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September 6, 2010

Time Started: 7:10PM

Time Ended: 10:02PM

Name Position Time-in Time- Attendance

Out Status1
Sindayen, Rainier Astin Chairperson 7:00 10:15 Present
Agudo, Fermina Vice-Chairperson 7:00 10:15 Present
Borja, Kristine C. Councilor 7:00 10:15 Present
David, Marck Bryan A. Councilor 7:00 10:15 Present
Dela Resma, Marvee B. Councilor - - Absent
Duran, Jeanine Jerusha C. Councilor 7:00 10:15 Present
Elago, Sarah Jane I. Councilor 7:00 10:15 Present
Estrella, Richard R. Councilor 7:00 10:15 Present
Garcia, Jemimah Grace N. Councilor 7:00 10:15 Present
Ibaviosa, Raphael Dominic U. Councilor 7:00 10:15 Present
- - Absent

Kalingking, Kriska Kamille V. Councilor

Mariazeta, Jesica Councilor 7:00 10:15 Present
Ramos, Dan Neil Q. Councilor 7:00 10:15 Present
7:00 10:15 Present

Salinas, Simoun Antonio M. Councilor

Asian Institute of - - Absent
Juan Carlo B. Danganan Tourism
Alexander Dominic Mayoralgo College of Architecture 7:00 10:15 Present
Maria Kriselda J. Sebastian College of Arts and - - Excused
Letters Representative Absent (Sick)
College of Business - - Excused
Englebert G. Chua Administration Absent
Representative (CBASC

ATTENDANCE STATUS: Late, as defined by the USC House Rules 2010-2011, is arriving 15 minutes after the Announced Time Start of the GA
which is 7:10. (7:25PM) Left Early (leaving anytime before the official Time End of the GA) is considered “Late”, as defined by the USC House Rules
2010-2011 Excused Tardiness/Absences are tardiness or absences within the purview of allowed or justifiable reasons as qualified in the House
Rules - given that these reasons were forwarded beforehand to the Secretary General and the Chairperson and its validity checked. Tardiness
accrued due to leaving early may be considered an excused tardiness if the member left before adjournment but after the set schedule for the
session to end. (i.e. for this GA, leaving before 10PM is considered an unexcused late)

College of Education 7:00 10:15 Present
Montana Amir C. Dominguez Representative
College of Engineering 7:00 10:15 Present
Cyrus Dickson A. Cruz Representative
College of Engineering 7:00 10:15 Present
Michael Bryan M. Bien Representative
College of Fine Arts
- Representative
College of Home - - Excused
Karmela Victoria M. Abesamis Economics Absent
Home Economics Representative (Thesis)
Angelo Jose C. Flores College of Human - - Absent
Human Kinetics Kinetics Representative
Ma. Florence Therese DG Martirez College of Law 7:00 10:15 Present
College of Mass 7:00 10:15 Present
Nigel Patrick M. Coronel Communication
Nicole Roxanne C. Aldiosa College of Music 7:00 10:15 Present
Jacqueline E. Canlas College of Science 7:00 10:15 Present
College of Social 7:00 10:15 Present
Sciences and
Juan Carlo P. Tejano Philosophy
College of Social Work 7:00 10:15 Present
Marie Gold M. Villar and Development
National College of 7:00 10:15 Present
Desiree M. Ico Public Administration
School of Economics 7:00 10:15 Present
Carlo Miguel Romeo Sison Go Representative
School of Library and - - Absent
John Ronald R. Almoña Information Science
Heverly Bermina R. Bravo School of Statistics 7:40 10:15 Late
Graduate School
- Representative

Meeting Proper:

Chairperson’s Report:

Chairperson Sindayen reported on the Budget Cut of President Noynoy Aquino encouraging the USC to stay vigilant with
regard to this issue and to further involve the students via the projects that the USC will be pursuing for the reset of the year.

The USC’s continuous call to PNOY is to increase the budget on education and to the next UP President: To uphold Students’
Rights and Welfare.

Pending statements:

1) K12: C/o College Representative Dominguez to be posted in the yahoo groups after GA for approval of the body. It will
be included in the joint statement of the NUSP. The USC was also encouraged to be part of the alliance: “No to K12”
2) MRT/LRT: The signature campaign is ongoing to prevent the MRT LRT Fare Hike. The USC will adopt the statement of
the League of College Councils for this. The adopted statement will also be posted in the yahoo groups after the
general assembly.

