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As part of the curriculum, all Bachelor of Science in Business Administration students

are required to undergo Seminars and Fieldtrip Courses that aims to orient and provide an
intensive exposure on the chosen timely-relevant topics and issues to all the participants.

In line to this, each majoring programs were given the chance to conduct and organize a
seminar that caters all students in providing them additional insightful knowledge and
experiences that can be used in the long run.

Intact with this narrative report are my experiences on the seminars conducted here at
Eastern Samar State University.

Last April 26, 2018, all fourth year marketing students had conducted a seminar on
Gender Equality 101 and HIV Myths, Stigma & Awareness in which Mr. Roel Andag was invited
as the resource speaker. The seminar was organized with the objective of integrating gender
equality most especially in the workplace or even inside and outside the campus and
understanding HIV for awareness. The seminar was attended by all fourth year BSBA students
including BS Entrep and selected faculty members of the College of Business Management and
Accountancy. As early as 8:00 o’clock in the morning, participants were already at the Multi-
purpose Hall for the registration and at exactly 9:00 am, the seminar proper started.

Mr. Roel Andag started his talk with relevant discussions on Gender Equality 101. Main
highlights of the discussion include; stereotyping, gender messages, gender gap, gender
equality and the law in the Philippines, SOGIE, understanding LGBTTQQIAAP, SOGIE Equality
Bill. He ended up his discussion by plugging their official Facebook page for more information.

The discussion on HIV Myths, Stigma & Awareness followed afterwards. Mr. Andag,
using his PowerPoint presentation and latest scientific data, informed the participants in detail
about the disease itself, its mode of transmission, how HIV attacks the body, prospects for its
treatment and prevention, discrimination and the laws incorporated to it and the scale and pace
of its spreading. The highlight of the said discussion was the activity and workshop conducted
with the help of all the members of San Julian Pride wherein everyone participated and enjoyed
the ride.

Mr. Andag was bombarded with questions, clarifications and other concern coming from
the participants who has been later on awarded by a certificate and a token of appreciation.

Indeed, the significance of these topics is reflected in everyday situation and I commend
the organizer for bringing us Mr. Andag who never failed to address real-time issues regarding
Gender Equality and HIV Myths, Stigma & Awareness. Just like what Mr. Andag said, I guess
it’s about time to unlearn and relearn new things. As a democratic society, gender equality must
be considered to be an important moral principle that should be followed by all members of the
society while it’s about time to disintegrate the stigma attached to HIV for further awareness as

As a requirement for the course Seminars and Field Trip, all fourth year Bachelor of Science
in Business Administration major in Financial Management students participated in the
seminar entitled Bookkeeping and Business Communication Skills 2018.

The seminar aims to review all participants in recording of financial transactions, as part
of the process of accounting in business. It was started by an opening prayer through
interpretative dance followed by the singing of the Philippine National Anthem conducted by the
organizer of the seminar. The opening remark was then given also by Mrs. Arceli Bugtas and
then the first speaker was introduced afterwards.

Mrs. Filipina Caratay, being the first speaker, highlighted her relevant discussions about
Bookkeeping by defining it, enumerating the different kinds of money-related activities such as
cash received, cash paid out, sales, purchases and other activities, enumerating the benefits of
Bookkeeping and defining the different forms of business organization. She also made a recap
on the basic Financial Statements, most common books of accounts and conducted an activity
or game regarding the right and proper way of doing the double entry system. The said
discussion turned out to be like a Talent portion or a singing contest as she tried to ask for a
break and have Ms. Viñas entertain us for a while. The participants were encouraged to bring
out their talents in singing. In fact, each of them was given the floor to sing their respective
songs or piece. In continuation to her discussion about the double entry system, the proponents
had remembered her saying, “Kada nasulod, mayda nagawas.” Mrs. Caratay also did not fail to
discuss the Accounting principles and the basic accounting equation. She ended up her talk by
giving us John Rampton’s 10 things to consider in order for us to be successful in Business and
that includes; be fearless, understand finance, grow as a leader, use your leverage, acquire
partners, have the right attitude, show gratitude, stay healthy, keep the right friends, value the
importance of family. Very well said, I must say!

