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NVETo WANN (el anvaeye)| TOWER MUSIC for Eight Trombones io, JOSEPH BOONIN, INC. Hackensack, New Jersey Vaclav Nelhybel TOWER MUSIC for Eight Trombones IB JOSEPH BOONIN, INC. Hackensack, New Jersey VACLAV NELHYBEL Vaclav Nelhybel, born in 1919 in Czechoslovakia, studied composi tion and conducting at the Prague Conservatory of Music and musi- cology at the universities of Prague and Fribourg, Switzerland, He was already affiliated with Radio Prague as composer and conduct- or while still a student in Prague. By 1948 he had become active in Swiss National Radio as composer-conductor. Since 1957 he has lived in New York, become a U.S. citizen, and is now active as com- poser, conductor and lecturer, Since 1964 he has conducted his music and lectured at the invitation of universities in 48 states and has received two honorary doctorates in America. Nelhybel has an impressive list of composition. THE COCK AND THE HANGMAN, 2 balle:-opera, was first performed at the Na- tional Theatre in Prague in 1947, The opera entitled A LEGEND was awarded the first prize by the Ravitch Music Foundation in New York in 1954. At the end of the war Nelhybel composed two bal- lets, FETES DE FEUX and IN THE SHADOW OF A LIME TREE, the latter being awarded a prize at the 1947 International Fes- tival of Music and Dance in Copenhagen. His SYMPHONY No. 1 was given its first performance by the Prague Philharmonic, Other works have been introduced by such orchestras as the Vienna Symphony; Orchestra de la Suisse Romande, Geneva; the sym- phony orchestras and chamber groups of Radio Hilversum, Holland; Radio Lugano, Switzerland; Radio Vienna; and in the United States by the Cincinnati and Minneapolis Symphony Orchestras. Nelhybel is an accomplished musician possessing diverse virtuoso skills in traditional as well as contemporary musical techniques. As a composer, he strives for and achieves his own unique blend of jonal and contemporary practices. PERFORMANCE NOTE, TOWER MUSIC and the GRAND INTRADA (also published by Joseph Boonin, Inc., B. 363) may be played together in the following manner: Play only the trumpet parts of GRAND INTRADA; during the last chord Trombones begin TOWER MUSIC which is played through as written. This is followed immediately by a repeat of GRAND INTRADA with the trombone parts included (trombones may play two toa part). GRAND INTRADA may also be played by the trumpets alone without the trombone parts. Dedicated to Dr. vin Wagner and the University of Oklahoma Trombone Choir men 2 TOWER MUSIC - i for Eight Trombones ) Allegro marcato J — 160+ — A 4 A : a 7 ; 1 ‘copy 1977 by 5. Chop Mae Company Published by joseph Boonin, Ine baets “A Righee Reseed Prined in US.A. [NOTED Teiva ohtion ofthe US. Copyrighe Caw 0 produce copies ofthis eomporion, in whole ora par by any eans whatsoever.) a & pv Ipv bv [pv anf Cree. ‘anf crese. Taf erere. ees f Trb. Trb. Allargando z thew Dedicated to Dr. Irvin Wagner and the University of Oklahoma Trombone Choir Trombone 1 TOWER MUSIC for Eight Trombones VACLAV NELHYBEL Allegro marcato d= 160+—~ > oe 4 hk ehh ie 2, ff =f Ipv py Ibv z & ‘Allareando =a—» BEE ts (© Copysigh 1977 by J. Christopher Music Company Published by Joseph Boonin, Inc. 2.362 IAL Rights Reserved Dedicated to Dr. vin Wagner and the University of Oklahoma Trombone Choir Trombone 2 TOWER MUSIC for Eight Trombones Qeles VACLAV NELHYBEL Allegro marcato d= 160-+ ~ _-— > 4 a AUN rs ss == fe Allresnds (© Copyright 1977 by J. Christopher Music Company ‘Published by joseph Boon, In. 3.362 iL Rigs Reseed Printed in US.A, [RODE Terr STS THRE TLS CORTHERT Law Te OTe copay 6a COMPOTION, WRG TE FR BY SRY EE WONT] Dedicated to Dr Inn Wagner and the University of OMlahoma Trombone Chor ee TOWER MUSIC for Eight Trombones VACLAV NELHYBEL Allegro marcato J = 160+ — > A AoA an mp crese. t ra {© Copysight 1977 by J. Chsstopher Masi Company Published by joweph Boon, Ie 8.362 TAIL Righes Reserved Printed in USA [OTE ira iolton of he US. Copii Law to reproduce copies of this composition. m whole en part by ny means whatsoever, J Dedicated 10 Dr. vn Wagner and the University of Oklahoma Trombone Choit 0 TOWER MUSIC for Eight Trombones VACLAV NELHYBEL Allegro marcato) = 160+ — — Ar gprt Ah a crese. mf cresc. f a Atargando © © Copyright 1977 by J. Cheistopher Music Company Publinhed by joseph Boonsn, ine 8.362 “A Rights Reserved Printed in USA, Dedicated to Dr, lin Wagner and the University of Oklahoma Trombone Choir saciid TOWER MUSIC for Eight Trombones VACLAV NELHYBEL, Allegro marcato d= 160-+— 7 5 eresc. mp cresc. © Copytight 1977 by J. Christopher Masie Company Published by joseph Boon, Ine 8.362 “Al Rights Reserved Printed in US.A. Dedicated to Dr. Irie Wagner and the University of Oklahoma Trombone Choir Trombone 6 TOWER MUSIC for Eight Trombones VACLAV NELHYBEL >» 5 Allegro marcato J = 160+ — re 1s twit Published by joreph Boon, le 364 “AllWihts Reserved i I {© Copyright 1977 by J. Cheintopher Marc Company i Dedicated to Dr. Irvin Wagner and the University of Oklahoma Trombone Choir n TOWER MUSIC for Eight Trombones VACLAV NELHYBEL Allegro marcato d ~ 160 “ilaresndo a vd] ‘© Copytghs 1977 by J. Christopher Music Company Published by joseph Boontn, Ie. 8.364 "All Rights Reserved Pringed in U.S.A, (CROWES Trina ction of the US, Copyright Law Te repeducecopice of this composition, im whale or ln part by any meses whatever. J Dedicated to Dr. Irvin Wagner and the University of Oklahoma Trombone Choir Trombone 8 TOWER MUSIC for Eight Trombones VACLAV NELHYBEL, Allegro marcatod = 160+ — > i rT Allargands - B vd = s_ {©Copyright 1977 by J.Chrstopher Musie Company ‘Published bj joseph Bonin. Ine. IAL Righs Reserved Printed in S.A, 2.368 [RTE Tear inion of the US. Copyright Law to produce copier of this corpoaon: i whol or Ta pu By ony mente whatever.

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