College Representative Tejano stepped out at this point: 7:20PM

3) ROTC by Councilor Ramos: The statement was emailed to Chairperson Sindayen over the weekend, Chairperson
Sindayen will upload it in the groups also after the general assembly.
4) Student Code: The body was given a choice on whether to adopt the statement of the League of College Councils or
come with a new one. Everyone was requested to read the copy of the LCC statement tonight.

College Representative Tejano returned at this point: 7:25PM

5) Hacienda Luisita: c/o Councilor Garcia and college Representative Villar will also be uploaded tonight for posting and
6) Professor Sarah Raymundo’s Tenure and Morong43: The USC Finance Committee was tasked to release funds for the
printing of tarpaulins to be hanged on the Vinzons wall showing the USC’s Call on the two issues.

Propaganda/Action Update:

1) K12: There will be an open forum on the Education Sector tie-up with College of Education Student Council to further
educate the students on the education crisis that is happening.
2) A proposed list of video taskings for all the propaganda carried by the USC will be collated and posted by the Mass
Media Committee.

College Representative Go and Dominguez stepped out at this point: 7:32PM

3) With regard to the budget, fast facts were provided by Chairperson Sindayen and Councilor Garcia to be uploaded in
the USC Website. Besides this, the USC decided on the call to divert fund from debt servicing to services and
education. The USC will also draft a resolution c/o Councilor Salinas that the next USCs should carry an active
campaign on the fight for education.

College Representative Go and Dominguez returned out at this point: 7:34PM

Vice-Chairperson’s Report

1) USEB:

The following names, after requesting for a list of names from everyone, were randomly selected to be part of the University
Student Electoral Board:

- Pauline Nicole dela Pena and Lany Rivera

These were the names chosen from the list below:

- Regine Faelga from CSSP, Marlon Dimaing from Engineering, Cindy Cuatro from Engineering, Pauline dela Pena
from CS, Astrid Acedo from CMC, and Jane Agnes from Engineering, and Lany Rivera from CHE
- Astrid Acedo, after assessing if the nominees are affiliated with any political formation or not, was questioned to
be part of Stand-UP CMC and was removed from the list.

2) League of College Councils Update

The League of College Councils drafted statements will be posted in the yahoo groups later. Vice-Chairperson Agudo
requested that the USC help with posting and reposting.

Besides this, the LCC will also be having a UP President Exhibit linked to the survey that they created on the criteria of the next
UP President. Also, the LCC requested the body to disseminate this link: bit.lg/ to involve the
students on the UP President Selection via voting on who they want to be the next UP President.

3) NUSP also invited the USC to join the NCR Congress this September 18, 2010 as approved and funded by Chancellor
Sergio Cao.

Finance Committee Report by Councilor Richard Estrella:

1) Expenses:

The following projects were funded by the Finance Committee for the past two weeks: Academic Core Acquaintance Party,
Alternative Classroom Learning Experience, Gender Forum on Martial Law, Statements released by the Chairperson,
Committee on Organizations, Fraternities, and Sororities.

The following committees who headed the following projects were requested to submit their report with receipts as soon as
possible. Besides this, committee heads requesting for refund were requested to get the receipts of all their transactions for it
to be refunded.

Photocopy Expenses of the USC has now reached: 10,122Php.

With regard to the USC0910 debt, the complete payment is expected by the end of September.

2) Reimbursement

Also, with regard to the reimbursement of Expenses, Councilor Estrella reported that there are some expenses that will not be
refunded by the Finance Committee on the basis of relevance for instance: Reimbursement for Food Expenses while waiting
for Tarpaulin (Sundae, Bananacue, etc.) given that the committee deemed it to be too personal to be considered a USC
Expense. Besides this, Councilor Estrella also said that Cellphone Load expenses will also not be refunded by the USC because
there is no assurance and way of knowing if the whole load was used for USC purposes only.

