s take a look first at either and too.

We use either and too at the end of a sentence. Too is used after positive verb, but
either is used after a negative verb.
a. I'm happy
I’m happy too
b. I can’t cook
I can’t either
c. Jane is a teacher. Her husband is a teacher too.

Read again the example above. Pay close attention where should you put too and

Neither do I / so am I

Either is used for negative verb, but neither is used for positive verb. Basically,
“neither do I” means “I’m not either”. “so am I” means “I am too”. Remember
that be should agree with the subject, e.g. so is she, so are we etc.

Let’s look at more examples.

d. I’m working
So am I (I’m working too)
e. I’d like to go to Australia
So would I
f. Kate hasn’t cook
Neither has Jane
g. I won’t be here tomorrow

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Neither will I

Important! So am I (not so I am), neither do I (not neither I do).


Kali ini kita akan melihat penggunaan either dan neither.

Mari lihat penggunaan either dan too.
Kita menggunakan either dan too di akhir kalimat. Too digunakan untuk kalimat
positif, sedangkan either digunakan untuk kalimat negative.

h. I'm happy
I’m happy too
i. I can’t cook
I can’t either
j. Jane is a teacher. Her husband is a teacher too.

Perhatikan kembali contoh-contoh diatas. Pastikan kamu tahu penempatan too

dan either.

Penggunaan Neither do I / so am I

Jika either digunakan untuk negative, sedangkan neither digunakan untuk

kalimat positive, walaupun keduanya memiliki makna negatif.

“neither do I” artinya “I’m not either”. “so am I” artinya “I am too”.

Ingat! Be harus setara dengan subjeknya, contohnya, so is she, so are we .dll.

Perhatikan contoh berikut.

k. I’m working
So am I (artinya, I’m working too)
l. I’d like to go to Australia
So would I
m. Kate hasn’t cook
Neither has Jane
n. I won’t be here tomorrow
Neither will I

Important! So am I (not so I am), neither do I (not neither I do).

Ingat! Selalu gunakan So am I (bukan so I am), neither do I (bukan neither I do).

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That’s our lesson for today. Read this email once again if you find it difficult to
understand. And don’t forget to use dictionary too. I’ll see you tomorrow.

100. Verb agreement after expression of quantity

A particular agreement problem occurs when the subject is and expression of
quantity, such as all, most, or some, followed by the preposition of. In this
situation, the subject (all, most, or some) can be singular or plural, depending on
what follows the proposition of.
Look at example below.
a. All of the students in the class are listening to the lecture
b. Most of the fire in the hills was extinguished.
c. Some of the animals from the zoo are released back to the jungle
d. Half of the food that we are serving to the guests is still in the refrigerator.

In (a) the subject all refers to the plural noun students, so the correct verb is
therefore the plural verb are.

Pay close attention to the object of expression of quantity and its verb.



Kali ini kita akan melihat penggunaan all, some, most dan half.

Seringkali masalah yang muncul ketika subjek adalah expressi kuantitas seperti,
all, most, atau some, yang diikuti oleh preposisi of. Dalam situasi ini, subjek (all,
most, atau some) bisa menjadi tunggal atau jamak, tergantung pada objek
preposisi of.

Perhatikan contoh berikut

e. All of the students in the class are listening to the lecture

f. Most of the fire in the hills was extinguished.
g. Some of the animals from the zoo are released back to the jungle
h. Half of the food that we are serving to the guests is still in the refrigerator.

Dalan (a) subjek all kembali kepada kata benda jamak students, jadi, kata kerja
yang bernar adalah kata kerja jamak are.

Perhatikan pada objek proposisi of dan kata kerja nya.

101. Verb agreement after certain words.

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Certain words in English are always grammatically singular even though they
might suggest plural meaning.
- Everybody is going to the party

We understand from the example that a lot of people are going to the party, but
everybody is a singular and requires a singular verb. Below are singular words
that have plural meaning.

Anybody Everybody Nobody Somebody Each (+noun)

Anyone Everyone No one Someone every(+noun)
Anything Everything Nothing Something

Remember! These words are grammatically singular, so they take singular verbs

Let’s look at more example

a. Each of the doctors in the hospital needs new medical equipment

b. The director felt that no one was better suited for the job.
c. Everybody agrees that nothing is impossible

Try to make your own example. I’ll see you tomorrow for more practical English


Jika subjek dalam kalimat singular, maka verbnya harus singular juga (dan
sebaliknya), ini disebut (subjeck/verb aggreement)

Beberapa kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang selalu tunggal walaupun bermakna

- Everybody is going to the party

Dari kalimat di atas kita tahu kalau banyak orang yang akan pergi ke pesta, tapi
everybody adalah tunggal dan membutuhkan kata kerja tunggal. Berikut ini
berberapa kata tunggal yang bermakna jamak.

Anybody Everybody Nobody Somebody Each (+noun)

Anyone Everyone No one Someone every(+noun)
Anything Everything Nothing Something

Ingat! Kata-kata diatas selalu tunggal, jadi semua kata-kata tersebut

membutuhkan kata kerja tunggal juga.

Mari lihat contoh lain.

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a. Each of the doctors in the hospital needs new medical equipment

d. The director felt that no one was better suited for the job.
e. Everybody agrees that nothing is impossible

Buatlah kalimat kamu sendiri.

I’ll see you tomorrow for more practical English lesson.

102. Using both, either and neither

We use both/either/neither to talk about two things or people.

a. Mr. Mulya has two children. Both are married (both = the two children)
b. Would you like tea or coffee? You can have either. (either = tea or coffee)
c. Would you like tea or coffee? Neither, I like chocolate. (neither = not tea or

Compare either and neither

- Would you like tea or coffee?

o Either. I don’t mind (tea or coffee)
o I don’t want either (not tea or coffee)
o Neither. (not coffee or tea)

Both + plural noun (both phones, both books, etc)

Either/neither + singular noun (phone, book etc.)

d. Last year I went to Paris and Rome. Both cities were amazing
e. First I worked in an office, and later in a shop. Neither job was interesting
f. There are two ways from here to the station. You can go either way.

You can also say (both/neither/either) of (us/them/you)

g. Nita has two sisters. Both of them are married

h. She and I didn’t eat anything. Neither of us was hungry
i. How are those two people? I don’t know either of them

That’s the lesson for today. I’ll see you, tomorrow


Kita gunaka both/either/neither untuk dua orang atau benda.

a. Mr. Mulya has two children. Both are married (both = kedua anaknya)
b. Would you like tea or coffee? You can have either. (either = kopi atau teh)

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c. Would you like tea or coffee? Neither, I like chocolate. (neither = bukan kopi
atau teh).

Bandingkan penggunaan either dan neither

- Would you like tea or coffee?

o Either. I don’t mind (teh atau kopi)
o I don’t want either (tidak keduanya)
o Neither. (tidak keduanya)

Both + kata benda jamak (both phones, both books, dll)

Either/neither + kata benda tunggal (phone, book, dll)

d. Last year I went to Paris and Rome. Both cities were amazing
e. First I worked in an office, and later in a shop. Neither job was interesting
f. There are two ways from here to the station. You can go either way.

Penggunaan (both/neither/either) of (us/them/you)

g. Nita has two sisters. Both of them are married

h. She and I didn’t eat anything. Neither of us was hungry
i. How are those two people? I don’t know either of them

Both, either dan neither sangat sering digunakan dalam percakapan. Dalami
penggunaannya. Good luck and I’ll see you tomorrow.

103. Using much, many and a lot of.

We use much + uncountable noun (much food, much money etc)
a. How much money do you need?
b. We don’t have much food to spare

We use many + plural noun (many cars, many people etc)

c. Did you buy many cars?

d. I’ve met many people todays

We use a lot of + both type of noun (countable and uncountable)

e. I like to talk to a lot of people

f. She gives me a lot of money

We can use much and a lot of without a noun:

g. Amy spoke to me, but she didn’t say much

h. We like football, so we go to football matches a lot

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Kita menggunakan much + uncountable noun (much food, much money etc)

i. How much money do you need?

j. We don’t have much food to spare

Kita menggunakan many + plural noun (many cars, many people etc)

k. Did you buy many cars?

l. I’ve met many people todays

Kita menggunakan a lot of + both type of noun (countable and uncountable)

m. I like to talk to a lot of people

n. She gives me a lot of money

Kita boleh menggunakan much dan a lot of tanpa kata benda:

o. Amy spoke to me, but she didn’t say much

p. We like football, so we go to football matches a lot

104. Using little and few

Hi, today we’re going to know how to use little and few
Little or a little is used with uncountable noun (water, oil, etc)
a. Little time
Little money
A little time

Few or a few is used with plural noun (tables, hands etc.)

b. A few books
Few questions
A few people

a few / a little = some but not much

c. I speak a little Spanish (I can speak but not much)

She didn’t eat anything, but she drank a little water. (not much but enough)
d. I’d like to make a few phone calls (more than 1 phone calls, but not too many)
I know a few Spanish greetings (more than 1, but not many)

Few / little (without a) = nearly no, or nearly nothing

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e. There was little food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.

f. There were few people in the class. The class was nearly silent.

Note: you can use very before little or few (very little food, very few people)

Compare little and a little

g. They have a little money, so they’re not poor (they have some money)
h. They have little money, so they’re very poor (nearly no money)

Compare a few and few

i. I have a few friends, so I’m not lonely

j. I’m sad and lonely. I have few friends

Note that a few always uses plural noun and plural verb


Hi, email kali ini kita akan membahas penggunaan little dan few.

Little / a little digunakan dengan kata benda tidak dihitung (water, oil dll)
a. Little time
Little money
A little time

Few / a few digunakan dengan kata benda jamak (tables, hands dll)

b. A few books
Few questions
A few people

a few / a little = beberapa tapi tidak banyak

c. I speak a little Spanish (bisa sedikit tapi tidak banyak)

She didn’t eat anything, but she drank a little water. (tidak banyak tapi
d. I’d like to make a few phone calls (lebih dari satu tapi tidak banyak)
I know a few Spanish greetings (lebih dari satu tapi tidak banyak)

Few / little (tanpa a) = hampir tidak ada.

e. There was little food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.

f. There were few people in the class. The class was nearly silent.

Ingat: kamu bisa menggunakan very sebelum little dan few (very little food, very
few people)

Bandingkan penggunaan little dan a little

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g. They have a little money, so they’re not poor (sedikit uang, tapi cukup)
h. They have little money, so they’re very poor (sedikit, hampir tidak ada)

Bandingkan pengguaan a few and few

i. I have a few friends, so I’m not lonely

j. I’m sad and lonely. I have few friends

Ingat: a few dan few selalu menggunakan kata benda jamak dan kata kerja jamak

Pastikan kamu bisa membedakan perbedaan a little / little dan a few / few
sebelum menutup email ini. Email besok, kita akan melihat penggunaan kata
sifat (adjectives) dalam bahasa Inggris.

105. Adjectives and linking verbs

Hi, before we start. Think 10 adjectives you can think of right now

Adjectives is before the noun (nice day, bright light etc.)

a. They live in a modern house (not house modern)
Have you met any famous people? (not people famous)
Do you like Italian food?
There are some beautiful yellow flowers.

The ending of an adjective is always the same

b. Let’s go to a different place

c. I’ve been to different places (not different)

Be (am/is etc.) + adjective

d. The weather is nice today

e. These flowers are very beautiful
f. The film wasn’t very good. I was boring

Linking verbs (look, feels, smell, taste, sound) + adjective

g. You look tired. What happened?

h. Sam told me about his new laptop. It sounds very amazing
i. The fish smells bad. I think it tastes terrible


Hi, sebelum kita mulai, sebut kan 10 kata sifat yang kamu tau

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Kata sifat (adjective) ditulis sebelum kata benda (nice day, bright light etc.)
a. They live in a modern house (bukan house modern)
Have you met any famous people? (bukan people famous)
Do you like Italian food?
There are some beautiful yellow flowers.

Akhiran setiap adjective selalu sama

b. Let’s go to a different place

c. I’ve been to different places (bukan different)

Be (am/is etc.) + adjective

d. The weather is nice today

e. These flowers are very beautiful
f. The film wasn’t very good. I was boring

Penggunaan Linking verbs (look, feels, smell, taste, sound) + adjective

g. You look tired. What happened?

h. Sam told me about his new laptop. It sounds very amazing
i. The fish smells bad. I think it tastes terrible

Kamu bisa menggunakan beberapa adjective sebelum kata benda. Dan article
a/an selalu mengikuti kata benda. Ingat! Penggunaan an menigkuti huruf vokal
dari adjective. Tunggu email saya besok, kita akan membahas lebih lanjut
tentang adjectives.

106. Older and more expensive

Hi. Welcome back. Today we’re going to look at comparison adjectives

a. I’m 60 years old. I’m old
I’m 65 years old. I’m older
b. I bought a book for 200k. it’s expensive
She bought another book for 300k. it’s more expensive

Older and more expensive are comparative forms.

The comparative is –ed (older) and more … (more expensive)

We add –ed for short adjective

- Old – older
- Nice – nicer

Short adjective ending –y = ier

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- Easy – easier
- Heavy - heavier

Long adjectives (2 or more syllables)

- Careful = more careful

- Expensive = more expensive
- interesting = more interesting

comparative form of bad-worse and good-better

- the weather isn’t very good today, but it’s better than yesterday
- Which is worse? A headache or toothache

Other irregular comparative forms

- Far – further
- Little – less


Hi. Selamat datang kembali. Kali ini kita akan melihat tentang comparison

c. I’m 60 years old. I’m old

I’m 65 years old. I’m older
d. I bought a book for 200k. it’s expensive
She bought another book for 300k. it’s more expensive

Older dan more expensive adalah bentuk comparative (perbandingan).

Bentuk perbandingan adalah –ed (older) dan more … (more expensive)

Kita menambahkan –ed untuk kata sifat pendek (satu suku kata)

- Old – older
- Nice – nicer

Kata sifat satu suku kata yang berakhiran –y diubah menjadi -ier

- Easy – easier
- Heavy - heavier

Kata sifat panjang (2 suku kata atau lebih)

- Careful = more careful

- Expensive = more expensive
- interesting = more interesting

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bentuk perbandingan dari bad-worse dan good-better

- the weather isn’t very good today, but it’s better than yesterday
- Which is worse? A headache or toothache

Bentuk perbandingan tidak beraturan.

- Far – further
- Little – less

That’s the lesson for today. I’ll see you tomorrow for more adjective lesson. See
you then.

107. Older than and more expensive than.

Hi, yesterday we talked about comparative form. Now we’re going to look at
comparative + than. Let’s look at some examples

a. Are oranges more expensive than bananas?

b. It’s easier to take a taxi than to take a bus.
c. How are you today? “not bad. Better than yesterday”

We use than after comparative (more expensive than, easier than, better than)

Try to compare your phone and your sibling’s phone (or other objects)

Using More/less than… to compare two things. Let’s look at some example
below to see the difference between more and less.

d. The film was short – less than an hour (only 40-60 minutes)
e. She drinks more coffee than me (I drink 1 cup - she drinks 3 cups)

Using a bit older and much more expensive for small comparison.

f. Susan is a bit older than Jaka. She’s 24 and he’s 25 years old.
g. The hotel is much more expensive than I expected.

You can change to example (f) and (g) to a lot.


Hi, kemarin kita telah membahas bentuk perbandingan (comparative). Sekarang

kita akan melihat penggunaan comparative + than. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini.

a. Are oranges more expensive than bananas?

b. It’s easier to take a taxi than to take a bus.

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c. How are you today? “not bad. Better than yesterday”

Kita menggunakan than setelah bentuk comparative (more expensive than, easier
than, better than)

Coba bandingkan kualitas hp kamu dengan hp saudara kamu.

Menggunakan More/less than… untuk membandingkan 2 benda. Mari

perhatikan contoh untuk melihat perbedaan antara more dan less.

d. The film was short – less than an hour (hanya 40-60 menit)
e. She drinks more coffee than me (saya minum 1 gelas, tapi dia 2 gelas)

Menggunakan a bit older dan much more expensive untuk memberi perbandingan
yang sedikit (tidak banyak).

f. Susan is a bit older than Jaka. She’s 24 and he’s 25 years old.
g. The hotel is much more expensive than I expected.

Kamu bisa ganti a bit dan much seperti contoh (f) dan (g) dengan a lot. Artinya
tetap sama.

Baca kembali tips diatas tapi ganti adjective yang ada dengan adjective lain yang
kamu tau. Cek email saya besok, kita akan membahas bentuk comparative
lainnya. See you then.

108. Using not as… as (other forms of comparisons)

As… as is another form of comparison. Unlike other comparison, as… as does
not add –ed or more. Look at examples below for clearer usage.
a. She’s old, but not as old as he is.
b. Eifel tower isn’t as tall as burj Khalifa tower
c. I don’t play tennis as often as you. (you play tennis often)

Using not as much as / not as many as

d. I don’t have as much money as you. (you’ve got more money)

e. She doesn’t eat fried rice as much as you. (you eat much fried rice)

Compare not as… as and than

f. Tennis is not as popular as football

football is more popular than tennis
g. I don’t eat sea food as much as you
You eat more food than me

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We usually say: as me/ as her, etc.

You can also say:

h. She’s not as old as him or she’s not as old as he is

You don’t work as hard as me or you don’t work as hard as I do

Take a look again at other optional ways to say comparison. I’ll say you


As… as adalah bentuk perbandingan juga. As… as tidak perlu ditambahkan –ed
atau more. Perhatikan contoh berikut agar bisa membedakan.

a. She’s old, but not as old as he is.

b. Eifel tower isn’t as tall as burj Khalifa tower
c. I don’t play tennis as often as you.

Using not as much as / not as many as

d. I don’t have as much money as you. (kamu punya lebih banyak uang)
e. She doesn’t eat fried rice as much as you. (kamu makan lebih banyak)

Bandingkan penggunaan not as… as dan than

f. Tennis is not as popular as football

football is more popular than tennis
g. I don’t eat sea food as much as you
You eat more food than me

Biasanya as… as digunakan dengan object pronoun: as me/ as her, etc.

Tapi kamu juga bisa menggunakan seperti berikut ini:

h. She’s not as old as him or she’s not as old as he is

You don’t work as hard as me or you don’t work as hard as I do

Perhatikan kembali perbedaan (f) dan (g). dan juga (h).

Besok kita akan melihat penggunaan superlative dalam Bahasa inggris.

109. Using the oldest and the most expensive (superlative)

In the last couple of days, we talked about older and more expensive
(comparative). Today we’re going to talk about oldest and most expensive

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Let’s imagine the scenario below.

a. box A is bigger than box B
b. Box B is bigger than box C
c. Box A is bigger than all other boxes
d. Box A is the biggest box.

Superlative form is –est (oldest, biggest) or most … (most expensive)

Short words (old/cheap/nice) – the –est

- The oldest / the cheapest / the nicest

But we say the best for very good and the worst for very bad

Long words (careful/expensive/interesting) – the most …

- The most careful / the most expensive / the most interesting)

Remember! We say the oldest / the most expensive etc. (with the)

e. What is the longest river in the world?

f. Excuse me, where is the nearest bank?

You can use the oldest/ the cheapest/ the most expensive without a noun.

g. Husna is a smart girl, but she’s not the best in mathematic.


Beberapa hari yang lalu, kita telah membahas tentang older dan more expensive
(comparative). Hari ini kita akan membahas tentang oldest dan most expensive

Bayangkan skenario berikut ini.

a. box A is bigger than box B
b. Box B is bigger than box C
c. Box A is bigger than all other boxes
d. Box A is the biggest box.

Superlative form adalah –est (oldest, biggest) atau most … (most expensive)

Untuk kata yang pendek seperti (old/cheap/nice) kita menggunakan the –est

- The oldest / the cheapest / the nicest

Tapi kita bilang the best untuk very good and the worst untuk very bad

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Untuk kata yang panjang seperti (careful/expensive/interesting) kita

meggunakan the most …

- The most careful / the most expensive / the most interesting)

Ingat! Kita mengatakan the oldest / the most expensive etc. (menggunakan the)

e. What is the longest river in the world?

f. Excuse me, where is the nearest bank?

Kamu bisa menggunakan the oldest/ the cheapest/ the most expensive tanpa
kata benda.

g. Husna is a smart girl, but she’s not the best in mathematic.

That’s the lesson for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.

110. Using enough

Hi, let’s look at examples to understand and know how to use enough

Enough + noun (enough money/ enough time)

a. We wanted to play football, but we didn’t have enough players
b. Why don’t you buy a car? You’ve got enough money

Enough without noun

c. I’ve got enough money, but not enough to buy a car.

d. Would you like some more coffee? No I’ve had enough.

Adjective + enough (good enough/tall enough)

e. It’s not warm enough outside

f. Can you hear me speaking? Is it loud enough for you?


Enough + noun (enough money/ enough players)

Adjective + enough (tall enough/ loud enough)


Hi, perhatikan contoh berikut ini agar memahami pengguaan enough.

Enough + kata benda (enough money/ enough time)

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g. We wanted to play football, but we didn’t have enough players

h. Why don’t you buy a car? You’ve got enough money

Enough tanpa kata benda

i. I’ve got enough money, but not enough to buy a car.

j. Would you like some more coffee? No I’ve had enough.

Kata sifat + enough (good enough/tall enough)

k. It’s not warm enough outside

l. Can you hear me speaking? Is it loud enough for you?


Enough + kata benda (enough money/ enough players)

Kata sifat + enough (tall enough/ loud enough)

That’s the lesson for today. tomorrow we’re going to look at how words are
placed in sentences. I’ll see you tomorrow.

111. And, but, or (conjunctions)

We use and, but, or, so, because (conjunctions) to joint two sentences. They make
one longer sentence from two small sentences.
a. The car stopped
The driver got out
b. The car stopped and the driver got out

Using and, but, or

c. We stayed home and we watched television

d. He likes dancing, and she dislikes dancing
e. It’s a nice house, but it doesn’t have garden
f. Do you want to go out, or are you tired?

- Notice we use coma (,) in (d,e,f) but we don’t use it in (c).

- in (c) you can omit we in the second sentence.

If we list, we use come (,). And we use and before the last thing.

g. Karen is at work, Susan has gone shopping and Ali is playing football

We use so (for result of something)

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h. It was very hot, so I opened the window

i. Mike does a lot of sport, so he’s so fit

We use because (for reason of something)

j. I opened the window because it was very hot

k. Mike is so fit because he does a lot of sport

Because is also possible at the beginning

l. Because it was very hot, I open the window

Notice we don’t use coma (,) if because is in between sentences, and we use coma
(,) if because at the beginning.

You can use multiple conjunctions in one sentence.

m. I was late and I was so angry because she didn’t come, so I come back home.


Kita gunakan and, but, or, so, because (kata sambung) untuk menggabungkan 2
kalimat. Kata sambung membuat kalimat panjang dari 2 kalimat pendek.
a. The car stopped
The driver got out
b. The car stopped and the driver got out

panggunaan and, but, or

c. We stayed home and we watched television

d. He likes dancing, and she dislikes dancing
e. It’s a nice house, but it doesn’t have garden
f. Do you want to go out, or are you tired?

- perhatikan penggunaan koma (,) dalam (d,e,f), tapi kita tidak menggunakan
koma dalam (c).

- dalam (c) kamu bisa membuang we pada kalimat kedua.

Jika kita mengurutkan, kita menggunakan koma (,). Dan kita menggunakan and
sebelum urutan terakhir.

g. Karen is at work, Susan has gone shopping and Ali is playing football

Kita gunakan so (untuk hasil dari sesuatu)

h. It was very hot, so I opened the window

i. Mike does a lot of sport, so he’s so fit

Kita gunakan because (untuk alasan sesuatu)

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j. I opened the window because it was very hot

k. Mike is so fit because he does a lot of sport

Because bisa digunakan di awal.

l. Because it was very hot, I open the window

Perhatikan penggunaan koma (,) jika because di awal kalimat (l), dan jika
because di antara kalimat, kita tidak gunakan koma (j dan k).

Kamu bisa memakai kata sambung lebih dari satu dalam satu kalimat.

m. I was late and I was so angry because she didn’t come, so I come back home.

112. Using if…


If can be at the beginning of a sentence or in the middle:

a. If we go by bus, it will be cheaper
b. If you’re hungry, have something to eat
c. It will be cheaper if we go by bus
d. It’s ok if you use the phone in my class

Notice the coma (,) in (a) and (b).

In (c) and (d), if is in the middle of the sentence, and we don’t use coma.

Remember! We often use if-clause (if you go by bus, if you’re hungry) in present

in conversation, we often use the if-part of the sentence alone.

e. Are you going to a concert? Yes, if I can get a ticket.


If bisa di awal kalimat dan juga bisa di tengah kalimat:

a. If we go by bus, it will be cheaper
b. If you’re hungry, have something to eat
c. It will be cheaper if we go by bus
d. It’s ok if you use the phone in my class

Perhatikan koma (,) dalam (a) dan (b).

Dalam kalimat (c) dan (d), if berada di awal kalimat, dan kita tidak
menggunakan koma.

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Ingat! Klausa-if (if you go by bus, if you’re hungry) sering digunakan dalam
bentuk masa sekarang (present tense).

Dalam percakapan, klausa-if bisa digunakan sendiri tanpa perlu klausa utama

e. Are you going to a concert? Yes, if I can get a ticket.

That’s it for today. we use if similar to (jika) in Bahasa Indonesia. I’ll see you
tomorrow for other use of if in English.

113. If I had… (conditional)

Let’s look at the story of Dan

Dan like fast cars, but he doesn’t have one. He doesn’t have enough money

a. If he had enough money, he would buy a fast car.

Usually, had is past, but in this example had is not past. if he had the money = if
he had the money now (but he doesn’t have it now).

The rule to say if I had

If + (subject)+ (past verb) + (,) +(subject) + (would, could)

Note! Example of past verb is (had, knew, didn’t have, was, were).

Look again to example (a). you can also say.

b. He would buy a fast car, if he had enough money.

Compare if I have and if I had

c. I need to buy the book

If I have money, I will buy the book (maybe I have money, so I’ll buy the
d. I need to see the doctor
If I had time, I would see the doctor (I don’t have time, so I will not see the

e. I like that jacket

I’ll buy it if it isn’t too expensive (maybe it will not be too expensive)

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f. I like the jacket, but it’s too expensive.

I’d buy it if it wasn’t so expensive (it’s expensive, so I’m not going to buy it)


Mari lihat cerita si Dan

- Dan like fast cars, but he doesn’t have one. He doesn’t have enough money

a. If he had enough money, he would buy a fast car.

Biasanya had adalah bentuk past, tapi dalam contoh diatas had bukan bentuk
past. if he had the money = jika dia punya uang sekarang (tapi dia tidak punya
uang sekarang).

Aturan menggunakan if I had

If + (subject)+ (past verb) + (,) +(subject) + (would, could)

Ingat! Contoh verb past adalah (had, knew, didn’t have, was, were).

Perhatikan kembali contoh (a). kamu bisa merubahnya menjadi:

b. He would buy a fast car, if he had enough money.

Bandingkan penggunaan if I have dan if I had

c. I need to buy the book

If I have money, I will buy the book (maybe I have money, so I’ll buy the
d. I need to see the doctor
If I had time, I would see the doctor (I don’t have time, so I will not see the

e. I like that jacket

I’ll buy it if it isn’t too expensive (maybe it will not be too expensive)
f. I like the jacket, but it’s too expensive.
I’d buy it if it wasn’t so expensive (it’s expensive, so I’m not going to buy it)

Perhatikan kalimat dalam kurung. Itu adalah makna tersirat dari if I have dan if I

Jangan lupa untuk membuka email besok untuk mendapatkan pelajaran lain.

114. Using who, which and that (relative clauses)

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a. I met a girl. She can German. (2 sentences)

I met a girl who can speak German. (1 sentence)
b. Andi is wearing a hat. It is too big for him. (2 sentences)
Andi is wearing a hat that is too big for him. (1 sentence)
Andi is wearing a hat which is too big for him (other option)

Who is for people and which is for thing.

c. Do you know someone who can drive me home?

d. Emma lives in a house which is 200 years old.

That is for people or thing

e. The people that work in the office are very hungry

f. Emma live in a house that is 200-year-old

Do not use which with people.

g. Do you remember the woman who was playing the piano?

(not the woman which)
h. S

Note! You can use who/which/that to refer to subject as in (e) or to refer to

object (all).

That’s the lesson for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.


penggunaan who, which dan that

a. I met a girl. She can German. (2 kalimat)

I met a girl who can speak German. (1 kalimat)
b. Andi is wearing a hat. It is too big for him. (2 kalimat)
Andi is wearing a hat that is too big for him. (1 kalimat)
Andi is wearing a hat which is too big for him (pilihan lain)

Who untuk people(orang) dan which untuk thing (benda/bukan orang).

c. Do you know someone who can drive me home?

d. Emma lives in a house which is 200 years old.

That untuk people dan thing

e. The people that work in the office are very hungry

f. Emma live in a house that is 200-year-old

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Jangan gunakan which with orang.

g. Do you remember the woman who was playing the piano?

(bukan the woman which)

Ingat! Kamu bisa gunakan who/which/that untuk subjek seperti (e), dan bisa
juga untuk objek seperti (selain e).

That’s the lesson for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.

115. Preposition + -ing

Of/to/for/at etc. these small words are called preposition. Today we’re going to
learn how to use preposition + verb ing.

Remember after preposition, a verb always ends in –ing.

a. I’m not very good at telling jokes
b. I’m sorry for not calling you
c. Tom left without saying goodbye
d. After doing homework, she goes to bed


Of/to/for/at dll. Adalah preposition. Hari ini, kita akan belajar tentang
penggunaan preposition + ing.
Ingat! Setelah preposition, kata kerja selalu berakhiran –ing.

a. I’m not very good at telling jokes

b. I’m sorry for not calling you
c. Tom left without saying goodbye
d. After doing homework, she goes to bed

Study more the examples, and I’ll see you tomorrow.

116. Go in, fall off, run away (phrasal verbs)

A phrasal verb is a verb (go, fall, run etc.) + preposition (in, off, out etc.)

Let’s look at some examples.

a. I waited outside the class. I didn’t go in
b. He opens the door and get in the car
c. There’s something outside the house, so I look out
d. The car stopped and I saw the boy got out.
e. I saw the thief run away (or run off)
f. Go away and don’t come back

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g. Rudi is at the meeting at the moment, he’ll be back soon.

h. They climb over the wall
i. Turn over and look at the next page.

Look at the verbs that followed directly by a preposition. And see the different


phrasal verb adalah kata kerja, seperti (go, fall, run dll.), + preposition (in, off, out

perhatikan contoh – contoh berikut

a. I waited outside the class. I didn’t go in
b. He opens the door and get in the car
c. There’s something outside the house, so I look out
d. The car stopped and I saw the boy got out.
e. I saw the thief run away (or run off)
f. Go away and don’t come back
g. Rudi is at the meeting at the moment, he’ll be back soon.
h. They climb over the wall
i. Turn over and look at the next page.

Perhatikan kata kerja yang diikuti oleh preposition. Perhatikan juga perbedaan

117. do as an auxiliary in an affirmative sentence

the present tense in English is also used to emphasis. When you use do as an
auxiliary in an affirmative sentence, it makes the verb stronger.

- Do you speak English or Japanese?

- I don’t speak Japanese, but I do speak English.
Remember to use do/does when you want to be sure you have the right
Simple present dalam Bahasa inggris juga digunakan untuk mempertegas. Ketika
kamu gunakan do dalam kalimat affirmative, do membuat kata kerja lebih jelas.

- Do you speak English or Japanese?

- I don’t speak Japanese, but I do speak English.
Ingat! Gunakan do/does ketika kamu yakin memberikan informasi yang benar.

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118. Numbers (101 – 1.000.000)

Here’s the system for counting from 100-999

- Number + hundred + number
- 650 (six hundred fifty)

- 1000 – 99.000
- number + thousand + number + hundred + number
- 7,888 (seven thousand eight hundred eighty-eight)

- 100,000–999,999
- number + hundred + thousand + number + hundred + number
- 565,332 (five hundred sixty-five thousand three hundred thirty-two)
NOTE: Follow the same system for numbers exceeding one million.
- 1,000,000 = one million
- 1,000,000,000 = one billion

Berikut cara menghitung dari 100-999

- Number + hundred + number
- 650 (six hundred fifty)

- 1000 – 99.000
- number + thousand + number + hundred + number
- 7,888 (seven thousand eight hundred eighty-eight)

- 100,000–999,999
- number + hundred + thousand + number + hundred + number
- 565,332 (five hundred sixty-five thousand three hundred thirty-two)
NOTE: ikuti aturan yang sama jika melebihi satu juta.
- 1,000,000 = one million
- 1,000,000,000 = one billion
Hundred = ratusan
Thousand = ribuan
Million = juta
Billion = miliaran
I’ll see you tomorrow for more English lesson.

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119. Ordinal numbers

To form an ordinal number (ordinal numbers put things in order), add the
ending –th to the cardinal numbers.
- Seven – seventh
- Thirteen – thirteenth
When a cardinal number ends in –y, the y changes to –ie before adding –th.
- Twenty – twentieth
- Sixty – sixtieth
Note the following exception, first, second, third and fifth, ninth, twelfth
- Twenty-first
- Forty-third
- Sixty-fifth
Untuk membuar angka ordinal (angka ordinal mengurutkan sesuatu),
tambahkan –th di setiap angka.
- Seven – seventh
- Thirteen – thirteenth
Jika angka berakhiran –y, maka y di ubah menjadi –ie sebelum di tambahkan –th.
- Twenty – twentieth
- Sixty – sixtieth
Perhatikan pengecualian, first, second, third dan fifth, ninth, twelfth
- Twenty-first
- Forty-third
- Sixty-fifth
That’s how you order things in English. make sure you can differentiate between
forty and fortieth, fourteen and fourteenth.
I’ll see you tomorrow.
120. More about negatives

The word not is used with do to make a verb negative, as in I don’t have any
money. No is used as an adjective in front of a noun, as in I have no money. Both of
these examples are acceptable ways of expressing the idea that you do not have
Note these contracted negative forms with do:
- I don’t
- You don’t
- She doesn’t
Avoid using more than one negative in a clause.

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- I don’t have any money

I don’t have no money (incorrect)
- They don’t see anybody.
They don’t see nobody. (incorrect)
- I didn’t do anything.
I didn’t do nothing. (incorrect)
kata not digunakan dengan do untuk membuat kata kerja menjadi negatif,
seperti dalam kalimat I don’t have any money. No digunakan sebagai kata sifat
sebelum kata benda, seperti dalam kalimat I have no money. Kedua contoh ini bisa
digunakan untuk mengungkapkan ketidakpunyaan.

Perhatikan cara memendek kan do/does not:

- I don’t
- You don’t
- She doesn’t
Jangan gunakan dua negetif dalam satu klausa.
- I don’t have any money
I don’t have no money (salah)
- They don’t see anybody.
They don’t see nobody. (salah)
- I didn’t do anything.
I didn’t do nothing. (salah)

121. Tag questions

Tag questions are questions that are added at the end of a sentence.
- Jon is here, isn’t he?
- You like jackfruit, don’t you?
- She doesn’t like coffee, does she?
- He didn’t go to the class, did he?
The subject of the tag question should be the same as the subject of the main verb.
If the first part of the sentence is in the affirmative, then the tag question will be
negative, and vice versa.
- She likes seafood, doesn’t she?
- She doesn’t like seafood, does she?
In American English, a form of do is usually used when have is the main verb.
“they have the money, don’t they?”

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Tag questions adalah pertanyaan yang ditambahkan pada akhir sebuah kalimat
untuk memperjelas statement.
- Jon is here, isn’t he?
- You like jackfruit, don’t you?
- She doesn’t like coffee, does she?
- He didn’t go to the class, did he?
Subjek dalam tag question harus sama dengan subjek pada kalimat utama. Jika
kalimat utama adalah kalimat affirmative, makan tag question nya harus negetif,
dan sebaliknya.
- She likes seafood, doesn’t she?
- She doesn’t like seafood, does she?
Dalam American English, bentu do biasanya digunaka jika have adalah kata
kerja dalam kalimat utama.
- they have the money, don’t they?
That’s the lesson for today. practice to use tag questions when you speak with
your friend. I’ll see you tomorrow.
122. adjective and adverb order.

