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Virus genome replication

At a glance

DdDp/DdDp 1


RdDp DdRp

DdRp RdDp

Virus enzymes: DdDp = DNA-dependent DNA polymerase

RdRp = RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
RdDp = RNA-dependent DNA polymerase (reverse transcriptase)

Cell enzymes: DdDp = DNA-dependent DNA polymerase

DdRp = DNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RNA pol II)

Some dsDNA viruses use a cell DdDp, some encode their own.

Virology: Principles and Applications John B. Carter and Venetia A. Saunders

2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBNs: 978-0-470-02386-0 (HB); 978-0-470-02387-7 (PB)

At a glance (continued)
Locations of virus genome replication in eukaryotic cells

CYTOPLASM some dsDNA viruses

dsRNA viruses
(+) RNA viruses
(−) RNA viruses (non-segmented genomes)
retroviruses & pararetroviruses (RNA → DNA)


NUCLEUS some dsDNA viruses

ssDNA viruses
(−) RNA viruses (segmented genomes)
retroviruses & pararetroviruses (DNA → RNA)

DNA OH (self-priming)


protein OH

7.1 Overview of virus DNA intermediate. The various replication modes of

virus genomes are summarized in Figure 7.1.
genome replication Single-stranded genomes are designated as plus or
In this chapter we consider the fifth step of our minus depending on their relationship to the virus
generalized replication cycle: genome replication. The mRNA. Plus strand genomes have the same sequence as
genome of the infecting virus is replicated so that viral the mRNA (except that in DNA thymine replaces
transcription can be amplified and to provide copies of uracil), while minus-strand genomes have the sequence
the genome for progeny virions. complementary to the mRNA. Single-stranded DNA is
Generally, DNA viruses copy their genomes directly converted to dsDNA prior to copying.
to DNA and RNA viruses copy their genomes directly There are two classes of viruses with (+) RNA
to RNA. There are, however, some DNA viruses that genomes (Figure 7.1). Class IV viruses copy their (+)
replicate their genomes via an RNA intermediate and RNA genomes via a (−) RNA intermediate, while Class
some RNA viruses that replicate their genomes via a VI viruses replicate via a DNA intermediate. The


DNA Viruses I

II (+) DNA (+) DNA

or + dsDNA
(–) DNA – (–) DNA

+ dsRNA dsRNA
RNA Viruses III +
– –

(+) RNA dsRNA


(+) RNA (–) RNA (+) RNA


V (–) RNA (+) RNA (–) RNA

(+) RNA
Reverse-Transcribing VI

(–) DNA dsDNA (+) RNA


+ dsDNA

(+) RNA (–) DNA + dsDNA

Figure 7.1 Replication of virus genomes in the seven Baltimore Classes. (+) RNA and (+) DNA have the same
sequence as the mRNA (except that in DNA thymine replaces uracil). (−) RNA and (−) DNA have the sequence
complementary to the mRNA (except that in DNA thymine replaces uracil). (+) and (−) strands are not indicated
for the dsDNA of the Class I viruses as the genomes of most of these viruses have ORFs in both directions. (+)
and (−) strands are indicated for the ssDNA of the Class II viruses. Most of these viruses have either a (+) or a
(−) strand genome. Some ssDNA viruses and some ssRNA viruses have ambisense genomes.

synthesis of DNA from an RNA template (reverse tran- 3’

