6th Grade Kid Friendly Standards

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Kid Friendly Standards

English Language Arts

2003 % of
Grade 6 Blueprint
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Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary 13 17%

1.0 Students use word knowledge to find out the meaning of
grade-level-appropriate words.
Word Recognition
1.1 I can read narrative and expository text fluently with good NA
Vocabulary and Concept Development
1.2 I can find and explain figurative language and words with 5
multiple leaning.
1.3 I can recognize and use common foreign words found in 2
1.4 I can use word, sentence, and paragraph clues to find 3
meanings of unfamiliar words.
1.5 I can understand and explain “shades of meaning” in related 3
words (softly and quietly).
Reading Comprehension 17 23%
2.0 Students read and understand grade-level-appropriate
material. They describe and connect the essential ideas,
arguments, and perspectives of the text by using their
knowledge of text structure, organization, and purpose.
Structural Features of Informational Materials
2.1 I can find and use text features of newspapers, magazines, 2
and online information.
2.2 I can analyze text that uses compare and contrast 1
Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate text
2.3 I can connect and clarify main ideas by recognizing their 4
connection to other sources and topics.
2.4 I can understand texts by creating outlines, logical notes, 1
summaries, or reports.
2.5 I can follow multiple step instructions for filling out 2
Expository Critique
2.6 I can determine if an author’s evidence for his conclusion is 2
adequate and appropriate.
2.7 I can justify claims about a text with accurate, supporting 2

BCSD Curriculum and Standards 3-30-09

2.8 I can find examples of faulty reasoning, persuasion, 3
propaganda, and unsupported inferences.
Literary Response and Analysis 12 16%
3.0 Students read and respond to literature that improves
their learning of history and social science. They express
ideas and connect them to other reading.
Structural Features of Literature
3.1 I can identify the forms of fiction and describe the 1
characteristics of each.
Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text
3.2 I can analyze the effects of characterization on the plot and 2
resolution of a story.
3.3 I can determine the influence of setting on the problem and 1
3.4 I can explain how tone and meaning are shown in poetry 3
through word choice, figurative language, sentence structure,
line length, and rhyme.
3.5 I can identify the speaker and recognize the difference 1
between first – and – third person narrative.
3.6 I can identify and analyze features of themes shown through 1
characters, actions, and images.
3.7 I can explain the effects of common literary devices, like 2
symbolism, imagery, and metaphor.
Literary Criticism
3.8 I can determine if characterization is believable and decide if 1
the plot is contrived or realistic.

BCSD Curriculum and Standards 3-30-09

Kid Friendly Standards
English Language Arts
2003 % of
Grade 6 Blueprint
# of

Written and Oral English Language Conventions 16 21%

1.0 Students write and speak with a command of standard
English conventions appropriate to the grade level.
Sentence Structure
1.1 I can identify and correctly use simple, compound, and 4
compound-complex sentences.
1.2 I can identify and use indefinite pronouns and present 3
perfect, past perfect, and future perfect verb tenses. I can
also make sure that verbs agree with compound subjects.
1.3 I can use colons, semicolons, and commas to correctly link 3
two clauses.
1.4 I know how to capitalize. 2
1.5 I know how to spell frequently misspelled words correctly. 4
Writing Strategies 17 23%
1.0 Students write clear, coherent, and focused essays. The
writing exhibits students’ awareness of the audience and
purpose. Essays contain formal introductions,
supporting evidence, and conclusions. Students progress
through the stages of the writing process as needed.
Organization and Focus
1.1 I can choose the form of writing that best fits my purpose. 2
1.2 I can create a multiple paragraph expository composition 5
a. has a clear purpose and interests the reader
b. has supporting details
c. uses descriptive words
d. concludes with a detailed summary linked to the
1.3 I can use a variety of organizational patterns that fit my 1
purpose for writing, like compare and contrast, arrangement
by categories, spatial order, order of importance, and
climactic order.
Research and Technology
1.4 I can use organizational features of electronic text to locate 2