Adjectives and adverbs are invariable in English. adjectives always come in front
of the noun they modify. Adverbs usually come after the verb they modify.

- A good book
- An excellent dinner
- A fine weather
- A charming person
- This newspaper is published frequently
- The speaker speaks quickly.
Adverbs + Adjectives
- she speaks extremely fast
- my phone is very beautifully designed.

Adjectives (kata sifat) dan adverbs (kata keterangan) tidah pernah berubah dalam
Bahasa inggris. adjectives selalu datang sebelum kata benda. Adverbs selalu
datang sesudah kata kerja atau sebelum kata sifat.


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- A good book
- An excellent dinner
- A fine weather
- A charming person
- This newspaper is published frequently
- The speaker speaks quickly.
Adverbs + Adjectives
- she speaks extremely fast
- my phone is very beautifully designed.
That’s the lesson on who to arrange adjective and adverb in a sentence. I’ll see
you tomorrow for more English lessons

123. placement of object pronouns

when there is a sentence with more than one object pronoun, the rule is follows:
a. place the direct object pronoun directly after the verb
b. any indirect object pronoun will come last
- the lawyer gives you the envelope.
He gives it to you
- Andi, Doni and Susan will send me some letters
they’ll send them to me.
- He’s explaining the will to us.
He’s explaining it to us.

Note that when you use a direct object pronoun, it comes earlier in the sentence
than its noun equivalent:
- I give you a phone
I give it to you (not I give you to it)
Jika ada kalimat yang terdapat lebih dari satu kata ganti objek, aturannya sebagai

a. Letakkan kata kanti objek setelah kata kerja.

b. Kata ganti objek yang tidak langsung di letakkan di akhir.
- the lawyer gives you the envelope.

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He gives it to you
- Andi, Doni and Susan will send me some letters
they’ll send them to me.
- He’s explaining the will to us.
He’s explaining it to us.

Ingat! Jika kamu menggunakan kata ganti objek langsung, ia datang di awal.
- I give you a phone
I give it to you (bukan I give you to it)
Tha’t the lesson on how to object pronoun in a sentence. I’ll see you tomorrow for
more lessons.

124. Using to get

In American English, the verb get is used constantly. One common occurrence of
get is with an adjective:
a. I’m getting hungry
b. You shouldn’t eat too much. You’ll get fat.
In this example, get has the meaning of become.
Get may also be followed by a past participle (-ed). The past participle functions
as an adjective describing the subject:
c. We got worried, because they were lost.
d. I got tired form all the work she gives me.
Some of the common adjectives that follow get are, angry, anxious, big, hot, late,
made etc.


Dalam Bahasa Inggris, kata kerja get sangat sering digunakan. get paling sering
digunakan dengan adjective (kata sifat):
a. I’m getting hungry
b. You shouldn’t eat too much. You’ll get fat.
Pada contoh diatas, get bermakna become (menjadi).
Get juga bisa diikuti oleh past participle (kata kerja berakhiran -ed). past
participle berfungsi sebagai adjective (kata sifat) yang memberi makna
kemapada subjek:
c. We got worried, because they were lost.
d. I got tired form all the work she gives me.

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Adjective (kata sifat) yang sering diikuti oleh get adalah, angry, anxious, big, hot,
late, made etc.
That’s how we use get. Try to make your own examples using get to describe
your current situation.

125. Forms of other

Forms of other are used as either adjectives or pronouns:

a. Another book (is)
Another (is)
b. The other book (is)
The other (is)
c. other books (are)
others (are)
d. the other books (are)
the others (are)
note that a final –s is used only for a plural pronoun (others). Another means one
more in addition to the one(s) already mentioned. Other/others (without the) refer
to several more in addition to the one(s) already mentioned. The other(s) has a
different meaning (all that remains from a given number or specific group):
e. I have three apartments. Two are mine. The other is yours.
Bentuk-bentuk dari other digunakan sebagai adjectives atau pronouns:

Penggunaan tunggal:
a. Another book (is)
Another (is)
b. The other book (is)
The other (is)
Penggunaan jamak:
c. other books (are)
others (are)
d. the other books (are)
the others (are)
ingat! Akhiran –s digunakan hanya untuk kata ganti jamak (others). Another
artinya satu lagi dari yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya. Other/others (tanpa the)

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artinya “beberapa lagi dari yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya”. The other(s)
memiliki makna yang lain (yang lain yang belum disebutkan:
e. I have three apartments. Two are mine. The other is yours.

I’ll see you tomorrow for more English lesson.

126. More about verbs (transitive and intransitive)

Here are some verbs that you, like many native speakers, may find troublesome:

Transitive (followed by an object)

- Raise, raised, raised:
a. The farmer is raising chickens
- Set, set, set:
b. I will set the glass down.
- Lay, laid, laid:
c. I’m laying the dress on the bed.
Intransitive (not followed by an object)
- Rise, rose, rise:
a. The moon is rising
- Sit sat, sat:
b. They sit in front.
- Lie, lay, lain:
c. I’m lying on the bad
Note! Remember these verbs. Most people make mistake by using them
Berikut ini beberapa kata kerja yang munkin bagi kami, seperti kebanyakan
penutur asli Bahasa Inggris, bermasalah dengan penggunaannya:

Transitive (diikuti oleh objek)

- Raise, raised, raised:
a. The farmer is raising chickens
- Set, set, set:
b. I will set the glass down.
- Lay, laid, laid:
c. I’m laying the dress on the bed.
Intransitive (tidak diikuti oleh objek)
- Rise, rose, rise:
d. The moon is rising

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- Sit sat, sat:

e. They sit in front.
- Lie, lay, lain:
f. I’m lying on the bad
Ingat! Kata-kerja diatas. Kebanakan orang menukar penggunaannya.

Yup. That’s the tip for today. make sure to check my email tomorrow. I’ll see you

127. Causative verbs (have and let)

In order to express the notion of having someone else do something for you, use
a form of have + the main verb.
a. I’m having my mail forwarded (someone else is forwarding it for you)
b. I had my house painted (someone else painted it for you)
c. I had my hair cut (someone cuts my hair for me)
Note! The –ed form (past participle) is used after have to give passive meaning.
Let in a causative sense means to permit
d. Please let me help you
e. Don’t let them leave!
f. Let him speak. He deserves it.
Do not use an infinitive (to-) after let.

ketika mengungkapkan kemauan untuk menyuruh orang lain melakukan

sesuatu untuk kamu, gunakan bentuk-bentuk have + verb (kata kerja).

a. I’m having my mail forwarded (orang lain yang melakukannya)

b. I had my house painted (orang lain yang car untuk kamu)
c. I had my hair cut (orang lain yang pangkas rambut kamu)
Note! Kata kerja berakhiran –ed (past participle) digunakan setelah have untuk
membuat kalimat passive.
Let artinya to permit (memberi izin)
d. Please let me help you
e. Don’t let them leave!
f. Let him speak. He deserves it.
Jangan gunakan infinitive (to-) setelah let.

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That’s our lesson for today. check my email tomorrow at the same time for more
easy English lesson. I’ll see you then.

128. Using should, ought to and had better

One of the meanings of the modal auxiliary should is advisability

a. You should leave right now.
They should fill out this form.
You can also express the same idea using ought to or had better.
b. You ought to leave right now.
c. They had better fill out this form
Should and ought to both mean that something is a good idea. Had better is usually
stronger, implying a warning of bad consequences.
The negative of should is shouldn’t. ought to is not usually used in the negative.
Often you will hear people pronounce ought to as otta.
Salah satu makna dari kata bantu should adalah memberi saran
a. You should leave right now.
They should fill out this form.
Kamu bisa juga mengungkapkan hal yang sama menggunakan ought to atau had
b. You ought to leave right now.
c. They had better fill out this form
Should dan ought to keduanya memiliki makna “itu hal yang bagus dikerjakan”.
Had better biasanya bermakna lebih tegas, menyiratkan ancaman jika tidak
Bentuk negative dari should adalah shouldn’t. ought to biasanya tidak digunakan
dalam bentuk negative.seringkalinya kamu mendengar orang mengucapkan
ought to menjadi otta.

That’s the lesson on how to use and pronounce should, ought to and had batter.
Check my email tomorrow. I’ll see you then.

129. Using should have

The past form of should is simply add have + past participle

a. I missed my plane this morning. I should have left earlier
b. I can’t find a hotel room. I should have made a reservation.

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The past form of should conveys the notion of a failure or omission. Note that the
customary pronunciation of should have is should’ve or shouda. The negative form
is should not have, pronounced in colloquial English as shouldn’t’ve or shouldn’t ‘a.
Bentuk lampau dari should hanya menmabahkan have + past participle
c. I missed my plane this morning. I should have left earlier
d. I can’t find a hotel room. I should have made a reservation.
Bentuk lampau dari should bermakna kegagalan atau kelalaian.
Ingat! Kebiasaannya should have diucapkan should’ve atau shouda. Bentuk
negative nya adalah should not have, sering diucapkan shouldn’t’ve or shouldn’t ‘a.

That’s our lesson for today. I’ll see you tomorrow. and don’t forget to check my

130. Usage of the perfect progressive tenses (present)

- Present perfect progressive

This tense indicates duration of an activity beginning in the past and

continuing into the present. It is often used with the words like for, since, all
day, etc.
Begin with “has” or “have” + “been” followed by –ing form of the verb.
o They have been watching television for three hours.
Note! When the present perfect progressive is used without reference to
time, it indicated a general activity in progress recently
o I have been thinking about renting a car.

- Past perfect progressive

This tense emphasizes the duration of an activity that was in progress before
another activity or time in the past
Begin with “had” + “been” followed by –ing form of the verb
o I had been waiting for an hour when the doctor arrived.

- Future perfect progressive

This tense indicates the duration of and activity that will be in progress before
another time or event in the future.
Begin with “will have” + “been” followed by –ing form of the verb.
o When he retires, her will have been working for 40 years.
- S

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Note that past tenses can be used with past tenses only (not present tenses).
Present tenses can be used with future tenses (not past tenses)
- Present perfect progressive

Tenses ini menyarankan durasi dari sebuah aktivitas yang dimulai pada
waktu lampau dan berlanjut ke waktu sekarang. Present perfect progressive
sering digunakan dengan kata seprti for, since, all day, etc.

Mulai dengan “has” or “have” + “been” diikuti oleh bentuk –ing dari kata
o They have been watching television for three hours.
Ingat! Ketika present perfect digunakan tanpa menyebutkan waktu,
biasanya berarti aktifitas baru yang sedang berlangsung
o I have been thinking about renting a car.

- Past perfect progressive

Tenses ini menekankan durasi dari suatu aktifitas yang tadinya sedang
berlangsung sebelum aktifitas lain diwaktu lampau.

Mulai dengan “had” + “been” diikuti oleh bentuk –ing dari kata kerja.
o I had been waiting for an hour when the doctor arrived.

- Future perfect progressive

Tenses ini menerangkan durasi dari suatu aktifitas yang akan sedang
berlangsung sebelum kejadian lain di waktu yang akan datang.

Mulai dengan “will have” + “been” diikuti oleh bentuk –ing dari kata kerja.
o When he retires, her will have been working for 40 years.

That’s the lesson for today. read again the examples I mentioned above. Imagine
you’re the one who’s doing the activities. I’ll see you tomorrow.

131. Using should to express Expectation

In a couples of days ago, you learned how should can be used to express
a. The front desk clerk should give us a discount

Another way should can be used is in expressions of expectation

b. They have been working hard. They should do well.

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(should means will probably)

c. The plumber has fixed the sink. It should be alright.
The past form (should have) means that the speaker expected something that did
not happen
d. I haven’t heard anything from them. They should have called by now.
Kamu sudah tahu penggunaan should bisa digunakan untuk mengungkapkan
a. The front desk clerk should give us a discount
Should bisa juga digunakan untuk mengungkapkan harapan.
b. They have been working hard. They should do well.
(should artinya mungkin akan)
c. The plumber has fixed the sink. It should be alright.
Bentuk lampau (should have) artinya penutur mengharapkan seseuatu agar tidak
d. I haven’t heard anything from them. They should have called by now.
That’s the lesson for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.
132. Using would

Hi, the modal auxiliary would is used in three different contexts:

1. Expressing preference:
a. I would rather visit India (I’d rather)
Would rather means prefer)
2. Expressing repeated action in the past:
a. When she was alive, my aunt would visit my house.
(Would is used with regularly repeated actions in the past)
3. Polite requests
a. I would appreciate hearing from you soon.
(Would is frequently used with polite requests)
When used to express a repeated action in the past, would often takes the place of
used to:
- When they were students, they would go to the museum every semester break
You can also say:
- When they were students, they used to go to the museum every semester
However, when used to refers to a situation that exist (but not necessarily
repeated) in the past, would may not serve as a replacement.
- My aunt used to live in Jakarta

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- My aunt would live in Jakarta
Kata bantu would digunakan dalama 3 konteks:
1. Mengungkapkan pilihan:
a. I would rather visit India (I’d rather)
Would rather artinya lebih memilih)
2. Mengungkapkan aktifitas lampau yang berulang :
a. When she was alive, my aunt would visit my house.
(Would digunakan untuk aktifitas lampau yang rutin dilakukan)
3. Meminta dengan sopan
a. I would appreciate hearing from you soon.
(Would sering digunakan untuk meminta dengan sopan)
Ketika used to digunakan untuk aktifitas lampau yang rutin, would sering
digunakan untuk mengganti used to:
- When they were students, they would go to the museum every semester break
Bisa juga dengan:
- When they were students, they used to go to the museum every semester
Namun, ketika used to menunjukkan keadaan masa lampau (tapi tidak berulang),
would tidak bisa digunakan sebagai penggantinya.
- My aunt used to live in Jakarta
- My aunt would live in Jakarta

133. Using gerunds

A gerund in the –ing form of the verb used as a noun. Like nouns, gerunds can be
subjects or objects.

Subject gerund
a. Playing football is fun
Object gerund
b. He likes reading
c. We’re used to having a lot of fun
In (c), the gerund having is the object of the proposition to. This pattern is fairly
frequent in English.

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By is often used with gerunds to describe how something is done:

d. By calling the office, you’ll be able to know what’s going on.
Note: Go (and all it’s form) is followed by a gerund in certain idiomatic
expressions relater to sport and physical activities.
e. Did they go shopping yesterday?
f. They went sailing at the lake.
g. We are going skiing this winter.
gerund adalah kata benda yang dibentuk dari kata kerja yang berakhiran –ing.
Seperti kata benda pada umumnya, gerunds bisa menjadi subjek dan objek.

Gerund sebagai subjek

a. Playing football is fun
Gerund sebagai objek
b. He likes reading
c. We’re used to having a lot of fun
dalam (c), gerund having adalah objek dari preposisi to.
By sering digunakan dengan gerund untuk menggambarkan bagaimana sesuatu
d. By calling the office, you’ll be able to know what’s going on.
Note: Go (dan semua bentuknya) bisa diikuti oleh gerund digunakan untuk sport
atau pekerjaan lainnya.
e. Did they go shopping yesterday?
f. They went sailing at the lake.
g. We are going skiing this winter.
That’s how we use gerunds in English. Try to make your own sentences. I’ll see
you tomorrow.
134. The past perfect tense

The past perfect tense is used when expressing activity was completed in the past
before another past activity or time:
a. Until yesterday, they had never seen the film.
b. After the restaurant had closed, the customers went home.
To form the past perfect, used had + past participle
Note: it is easy to confuse the forms for the past perfect and the past perfect
c. The had waited for five hours when the plane arrived.

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d. They had been waiting for five hours when the plane arrived.
Example (d) emphasizes the duration in the past.
past perfect tense digunakan untuk mengekspresikan aktifitas yang telah selesai
di masa lampau sebelum aktifitas lampau lain selesai:
a. Until yesterday, they had never seen the film.
b. After the restaurant had closed, the customers went home.
Untuk membentuk past perfect tense, gunakan had + past participle
Note: kebanyakan orang sering bingung akan bentuk past perfect and past
perfect progressive:
c. The had waited for five hours when the plane arrived.
d. They had been waiting for five hours when the plane arrived.
contoh (d) menekankan lamanya kejadian masa lampau.

135. Using whose and whom

Whose is used to show possession. It has the same meaning as other possessive
adjectives such as his, hers, its, their, etc.
a. There’s the man whose house we bought
b. I have a book whose story is fascinating.
Whose modifies people but can also be used with things.
You should learn how to combine short sentence using whose:
c. The woman is a talented artist. I saw her paintings. (2 sentences)
d. The woman whose paintings I saw is a talented artist. (1 sentences)

Whom is relative pronouns. Its function is as object. Who or whom is used for
people. Who is usually used instead of whom in daily speech. Even though it is
grammatically incorrect:
e. the person whom they saw was sick.
f. There’s the diver whom the police arrested.
Whose digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepunyaan. Ia memiliki makna yang sama
dengan his, hers, its, their, dll.
a. There’s the man whose house we bought
b. I have a book whose story is fascinating.
Whose memodifikasi orang dan benda mati.

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Kamu harus bisa menggabungkan 2 kalimat pendek dengan menggunakan

c. The woman is a talented artist. I saw her paintings. (2 kalimat)
d. The woman whose paintings I saw is a talented artist. (1 kalimat)

Whom adalah pronoun. Ia berfungsi sebagai objek. Who atau whom digunakan
untuk orang. Who paling sering digunakan daripada whom dalam percakapan
sehari-hari. Walaupun secara tatabahasa salah:
e. the person whom they saw was sick.
f. There’s the diver whom the police arrested.
Check my email tomorrow. I’ll see you then.

136. Using where and when

Earlier in this course, you have learned how to use where and when in questions”
a. Where are you going?
b. When are you leaving?
Where and when can also be used in a dependent clause:
c. I see the house where they live.
d. I forgot the date when you arrived.
Where is used to refer to a place, such as a city, state, country, room etc.
Note: in dependent clauses, where can be replaced with in which, which… in,
that…in, or nothing at all:
e. The building where they work is new
The building in which they work is new.
The building, which they work in, is new.
The building that they work in is new.
The building thay work in is new.
When is used to refer to a noun of time (day, week etc)
In time clauses, it is also possible to use that or which preceded by a preposition:
f. I forgot the date that you arrived.
g. I forgot the date on which you arrived
Note how two sentences are combined using when:
h. I’ll always remember the day she was born. She was born then (on that day)
i. I’ll always remember the day when she was born.
That’s who we use when and where. They can be used in questions and in
dependent clauses.

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Kamu telah belajar penggunaan where dan when dalam pertanyaan:
a. Where are you going?
b. When are you leaving?
Where dan when bisa juga digunakan dalam dependent clause:
c. I see the house where they live.
d. I forgot the date when you arrived.
Where menunjuk kan tempat seperti, city, state, country, room dll.
Note: dalam dependent clauses, where bisa digantikan dengan in which, which…
in, that…in, atau tidak ada sama sekali:
e. The building where they work is new
The building in which they work is new.
The building, which they work in, is new.
The building that they work in is new.
The building they work in is new.
When digunakan untuk menunjukan kata waktu (day, week dll)
Dalam klausa waktu, kita bisa menggunakan that atau which didahului oleh
f. I forgot the date that you arrived.
g. I forgot the date on which you arrived
Ingat cara menggabungkan 2 kalimat menggunakan when:
h. I’ll always remember the day she was born. She was born then (on that day)
i. I’ll always remember the day when she was born.
Itulah cara menggunakan when dan where. Keduanya bisa digunakan dalam
kalimat tanya dan dalam dependent clauses. Cek email saya besok. See you!.

137. Exclamations!

Most exclamations in English are preceded by what or how:

a. What a terrible weather!
b. How awful!
What is used much more frequently than how in everyday language.
Exclamations can be as brief as one or two word (what a mess!) or as long as a
c. What a way to end my vacation!

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Note: don’t forget that what and how are most frequently used in questions:
d. What did you say?
e. How much does it cost?
Kebanyakan kalimat seru dalam Bahasa inggis diawali dengan what atau how:
a. What a terrible weather!
b. How awful!
What lebih sering digunakan daripada how dalam percakapan sehari-hari.
Kalimat seru bisa dalam satu atau dua kata (what a mess!) atau bisa panjang
c. What a way to end my vacation!
Note: jangan lupa what dan how yang ada pada awak kalimat juga digunakan
dalam kalimat Tanya:
d. What did you say?
e. How much does it cost?
Pastikan kamu bisa membedakak makna what dan how dalam kalimat tanya dan
dalam kalimat seru.

138. Using conjunctions

Here are some conjunctions that are frequently used in subordinate clauses (or
dependent clause):

Time Cause & effect Opposition Condition

After Because Even though If
Before Since Although Unless
When Now that Though Only if
While As long as whereas In case
As So (that) While

When a conjunction is used with a subordinate clause, the construction is called

an adverbial clause.

Here are some adverbial clauses that relate to time:

a. After we leave the bank, we’ll spend the money
b. When they arrived, they sat down to dinner.
c. We haven’t seen her since she left.

And here are clauses that show cause and effect relationships:
d. Since you didn’t call, I made other plans.

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e. He went to bed, because he was tired.

Another way to show a cause and effect relationship is to use such... that and so...
f. It was such a nice evening that they stayed up too late.
g. The lemonade was so cold that she couldn’t drink it.
Tabel di bawah ini berisi kata sambung (conjunction) yang sering digunakan

Waktu Sebab & akibat Oposisi Persyaratan

After Because Even though If
Before Since Although Unless
When Now that Though Only if
While As long as whereas In case
As So (that) While

Ketika kata sambung digunakan dengan dependent clause, klausa tersebut

disebut adverbial clause.

Berikut beberapa klausa yang berkaitan dengan waktu:

a. After we leave the bank, we’ll spend the money
b. When they arrived, they sat down to dinner.
c. We haven’t seen her since she left.

Klausa sebab & akibat

d. Since you didn’t call, I made other plans.
e. He went to bed, because he was tired.

Cara lain untuk menunjukkan klausa sebab & akibar menggunakan such... that
dan so... that:
f. It was such a nice evening that they stayed up too late.
g. The lemonade was so cold that she couldn’t drink it.

Jangan lupa, besok kita akan membahas penggunaan kata-kata oposisi.

I’ll see you tomorrow.

139. Expressing opposition

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Here are some ways to show opposition when the result is the opposite of what
you might expect:

1. Adverb clauses
Even though
- Even though it was hot, we wore our coats

2. Conjunctions
But … anyway
But … still
Yet … still
- It was cold, but we still went swimming

3. Prepositions
In spite of
- They went diking despite the warm temperatures.
Here are words that show direct oppositions.
1. Adverb clause
—Paul is tall, whereas Richard is short.
—While Sue is industrious, Marie is lazy.
2. Conjunction
- The travel agent is tired, but she is still working.

a. Transitions
on the other hand
- Carole is beautiful, however, she doesn’t dress very well.
Whereas and while are used to show direct opposition; it does not make any
difference which idea comes first and which second; the same rule applies for but /
however / on the other hand.

Berikut adalah beberapa cara menampakkan perbedaan.:

1. Adverb clauses
Even though
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- Even though it was hot, we wore our coats

2. Conjunctions
But … anyway
But … still
Yet … still
- It was cold, but we still went swimming

3. Prepositions
In spite of
- They went diking despite the warm temperatures.
Berikut beberapa kata untuk perlawanan.
3. Adverb clause
—Paul is tall, whereas Richard is short.
—While Sue is industrious, Marie is lazy.

4. Conjunction
- The travel agent is tired, but she is still working.

b. Transitions
on the other hand
- Carole is beautiful, however, she doesn’t dress very well.
Whereas dan while digunakan untuk oposisi, ia tidak membedakan yang mana yang
datang dulua. Aturan yang sama juga untuk but / however / on the other hand.

I’ll see you tomorrow for more lessons.


In newspapers, magazines, and books, you will often see quoted or direct speech:
a. They said, “We have no record of this transaction.”
b. He stated, “I don’t know what happened.”

In spoken English, reported or indirect speech will be used instead:

c. They said that they had no record of this transaction.

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d. He stated that he didn’t know what happened.

In reported or indirect speech, no quotation marks are used and the subject of the
main clause and the dependent clause are the same.

Here are some rules for tense usage in indirect speech:

- If the main verb of the sentence is in the past (said, reported, stated, etc.), the
verb in the dependent clause will also be in the past.
- Here is a chart indicating typical transformations:
- simple present—> simple past
- present progressive—> perfect progressive
- present perfect—> past perfect
- simple past—> past perfect
- future—> conditional
- I said, “She reads the paper every day.”
I said she read the paper every day.
- I said, “She is reading the paper every day.”
I said she was reading the paper....
- I said, “She has read the paper everyday.”
I said she had read the paper....
- I said, “She read the paper everyday.”
I said she had read the paper....
- I said, “She will read the paper everyday.”
I said she would read the paper....
In reported speech, an imperative will change to an infinitive. Furthermore, say
will be replaced by a form of
- He said, “Show me your passport.”
He told me to show my passport.
Di dalam koran, majalah atau buku, kamu sering melihat tanda petik atau direct
a. They said, “We have no record of this transaction.”
b. He stated, “I don’t know what happened.”

Dalam Bahasa verbal, reported atau indirect speech yang digunakan:

c. They said that they had no record of this transaction.
d. He stated that he didn’t know what happened.

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Dalam reported atau indirect speech, tanda petik tidak digunakan dan subjek
klausa utama dan klausa kedua sama.

Berikut atauran penggunaan intirect speech dan tenses nya:

- Jika kata kerja utama dalam bentuk past (said, reported, stated, etc.), makan
kata kerja di klausa dependent juga dalam bentuk past.
- simple present—> simple past
- present progressive—> perfect progressive
- present perfect—> past perfect
- simple past—> past perfect
- future—> conditional
- I said, “She reads the paper every day.”
I said she read the paper every day.

- I said, “She is reading the paper every day.”

I said she was reading the paper....

- I said, “She has read the paper everyday.”

I said she had read the paper....

- I said, “She read the paper everyday.”

I said she had read the paper....

- I said, “She will read the paper everyday.”

I said she would read the paper....

141. Using able

We use able especially in the structure be able + infinitive. This often has the
same meaning as can. There is a negative form unable.
a. Some people are able to /can walk on their hands
b. I am unable to /can’t understand what she wants
Can is preferred in the sense of “know how to”, and in expressions like can see,
can hear, etc.
c. Can you knit? (more natural than are you able to knit?)
d. I can see a ship. (more natural that I am able to see a ship)
Be able is used in cases (future, present perfect) where can / could is not
grammatically possible.
e. One day scientists will be able to find a cure for cancer. (NOT will can find)

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f. What have you been able to find out? (NOT what have you could?)
g. I might be able to help you. (NOT I might can)
Able is not usually followed by passive infinitives.
h. He can’t be understood. (NOT he’s not able to be understood)
Kita menggunakan able dengan bentuk kalimat be able + infinitive. Able
memiliki makna yang sama dengan can. Bentuk negative nya adalah unable.
a. Some people are able to /can walk on their hands
b. I am unable to /can’t understand what she wants
Can digunakan untuk “mengerti cara melakukan”, dan dalam expressi seperti
can see, can hear, etc.
c. Can you knit? (lebih natural daripada are you able to knit?)
d. I can see a ship. (lebih natural daripada I am able to see a ship)
Be able digunakan dalam bentuk (future, present perfect) dimana can / could
tidak bisa digunakan.
e. One day scientists will be able to find a cure for cancer. (BUKAN will can find)
f. What have you been able to find out? (BUKAN what have you could?)
g. I might be able to help you. (BUKAN I might can)
Able tidak bida digunakan dengan kata kerja passif.
h. He can’t be understood. (BUKAN he’s not able to be understood)
That’s for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.
142. Using about

Compare using about and on

a. A book for children about Africa and its peoples
A textbook on African history
b. A conversation about money
A lecture on economics
We use about to talk about ordinary, more general kinds of communication. On
suggests that a book, lecture, talk etc. is serious or academic, suitable for
Using about to
About + infinitive means “going to very soon”; “just going to”.
c. Don’t go out now – we’re about to have lunch
d. I was about to go to bed when the telephone rang.
In informal American English, not about to can mean “unwilling to”
e. I’m not about to pay 100 dollars for that dress.

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Bandingkan penggunaan about dan on
a. A book for children about Africa and its peoples
A textbook on African history
b. A conversation about money
A lecture on economics
about digunakan untuk membicarakan hal biasa untuk mendapatkan informasi
secara umum tentang sesuatu. On menggambarkan bahwa a book, lecture, talk
dll. Adalah topik yang serius, untuk para akademisi yang cocok untuk
penggunaan about to
About + infinitive artinya “sebentar lagi akan melakukan”; “hendak melakukan”.
c. Don’t go out now – we’re about to have lunch
d. I was about to go to bed when the telephone rang.
Dalam American English, not about to bermakna “unwilling to”
e. I’m not about to pay 100 dollars for that dress.

That’s our lesson for today. don’t forget to check my email tomorrow for more
English in use tips. See you then.
143. Using above and over

1. Higher than: above or over

Above and over can both mean “higher than”.
a. The water came up above/over our knees
b. Can you see the helicopter above/over the palace?
2. Covering: over
We prefer over when one thing covers and /or touches another.
c. There is could over the south of England.
d. He puts on a coat over his pajamas.
We use over or across when one thing crosses another.
e. The plane was flying over/across Denmark
f. Electricity cables starch over/across the fields.
3. Measurements: above
Above is used in measurements of temperature and height, and in other cases
where we think of a vertical scale.
g. The temperature is three degrees above zero
h. The summit of Everest is about 8000 meters above sea level.
i. She’s well above average in intelligence.
4. See above /over
In a book or a paper, see above means “look at something written before”, see
over means “look on the next page”.

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1. Lebih tinggi dari: above atau over
Above dan over bermakna “lebih tinggi dari”.
a. The water came up above/over our knees
b. Can you see the helicopter above/over the palace?
2. menutupi: over
Over lebih dipilih ketika sesuatu menutup dan/atau menempel pada sesuatu
yang lain.
c. There is could over the south of England.
d. He puts on a coat over his pajamas.
Over atau across digunakan saat sesuatu melewati sesuatu yang lain.
e. The plane was flying over/across Denmark
f. Electricity cables starch over/across the fields.
3. mengukur: above
Above digunakan untuk mengukur temperatur, tinggi atau mengukur sesuatu
yang vertikal.
g. The temperature is three degrees above zero
h. The summit of Everest is about 8000 meters above sea level.
i. She’s well above average in intelligence.
4. See above /over
Dalam buku atau majalan, see above artinya “lihat ke apa yang sudah ditulis”,
see over artinya “lihat ke halaman berikutnya”.
5. S
That’s how we say above and over. Both mean the rather the same, yet they are
used in different context. I’ll see you tomorrow for more lesson.
144. The phrase according to

According to X means “if what X says is true”. Note that after is not used in this
a. According to harry, its’s good film. (not after harry)
We do not usually give our own opinions with according to. Compare:
b. According to Joan, the people across the road are moving. (= if what Joan says
is true, …)
c. According to the timetable, the train gets in at 8.30.
d. In my opinion, she’s sick. (not according to me, …)
According to X artinya “jika apa yang X katakan benar”. Ingat! after tidak
digunakan dalam expressi seperti ini.
a. According to harry, its’s good film. (BUKAN after harry)
Kita tidak memberikan opini pribadi dengan according to. Bandingkan kalimat
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b. According to Joan, the people across the road are moving. (= jika apa yang Joan
katakan benar, …)
c. According to the timetable, the train gets in at 8.30.
d. In my opinion, she’s sick. (BUKAN according to me, …)
I’ll see you tomorrow for more functional grammar.
145. Using across, over and through

1. On/to the other side of (line) use across and over.

Across and over can both be used to mean “on or to the other side of a line,
river, road, bridge etc.”
a. His village is just across/over the border.
b. See if you can jump across/over the stream.
2. High things use over
We prefer over to say ‘on/to the other side of something high’.
c. Why are you climbing over the wall? (Not across the wall)
3. On flat areas; in water use across
We usually prefer across to say ‘on/to the other side of a flat area or surface’,
or to talk about movement in water.
d. He walked right across the desert. (NOT over the desert)
e. Let’s swim across the river. (NOT over the river)
But over is sometimes used in British English if there is no idea of arriving at
the other side.
f. We often walk over the fields in the evening.
4. Across and through
The difference between across and through is like the difference between on
and in. Through, unlike across, is used for a movement in a three dimensional
space, with things on all side. Compare;
g. We walked across the ice. (we were on the ice.)
I walked through the wood. (I was in the wood)
h. We drove across the desert.
We drove through several towns.

1. Pada/ke seberang gunakan across dan over.
Across and over can both be used to mean “Pada/ke seberang garis, sungai,
jalan dll.”
a. His village is just across/over the border.
b. See if you can jump across/over the stream.
2. Sesuatu yang tinggi gunakan over
over untuk ‘Pada/ke seberang sesuatu yang tinggi’.
c. Why are you climbing over the wall? (Bukan across the wall)
3. Pada tempat datar; di atas air gunakan across
d. He walked right across the desert. (BUKAN over the desert)
e. Let’s swim across the river. (BUKAN over the river)

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tetapi over terkadang digunakan dalan British English jika belum tentu
sampai ke seberang.
f. We often walk over the fields in the evening.
4. Across dan through
perpedaan across dan through sama seperti perbedaan on dan in. Through,
tidak seperti across, digunakan seperti didalam ruang. bandingkan;
g. We walked across the ice. (we were on the ice.)
I walked through the wood. (I was in the wood)
h. We drove across the desert.
We drove through several towns.

I’ll see you tomorrow for more lesson.

146. Actual(ly)

Meaning and use

Actual means “real”; actually means “really” or “in fact”.
They can be used to correct mistakes or misunderstandings.
a. The book says she died aged 47, but her actual age was 43.
b. “Hello, Jason. Nice to see you.” “actually, my name’s Andi”
They are also used to make things clearer or more precise, or to introduce
unexpected information.
c. I’ve got a new job. Actually, they’ve made me sales manager.
d. She was so angry that she actually tore up the letter.
The British often uses actually to break bad news gently.
c. “How did you get on with my car?” “well, actually, I’m terribly sorry, I’m
afraid I had a crash”.
Actually can suggest either that the hearer’s expectations were wrong, or that they
were correct.
d. Did you enjoy your holiday? “very much, actually”.
Arti dan penggunaan Actual dan actually
Actual means “real”; actually means “really” or “in fact”.
Actual dan actually digunakan untuk memperbaiki kesalahpahaman ketika
a. The book says she died aged 47, but her actual age was 43.
b. “Hello, Jason. Nice to see you.” “actually, my name’s Andi”
Keduanya bisa digunakan untuk memperjelas atau menegaskan, atau
memberikan informasi baru.
c. I’ve got a new job. Actually, they’ve made me sales manager.

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d. She was so angry that she actually tore up the letter.

Orang British biasanya mnggunakan actually untuk menyampaikan kabar buruk
secara sopan.
e. “How did you get on with my car?” “well, actually, I’m terribly sorry, I’m
afraid I had a crash”.
Actually bisa bermakna baik ekspektasi pendengar salah, atau ekspektasinya
f. Did you enjoy your holiday? “very much, actually”.
I’ll see you tomorrow for more English lesson

147. More about adjectives

Adjectives with complements

When an adjective has its own complement (skilled in design), the whole
expression normally comes after a noun.
a. We are looking for people skilled in design. (not skilled in design people)
A relative clause is often more natural.
b. We are looking for people who are skilled in design.
In some cases, an adjective can be put before a noun and its complement after it.
This happens with different, similar, the same next last, first, second etc.;
comparatives and superlatives; and few other adjectives like difficult and easy.
c. A different life from this one
d. The second train from this platform
e. The next house to the Royal Hotel
f. The best mother in the world
Adjectives dan penjelasnya

Ketika kata sifat memiliki penjelasnya (skilled in design), semua ekspresinya

datang seterlah kata benda.
a. We are looking for people skilled in design. (bukan skilled in design people)
Klausa berikut ini lebih natural
b. We are looking for people who are skilled in design.
Dalam beberapa kasus, kata sifat bisa diletakkan sebelum kata benda dan
penjelasnya di depannya. Ini bisa digunakan dengan kata different, similar, the
same, next, last, first, second etc.; bentuk comparatives dan superlatives; dan
beberapa kata sifat lain seperti difficult dan easy.