Vice-Chairperson Agudo requested for exceptions with regard to the load because sometimes the cellphone load are used to
call the speakers for forums. College Representative Go noted that if the USC will refund load expenses, then the first person
that the USC should refund is Councilor Borja who is the official text-brigger of the USC for Internal USC-related
announcements and communications. Councilor Estrella, however, maintained his stand that the load expenses will not be
refunded unless someone can create a mechanism as to how the load can best be monitored.

At this point, Councilor Garcia requested that the Standing Committees come up with ways to have a centralized
cellphone/dissemination material to be used for texting and calling by the USC. Councilor Borja volunteered to coordinate
with Globe to fix the USC Hotline.

3) Other Proposals from the Finance Committee:

The Finance Committee proposed that the body include in its budget for the next Semester a Printer for the USC given that
the expenses incurred for Printing, after the sensitivity analysis of the committee, would prove to be less if the USC will just
buy a printer.

Ways and Means Committee by Councilor Nico Ibaviosa:

1) Shirt Sale: The Shirt sale is continuing. The Committee plans to have a booth at the PEP Rally this Thursday and the
UAAP Cheerdance Competition this Sunday to maximize the two events and encourage the students to wear their UP
Pride. The Committee is also planning on releasing a second wave of Publicity Materials tie-up with the UP Pep Squad
to have them as models lessening the shirt prizes to 150Php for any member of the Pep squad.
2) UP Raffle: The Committee is planning on having a UP Raffle headed by College Representative Bien. The committee is
currently studying the feasibility of having a wide-scale raffle which would necessitate a DTI permit among others.
3) 3rd Week of September is the target launch date of UP Dilimall
4) Other Matters: The Ways and Means letter delivery drop box is transferred to Monday.

Mass Media by Councilor Gem Garcia

1) Website: Basic Wordpress techniques will be uploaded tonight to teach the body on the basics of creating their
webpages and links on the USC Website. The link of the website is The Contents of the website are the
USC History, Committee Pages for Committee Updates, Committee and USC Members’ Write up, Pictures and
documentations of USC events and the Minutes of the Meetings among others. Everyone was requested to create
their account on or before Friday of this week and the committee heads were requested to create their page before
the next General Assembly.
2) Oblation: Last call for updates on the Oblation due tonight. All Committee heads were requested to text or email their
updates for the Oblation.
3) DZUP: Continuous coordination with DZUP to have a USC Hour
4) Mass Media ID: The members of the mass media committee will be provided with a Press ID.

Secretariat Committee by Councilor Tin Borja

1) Distribution of USC minutes: the minutes of the meetings 01-05 were already distributed to the different dormitory
and college councils. Online copies of the minutes are available in the UPD University Student Council Secretariat
Committee Facebook Page.
2) Volunteer Corps Recruitment Booth will also push through this week at the AS Walk to recruit more volunteers for the
second semester.
3) USC handbook was also distributed.
4) Other Updates: Councilor Borja requested that the signatories for room reservation be reviewed if the rationale is
that they are the people who are always present in the office seeing as Councilor Ramos barely completes his office

hours every week. Councilor Borja once again moved that the USC consider the Secretary General to be part of the
Signatories with the Committee on Organizations, Fraternities, and Sororities Heads.
5) Also, with regard to the TREC Books: Councilor Borja requested the Basic Student Services Committee consider the
efforts placed by the Secretariat and Education and Research Committee in firstly, gathering and collecting books for
the Textbook Rental Center, secondly, labeling and encoding it, and fixing it in its project. As such, the Secretariat
Committee requested that the Books be considered a USC Service and project altogether and not owned by one
committee only.

