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An Assignment on Quality Assurance and

Health Service Management in Nepal


Asst. Prof. Binjwala Shrestha

Department of Community Medicine and Family Health
Maharajgunj, Kathmandu

Sanjay Kumar Shah Roll no 322
Sareeta Duwal Roll no 323
BPH,21 st Batch
IOM, Maharajgunj Medical Campus
Maharajgujnj, Kathmandu
Discuss the importance of health management information system and
monitoring the quality of care. Give appropriate examples.

“The quality of technical care consists in the application of medical science and technology
in a way that maximizes its benefits to health without correspondingly increasing its risks.
The degree of quality is, therefore, the extents to which the care provided is expected to
achieve the most favorable balance of risks and benefits.”

Avedis Donabedian, M.D., 1982

The quality of health care is defined as “Health care services that produce desired health
outcomes and fulfill consumer’s needs, with optimum use of available resources, provided
by trained and competent providers as per the national norms and standards with
minimizing the risk for service providers as well as consumers.

Quality health care is about delivering the best possible care and achieving the best
possible outcomes for people every time they deal with the health care system or use its
services. Essentially, it means doing the best possible job with the resources available.

Monitoring is a process of collecting, analyzing, evaluating and disseminating the results

of medical procedures to improve health care outcomes or results through a collaborative
effort by all players of the health care system. Monitoring system consists of the regular
collection and analysis of a core set of indicators. Its purpose is to provide data to assess a
situation, make decision to improve it and monitor the progress.

There are various types of tools for monitoring the health care system among them Health
Management Information System (HMIS) is a major tool for measuring the quality of care.

Health information is an integrated part of the national health system. It is a basic tool of
management and a key input for the progress of any society. with the restructure of
Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) and reinstate of Department of Health Services
(DoHS) during the fiscal year 1993/1994 , a central Management Information System
(MIS) was established in order to develop integrated Health Management Information

An Assignment on Quality Assurance and Health Service Management in Nepal Page 1

System(HMIS) at all levels for better co-ordination, planning, monitoring, evaluation of
the ongoing programs integrated at various level.

Health information system is defined as “a mechanism for the collection, processing,

analysis and transmission of information required for organizing and operating health
services, and also for research and training.”

The primary objective of a health information system is to provide reliable, relevant, up-to-
date, adequate, timely and reasonably complete information for health managers at all
levels (i.e. central, intermediate and local) and at the sharing of technical and scientific
information by all health personnel. At the same time, provide data at periodic intervals,
showing general performance of the health services, and to assist planners. Besides these,
to provide information that can be used to monitor and improve the quality of care is an
important objective of HMIS. The importance of HMIS in monitoring the quality of care
can be highlighted by the following points:

 HMIS is designed to provide information on service related indicators such as facility

utilization rate, referrals, immunization, maternal care, family planning and many more.
 These information facilitates the analysis of quality of care at grassroots health service
delivery points of SHP, HP, PHCC, Hospital, through DHO/DPHO.
 It also facilitates the monitoring of programs performance by providing the periodical
feedback in term of achievement, coverage, continuity and quality of services through co-
ordination with program divisions/canters, managers and service providers.
 It provides the information that can be used to improve quality of health services and
management capacity to all level of health institutions by quarterly feedback.
 Information of HMIS is used to prepare Annual Report of DoHS to disseminate the
information for users as well as providers.
 Its information assist in the identification of specific regional and district on general health
service component gaps that need supervision and correction.
 It also avails necessary information to policy makers for developing appropriate health
policy guidelines, standards and protocols for improving quality of care at various levels in
various services.

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 It also provides gender specific information, which can be used to plan the most effective
delivery of health services also on equity basis.
 It also facilitates the linking of data/ information to all centers and division for timely use.
Besides, the information are collected to support the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
(PME) cycle of all health programs in each health institutions.
The quality of immunization programme can be assessed by immunization coverage, drop out
and vaccine wastage rate. There are different recording and reporting tools which helps to
monitor quality of immunization programme. On the basis of HMIS data, National Immunization
Programme monitors the coverage, drop out, AEFI (Adverse Effect Following Immunization)
and vaccine wastage rate against pentavalent and measles at all levels and sends its feedback to
the area of concern. Thus the information received through HMIS are analyzed at different levels
and used for corrective action. Use of immunization monitoring chart and monthly monitoring
profile of HMIS helps to monitor quality of care in National Immunization Programme and also
helps to take corrective action in order to improve quality.
Similarly, the quality of antenatal care (ANC) can be assessed by the type of provider, the
number of ANC visits and the timing of the first visit. Antenatal care can also be monitored
through the content of services received and the kind of information given to the mothers during
their visit. The information about number of visits and timing of the first visit are obtained from
HMIS. The information provided by HMIS is useful to monitor the quality of care in ANC.
Increase in first and fourth ANC visit says that there is improvement in quality of care in ANC
service which is monitored through HMIS in Nepal. Increase or decrease in utilization of
available service is directly related with quality of care such as institutional delivery, average
length of hospital stay; bed occupancy rate, etc are monitored through HMIS.
HMIS is one of the most cost-effective tools for monitoring quality of care. HMIS helps to
monitor quality of care at different levels and of different health institutions such as hospitals,
PHCC, HP and SHP and used for corrective action. From the above discussion it is concluded
that HMIS is very important in monitoring the quality of care and is an integral part of health
service management in Nepal.

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