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c. A different life from this one

d. The second train from this platform
e. The next house to the Royal Hotel
f. The best mother in the world
Tomorrow, we’re going to look more on adjectives. Don’t forget to check my
email. I’ll see you tomorrow.

148. Adjectives with and

When two or more adjective come together, we sometimes put and before the last
one. And sometimes we don’t put and before the last one. It depends partly on
their position in the sentence.

After a verb
When adjectives come in predicative position (after be, seem, all linking verbs),
we usually put and before the last one.
a. He was tall, dark and handsome
b. You’re like a winter’s day: short, dark and dirty.
In a very literary style, and is sometimes left out.
c. My soul is exotic, mysterious, incomprehensible.
When two or more adjective come together, we sometimes put and before the last
one. And sometimes we don’t put and before the last one. It depends partly on
their position in the sentence.

After a verb
Ketika adjektif datang setelah kata kerja (setelah be, seem, dan semua linking
verbs), kita tambahkan and sebelum yang terakhir.
a. He was tall, dark and handsome
b. You’re like a winter’s day: short, dark and dirty.
Dalam gaya kesastraan, and terkadang tidak digunakan.
c. My soul is exotic, mysterious, incomprehensible.
I’ll see you tomorrow for more lessons on adjectives. See you!
149. Adjectives with and (after noun)
In attributive position (before a noun), using and before the last one is less
a. An angry young man (not an angry and young man)
b. A big beautiful garden.

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However, and is possible when the adjectives give similar kinds of information
especially when we are “pilling up” favorable or unfavorable descriptions.
c. A warm and generous personality
d. An ill-planned, expensive and wasteful project.
And is necessary when two or more adjectives refer to different parts of
something, or different type of thing.
e. A yellow and black sports car
f. A concrete and glass factory
g. Hot and cold drinks (=hot drinks and cold drinks)
We also use and when we say that something belongs to two or more different
h. It’s social and political problem.
i. She’s a musical and artistic genius.
Penggunaan kata sifat dan and sebelum kata kerja. Penggunaan and sebelum kata
sifat terakhir tidak biasa digunakan.
a. An angry young man (Bukan an angry and young man)
b. A big beautiful garden.
Tapi, and bisa digunakan jika kata sifat memiliki/memberi informasi yang sama.
c. A warm and generous personality
d. An ill-planned, expensive and wasteful project.
And harus di letakkan jika dua atau lebih kata sifat menunjukan jenis yang
e. A yellow and black sports car
f. A concrete and glass factory
g. Hot and cold drinks (=hot drinks and cold drinks)
Kita juga menggunakan and jika kita ingin mengatakan sesuatu milik sesuatu
atau seseorang.
h. It’s social and political problem.
i. She’s a musical and artistic genius.
That’s for today. I’ll see you, tomorrow

150. Adjectives without nouns

We cannot usually leave out a noun after an adjective

- Poor little boy (not poor little)

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- The most important thing is to be happy. (not the most important is to be

But, there are some exceptions
Adjectives without nouns
The + adjective is used to talk about certain well-known groups of people who
are in a particular physical or social condition, such as.
The blind, the dead, the deaf, the jobless, the mentally ill, the old, the poor, the rich, the
a. He’s collecting money for the blind.
b. The unemployed are losing hope.
The meaning is usually general; occasionally a limited group is referred to.
c. After the accident, the injured were taken to hospital.
These expressions are normally plural; the dead means “all dead people” or the
dead people”, but nor “the dead person”.
Note that these expressions cannot be used with a possessive ‘s.
d. The problems of the poor OR poor people’s problems (not the poor’s problems)
Adjectives are normally only used in this way with the or a determiner like many
or more.
e. This government doesn’t care about the poor. (not … about poor)
f. There are more unemployed than ever before.
However, adjectives without the are sometimes used in paired structure with both
… and …
g. Opportunities for both rich and poor.
Kita tidak bisa membiarkan kata sifat dalam Bahasa Inggris tanpa kata benda.
- Poor little boy (not poor little)
- The most important thing is to be happy. (not the most important is to be
Tetapi, ada beberapa kata sifat yang bisa datang tanpa kata benda.
Adjectives tanpa nouns
The + adjective digunakan untuk menunjukan kelompok atau kelas sosial,
The blind(buta), the dead, the deaf, the jobless, the mentally ill, the old, the poor, the rich,
the young.
a. He’s collecting money for the blind.

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b. The unemployed are losing hope.

Maknanya biasanya bersifat umum; terkadang hanya menunjukkan kepada
kelompok kecil.
c. After the accident, the injured were taken to hospital.
Ekspresi seperti ini biasanya memiliki makna jamak; the dead artinya “semua
orang mati”, tapi tidak berarti “satu orang yang mati”.
Note! Ekspresi seperti ini tidak bisa digunakan dengan kepunyaan (‘s).
d. The problems of the poor atau poor people’s problems (bukan the poor’s
Kata sifat yang seperti ini biasanya digunakan dengan the atau seperti many dan
e. This government doesn’t care about the poor. (bukan … about poor)
f. There are more unemployed than ever before.
namun, kata sifat tanpa the bisa digunakan dengan menggunakan both … and …
g. Opportunities for both rich and poor.

That’s how we use adjective without noun. I’ll see you tomorrow for more lesson
on adjectives.

151. More on Adjective without nouns (the + adjective)

Adjectives of nationality

A few adjectives of nationality ending in –sh or –ch are used after the without nouns. They
include Irish, Welsh, English, British, Spanish, Dutch, French.
a. The Irish are very proud of their sense of humor
These expressions are plural; singular equivalents are for example an Irishwoman, a
Welshman (not a Welsh).
Singular examples
In a few formal fixed phrases, the + adjective can have singular meaning. These include
the accused, the undersigned, the deceased, the former and the latter.
b. The accused was released on bail.
c. Mr. Gray and Mrs. Cook; the latter is a well-known designer.
Abstract ideas
Adjectives are sometimes used after the to refer to general abstract ideas, especially in
philosophical writing, such as, the beautiful, the supernatural, the unreal.)
d. She’s interested in the supernatural.

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We sometimes leave out a noun that has already been mentioned, or which does not
need to be mentioned.
e. How you got any bread? – do you want white or brown?
f. I’d like two large packets and one small.
Color adjectives can sometimes have a plural –s in this situation.
g. Wash the reds and blues separately. (=red and blue clothes)
Kata sifat untuk kenegaraan

Beberapa kata sifat untuk kewarganegara yang berakhiran–sh atau –ch digunakan
dengan the tanpa kata benda. Contohnya Irish, Welsh, English, British, Spanish, Dutch,
a. The Irish are very proud of their sense of humor
Ekspresi seperti ini bermakna jamak; untuk ekspresi tunggal gunakan, an Irishwoman, a
Welshman (not a Welsh).
Kata sifat dengan makna tunggal
Dalam frase formal, the + adjective bisa bermakna tunggal. Contohnya the accused, the
undersigned, the deceased, the former and the latter.
b. The accused was released on bail.
c. Mr. Gray and Mrs. Cook; the latter is a well-known designer.
Gagasan abstrak
Kata sifat biasa digunakan setelah the untuk menunjuk pada gagasan abstrak, khususnya
dalam telaah filosofi seperti, the beautiful, the supernatural, the unreal.)
d. She’s interested in the supernatural.
Kita terkadang tidak menyebutkan kata benda yang telah di sebutkan atau yang tidak
perlu disebutkan.
e. How you got any bread? – do you want white or brown?
f. I’d like two large packets and one small.
Warna bisa bermakna jamak dalam kondisi ini.
g. Wash the reds and blues separately. (=baju merah dan baju biru)

There are still so many topics to cover. I’ll see you tomorrow.

152. Pronunciation of aged, naked etc.

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A few adjectives ending in –ed have a special pronunciation: the last syllable is
pronounced /id/ instead of /d/ or /t/ like most verbs.
- Aged /eidjid/
- Beloved /bilavid/
- Cursed /cersid/
- Naked /neikid/
- Learned /lernid/
- Blessed /blesid/
- Sacred /seikrid/
- Wicked /wikid/
- One/three/four-legged /legid/
Note that aged is pronounced /eidjd/ when it means “years old” (as in he has a daughter
aged ten), or when it is a verb (past or past participle).
Beberapa kata sifat Bahasa Inggris yang berakhiran –ed memiliki cara pengucapan yang
beda: suku kata terakhir di bunyikan /id/, bukan /d/ atau /t/ seperti kebanyakan kata
- Aged /eidjid/
- Beloved /bilavid/
- Cursed /cersid/
- Naked /neikid/
- Learned /lernid/
- Blessed /blesid/
- Sacred /seikrid/
- Wicked /wikid/
- One/three/four-legged /legid/
Note! aged dibaca /eidjd/ ketika ia bermakan “berumur” (seperti dalam kalimat he has a
daughter aged ten), atau jika aged sebagi kata kerja (past atau past participle).
153. What can follow an adjective?

Many adjectives can be followed by “complements” – words and expressions that

“complete” their meaning. Not all adjectives are followed by the same kind of
complement. Some can be followed by proposition + noun/-ing.
a. I’m interested in cookery
b. I’m interested in learning to cook.

Some adjectives can be followed by infinitives

c. You don’t look happy to see me.
d. The soup is ready to eat.

An infinitive may have its own subject, introduced by for.

e. I’m anxious for her to get a good education.
(I’m anxious that she should get …)

Some adjectives can be followed by clauses

f. I’m glad that you were able to come.

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g. It’s important that everybody should feel comfortable.

And many adjectives can have more than one kind of complement.
h. I’m pleased about her promotion
i. I’m pleased that we seem to agree.

We rarely put adjective + complement before a noun

j. He’s a difficult person to understand. (not he’s a difficult to understand person.)
Read again each point, so you can understand where to put adjectives in sentences.
Kebanyakan kata sifat bisa diikuti oleh keterangan – kata atau frase yang memberi
keterangan pada sebuah kata. Tidak semua kata sifat diikuti keterangan yang sama.
Beberapa yang diikuti oleh keterangan yang sama. Beberapa yang diikuti oleh
proposition + noun/-ing.
a. I’m interested in cookery
b. I’m interested in learning to cook.

Beberapa kata sifat diikuti oleh infinitives

c. You don’t look happy to see me.
d. The soup is ready to eat.

beberapa infinitive bisa memiliki subjek nya sendiri, diawali oleh for.
e. I’m anxious for her to get a good education.
(I’m anxious that she should get …)

Beberapa kata sifat bisa diikuti oleh klausa

f. I’m glad that you were able to come.
g. It’s important that everybody should feel comfortable.

Dan banyak kata sifat bisa memiliki banyak keterangan.

h. I’m pleased about her promotion
i. I’m pleased that we seem to agree.

Jarang sekali kata sifat + keterangan sebelum kata benda

j. He’s a difficult person to understand. (bukan he’s a difficult to understand person.)
Baca lagi setiap poin di atas. I’ll see you tomorrow.

154. Adverb particles and prepositions

Words like down, in, up are not always prepositions, compare with (…):
- I ran down the road (please sit down)
- Something’s climbing up my leg. (she’s not up yet).
- He’s in his office. (you go in)
In the expressions down the road, in his office and up my leg, the words down, in and up are
prepositions: they have objects (the road, his office, and my leg).

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In sit down, go in and she’s not up, the words down, in and up have no objects. They are
adverbs, not propositions.
Small adverbs like these are usually called “adverb(ial) particles”. They include above,
about, across, ahead, along around, aside, away, back, before, behind, under, up.
Many words of this kind can be used as both adverb particles and prepositions, but
there are some exceptions: for example, back, away (only adverb particles); from, during
(only propositions).
Kata seperti down, in, up tidak selalu berfungsi sebagai preposisi, bandingkan kalimat
berikut (…):
- I ran down the road (please sit down)
- Something’s climbing up my leg. (she’s not up yet).
- He’s in his office. (you go in)
Pada ekspresi down the road, in his office dan up my leg. kata down, in dan up adalah
preposisi: preposisi memiliki objek (the road, his office, and my leg).
pada sit down, go in dan she’s not up. kata down, in dan up tidak memiliki objek. Kata-kata
tersebut adalah adverb (kata keterangan), bukan preposisi.
Adverb (kata keterangan) kecil seperti ini biasanya disebut “adverb(ial) particles”.
Termasuk diantaranya above, about, across, ahead, along around, aside, away, back, before,
behind, under, up.
Banyak kata yang seperti ini bisa menjadi adverb particles dan prepositions, tetapi ada
pengecualian: contohnya, back, away (hanya adverb particles); from, during (hanya
I’ll see you tomorrow for more lesson, so don’t forget to check my email.

155. How to use altogether and all together

For many people altogether and all together are confusing. Here’s how they are used

Altogether means “completely” or “considering everything”

a. My new house isn’t altogether finished
b. Altogether, she decided, marriage was a bit of a mistake.

Altogether can also be used to give totals.

c. That’s Rp. 50.000 altogether

All together usually means “everybody/everything together”.

d. Come on, everybody sing. All together now…
e. They all went to the cinema together.
Kebanyakan orang bingung denganpenggunaan altogether dan all together. Berikut

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Altogether berarti “completely” atau “semuanya”

a. My new house isn’t altogether finished
b. Altogether, she decided, marriage was a bit of a mistake.

Altogether bisa juga bermakna memberikan total.

c. That’s Rp. 50.000 altogether

All together biasanya berarti “semua orang/semuanya bersama”.

d. Come on, everybody sing. All together now…
e. They all went to the cinema together.
That’s for today. I’ll see you tomorrow for more lesson.

156. British and American pronunciation

There are, of course, many different regional accent in both Britain and American. The
most important general differences between American and British speech are as follows:

a. Certain vowels are nasal (pronounced through the nose and mouth at the same time)
in some varieties of American English, but not in most British accents.
b. British English has one more vowel than American English. this is the rounded short
o used in words like cot, dog, got, gone, off, etc. in American English these words are
pronounced either with /a/, like the first vowel in father, or with /o/, like the vowel
in caught.
c. Some words written with a + consonant (e.g. fast, after) have different
pronunciations; with /a:/ in standard southern British English, and with /ae/ in
American and some other varieties of English.
Ada beberapa perbedaan aksen dari british english dan American english. perbedaan
yang jelas dari dari kedua aksen ini bisa di lihat di bawah ini:

a. Beberapa huruf vocal biasanya nasal (dibunyikan melalui hidung dan mulut secara
bersamaan) pada beberapa American english, tapi tidak pada aksen British English.
b. Pada akesn British English memiliki satu huruf vocal tambahan. Yaitu huruf vocal o
yang pendek, seperti pada kata cot, dog, got, gone, off, dll. Pada aksen American
English kata-kata seperti diatas di bunyikan baik dengan /a/, seperti pada kata
father, atau dengan /o/, seperti pada kata caught.
c. Beberapa kata yang ditulis denga a + konsonan (seperti, fast, after) berbeda cara
pembunyiannya; dengan /a:/ pada British English, dan dengan /ae/ pada
I’ll see you tomorrow for more American and british english.
157. More on American and british english

a. The vowel in home, go, open is pronounced /eu/ in British English, and /ou/ in
American English. the two vowels sound very different.

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b. In standard southern British English, r is only pronounced before a vowel sound. In

most kinds of American English, r is pronounced in all positions where it is written
in a word, and it changes the quality of a vowel that comes before it. So words like
car, turn, offer sound very different in British and American speech
c. In many varieties of American English, t and d both have a very light voiced
pronunciation (/d/) between vowels – so writer and rider, for example, can sound the
same. In British English they are quite different; /raite(r) and /raide(r)/
d. Words ending in unstressed –ile (e.g. fertile, reptile, missile, senile) are pronounced
/ail/ in british english; some are pronounced with /l/ in American english.

Fertile in AmE rhymes with turtle while in BrE rhymes with her tile.

a. Huruf vokal pada kata home, go, open dibunyikan /eu/ pada British English (BrE),
dan /ou/ pada American English (AmE). Kedua huruf vokal tersebut terdengar
b. Dalam BrE, r hanya di bunyikan jika berdada dibelakang huruf vokal. Dalam AmE, r
dibunyikan dimanapun ia ditulis, dan ia mempengaruhi kualitas huruf vokal yang
datang setelahnya. Jadi, kata seperti car, turn, offer berbunyi berbeda antara AmE dan
c. Dalam AmE, t dan d diucapkan sangat ringan dan terdengar seperti (/d/) jika
keduanya datang diantara huruf vokal. Jadi, writer dan rider terdengar sama. Pada
BrE keduanya diucapkan berbeda; /raite(r) dan /raide(r)/
d. Kata-kata yang berakhiran–ile (seperti fertile, reptile, missile, senile) diucapkan /ail/
pada BrE; kebanyakan diucapkan /l/ pada American english.

Fertile pada AmE seirama dengan turtle sedangkan padaBrE seirama dengan her tile.
Practice more on examples I mentioned above with British and American English. I’ll see
you tomorrow
158. Pronunciation of the

The is normally pronounce with the vowel /i/ (like bibik) before a vowel and /e/ (like
besar) before a consonant. Compare:
- The ice /thi ais/
- The snow /the snou/
The choice between /i/ and /e/ depends on pronunciation, not spelling. We
pronounced /i/ before a vowel sound, even if it is written as a consonant.
- The hour /thi ower/
- The MP /thi em pi/
And we pronounced /e/ before a consonant sound, even if it is written as a vowel.
- The university /the yuni…/
- The one-legged man /the wan…/
We sometimes pronounce a stressed /thi/ before a hesitation, or when we want to stress
the following word, even if it begins with a consonant.
- He’s the /thi/ - em… - personal doctor

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- I’ve found the /thi/ present for your son.

The secara umum dibunyikan dengan vokal /i/ (seperti kata bibik) jika di depannya
huruf vokal, dan dibunyikan /e/ (seperti besar) jika didepanya konsonan. bandingkan:
- The ice /thi ais/
- The snow /the snou/
Pemilihan antara /i/ dan /e/ tergantung pada bunyi huruf setelahnya, bukan
tulisannya. the dibunyikan /i/ sebelum bunyi vokal, walaupun ditulis dengan
- The hour /thi ower/
- The MP /thi em pi/
Dan the dibunyikan /e/ sebelum bunyi konsonan, walaupun ditulis dengan huruf
- The university /the yuni…/
- The one-legged man /the wan…/
Terkadang the dibaca dengan /i/ ketika sedang ragu, atau menekankan kata
selanjutnya, walaupun kata tersebut dimulai dengan konsonan.
- He’s the /thi/ - em… - personal doctor
- I’ve found the /thi/ present for your son.
That’s for today. practice the (like bibik) and the (like besar). I’ll see you tomorrow.

159. Using at first and first

We use at first to talk about the beginning of a situation, to make a contrast with
something different that happens/happened later. At first … is often followed by but.
a. At first they were very happy, but then things started going wrong.
b. The work was hard at first, but I got used to it.
In other cases, we usually prefer first.
c. That’s mine – I saw it first (not I saw it at first)
d. We lived there when we were first married (… in the early days of our marriage).
(not … when we were at first married)
e. First, I want to talk about the history of the problem; then I’ll outline the situation
today; and then we’ll discuss possible solutions. (not at first, I want to talk …)
Read the examples above once again until you get the sense the difference between the
Kita gunakan at first untuk berbicara tentang permulaan sesuatu, untuk memberi
perbandingan dengan apa yang terjadi/telah terjadi nanti. At first … biasanya diikuti
dengan but.
a. At first they were very happy, but then things started going wrong.
b. The work was hard at first, but I got used to it.

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Dalam kasus lain, kita memilih menggunakan first.

c. That’s mine – I saw it first (not I saw it at first)
d. We lived there when we were first married (… diawal masa pernikahan). (bukan …
when we were at first married)
e. First, I want to talk about the history of the problem; then I’ll outline the situation
today; and then we’ll discuss possible solutions. (bukan at first, I want to talk …)
Baca lagi contoh diatas sampai kamu dapat membedakan at first dan first.
I’ll see you tomorrow for more easily confused words.

160. Using back and again

Back and again can be used with similar meaning, but there are some differences.
- Back with a verb
With a verb, we use back to suggest a return to an earlier situation, movement in the
opposite direction to an earlier movement, and similar ideas. Again is not normally
used in this way with a verb.
a. Give me my watch back. (not Give me my watch again.)
b. I’m taking this meat back to the shop. (not I’m taking this meat to the shop again)
- Again with a verb.
With a verb, again usually suggests repetition. Compare
c. That was lovely. Can you play it again?
When I’ve recorded your voice I’ll play it back.
d. Eric was really bad mannered. I’m never going to invite him again.
She comes to our parties but she never invites us back.
- Note the difference between sell back (to the same person) and sell again.
e. The bike you sold me is too small. Can I sell it back to you?
f. If we buy this house and then have to move somewhere else, how easy will it be
to sell it again?
Back dan again bisa digunakan untuk makna yang sama, tapi ada beberapa perbedaan
- Back dengan kata kerja
Dengan kata kerja, back digunakan untuk “kembali pada keadaan sebelumnya”,
berpaling kearah sebaliknya”, atau gagasan yang sama. Again tidak digunakan
seperti back jika dengan kata kerja.
a. Give me my watch back. (bukan Give me my watch again.)
b. I’m taking this meat back to the shop. (bukan I’m taking this meat to the shop
- Again dan kata kerja.
Dengan kata kerja, again biasanya bermakna pengulangan. Bandingkan kalimat-
kalimat pada (c) dan (d).
c. That was lovely. Can you play it again?
When I’ve recorded your voice I’ll play it back.
d. Eric was really bad mannered. I’m never going to invite him again.
She comes to our parties but she never invites us back.
- Bandingkan penggunaan sell back (untuk orang yang sama) dan sell again.

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e. The bike you sold me is too small. Can I sell it back to you?
f. If we buy this house and then have to move somewhere else, how easy will it be
to sell it again?
That’s for today. practice your English more and I’ll see you tomorrow.
161. Using because and because of

Because is a conjunction. It is used at the beginning of a clause, before a subject and verb.
Because of is a two-word preposition, used before a noun or pronoun. Compare.
a. We were late because it rained (not because of it rained) (= two clauses)
We were late because of the rain. (not because the rain) (= one clause)
b. I’m happy because I met you.
c. I’m happy because of you.

- Using just because … (it) doesn’t mean

This quite a common structure in informal speech.
d. Just because you’re old than me (it) doesn’t mean you can do what you like.
e. Just because I’m your brother (it) doesn’t mean you can keep asking me for money.
The (it) is omitted in informal speeches.
Because adalah kata sambung. Ia digunakan diawal klausa, sebelum subjek dan kata
kerja. Because of adalah preposisi, digunakan sebelum kata benda dan kata ganti.
a. We were late because it rained (bukan because of it rained) (= dua klausa)
We were late because of the rain. (bukan because the rain) (= satu klausa)
b. I’m happy because I met you.
c. I’m happy because of you.

- Menggunakan ungkapan just because … (it) doesn’t mean

Ungkapan ini sangat umum digunakan pada percakapan informal.
d. Just because you’re old than me (it) doesn’t mean you can do what you like.
e. Just because I’m your brother (it) doesn’t mean you can keep asking me for money.
kata (it) sering dibuang pada percakapan informal.
I’ll see you tomorrow for more English lessons.
162. Using been

Been is often used as a past participle of come and go.

a. Granny has been to see us twice since last year
b. I haven’t been to the theater for ages.
c. Have you ever been to New Zealand?
Note that been is only used for completed visits. Compare:
d. The postman’s already been. (he has come and gone away again.)
e. Jan’s come, so we ca start work. (she has come and is still here)
f. I’ve been to Jakarta three times this week.
g. Where’s Lucy? – she’s gone to Jakarta.

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Read again example (d) – (g).

Been sering digunakan untuk mengatakan come dan go (datang dan pergi).
a. Granny has been to see us twice since last year
b. I haven’t been to the theater for ages.
c. Have you ever been to New Zealand?
Ingat been hanya digunakan untuk kegiatan (kunjungan) yang telah selesai.
d. The postman’s already been. (he has come and gone away again.)
e. Jan’s come, so we ca start work. (she has come and is still here)
f. I’ve been to Jakarta three times this week.
g. Where’s Lucy? – she’s gone to Jakarta.
Baca lagi contoh (d) – (g). bedakan penggunaan come dan go dengan been. I’ll see you
163. Using future in the past

Sometimes when we are talking about the past, we want to talk about something which
was in the future at that time – which had not yet happened. To express this idea, we use
the structure that normally used to talk about the future, but we make the verb forms
past. for example, instead of is going to we use was going to; instead of present progressive
we use the past progressive; instead of will we use would; instead of is to we use was to.

a. Last time I saw you, you were going to start a new job.
b. I had no time to shop because I was leaving for Germany in two hours.
c. In 1999 I arrive in the town where I would spend ten years of my life.
d. I went to have a look at the room where I was to talk that afternoon.
Perfect forms of be going to are also possible.
e. I’ve been going to write to you for ages, but I’ve only found time.

Terkadang saat kita bercerita tentang masa lampau, kita mengungkapkan masadapan
(pada masa lampau) yang belum terjadi. Untuk mengungkapkan ini, kita menggunakan
struktur yang digunakan untuk masa dapan, tapi kita buat katakerja nya dalam bentuk
past. contohnya, is going to menjadi was going to; tidak menggunakan present progressive
tapi past progressive; will menjadi would; dan is to menjadi was to.

a. Last time I saw you, you were going to start a new job.
b. I had no time to shop because I was leaving for Germany in two hours.
c. In 1999 I arrive in the town where I would spend ten years of my life.
d. I went to have a look at the room where I was to talk that afternoon.
Bentuk Perfect dari be going to juga bisa digunakan.
e. I’ve been going to write to you for ages, but I’ve only found time.

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That’s for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.

164. Using get

This week we’re going to look in depth about get.

Get is one of the commonest words in English, and is used in many different ways. It is
sometimes avoided in a very formal style, but it is correct and natural in most kinds of
speech and writing.
The meaning of get depends on what kind of word comes after it. With a direct object,
the basic meaning is “obtain”, “come to have”; with other kinds of word, the basic
meaning is “become”, “come to be”.
a. I got a letter from Lucy this morning.
b. Can you come and get me from the station when I arrive?
c. If I listen to laud music I get a headache.
d. If you get a number 6 bus, it stops right outside our house
Get can be used with two objects
e. Let me get you a drink
Other meanings are sometimes possible.
f. I didn’t get the joke (understand)
g. I’ll get you for this, you bastard (punish, make suffer)
Minggu ini kita akan melihat secala menyeluruh penggunaan get.
Get adalah kata yang paling sering digunakan dalam Bahasa Inggris, dan digunakan
dengan berbagai cara.
Arti get tergantung pada kata yang datang setelahnya. Dengan objek langsung, arti get
adalah “obtain”, “come to have”; dengan jenis kata lain, get artinya “become”, “come to be”.
a. I got a letter from Lucy this morning.
b. Can you come and get me from the station when I arrive?
c. If I listen to laud music I get a headache.
d. If you get a number 6 bus, it stops right outside our house
Get bisa digunakan dengan 2 objek
e. Let me get you a drink
Get juga memiliki arti lainnya.
f. I didn’t get the joke (understand)
g. I’ll get you for this, you bastard (punish, make suffer)
That’s how we use get with noun or pronoun. Tomorrow we’re going to look at get +
adjective. See you tomorrow.
165. Using get with adjective

Before an adjective, get usually means “become”.

a. As you get old, your memory gets worse. (become old – become worse)
b. My feet are getting cold.
With object + adjective, the meaning is “make somebody/something become”.

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c. It’s time to get the kids ready for school.

d. I can’t get my hands warm
e. We must get the house clean before mother arrives
Get can be used with a past participle. This structure often has a reflexive meaning, to
talk about things that we “do to ourselves”. Common expressions are get washed, get
dressed, get lost, get drowned, get engaged/married/divorced.
f. You’ve got five minutes to get dressed.
g. She’s getting married in June.
Sebelum kata sifat, get biasanya bermakna “become” (menjadi).
a. As you get old, your memory gets worse. (menjadi tua – menjadi parah)
b. My feet are getting cold.
Dengan objek + kata sifat, arti get adalah “make somebody/something become”.
c. It’s time to get the kids ready for school.
d. I can’t get my hands warm
e. We must get the house clean before mother arrives
Get bisa digunakan dengan past participle. Struktur ini memiliki makna refleksi, untuk
membicarakan tentang hal yang kita lakukan sendiri.
Ekspresi yang paling sering adalah get washed, get dressed, get lost, get drowned, get
f. You’ve got five minutes to get dressed.
g. She’s getting married in June.

That’s for today, I’ll see you tomorrow.

166. Using get + adverb particle or preposition

Before an adverb particle (like up, away, out) or a preposition, get nearly always refers to
a movement of some kind.
a. I often get up at five o’clock
b. I went to see him, but he told me to get out.
c. Would you mind getting off my foot?
In some idioms the meaning is different – e.g. get to a place (arrive at…); get over something
(recover from); get on with somebody (have a good relationship with).
With an object, the structure usually means “make somebody/something move”.
d. You can’t get him out of bed in the morning.
e. Would you mind getting your papers off my desk?
f. Have you ever tried to get toothpaste back into the tube?
g. The car’s ok- it gets me from A to B.

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Sebelum adverbial (seperti up, away, out) atau preposisi lainnya, get hampir selalu
digunakan untuk pergerakan dalam gerakan tertentu.
a. I often get up at five o’clock
b. I went to see him, but he told me to get out.
c. Would you mind getting off my foot?
Dalam beberapa ungkapan, get memiliki makna berbeda seperti, get to a place (arrive
at…); get over something (recover from); get on with somebody (have a good relationship
Dengan sebuah objek, biasanya bermakna “membuat seseorang/sesuatu bergerak
d. You can’t get him out of bed in the morning.
e. Would you mind getting your papers off my desk?
f. Have you ever tried to get toothpaste back into the tube?
g. The car’s ok- it gets me from A to B.
There are many other meanings get can have. We’ll see them all tomorrow. see you then.

167. Using get with –ing and infinitive

Get + -ing is sometimes used informally to mean “start –ing”, especially in the
expressions get moving, get going.
a. We’d better get moving – it’s late.
With an infinitive, get can mean “manage”, have an opportunity” or “be allowed”.
b. We didn’t get to see her – she was too busy. (don’t have opportunity)
c. When do I get to merry your daughter? (allowed to merry)
Get + infinitive can also suggest gradual development
d. He’s nice when you get to know him.
e. You’ll get to speak English more easily as time goes by.
f. Bob’s getting to be a lovely kid.
Extra (got and gotten)
In British English the past participle of get is got. In American English the past participle
is gotten (e.g. you’ve gotten us in a lot of trouble.) except in the structure have got.
Get + -ing biasanya digunakan pada percakapan informal yang berarti “mulai
melakukan) contohnya get moving (mulai bergerak), get going (mulai pergi).
a. We’d better get moving – it’s late.
Dengan sebuah infinitif, get bermakna “mengatur”, “berkesampatan” atau “disetujui”.
b. We didn’t get to see her – she was too busy. (tidak berkesempatan berjumpa)
c. When do I get to merry your daughter? (disetujui menikahi)
Get + infinitive juga bisa digunakan untuk mengungkapakan parubahan berkala.
d. He’s nice when you get to know him.

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e. You’ll get to speak English more easily as time goes by.

f. Bob’s getting to be a lovely kid.
tambahan (got dan gotten)
dalam bahasa Inggris British past participle untuk get adalah got. Dalam Bahasa Inggris
amerika past participle nya adalah gotten (contohnya; you’ve gotten us in a lot of
trouble.) Kecuali pada struktur have got.
Read again the examples above and try to see the difference meaning of each example.
I’ll see you tomorrow.
168. Using get + object + verb form

Causative: don’t get him talking

Get + object + -ing means “make somebody/something star –ing”.

a. Don’t get him talking about his illnesses.
b. Once we got the heater going the car started to warm up.
Causative: get Susan to help us
Get + object + infinitive means “make somebody/something do something” or
“persuade to do something”: often for an idea of difficulty.
c. I can’t get that child to go to bed.
d. Get Susan to help us if you can
e. See if you can get the car to start.
Causative: get something done
Get + object + past participle can mean “cause something to be done by somebody else”.
The past participle has a passive meaning.
f. I must get my watch repaired (I want my watch to be repaired.)
g. I’m going to get my hair cut this afternoon.
Kausatif: don’t get him talking

Get + object + -ing artinya “membuat seseorang/sesuatu mulai melakukan”.

a. Don’t get him talking about his illnesses.
b. Once we got the heater going the car started to warm up.
kausatif: get Susan to help us
Get + object + infinitive artinya “membuat seseorang/sesuatu melakukan sesuatu” atau
“membujuk seseorang melakukan sesuatu”
c. I can’t get that child to go to bed.
d. Get Susan to help us if you can
e. See if you can get the car to start.
kausatif: get something done
Get + object + past participle artinya “menyebabkan sesuatu diselelaikan oleh orang lain”.
Past participle nya bermakna pasif.

