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Table of Contents

Title Page

Table of contents 1

Acknowledgement 2

Prepared Speech 3-4

Reading Folio 5-6

Appendix 6-16

References 17


First of all, I would like to thank my God for giving me a good health so that I can
finish my assignment on time. I express my warm thanks to Mr. Mohd Izzat Bin
Abdullah who giving a good guideline for assignment throughout numerous
consultations and indirectly guided me in writing this task. Without his help, I think I
will face more challenge in the process of doing this task.

Secondly , a thank you to my parents and friends who helped me a lot in fanalizing
this task within the limited time frame.Thanks to them for always giving a helping hand
when I need it. In addition, I wish to express my gratitude to team member, Albert Hii
for sharing his truthful and illuminating views on the topic that we discussed. It is a
good experience that work together with him because I really learned a lot of new

In the nutshell, thanks to all the people for their help directly and indirectly to
complete my assignment.

Prepared Speech (Ng Jia Wei)

A very good morning to Mr. Izzat dan my friends. Today I feel very honored to be given
this golden opportunity to deliver a speech regarding title ' How to Pass your Exam
with Flying Colours''.Actually, we face a lots of exam in our student's life once we been
educated . However, what is the best way to make sure that we really can do well in
our every single exam ?

First of all, make sure we do not procrastinate. This is because the best way to
get something done is to begin. So, we have to ensure that all the homework is
completed before the deadline. Try to done all the task as soon as you can and do not
always bring the task to tomorrow because procrastination is the thief of time. So, it is
very clear that we have to make sure no more excuses or procrastination in our life.
By this way, we can stop allowing our days to be stolen by busy nothingness.

Next, if you want to do it well in your exam, you have to be brave on asking questions.
It is very sure that we will face a lot of problems in the process of study. All we have
to do is make sure that we do not feel shy or afraid to ask question. Every single time
when we ask a question show that we are learning a new thing. So, ask for help
whenever you need it because that is what teacher are there for.

Other than that, it is good if we can plan to do list in our daily life. We can list down
all the subject and the time taken for revision. The benefit of this way is you will know
what are you going to do for every single day. Beside that, it also helps us to gain time
management skills. We must find out the assignment due dates and quiz or test dates
and mark them in our study planner in advance. Plan a study schedule that allows you
to saty in control of the academic workload.

In addition, we have to study smart but not study hard. The first step that you have
to do is identify your learning style. Hence, we can find out whether you are suitable
for learning by yourself or in a group. As we know, doing a group discussion will help
us more easily to get more information and save our time. Next, we can use mind
maps when we do our notes. By this way, it can help us summarize vital information
from lectures and textbooks. Each topic can be condensed into a page and save our
time when we wan to review before an exam.

To sum it up, that is a lots of way to pass our exam with flying colour. I really hope
that all the tips that I shared can help all of you in your exam. I will stop at here and
thanks for your attention .

Reading Folio

What are you understand when people talk about pollution? Basically,
pollution can define as an unwanted situation and harmful stuff contaminating an
environment. As we know pollution will bring a lot of negative effects to the living things
such as humans, animals and plants. Therefore we have to concern about these
issues and we have to try to know more information about pollution. In my opinion, i
strongly agree that the first step that we have to do is we have to know the causes and
effects of pollution. This is due to the reason that after we have the basic knowledge
about pollution then we can find out the best and the most effective ways to solve the
pollution problems .Actually, we can identify several types of pollution on Earth such
as air pollution, water pollution, land pollution , light pollution , sound pollution and so

First of all, we are going to talk about the causes of pollution. There are a
lot of irresponsible factory emissions the chemical waste to the atmosphere and water
bodies led to ecological damage. By this way, the industries cause air pollution, land
and water pollution. Next, it is true to say that the transportation play an important role
in this issue. The increasing number of transportation such as car, train and airplanes
will release more gases such as sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide which mix the
air and clouds and cause acid rains. In additions, agricultural activities such as using
insecticides, pesticides and ripening chemicals on plants will destroy the ground water
system or nearby streams and causes water pollution. Street lamps that shine light in
all direction or unnecessary lights around the home will causes the light pollution. The
heavy machinery that operated in open such as tranis and clubs will lead to sound

After that, we have to know about the effects of pollution. Pollution causes
a lot of effects to the environment. The negative effects of environmental pollution on
humans are mainly physical. The pollutions can causes the long term neuro-affections
to the human. It will also cause the diseases like allergies, asthma, irritation of the
eyes and so on. The acid rain will be formed because of the air pollution. Acid rain can
change the composition of rivers and seas. It will make the toxic to the aquatic
organisms. Besides, the compound in the acid rain which is nitrogen phosphate will
cause overgrowth of toxic algae. For the plants especially trees can also be destroyed

by acid rains. The harmful pollutants can be absorbed by the trees through soil or

Therefore, the action must be taken by the people to reduce the pollution in the
environment. The first step to reduce the pollution is promoting less driving to the
people. It is because the vehicles will produce a proud of exhausted waste in the form
of carbon dioxide. We can promote carpooling with our neighbours instead of driving.
Then, we should increase our awareness of electricity use. We should turn off the
electric appliance when they are not in use. It will consume much energy if the
appliance did not turn off. By turning off the appliance when they are not in use, we
will save the energy and reduce the pollution. Furthermore, we can plant a tree in our
house. Planting trees in our house can reduce the environmental pollution. It is
because trees will absorb the carbon dioxide to carry out photosynthesis and produce
oxygen for us.

In conclusion, environmental pollutions are affecting not only individual but also
entire countries all over the world. Therefore, it is the responsibilities for everyone to
protect our environment. Let us fulfill our responsibilities in environmental protection
and creating a quality ecological environment

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