scription) is also a characteristic of Class VII viruses. OH
In this chapter we shall look at some general aspects
of virus genome replication, and then we shall give
individual attention to replication of the genomes of the Figure 7.2 3 end of a ssDNA where self-priming
DNA viruses, the RNA viruses and the reverse of DNA synthesis can occur.
transcribing viruses.
Nucleic acid replication requires priming, which is
7.2 Locations of virus genome the first reaction of a nucleotide with an –OH group on a
molecule at the initiation site. Replication of the
replication in eukaryotic cells genomes of many RNA viruses (including rotaviruses,
As we saw in Chapter 5, when viruses infect eukaryotic and rhabdoviruses) initiates when the first nucleotide of
cells the genomes of some are delivered to the the new strand base pairs with a nucleotide in the viral
cytoplasm and some are conveyed to the nucleus. The RNA. The initial nucleotide effectively acts as a primer
destination of a virus genome, and hence the location in for RNA replication when its 3 –OH group becomes
which it is replicated, varies with the type of genome linked to the second nucleotide.
(Table 7.1). Some ssDNA viruses, such as parvoviruses, use self-
The genomes of most DNA viruses are replicated in priming. At the 3 end of the DNA there are regions with
the nucleus, but those of some dsDNA viruses are complementary sequences that can base pair (Figure
replicated in the cytoplasm. The genomes of most RNA 7.2). The –OH group of the nucleotide at the 3 end
viruses are replicated in the cytoplasm, but those of the forms a linkage with the first nucleotide, then DNA
minus-strand RNA viruses with segmented genomes are synthesis proceeds by a rather complex process to
replicated in the nucleus. The retroviruses and ensure that the whole genome is copied.
pararetroviruses are special cases: each replicates RNA In order to initiate the replication of many DNA
to DNA in the cytoplasm and DNA to RNA in the genomes, and some RNA genomes, a molecule of RNA
nucleus. or protein is required to act as a primer.

7.3 Initiation of genome replication

7.3.1 RNA and protein primers
Each virus genome has a specific sequence where
nucleic acid replication is initiated. This sequence is Synthesis of cell DNA commences after a region of the
recognized by the proteins that initiate replication. double helix has been unwound by a helicase and

Table 7.1 Locations of virus genome replication in eukaryotic cells

Virus genome Cytoplasm Nucleus

dsDNA Some Some

ssDNA All
dsRNA All
(+) RNA All
(−) RNA (non-segmented genome) All
(−) RNA (segmented genome) All
Retroviruses [(+) RNA] ssRNA dsDNA dsDNA ssRNA
Pararetroviruses [dsDNA] → →

after a primase has synthesized short sequences of RNA Virus enzymes

complementary to regions of the DNA. These RNAs act
as primers; one is required for the leading strand, while DNA-dependent DNA polymerase
multiple primers must be synthesized for the Okazaki
fragments of the lagging strand. The first nucleotide of a
new sequence of DNA is linked to the 3 –OH group of
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
the primer RNA. RNA RNA
Some DNA viruses also use RNA primers during the
replication of their genomes. Some viruses, such as
polyomaviruses, use the cell primase to synthesize their RNA-dependent DNA polymerase
RNA primers, while others, such as herpesviruses and (reverse transcriptase)
phage T7, encode their own primases. RNA DNA
During their replication cycle the retroviruses
synthesize DNA from a (+) RNA template (Sec-tion
16.3.2). They use a cell transfer RNA to prime (−) DNA
synthesis, then they use the 3 –OH group in a Cell enzymes
polypurine tract of the partly degraded (+) RNA
DNA-dependent DNA polymerase
template to prime (+) DNA synthesis. The retrovirus DNA DNA
DNA becomes integrated into a cell chromosome. If the
infection is latent and the cell subsequently divides
(Section 9.3.1), then the virus DNA is copied along with DNA-dependent RNA polymerase
(RNA pol II)
the cell DNA, using RNA primers synthesized by the DNA RNA
cell primase.
For some viruses the primer for initiation of nucleic Figure 7.3 Enzymes used by viruses to replicate their
acid replication is the –OH group on a serine or tyrosine genomes. Many viruses encode a polymerase to
residue in a protein. DNA viruses that use protein replicate their genome, but some use a cell enzyme.
primers include some animal viruses (e.g. adenoviruses)
and some phages (e.g. tectiviruses). RNA viruses that
use protein primers include some animal viruses (e.g.
in the nuclei of eukaryotic cells, viruses with small
picornaviruses) and some plant viruses (e.g.
genomes (e.g. papillomaviruses) use the cell enzyme,
while viruses with large genomes (e.g. herpesviruses)
Hepadnaviruses are DNA viruses that use a protein
encode their own enzyme. Those DNA viruses that
primer to initiate (−) DNA synthesis and an RNA replicate in the cytoplasm must encode their own
primer to initiate (+) DNA synthesis (Section 18.8.6). enzyme.
Protein primers (and the RNA primers of hepad- The enzyme that replicates the genome of an RNA
naviruses) are not removed once their role is performed virus is often referred to as a replicase; for many RNA
and they are found linked to the 5 ends of the genomes
viruses this is the same enzyme as that used for
in virions (Section 3.2.3).
transcription (Section 6.3.3). The retroviruses and the
pararetroviruses encode reverse transcriptases to
7.4 Polymerases transcribe from RNA to DNA, and use the host cell
RNA polymerase II to transcribe from DNA to RNA.
The key enzymes involved in virus genome replication Many viral polymerases form complexes with other
are DNA polymerases and RNA polymerases. Many viral and/or cell proteins to produce the active enzyme.
viruses encode their own polymerase, but some use a Some of these additional proteins are processivity
host cell enzyme (Figure 7.3). factors, for example an Escherichia coli thioredoxin
A DNA virus requires a DNA-dependent DNA molecule functions as a processivity factor for the DNA
polymerase. Amongst the DNA viruses that replicate polymerase of phage T7.