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f. I must get my watch repaired (I want my watch to be repaired.)

g. I’m going to get my hair cut this afternoon.
This is the end of our topic on using get. I’ll see you tomorrow for more usable and on
the spot English lesson. See you.
169. Meanings of had batter

We use had better to give strong advice, or to tell people what to do (including ourselves).
a. You’d better turn that music down before dad gets angry.
b. It’s seven o’clock. I’d better put the meat in the oven.
Had better refers to the immediate future. It is more urgent than should or ought.
c. I really ought to go and see Fred one of these days. ~ well, you’d better do it soon –
he’s leaving for south Africa at the end of the month.
Had better is not used in polite request. Compare:
d. Could you help me, if you’ve got time? (request)
e. You’d better help me. If you don’t, there’ll be trouble. (order/threat)
Note that had better does not usually suggest that the action recommended would be
better than another one that is being considered – there is no idea of comparison. The
structure means “it would be good to …”, not “it would be better to …”.
had better digunakan untuk memberi saran, atau menyuruh orang melakukan sesuatu
(termasuk diri sendiri).
a. You’d better turn that music down before dad gets angry.
b. It’s seven o’clock. I’d better put the meat in the oven.
Had better menunjuk kapada masa depan yang dekat. Ia lebih penting dari pada should
atau ought. bandingkan:
c. I really ought to go and see Fred one of these days. ~ well, you’d better do it soon –
he’s leaving for south Africa at the end of the month.
Had better tidak digunakan untuk meminta sacara sopan. Bandingkan:
d. Could you help me, if you’ve got time? (meminta/mohon)
e. You’d better help me. If you don’t, there’ll be trouble. (menyuruh/mengancam)
Ingat bahwa had better tidak menunjukkan susuatu lebih baik dari yang lain – tidak
membandingkan perbuatan. Struktur had better bermakna “it would be good to …”, bukan
“it would be better to …”.
That’s it for today. I’ll see you tomorrow for the forms of had better. See you.
170. Forms of had better

Had better refers to the immediate future, but the form is always past (have better is
impossible). After had better we use the infinitive without to.
a. It’s late – you had better hurry up
(not you have better)

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(not you had better hurrying / to hurry)

We normally make the negative with had better not + infinitive.
b. You’d better not wake me up when you come in.
(you hadn’t better wake me… is possible but very unusual.)
A negative interrogative form hadn’t … better …? is possible
c. Hadn’t we better tell him the truth?
Normally emphatic short answer forms are as follows:
d. Shall I put my clothes away? – You’d better!
e. He says he won’t tell anybody. – he’d better not.
Had is sometimes dropped in very informal speech.
f. You better go now.
g. I better try again later.
Had better menunjukkan masa depan, tapi bentuknya selalu dalam bentuk past (have
better tidak bisa digunakan). setelah had better kita menggunakan infinitif tanpa to.
a. It’s late – you had better hurry up
(bukan you have better)
(bukan you had better hurrying / to hurry)
Normalnya, kalimat negative dengan had better + not + infinitive.
b. You’d better not wake me up when you come in.
(you hadn’t better wake me… bisa digunakan tapi sangat tidak normal.)
Kalimat tanya negatif bentuknya hadn’t … better …?
c. Hadn’t we better tell him the truth?
Had better bisa juga digunakan untuk merespon pertanyaan.
d. Shall I put my clothes away? – You’d better!
e. He says he won’t tell anybody. – he’d better not.
Had terkadang di buang pada percakapan informal.
f. You better go now.
g. I better try again later.
You’d better read again all examples above to understand the form and meaning. See
you tomorrow.
171. All about –ing

Ing: participles and gerunds

We can use –ing form (e.g. smoking walking) not only as verbs, but also like adjectives or
nouns. Compare:
a. You’re smoking too much these days. (verb: part of present progressive)
b. There was smoking cigarette end in the ashtray. (an adjective describing cigarette end)

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c. Smoking is bad for you (noun: subject of sentence)

When –ing form are used as verbs or adjectives, they are often called “present
participles”. (this is not a very suitable name, because these forms can refer to the past,
present or future.) When –ing used more like nouns, they are often called “gerunds”.
Perfect, passive and negative –ing forms
Note the structure of prefect, passive and negative –ing forms.
d. Having slept for twelve hours, I felt marvelous. (perfect)
e. She loves being looked at. (passive)
f. Not knowing what to do, I went home. (negative)
g. She’s angry about not having been invited. (negative perfect passive)
Ing: sebagai participles dan gerunds

Kita bisa menggunakan bentuk –ing (seperti smoking walking) tidak hanya sebagai kata
kerja, tapi bisa juga sebagai kata sifat dan kata benda. bandingkan:
a. You’re smoking too much these days. (kata kerja: bagian dari present progressive)
b. There was smoking cigarette end in the ashtray. (kata sifat )
c. Smoking is bad for you (kata benda: sebagai subjek)
Ketika bentuk –ing digunakan sebagai kata kerja dan kata sifat, ia disebut “present
participles”. Ketika –ing digunakan sebagai kata benda, ia disebut “gerunds”.
Bentuk Perfect, passive dan negative dari –ing
d. Having slept for twelve hours, I felt marvelous. (perfect)
e. She loves being looked at. (passive)
f. Not knowing what to do, I went home. (negative)
g. She’s angry about not having been invited. (negative perfect passive)
-ing is very complicated and complex. We’ll see more about –ing tomorrow. see you
172. –ing form or infinitive

-ing forms are often used in similar ways to infinitives. For instance, they can follow
certain verbs, adjectives or nouns. Compare:
a. He agreed to wait.
He suggested waiting. (not he suggested to wait.)
b. She’s ready to listen.
She’s good at listening. (not she’s good to listen.)
c. The need to talk
The idea of talking… (not the idea to talk)
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to decide which verbs, adjectives and nouns are
followed by –ing forms, and which are followed by infinitives. It is best to check in a
good dictionary.
Expressions with –ing forms can also be used as subjects in sentences, or as complements
after be. Infinitives are also possible in these cases, but they are much less common in
informal English. compare:

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d. Smoking cigarettes can kill you. (more natural than to smoke cigarettes can kill you.)
e. My favorite activity is reading thrillers. (more natural than My favorite activity is to
read thrillers.)
Bentuk -ing seringkali digunakan sama seperti infinitif. Contohnya, -ing bisa mengikuti
kata kerja, kata sifat atau kata benda. Bandingkan:
a. He agreed to wait.
He suggested waiting. (bukan he suggested to wait.)
b. She’s ready to listen.
She’s good at listening. (bukan she’s good to listen.)
c. The need to talk
The idea of talking… (bukan the idea to talk)
sayangnya, tidak ad acara yang mudah untuk memutuskan kata kerja, kata sifat dan
kata benda yang mana yang diikyti oleh bentuk – ing. Cara terbaik adalah melihat
Ekspresi dengan bentuk -ing bisa juga menjadi subjek kalimat, atau keterangan setelah
be. Infinitif juga bisa dilakukan, tetapi tidak terlalu sering digunakan dalam percakapan
informal. Bandingkan:
d. Smoking cigarettes can kill you. (lebih umum daripada to smoke cigarettes can kill you.)
e. My favorite activity is reading thrillers. (lebih umum daripada My favorite activity is to
read thrillers.)
Look again to the example (a) to (c). see the difference try to make your own example. I’ll
see you tomorrow.

173. More on –ing (gerund and participle)

The distinction between participles and gerunds is not always clear-cut, and it can
sometimes be difficult to decide which term to use.
-ing forms can be used before nouns. This can happen both with noun-like –ing forms
(gerunds) and adjective-like –ing forms (participle). The two structures do not have quite
the same kind of meaning. Compare:
a. A waiting room (= a room for waiting. Waiting is a gerund, used rather like a noun.
Compare a guest room)
A waiting train (= a train that is waiting. Waiting is a participle, used rather like an
adjective. Compare an early train).
b. A sleeping pill (sleeping is a gerund)
A sleeping child (sleeping is a participle)
c. Working conditions (gerund)
Working men and women (participle)

Perbedaan antara participles dan gerunds tidak mudah dibedakan.
Bentuk -ing bisa digunakan sebelum kata benda. Ini terjadi dengan bentuk –ing yang
seperti kata benda (gerund) dan bentuk –ing yang seperti kata sifat (participle). Kedua
struktur ini tidak memiliki makna yang sama. Bandingkan:

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d. A waiting room (= a room for waiting. Waiting adalah gerund, digunakan sama
seperti kata benda. bandingkan a guest room)
A waiting train (= a train that is waiting. Waiting adalah participle, digunakan sama
seperti kata sifat. Bandingkan an early train).
e. A sleeping pill (sleeping sebagai gerund)
A sleeping child (sleeping sebagai participle)
f. Working conditions (gerund)
Working men and women (participle)
I’ll see you tomorrow for more problems with –ing.
174. Using –ing with verbs

After some verbs we can use an –ing form (gerund), but not normally an infinitive
a. I enjoy travelling. (not I enjoy to travel.)
b. He’s finished mending the car. (not he’s finished to mend)
c. She’s given up smoking. (not … given up smoking)
Some common verb that are normally followed by –ing forms:
- Admit
- Appreciate
- Avoid
- Consider
- Deny
- Enjoy
- Prevent
- Forgive, etc.
Some verbs can be followed by both –ing forms and infinitives. Unfortunately, there is no
easy way to decide which structures are possible after a particular verb. It’s best to see a
Some of the verbs listed above, and some others, can be followed by object + -ing form.
d. I can’t imagine him working in an office.
e. Nobody can stop him doing what he wants to
Stop (in an informal style) and prevent are often followed by object + from + -ing form
f. Try to stop/prevent them from finding out.
Setelah beberapa kata kerja kita bisa menggunakan bentuk –ing (gerund), tapi jarang
menggunakan infinitif.
a. I enjoy travelling. (bukan I enjoy to travel.)
b. He’s finished mending the car. (bukan he’s finished to mend)
c. She’s given up smoking. (bukan … given up smoking)
Berikut beberapa kata kerja yang sering diikuti oleh bentuk –ing:
- Admit
- Appreciate
- Avoid
- Consider

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- Deny
- Enjoy
- Prevent
- Forgive, dll.
Beberapa kata kerja boleh diikuti oleh –ing dan infinitif. Sayangnya, sangat tidak mudak
menentukannya tanpa kamus.
Beberapa kata yang tertulis diatas, dan beberapa lain, bisa diikuti oleh object + -ing.
d. I can’t imagine him working in an office.
e. Nobody can stop him doing what he wants to
Stop (dalam bentuk informal) dan prevent sering diikuti oleh object + from + -ing form
f. Try to stop/prevent them from finding out.
I’ll see you tomorrow. don’t forget to check my email.

175. Using –ing with preposition.

Using –ing after all prepositions

When we put a verb after a preposition, we normally use an –ing from (gerund), not an
a. You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs. (not … without to break eggs)
b. Always check the oil before starting the car. (not … before to start the cat)
c. They painted the house instead of going on holiday (not … instead to go …)
Using –ing after preposition to
To is actually two different words. It can be an infinitive marker, used to show that the
next words in an infinitive (e.g. to swim, to laugh). It can also be a prepositions, followed by
for example a noun (eg. She’s gone to the park, I will talk to her).
When to is a preposition, it can be followed by the –ing form of a verb, but not normally
by the infinitive. Common expression in which this happens are look forward to, object to,
be used to, prefer (doing one thing to doing another), get round to, in addition to.
In the following examples, note how the preposition to can be followed by either a noun
or an –ing form.
- Looking forward to your next letter.
Looking forward to hearing from you. (not … to hear from you)
- Do you object to Sunday work?
Do you object to working on Sundays?
- I’m not used to London traffic
I’m not used to driving in London
- I prefer the seaside to the mountains.
I prefer swimming to walking.
- I’ll get round to the washing up sooner or later.
I’ll get round to doing the washing up sooner or later.

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A few verbs and adjectives are used with to before nouns, but are followed by infinitives
of verbs. Examples are agree, consent, entitled, inclined, prone.
d. She agreed to our plan. / she agreed to do what we wanted.
e. He’s inclined to anger. / he’s inclined to lose his temper.

menggunakan –ing setelah semua proposisi

Ketika kita meletakkan kata kerja setelah preposition, bisanya kita mengginakan bentul –
ing (gerund), bukan bentuk infinitif.
a. You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs. (bukan … without to break eggs)
b. Always check the oil before starting the car. (bukan … before to start the cat)
c. They painted the house instead of going on holiday (bukan … instead to go …)
menggunakan –ing setelah preposisi to
To adalah dua kata yang berbeda. Ia bisa digunakan sebagai penanda infinitif,
digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa kata selanjutnya adalah infinitif (seperti, to swim,
to laugh). Ia bisa juga sebagai prepositions, yang diikuti oleh kata benda (contohnya, She’s
gone to the park, I will talk to her).
Ketika to sebagai preposisi, ia bisa diikuti oleh kata kerja bentuk –ing, tapi tidak dengan
infinitif. Expressi umum adalah look forward to, object to, be used to, prefer (doing one thing
to doing another), get round to, in addition to.
Perhatikan contoh berikut bagaimana preposisi to bisa diikuti oleh noun atau bentuk –
- Looking forward to your next letter.
Looking forward to hearing from you. (bukan … to hear from you)
- Do you object to Sunday work?
Do you object to working on Sundays?
- I’m not used to London traffic
I’m not used to driving in London
- I prefer the seaside to the mountains.
I prefer swimming to walking.
- I’ll get round to the washing up sooner or later.
I’ll get round to doing the washing up sooner or later.
Beberapa kata kerja dan kata sifat digunakan dengan to sebelum kata benda, tapi diikuti
oleh infinitif contohnya, agree, consent, entitled, inclined, prone.
d. She agreed to our plan. / she agreed to do what we wanted.
e. He’s inclined to anger. / he’s inclined to lose his temper.
I’ll see you tomorrow.
176. Inversion: verb before subject

We put an auxiliary verb (and non-auxiliary have and be) directly before the subject of a
clause in several different structures.
- Questions

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a. Have your father and mother arrived? (not have arrived your father and mother?)
b. Where is the concert taking place? (not Where is taking place the concert?)
Spoken questions do not always have this word order
c. You’re coming tomorrow?
Indirect questions do not usually have this order
d. I wonder what time the film was starting (not …what time was the film starting.)
However, in formal writing inversion is sometimes used with be in indirect questions
after how, especially when the subject is long.
e. I wondered how reliable was the information I had been given.
Kita meletakkan kata bantu (juga have dan be) langsung sebelum subjek dengan
beberapa struktur.
- Kalimat tanya
a. Have your father and mother arrived? (bukan have arrived your father and mother?)
b. Where is the concert taking place? (bukan Where is taking place the concert?)
Dalam pertanyaan sehari-hari, kalimat tanyanya tidak selalu seperti yang diatas.
c. You’re coming tomorrow?
Pertanyaan tidak langsung tidak dalam bentuk ini.
d. I wonder what time the film was starting (bukan …what time was the film starting.)
Namun, dalam tulisan formal inversion terkadang digunakan dengan be dalam kalimat
tidak langsung setelah how, terlebih saat subjek nya panjang.
e. I wondered how reliable was the information I had been given.
Remember when you’re asking questions, sometimes the verb and the subject are
inverted. Check me back tomorrow for more inversion rules.
177. Inversion: exclamations

We put an auxiliary verb (and non-auxiliary have and be) directly before the subject of a
clause in several different structures.

Exclamations often have the form of negative questions.

a. Isn’t it cold?
b. Hasn’t she got lovely eyes?
In spoken American English, exclamations often have the same from as ordinary (non-
negative) questions.
c. Have you got a surprise coming!
d. Was I mad!
Inversion with may
May can come before the subject in wishes.

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e. May all your wishes come true!

f. May he rot in hell!
Inversion after so, neither, nor
In “short answers” and similar structures, these words are followed by auxiliary verb +
g. I’m hungry. ~ so am I
h. I don’t like opera. ~ neither/nor do I.
Kita meletakkan kata bantu (juga have dan be) langsung sebelum subjek dengan
beberapa struktur.

Kalimat seru sering berbentuk sama seperti kalimat pertanyaan negatif.

a. Isn’t it cold?
b. Hasn’t she got lovely eyes?
Dalam American English, kalimat seru memiliki bentuk sama seperti kalimat tanya.
c. Have you got a surprise coming!
d. Was I mad!
Inversion dengan may
May bisa datang sebelum subjek dalam ungkapan harapan.
e. May all your wishes come true!
f. May he rot in hell!
Inversion setelah so, neither, nor
dalam “jawaban singkat” dan struktur sama lainnya, kata-kata ini diikuti oleh kata
bantu + subejek.
g. I’m hungry. ~ so am I
h. I don’t like opera. ~ neither/nor do I.

178. More on inversion

Inversion after negative and restrictive expressions

If a negative adverb or adverbial expression is put at the beginning of a clause for
emphasis, it is usually followed by auxiliary verb + subject. these structures are mostly
rather formal.
a. Under no circumstances can we cash checks
b. At no time was the president aware of what was happening.
c. Not until much later did she learn who her real father was.
The same structure is possible after a complete clause beginning not until…
d. Not until he received her letter did he fully understand her feelings.
Inversion is also used after restrictive words like hardly (in BrE), seldom, rarely, little and
never, and after only + time expression. This is formal or literary.
e. Hardly had I arrived when trouble started. (BrE)

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f. Seldom have I seen such a remarkable creature.

g. Little did he realize the danger he faced
h. Not only did we lose our money, but we were nearly killed.
Inversion is not used after not far … and not long…
i. Not far from here you can see foxes. (not not far from here can you …)
j. Not long after that she got married.
Inversion setelah kalimat negatif dan ekspresi membatasi (restrictive expressions)
Jika kata keteranga negarif atau adverbial diletakkan di awal kalimat untuk
menegaskan, biasanya diikuti oleh auxiliary verb + subject.
a. Under no circumstances can we cash checks
b. At no time was the president aware of what was happening.
c. Not until much later did she learn who her real father was.
Struktur yang sama juga bisa setelah klausa lengkap yang dimulai dengan not until…
d. Not until he received her letter did he fully understand her feelings.
Inversion juga digunakan untuk kata-kata seperti hardly (dalam BrE), seldom, rarely, little
dan never, dan setelah only + time expression.
e. Hardly had I arrived when trouble started. (BrE)
f. Seldom have I seen such a remarkable creature.
g. Little did he realize the danger he faced
h. Not only did we lose our money, but we were nearly killed.
Inversion tidak digunakan setelah not far … dan not long…
i. Not far from here you can see foxes. (bukan not far from here can you …)
j. Not long after that she got married.
Read again examples above to understand the meaning and know how to invert subject
and verb. I’ll see you tomorrow.
179. More on inversion (whole verb before subject)

After adverbial expression of place

When an adverbial expression of place or direction comes at the beginning of a clause,

intransitive verbs are often put before their subjects. This happens especially when a new
indefinite subject is being introduced. The structure is most common in literary and
descriptive writing.
a. Under a tree was lying one of the biggest men I had ever seen.
b. On the grass sat an enormous frog.
c. Directly in front of them stood a great castle.
d. Along the road came a strange procession.
This structure is often used in speech with here, there and other short adverbs and adverb
e. Here comes Freddy! (not Here Freddy comes.)
f. There goes your brother.

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g. I stopped the car and up walked a policeman.

h. The door opened and out came Angela’s boyfriend.
If the subject is a pronoun, it goes before the verb.
i. Here she comes. (not here comes she.)
j. Off we go!
Inversion setelah ekspresi tempat

Ketika ekspresi tempat or tujuan datang diawal kalimat, kata kerja transitif diletakkan
sebelum subjek. Ini terjadi jika subjek diterangkan.
a. Under a tree was lying one of the biggest men I had ever seen.
b. On the grass sat an enormous frog.
c. Directly in front of them stood a great castle.
d. Along the road came a strange procession.
Struktur ini digunakan dalam percakapan dengan kata here, there dan kata keterangan
e. Here comes Freddy! (bukan Here Freddy comes.)
f. There goes your brother.
g. I stopped the car and up walked a policeman.
h. The door opened and out came Angela’s boyfriend.
Jika subjeknya adalah kata ganti, ia datang sebelum kata kerja.
i. Here she comes. (bukan here comes she.)
j. Off we go!

180. Inversion (conditional and reporting clauses)

- Conditional
In formal and literary conditional clauses, an auxiliary verb can be put before the subject
instead of using if.
a. Were she my daughter … (= if she were my daughter …)
b. Had I realized what you intended … (= if I had realized …)
Negative are not contracted in this case.
c. Had we not spent all our money already, … (not hadn’t we spent …)

- Reporting
In story-telling, the subject often comes after reporting verbs like said, asked, suggested etc.
when these follow direct speech.
d. “what do you mean?” asked Henry. (or … Henry asked.)
e. “I love you.” Whispered Nina.
If the subject is a pronoun, it usually comes before the verb.

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f. “what do you mean?” he asked.

- Kalimat kondisional

Dalam kalimat formal dan kesusastraan, kata bantu (auxiliary) boleh diletakkan sebelum
subjek daripada menggunakan if.
g. Were she my daughter … (= if she were my daughter …)
h. Had I realized what you intended … (= if I had realized …)
Kalimat negarif tidak di singkat dalam bentuk ini.
i. Had we not spent all our money already, … (bukan hadn’t we spent …)

- Reporting
Dalam bercerita, subjek sering datang setelah kata kerja tidak langsung (reporting verbs)
seperti said, asked, suggested dll.
j. “what do you mean?” asked Henry. (atau … Henry asked.)
k. “I love you.” Whispered Nina.
Jika subjek nya adalah kata ganti, ia biasanya datang sebelum kata kerja.
l. “what do you mean?” he asked.
That’s the end of our discussion on inversion. Read again the examples and try to use
them on your writing and speaking. I’ll see you tomorrow.

181. Noun + complement: what can follow a noun?

Hi, this week we’re going to learn the nouns and how they are used in sentences.

Many nouns, especially abstract nouns, can be followed by complements” – other words
and expressions that ‘complete’ their meaning. These complements can be prepositional
phrases, infinitive expressions or clauses (with or without prepositions).
a. Alan’s criticism of the plan made him very unpopular.
b. I hate the thought of leaving you.
c. Does she understand the need to keep everything secret?
d. I admire your belief that you are always right.
e. There’s still the questions of whether we’re going to pay her.

Many nouns can be followed by more than one kind of complement.

f. He didn’t give any reason for the changes

g. You’ve no reason to get angry
h. The main reason why I don’t believe her is this.

Not all nouns can be followed by all kinds of complement.

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i. The idea of marriage

The idea that I might get married (but not the idea to get married)
j. Freedom to choose
Freedom of choice (but not freedom of choosing)

Not that a related noun and verb may have different kinds of complement.

k. I have no intention of resigning.

l. I do not intend to resign.

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to decide which structures are possible after a
particular noun. It is best to check in a good dictionary.


Hi, minggu ini kita akan belajar tentang kata benda dan bagaimana ia digunakan dalam

Kebanyakan kata benda, khususnya kata benda abstrak, bisa diikuiti oleh pelengkap –
kata lain atau ekspresi yang melengkapi makna. Pelengkap ini bisa berbentuk
prepositional phrases, infinitive expressions atau clauses
a. Alan’s criticism of the plan made him very unpopular.
b. I hate the thought of leaving you.
c. Does she understand the need to keep everything secret?
d. I admire your belief that you are always right.
e. There’s still the questions of whether we’re going to pay her.

Banyak kata benda bisa diikuti oleh banyak jenis pelengkap.

f. He didn’t give any reason for the changes

g. You’ve no reason to get angry
h. The main reason why I don’t believe her is this.

Tidak semua kata benda bisa diikuti oleh semua bentuk pelengkap.

i. The idea of marriage

The idea that I might get married (bukan the idea to get married)
j. Freedom to choose
Freedom of choice (bukan freedom of choosing)
182. Using noun + noun: milk chocolate, chocolate milk

Many common ideas in English are expressed by noun + noun compounds. In this
structure, the first noun modifies or describes the second, a little like an adjective.
a. Milk chocolate (a kind of chocolate)
Chocolate milk (a kind of milk)
b. A horse race (a kind of race)
A race horse (a kind of horse)
c. Mineral water (a king of water)

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Noun + noun expressions can often be changed into structures where the second noun
becomes a subject and first an object.

d. An oil well (a well that produces oil)

e. A sheepdog (a dog that looks after sheep)
f. The airport bus (the bus that goes to the airport)

Note that the first noun is usually singular in form, even if it has a plural meaning.

g. A shoe shop (a shop that sells shoes)

h. A horse race (a race for horses)
i. A toothbrush (a brush for teeth)
j. A ticket office (an office that sells tickets)


Banyak gagasan umum dalam Bahasa Inggris di ekspresikan dengan noun + noun
compounds (kata majemuk). Dalam struktur ini, kata benda benda pertama memberikan
makna tambahan kepada kata benda kedua, seperti kata sifat. Bandingkan:
a. Milk chocolate (a kind of chocolate)
Chocolate milk (a kind of milk)
b. A horse race (a kind of race)
A race horse (a kind of horse)
c. Mineral water (a king of water)

Ekspresi kata benda + kata benda bisa diubah menjadi struktur dimana kata benda
kedua menjadi subjek dan yang pertaman menjadi objek.

d. An oil well (a well that produces oil)

e. A sheepdog (a dog that looks after sheep)
f. The airport bus (the bus that goes to the airport)

Ingat bahwa kata benda pertama biasanya berbentuk tunggal, walaupun ia bermakna

g. A shoe shop (a shop that sells shoes)

h. A horse race (a race for horses)
i. A toothbrush (a brush for teeth)
j. A ticket office (an office that sells tickets)

183. Using More than two nouns

Articles belonging to the first (modifying) noun are dropped in noun + noun
a. Army officers (officers in the army)
b. A sun hat (a hat that protects you against the sun)

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More than two nouns can be put together. A group of two nouns can modify a third
noun, these can modify a fourth, and so on.

c. Oil production costs

d. Road accident research center

This kind of structure is very common in newspaper headlines because it saves space

Not all compound ideas can be expressed by a noun + noun structure. Sometimes it is
necessary to use a structure with of or another propositions; sometimes a structure with
possessive ‘s is used.

e. A feeling of disappointment (not a disappointment feeling)

f. Letters from home (not home letters)
g. Cow’s milk (not cow milk)

Some short, common noun + noun combinations are generally written together like
single words.

Bathroom, lampshade, seaside (not railwaystations)

Other may be written with a hyphen (e.g. letter-box) or separately (e.g. furniture shop).
In many cases usage varies, and some combinations can be found written in all three
ways (e.g. bookshop, book-shop, or book shop).


Articles punya kata benda pertama dibuang dalam kombinasi 2 kata benda.
a. Army officers (officers in the army)
b. A sun hat (a hat that protects you against the sun)

Lebih dari 2 kata benda bisa diletakkan bersamaan. Kumpulan 2 kata benda bisa
memberi makna kepada kata benda ketiga, ini bisa memberi makna kepada kata benda
keempat, dan seterusnya.

c. Oil production costs

d. Road accident research center

Struktur seperti ini sangat umum digunakan dalam koran karena menyimpan tempat.

Tidak semua ide kata majmuk bisa diekspresikan dengan 2 kata benda. Terkadang perlu
ditambah preposisi lain, terkadang menggunakan kepunyaan.

e. A feeling of disappointment (not a disappointment feeling)

f. Letters from home (not home letters)
g. Cow’s milk (not cow milk)

Kombinasi 2 kata benda umumnya ditulis sebagai satu kata tanpa spasi.

Bathroom, lampshade, seaside (bukan railwaystations)

Beberapa ada yang ditulis dengan tanda penghubung (letter-box) atau di pisah
(furniture shop). Dalam banyak kasus, penggunaannya berbeda, dan beberapa
kombinasi bisa ditulis dengan ketiga cara (bookshop, book-shop, atau book shop).

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Practice more. I’ll see you tomorrow.

184. participles (-ing and –ed forms)

when –ing forms are used in certain ways, for example as parts of verb forms, or like
adjectives they are called ‘present participles’. Forms like broken, gone, opened, started
are called ‘past participles’. These are not very suitable names: both forms can be used to
talk about the past, present or future.

a. She was crying when I say her.

b. Who’s the man talking to Eli?
c. This time tomorrow I’ll be lying on the beach.

Participles are used with the auxiliary verbs be and have to make progressive, perfect and
passive verb forms.

d. It was raining when I got home

e. I’ve forgotten your name
f. You’ll be told as soon as possible

Present and past participles can be put together to make progressive and perfect forms
(e.g. being employed, having arrived, etc).

Participles can be used like adjectives.

g. I love the noise of falling rain

h. She says she’s got a broken heart

Sometimes participles are used like adverbs.

i. She ran screaming out of the room.

Try to see the difference among all use of the participles in the examples.


Ketika bentuk –ing digunakan untuk cara tertentu, contohnya sebagai bagian dari kata
kerja, atau seperti kata sifat, disebut ‘present participles’. Bentuk seperti broken, gone,
opened, started disebut ‘past participles’. Ini merupakan nama yang kurang cocok;
kedua bentuk ini bisa digunakan untuk past, present dan future.

a. She was crying when I say her.

b. Who’s the man talking to Eli?
c. This time tomorrow I’ll be lying on the beach.

Participle digunakan dengan kata bantuk be dan have untuk membuat kata kerja bentuk
progressive, perfect dan passive.

d. It was raining when I got home

e. I’ve forgotten your name
f. You’ll be told as soon as possible

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Present dan past participles bisa digunakan bersamaan untuk bentuk progressive dan
perfect (e.g. being employed, having arrived, dll).

Participles bisa digunakan seperti kata sifat.

g. I love the noise of falling rain

h. She says she’s got a broken heart

Terkadang, participle digunakan seperti kata keterangan.

i. She ran screaming out of the room.

Coba lihat perbadaan penggunaan participle pada contoh – contoh di atas. I’ll see you

185. Participles (active and passive)

When –ing forms are used like adjectives or adverbs, they have similar meanings to active verbs.
a. Falling leaves (leaves that fall)
b. A meat-eating animal (animal that eats meat).
c. She walked out smiling. (she was smiling)
Most past participles have passive meaning when they are used like adjectives or adverbs.
d. A broken heart (a heart that has been broken)
e. He lived alone, forgotten by everybody. (he had been forgotten by everybody)
Interested, bore, excited etc say how people feel.
Interesting, boring etc describe the people or things that cause the feelings. Compare:
f. I was very interested in the lesson. (not I was very interesting in the lesson.)
The lesson was really interesting.
g. I didn’t enjoy the party because I was bored. (not … I was boring)
It was a terribly boring party.
h. The children always get excited when Granny comes. (not the children always get exciting
Ketika bentuk –ing digunakan seperti kata sifat atau kata keterangan, ia bermakna sama seperti
kata kerja aktif.
a. Falling leaves (daun yang jatuh)
b. A meat-eating animal (binatang yang memakan daging).
c. She walked out smiling. (dia senyum)
Kebanyakan past participles bermakna pasif ketika ia digunakan sebagai kata sifat atau kata
keterangan - adverbs.
d. A broken heart (hati yang dipatahkan)
e. He lived alone, forgotten by everybody. (dia telah dilupakan)
Interested, bore, excited dll mengatakan bagaimana perasaan orang.
Interesting, boring dll menunjukkan orang atau benda yang menyebabkan perasaan. bandingkan:

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f. I was very interested in the lesson. (bukan I was very interesting in the lesson.)
The lesson was really interesting.
g. I didn’t enjoy the party because I was bored. (bukan … I was boring)
It was a terribly boring party.
h. The children always get excited when Granny comes. (bukan the children always get exciting
That’s for today. I’ll see you tomorrow for more lessons.
186. Active past participles

Last email we talked about past participles have passive meanings. Now we’re going to look at
some past participles can be used with active meanings, but only with adverbs. Examples:
a. A well-read person (but not a read person)
b. A much-travelled man
c. Recently arrived immigrants
d. The train just arrived at platform six is the delayed from Hereford.
Some active past participles can be used after be. Examples:
e. She is retired now
f. Those curtains are badly faded.
g. My family are all grown up now
Recovered, camped, stopped, finished and gone are used in this way after be, but not usually
before nouns.
a. Why are all those cars stopped at the crossroads?
b. I hope you’re fully recovered from your operations.
c. I’ll be finished in a few minutes.
Past participles after nouns.
We often use participles after nouns in order to define or identify the nouns, in the same way as
we use identifying relative clauses.
d. We couldn’t agree on any of the problems discussed (not the discussed problems)
e. The people questioned gave very different opinions. (not the questioned people)
Those is often used with a participle to mean “the ones who are/were”.
f. Most of those questioned refused to answer
g. Those selected will begin training on Monday.
Surel sebelumnya kita membahas tentang past participle yang memiliki makna pasif. Kali ini kita
akan melihat beberapa past participle yang memiliki makna aktif, tetapi hanya dengan kata
keterangan. Contohnya:
a. A well-read person (bukan not a read person)
b. A much-travelled man
c. Recently arrived immigrants
d. The train just arrived at platform six is the delayed from Hereford.
Beberapa past participles aktif bisa digunakan setelah be. contohnya:
e. She is retired now

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f. Those curtains are badly faded.

g. My family are all grown up now
Recovered, camped, stopped, finished dan gone digunakan setelah be, tetapi tidak sering
digunakan sebelum kata benda.
h. Why are all those cars stopped at the crossroads?
i. I hope you’re fully recovered from your operations.
j. I’ll be finished in a few minutes.
Past participles setelah kata benda.
participles sering digunakan setelah kata benda untuk mendefinisikan kata benda, sama seperti
kita memberi makna klausa relative.
k. We couldn’t agree on any of the problems discussed (bukan the discussed problems)
l. The people questioned gave very different opinions. (bukan the questioned people)
Those sering digunakan dengan participle yang berarti “yang melakukan/yang itu”.
m. Most of those questioned refused to answer
n. Those selected will begin training on Monday.
That’s how we use past participle to say active meaning. I’ll see you tomorrow.
187. Much or very with past participles

When a past participle is part of a passive verb, we can put much or very much before it, but not
a. He’s (very) much admired by his students. (not … very admired …)
b. Britain’s trade position has been (very) much weakened by inflation. (not … very weakened
When a past participle is used as an adjective, we usually prefer very. This is common with words
referring to mental states, feelings and reactions.
c. A very frightened animal (not a much frightened animal)
d. She looked very surprised.
Common expressions:
e. That’s Alice, unless I’m (very) much mistaken. (not … unless I’m very mistaken)
f. He’s well known in the art world. (not … very known…)
With amused, very and (very) much are both possible.
g. I was very amused /much amused/ very much amused by Miranda’s performance.
Special past participle forms
A few older forms of past participles are still used as adjectives before nouns in certain
h. Drunken laughter/singing
i. A shrunken head
j. Rotten fruit/vegetables

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Ketika past participle adalah bagian dari kata kerja pasif, kita menambahkan much atau very much
sebelumnya, tetapi tidak very.
a. He’s (very) much admired by his students. (bukan … very admired …)
b. Britain’s trade position has been (very) much weakened by inflation. (bukan … very
weakened …)
Ketika past participle digunakan sebagai kata sifat, biasanya digunakan very untuk merujuk pada
kata abstrak, perasaan, dan reaksi..
c. A very frightened animal (bukan a much frightened animal)
d. She looked very surprised.
Ekspresi yang umum digunakan:
e. That’s Alice, unless I’m (very) much mistaken. (bukan … unless I’m very mistaken)
f. He’s well known in the art world. (bukan … very known…)
Dengan kata amused, very dan (very) much keduanya boleh digunakan.
g. I was very amused /much amused/ very much amused by Miranda’s performance.
Bentuk special past participles.
Beberapa bentuk lama dari participles masih digunakan sebagai kata sifat sebelum kata benda
dalam ekspresi tertentu.
h. Drunken laughter/singing
i. A shrunken head
j. Rotten fruit/vegetables
That’s it for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.
188. More on past tenses

We use the simple past for many kinds of past events: short, quickly finished actions and
happenings, longer situations, and repeated events.
a. Peter broke a window last night.
b. I spent all my childhood in Scotland.
c. Regularly every summer, Janet fell in love.
The simple past is common in stories and descriptions of past events.
d. One day the Princess decided that she didn’t like staying at home all day, so she told her
father that she wanted to get a job…
The simple past is often used with words referring to finished times.
e. I saw John yesterday morning. He told me …
In general, the simple past tense in the ‘normal’ one for talking about the past; we use it if we do
not have a special reason for using one of the other tenses.
Kita menggunakan the simple past untuk banyak kejadian lampau: many kinds of past events:
short, kejadian yang telah selesai, situasi yang lama, kejadian yang berulang.
a. Peter broke a window last night.
b. I spent all my childhood in Scotland.

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c. Regularly every summer, Janet fell in love.

The simple past sering digunakan dalam cerita dan menjelaskan kejadian lampau.
d. One day the Princess decided that she didn’t like staying at home all day, so she told her
father that she wanted to get a job…
The simple past juga sering digunakan untuk kata yang merujuk pada waktu telah selesai.
e. I saw John yesterday morning. He told me …
Umumnya, tensis simple past adalah hal yang ‘normal’ untuk berbicada tentang masa lampau;
kita menggunakannya jika kita tidak memiliki alasan untuk menggunakan tensis lain.
I’ll see you tomorrow.
189. Past progressive: use and form

Forms of past progressive

Was/were + -ing
a. I was working.
b. Were you listening to me?
c. She was not trying.
Use of past progressive: what were you doing at eight o’clock
We use the past progressive to say that something was in progress (going on) around a particular
past time.
a. What were you doing at eight o’clock yesterday evening? – I was watching tv. (not what did
you do … ? I watched tv)
b. When I got up this morning the sun was shining, the birds were singing … (not the sun shone,
the birds sang …)
Remember! In the Past progressive, things happen around a past time.
Past progressive and simple past: “background” events
We often use the past progressive together with a simple past tense. the past progressive refers to
a longer “background” action or situation; the simple past refers to a shorter action or event that
happened in the middle of the longer action, or that interrupted it.
a. As I was walking down the road, I saw bill.
b. The phone rang while I was having dinner.
Bentuk dari past progressive

Was/were + -ing
a. I was working.
b. Were you listening to me?
c. She was not trying.
Penggunaan past progressive: what were you doing at eight o’clock

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Kita menggunakan past progressive untuk mengatakan bahwa sesuatu dalam proses (sedang
berlangsung) pada waktu lampau tertentu.
c. What were you doing at eight o’clock yesterday evening? – I was watching tv. (bukan what
did you do … ? I watched tv)
d. When I got up this morning the sun was shining, the birds were singing … (bukan the sun
shone, the birds sang …)
Ingat! dalam Past progressive, sesuatu terjadi pada masa lampau.
Past progressive dan simple past:
Kita sering menggunakan the past progressive bersamaan dengan simple past. past progressive
merujuk pada aksi atau situasi yang lebih lama; simple past merujuk pada aksi yang lebih pendek
yang terjadi di pertengahan kejadian yang lebih lama.
c. As I was walking down the road, I saw bill.
d. The phone rang while I was having dinner.
Try to make your own sentences by using simple and progressive past tenses. I’ll see you
tomorrow for more past tenses.
190. More on past progressive

Don’t use past progressive for repeated actions

The past progressive is not the normal tense for talking about repeated or habitual past actions.
The simple past is usually used with this meaning.
a. I rang the bell six times. (not I was ringing the bell six times.)
b. When I was a child we made our own amusements. (not … were making our own
However, the past progressive is possible if the repeated actions form a ‘background’ for the main
c. At the time when it happened, I was travelling to New York a lot.
Special uses
Because we often use the past progressive to talk about something that is a ‘background’, not the
main ‘news’, we can make something seem less important by using this tense. compare:
d. I had lunch with the president yesterday. (important piece of news)
e. I was having lunch with the president yesterday, and she said … (as if there was nothing
special for the speaker about lunching with the president)
The past progressive is quite often used with verbs of saying: this gives more relative importance
to the following verb – to what is said.
f. John was saying that he still can’t find a job.
With always, continually and similar words, the past progressive can be used for things that
happened repeatedly and unexpectedly or in an unplanned way.
g. Aunt Lucy was always turning up without warning and bringing us presents.
h. I didn’t like him – he was continually borrowing money.