Education and Research Committee by Councilor Chorva David: ACLE Assessment

Below is the Committee’s Assessment of the ACLE:
1) Theme: P-Noy’s Got Talent? : Challening the Filipinos to act for genuine change
a. Strengths:
i. Many organizations noted that the theme was timely and well-thought of.
ii. The over-all theme caught glimpse of the current national set-up and the challenge to the many
sectors of society.
iii. Strong message.
b. Weakness
i. Some organizations said that the theme may have political implications therefore ushering or
preempting the students to take sides. Others said that the theme is very specific therefore making it
hard for them to conceptualize their own topics.
2) Pre-ACLE Preparations
a. Strengths
i. Many organizations noted that the preparations were early enough for everyone to prepare.
ii. The General Assemblies made the processes clearer and streamlined for the organizations.
iii. Organizations noted that the USC was easier to reach/contact.
iv. There were many organizations who were able to avail their respective venues for free.
b. Weakness
i. There were no sponsors.
ii. Late publicity for ACLE Classes
iii. On the part of the committee/USC, there were only a few who helped with the production work.
iv. There were organizations who had problems in terms of venue. There were last minute changes and
c. Opportunities
i. Earlier marketing
ii. Streamline list of classes and venues earlier
iii. Talk to the college Secretariat/student affairs in charge regarding ACLE venue set-up and system.
3) ACLE Website
a. Strengths
i. Easier process for topic and venue submission.
ii. Announcements and requirements were posted on the site
b. Weaknesses
i. Late announcements
ii. Poor website maintenance
iii. The class enlistment was not used to the fullest
iv. The website is not easy to memorize:
v. Announcements were usually posted late.
c. Opportunities
i. Streamline website programs for better usage
ii. Manage website announcement tabs
iii. Some organizations suggested that there be email notifications from the website straight to their
4) ACLE Requirements:
a. Strengths
i. There were many different for a/seminar for the organizations
ii. Some organizations noted that the seminars helped them with their ACLE Topic Selection
iii. In accepting readings instead of books, organizations were able to save money.
b. Weaknesses
i. Late announcements (venue and time) for required events. Some noted ‘disorganized events’
ii. Organizations noted that there were many required events.
iii. The required time was too long
iv. Many organizations found it hard to send representative due to conflict in classes.
v. Some organizations said that there many material requirements ie bluebooks pens, etc.
c. Opportunities
i. Require committee in-charge of required events to finalize everything two weeks before date of
ii. Lessen number of required hours for events.
iii. More interactive and usable page design.
5) On-the –Day Assessment
a. Strengths :
i. More than 4,000 students participated in the ACLE Classes.
ii. There was a systematic process of distributing kits, certificates, etc.
iii. There were many USC members around to help.
b. Weaknesses
i. The ACLE program was not organized well
ii. There were only few USC members left to clean up the ACLE Booth
iii. Some classes/venues were not updated.
c. Opportunities
i. Earlier AS Lobby Reservation: this leads to earlier distribution of ACLE Related kits
ii. Carry on with the system implemented and strictly follow assignments.

Basic Student Services Committee by Councilor Mariazeta:

1) Pending Projects:
a. DORM GRID: Grievance Desk
b. Scholarship fair: The committee is currently scouting for donors.
c. Annual University Wide Blood Donation tie-up with UHS this September 21, 2010.
d. Academic Core Constitutional Convention on September 13, 8-12NN
e. Dormitory Tour Schedule:
i. September 1: Yakal
ii. September 2: Ilang/Kamia GA
iii. September 7: Kamia/Sampa
iv. September 8: Molave/Ipil
v. September 9: Centennial Dorm
vi. September 10: Sanggumay
vii. September 17: Kamagong
viii. September 21: Kalayaan

The agenda for the dormitory consultations are: UP presidency, MRT-LRT, Maninida’s Petition, STRAW 100 Days

2) Accomplished Projects:
a. Textbook Rental Center

Community Rights and Welfare Committee by College Representative Villar:

Situationer: 50 San Roque houses were burned again, 100 families were affected. The USC members were encouraged to
donate clothing, food, etc for the families.

This September 13, Volunteer Corps Head Eds Gabral will go with the Committee on the community basic masses integration
to help in the re-building of houses.

Ongoing Signature Campaign for TOKI jeepneys forwarded to the college representatives and Manininda Signature campaigns.