7.5 DNA replication in Figure 7.4. Fewer proteins are involved in bacterial
systems than in eukaryotic systems; for example, the
The viruses of Class I (dsDNA) and Class II (ssDNA) helicase – primase of phage T7 is a single protein
replicate their genomes via dsDNA. The ssDNA viruses molecule, while that of herpes simplex virus is a
first synthesize a complementary strand to convert the complex of three protein species.
genome into dsDNA. DNA synthesis takes place near a replication fork.
Each viral DNA has at least one specific sequence One of the daughter strands is the leading strand and the
(ori ; replication origin) where replication is initiated. other is the lagging strand, synthesized as Okazaki
The proteins that initiate DNA replication bind to this fragments, which become joined by a DNA ligase. After
site, and amongst these proteins are a dsDNA molecule has been copied each of the daughter
molecules contains a strand of the original molecule.
• a helicase (unwinds the double helix at that site); This mode of replication is known as semi-conservative,
in contrast to the conservative replication of some
• a ssDNA binding protein (keeps the two strands dsRNA viruses (Section 7.6).
apart); Some DNA genomes are linear molecules, while
some are covalently closed circles (Section 3.2). Some
• a DNA polymerase. of the linear molecules are circularized prior to DNA
replication, hence many DNA genomes are replicated as
Viral dsDNA is generally replicated by a process circular molecules, for which there are two modes of
similar to that used by cells to copy their genomes. The replication, known as theta and sigma (Figure 7.5).
basic process and the enzymes involved are outlined These terms refer to the shapes depicted in diagrams


DNA ligase lagging strand

polymerase Okazaki fragment
3’ 5’ RNA primer
fork polymerase

leading strand

Key: parental DNA 3’

new DNA
(arrow indicates synthesis
in 5' to 3' direction)

Figure 7.4 DNA replication. A helicase – primase unwinds the dsDNA and synthesizes RNA primers that are
used by the DNA polymerase to initiate DNA synthesis. The leading strand is synthesized continuously, while
the lagging strand is synthesized as Okazaki fragments that are joined together by a DNA ligase.


replication replication
fork fork

Key: ori origin of replication

parental DNA

new DNA
(arrow indicates synthesis
in 5' to 3' direction)

Figure 7.5 Theta and sigma modes of DNA replication. The theta structure is shown with two replication forks as
a result of bidirectional replication from ori; unidirectional replication can also give rise to a theta structure.

of the replicating molecules, which resemble the Greek some viruses are branched. When DNA is packaged
letters θ (theta) and σ (sigma). The sigma mode of during the assembly of a virion an endonuclease cuts a
replication is also known as a rolling circle mode. The genome length from a concatemer.
genomes of some DNA viruses may be replicated by the
theta mode of replication early in infection and the
sigma mode late in infection. 7.6 Double-stranded
Replication of the DNA of some viruses, such as RNA replication
herpesviruses (Section 11.5.3) and phage T4, results in
the formation of very large DNA molecules called Double-stranded RNA, like dsDNA, must be unwound
concatemers. Each concatemer is composed of multiple with a helicase in order for the molecule to be repli-
copies of the virus genome and the concatemers of cated.