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Kita tidak gunakan past progressive untuk perkerjaan yang berulang

past progressive tidak normal digunakan untuk berbicara tentang aktifitas masa lampau kebiasaan
atau kegiatan yang berulang. Simple past yang biasa digunakan untuk makna yang seperti ini..
a. I rang the bell six times. (bukan I was ringing the bell six times.)
b. When I was a child we made our own amusements. (bukan … were making our own
namun, past progressive boleh digunakan jika kegiatan yang berulang membentuk sebuah
“terkait” untuk kegiatan utama.
c. At the time when it happened, I was travelling to New York a lot.
Penggunaan khusus.
Dikarenakan kita sering menggunakan past progressive untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang
“terkait”, bukan “berita” utama, kita bisa membuat sesuatu Nampak kurang penting dengan
menggunakan tense ini. Bandingkan:
d. I had lunch with the president yesterday. (berita yang penting)
e. I was having lunch with the president yesterday, and she said … (seperti tidak ada yang
spesial bagi penutur makan siang bersama presiden.)
Past progressive sering digunakan dengan kata kerja saying.
f. John was saying that he still can’t find a job.
Dengan always, continually dan kata yang sama lainnya, past progressive bisa digunakan untuk
hal yang terjadi berulang dan tidak diinginkan atau tidak di rencanakan.
g. Aunt Lucy was always turning up without warning and bringing us presents.
h. I didn’t like him – he was continually borrowing money.
I’ll see you tomorrow for more English lessons. Don’t forget to check my email.
191. Past perfect: meanings and forms

For the next several days, we’re going to look at past perfect tenses.

The forms
Had + past participle
a. I had forgotten
b. Where had she been?
c. It hadn’t rain for weeks.
Meaning and uses.
The basic meaning of the past perfect is ‘is earlier past’. a common use is to ‘go back’ for a
moment when we are already talking about the past to make it clear that something had already
happened at the time we are talking about.
a. During our conversation, I realized that we had met before. (not I realized that we met before
or … have met before)
b. When I arrived at the party, Lucy had already gone home. (not … Lucy already went home.
Or … has already gone home.)
The past perfect is common after past verbs of saying and thinking, to talk about things that had
happened before the saying or thinking took place.

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c. I told her that I had finished. (not … that I (have) finished)

d. I wondered who had left the door open.
e. I thought I had sent the check a week before.
Note: past perfect is used when we are already talking about the past, and want to talk about an
earlier past
When I arrived at the party, Lucy had already gone home.

I arrived (past)
Lucy had already gone (earlier past)
Bentuk past perfect
Had + past participle
a. I had forgotten
b. Where had she been?
c. It hadn’t rain for weeks.
Makna dan penggunaan.
Makna utama dari past perfect adalah “masa lampau sebelumnya”. Penggunaan yang umum
adalah “kembali lagi” sebentar pada waktu dimana kita telah berbicara tentang masa lampau
untuk menegaskan bahwa sesuatu telah terjadi pada saat kita sedang berbicara.
d. During our conversation, I realized that we had met before. (bukan I realized that we met
before atau … have met before)
e. When I arrived at the party, Lucy had already gone home. (bukan … Lucy already went
home. atau … has already gone home.)
past perfect sangat sering digunakan dengan kata kerja saying dan thinking, untuk berbcara
tentang hal yang telah terjadi sebelumnya sebelum berbicara (saying) atau berfikir (thinking).
f. I told her that I had finished. (bukan … that I (have) finished)
g. I wondered who had left the door open.
h. I thought I had sent the check a week before.
Note: past perfect digunakan saat kita telah berbicara tentang masa lampau (the past), dan ingin
berbicara tentang masa lampau sebelumnya.
When I arrived at the party, Lucy had already gone home.

I arrived (past)
Lucy had already gone (earlier past)
Thanks for keeping studying with me. I’ll share more lesson tomorrow. don’t forget to check my
192. When to use and not use past perfect

The past perfect is normally only used as described on previous email. The past perfect is not
used simply to say that something happened some time ago or to give a past reason for a present
a. Alex, who worked for my father in the 1980, is now living in Greece. (not Alex, who had
worked for my father …)

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b. I left some photos to be developed. Are they ready yet? (not I had left some phots…)
We use a past perfect, not simple past, to say how long something had continued up to a past
moment. A simple past perfect is used with “non- progressive verbs’ like be, have and know.
c. She told me that her father had been ill since the spring semester. (not … that her father was
ill since …)
d. I was sorry to sell my car. I had had it since college. (not ... I had it since college)
e. When they got married, they had known each other for 4 years. (not … they knew each other
for 4 years)
With most other verbs, we use the past perfect progressive for this meaning.
past perfect biasa hanya digunakan seperti yang telah dibahas pada email kemarin. Past perfect
tidak digunakan hanya karena ingin mengatakan sesuatu yang telah terjadi pada suatu masa di
masa lampau.
a. Alex, who worked for my father in the 1980, is now living in Greece. (bukan Alex, who had
worked for my father …)
b. I left some photos to be developed. Are they ready yet? (bukan I had left some phots…)
Kita gunakan past perfect, bukan simple past, untuk mengatakan berapa lama sesuatu telah
belangsung sampai pada masa lampau. past perfect is yang sederhana digunakan dengan kata
kerja “non- progressive” seperti be, have dan know.
c. She told me that her father had been ill since the spring semester. (bukan … that her father
was ill since …)
d. I was sorry to sell my car. I had had it since college. (bukan ... I had it since college)
e. When they got married, they had known each other for 4 years. (bukan … they knew each
other for 4 years)
Untuk kebanyakan kata kerja, kita gunakan past perfect progressive untuk makna seperti pada
contoh c-e.
Read the example c-e again to better understand the difference. I’ll see you tomorrow.
193. Meanings and forms of past perfect progressive

Forms: had + been + working

a. I had been working
b. They hadn’t been listening
c. Where had she been staying?
We use the past perfect progressive to talk about actions or situations which had continued up to
the past moment that we are thinking about, or shortly before it.
d. At that time, we had been living in the caravan for about six months.
e. When I found Mary, I could see that she had been crying.
f. I went to the doctor because I had been sleeping badly.
past perfect progressive: actions or situations which had continued up to the past moment that we
are thinking about, or shortly before it.
Look again to the example (f)
- I went to the doctor (simple past)

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- I had been sleeping badly (earlier past)

The difference between progressive and simple
Progressive forms are mostly used to talk about more temporary actions and situations. When we
talk about longer-lasting or permanent situations we prefer simple forms. Compare:
g. My legs were stiff because I had been standing still for a long time.
h. The tree that blew down had stood there for 300 years.
Progressive forms generally emphasis the continuation of an activity; we use simple tenses to
emphasis the idea of completion. Compare:
- I had been reading science fiction, and my mind was full of strange images.
- I had read all my magazines, and was beginning to get bored.
Some verbs are not normally used in progressive forms, even if the meaning is one for which a
progressive form would more suitable.
i. I hadn’t known her for very long when we got married. (not I hadn’t been knowing her…)
Bentuk past perfect progressive: had + been + working
a. I had been working
b. They hadn’t been listening
c. Where had she been staying?
Kita gunakan past perfect progressive untuk bicara tentang perbuatan atau situasi yang telah
berlangsung sampai pada masa lampau yang kita bicarakan saat ini, atau sebelumnya.
d. At that time, we had been living in the caravan for about six months.
e. When I found Mary, I could see that she had been crying.
f. I went to the doctor because I had been sleeping badly.
past perfect progressive: parbuatan atau situasi yang telah berlangsung di masa lampau sampai di
pada masa lampau yang sedang dibicarakan.
Baca lagi contoh (f)
- I went to the doctor (masa lampau)
- I had been sleeping badly (masa lampau sebelumnya)
Perbedaan progressive dan simple
Bentuk Progressive sering kali digunakan untuk berbicara tentang kegiatan dan situasi yang lebih
singkat. Ketika kita berbicara tentang situasi permanen, kita menggunakan bentuk simple.
g. My legs were stiff because I had been standing still for a long time.
h. The tree that blew down had stood there for 300 years.
Bentuk Progressive umumnya menekankan keberlangsungan sebuah aktifitas; kita gunakan
bentuk simple untuk menekankan gagasan yang telah selesai. Bandingkan:
- I had been reading science fiction, and my mind was full of strange images.
- I had read all my magazines, and was beginning to get bored.

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Beberapa kata kerja tidak biasa digunakan dalam bentuk progressive, walaupun jika salah satu
maknanya adalah bentuk progressive yang lebih cocok.
i. I hadn’t known her for very long when we got married. (bukan I hadn’t been knowing her…)
That’s it for today. see you tomorrow!
194. Past verb form with present or future meaning

A past tense does not always have a past meaning. In some kinds of sentence, we can use verbs
like I had, you went or I was wondering to talk about the present or future meaning.
- After conjunctions, instead of would
In most subordinate clauses (e.g. after if, supposing, wherever, what), we use past tenses (and not
would …) to express ‘unreal’ or conditional ideas.
a. If I had the money now I’d buy a car.
b. If you caught the ten o’clock train tomorrow, you would be in Edinburgh by supper time.
c. You look as if you were just about to scream.
d. Supposing we didn’t go on holiday next year?
e. In perfect world, you would be able to say exactly what you thought.
If we are talking about the past, we usually use past tenses even for things which are still true and
situations which still exist.
f. Are you deaf I asked how old you were?
g. I’m sorry we left Liverpool. It was such a nice place.
h. Do you remember that nice couple we met on holiday? They were German, weren’t they?
tensis past tidak selalu bermakna past (masa lampau). Dalam beberapa bentuk kalimat, kita
gunakan kata kerja seperti I had, you went atau I was wondering untuk mengungkapkan makna
present atau future.
Dalam klausa bawagan (seperti setelah if, supposing, wherever, what), kita gunaka tensis past
(kecuali would …) untuk mengungkapkan ‘yang tidak terjadi’ atau kalimat pengandaian.
a. If I had the money now I’d buy a car.
b. If you caught the ten o’clock train tomorrow, you would be in Edinburgh by supper time.
c. You look as if you were just about to scream.
d. Supposing we didn’t go on holiday next year?
e. In perfect world, you would be able to say exactly what you thought.
Jika kita sedang berfikir tantang masa lampau, kita biasanya menggunakan tensis past walaupun
pada sesuatu yang masih benar atau masih ada.
f. Are you deaf I asked how old you were?
g. I’m sorry we left Liverpool. It was such a nice place.
h. Do you remember that nice couple we met on holiday? They were German, weren’t they?
That’s for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.
This is the end of our time on past tenses. Tomorrow we’ll be looking at confused usage in
195. Using please and thank you.

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- Requests
We use please to make requests more polite.
a. Could I have some more rice, please?
Note that please does not change an order into a request. Compare:
b. Stand over there. (order)
c. Please stand over there (more polite order)
d. Could you stand over there, please (polite request)
Please do is a rather formal answer to a request for permission.
e. Do you mind if I open the window? – please do.

- Thank you and thanks

Thanks is more informal than thank you. Common expressions:
f. Thank you (not thanks you)
g. Thanks a lot (not thank you a lot)
h. Thank god it’s Friday. (not thanks god …)
Indeed can be used to strengthen very much.
i. Thank you very much indeed.
Thank you for / thanks for can be followed by an –ing form. Possessives are unnecessary and are
not used.
j. Thank you for coming. – not at all. Thank you for having me. (not thank you for your
Penggunaan please
- Untuk meminta
Kita gunakan please untuk membuar permintaan lebih sopan.
a. Could I have some more rice, please?
Ingat bahwa please tidak merubah perintah menjadi permintaan. Bandingkan:
b. Stand over there. (perintah)
c. Please stand over there (perintah yang lebih sopan)
d. Could you stand over there, please (permintaan yang sopan)
Please do adalah jawaban yang sangat formal untuk permintaan ijin.
e. Do you mind if I open the window? – please do.

- Thank you dan thanks

Thanks lebih tidak formal daripada thank you. Ungkapan yang umum:
f. Thank you (bukan thanks you)

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g. Thanks a lot (bukan thank you a lot)

h. Thank god it’s Friday. (bukan thanks god …)
Indeed bisa digunakan untuk menguatkan makna very much.
i. Thank you very much indeed.
Thank you for / thanks for bisa diikuti oleh bentuk –ing. Kepemilikan tidak dibutuhkan dan tidak
j. Thank you for coming. – not at all. Thank you for having me. (bukan thank you for your
That’s for today. I’ll see you tomorrow for more extra lesson.
196. Politeness in English: Polite requests

We usually ask people to do things for us by making yes/no questions. (this suggests that the
hearer can choose whether to agree or not.)
a. Could you tell me the time, please? (much more polite than please tell me the time.)
Some other typical structures used in requests:
b. Could you possibly tell me the way to the station? (very polite)
c. Would you mind switching on the TV?
d. Would you like to help me for a few minutes?
e. You couldn’t lend me some money, could you? (informal)
Indirect yes/no questions are also used in polite requests.
f. I wonder if you could (possibly) help me for a few minutes.
Kita sering menyuruh orang untuk melakukan sesuatu kepada/ untuk kita dengan membuat
pertanyaan yes/no. (ini menyarankan bahwa pendengar bisa memilih baik setuju atau tidak
a. Could you tell me the time, please? (lebih sopan dari pada “tell me the time”)
Beberapa struktur umum digunakan dalam meminta:
b. Could you possibly tell me the way to the station? (sangat sopan)
c. Would you mind switching on the TV?
d. Would you like to help me for a few minutes?
e. You couldn’t lend me some money, could you? (informal)
pertanyaan yes/no tidak langsung juga bisa digunakan untuk permintaan yang sopan.
f. I wonder if you could (possibly) help me for a few minutes.
Don’t forget to check my email tomorrow. I’ll see you then.
197. Politeness in English: Telling people to do things
If we use other structure (for example imperatives, should, had better), we are not asking people
to do things, but telling or advising them to do things. These structures can therefore seem rude if
we use them in requests, especially in conversation with strangers or people we don’t know well.
Please makes an order or instruction a little more polite, but not turn it into a request. The

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following structures can be used perfectly correctly to give orders, instructions or advise, but they
are not polite ways of requesting people to do things.
a. Please answer by return of post.
b. Please help me for a few minutes
c. Help me, would you?
d. You ought to tell me your plans
e. You should shut the door.
f. You had better help me.
Berbicara sopan dalam Bahasa Inggris: menyuruh orang mengerjakan sesuatu
Jika kita gunakan struktur lain (seperti should, had better), kita tidak meminta orang melakukan
sesuatu, tapi menyuruh atau menyarankan mereka melakukan sesuatu. Struktur seperti ini terlihat
kasar jika kita gunakannya untuk meminta, khususnya pada percakapan dengan orang asing atau
orang yang belum kita kenal. Please membuat perintah atau instruksi lebih sopan, tetapi tidak
membuatnya menjadi permintaan. Struktur berikut ini bisa digunakan untuk memberi perintah,
instruksi atau saran, tetapi tidak sopan untuk meminta orang melakukan sesuatu.
a. Please answer by return of post.
b. Please help me for a few minutes
c. Help me, would you?
d. You ought to tell me your plans
e. You should shut the door.
f. You had better help me.
That’s for today. I’ll see you tomorrow. see ya!
198. Politeness in English

Using past tenses:

We can make requests (and also questions, suggestions and statements) less direct (and so more
polite) by using verb forms that suggest ‘distance’ form the immediate present reality. Past tenses
are often used to do this.
a. How much did you want to spend, sir? (meaning ‘how much do you want to spend?’)
b. How many days did you intend to stay? (meaning … do you intend …)
c. I wondered if you were free this evening.
Politeness with progressive
Progressive forms can be used in the same way. They sound more casual and less definite than
simple forms, because they suggest something temporary and incomplete.
d. I’m hoping you can lend me the book. (less definite than I hope…)
e. What time are you planning to arrive? (more casual-sounding than please let us know what
time you plan to arrive…)

Politeness with future tenses

Another way to distance something is to displace it into the future. Will need/have to can be used
to soften instructions and orders.

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f. I’m afraid you’ll need to fill in this form.

g. I’ll have to ask you to wait a minute.
And will is sometimes used to say how much money is owed.
h. That will be 1.5 million rupiahs, please.
Future progressive verbs are often used to enquire politely about people’s plans
i. Will you be going away at the weekend?
Menggunakan past tense untuk mengungkapkan kesopanan:

Kita bisa meminta (dan juga bertanya, saran dan pernyataan) tidak secara langsung (dan lebih
sopan) dengan menggunakan bentuk kata kerja yang menyiratkan ‘jarak’ dari kejadian masa
sekarang. Past tense sering digunakan untuk mengatakan hal ini.
a. How much did you want to spend, sir? (artinya ‘how much do you want to spend?’)
b. How many days did you intend to stay? (artinya … do you intend …)
c. I wondered if you were free this evening.
Ungkapan kesopanan dengan progressive
Bentuk Progressive bisa digunakan seperti halnya diatas. Ia terdengar lebih kasual dan tidak
terlalu jelas dari bentuk simple, karena ia menyiratkan sesuatu yang sementara dan tidak selesai.
d. I’m hoping you can lend me the book. (kurang yakin daripada I hope…)
e. What time are you planning to arrive? (lebih kasual daripada please let us know what time
you plan to arrive…)
Ungkapan kesopanan dengan bentuk future tenses
Cara lain untuk memberi jarak terhadap sesuatu ialah melalui menempatkan sesuatu kepada masa
depan. Will need/have to bisa digunakan untuk meringatkan instruksi dan perintah.
f. I’m afraid you’ll need to fill in this form.
g. I’ll have to ask you to wait a minute.
Dan will digunakan untuk mengungkapkan berapa banyak uang yang kamu pinjam.
h. That will be 1.5 million rupiahs, please.
Kata kerja Future progressive sering digunakan untuk bertanya secara sopan tentang rencana
orang lain.
i. Will you be going away at the weekend?

199. Casual politeness

Softening expressions using quite, maybe, I think

We can express our opinions and intentions less directly (and therefore more politely) by using
softening expressions like quite, rather, kind of, a bit, maybe etc.
a. He’s quite difficult to understand, isn’t he?
b. I find her rather bossy, don’t you?

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c. The food’s a bit expensive

d. The music’s kind of boring
We can say that we are thinking of doing things, instead of expressing our intentions directly.
e. I think I’ll go to bed in a few minutes.
f. I’m thinking of going to London tomorrow.
g. I’d quite like to start thinking about going home.
In formal style, requests, invitations suggestions etc. are often introduced by would like instead of
being expressed directly.
h. We would like to invite you to give a talk to our seminar.
i. I’d like to suggest that we take a vote.
j. I would like to congratulate you on our examination results.
Ekspresi lembut menggunakan quite, maybe, I think
Kita bisa mengekspresikan opini atau niat secara tidak langsung (maka menjadi lebih sopan)
dengan menggunakan ekspresi lembut seperti quite, rather, kind of, a bit, maybe dll.
a. He’s quite difficult to understand, isn’t he?
b. I find her rather bossy, don’t you?
c. The food’s a bit expensive
d. The music’s kind of boring
Kita bisa mengatakan jika kita sedang berfikir akan sesuatu, daripada mengekspresikan niat kita
secara langsung.
e. I think I’ll go to bed in a few minutes.
f. I’m thinking of going to London tomorrow.
g. I’d quite like to start thinking about going home.
Dalam gaya informal, permintaan, undangan, saran dll. Sering dimulai dengan would like
daripada mengungkapkannya sacara langsung.
h. We would like to invite you to give a talk to our seminar.
i. I’d like to suggest that we take a vote.
j. I would like to congratulate you on our examination results.
This is the end of our discussions on politeness in English. I’ll see you tomorrow for more lesson.
Don’t forget to check my email. See you!
200. Preparatory in daily conversation

When the subject of a clause is an infinitive expression, this does not normally come at the
beginning. We usually prefer to start with the ‘preparatory subject’ it, and to put the infinitive
expression later (long or complicated items often put towards the end of a sentence). Preparatory
it is common before be + adjective/noun
a. It’s nice to talk to you. (more natural than to talk to you is nice.)
b. It was stupid of you to leave the door unlocked.
c. It’s important to book in advance.
d. It was a pleasure to listen to her.
It can also be a preparatory subject for for+object+infinitve

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e. It will suit me best for you to arrive at about ten o’clock.

f. It’s essential for the papers to be ready before Thursday.
We also use preparatory it when the subject of a clause is itself a clause.
g. It’s probably that we’ll be a little late.
h. It doesn’t interest me what you think
i. It’s surprising how many unhappy marriages there are.
ketika subjek sebuah klausa adalah ekspresi infinitif (to+verb), ia biasanya tidak datang di awal.
Kita lebih suka memulai kalimat ini dengan ‘subjek yang didahulukan’ it, dan meletakkan
ekspresi infinitif di akhir. It yang didahulukan ini sering berada dibelakan be + adjective/noun
a. It’s nice to talk to you. (lebih natural daripada to talk to you is nice.)
b. It was stupid of you to leave the door unlocked.
c. It’s important to book in advance.
d. It was a pleasure to listen to her.
It bisa juga menjadi subjek yang didahulukan untuk for+object+infinitve
e. It will suit me best for you to arrive at about ten o’clock.
f. It’s essential for the papers to be ready before Thursday.
Kita juga menggunakan ‘subjek yang didahulukan’ it ketika subjek dari sebuah klausa adalah
sebuah klausa lainnya.
g. It’s probably that we’ll be a little late.
h. It doesn’t interest me what you think
i. It’s surprising how many unhappy marriages there are.
I know that it’s hard to understand this lesson. So, don’t forget to check my email tomorrow to
learn more on preparatory it.

201. More on preparatory subject it

In this email, we’re going to look more closely on preparatory subject it used in
daily conversation
It is used to introduce some clauses with if, as if and as though.
a. It looks as if we’re going to have trouble with Andi again
b. It will be a pity if we have to ask her to leave.
c. But it looks as though we may have to.

It can be used in ‘cleft sentences’ with who- and that-clause to emphasize one part
of a sentence.

d. It was my aunt who took peter to London yesterday, not my mother.

(emphasizing my aunt)
e. It was peter that my aunt took to London yesterday, not Lucy. (emphasizing

It is not normally used as a preparatory subject for noun phrases.

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f. The new concert hall is wonderful. (not It’s wonderful the new concert hall)

But in an informal style, it can be a preparatory subject for noun + relative clause.

g. It’s wonderful the enthusiasm that the children show.

This is very common with the way…

h. It’s amazing the way (that) they work together.

i. It’s strange the way you know what I’m thinking.

Pay a closer attention to the example (f) and (g).


Pada email kali ini, kita akan membahas lebih lanjut tentang it ‘subjek yang
didahulukan’ yang dipakai dalam percakapan sehari-hari.
It digunakan untuk menunjukkan klausa dengan if, as if dan as though.
a. It looks as if we’re going to have trouble with Andi again
b. It will be a pity if we have to ask her to leave.
c. But it looks as though we may have to.

It boleh digunakan dalam ‘kalimat yang dibagi’ oleh konektor who- dan that
menekankan suatu kata dalam kelimat.

d. It was my aunt who took peter to London yesterday, not my mother. (fokus
pada my aunt)
e. It was peter that my aunt took to London yesterday, not Lucy. (focus pada

It tidak digunakan sebagai ‘subjek yang didahulukan’ untuk frasa kata benda.

f. The new concert hall is wonderful. (bukan It’s wonderful the new concert hall)

Tapi gaya informal, it boleh menjadi subjek yang didahulukan untuk noun +
relative clause.

g. It’s wonderful the enthusiasm that the children show.

Cari ini sangat umum digunakan dengan the way…

h. It’s amazing the way (that) they work together.

i. It’s strange the way you know what I’m thinking.

Perhatikan kembali contoh (f) dan (g).

That’s for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.

202. The use and meaning of present perfect (advanced)

In the beginning of this program we’ve talked about present perfect. Now we’re
going to look more closely on this subject.

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- Forms

Have/has + past participle

a. I have broken my glasses

b. Have you finished?

- Meaning and use

We use the present perfect specially to say that a finished action or event is
connected with the present I some way. If we say that something has happened,
we are thinking about the past and the present at the same time.

a. I can’t go on holiday because I have broken my leg. (not I can’t go on holiday

because I broke my leg.)

We could often change a present perfect sentence into a present sentence with a
similar meaning.

b. I’ve broken my leg. – my leg is broken now.

c. Some fool has let the cat in. – the cat is in.
d. Mary has had a baby. Mary now has a baby.

The present perfect is often used to express the idea of completion or


e. At last! I’ve finished it!

f. Have you done all the housework?

We do not use the present perfect if we are not thinking about the present.

g. I’ve travelled in Africa a lot (similar to I know Africa)

h. Some people thing that Shakespeare travelled a lot in Germany. (not some
people thing that Shakespeare has travelled …)


Diawal program ini, kita telah membahas tentang present perfect. Kali ini kita
akan membahasa lebih lanjut tantang penggunaan-penggunaan present perfect.

- bentuk

Have/has + past participle

c. I have broken my glasses

d. Have you finished?

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- Makna dan penggunaan

Kita gunakan present perfect khususnya untuk mengatakan jika susuatu kejadian
telah selesai atau masih berefek ke masa sekarang. Jika kita katakana sesuatu
telah terjadi, kita sedang berfikir tentang masa lampau dan masa sekarang pada
waktu yang bersamaan.

a. I can’t go on holiday because I have broken my leg. (bukan I can’t go on

holiday because I broke my leg.)

Kita bisa mengganti kalimat present perfect menjadi kalimat present dengan
makna yang sama.

b. I’ve broken my leg. – my leg is broken now.

c. Some fool has let the cat in. – the cat is in.
d. Mary has had a baby. Mary now has a baby.

Present perfect sering digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kesan ‘sudah selesai’

atau ‘pencapaian’.

e. At last! I’ve finished it!

f. Have you done all the housework?

Kita tidak menggunakan present perfect jika kita tidak berfikir tentang present
(masa sekarang). Bandingkan:

g. I’ve travelled in Africa a lot (sama dengan I know Africa)

h. Some people thing that Shakespeare travelled a lot in Germany. (bukan some
people thing that Shakespeare has travelled …)

Study all examples again. I’ll see you tomorrow for more lessons.

203. Present perfect: time words

When we talk about finished events with words that mean ‘at some/any time up
to now’ (like ever, before, never, yet, recently, lately, already), we normally use the
present perfect.
 Have you ever seen a ghost?
 I’m sure we’ve met before
 We haven’t seen Josh recently.

We use the present perfect to say that something has happened several times up to
the present.

 I’ve written six letters since lunchtime.

Adverbs of frequency like often, sometimes, occasionally are common with the
present perfect.

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 Wow often have you been in love in your life?

 I’ve sometimes thought of moving to Australia.

To talk about actions and situations that have continued up to the present both
the simple present perfect and the present perfect progressive are possible
(depending on the kind of verb and the exact meaning.)

 I’ve known her for ears.

 I’ve been thinking about you all day.


Ketika kita berbicara tentang kejadian yang telah selesai dengan kata-kata yang
bermakna ‘pada suatu saat sampai saat ini’ (seperti ever, before, never, yet, recently,
lately, already), kita biasanya menggunakan present perfect.
 Have you ever seen a ghost?
 I’m sure we’ve met before
 We haven’t seen Josh recently.

Kita gunakan present perfect untuk mengatakan bahwa sesuatu telah terjadi
beberapa kali sampai masa sekarang.

 I’ve written six letters since lunchtime.

Kata keterangan seperti often, sometimes, occasionally sangat sering digunakan

dalam bentuk present perfect.

 Wow often have you been in love in your life?

 I’ve sometimes thought of moving to Australia.

Untuk berbicara tentang perilaku atau kejadian yang telah berlanjut sampai ke
masa sekarang, kedua tensis, present perfect dan present perfect progressive,
boleh digunakan. (tergantung pada jenis kata kerja dan maknanya.)

 I’ve known her for ears.

 I’ve been thinking about you all day.

Remember time words that are commonly used in present perfect tenses. Don’t
forget to check my email tomorrow. see you.

204. Present perfect: using past or perfect?

- Thinking about the past and present together.

We use the present perfect if we are thinking about the past and present together.
We do not use the present perfect if we are not thinking about the present.

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 My sister has learnt French. (she can speak French now.)

 Shakespeare probably learnt Italian. (not Shakespeare has probably learnt

We do not use the present perfect in story-telling

 Once upon a time a beautiful princess fell in love with a poor farmer. (not …
has fallen in love…)

Remember! Thinking about the past and present together: present perfect

 My sister has learnt French. (= she can speak French now)

Only thinking about the past: simple past

 Shakespeare probably learnt Italian

- Finished-time words: present perfect not used

We do not often use the present perfect with words that refer to a completely
finished period of time, like yesterday, last week, then, when, three years ago, in 1999.
This is because the present perfect focuses on the present, and words like these
focus on the past, so they contradict each other. Compare:

 Have you see Lucy anywhere?

I saw Lucy yesterday. (not I have seen Lucy yesterday.)
 All my friends have moved to London.
Erich moved three years ago. (not Eric has moved three years ago.)
 A


- Berfikir tentang masa lampau dan masa sekarang.

Kita gunakan present perfect jika kita sedang berfikir tentang masa lampau dan
masa sekarang bersamaan. Kita tidak gunakan present perfect jika kita tidak
sedang berfikir tentang masa sekarang. Bandingkan:

 My sister has learnt French. (she can speak French now.)

 Shakespeare probably learnt Italian. (bukan Shakespeare has probably learnt

Kita tidak gunakan present perfect dalam bercerita.

 Once upon a time a beautiful princess fell in love with a poor farmer. (bukan
… has fallen in love…)

ingat! Berfikir tentang masa lampau dan masa sekarang: present perfect

 My sister has learnt French. (= she can speak French now)

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Hanya berfikir tentang masa lampau: simple past

 Shakespeare probably learnt Italian

- Kapan present perfect tidak digunakan.

Kita tidak gunakan present perfect dengan kata-kata yang menunjukkan

masa/waktu yang telah selesai seperti, yesterday, last week, then, when, three years
ago, in 1999. Ini karena present perfect fokus pada masa sekarang, dan kata-kata
diatas hanya fokus pada masa lampau. Jadi, kata-kata itu berlawanan dengan
present dan past. bandingkan:

 Have you see Lucy anywhere?

I saw Lucy yesterday. (bukan I have seen Lucy yesterday.)
 All my friends have moved to London.
Erich moved three years ago. (bukan Eric has moved three years ago.)

205. Questions tags: basic information


- What are questions tags?

Question tags are the small questions the often come at the ends of sentences in
speech, and sometimes in informal writing.
 The film wasn’t very good, was it?

Negatives are usually contracted. Full forms are possible in formal speech.

 That’s the postman, isn’t it?

 You take sugar in tea, don’t you?
 They promised to repay us within six months, did they not? (formal)

Questions tags can be used to check whether something is true, or to ask for

- Using question tags

Question tags are used after affirmative and negative sentences, but not after

 You’re the new secretary aren’t you?

 You’re not the new secretary, are you? (Not are you the new secretary, aren’t

To check information or ask for agreement, we most often put negative tags after
affirmative sentences, and non-negative tags after negative sentences.

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Question tags with auxiliaries

If the main sentence has an auxiliary verb (or non-auxiliary be), this is repeated in
the question tag.

 Sally can speak French, can’t she?

 The meeting’s at then, isn’t it?
 You wouldn’t like a puppy, would you?

If the main sentence has no auxiliary, the question tag has do.

 You like oysters, don’t you?

 Harry gave you a check, didn’t he?


- Apa itu questions tags?

Question tag adalah pertanyaan kecil yang sering datang di akhir kalimat dalam
percakapan, dan terkadang juga digunakan dalam tulisan informal.
 The film wasn’t very good, was it?

Kata negatif selalu di singkat. Bentuk sempurnanya juga bisa digunakan dalam
penggunaan formal.

 That’s the postman, isn’t it?

 You take sugar in tea, don’t you?
 They promised to repay us within six months, did they not? (formal)

Questions tags bisa digunakan untuk mengecek apakah sesuatu itu benar, atau
ingin bertanya persetujuan.

- menggunakan question tag

Question tag digunakan setelah kalimat positif dan kalimat negatif, tetapi tidak
digunakan setelah pertanyaan.

 You’re the new secretary aren’t you?

 You’re not the new secretary, are you? (bukan are you the new secretary,
aren’t you?)

Untuk mengecek informasi atau meminta persetujuan, kita sering menggunakan

kalimat negative setelah kalimat positif, dan sebaliknya.

- Question tags dengan kata bantu

Jika kalimat utama memiliki kata kerja bantu (atau be), question tag nya di ulang.

 Sally can speak French, can’t she?

 The meeting’s at then, isn’t it?
 You wouldn’t like a puppy, would you?

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Jika kalimat utama tidak memiliki kata bantu, question tag nya menggunakan do.

 You like oysters, don’t you?

 Harry gave you a check, didn’t he?

Learn more and never stop. I’ll see you tomorrow. and don’t forget to check my

206. More on question tags

Non-negative tags are used after sentences containing negative words like never,
no, nobody, hardly, scarcely, and little.
 You never say what you’re thinking, do you (not … don’t you?)
 It’s hardly rained at all this summer, has it?
 There’s little we can do about it, is there?

In speech, we can show the exact meaning of a question tag by the intonation. If
the tag is real question – if we really want to know something and are not sure of
the answer – we use a rising intonation: the voice goes up.

 The meeting is at four o’clock, isn’t it?

If the tag is not a real question – if we are sure of the answer – we use a falling
intonation: the voice goes down.

 It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?

In writing, the exact meaning of a question tag is normally clear form the context.

We often ask for help or information by using the structure negative statement +
question tag.

 You couldn’t lend me a money, could you?

 You haven’t seen my watch anywhere, have you?


Question tag yang tidak negatif digunaka setelah kalimat yang mengandung kata
bermakna negatif seperti never, no, nobody, hardly, scarcely, dan little.
 You never say what you’re thinking, do you (bukan … don’t you?)
 It’s hardly rained at all this summer, has it?
 There’s little we can do about it, is there?

Dalam percakapan, kita bisa menunjukkan makna sebenarnya dari sebuah

question tag berdasarkan intonasi. Jika tag nya digunakan untuk bertanya – jika
kita betul-betul ingin tahu jawaban dan tidak yakin jawabannya – kita gunakan
intonasi naik:

 The meeting is at four o’clock, isn’t it? (suara naik)

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Jika tag nya bukan pertanyaan – jika kita tau jawabanya – kita gunakan intonasi

 It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it? (intonasi turun / datar)

Kita sering meminta bantuan atau bertanya menggunakan struktur negative

statement + question tag.

 You couldn’t lend me a money, could you?

 You haven’t seen my watch anywhere, have you?

207. Question tags (advanced points)

The question tag for I am is aren’t I?

 I’m late, aren’t I?
After imperative, won’t you? can be used to invite people politely to do things
 Come in, won’t you?
Will, would, can, could you? Can all be used to tell or ask people to do things

 Give me your money, will you?

Can’t you expresses impatient

 Shut up, can’t you?

After negative imperative, we use will you?

 Don’t forget, will you?

We use it in question tags to refer to nothing and everything.

 Nothing can happen, can it?

We use they to refer to nobody, somebody and everybody (and no one)

 Nobody came, did they?

 Somebody wanted a drink, didn’t they?