Committee on Organizations, Fraternities, and Sororities by Councilor Sarah Elago:

1) Continuing Events:
a. Tambayan Application is still in progress. The whole month of September will be devoted to review the rules
and regulations as regards to the tambayan use in Vinzons. Deadline for Tambayan Application is on October
b. All USC Members were reminded to create their account.
c. SMASH UP tie Up: 2nd wave of publicity will start this week.
d. Organization Hopping and Consultation:
2) Upcoming Events:
a. CRAW Tie-up Community Fair: October
b. OFS Agenda for the Next UP President to be released this September 23
c. Organizational Development 2: Addressing Internal Organization Concerns focusing on team building and
conflict management. The target date for the Organizational Development 2 is on the last week of November.
3) Alliance Updates:
a. Intersorority Council
i. *Successful Acquaintance Party last August 28
ii. *Drafting of constitution – in progress
iii. Next General Assembly will be on September 9, USC Office
b. SANLAHI Alliance
i. Calling for Junk the 2010 Code of Student Conduct
ii. ACLE on Indigenous People’s Issues last August 25
iii. *Tsibugan Lahi was held last September 2 – selected USC members were invited bythe alliance
c. Ugnayan ng Nagkakaisang Artista
i. Dance Workshop with UP Kontra-Gapi last August 28
ii. *Series of Workshops on Performing and Visual Arts scheduled for this September
d. Inter-Faith Assembly
i. Faith-based Org hopping and unification – on going
ii. *Next General Assembly will be on September 14, USC Office
e. Tambayan Committee
i. *COFS Co-Head Sarah Elago was requested by the committee itself to be its convenor
ii. *First General Assembly of organizations who wish to apply for a tambayan at Vinzons was held last
August 31
iii. * September 13, 4pm, USC Office – first review of the rules and regulations as regards to tambayan
use at Vinzons

Gender Committee by College Representative Dominguez

Half of the Sky Assessment:

a. Only 20-30 people attended the forum which is negative for the speakers plus there were few USC members
who attended and helped with the publicity.
b. 700Php increase in budget due to the speakers in the Educational Discussions requested for honorarium.

Students Rights and Welfare Committee by Councilor Dan Ramos

1) All Leaders’ Conference: There were a lot of organizations who attended and the discussion focused on the UP
President Selection.
2) Move Them: tie-up with Office of Student Regent and Katipunan ng Sangguniang Mag-aaral. This is a student initiated
movement with the goal of increasing the participation of organizations and student councils all over the campus by
forwarding the challenges and demands at the student level.
3) September 24: Forum on the UP President Selection, Venue: TBA.

Sports, Fitness, and Health

Upcoming Event: Athletes’ Feat: Sole Support for the UP Varsity Team.
Date: September 26, Sunday.
Those interested to help should commit on the following schedule:
Saturday 3PM-12MN: Set-up c/o Councilor Dela Resma and Councilor Elago
Sunday: 3AM call time at the Academic Oval
Prices for those who will register: 250 for 3k, 300 for 5k, and 350 for 10k + 100 on all prices if non-up member. Free singlet for
the first 100 registrants.

College Representatives: UPCOMING EVENTS:

1) Invitation to the BA-USC Jog, 5:30PM, September 9- coordinate with Engle Chua
2) Bar-Operations all four weekends of September: Free food and hotel. Those interested to help should coordinate with
College Representative Chingkay Martirez
3) Statistics Month
a. September 9: Grand Pakain, 11:30-1, Venue Statistic Auditorium
b. September 15: Grand Pakain, 11:30-1, same venue
c. September 18: Statisteeks Quiz Bee and After party
d. September 19-25: School of Statistics Celebration
i. September 19: Outreach: Livelihood and Entrepreneurship
ii. September 20: SPSS Seminar, Statistics Computer Laboratory, 8-12, 1-4
iii. September 21: Exhibit and Ribbon Cutting
iv. September 22: Grand Pakain 11:30-1
v. September 23: Skewed pair hosted by Councilor Richard Estrella
vi. September 24: Tribute Day to Professors
vii. September 25: Sports festival

Other upcoming events:

Rock and Rage Concert, Invite 2 per USC member

The meeting was adjourned by 10:02PM

Prepared by: Noted by:

Kristine C. Borja Rainier Astin Sindayen

Secretary General, USC Councilor USC Chairperson

*Approved by the General Assembly this ____ day of ________ 2010 during the ______ Official General Assembly of the
University Student Council 2010-2011*2

Good for reproduction and distribution to the Philippine Collegian, other University Publications, Local College Councils, Dormitory Councils,
Organizations, Fraternities, Sororities, and any other body or institution or student that may so request for a copy. To be posted in all colleges,
dormitories, and USC bulletin boards and the USC online sites.
10 | P a g e

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