Key: (+) RNA

(–) RNA parental strands

(+) RNA
(–) RNA daughter strands

Figure 7.6 Conservative and semi-conservative replication of dsRNA.

Some dsRNA viruses, e.g. Pseudomonas phage ϕ6 (ϕ used, including endosomes (by togaviruses) and chloro-
= Greek letter phi), replicate their genomes by a semi- plasts (by tombusviruses). Viral proteins, including the
conservative mechanism, similar to dsDNA replication RNA polymerases, are bound to the membranes.
(Section 7.5); each of the double-stranded progeny During the replication of ssRNA both (+) and (−)
molecules is made up of a parental strand and a strands of RNA accumulate in the infected cell, but not
daughter strand. Other dsRNA viruses, includ-ing in equal amounts. Plus-strand RNA viruses accumulate
members of the family Reoviridae (Chapter 13), an excess of (+) RNA over (−) RNA, and for minus-
replicate by a mechanism designated as conservative strand RNA viruses the reverse is true.
because the double-stranded molecule of the infecting
genome is conserved (Figure 7.6).
7.8 Reverse transcription
7.7 Single-stranded RNA
Some RNA viruses replicate their genomes via a DNA
replication intermediate, while some DNA viruses replicate their
The ssRNA genomes of viruses in Classes IV and V are genomes via an RNA intermediate (Figure 7.1). Both of
replicated by synthesis of complementary strands of these modes of genome replication involve reverse
RNA that are then used as templates for synthesis of transcription, which has two major steps: synthesis of
new copies of the genome (Figure 7.1). The synthesis of (−) DNA from a (+) RNA template followed by
each RNA molecule requires the recruitment of an synthesis of a second DNA strand (Figure 7.7). Both
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase to the 3 end of the steps are catalysed by a reverse transcriptase that is
template, therefore both plus- and minus-strand RNA encoded by the virus.
must have a binding site for the enzyme at the 3 end. Reverse transcription takes place within a viral
An interesting point to note here is that all class IV structure in the cytoplasm of the infected cell. In later
viruses of eukaryotes replicate their RNA in asso-ciation chapters the process is considered in more detail for the
with cytoplasmic membranes. For many groups of retroviruses (Section 16.3.2) and for hepatitis B virus
viruses, including picornaviruses (Section 14.4.4), these (Section 18.8.6). No viruses of prokaryotes are known
membranes are derived mainly from the endo-plasmic to carry out reverse transcription.
reticulum, but other membranous structures are

(+) RNA
(–) DNA
RT Sources of further information
+ dsDNA

Figure 7.7 Reverse transcription. ssDNA is Brown T. A. (2002) Chapter 13 in Genomes, 2nd edition,
synthe-sized from an RNA template then the BIOS
ssDNA is con-verted to dsDNA. A reverse Cann A. J., editor (2000) DNA Virus Replication, Oxford
transcriptase (RT) carries out both steps. University Press
Learning outcomes
By the end of this chapter you should be able to

• state the locations within eukaryotic cells where different categories of virus genome are repli-cated;

• explain the role of primers in virus nucleic acid synthesis;

• discuss the roles of virus and host proteins in virus genome replication;

• outline the replication mechanisms of virus DNAs and RNAs;

• explain the term ‘reverse transcription’.

van Dijk A. A. et al. (2004) Initiation of viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerization Journal of General Virol-ogy, 85, 1077 –

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