Gang War 2 Preview

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This is my attempt at updating Spyrers to be playable with the new Necromunda ruleset.

It is based
both on the original rules as well as the community edition, but will obviously require playtesting to
balance, some of which I will perform myself, adjusting these rules accordingly. If you try these rules
out and find something that requires changes, just let me know (ideally in the Necromunda general
on /tg/).

Without further ado:

Death stalks the Underhive

Rules for Spyre hunting teams in Necromunda

A hunting team always consists of 5 members – no more, no less. Each member of the team decides
on one pattern of hunting rig to wear when embarking on their Hunt - the exact configuration of your
team is your choice, but once made, it cannot be changed. You cannot recruit new members for your
team until they have completed their Vow, and the members cannot change their rigs.

As they embark on their Hunt, Spyrer teams have to decide on a Vow. There are three possible Vows
to undertake:

Vow of Death: The team has to kill a total of 5 enemies. A kill only counts if an enemy model rolls a
61-66 on the Lasting Injury table – assume that results of Critical Injury look spectacular and messy
enough on the Spyrer’s kill cams that they’re counted as a kill, even if the ganger in question survives
their visit to the doc – underhive scum all look the same to uphivers, so even if they meet the poor
fellow again they’ll probably not recognize them. Note that Spyrers also kill any captives that are not
rescued – these also count as kills for the Vow of Death.

Vow of Experience: The team has to earn a total of 100 experience. This is totaled over all team
members, just add up each individual’s experience. If one of your Spyrers dies, tough luck!

Vow of Survival: The team has to survive 10 games. Note that while this sounds simple, the hunting
team’s patrons are not particularily impressed by displays of cowardice, so games where three or
more team members fled the battlefield don’t count!

Once your team achieves their vow, they can return to the Spire again and live out their lives of
luxury. Many develop a taste for the bloodshed, however, and return to the underhive again to
embark on the Hunt once more. When your team finishes their vow, any surviving team members
get healed of all lasting injuries. You can then recruit new team members to replace dead ones and
can choose to retire team members (and recruit new ones for those as well). Note that any team
members that remain can not choose a new hunting rig – they have adapted to their particular style
of hunting just as much as the rig adapts to them! Once you’re done with this process, your team
descends into the underhive anew – pick a new vow for them (you cannot choose the same vow
twice in a row) and begin the Hunt!

If a Spyrer accrues a total of 100 experience, they are reminded of their other duties to the Spire and
have to retire the next time they return to the Spire. If you pass a Leadership test for them, however,
they can convince their superiors to let them return to the underhive for one final Hunt – after that,
they can no longer stave off their responsibilities.
Spyrer special rules

Territory: Spyrers never have a territory and never increase or decrease their turf size. Note that this
automatically makes them the attacker in scenarios that feature Home Turf Advantage – even if the
other gang picked the scenario! Spyrers are notoriously difficult to track, never set up camp in the
same spot twice and require very little downtime, making it almost impossible to hunt them down
for an ambush even if someone wanted to.

Income: Spyrers never earn any income, cannot change their equipment, and never recruit hired
guns or hangers-on. They can also never use any equipment not part of their initial load-out (note
that this includes ammo caches, since Spyrer guns use exotic ammo manufactured by their rigs’
integral nanite fabricators).

Capture: Gangers captures by Spyrers can be rescued as normal by playing a rescue mission against
the Spyrer team (they love using captured gangers as bait), but the Spyrers will never ransom or
trade the prisoner. If the rescue fails, however, the Spyrers will gleefully execute their captive,
recording the execution with their kill-cams for the uphivers amusement. Captured Spyrers have it
even worse: Their teammates will not come for them and the Spire will not ransom them, as they
have failed in their Hunt and got themselves captured by low-life scum. After realizing this, any gang
that captured a Spyrer will undoubtedly kill them and sell the remains of his gear to the guilders, who
happily accept the high-tech scrap for 3d6x5 credits. The gang cannot use the Spyrer equipment
themselves, as the hunting rigs are gene-keyed to their wearer.

Leader: Spyrers have no set leader, instead the one with the best ideas or most impressive kill score
at the moment calls the shots. As such, any bonus experience their leader would gain is not awarded
to any individual team member, but does count towards the whole teams experience if they have
taken the Vow of Experience. Note this also means they do not benefit from group activations or
Lead by Example – Spyrers are solitary individuals by nature. If they acquire Leadership skills
somehow, those work as normal.

Communication Network: For the purpose of Nerve and Rally tests, Spyrers are always assumed to
be within 3” of every other active Spyrer on the table – their constant communication and high
motivation to impress their patrons means they’re not likely to lose their cool.