Note the use of question tags in sentences beginning with I (don’t) think and
similar expression

 I think he’s Norwegian, isn’t he? (not … don’t I?)

 I don’t think it will rain, will it? (not … do i?)
 I suppose you’re hungry, aren’t you?

question tag untuk I am adalah aren’t I?
 I’m late, aren’t I?

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Setelah kalimat perintah, won’t you? Bisa digunakan untuk mengundang orang
secara sopan untuk melakukan sesuatu.
 Come in, won’t you?

Will, would, can, could you? Semuanya bisa digunakan untuk menyuruk atau
meminta orang melakukan sesuatu.

 Give me your money, will you?

Can’t you mengekspresikan ketidaksabaran.

 Shut up, can’t you?

Setelah kalimat perintah negatif, kita gunakan will you?

 Don’t forget, will you?

Kita gunakan it dalam question tag untuk menunjukkan nothing dan everything.

 Nothing can happen, can it?

Kita gunakan they untuk menunjukkan nobody, somebody dan everybody (dan juga
no one)

 Nobody came, did they?

 Somebody wanted a drink, didn’t they?

Perhatikan penggunaan question tag dalam kalimat yang dimulai dengan I

(don’t) think dan ekspresi lainnya yang sama.

 I think he’s Norwegian, isn’t he? (bukan … don’t I?)

 I don’t think it will rain, will it? (bukan … do i?)
 I suppose you’re hungry, aren’t you?

208. More on question tags (advanced points)

Non-negative question tags are quite common after affirmative sentences. These
are often used as responses to something that has been said, like ‘reply question’
– the speaker repeats what he/she has just heard or learnt, and uses the tag to
express interest, surprise, concern or some other reaction.
 So you’re getting married, are you? How nice!
 So she thinks she’s going to become a doctor, does she?
 You think you’re funny, do you?

‘same-way’ tags can also be used to ask questions. In this structure, we use the
main sentence to make a guess, and then ask (in the tag) if it was correct.

 Your mother’s at home, is she?

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 This is the last but, is it?

 You can eat shellfish, can you?

I’ll … shall I? can be used to make offers.

 I’ll hold that for you, shall I?

Negative ‘same-way’ tags are occasionally heard; they usually sound aggressive.

 I see. You don’t like my cooking, don’t you?

In sentences with question tags, it is quite common to leave out pronoun subject
and auxiliary verbs. This is called ‘ellipsis’.

 (it’s a) nice day, isn’t it?

 She was talking to my husband, was she?

In very informal speech, a question tag can sometimes be used after a question
with ellipsis.

 Have a good time, did you?

 Your mother at home, is he?


Tag question yang bukan negatif sangat sering digunakan setelah kalimat positif.
Ini digunakan sebagai tanggapan terhadap sesuatu yang telah dikatakan, seperti
‘pertanyaan yang diulang’ – orang mengulang apa yang didengar dan
menggunakan question tag untuk menunjukkan suka, terkejut, prihatin atau
reaksi laiinnya.
 So you’re getting married, are you? How nice!
 So she thinks she’s going to become a doctor, does she?
 You think you’re funny, do you?

Question tag ‘yang sama’ bisa digunakan untuk bertanya. Dalam bentuk ini, kita
gunakan kalimat utama untuk menduka, dan kemudian bertanya (dengan
question tag) jika pertanyaan nya benar.

 Your mother’s at home, is she?

 This is the last but, is it?
 You can eat shellfish, can you?

I’ll … shall I? bisa digunakan untuk membuat saran.

 I’ll hold that for you, shall I?

Question tag ‘yang sama’ negatif sering kali terdengar kasar.

 I see. You don’t like my cooking, don’t you?

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Dalam kalimat dengan question tag, biasanya kata ganti dan kata bantu di
buang, ‘ellipsis’ namanya.

 (it’s a) nice day, isn’t it?

 She was talking to my husband, was she?

Dalam percakapan yang sangat informal, question tag bisa digunakan setelah
pernyaan dengan ellipsis.

 Have a good time, did you?

 Your mother at home, is he?
209. Using correct and natural English.

Avoidance of repetition
In English, unnecessary repetition is usually considered to be a bad thing. Careful
writers generally try not to use the same words and structures in successive
clauses and sentences without a good reason; when expressions are repeated, it is
often for deliberate emphasis or other stylistic purposes. Casual repetition is
more common in informal language, but even in conversation people often
sound monotonous or clumsy if they do not vary their sentence structure and
vocabulary. Some kinds of repetition are actually ungrammatical in both writing
and speech.

Unnatural repetition
When we refer again to a person or thing that has already been mentioned, we
normally use a pronoun instead of repeating the original noun phrase. When the
reference is very close to the original mention, repetition (unless there is a special
reason for it) is usually not only unnatural, but ungrammatical.

 What’s Rachel doing here? – she wants to talk to you. (not … Rachel wants to
talk to you)
 We got that cat because the children wanted it. (not we got that cat because the
children wanted that cat.)
 Dad’s just cut himself shaving. (not dad’s just cut dad shaving.)

This kind of thing happens with other words beside nouns.

 I don’t smoke. – I do (not … I smoke)

 Do you know if the bank’s open? I think so. (not I think the bank’s open)

However, repetition is necessary and normal when alternatives are discussed.

 Would you rather have potatoes or rice? – rice, please.

 Shall we dance or go for a walk? – let’s go for a walk.

Jauhi pengulangan

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Dalam Bahasa Inggris, pengulangan yang tidak perlu dianggap hal yang buruk.
Penulis umumnya mencoba tidak menggunakan kata dan struktu yang sama
dalam kalimat dan klausa tanpa alasan yang jelas. Ketika suatu ekspresi diulang,
biasanya untuk menegaskan atau untuk tujuan gaya Bahasa. Pengulangan lebih
umum pada percakapan informal, tapi dalam percakapan orang tedengan
monoton jika mereka tidak membedakan penggunaan struktur kalimat dan
kosakata. Beberapa pengulangan ternyata salah dalam percakapan dan dalam
tulisan formal.

Pengulangan yang tidak natural

Ketika kita merujuk kembali pada orang atau benda yang telah disebutkan
sebelumnya, kita menggunakan kata ganti bukan mengulangi kata bendanya.

 What’s Rachel doing here? – she wants to talk to you. (bukan … Rachel wants
to talk to you)
 We got that cat because the children wanted it. (buka we got that cat because the
children wanted that cat.)
 Dad’s just cut himself shaving. (bukan dad’s just cut dad shaving.)

Ini juga berlaku pada kata lain selain kata benda.

 I don’t smoke. – I do (bukan … I smoke)

 Do you know if the bank’s open? I think so. (Bukan I think the bank’s open)

namun, pengulangan perlu dan normal saat terdapan opsi/ pilihan.

 Would you rather have potatoes or rice? – rice, please.

 Shall we dance or go for a walk? – let’s go for a walk.

210. Don’t duplicate subjects and/or objects

We do not very often repeat a subject or object with the same verb.
 That wall needs painting. (more normal than that wall, it needs painting.)
 I saw my uncle yesterday. (more normal that My uncle, I saw him yesterday)

however, this kind of repetition can happen in informal speech, when people
announce a topic and then make a sentence about it.

 That friend of your mother’s – he’s on the phone.

 Those bicycle wheels – I think we ought to put them in the garden shed.

And sometimes a pronoun subject is repeated by a noun phrase ‘tag’ after the

 She’s a clever girl, your daughter.

We usually avoid putting related verbs and nouns together.

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 We made wonderful plans. Or we planned wonderful things. (but not. We

planned wonderful plans)
 She wrote an interesting paper. Or she did an interesting piece of writing. (but
not she wrote an interesting piece of writing)

There are some fixed expressions which are exceptions (e.g. to sing a song, To live a
good life, To die a violent death).

Speakers and writers can of course repeat vocabulary and structures deliberately.
This may be done for emphasis.

 I’m very, very sorry.

 I want every room cleaned – every single room.

Repeating somebody else’s words may show surprise or disbelief.

 I’m getting married. – you’re getting married? Who to?


Kita tidak mengulang subjek atau objek dengan kata kerja yang sama.
 That wall needs painting. (lebih normal daripada that wall, it needs painting.)
 I saw my uncle yesterday. (lebih normal daripada My uncle, I saw him

Namun, pengulangan yang seperti ini boleh ada dalam percakapan informal,
ketika orang membawa sebuah topik dan membuat kalimat tentang itu.

 That friend of your mother’s – he’s on the phone.

 Those bicycle wheels – I think we ought to put them in the garden shed.

Dan terkadang kata ganti subjek diulang dengan kata benda ‘tag’ setelah

 She’s a clever girl, your daughter.

Kita biasanya menghindari meletakkan kata kerja dan kata benda yang sama

 We made wonderful plans. atau we planned wonderful things. (bukan. We

planned wonderful plans)
 She wrote an interesting paper. atau she did an interesting piece of writing.
(bukan she wrote an interesting piece of writing)

Ada terdapat ekspresi tetap yang dikecualikan. (seperti to sing a song, To live a
good life, To die a violent death).

Orang bisa mengulang kata dan struktur dengan sengaja. Ini dilakukan untuk

 I’m very, very sorry.

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 I want every room cleaned – every single room.

Mengulang kata-kata orang lain untuk menunjukkan terkejut atau tidak percaya.

 I’m getting married. – you’re getting married? Who to?

211. Sentence structure (basic word order)

Subject – verb – object/ complement

In an affirmative sentence, the subject normally comes before the verb; objects or
complements come after the verb.
 Ann smiled.
 My father likes cats
 Anton is a doctor

In a few affirmative structures the verb can come before the subject (e.g. so can I,
in came Mrs. Parker)

Preparatory it and there

When the subject or object is an infinitive phrase or clause, we often put it at the
end of a sentence, and use it as a preparatory subject or object.

 It’s difficult to understand what he wants.

 She made it clear that she disagreed.

There can be a preparatory subject for an indefinite expression

 There is a big spider in the bath.

Direct and indirect objects
Indirect objects can some before direct objects (without a preposition) or after
direct objects (with a proposition).

 She sent the nurse some flowers.

 She sent some flowers to the nurse

Subject – verb – object/ complement
Dalam kalimat positif, subjek biasanya datang sebelum kata kerja; objek atau
pelengkap datang setelah kata kerja.
 Ann smiled.
 My father likes cats
 Anton is a doctor

Dalam beberapa struktuk kalimat positif kata kerja bisa dang sebelum subjek.
(contohnya, so can I, in came Mrs. Parker)

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it dan there yang didahulukan

ketika subjek atau objek dalam bentuk klausa atau frasa infinitif, kita sering
meletakkanya di akhir kalimat, dan menggunakan it sebagai subjek atau objek
yang didahulukan.

 It’s difficult to understand what he wants.

 She made it clear that she disagreed.

There bisa juga menjadi subjek yang didahulukan.

 There is a big spider in the bath.

Objek langsung dan tidak langsung
Objek tidak langsung bisa datang sebelum objek langsung (tanpa preposisi) atau
setelah objek langsung (dengan preposisi).

 She sent the nurse some flowers.

 She sent some flowers to the nurse

Learn more the example above. And don’t forget to check my email tomorrow.

212. Sentence structure (information structure)

Different ways of organizing information

When we talk about a situation, we can usually organize the information in
various ways – for example, by choosing different elements of the situation as the
subject of a clause or sentence.
 The storm blew my roof off.
 My roof was blown off in the storm.
 I had my roof blown off in the storm.

The way we choose to organize information in a clause or sentence can depend

on what has been said before, on what the listener already knows, or on what we
want to emphasize. This is a complicated area of English grammar. We will see
some guidelines below.

Normal order: important new information last

Most often, a clause or sentence moves from ‘known’ to ‘new’: from low to high
information value. So we often choose as the subject a person or thing that is
already being talked about or that has already been metioned, or something that
the speaker and hearer are both familiar with, or even some new information that
is not the main point of the message. The important new information generally
comes at the end of a clause or sentence.

 How’s Joe these days? – oh, fine. He’s just got married to a very nice gilr.
(more natural than… a very nice girl’s just got married to him.)

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 My father was bitten by a dog last week. (more natural than … a dog bit my
father last week.)
 Our dog bit the postman this morning. (more natural than … the postman
was bitten by our dog this morning)

To avoid beginning a clause with a completely new element, we can use the there
is structure.

 There’s a cat on the roof. (more natural than a cat’s on the roof)


Cara-cara menyusun informasi dalam kalimat.

Ketika kita berbicara tentang suatu situasi, kita biasanya menyusun informasi
dengan berbagai cara – contohnya, dengan memilih elemen berbeda dari suatu
situasi sebagai subjek dari sebuah klausa atau sebuah kalimat.
 The storm blew my roof off.
 My roof was blown off in the storm.
 I had my roof blown off in the storm.

Cara kita memilih untuk menyusun infromasi dalam sebua klausa atau kalimat
bergantung pada apa yang telah dikatakan sebelumnya, pada apa yang
pendengar ketahui, atau pada apa yang ingin ditekankan. Hal ini adalah bagian
yang susah dalam tata bahasa Bahasa Inggris. Kita akan melihat aturannya untuk
beberapa email kedepannya.

Urutan Normal: informasi baru yang penting datang terakhir.

Sering kali, sebuah klausa atau kalimat berganti dari ‘diketahui’ menjadi ‘baru’:
dari informasi tidak penting menjadi penting. Kita memilih orang atau benda
menjadi subjek yang sedang dibicarakan atau yang telah disebutkan, atau yang
penutur dan pendengar sama-sama mengerti. Informasi baru yang penting
umumnya datang di akhir klausa atau kalimat.

 How’s Joe these days? – oh, fine. He’s just got married to a very nice gilr.
(lebih umum daripada… a very nice girl’s just got married to him.)
 My father was bitten by a dog last week. (lebih natural daripada … a dog bit
my father last week.)
 Our dog bit the postman this morning. (lebih natural daripada … the
postman was bitten by our dog this morning)

Untuk menghindari memulai sebuah klausa dengan informasi baru, kita bisa
menggunakan sturktur there is.

 There’s a cat on the roof. (lebih natural daripada… a cat is on the roof)

213. Sentence structure: (the right subject)

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Getting the right subject: active, passives

In many situations, there is an ‘agent’ (the person or thing who does something)
and a ‘patient’ (the person or thing that something is done to). If we want to make
the agent the subject, we can usually do this by choosing an active verb form.
 The storm blew my roof off.
 Somebody’s dropped ketchup all over the floor.

If we want to make the patient the subject, we can usually do this by choosing a
passive verb form.

 My roof was blown off in the storm.

 Ketchup has been dropped all over the floor.

If we want to make something else the subject, we can often do this by using a
structure with have + object + past participle.

 She had her roof blown off in the storm.

 The floor has had ketchup dropped all over it.

Structures with have are often used to ‘personalize’ a situation by making a

person the subject.

 I’ve got the house full of children. (instead of the house is full of children. Or
there are children all over the house.)

We can often get the subject we want by choosing the right verb. Compare:

 The biscuit factory employs 7000 people.

7000 people work for the biscuit factory.
 He led the children through the silent streets
The children followed him through the silent streets.
Some verbs can have both agent and patient subject.

 She opened the door

 The door opened


Membuat subjek yang sesuai: aktif, pasif.

Dalam beberapa situasi, terdapan ‘agen’ (orang atau benda yang melakukan
sesuatu) dan ada ‘pasien’ (orang atau benda yang terkena sesuatu). Jika kita ingin
membuat ‘agen’ menjadi subjek, kita biasanya menggunakan bentuk kata kerja
 The storm blew my roof off.
 Somebody’s dropped ketchup all over the floor.

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Jika kita ingin membuat ‘pasien’ menjadi subjek, kita menggunakan bentuk pasif.

 My roof was blown off in the storm.

 Ketchup has been dropped all over the floor.

Jika kita ingin membuat sesuatu yang lain menjadi subjek, kita bisa menggunaan
struktur have + object + past participle.

 she had her roof blown off in the storm.

 The floor has had ketchup dropped all over it.

Struktur dengan have sering digunakan untuk ‘membuat personal’ sebuah situasi
dengan membuat orang menjadi subjek kalimat.

 I’ve got the house full of children. (daripada… the house is full of children. Or
there are children all over the house.)

Kita bisa membuat subjek yang kita mau dengan memilih kata kerja yang benar.

 The biscuit factory employs 7000 people.

7000 people work for the biscuit factory.
 He led the children through the silent streets
The children followed him through the silent streets.

Ada beberapa kata kerja yang bisa digunakan dengan ‘agen’ dan juga ‘pasien’.

 She opened the door

 The door opened

214. Sentence structure: (longer and more advanced)

Longer and heavier structures usually come last in a clause or sentence. (these
usually have the highest ‘information value’ in any case).
 Children are sometimes discouraged by the length of time it takes to learn a
musical instrument. (more natural than – the length of time it takes to learn a
musical instrument sometimes discourages children).

Because of this, we often use a structure with ‘preparatory it’ in order to move a
clause or infinitive subject or objet to the end of a sentence.

 It worried me that she hadn’t been in touch for so long. (more natural than –
that she hadn’t been in touch for so long worried me)
 It’s important to tell use everything you know. (more natural than – to tell us
everything you know is important)

Adverbs do not normally separate the verb form the object in an English clause.
However, a very long and heavy object may come after a shorter adverb.

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 She plays the violin very well (not she plays very well the violin.)
 She lays very well almost any instrument that you can think of and several
that you can’t

End-weight can also affect the word order of indirect questions. Compare:

 I’m not sure what the point is.

 I’m not sure what is the point of spending hours and hours discussing this.


Struktur yang lebih panjang dan susah biasanya datang terakhir dalam sebuah
klausa atau kalimat. (struktur seperti ini biasanya memiliki ‘nilai informasi’
 Children are sometimes discouraged by the length of time it takes to learn a
musical instrument. (lebih natural daripada – the length of time it takes to learn a
musical instrument sometimes discourages children).

Jadi, kita boleh menggunakan sturktur ‘preparatory it’ untuk mengubah sebuah
subjek klausa atau infinitif atau juga objek ke akhir kalimat.

 It worried me that she hadn’t been in touch for so long. (lebih natural
daripada – that she hadn’t been in touch for so long worried me)
 It’s important to tell use everything you know. (lebih natural daripada – to tell
us everything you know is important)

Kata keterangan pada dasarnya tidak memisahkan kata kerja dengan objek
dalam Bahasa Inggris. Namun, objek yang panjang dan susah mungkin saja
datang setelah kata keterangan. Bandingkan:

 She plays the violin very well (bukan she plays very well the violin.)
 She lays very well almost any instrument that you can think of and several
that you can’t

End-weight (fokus di akhir) bisa merubah urutan kata dalam kalimat pertanyaan
tidak langsung. Bandingkan:

 I’m not sure what the point is.

 I’m not sure what is the point of spending hours and hours discussing this.

215. Fronting in spoken English. (another sentence structure)

Affirmative sentences most often begin with the grammatical subject.

 I just can’t stand people like that.

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If we begin a sentence with something else (fronting), this is often to make it the
topic – the thing we are talking about – even though it is not the grammatical
subject. this can also move the main new information to the end.

 This question we have already discussed at some length.

 All the other information which you need I am putting in the post today.
 Any video in our catalogue we can supply, if available.

Fronting is particularly common in speech.

 People like that I just can’t stand.

Fronting words in short sentences can also give them extra emphasis. This
happens mostly in speech.

 Strange people they are!

 Very good lesson we had yesterday.

In a few exclamatory expressions, a noun is fronted before that, but this is

uncommon in modern English.

 Fool that I was!

Fronted adjectives and adverbs are possible in a structure with as or though

 Young as I was, I realized what was happening.

 Fast though she drove, she could not catch them.


Kalimat positif sering dimulai dengan subjek.

 I just can’t stand people like that.

Jika kita mulai sebuah kalimat dengan sesuatu yang lain (fronting), ini biasanya
untuk membuat fronting sebagai topik – hal yang sedang kita bicarakan –
walaupun ia bukan subjek dalam kalimat. Hal ini bisa memindahkan informasi
baru di akhir kalimat.

 This question we have already discussed at some length.

 All the other information which you need I am putting in the post today.
 Any video in our catalogue we can supply, if available.

Fronting sangat umum dalam percakapan.

 People like that I just can’t stand.

Kata-kata Fronting dalam kalimat pendek memperkuat makna. Ini sering

digunakan dalam percakapan.

 Strange people they are!

 Very good lesson we had yesterday.

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Dalam beberapa ekspresi seruan, kata benda dibawa kedepan sebelum that, tapi
ini tidak sering digunakan pada Bahasa Inggris modern.

 Fool that I was!

Kata sifat dan kata keterangan bisa di bawa kedepan dengan struktu as atau

 Young as I was, I realized what was happening.

 Fast though she drove, she could not catch them.

Pasitikan kamu memahami fungsi subjek dan objek dalam kalimat untuk
memahami fronting dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Don’t forget to check my email tomorrow. see you.

216. Spoken structures and tags.

In informal speech, we often ‘space out’ the different elements of a sentence,

giving the hearer a little extra time to interpret each part before going on to the
 Last Wednesday it was, I was just going to work…
 It’s terrible, you know, the unemployment down there.

One way of spacing out information is to separate a subject or object, announce it

at the front of a sentence, and then repeat it with a pronoun.

 This guy who rang up, he’s an architect.

 One of my brother, his wife’s a singer, …
This does not usually happen with pronoun subjects, but me and myself are
occasionally detached and fronted.

 Me, I don’t care

 Myself, I think you’re making a big mistake.

Another common way of separating part of a sentence is to introduce it with you


 You know Silvia. She’s pregnant.

Emphasizing tags

Sometimes a tag gives no new information, but simply repeats and emphasizes
the subject and verb.

 You’ve gone mad, you have.

 I’m getting fed up, I am.

Pronounces are not usually used alone in tags, except for reflexives.

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 I don’t think much of the party, myself.


Dalam percakapan informal, kita sering ‘memberi jarak’ untuk elemen berbeda
dalam sebuah kalimat, untuk memberi pendengar beberapa waktu untuk
menelaah setiap bagian kalimat sebelum melanjutkan pada bagian selanjutnya.
Perhatikan contoh berikut.
 Last Wednesday it was, I was just going to work…
 It’s terrible, you know, the unemployment down there.

Salah satu cara memberi informasi jarak dengan memisahkan subjek atau objek,
tenpatkan subjek atau objek di depan dan ulangi lagi dengan menggunakan kata

 This guy who rang up, he’s an architect.

 One of my brother, his wife’s a singer, …

Hal ini tidak sering digunakan dengan kata ganti subjek, tetapi me dan myself
sering dipisahkan dan dibawa kedepan (fronted).

 Me, I don’t care

 Myself, I think you’re making a big mistake.

Cara lain yang umum untuk memisahkan bagian dari kalimat adalah dengan
memulai dengan you know.

 You know Silvia. She’s pregnant.

Terkadang tags tidak memberi informasi baru, tetapi hanya mengulang dan
menekatkan subjek dan kata kerjanya.

 You’ve gone mad, you have.

 I’m getting fed up, I am.

Kata ganti tidak digunakan dalam tag. Kecuali kata ganti relesif (yourself,
myself, dll).

 I don’t think much of the party, myself.

All examples given in this email are the natural ways of speaking English.
remember these structures when speaking with your friends. I’ll see you

217. Complicated structures. (advanced points)

Clause inside clause

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Sometimes an adverb clause is put into the middle of another clause, separating a
subject form its verb.
Subject + if/when/after/because/ clause … + verb
 Ann, when she finally managed to go to sleep, had a series of bad dreams.
 The government, if recent reports can be trusted, has decided not to raise
interest rates.

In these structures, a noun may not be the subject of a verb that comes just after

 Andre, when he saw the policeman, started running as fast as he could. (it
was not the policeman who started running).

Sentences like these can be hard for learners to understand, especially if they are
long and complicated.

 One way of deciding what to do if you have difficulty in choosing the best
course of action is to toss a coin. (does the sentence say that the best course of
action is to toss a coin?)

The same thing can happen when the subject of a sentence is followed by a
descriptive phrase or relative clause.

Subject + descriptive phrase/clause + verb

 That picture of the children standing in front of the Palace talking to the prime
minister is wonderful. (the sentence does not say that the prime minister is
 The reporter who first made contact with the kidnappers called the police
immediately. (who called?)

Klausa didalam klausa
Kadang-kadang sebuah klausa keterangan diletekkan didalam klausa yang lain,
memisahkan subjek dan predikatnya.
Subjek + if/when/after/because/ klausa… + kata kerja
 Ann, when she finally managed to go to sleep, had a series of bad dreams.
 The government, if recent reports can be trusted, has decided not to raise
interest rates.

Dalam struktur ini, kata benda bisa jadi bukan subjek yang datang tepat setelah

 Andre, when he saw the policeman, started running as fast as he could. (bukan
polisi yang lari).
Kalimat seperti ini menyulitkan orang untuk memahami, apalagi jika kalimatnya
panjang dan ribet.

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 One way of deciding what to do if you have difficulty in choosing the best
course of action is to toss a coin. (apakah kalimat ini menyatakan tindakan
yang terbaik adalah mengundi koin?)

Hal yang sama bisa terjadi saat subjek kalimat diikuit oleh frasa atau klausa

Subject + descriptive phrase/clause + verb

 That picture of the children standing in front of the Palace talking to the prime
minister is wonderful. (kalimat ini tidak menyatakan prime minister is
 The reporter who first made contact with the kidnappers called the police
immediately. (siapa yang menelpon?)

Ingat! Dalam Bahasa Inggris, boleh jadi subjek dan predikat (kata kerja)nya
dipisahkan oleh klausa lain atau frasa lain. I’ll see you tomorrow for further
explanation of complicated structures.

218. Understanding complicated structures (continue)

When relative pronouns (who/which/that) are left out, this can cause difficulty.
 It was a question a small child could have answered (= … that a small child
could have answered)
 The film she was talking about at Carlie’s party turned out to be very boring.
(… the film which she was talking about…)

We often leave out the conjunction that after verbs. This can make complicated
sentences more difficult to follow.

 The man who was arrested claimed he was somewhere else at the time of the
robbery. (… claimed that he was…)

In short news reports, that is sometimes left out after nouns.

 Official did not accept his claim he was innocent. (= … that he was innocent.)

Reporting expressions:

Complicated structures can be produced when reported expressions are included

in sentences.

 this is the mad who Ann said will tell us all about computers.
 there are those people that I thought were going to buy our house.

This can also happen with reported question structures.

 He’s gone I don’t know how far.

 We spent I can’t remember how much money on our holiday.

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Ketika kata ganti pengubung (who/which/that) dibuang, ini bisa membingungkan.

 It was a question a small child could have answered (= … that a small child
could have answered)
 The film she was talking about at Carlie’s party turned out to be very boring.
(… the film which she was talking about…)

Kita sering membuang kata penghubung that setelah kata kerja. Ini bisa
membuat kalimat rumit menjadi lebih susah diikuti.

 The man who was arrested claimed he was somewhere else at the time of the
robbery. (… claimed that he was…)

Dalam berita singkat, that sering kalinya dibuang setelah kata benda.

 Official did not accept his claim he was innocent. (= … that he was innocent.)

Struktur rumit bisa dibuat ketika reported speech ada di dalam kalimat..

 this is the mad who Ann said will tell us all about computers.
 there are those people that I thought were going to buy our house.

Ini bisa juga ada dengan struktur pertanyaa reported speech.

 He’s gone I don’t know how far.

 We spent I can’t remember how much money on our holiday.

That’s all for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.

219. Speech (who to speak English naturally)

Stress and rhythm are important elements in English pronunciation. If learners

pronounce all the syllables in a sentence too regularly, with the same force and
the same speed, they can be quite hard for English speakers to understand. And
if learners are not sensitive to English stress and rhythm, they may not perceive
unstressed syllables (especially ‘weak forms’) at all. And this may make it
difficult for them to follow natural English speech.

In speech, some parts of English words and sentences sound louder than others.
For example, they first syllable of CARpet, the second syllable of inSPECtion or
the last syllable of conFUSE are usually stressed, while the other syllables in these
words are not. In the sentence, don’t look at HIM – HE didn’t do it, the words
him and he are stressed in order to emphasize them. Stressed syllables are not
only louder; they may also have longer vowels, and they may be pronounced in
higher musical pitch.

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Word stress
English words with more than one syllable mostly have a fixed stress pattern.
There are not many rules to show which syllable of a word will be stressed: one
usually has to learn the stress pattern of a word along with its meaning, spelling
and pronunciation. Example:
- Stressed on first syllable:
AFter, CAital, HAPpen, EXercise, BAsy,
- Stressed on second syllable:
inSTEAD, proNOUNCE, aGREEment, parTIcularly
- Stressed on third syllable:
enterTAIN, underSTAND, concernTRAtion

The stressed syllable of a word is the one that can carry an intonation movement.

Many short phrases also have a fixed stress pattern.

- front DOOR (not FRONT door)

- LIVING room (not living ROOM)

Related words can have different stress patterns.

- To inCREASE, an INcrease
- PHOtograph, phoTOgrapher, photoGRAphic.

A good dictionary will show how words and common phrases are stressed.


Tekanan dan irama sangat penting dalam pengucapan Bahasa inggris. Jika kamu
mengucapkan semua sukukata dalam sebuah kalimat terlalu datar, dengan
tekanan dan kecepatan yang sama, ini menyebabkan kebingungan bagi native
speakers untuk memahami kamu. Dan jika kamu tidak bisa membedakan tekana
dan irama kosakata Bahasa inggris, kamu bakal susah membedakan sukukata
yang tidak ditekan (khususnya ‘bentuk tidak ditekan’). Maka inilah yang akan
menyusahkan kamu mengikuti percakapan Bahasa inggris yang natural.

Penekanan (Stressing)
Dalam percakapan, beberapa bagian dari kata Bahasa inggris terdengar kuat dari
yang lain. Contohnya, suku kata pertama dari kata CARpet, suku kata kedua
dari kata inSPECtion atau suku kata terakhir dari kata conFUSE, suku kata yang
dikapitalkan dibaca kuat (stressed), sedangkan suku kata lain tidak ditekankan.
Dalam sebuah kalimat, don’t look at HIM – HE didn’t do it, kata him dan he
ditekankan untuk memperjelas siapa dan apa. Suku kata yang ditekankan tidak
hanya diucapkan kuat, ada juga yang vowel nya panjang, dan ada juga
diucapkan berirama tinggi.

Tekanan pada kata.

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Kata dalam Bahasa inggris yang lebih dari satu suku kata biasanya memiliki pola
tekana yang tetap. Tapi tidak ada aturan untuk menentukan suku kata yang
mana yang ditekankan: kamu harus belajar pola penekanan sekalian dengan
belajar arti, ejaan, dan pengucapan. Contohnya:
- Ditekankan pada suku kata pertama:
AFter, CAital, HAPpen, EXercise, BAsy,
- Ditekankan pada suku kata kedua:
inSTEAD, proNOUNCE, aGREEment, parTIcularly
- Ditekankan pada suku kata ketiga:
enterTAIN, underSTAND, concernTRAtion

banyak frase pendek yang memiliki pola penekana yang tetap juga.

- front DOOR (bukan FRONT door)

- LIVING room (bukan living ROOM)

Kata-kata yang berkaitan bisa memiliki pola tekana yang berbeda.

- To inCREASE, an INcrease
- PHOtograph, phoTOgrapher, photoGRAphic.

Kamus yang bagus selalu memberikan cara penekanan kata-kata dan frase

That’s how you start speaking a natural English.

220. Speech (how to speak English naturally)

Variable stress
Some words have variable stress. In these, the stress is at or near the end when
the word is spoken alone, but it can move to an earlier position when the word is
in a sentence, especially if another stressed word follows. Compare:
- afterNOON (stressed at the end)
it’s time for my AFternoon SLEEP. (stressed at the beginning)
- japanESE
JApanese COOking
- nineTEEN
The year NINEteen TWENty

many short phrases – for instance, two-word verbs – have variable stress.

- Their marriage broke UP.

Money problems BROKE up their marriage.
- Do sit DOWN
She SAT down and cried.

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Emphatic and contrastive stress

Stress is often used to emphasize one part of a sentence, perhaps to make a

contrast. Compare these three ways of sating the same words:

- Their ELDER daughter went to Cambridge. (not their younger daughter)

- Their elder DAUGHTER went to Cambridge. (not their elder son)
- Their elder daughter went to CAMBRIDGE. (not another university)

Stress in sentences; rhythm

Rhythm is the word for the way stressed and unstressed syllables make patterns
in speech. In sentences, we usually give more stress to nouns, ordinary verbs,
adjectives, and adverbs, and less stress to pronouns, determiners, preposition,
and conjunctions and auxiliary verbs.

- She was SURE that the BACK of the CAR had been DAMaged.

Stressed syllables are pronounced more slowly and clearly. Unstressed syllables
are pronounced more quickly and less clrearly, and are fitted in between the
stressed syllables. Compare the following two sentences. The second does not
take much longer to say than the first: although it has three more unstressed
syllables, it has the same number of stressed syllables.

- She KNEW the DOCtor.

- She KNEW that there was a DOCtor.


Penekana yang berbeda

Beberapa kata memiliki tenpat pengekan yang berbeda. Biasanya, penekanannya
ada di suku kata akhir atau dekat akhir, jika kata tersebut diucapkan sendiri, tapi
penekananya bisa pinda menjadi diawal ketika kata tersebut ada dalam kalimat.
- afterNOON (ditekan di akhir)
it’s time for my AFternoon SLEEP. (ditekan di awal)
- japanESE
JApanese COOking
- nineTEEN
The year NINEteen TWENty

Kebanyakan frasa – contohnya, kata kerja yang dua kata – memiliki pola
penekana yang berbeda.

- Their marriage broke UP.

Money problems BROKE up their marriage.
- Do sit DOWN
She SAT down and cried.

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Tekana untuk membedakan makna.

Penekana sering digunakan untuk menekatkan makna dari bagian kalimat, bisa
jadi untuk membedakan. Bandingkan ketiga cara mengucapkan kalimat berikut
yang terdiri dari kata-kata yang sama.

- Their ELDER daughter went to Cambridge. (bukan younger daughter)

- Their elder DAUGHTER went to Cambridge. (bukan elder son)
- Their elder daughter went to CAMBRIDGE. (bukan universitas lain)

Penekana dalam kalimat; irama

Irama adalah pola dalam percakapan untuk cara menekan dan tidak menenkan
suku kata. Dalam kalimat, kita biasanya menekan kata benda, kata kerja, kata
sifat dan kata keteranga, dan tidak menekan kata ganti, preposisi, kata hubung,
dan kata bantu.

- She was SURE that the BACK of the CAR had been DAMaged.

Suku kata yang ditekan diucapkan lebih lambat dan lebih jelas. Suku kata yang
tidak ditekan diucapkan cepat dan tidak terlalu jelas. Bandingkan dua kalimat
berikut ini. Kalimat kedua diucapkan tidak terlalu lama daripada kalimat
pertama, walaupun ia memiliki tiga kata lagi yang tidak ditekankan.

- She KNEW the DOCtor.

- She KNEW that there was a DOCtor.

Bedakan car abaca kalimat-kalimat diatas. Yang mana yang ditekan dan yang
mana yang tidak ditekan.

221. Speech and intonation.

Intonation is the word for the ‘melody’ of spoken language: the way the musical
pitch of the voice rises and falls. Intonation systems in languages are very
complicated and difficult to analyze.
Intonation in conversation
One use of intonation is to show how a piece of information fits in with what
comes before and after. For instance, a speaker may raise his or her voice when
taking over the conversation from somebody else, or to indicate a change of
subject. A rise or fall on a particular word ma show that this is the ‘center’ of the
message – the place where the new information is being given; or it may signal a
contrast or a special emphasis. A rising tone at the end of a sentence may suggest
that there is more to be said and perhaps invite another speaker to take over.


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Intonation (together with speed, voice quality and loudness) can also say things
about the speaker’s attitude. For instance, when people are excited or angry they
often raise and lower their voices more.
Intonation and misunderstandings
If a statement is made on a rising intonation, it may be misunderstood as a
That’s our TRAIN. ~ I don’t know. ~ yes, it is. I’m telling you.


