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General Function of Flotation in Ore Dressing/Mineral Processing

Flotation is a physical and chemical method for separating concentrate from tailing
by floating mineral to the surface. The principle is based on the surface properties
of the mineral, whether the mineral is hydrophilic or hydrophobic. Minerals that are
floated are minerals that are not wetted are hydrophobic minerals, while minerals
that are not float or moistened minerals are hydrophilic minerals. Conditions for
flotation to occur include: first, the particles must be small enough (10nm - 70nm);
second, the air bubble is enough to remove mineral particles; third, has hydrophilic
or hydrophobic properties; fourth, there must be a certain hydrodynamic
atmosphere that allows the attachment of minerals to air bubbles. Chemical reagents
are used in the flotation process to create a condition so that the flotation process
takes place properly. Each added agent has a specific function. There are three main
groups of chemical reagents commonly used in the flotation process, namely
collectors, frother, and modifiers.

Muhammad Zuhdi Syihab

3334 16 0007
Tugas Flotasi 1

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