Infamous Reputation: Their (well-justified) reputation for cruelty and brutality as well as their status
as near-legendary predators of the underhive means all Spyrers start with the Fearsome skill. If they
would gain it again at a later date, reroll the dice.

Hard Target: Normally, a fighter gets +1 experience for putting a target out of action. Against
Spyrers, this increases to +2 experience, as they have a reputation for being almost impossible to kill
and any fighter who manages such a feat is surely a steely-eyed killer himself!

Gang Rating: A hunting team’s gang rating is 200 per surviving Spyrer plus the usual cost increase for
their advancements.

Equipment: All Spyrer hunting rigs incorporate a bio-booster, photo goggles and integral filters.
These are the same as filter plugs, but are not one-use. Additionally, Spyrers never count as unarmed
in close combat – whether it be the Orrus’ fists, the Malcadon’s claws or the Yeld’s wings, their suits
always feature weapons designed to allow their wearers to defend themselves, even if they are not
actually classified as melee weapons. Due to the advanced auto-medicae routines in their suits,
Spyrers also never have to visit the Doc after suffering a Critical Injury and count as automatically
rolling a 2-5 on the Medical Escort table. No other Spyrer has to be present or escort them to allow
them to make this roll.

Power Boosts: One of the signature abilities of the hunting rigs is their power boosts, additional
capabilities of the suit unlocked as the wearer fights in it and learns to adapt to its specific style of
hunting. In game, a power boost is an advancement that costs 10 XP and adds 40 credits to the
fighter’s cost. If you buy a power boost, roll on the corresponding hunting rig’s power boost table. If
you roll a duplicate, pick a boost you haven’t received yet. Any characteristic bonuses added by
power boosts do not count towards a fighter’s maximum characteristics (meaning a Malcadon who
got Increased Motive Power could still increase their Movement by an additional 2” through normal
advancements, for example).

Spyrer skills: There are a few skills that are of no use to Spyrers, regardless of hunting rig. If you roll
one of those skills, reroll on the appropriate table. The skills in question are: Bulging Biceps,
Commanding Presence, Connected, Fixer, Gunfighter and Savvy Trader.
Spyrer Profiles

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
6” 3+ 4+ 3 3 2 3+ 2 7+ 6+ 8+ 6+

The Jakara is equipped with a monomolecular sword and a mirror shield. The Jakara suit confers a 5+
armour save. Jakaras have access to Agility (P), Combat (P), Ferocity (S) and Shooting (S) Skills.

Monomolecular Sword

S Rng L Rng S Acc L Acc S AP D Am Traits

- E - +1 +1 -1 1 - Melee, Parry

Mirror Shield

S Rng L Rng S Acc L Acc S AP D Am Traits

0-8” 8-16” +1 - 3 - 1 2+ Mirror
Mirror: The Mirror shield allows the user to parry one attack in close combat and confers a 5+
invulnerable saving throw against all attacks originating in the wearer’s 90° front arc. Additionally, if
the shield’s invulnerable save is passed against a ranged attack that needs a BS roll to hit, it can be
reflected back at the shooter. Make a BS test for the Jakara as normal, using the Mirror Shield’s
shooting profile, but use the reflected weapon’s S, AP and Damage. Note that this could mean the
attack ends up with a shorter range – this is intended, as the reflected attacks energy dissipates after
a certain distance.

Jakara Power Boosts

1 – Combat Neuroware: The suit links up new neuroware which sharpens the wearer’s fighting skills.
Randomly roll on any skill table, or alternatively increase one characteristic by one.

2 – Sharpened Mono Sword: The Monomolecular Sword’s edge grows even sharper, conventional
armor has little effect against it. It gains the Power trait.

3 – Heightened Reflexes: The Jakara gets ever more aware of danger and can react incredibly quick.
The angle at which the wearer can use their Mirror Shield’s invulnerable save increases to

4 – Enhanced Mirror Field: The Mirror Shield’s invulnerable save increases to 4+.

5 – Increased Motive Power: Additional energy is routed to the Jakara’s legs, increasing their
Movement Characteristic by 2”.

6 – Refractory Lensing: The Mirror Shield now amplifies shots as it reflects them. Increase the
Strength and Penetration of every reflected shot by 1.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
5” 3+ 4+ 4 3 2 4+ 2 7+ 6+ 8+ 6+

The Orrus is equipped with Bolt Launchers. The Orrus suit confers a 4+ armour save as well as a 6+
invulnerable save against ranged attacks. Orrus have access to Brawn (P), Combat (S), Ferocity (S)
and Shooting (P) skills.

Bolt Launchers

S Rng L Rng S Acc L Acc S AP D Am Traits

0-8” 8-16” +1 - 4 -1 2 2+ Twin-linked
Twin-linked: The Orrus’ Bolt Launchers are fired in pairs. Make only one hit roll, but roll twice to
wound for each hit.