Intonasi adalah ‘melodi’ Bahasa verbal (percakapan) – dimana suara naik dan
turun. System intonasi dalam sebuah Bahasa sangatlah compleks dan susah
untuk dianalisa.

Intonasi dalam percakapan

Salah satu fungsi intonasi adalah untuk menampakkan informasi cocok dengan
apa yang datang sesudah dan sebelumnya. Contohnya, pembicara bisa
menaikkan suaranya ketika ingin mengambil alih pembicaraan dari orang lain,
atau ingin mengganti topik pembicaraan.

Suara naik atau turun pada suatu kata tertentu boleh menunjukan bahwa ini
adalah inti dari pembicaraan


Intonasi (dan juga kecepatan, kualitas suara dan besarnya suara) mempengaruhi
sikap penutur. Contohnya, ketika orang sedang semangat atau marah, mereka
lebih sering menaikkan dan menurunkan suara

Intonasi dan kesalahpahaman

Jika ungkapan dibuat dengan intonasi tinggi, ini bisa menyebabkan
kesalahpahaman dan dipikir sebagai pertanyaan.

That’s our TRAIN. ~ I don’t know. ~ yes, it is. I’m telling you.

222. Subjunctive

What is subjunctive?
Some languages have special verb forms called ‘subjunctive’, which are used
specially to talk about ‘unreal’ situations: things which are possible, desirable or
imaginary. Older English had subjunctives, but in modern English they have
mostly been replaced by uses of should, would and other modal verbs, by special

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uses of past tenses, and by ordinary verb forms. English only has a few
subjunctive forms left: third-person singular present verbs without –s, (e.g. she
see, he have) and special forms of be (e.g. I be, he were). Except for I/he/she/it
were after if, they are not very common.

Ordinary verbs only have one subjunctive form: a third person singular present
with no –s (e.g. she see). It is sometimes used in that-clause in a formal style,
especially in American English, after words which express the idea that
something is important or desirable (e.g. suggest, recommend, ask, insist, vital,
essential, important, advice). The same forms are used in both present and past
 It is essential that every child have the same educational opportunities.
 The judge recommended that Andi remain in prison for life.

Do is not used in negative subjunctives. Note the word order.

 We felt it desirable that he not leave school before eighteen.

With verbs that are not third-person singular, the forms are the same as ordinary
present-tense verbs (but they may refer to the past)

 I recommended that you move to another office.


Apa itu kalimat subjunctive?

Subjunctive adalah bentuk kata kerja yang khusus mengungkapkan situasi
“tidak nyata”: hal yang tidak mungkin, yang di inginkan atau imajinasi. Bahasa
inggris tua banyak terdapat penggunaan subjunctive, tapi pada Bahasa inggris
sekarang (modern), subjunctive diganti dengan penggunaan should, would dan
kata bantu lainnya, diganti juga dengan penggunaan past tense tertentu, dan
juga dengan bentuk kata kerja biasa. Bahasa inggris hanya memiliki sedikit
bentuk subjunctive yang tersisa: kata kerja tunggal orang ketiga tanpa –s (she
see, he have) dan bentuk khusus be (I be, he were). Kecuali untuk I/he/she/it
menggunakan were setelah if- bentuk ini tidak terlalu digunakan.

Kata kerja biasa hanya memiliki satu bentuk subjunctive: orang ketiga tunggal
tanpa –s (she see). Ini sering digunakan dengan klausa-that kalimat formal,
khususnya pada American English, digunakan setelah kata-kata yang
mengungkapkan sesuatu yang penting atau diinginkan (seperti, suggest,
recommend, ask, insist, vital, essential, important, advice). Bantuk yang sama
juga digunakan untuk present dan past tense.
 It is essential that every child have the same educational opportunities.
 The judge recommended that Andi remain in prison for life.

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Do tidak digunakan dalam kalimat subjunctive negatif. Perhatikan urutan


 We felt it desirable that he not leave school before eighteen.

Dengan kata kerja orang ketiga tunggal, bentuknya sama seperti kata kerja
present biasanya. (tapi menunjukkan makna past.)

 I recommended that you move to another office.

223. Subjunctive (additional points)

Be has special subjunctive forms: I be, you be etc.

 It is important that Helen be present when we sign the papers.

I were and he/she/it were, used for example after if and wish in a formal style,
are also subjunctives.

 If I were you a should stop smoking.

 I wish it were Saturday.

Subjunctives are also used in certain fixed phrases. Examples:

 God save the Queen!

 Long live the King!
 God bless you
 I we have to pay Rp. 1 billion, the so be it. (= we can’t do anything to change

Most subjunctive structures are formal and unusual in British English. In that-
clauses, British people usually prefer should + infinitive, or ordinary present
and past tenses.

 It is essential that every child should have the same educational

opportunities. (or … that every child has …)
 It was important that James should contact John as soon as possible. (or …
that James contacted …)


Be memiliki bentuk kalimat subjunctive khusus: I be, you be dll.

 It is important that Helen be present when we sign the papers.

I were dan he/she/it were, digunakan setelah if and wish dalam ungkapan
formal juga bentuk subjunctive.

 If I were you a should stop smoking.

 I wish it were Saturday.

Kalimat Subjunctives juga digunakan dalam frase tetap tertentu. contohnya:

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 God save the Queen!

 Long live the King!
 God bless you
 I we have to pay Rp. 1 billion, the so be it. (= tidak ada yang bisa kita lakukan
untuk mengubahnya.)

Kebanyakan struktur kalimat subjunctive digunakan secara formal dan tidak

sering digunakan oleh British English. Orang British mengguanakan should +
infinitive, atau tense past dan present

 It is essential that every child should have the same educational

opportunities. (atau … that every child has …)
 It was important that James should contact John as soon as possible. (atau …
that James contacted …)

Subjunctive is very formal, but we can still use it. I’ll see you tomorrow.

224. Telling the time

There are two common was of saying what time it is.

8.05 eight (o) five or five past eight
8.10 eight ten or ten past eight
8.15 eight fifteen or a quarter past eight
8.25 eight twenty-five or twenty-five past eight
8.30 eight thirty or half past eight
8.50 eight fifty or ten two nine
9.00 nine o’clock

Americans prefer to write a colon between the hours and the minutes: 8:50.
People generally prefer to say minutes past/to for times between the five-minute
 Seven minutes past eight (more natural than seven past eight)
 Three minutes to nine (more natural than three to nine)

The expression o’clock is only used to the hour. Compare

 Wake me at seven (o’clock)

 Wake me at the past seven. (not … ten past seven o’clock)
Past is often dropped form half past in informal speech.

 Ok, see you at half two. (= … half past two.)

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In amercian English after is often used instead of past (e.g. ten after six); but
americans do not say half after. And in American English of, before and till are
possible instead of to (e.g. twenty-five of three).


Ada dua cara yang paling umum untuk mengungkapkan jam.

8.05 eight (o) five or five past eight
8.10 eight ten or ten past eight
8.15 eight fifteen or a quarter past eight
8.25 eight twenty-five or twenty-five past eight
8.30 eight thirty or half past eight
8.50 eight fifty or ten two nine
9.00 nine o’clock

Orang amerika lebih suka menulis dengan titik dua (:) di antra jam dan
menitnya: 8:50. Umumnya orang lebih suka mengatakan menit dengan past/to
untuk pembagian lima-menit
 Seven minutes past eight (lebih natural daripada seven past eight)
 Three minutes to nine (lebih natural daripada three to nine)

Ekspresi o’clock hanya digunakan untuk jam (hour). Bandingkan:

 Wake me at seven (o’clock)

 Wake me at the past seven. (bukan … ten past seven o’clock)

Past sering dibuang dari kata awalnya half past pada percakapan informal

 Ok, see you at half two. (= … half past two.)

Dalam American English after sering digunakan daripada past (conto, ten after
six); tapi American English tidak menggunakan half after. Dan pada American
english of, before dan till boleh digunakan daripada menggunakan to (contoh,
twenty-five of three).

You can choose which way to say time. All the two ways are understandable by
native speakers.

225. Tense simplification id subordinate clauses

Reasons for tense simplification

If the main verb of a sentence makes it clear what kind of time the speaker is
talking about, it is not always necessary for the same time to be indicated again in
subordinate clause. Compare:
 The discovery means that we will spend less on food.

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This discovery will mean that we spend less on food.

 It is unlikely that he will win.
I will pray that he wins.

Verbs in subordinate clauses are often simpler in form than verbs in main clauses
– for example present instead pf future, simple past instead of would +
infinitive, simple past instead of past perfect.

 You’ll find Coca-Cola wherever you go. (not … wherever you will go)
 He would never do anything that went against his conscience. (more natural
that … that would go against his conscience.)


Alasan kenapa menyederhanakan tenses

Jika kata kerja utama dari sebuah kalimat menerangkan dengan jelas waktu yang
penutur utarakan, maka boleh jika waktu tersebut tidak diulang kembali.
Bandingkan contoh-contoh berikut:
 The discovery means that we will spend less on food.
This discovery will mean that we spend less on food.
 It is unlikely that he will win.
I will pray that he wins.

Kata kerja dalam klausa kedua (subordinate clause) seringnya lebih simpel
dalam bentuknya daripada klausa utama – contohnya menggunakan present
daripada future, past simple daripada would + infinitive, past simple daripada
past perfect

 You’ll find Coca-Cola wherever you go. (bukan … wherever you will go)
 He would never do anything that went against his conscience. (lebih natural
daripada … that would go against his conscience.)

Read again the examples above and try to make similar example of your own. I’ll
see you tomorrow.

226. Using present instead of future

Present tenses are often used instead of will + infinitive to refer to the future in
subordinate clauses. This happens not only after conjunctions of time like when,
until, after, before, as soon as, but in most other subordinate clauses. For instance,
after if, whether and on condition that, after question words and relatives, and in
indirect speech.
 I’ll write to her when I have time. (not … when I will have time)
 Will you stay here until the plane takes off?

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 I think you’ll find the wind slows you down a bit

This can happen even if the main verb is not future in form, provided it refers to
the future.

 Call me when you arrive.

 Make sure you come back soon.
 You can tell who you like next week, but not until then.

In comparisons with as and then, present and future verbs are both possible.

 She’ll be on the same train as we are/will tomorrow

 We’ll get there sooner than you do/will

The present perfect is used instead of the future perfect, to express the idea of

 I’ll call you when I’ve finished. (not … when I will have finished)
 At the end of the year there will be an exam on everything you’ve studied.
(not … everything you will have studied).


Present tenses lebih sering digunakan daripada bentuk will + infinitive untuk
menunjukkan masa akan dating dalam klausa bawahan. Ini terjadi tidak hanya
setelah kata hubung seperti when, until, after, before, as soon as, tapi tejadi di
kebanakan klausa bawahan.
 I’ll write to her when I have time. (bukan … when I will have time)
 Will you stay here until the plane takes off?
 I think you’ll find the wind slows you down a bit

Ini bisa dipakai walaupun kata kerja utama bukan dalam bentuk future, jika ia
merujuk ke future.

 Call me when you arrive.

 Make sure you come back soon.
 You can tell who you like next week, but not until then.

Perbandingan antara as dan than, kata kerja present dan future keduanya boleh

 She’ll be on the same train as we are/will tomorrow

 We’ll get there sooner than you do/will

Present perfect digunakan ketimbang future perfect untuk menekspresikan

gagasan yang telah selesai.

 I’ll call you when I’ve finished. (bukan … when I will have finished)

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 At the end of the year there will be an exam on everything you’ve studied.
(bukan … everything you will have studied).

I’ll see you tomorrow for more English lesson. Don’t forget to check my email.

227. Simplification of perfect and progressive verbs

Simple past verb forms are used quite often in subordinate clauses instead of
present perfect and past perfect tenses, if the meaning is clear.
 It’s been a good time while it(‘s) lasted.
 I’ve usually liked the phone I(‘ve) worked with.
 For thirty years, he had done no more than he (had) needed to.
 He probably crashed because he had gone to sleep while he was driving.
(more natural than ... while we had been driving.)

Progressives are often replaced by simple forms in subordinate clauses.

 He’s working. But at the same time as he works, he’s exercising. (or … at the
same time as he’s working…)

These rules do not usually apply to clauses beginning because, although, since or
as (meaning ‘because’), or to non-identifying relative clauses.

 I won’t mind the heat on holiday because I won’t move about much.
 I’ll come to the opera with you, although I probably won’t enjoy it.
 You’ll work with Mr. Harris, who will explain everything to you.


Penyederhanaan kata kerja perfect dan progressive.

Bentuk kata kerja past simple sering digunakan dalam klausa bawahan daripada
present perfect atau past perfect, jika maknanya jelas.
 It’s been a good time while it(‘s) lasted.
 I’ve usually liked the phone I(‘ve) worked with.
 For thirty years, he had done no more than he (had) needed to.
 He probably crashed because he had gone to sleep while he was driving.
(lebih natural daripada ... while we had been driving.)

Bentuk progressive sering digantikan oleh bentuk simple dalam klausa bawahan
(subordinate clauses).

 He’s working. But at the same time as he works, he’s exercising. (atau … at
the same time as he’s working…)

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Aturan ini tidak bisa digunakan untuk klausa yang dimulai dengan because,
although, since atau as (yang artinya ‘because’).

 I won’t mind the heat on holiday because I won’t move about much.
 I’ll come to the opera with you, although I probably won’t enjoy it.
 You’ll work with Mr. Harris, who will explain everything to you.

Baca lagi perbedaan dengan penggunaan kata hubung because, although, since
atau as untuk memahami perbedaan penggunaannya. I’ll see you tomorrow for
other lesson.

228. Clauses with that

That as clause connector

That is a conjunction with little real meaning. It is simply a connector – it shows

that a clause forms part of a larger sentence. Compare
 I understood. He was innocent. (two separate sentences)
 I understood that he was innocent. (the clause he was innocent has become
the object of the verb in the larger sentence)

That-clauses in sentences

A that-clause can be the subject of a sentence.

 That she should forget me so quickly was rather a shock.

It can be a complement after be.

 The main thing is that you’re happy

Many verbs can have that-clauses as object.

 We knew that the next day would be difficult.

 I regretted that I was not going to be at the meeting.

And many nouns and adjectives can be followed by that-clauses.

 I admire your belief that you are always right.

 The Minister is anxious that nothing should get into the papers.

In some kinds of that-clause, should + infinitive or subjunctives are often used

instead of ordinary verb forms.

 I insisted that she should see a doctor at once. (or … that she sees …)


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Penggunaan klause that

That sebagai penghubung klausa

That adalah kata hubung yang tidak memiliki arti yang jelas. Ia hanya
penghubung – untuk menunjukkan kalau ini bagian dari kalimat untuhnya.
 I understood. He was innocent. (dua kalimat yang terpisah)
 I understood that he was innocent. (klausa he was innocent menjadi objek
dari kata kerja di kalimat yang utuhnya)

Klausa that dalam kalimat.

Klausa that (that-clause) bisa menjadi subjek kalimat.

 That she should forget me so quickly was rather a shock.

Ia juga bisa pelengkap setelah be.

 The main thing is that you’re happy

Banyak kata kerja bisa memiliki klausa that sebagai objeknya.

 We knew that the next day would be difficult.

 I regretted that I was not going to be at the meeting.

Kata benda dan kata sifat bisa diikuti oleh klausa that.

 I admire your belief that you are always right.

 The Minister is anxious that nothing should get into the papers.
Pada beberapa bentuk klausa that, should + infinitive atau kalimat subjunctive
sering digunakan daripada bentuk kata kerja biasa.

 I insisted that she should see a doctor at once. (atau … that she sees …)

We’ll continue this topic tomorrow. Don’t forget to check my email.

229. Clauses with that (continue)

It is unusual for that-clause to stand alone as subject. They are more often
introduced by the expression the fact that.
 The fact that she was foreign made it difficult for her to get a job. (not that she
was foreign …)
 The fact that Simon had disappeared didn’t seem to worry anybody. (more
natural that That Simon had disappeared …)

The fact also introduces that-clauses after prepositions (that-clauses cannot

follow prepositions directly)

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 The judge paid no attention to the fact that she had just lost her husband. (not
… paid no attention to that she had …)
 In spite of the fact that she had three small children, he sent her to prison of
six months. (not in spite of that she had…)

Using Compound conjunctions

Some conjunctions are made up of two or more words, including that. Common
examples: so that, in order that, provided that, providing that, seeing that, given
that, now that.

 I got here early so that we could have a few minutes alone together.
 I’ll come with you providing that Bill doesn’t mind.
 Given that Monday is a holiday, we could go to Scotland for the weekend.
 Now that the kinds are at school, the house seems very quiet.


Penggunaan kausa that

Kalusa that (klausa yang dimulai dengan that) tidak bisa digunakan sendiri. Ia
sering dimulai dengan ekspresi the fact that.
 The fact that she was foreign made it difficult for her to get a job. (bukan that
she was foreign …)
 The fact that Simon had disappeared didn’t seem to worry anybody. (lebih
natural daripada That Simon had disappeared …)

The fact juga digunakan dengan klausa that seteleh preposisi (klausa that tidak
bisa diikuti secara langsung oleh preposisi)

 The judge paid no attention to the fact that she had just lost her husband.
(bukan … paid no attention to that she had …)
 In spite of the fact that she had three small children, he sent her to prison of
six months. (bukan in spite of that she had…)

Kata hubung ganda

Ada beberapa kata hubung yang dibuat dari dua atau lebih kata, termasuk that.
Contoh umumnya: so that, in order that, provided that, providing that, seeing
that, given that, now that.

 I got here early so that we could have a few minutes alone together.
 I’ll come with you providing that Bill doesn’t mind.
 Given that Monday is a holiday, we could go to Scotland for the weekend.
 Now that the kinds are at school, the house seems very quiet.
Besok kita akan membahas that yang telah dibuang seperti dalam kalimat “I’m
glad you’re all right.” Don’t forget to check my email.

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230. That omission

We can often leave out the conjunction that, especially in an informal style.

Indirect speech
That can be left out informally after many common reporting verbs.
 James sail (that) he was feeling better.
 I thought (that) you were in Singapore
 The waiter suggested (that) we should go home.

That cannot be dropped after certain verbs, especially intransitive verbs – e.g.
reply, email, shout.

 James replied that he was feeling better. (not James replied he was …)
 She shouted that she was busy. (not she shouted she was busy)
Omit that after adjectives

We can leave out that in clauses after some common adjectives

 I’m glad (that) you’re all right.

 It’s funny (that) he hasn’t written

Don’t drop that after nouns

That is not usually dropped after nouns.

 I did not believe his claim that he was ill. (more natural than … his claim he
was ill)
 He disagreed with Copernicus’ view that the earth went round the sun. (not
… Copernicus’ view that earth went …)

Kita sering membuang kata hubung that, khususnya dalam percakapan sehari-

Percakapan tidak langsung

That bisa dibuang setelah kata kerja reporting verbs.

 James sail (that) he was feeling better.
 I thought (that) you were in Singapore
 The waiter suggested (that) we should go home.

That tidak boleh dibuang setelah beberapa kata kerja, khususnya setelah kata
kerja intransitive seperti reply, email, shout.

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 James replied that he was feeling better. (bukan James replied he was …)
 She shouted that she was busy. (bukan she shouted she was busy)

Buang that setelah kata sifat

Kita bisa membuang that dalam sebuah klausa setelah kata sifat

 I’m glad (that) you’re all right.

 It’s funny (that) he hasn’t written

Jangan buang that setelah kata benda.

That tidak sering dibuang setelah kata benda.

 I did not believe his claim that he was ill. (lebih natural daripada … his claim
he was ill)
 He disagreed with Copernicus’ view that the earth went round the sun.
(bukan … Copernicus’ view that earth went …)

That’s for today. I’ll check up with you for more lesson. See you!

231. Commonly confused word: time

Time has various uses, some countable and some uncountable. Most of these are
straightforward, but there are problems in two areas:
a. measure of duration: how long
When we talk about the number of hours, days etc. that are needed to complete
something, time is generally uncountable (and therefore used with a).
 How much time do we need to lead the van?
 It took quite some time to persuade her to talk to us
 Don’t worry – there’s plenty of time.
However, time is countable in certain expressions like along/short time and quite a time.

 I took a long time to get to sleep.

 She was away for quite a time.
The time can be used to mean ‘enough time’; the is of then dropped.

 Just come with me – I haven’t (the) time to explain.

b. Clock times
When we talk about clock times, time is countable.

 Six o’clock would be a good time to meet.

 She phoned me at various time yesterday
The is dropped in the expression it’s time.

 It’s time to stop. (not it’s the time to stop)


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Kata Time memiliki banyak penggunaan, ada yang countable (bisa dihitung) ada yang
uncountable (tidak bisa dihitung). Kebanyakan penggunaannya jelas, tapi ada
permasalahan dalam dua area.
a. Ukuran durasi: how long
Ketika kita berbicara tentang jumlah jam, hari dll. yang dibutuhkan untuk melengkapi
sesuatu, kata time umumnya berbentuk uncountable (maka harus digunakan a).
 How much time do we need to lead the van?
 It took quite some time to persuade her to talk to us
 Don’t worry – there’s plenty of time.
Namun, time berbentuk countable dalam beberapa ekspresi seprti a long/shor time dan
quite a time.

 I took a long time to get to sleep.

 She was away for quite a time.
The time bisa digunakan yang berarti ‘sudah cukup waktu’; the nya kemudian dibuang.

 Just come with me – I haven’t (the) time to explain.

b. Jam waktu
Ketika kita berbicara tentang jam waktu, jam berbentuk countable.

 Six o’clock would be a good time to meet.

 She phoned me at various time yesterday
The dibuang dalam ekspressi it’s time.

 It’s time to stop. (bukan it’s the time to stop)

That’s all. I’ll see you tomorrow.
232. Using preposition with time: in time/ on time

Preposition are often dropped before some common expressions with time.
 He’s busy. Why don’t you come another time? (more natural than … at another
 What time does the match start? (more natural than … at what time?)
 You won’t fool me this time
In relative structures after time, that is often used instead on when in an informal style
(or dropped)

 Do you remember the time (that) Freddy pretended to be a ghost?

 You can come up and see me any time (that) you like.
On time means ‘at the planned time’, ‘neither late nor early’. The opposite is ‘early’ or
‘late’. It is often used to refer to timetabled events.

 Only one of the last six trains has been on time. (not …. In time)
 Peter wants the discussion to start exactly on time. (not … in time)
In time mean ‘with enough time to spare’, ‘before the last moment’. The opposite is too
 We arrived in time to get good seats. (not … on time to get …)
 I nearly drove into the car in front, but I stopped just in time.

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Preposisi sering dibuang sebelum ekspresi dengan time.
 He’s busy. Why don’t you come another time? (lebih natural daripada … at another
 What time does the match start? (lebih natural daripada … at what time?)
 You won’t fool me this time
Dalam sturktur relative clause setelah time, that sering digunakan daripada wen dalam
percakapan informal (atau dibuang)

 Do you remember the time (that) Freddy pretended to be a ghost?

 You can come up and see me any time (that) you like.
On time artinya ‘pada waktu yang ditentukan’, ‘tidak telat atau cepat’. Lawannya adalah
‘cepat’ atau ‘terlambat’. Ini sering digunakan untuk menunjukkan pada acara yang telah

 Only one of the last six trains has been on time. (bukan …. In time)
 Peter wants the discussion to start exactly on time. (bukan … in time)
In time artinya ‘ada waktu yang tersisa’, ‘sebelum saat terakhir’. Lawannya adalah
sangat telat.

 We arrived in time to get good seats. (bukan … on time to get …)

 I nearly drove into the car in front, but I stopped just in time.

On time and in time are not used the same way. You need to read again the sentences to
make you understand better.
233. Using too and very

Too is different from very – too means ‘more than enough’, ‘more than necessary’ or
‘more than is wanted’. Compare:
 He’s a very intelligent child.
He’s too intelligent for his class – he’s not learning anything.
 It was very cold, but we went out.
It was too cold to go out, so we stayed at home.
Using too and too much
Before adjective without nouns and before adverbs we use too, not too much.

 You’re too kind to me. (not you’re too much kind to me)
 I arrived too early. (not … too much early)
Too much is used, for example, before nouns.

 I’ve got too much work.

Using much too, far too etc.
Expression which modify comparatives

 Much too old (not very too old)

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 Far too long

 A bit too soon
Don’t use too before adjective + noun
Too is not normally used before adjective + noun.

 I put down the bag because it was too heavy (not … too heavy bag.)
 She doesn’t like men who are too tall. (not … too tall man)
In a rather formal style, too can be used before adjective + a/an + noun

 It’s too cold a day for tennis.

Too berbeda dengan very – too artinya ‘lebih dari cukup’, ‘lebih dari pending’ or ‘lebih
dari yang diinginkan’. bandingkan:
 He’s a very intelligent child.
He’s too intelligent for his class – he’s not learning anything.
 It was very cold, but we went out.
It was too cold to go out, so we stayed at home.
penggunaan too dan too much
sebelum kata sifat tanpa kata benda dan sebelum kata keterangan kita guanakan too,
bukan too much.

 You’re too kind to me. (bukan you’re too much kind to me)
 I arrived too early. (bukan … too much early)
Too much digunakan, contohnya, sebelum kata benda (nouns).

 I’ve got too much work.

Penggunaan much too, far too dll. digunakan untuk merubah ungkapan perbandingan
 Much too old (bukan very too old)
 Far too long
 A bit too soon
Jangan gunakan too sebelum adjective + noun
Too tidak digunakan sebelum adjective + noun.

 I put down the bag because it was too heavy (bukan … too heavy bag.)
 She doesn’t like men who are too tall. (bukan … too tall man)
Dalam percakapan sehari-hari, to bisa digunakan sebelum adjective + a/an + noun

 It’s too cold a day for tennis.

Baca kembali contoh diatas agar tidak terbalik penggunaan too, too much dan very.
234. Turning verb into nouns

Using nouns for action

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It is very common to refer to an action by using a noun instead of a verb. Nouns of this
kind often have the same form as the related verbs. The structure is especially common
in an informal style.
 There was a loud crash
 Did I hear a cough?
 Let’s have a talk about your plan
 Come on – one more try!
Common structures
Nouns of this kind are often introduced by ‘general-purpose’ verbs such as have, take,
give, make go for.

 I’ll have a thing and let you know what I decide.

 If it won’t start, let’s give it a push.
We can use –ing form in a similar way after do.

 She does a bit of painting, but she doesn’t like to show people.
These structures are very common when we talk about casual, unplanned or
unsystematic recreational activity. Compare:

 Let’s have a swim. (more natural than let’s swim)

 Do you do any sport? Yes, I swim
Menggunakan kata benda untuk aksi
Sangat sering didapatkan orang menggunakan kata benda bukan kata kerja untuk
merujuk kepada aksi. Kata benda yang seperti ini memiliki bentu yang sama seperti kata
kerjanya. Struktur yang seperti ini sangat sering digunakan dalam percakapan informal.
 There was a loud crash
 Did I hear a cough?
 Let’s have a talk about your plan
 Come on – one more try!
Struktur umum
Kata benda yang seperti ini sering dimulai dengan kata kerja yang “fungsi umum”
seperti have, take, give, make go for.

 I’ll have a thing and let you know what I decide.

 If it won’t start, let’s give it a push.
Kita menggunakan bentuk –ing form dangan cara yang sama setelah do.

 She does a bit of painting, but she doesn’t like to show people.
Struktur ini sangat sering digunakan ketika berbicara tentang hal yang kasual, tidak
terencana atau aktifitas lainnya. Bandingkan:

 Let’s have a swim. (lebih umum daripada let’s swim)

 Do you do any sport? Yes, I swim
Perhatikan terkadang kata kerja tidak selalu menjadi kata kerja, tapi terkadang bisa
menjadi kata benda.

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235. Using used + infinitive

- Meaning
We use used + infinitive to talk about past habits and states which are now finished.

 I used to smoke, but now I’ve stopped. (not I was used to smoke…)
 That bingo hall used to be a cinema.
- Only past
Used to … has not present form (and no progressive, perfect, infinitive or –ing form). To
talk about present habit and states we usually just use the simple present tense.

 He smokes.
 Her brother still collects stamps.
Questions and negatives
When questions and negatives are written, they often have did … used instead of did …

 What did people use(d) to do in the evening before TV?

 I dint use(d) to like opera, but now I do.
The contraction usedn’t is also possible.

 I usedn’t to like opera.

But the most common negative is never used…

 I never used to like opera.

In a formal style, questions and negatives without do are possible, but these are not very
 I used not to like opera, but now I do. (or I used to not like opera …)
 Used you to play football at school?
These forms are not used in tags.

 You used not to like him, did you? (not …. Used you?)
Penggunaan used + infinitif
- arti
kita gunakan used + infinitive untuk mengatakan tentang kebiasaan atau keadaan masa
lampau yang sekarang sudah selesai.

 I used to smoke, but now I’ve stopped. (BUKANt I was used to smoke…)
 That bingo hall used to be a cinema.
- hanya dalam bentuk past

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Used to … tidak memiliki bentuk present (dan tidak ada bentuk progressive, perfect,
infinitive atau –ing). Untuk mengatakan tentang kebiasaan atau keadaan masa sekarang
kita hanya menggunakan tense simple present.
 He smokes.
 Her brother still collects stamps.
Bentuk pertanyaan dan negatif.
Ketika pertanyaan dan negative ditulis, maka ditulis dengan did … used, bukan did …

 What did people use(d) to do in the evening before TV?

 I dint use(d) to like opera, but now I do.
Pemendekan used not menjadi usedn’t juga bisa digunakan.

 I usedn’t to like opera.

Tapi negative dari used + infinitive yang paling sering adalan never used…

 I never used to like opera.

Dalam percakapan formal, pertanyaan dan negatif tanpa do juga mungkin digunakan,
tapi tidak terlalu sering digunakan.

 I used not to like opera, but now I do. (atau I used to not like opera …)
 Used you to play football at school?
Bentuk-bentuk ini tidak digunakan dalam tags.

 You used not to like him, did you? (bukan …. Used you?)
Perhatikan kembali yang mana yang donts dan yang mana yang dos dalam
menggunakan used + infinitive. I’ll see you tomorrow.

236. Using be used to

- Meaning
If a person is used to something, it is familiar; he or she has experienced it so much that
it is no longer strange or new.

 I’ve lived in central London for six years now, so I’m used to the noise.
 At the beginning I couldn’t understand Londoners because I wasn’t used to the
- structures
Be used to can be followed by –ing forms, but not infinitives

 I’m used to driving in London now, but it was hard at the beginning. (not I’m used to
drive in …)
Used is an adjective in this structure, and can be modified by quite or very.
 I’m quite used to her little ways.

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Get used to … ing etc.

Get, become and sometimes grow can also be used before used to (…ing)

 You’ll soon get used to living in the country.

 Little by little, be became used to his new family.
 It took them a long time to grow used to getting up in the night.
Note that used in pronounced /yust / in this structure.
- Arti
Dalam kalimat “a person is used to something”, ia terbiasa; memiliki pengalaman yang
tidak asing lagi.

 I’ve lived in central London for six years now, so I’m used to the noise.
 At the beginning I couldn’t understand Londoners because I wasn’t used to the
- struktur
Be used to bisa diikuti oleh bentuk –ing, tapi tidak bisa infinitive.

 I’m used to driving in London now, but it was hard at the beginning. (bukan I’m
used to drive in …)
Used adalah kata sifat dalam struktur ini, dan bisa diikuti oleh quite atau very

 I’m quite used to her little ways.

- Get used to … ing dll.

Get, become dan kadang-kadang grow bisa juga digunakan sebelum used to (…ing)

 You’ll soon get used to living in the country.

 Little by little, be became used to his new family.
 It took them a long time to grow used to getting up in the night.
Note: used diucapkan /yust / dalam struktur ini.
Keep on learning. And don’t forget to check my email tomorrow. See you!

237. Verb complementation: what can follow a verb?

- Different verbs, different structures

Different verbs can be followed by different kinds of word and structures. This is partly
a matter of meaning: after a verb like eat or break, for instance, it is normal to expect a
noun: after try or stop, it is natural to expect a verb. It is also partly a matter of
grammatical rules that have nothing to do with meaning. Before an object, wait is
followed by for; expect has not preposition. Unfortunately, there is no simple rules for
this kind of problem; it is necessary to learn, for each verb, what kind of structures can
follow it. A good dictionary will normally give this information.

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- Verb + object: transitive and intransitive verbs

Some verbs are usually followed by nouns or pronouns that act as direct objects. In
grammar these verbs are called ‘transitive examples are invite, surprise.
 Let’s invite sally and Bruce. (but not let’s invite.)
 You surprised me. (but not you surprised)
Some verbs are not normally followed by direct objects. These are called ‘intransitive’.
Example are sit, sleep.

 Do sit down. (but not do sit that chair)

 I usually sleep well (not I slept the baby)
Many verbs can be both transitive and intransitive

 Let’s eat
 I can’t eat sea food.
Some transitive verbs can be followed by two objects (indirect and direct).

 I’ll send you the form tomorrow

 I’m going to buy Sarah some flowers.
Apa ang boleh ada setelah kata kerja (part 1)
- Beda kata kerja, beda susunannya
Beda kata kerja beda kata atau struktur yang boleh diikuti. Ini boleh jadi karena masalah
makna: setelah kata kerja seperti eat atau break, biasanya dikuti oleh kata benda: setelah
kata try atau stop, kemungkinan besar kata kerja. Ini juga karena masalah aturan tata
Bahasa yang tidak ada hubungan dengan makna: sebelum objek, wait diikuti oleh for;
expect tidak ada priposisi.
Masalahnya, tidak ada aturan yang baku dengan masalah ini, kita harus belajar setiap
kata hanya boleh diikuti oleh apa dan struktur yang bagaimana. Kamus biasanya
memberikan informasi tentang ini.
- Verb + object: kata kerja transitive dan intransitive
Ada kata kerja yang biasanya diikuti oleh kata benda atau kata ganti sebagai objek
langsung. Dalam istilah grammar biasanya kata kerja ini disebut ‘transitive’ contohnya
are invite, surprise.

 Let’s invite sally and Bruce. (bukan let’s invite.)

 You surprised me. (bukan you surprised)
Ada kata kerja yang biasanya tidak diikuti oleh objek. Kata kerja ini biasa disebut
‘intransitive’. contohnya sit, sleep.

 Do sit down. (bukan do sit that chair)

 I usually sleep well (bukan I slept the baby)
Banyak kata kerja yang bisa sebagai treansitif (butuh objek) dan intransitive (tidak butuh

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 Let’s eat
 I can’t eat sea food.
Ada kata kerja tansitif yang boleh diikuti oleh dua objek (langsung dan tidak langsung).
 I’ll send you the form tomorrow
 I’m going to buy Sarah some flowers.
Let’s keep practicing because practice makes perfect. Don’t forget to check my email

238. What can follow after a verb (part 2)

Some verbs are used transitively and intransitively with different kinds of subject; the
transitive use has a meaning rather like a passive or reflexive verb. Compare
 She opened the door
The door opened
 The wind’s moving the curtain
The curtain’s moving
Many verbs need preposition before their objects.

 Why are you looking at me like that? (not …. Looking me …)

 I’d like you to listen to this. (not … to listen this.)
The preposition is dropped when there is no object.

 Look! (not look at!)

Other verbs can be used with adverb particles. Some of these combinations are
transitive; others are intransitive.

 We’ll have to put off our visit to Scotland.

 It’s time to get up.
Link verbs
Some verbs are followed not by an object, but by a subject complement – an expression
which describes the subject. These are called ‘link verbs’

 Your room is a mass.

 The toilets are upstairs
 That looks nice.

- Verb + verb: auxiliaries

Many verbs can be followed by forms of other verbs. Auxiliary verbs are used with other
verbs to make questions and negatives, progressive forms, perfect forms, and passive

 Do you want some tea?

 Where have you been?
 These are made in France
Modal auxiliary verbs are used with other verbs to add ideas such as certainty,
probability, futurity, permission and obligation.

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 You must be tired.

 The car may need a new engine.
 Can I borrow your paper?

Ada beberapa kata kerja digunakan secara transitif dan intransitive tergantung pada
subjeknya; penggunaan transitif memiliki makna seperti kata kerja passive atau
reflexive. Compare:
 She opened the door
The door opened
 The wind’s moving the curtain
The curtain’s moving
Banyak kata kerja membutuhkan preposisi sebelum objeknya.