After the lecture, a certificate and a token of appreciation was awarded to speaker. The
students had an hour break for lunch afterwards. While on break, the floor was given to Mr.
Jocadel Padulo who entertained the participants by conducting a game and sharing his own set
of “siday”.

Right after the break, another speaker was introduced; this speaker is no other than
Miss Regina Patricia Jamer, a university instructor. Using her Powerpoint presentation, she
started her lecture by informing everyone that communicating effectively, although it might seem
easy, actually takes quite a bit of finesse. One must chose the right words, listen using mind
instead of ears and get the message across. She added that in the workplace, the
repercussions can be far more serious leading to poor productivity, unmotivated employees and
even lawsuits. According to her, in order to improve communication you need to implement a
few easy but important changes. These are as follows; handle conflicts with diplomacy, revive a
lost art of conversation, respect differences, give good feedback, give people what they want,
trust your people, take your emotions out of the equation, do not just hear instead listen and
lastly make work fun . She also classified the Gretchen Rubin’s four tendencies such as the
Obliger, Rebel, Questioner and Upholder. She ended up her discussion by sharing a quotation
saying, “Whatever you are, be the good one”.

The Speaker, likewise, was awarded with a certificate and a token of appreciation after
the lecture. The organizer of the seminar gave the closing remark to officially end the program.

The fourth year Financial Managemen sudents bring all business majoring programs,
faculty and staff of CBMA a Computer Literacy Seminars with their resourcce speaker, Mr. Neil
Francis Casillano who was a graduate in Bachelor of Science in Information Technology in
Leyte Normal Unversity in 2012. He was also a Master of Arts in Teaching of Computer Science
– SWC (2016) and currently taking up a Doctorate of Management Technology in Eastern
Visayas State University.

The Seminars address new and relevant topic about the latest technology trends for
2018; Online shopping, in which according to him, is the best way of selling the product using
internet and convenient on buying what you need and wants. Artificial Intelligence and
Machine Learning wherein he made mention that using the internet and machines, all
applications of today’s generation or in this 2018 has already been build smarter and more
intelligent. When you have questions or something, the technologies will help you and make a
guide, and that is awesome. Simply as technology are more intelligent than the person of
nowadays. Mobile Everything, wherein he said that today’s generation are more on
technologies. Mobile usage is up immensely and everyone is scrambling to catch up, especially
retailers and consumers reporting that it is easier to shop on their mobile phones. Chatbots,
Facebook Ads, which is the most convenient way of selling the products. Remote Work is
where you can be paid off without staying in just one place using internet. Sentiment Analysis,
which is a widely applied to know the customers perception and reactions to the product/service
that are already rendered. Using this kind of analysis, business man/woman can now decide
whether to continue or change the product/the service or make some alternatives to make
better. Lastly, Advanced Excel Training, one of the highlight for the seminar herein he
emphasizes the significance in using in all aspect of job wherein he was able to gave us tips,
deeper background and insights about one of the basic tool being used in training which is the
Microsoft Excel. The simulation have the following category and that includes; Absolute and
Relative References, Conditional statements, validation, formula, absolute/relative, Vlookup and
report making/dashboard.

At the end of his discussion, he was awarded with a certificate and a token of
appreciation with the assistance of the course advisers, Mrs. Lorico Bugtas and Mrs. Agnes Ps.

The seminars gave me an intensive exposure to the different topics through

presentations and discussions led by multiple experts. With these, I was able to gain expert
knowledge, improve my communication skills and was able to build confidence and renewed my
motivation to pursue my goals and find my enthusiasm rekindled. It was indeed long but efficient
way of learning, unlearning and re-learning things for the betterment and in preparation for the
future career of all the participants.

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