Orrus Power Boosts

1 - Combat Neuroware: The suit links up new neuroware which sharpens the wearer’s fighting skills.
Randomly roll on any skill table, or alternatively increase one characteristic by one.

2 – Strengthened Power Field: The Orrus’ invulnerable saving throw against ranged attacks is
increased to 5+.

3 – Thickened Armour: The suit’s armour thickens and hardens, increasing its armour save to 3+.

4 – Bolt Ignitors: The fuel inside the Bolt Launchers’ ammunition burns harder, increasing their short
range to 0-12” and their long range to 12-24”.

5 – Sustained Bolt Feeds: Additional ammo feeds come online, granting the Bolt Launchers Rapid Fire

6 – Primed Explosive: The Bolt Launchers’ ammunition explodes more fiercely on impact, increasing
its strength to 5.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
6” 4+ 3+ 3 3 2 4+ 1 7+ 6+ 8+ 6+

The Yeld is equipped with Laser Gauntlets and Chameleonic Wings. The Yeld suit grants a 5+ armour
save. The Yeld has access to Agility (S), Combat (S), Cunning (P) and Shooting (P) skills.

Laser Gauntlets

S Rng L Rng S Acc L Acc S AP D Am Traits

0-12” 12-24” +1 - 3 - 1 2+

The Yeld’s wings allow him to fly. This means he can move in any direction without movement
penalties or initiative tests, even upwards, but needs to end his turn on solid ground. When moving
only downwards, the Yeld can glide, moving one additional inch for every inch of height difference
between the start and end points of his movement (this can maximally double his movement,

If the Yeld did not use his wings to fly and took only a single movement action in his last activation,
the chameleonic coating of his wings makes him difficult to spot. Any shots at long range at the Yeld
suffer from an additional -1 to hit, and the Yeld benefits from the Lie Low skill as long as the
chameleonic coating is active.

Yeld Power Boosts

1 - Combat Neuroware: The suit links up new neuroware which sharpens the wearer’s fighting skills.
Randomly roll on any skill table, or alternatively increase one characteristic by one.

2 – Focusing Lens: The Laser Gauntlets’ output is more focused, increasing their short range to 0-18”
and their long range to 18-36”.

3 – Amplified Power Output: More power is routed to the Laser Gauntlets, increasing their Strength
and Penetration by 1.

4 – Rapid Cooling Cycle: Additional cooling allows a greater firing rate of the Laser Gauntlets, granting
them Rapid Fire (1).

5 – Enhanced Chameleonic Weave: The Yeld’s chameleonic wings now also offer their benefit against
enemies firing at short range (both for the hit modifier and the effects of Lie Low) and also
work if the Yeld flew in his preceding activation. If he took more than a single movement
activation, they still don’t work.

6 – Increased Motive Power: Additional energy is routed to the Yeld’s wings, increasing their
Movement Characteristic by 2”.

M WS BS S T W I A Ld Cl Wil Int
7” 3+ 4+ 3 3 2 3+ 2 7+ 6+ 8+ 6+

The Malcadon is equipped with Web Spinners. The Malcadon suit grants a 5+ armour save. The
Malcadon has access to Agility (S), Combat (S), Cunning (P) and Ferocity (P) skills.

Web Spinners

S Rng L Rng S Acc L Acc S AP D Am Traits

0-6” 6-12” +2 +1 - - - 2+ Entangle, Abseil
Entangle: If you hit with a Malcadon’s Web Spinners, the target suffers no damage. Instead, make an
Initiative check for them. If they pass, they are simply pinned, if they fail, they are entangled and
count as Seriously Injured in all regards, except they don’t need to make recovery tests – at the
beginning of their activation, make a strength test for them. If they fail, they remain entangled, if
they pass, they can break free but cannot take any further actions this turn.

Abseil: A Malcadon counts as equipped with a grapnel launcher and drop rig.

Malcadon Power Boosts

1 - Combat Neuroware: The suit links up new neuroware which sharpens the wearer’s fighting skills.
Randomly roll on any skill table, or alternatively increase one characteristic by one.

2 – Weaving Spinners: The Malcadon’s Web Spinners can cover a greater area and gain the Blast (3”)

3 - Thickened Armour: The suit’s armour thickens and hardens, increasing its armour save to 4+.

4 – Claw Growth: The Malcadon’s Claws extend and begin to secrete a deadly toxin synthesized from
the wastes of the underhive. He gains a +1 to wound in Melee combat and causes 2 damage.

5 – Chameleonic Plating: The Malcadon’s suit absorbs and refracts light. Any shooting targeting him
suffers from an additional -1 hit penalty.

6 - Increased Motive Power: Additional energy is routed to the Malcadon’s legs, increasing their
Movement Characteristic by 2”.

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