 Why are you looking at me like that? (bukan …. Looking me …)

 I’d like you to listen to this. (bukan … to listen this.)
Preposisi boleh dibuang ketika tidak ada objek.

 Look! (not look at!)

Ada kata kerja yang bisa digunakan dengan adverb particle (at, on dll.). sebagian
kombinasi ini ada yang transitif dan ada yang intransitive.

 We’ll have to put off our visit to Scotland.

 It’s time to get up.
Link verbs
Ada kata kerja yang tidak diikuti oleh objek, tapi oleh pelengkap subjek – kata yang
memberi makna pelengkap kepada subjek. Kata kerja seperti ini disebut ‘link verbs’
 Your room is a mass.
 The toilets are upstairs
 That looks nice.

- Verb + verb: auxiliaries (kata bantu)

Banyak kata kerja boleh diikuti oleh kata kerja bentuk “lain”. Auxiliary adalah kata kerja
bantu yang digunakan dengan kata kerja lain untuk membuat partanyaan, bentuk
negatif, bentuk progressive, bentuk perfect, dan bentuk passive.

 Do you want some tea?

 Where have you been?
 These are made in France
Modal auxiliary adalah kata kerja dengan kata kerja lain yang menambahkan gagasan
seperti, kepastian, kemungkinan, masa depan, izin dan kewajiban.

 You must be tired.

 The car may need a new engine.
 Can I borrow your paper?

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These are a few words that can follow a verb. We’ll look more other structure tomorrow.
See you!

239. What can follow a verb (part 3)

- Verb + verb: other verbs

Many verbs besides auxiliaries can be followed by forms of other verbs (or by structures
including other verbs). This can happen, for example, if we talk about our attitude to an
action: the first verb describes the attitude and the second refers to the action. The
second verb structure is often rather like the direct object of the first verb

 I enjoy playing cards

 I say that she was crying
 I hope to see you soon.
Different structures are possible, depending on the particular verb. Some verbs can be
followed by infinitives with or without to, some verbs can be followed by –ing forms,
with or without a preposition, and some by clauses. Many verbs can be followed by
more than one of these structures, often with a difference of meaning or use.

 We seem to have a problem. (not we seem having a problem)

 Can I help wash up?
 It’s not very easy to stop smoking. (not … to stop to smoke)
 We’re thinking of moving. (not we’re to move)
Sometimes the firs verb does not give information about the subject – it says more about
the action which the second verb refers to.

 I happened to see Alice the other day.

 We’re starting to get invited to some of the neighbors’ parties
 My keys seem to have disappeared
It is possible to have ‘chains’ of verbs following each other

 I keep forgetting to go shopping

 Don’t let me stop you working
 He seems to be trying to sit up
 I don’t want to have to get her to start telling lies.
- Verb + verb: kata kerja lain
Banyak kata kerja selain kata kerja bantu bisa diikuti oleh bentuk kata kerja lain (atau
oleh struktur termasuk kata kerja lain). Ini terjadi jika kita berbicara tentang sikap kita
terhadap suatu perbuatan: kata kerja pertama merujuk kepada sikap dan kata kerja
kedua merujuk kepada perbuatan.

 I enjoy playing cards

 I say that she was crying
 I hope to see you soon.

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Susunan yang beda juga boleh, tergantung pada kata kerja tertentu. Ada kata kerja yang
boleh diikuti oleh infinitive, ada kata kerja yang boleh diikuti oleh bentuk –ing, baik ada
preposisi atau tidak, dan ada yang diikuti oleh klausa.
 We seem to have a problem. (bukan we seem having a problem)
 Can I help wash up?
 It’s not very easy to stop smoking. (bukan … to stop to smoke)
 We’re thinking of moving. (bukan we’re to move)
Terkadang, kata kerja pertama tidak memberi informasi tentang subjek – tapi memberi
informasi kepada perbuatan yang kata kerja kedua berikan.

 I happened to see Alice the other day.

 We’re starting to get invited to some of the neighbors’ parties
 My keys seem to have disappeared
Boleh juga ada ‘rantain’ kata kerja yang mengikuti satu sama lain.

 I keep forgetting to go shopping

 Don’t let me stop you working
 He seems to be trying to sit up
 I don’t want to have to get her to start telling lies.
Thanks for staying to study with me. I hope you can see the different among these
structures. See you tomorrow.
240. Verbs with both active and passive meanings

Some verbs are used transitively and intransitively with different kinds of subject. The
intransitive use has a meaning rather like a passive or reflexive verb. Compare
 She opened the door
The door opened
 We’re selling a lot of copies of your book.
Your book’s selling well.
 Something woke her.
Suddenly she woke.
 I can’t start the car.
The car won’t start

The transitive structure is used with a lot of verbs that refer to things we can do to
materials: for example, bend, break crack, melt, polish, scratch, stain, tear.

 Be careful what you put on the table – it scratches easily. (= you can easily scratch it.)
 These glasses are so fragile: they break if you look at them.
 The carpet’s made of a special material that doesn’t stain.
Kata kerja yang memiliki arti active dan passive

Ada kata kerja yang membutuhkan objek (transitive) dan yang tidak membutuhkan
(intransitive) tergantung pada jenis subjeknya. Some verbs are used transitively and
intransitively with different kinds of subject. Kata kerja intransitive bermakna seperti

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passive atau kata kerja reflexive (kata kerja yang objeknya sama dengan subjeknya.
 She opened the door
The door opened
 We’re selling a lot of copies of your book.
Your book’s selling well.
 Something woke her.
Suddenly she woke.
 I can’t start the car.
The car won’t start

Struktur transitive digunakan dengan kebanyakan kata kerja yang merujuk pada hal
yang bisa kita lakukan pada sesuatu, seperti bend, break, crack, melt, polish, scratch,
stain, tear.

 Be careful what you put on the table – it scratches easily. (= you can easily scratch it.)
 These glasses are so fragile: they break if you look at them.
 The carpet’s made of a special material that doesn’t stain.
That’s for today. Don’t forget to check my email tomorrow.
241. Get ready for interview (part 1)

Doing a job interview is a stressful experience for everyone, and it is especially hard if
you have to do it in English. Being well prepared for your job interview is the best way
to make sure that you meet with success.

Take some time to carefully research the company where you want to work. Visit their
webpage and read about what they do. Doing research will show the interviewer that
you’re a serious candidate who shows initiative and that your interest is real.

Practice common interview questions

There is no way to know for sure what questions you are going to be asked, but there are
two things you can do to prepare yourself.

- Tell me about yourself.

Try not to talk for too long about yourself! Think of important points that are
relevant to the job like you enjoy being with people. Try to avoid talking about
things that are too personal.

- What interests you about this job?

You want to be ready with about a one-minute answer that summarizes where you
are at in your career, what you do and what your strengths are.

- What do you know about our company?

This is where your research comes in handy. A well prepared answer will make a
great impression. Keep your answer as brief and complimentary to the company as

- Tell me about your strengths/weaknesses.

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Before going to the interview make a list of your 10 good points and 10 bad points.
For the good points think of things that would make you suitable for the job. For the
bad points be honest, nobody expects you to be perfect and often you'll be respected
for being humble and truthful. What you do need to do though is talk about your
weaknesses and how you're controlling them. Give an example of something you
used to struggle with and how you overcame that problem.
Hi, this email and the following emails on tips to interview will not be provided in
Bahasa Indonesia. So, try harder to get (gist) the information given above. I’ll see you

242. Get ready for interview (part 2)

The previous email we talked about questions during an interview that are related to
your personal information. Today, we’re going to look at some common question that
might be asked on an interview.
- Why did you leave your last job? Why are you leaving your current job?
Do NOT say anything negative about your current employer. Saying something like
"I don't feel challenged enough" or "I'm looking to develop myself further" is a good
place to start.

- Where do you see yourself in five years?

Be careful when answering this question, appearing too ambitious or not ambitious
enough may cause you to lose the job. Think about how you could grow within the
company and what contributions you could make in the future.

- What would you do if...?

Take your time and think carefully about this question. Make sure you use the
correct grammatical construction of the First Conditional.

- What has been your biggest professional achievement?

This is a great opportunity to showcase your talent. Don't be boastful but do be
honest. Sell yourself! Again, make sure you use the proper past tenses in this answer.

Don’t forget to dress appropriately because dressing properly for the job is an easy way
to help make a good first impression. If it’s at all possible you can go to the company
before the interview. If you’re lucky you may see employees walking in and out and
you’ll see how they dress.
Tomorrow we’re going to look at some common English phrases you can use on an
interview. See you!

243. Get ready for interview (part 3)

Hi, this is the 3rd part of preparing for interview. Today, we’re going to familiarize
ourselves with the phrases that you can use before answering question on an interview.

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Theses phrases are intended as a practice for you to speak and express yourself clearly
and eloquently. Sometimes we need “filler” – words or phrases that we used while
thinking before answering a question. We use fillers instead of ‘ah’. Here are some
examples of fillers and when to use them.

Phrases to use when you need time to think before you start speaking:

First of all, …
Let me think…
Let me see…
The first thing I should say is…
Let me start by saying…
That’s an interesting question…

Phrases to use when you need time to think in the middle of an answer:

Can I add that…?

The other thing I should say is…
Let me give you an example.
I could also say…

Phrases to use when you are nearly finished speaking:

And finally…
The last thing I’d like to say is…
What else can I add?
I think I’ve covered everything.
Which brings me to my final point…

Ok. Now practice all the phrases as if they are stamped on your head. See you

244. Get ready for interview (part 4)

This is the last part (part 4) of preparing for interview. Sometimes, after the interviewer
asks you a lot of questions, he or she allows you to ask questions too. Some people might
reply “no questions frm me”. Some other people ask silly questions – you definitely
should avoid that.

Asking questions is a chance for you to show your preparedness for the position, and
asking intelligent questions about the company, your boss and the position you’re
applying for is a step in the right direction.

Here are some questions you can and can’t ask in an interview.

Common question to ask:

- When are you looking to have someone start?

- What are the hours of the job?
- Are those hours Monday to Friday, or are staff expected to work Saturdays?
- Is this a full time position?

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- Is this a permanent job?

- May I see where I would be working if I were successful?
- Who would I be working for?
- Do you offer any training, and how long is it for?
- Is there a career path?

Here are questions you shouldn’t ask:

- How much is the pay?

- How many holidays would I get?
- Do I get sick pay?
- Would I get a company car/telephone/credit card?
- How long is the maternity/paternity leave?
- When do I start?

And here are some fantastic questions to ask:

- If you were to rank all the people who have done this job in the past, tell me about
number one and why you put them there?
- What qualities did the person who held this job previously have that you’d like to
- What are the most important qualities that the person filling this job should have?

This’s the end of our topic on interview. See you tomorrow.

245. Learn English suffixes

Suffixes can change the word-class and the meaning of the word

Common noun suffixes

-er is used for the person who does an activity, e.g. writer, teacher
You can use –er with a wide range of verbs to make them into nouns.
Sometimes, this suffix is written as –or instead of –er. It is worth making a special list of
these as you meet them, e.g. actor, operator, supervisor.
-er/-or are also used for things which do a particular job, e.g. bottle opener, projector.
-er and –ee can contrast with each other meaning ‘person who does something’ (-er) and
‘person who receives or experiences the action’ (-ee), e.g. employer/employee,

-(t)ion is used to make nouns form verbs, e.g. complication, reduction, permission,
-ist (for person) and –ism (for activity or ideology). They are used for people’s politics,
beliefs and ideologies, and sometimes their profession (compare with –er/-or
professions above), e.g. Buddhism, journalism, physicist.
-ist is also often used for people who play musical instruments, e.g. pianist, violinist.
-ness is used to make noun from adjectives. Note what happens to adjectives that end in
Goodness, readiness, forgetfulness, happiness, sadness, weakness.

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Akhiran (Suffixes) bisa mengubah katagori kata dan merubah maknanya juga.

Akhrian kata benda umum.

-er digunakan untuk orang yang melakukan sesuatu, seperti writer, teacher
Kamu bisa menggunakan –er dengan kebanyakan kata kerja untuk membuatnya
menjadi kata benda.
Terkadang, akhiran –er ditulis dengan –or, seperti actor, operator, supervisor.
-er/-or juga digunakan untuk sesuatu yang melakukan perkerjaan tertentu, seperti
bottle opener, projector.
-er dan –ee bisa memiliki makana yang bertolak belakang antara sesamanya, ‘orang
yang melakukan sesuatu’ (-er) dan ‘orang yang terkena sesuatu’ (-ee), contohnya
employer/employee, sender/addressee.

-(t)ion diguanakan untuk membuat kata benda dari kata kerja seperti complication,
reduction, permission, admission.
-ist (untuk orang) dan –ism (untuk kegiatan dan idologi). Keduanya digunakan untuk
ideology, kepercayaan dan politik seseorang, dan terkadang untuk profesi (bandingkan
dengan profesi –er/-or di atas), contohnya Buddhism, journalism, physicist.
-ist juga sering digunakan untuk orang yang pandai bermain instrument musik seperti
pianist, violinist.
-ness digunakan untuk membuat kata benda dari kata sifat. Perhatikan apa yang terjadi
pada kata sifat yang berakhiran –y: Goodness, readiness, forgetfulness, happiness,
sadness, weakness.

Suffixes are one of the most difficult to master yet they are the most important as they
change meaning and are used according to their word-class. I’ll see you tomorrow for
verb and adjectives suffices.

246. Adjectives and verb suffix

Making adjective from noun

-able and –ible with verbs mean ‘can be done’, e.g. drinkable, washable, recognizable,
Examples with –ible: edible (can be eaten), flexible (can be bent)

Making verbs.

-ize (or –ise) makes verbs form adjectives, e.g. modernize, commercialize, industrialize.

Other suffixes that can help you recognize the word class
-ment (noun) as in excitement, enjoyment, replacement
-ity (noun) as in flexibility, productivity, scarcity
-hood (abstract noun especially family terms) as in childhood, motherhood, brotherhood
-ship (abstract noun especially status) as in friendship, membership, scholarship
-ive (adjectives) as in passive, productive, active
-al (adjectives) as in brutal, legal and for (noun) as in refusal, arrival

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-ous (adjectives) as in delicious, furious

-ful (adjectives) as in forgetful, useful, hopeful
-less (adjectives) as in useless, harmless, cloudless
-ify (verbs) as in beautify, purify, terrify

Note: the informal suffix –ish, which can be added to most common adjectives, ages and
times to make them less precise, e.g. she’s thirtyish. He has reddish hair. Come about


Membuat kata sifat dari kata benda

-able dan –ible dengan kata kerja artinya ‘bisa dilakukan’, contohnya drinkable,
washable, recognizable, countable.
Contoh dengan –ible: edible (bisa/boleh di makan), flexible (bisa di bengkokkan)

Membuat kata kerja

-ize (dan juga –ise) membuat kata kerja dari kata sifat, contohnya modernize,
commercialize, industrialize.

Akhiran lainnya berikut ini membantuk kamu menentukan kata berdasarkan

-ment (kata benda) contohnya excitement, enjoyment, replacement
-ity (kata benda) contohnya flexibility, productivity, scarcity
-hood (kata benda abstrak biasanya untuk istilah kekeluargaan) contohnya childhood,
motherhood, brotherhood
-ship (kata benda abstrak biasanya sebagai status) contohnyafriendship, membership,
-ive (kata sifa) contohnya passive, productive, active
-al (kata sifa) contohnya brutal, legal dan juga untuk kata benda: refusal, arrival
-ous (kata sifa) contohnya delicious, furious
-ful (kata sifa) contohnya forgetful, useful, hopeful
-less (kata sifa) contohnya useless, harmless, cloudless
-ify (kata kerja) contohnya beautify, purify, terrify

Note: akhiran informal –ish, yang mana bisa ditambahkan pada kebanyakan kata sifat,
umur dan waktu untuk membuat sesuatu tidak pasti, contohnya she’s thirtyish. He has
reddish hair. Come about eightyish.

Compare the suffixes from this email with the previous one. I’ll see you tomorrow.

247. Prefixes in English.

Prefixes are often used to give adjectives a negative meaning. The opposite of
‘comfortable’ is ‘uncomfortable’, the opposite of ‘convenient’ is ‘inconvenient’ and the
opposite of ‘similar’ is ‘dissimilar’. Other examples are ‘unjust’, ‘inedible’, ‘disloyal’,
unfortunately, there is no easy way of knowing which prefix any adjective will use to

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form its opposite. When you learn new adjective not down whether it has an opposite
formed with a prefix and, if so, what it is.

In- becomes im’ before a root beginning with ‘m’ or ‘p’, e.g. immature, impatient,
impartial, improbable, similarly, in- becomes ir- before a word beginning with ‘r’, and il-
before a word beginning with ‘l’, e.g. irreplaceable, irreversible, illegal, illegible,

The prefix in- does not always have a negative meaning – often it gives the idea of inside
or into, internal, import, insert, income.

Although it is mainly adjectives which are made negative by prefixes, un- and dis- can
also form the opposite of verbs too, e.g. appear/disappear. The prefix is used here to
reverse the action of the verb. Here are some more examples: disagree, disapprove,
disbelieve, disconnect, dislike, unbend, undo, undress, unlock, unveil, unzip.


Prefixes (awalan)

Prefixes (awalan) sering digunakan untuk membuat kata sifat bermakna negatif.
Kebalikan dari ‘comfortable’ adalah ‘uncomfortable’, kabalikannya ‘convenient’ adalah
‘inconvenient’ dan kebalikan kata ‘similar’ adalah ‘dissimilar’. Contoh lainnya ‘unjust’,
‘inedible’, ‘disloyal’. masalahnya, tidak ad acara yang pasti untuk mengetahui awalah
mana yang membuat sebuah kata sifat berganti makna.

In- menjadi im- sebelum kata dasar yang berawalan ‘m’ atau ‘p’, contohnya immature,
impatient, impartial, improbable, similarly, in- menjadi ir- sebelum kata yang berawalan
dengan ‘r’, dan il- sebelum kata berawalah dengan ‘l’, seperti irreplaceable, irreversible,
illegal, illegible, illiterate.

Awalan in- tidak selalu bermakna negative – terkadang ia bermaka di dalam atau ke
dalam, seperti inside, into, internal, import, insert, income.

Kebanyakannya, kata sifat yang dibuat negative dengan awalan, namun, un- dan dis-
bisa juga membuat kata kerja bermakna sebaliknya juga, seperti appear/disappear.
Berikut contoh lainnya: disagree, disapprove, disbelieve, disconnect, dislike, unbend,
undo, undress, unlock, unveil, unzip.

Make sure you’re familiar with the prefixes and suffixes. This is how we master the
English vocabulary.

248. Abstract nouns

An abstract noun is one which is used to mean an idea, experience or quality rather than
an object. Thus happiness, intention and shock are abstract nouns.

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There are a number of suffixes which are used particularly frequently in the formation
of abstract nouns. Some of the most common are –ment, -ion, -ness, -ity.

Note: -ment and –ion usually used to make verbs into abstract noun whereas –ness and
–ity are added to adjectives; -ion sometimes becomes –tion, -sion, -ation or otion.
 Adjustment
 Action
 Bitterness
 Curiosity

Less common suffixes associated with abstract nouns are –ship, -dom, -th and –hood.

Note: -ship and –hood are usually used in combination with other nouns whereas –th
combines with an adjective to form an abstract noun and –dom can combine with either
a noun or an adjective.
 Membership
 Wisdom
 Length
 Motherhood

There are also a large number of abstract nouns which do not use an; suffix at all. Here
are some examples of these.
 Anger
 Faith
 Fear
 Rage
abstract noun adalah kata benda abstrak yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan
gagasan, pengalaman dan bisa juga qualitas. Maka kata happiness, intention dan shock
adalah abstract nouns.

Ada beberapa imbuhan yang digunakan untuk membentuk suatu kata menjadi abstract
nouns. Imbuhan yang paling umum digunakan adalah –ment, -ion, -ness, -ity.

Note: -ment dan –ion biasanya digunakan untuk membuat kata kerja menjadi abstrak
noun. Sedangkan–ness dan –ity ditambahkan pada kata sifat; -ion boleh dalam bentuk –
tion, -sion, -ation atau otion.
 Adjustment
 Action
 Bitterness
 Curiosity

Imbuhan yang tidak umum yang digunakan untuk abstrak noun adalah –ship, -dom, -th
and –hood.

Note: -ship dan –hood biasanya digunakan dengan kata benda. Sedangkan –th yang
digunakan dengan kata sifat untuk membentuk abstract noun; dak –dom bisa
digabungkan dengan kata benda atau kata sifat.
 Membership

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 Wisdom
 Length
 Motherhood

Ada juga abstract nouns yang tidak menggunakan imbuhan. Berikut beberapa contoh:
 Anger
 Faith
 Fear
 Rage
That’s for today. I’ll see you tomorrow for more lesson.

249. Compound adjectives

A compound adjective is an adjective which is made up of two parts and is usually

written with a hyphen, e.g. well-dressed, never-ending and shocking-pink. Its meaning
is usually clear from the words it combines. The second part of the compound adjective
is frequently a present or past participle.

A large number of compound adjectives describe personal appearance. Here’s some


 Tom was a curly-haired, sun-tanned, blue-eyed, thin lipped

Another set of compound adjectives describes a person’s character. The meanings are
explained in brackets.
Melissa was easy-going (relaxed), good-tempered (cheerful), and sometimes self-
centered (egotistical) person.
Another special group of compound adjectives are those where the second part is a
preposition. Some of these adjectives are listed below with a typical noun.
 An all-out strike (total)
 A built-up area (lots of buildings in it)
 Well-off bankers (wealthy)
You can vary the compound adjectives listed by changing one part of the adjectives. For
example, curly-haired, long-haired, red-haired and straight-haired; first-hand
(knowledge), first-class (ticket) and first-born (child).
Compound adjective adalah kata sifat yang dibuat dari dua kata dan biasanya
dipisahkan dengan tanda strep, contohnya well-dressed, never-ending dan shocking-
pink. Biasanya artinya jelas dari gabungan kata tersebut. Bagian kedua dari compound
adjective biasanya dalam bentuk present atau past participle.

Sebagian besar compound adjective digunakan untuk menjelaskan penampilan orang. A

large number of compound adjectives describe personal appearance. Berikut beberapa

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 Tom was a curly-haired, sun-tanned, blue-eyed, thin lipped

Bentuk lain dari compound adjective menjelaskan karakter seseorang. Artinya dijelaskan
dalam kurung.
Melissa was easy-going (relaxed), good-tempered (cheerful), and sometimes self-
centered (egotistical) person.
Ada bentuk lain dari compound adjective yang lebih khusus yang bagian keduanya
adalah preposisi. Beberapa kata sifat berikut ini adalah colloquial (kata sifat dan kata
bendanya lebih cocok)

 An all-out strike (total)

 A built-up area (lots of buildings in it)
 Well-off bankers (wealthy)
Kamu bisa ganti makna sebuah compound adjective dengan mengubah satu bagian
adjective. Contohnya, curly-haired, long-haired, red-haired dan straight-haired; first-
hand (knowledge), first-class (ticket) and first-born (child).
Familiarize yourself with compound adjectives. They’re really common in English. I’ll
see you tomorrow.
250. Compound Nouns

A compound noun is a fixed expression which is made up of more than one word and
function as a noun. Such expressions are frequently combinations of two nouns, e.g.
address book, human being, science fiction. A number of compound nouns are related to
phrasal verbs.
Compound nouns may be written as two words, e.g. tin opener, bank account, or they
may be written with a hyphen, e.g. pen-name, baby-sitter. Some expressions are
occasionally written with hyphen and occasionally as two separate words. For instance,
both letter box and letter-box are correct. Sometimes they may be written as one word,
Compound noun may be countable, uncountable or only used in either the singular or
the plural. There are examples of each of these types below. Check that you understand
the meanings of each of the expressions listed. If you understand both elements of the
expression, the meaning will usually be clear. If the meaning is not fairly obvious, then it
is provided below.
Usually the main stress is on the first part of the compound but sometimes it is on the
second part. The word which contains the main stress is underlined in the compound
nouns below.
Here are some examples of common countable compound nouns.
 Alarm clock
 Blood donor
 Windscreen
Here are some examples of common uncountable compound nouns.

 Birth control
 Blood pressure
 Mail order
 Junk food

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Here are some examples of common compound noun used only in the singular.

 Mother-tongue
 Greenhouse effect
 Death penalty
compound noun atau kata benda majemuk adalah ekspressi tetap yang dibuat dari dua
atau lebih kata yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda. Ekspressi seperti ini sering dibuat
dari gabungan dua kata benda seperti address book, human being, science fiction.

Compound nouns boleh ditulis sebagai dua kata seperti tin opener, bank account, boleh
juga ditulis dengan tanda hubung seperti pen-name, baby-sitter.
Beberapa ekspresi terkadang ditulis dengan tanda hubung dan terkadang ditulis
terpisah. Contohnya, letter box dan letter-box keduanya benar. Terkadang ditulis
sebagai satu kata, earring.

Kata benda majemuk boleh jadi countable, uncountable atau hanya sebagai kata singular
atau plural saja

Here are some examples of common countable compound nouns.

 Alarm clock
 Blood donor
 Windscreen
Here are some examples of common uncountable compound nouns.

 Birth control
 Blood pressure
 Mail order
 Junk food
Here are some examples of common compound noun used only in the singular.

 Mother-tongue
 Greenhouse effect
 Death penalty
That’s for today. Think of some compound nouns you’re familiar with. I’ll see you

251. Onomatopoeic words

Onomatopoeic words are those which seem to sound like their meaning. The most obvious
examples are verb relating to the noises which animals make, e.g. cows moo and cats mew
or meow.
If the vowel sound in a word is short, an onomatopoeic word usually signifies a short, sharp
sound. If it is long (indicated in the international phonetic alphabet by :) then the word
usually signifies a longer, slower sound.
Particular combinations of letters have particular sound associations in English.

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gr- at the beginning of a word can suggest something unpleasant or miserable, e.g. groan
(sound forced out by pain), grumble (complain in bad way)
cl- at the beginning of a ward can saddest something sharp and/or metallic, e.g. click (make
a short sharp sound), clash (make a loud, broken noise).
sp- at the beginning of a word can have an association with water or other liquids, e.g. spit
(send liquid out from the mouth, spray (liquid sent through the air in tiny drops).
Kata-kata Onomatopoeic adalah kata yang bunyinya seperti maknanya. Contoh yang paling
jelas adalah kata kerja yang berkaitan dengan suara binatand, cows moo dan cats mew atau
Jika buny huruf fokalnya pendek, kata onomatopoeic biasanya bermakna bunyi pendek dan
tajam. Jika panjang, maka kata tersebut bermakna bunyi yang lama dan pelan. Perhatikan
beberapa kombinasi huruf yang menunjukkan beberapa makna tertentu dalam Bahasa
gr- yang ada pada awalan suatu kata bisa menunjukkan makna sesuatu yang tidak
menyenangkan, seperti groan (mirintih atau mengerang), grumble (mengomel atau
cl- yang ada pada awalan suatu kata bisa menunjukkan makna sesuatu yang tajam, seperti
click (make a short sharp sound), clash (make a loud, broken noise).
sp- yang ada pada awalan suatu kata bisa berkaitan dengan air atau cairan, seperti spit
(meludah), spray (menymprot).
Bisakah kamu menyebutkan beberapa kata lain yang diawali dengan gr, cl, atau sp yang
bermakna seperti diatas.
I’ll see you tomorrow.

252. Understanding time expressions in English

Examine examples below
Things happening at the same time

 While I waited, I read the newspaper. (or more formal: while waiting, I read…) the
waiting and reading happen together.
 I saw her just as she was turning the corner. (precise moment)
 Throughout the war, food was rationed. (from beginning to end)
Connecting two periods or events

 The meal will take about an hour. In the meantime, relax and have a water. (between
now and the meal)
 The new whiteboards are arriving soon. Till then, we’ll have to use the old ones.
 I last met him in 2010. Since then I haven’t set eyes on him.
 By the time I retire, I will have worked here 26 years.
One thing after another

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996 26
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 We went to the castle. Then we caught a bus to the beach.

 First we went to the theatre. After that, we had a meal.
 He fell ill and was admitted to hospital. He died nook afterwards.
 Following my visit to Bali, I bought lots of books about tourism.
Kali ini kita akan melihat ekspresi waktu dalam Bahasa inggris yang lebih advanced.
Perhatikan contoh-contoh berikut!
Kejadian yang terjadi pada waktu yang sama

 While I waited, I read the newspaper. (atau bentuk formal: while waiting, I read…)
kejadian waiting dan reading terjadi pada waktu yang sama.
 I saw her just as she was turning the corner. (waktu yang sama)
 Throughout the war, food was rationed. (waktu yang sama dari dimulai sampai
Menghubungkan dua waktu atau kejadian
 The meal will take about an hour. In the meantime, relax and have a water. (antara
sekarang dan waktu makan)
 The new whiteboards are arriving soon. Till then, we’ll have to use the old ones.
 I last met him in 2010. Since then I haven’t set eyes on him.
 By the time I retire, I will have worked here 26 years.
One thing after another
 We went to the castle. Then we caught a bus to the beach.
 First we went to the theatre. After that, we had a meal.
 He fell ill and was admitted to hospital. He died nook afterwards.
 Following my visit to Bali, I bought lots of books about tourism.
Baca kembali contoh diatas jika kamu masih kesuitan memahaminya.
Don’t forget to check my email tomorrow. I’ll see you then.

253. Other condition expressions.

As well as if, there are a number of other words and phrases for expressing condition.

 You can’t come in unless you have a ticket.

 You can borrow the bike on condition that you return it by five o’clock.
 In case of fire, call your mother.
 You can stay, as long as you don’t mind sleeping on the couch
Providing (that) or provided (that) can also be used in condition. They are less formal and
not so strong as on condition that but stronger and more restricting than as long as.

 Provided/providing you don’t mind cat; you can stay with us.
Note the use of supposing and what if (usually in spoken language) for possible situations
in the future. What if is more direct
 Supposing/what if he doesn’t turn up; what should we do then?

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Info: WA 08116876996 26
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Sama seperti if, ada banyak kata atau frase untuk mengungkapkan kalimat pengandaian
 You can’t come in unless you have a ticket.
 You can borrow the bike on condition that you return it by five o’clock.
 In case of fire, call your mother.
 You can stay, as long as you don’t mind sleeping on the couch
Providing (that) atu provided (that) bisa juga digunakan untuk kalimat pengandaian.
Keduanya tidak terlalu formal dan tidak terlalu kuat seperti on condition that tapi lebih
kuat dan lebih melarang dari as long as.

 Provided/providing you don’t mind cat; you can stay with us.
Perhatikan penggunaan supposing dan what if (biasanya dalam percakapan) untuk
keadaan masa akan datang . What if lebih memaksa.

 Supposing/what if he doesn’t turn up; what should we do then?

Don’t forget to check my email tomorrow. There are other conditional expressions.

254. Other condition expressions

Conditions with –ever
 However you do it, it will cost a lot of money.
 You’ll get to the railway station; whichever bus you take.
 That box is so big it will be in the way wherever you leave it.
These sentences can also be expressed using no matter.

 No matter how you do it, it will cost a lot of money.

 No matter who wins the election, nothing will really change.
Some nouns which express condition

 Certain conditions must be met before the Peace Talks can begin.
 A good standard of English is a prerequisite for studying at a British university. (very
formal word)
 What are the entry requirements for doing a diploma in Management at your college?
(official conditions)
 I would not move to London under any circumstances. It’s awful!

Conditions dengan –ever
 However you do it, it will cost a lot of money.
 You’ll get to the railway station; whichever bus you take.
 That box is so big it will be in the way wherever you leave it.
Kalimat diatas bisa juga digunakan menggunakan no matter.

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996 26
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 No matter how you do it, it will cost a lot of money.

 No matter who wins the election, nothing will really change.
Beberapa kata benda yang bermakna kalimat conditional.
 Certain conditions must be met before the Peace Talks can begin.
 A good standard of English is a prerequisite for studying at a British university. (very
formal word)
 What are the entry requirements for doing a diploma in Management at your college?
(official conditions)
 I would not move to London under any circumstances. It’s awful!

I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t forget to check my email.

254. Cause and reason

You probably know how to use words like because, since and as to refer to the cause of or
reason for something. Here are some other ways of connecting clauses to express causes and
reasons. Note how verbs and nouns can do the same job as conjunctions.
Imagine an accident caused by ice on the road. Here are several ways of talking about it.

 Owing to the icy conditions, the two cars collided

 The collision was due to the icy conditions.
 The collision was caused by ice on the road.
 The cause of the collision was ice on the road.
Here are some other “cause” words and typical contexts they are used in.

 The rise in prices sparked of a lot of political protest. (often used for violent reactions to
 The president’s statement gave rise to / provoked / generated a lot of criticism. (less
strong than park off)
 The new law has brought about /led to great changes in education.
 This problem stems from the inflation of recent years.
 The court-case arose out of allegations made in a newspaper.
Sebab dan alasan
Kamu patinya mengerti cara penggunaan kata seperti because, since dan as untuk
menerangkan sebab dan akibat akan sesuatu. Berikut ini beberapa cara lain
menghubungkan klausa sebab dan akibat. Perhatikan bagaimana kata kerja dan kata benda
bisa berfungsi sama seperti kata hubung.
Bayangkan ada kecelakaan disebabkan karena ada es di jalan. Berikut beberapa cara

 Owing to the icy conditions, the two cars collided

 The collision was due to the icy conditions.
 The collision was caused by ice on the road.
 The cause of the collision was ice on the road.

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996 26
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Berikut beberapa kata “sebab” lainnya dan penggunaannya berdasarkan konteksnya.

 The rise in prices sparked of a lot of political protest. (biasa digunakan untuk aksi
kekerasan pada suatu kegiatan.)
 The president’s statement gave rise to / provoked / generated a lot of criticism. (tidak
terlalu kasar dari spark off)
 The new law has brought about /led to great changes in education.
 This problem stems from the inflation of recent years.
 The court-case arose out of allegations made in a newspaper.

That’s how we use cause and reason in English. So, don’t get used to the antiquated words
like because, since and as.
I’ll see you tomorrow.

255. Reasons and results

Reasons for and purposes of doing things

 Her reason for not going with us was that she had no money. Or The reason she didn’t
go with us was that …
 I wonder what his motives were in sending that letter? (purpose)
 I wonder what prompted him to send that letter? (reason/cause)
 She wrote to the press with the aim of exposing the scandal. (purpose)
 I’ve invited you here with a view to resolving our differences. (sounds a bit more
indirect than with the aim of)
 He refused to answer on the grounds that his lawyer wasn’t there. (reason)
 The purpose of her visit was to inspect the equipment.
 He did no work. As a result / as a consequence / consequently, he failed his exams.
 The result/ consequence of all these changes is that no-one is happy any more.
The examples with consequences / consequently sound more formal than result

 His remarks resulted in everyone getting angry. (as a verb + in)

 The events had an outcome that no-one could have predicted.
 The upshot of all these problems was that we had to start again.
 When the election results were announced, chaos ensued (very formal)
Alasan dan tujuan melakukan sesuatu
 Her reason for not going with us was that she had no money. atau The reason she didn’t
go with us was that …
 I wonder what his motives were in sending that letter? (tujuan)
 I wonder what prompted him to send that letter? (alasan/sebab)
 She wrote to the press with the aim of exposing the scandal. (tujuan)
 I’ve invited you here with a view to resolving our differences. (terdengar sedikit tidak
langsung daripada with the aim of)

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996 26
360 emails

 He refused to answer on the grounds that his lawyer wasn’t there. (alasan)
 The purpose of her visit was to inspect the equipment.
 He did no work. As a result / as a consequence / consequently, he failed his exams.
 The result/ consequence of all these changes is that no-one is happy any more.
Contoh menggunakan consequences / consequently terdengar lebih formal dari result

 His remarks resulted in everyone getting angry.

 The events had an outcome that no-one could have predicted.
 The upshot of all these problems was that we had to start again.
 When the election results were announced, chaos ensued (sangat formal formal)

That’s for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Kursus Online Bahasa Inggris Basic & Intermediate bersama Mr.Maula.

Info: WA 08116876996 26

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