BCSD Curriculum and Standards 3-30-09

1.5 I can use word-processing skills to create a well formatted NA
Evaluation and Revision
1.6 I can revise my writing to improve the ideas within and 7
between paragraphs.
Writing Applications
2.0 Students write narrative, expository, persuasive, and
descriptive texts of at least 500 to 700 words. Student
writing shows a command of standard American English
and the research, organizational, and drafting strategies
outlined in Writing Standard 1.0.
2.1 Write narratives:
a) I can write a plot and setting and give a point of view
that is correct for the stories.
b) I can add sensory details and concrete language to
create plot and character.
c) I can use a variety of narrative writing tools such as
dialogue and suspense.
2.2 Write expository compositions that include description,
explanation, comparison and contrast, problem and solution:
a) I can state a thesis or purpose.
b) I can explain the situation.
c) I can follow an organizational pattern that is correct
for the type of writing.
d) I can give persuasive evidence to confirm arguments
and conclusions.
2.3 Write research reports:
a) I can ask important questions with a narrow enough
view to be completely covered.
b) I can support my main idea with facts, details,
examples, and explanations from multiple reliable
c) I can include a bibliography.
2.4 Write responses to literature:
a) I can write an interpretation that shows careful
reading, and understanding.
b) I can organize my interpretation around several clear
ideas, or images.
c) I can use examples and text evidence to support my
2.5 Write persuasive compositions:
a) I can write a clear position on a proposal.
b) I can support my position with organized and
important evidence.

BCSD Curriculum and Standards 3-30-09

c) I can determine and address reader concerns and
Listening and Speaking Strategies
1.0 Students deliver focused, coherent presentations that
convey ideas clearly and relate to the background and
interests of the audience. They evaluate the content of
oral communication.
1.1 I can connect the speaker’s verbal message (e.g., word
choice, pitch, feeling, tone) to the nonverbal message (e.g.,
posture, gesture).
1.2 I can identify the tone, mood, and emotion in an oral
1.3 I can restate and do multiple-step spoken instructions and
Organization and Delivery or Oral Communication
1.4 I can select a focus, organization, and point of view that
match the purpose, message, occasion, and spoken tone to
the audience.
1.5 I can stress important points to help the listener follow the
main ideas and concepts.
1.6 I can support opinions with evidence and with pictures or
media displays that use correct technology.
1.7 I can use rate, volume, pitch, and tone correctly and support
it with nonverbal pieces to keep audience interest and
Analysis and Evaluation of oral and Media Communication
1.8 I can examine the use of spoken devices (e.g., tempo,
repetition, use of onomatopoeia) for intent and effect.
1.9 I can identify persuasive and propaganda techniques used in
television and identify false or misleading information.
Speaking Applications
2.0 Students deliver well-organized formal presentations
employing traditional rhetorical strategies.
2.1 Deliver narrative presentations:
a) I can establish a context, plot, and point of view.
b) I can include sensory details and concrete language to
develop the plot and character.
c) I can use a variety of narrative devices.
2.2 Deliver informative presentations:
a) I can ask important questions correctly limited in
range to be answered completely.
b) I can develop the topic with facts, details, examples,
and explanations from good sources (e.g., speakers,
periodicals, online information).

BCSD Curriculum and Standards 3-30-09

2.3 Deliver oral responses to literature:
a) I can give an interpretation that shows careful
reading, and understanding.
b) I can organize my interpretation around several clear
ideas, or images.
c) I can use examples and text evidence to support my
2.4 Deliver persuasive presentations:
a) I can give a clear statement of the position.
b) I can include important evidence.
c) I can offer information in logical order.
d) I can keep the listener interested and get acceptance
of the proposition or proposal.
2.5 Deliver presentations on problems and solutions:
a) I can establish the causes and effects of problems and
make connections between the problem and at least
one solution.
b) I can offer persuasive evidence to support the
definition of the problem and the given solution.

BCSD Curriculum and Standards 3-30-09

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