English For Nursing-Introduction

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Department Nursing Academy

Course English for Nursing
Course Code
Semester 1
Credit hours 2
Lecturer Junjun M. Ramdani, M.Pd.
Course Description This course provides students a continuity from the previous course taken as a prerequisite. They engage not only English practice both
oral and written related to professional context, but also more spoken learning activities, focusing on negotiated conversation in nursing
contexts differently. To promote their communicative competence as medical agent, they will have virtual class (facebook/ you tube) as
learning platform to build a language reflective learner and discussion 2.0. Morevoer, final project is given to student as the prominent
assessment, and they need to create, for instance, drama, or other projects to propose in relation to their professional context which
can explore their linguistics skill as well as their self-regulation.
Goals 1. Familiarizing students with common expressions in medical and nursing contexts;
2. Profiling vocabularies in various nursing contexts;
3. Building commnicative competence in medical contexts;
4. speaking English in professional context fluently especially regarding with the field of their study;
5. writing English text related to the field of their study accurately with vocabulary focus;
6. Developing self regulation through group project in relation to their nursing issues;
7. Exploring creativity and digitalizing skill through digital story telling.
Assessment Formative and project
References Grice, Tony. (2011). Oxford English Careers: Nursing1. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Eastwood, John. (1999). Oxford Practice Grammar. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press


Time Objectives Learning Material Method Instructional Media & References Lecturer Assessment Criteria
Week 1 comprehend the syllabus and Intro. to course syllabus Discussion Laptop Junjun M.
learning objectives Ramdani
Week 2  Distinguishing Yes/no Symptoms Small Group  Oxford Practice Grammar: p. 2 -10 Junjun M. 
Work  Oxford English Careers: Nursing1: Ramdani
Time Objectives Learning Material Method Instructional Media & References Lecturer Assessment Criteria
questions and WH-questions Vocabulary Chapter 6, p. 16
 Enriching vocabularies: profiling Laptop/ Android
Symptoms Photo voice Internet Connection
 describing patients getting
particular symptoms
 witing symptoms’ report
Week 3  Familiarizing with simple Caring for the elderly Surf digitally Laptop, student’s handout/ android, Junjun M.
future tense Group Work internet Ramdani
 explain main idea of a text  Oxford Practice Grammar: p. 284
 explain the reference of a  Oxford English Careers: Nursing1:
text Chapter 7, p. 19
 explain detail information
from a text explicitly and
 writing a letter to
department of psychiatry
Week 4  Familiarizing how to give an Nutrition and obesity Surf digitally Laptop, student’s handout/ android, Junjun M.
advice in various situations Group Work internet Ramdani
 Proceeding how to stay  Oxford Practice Grammar: p. 284
nutritious  Oxford English Careers: Nursing1:
 explain main idea of a text Chapter 8, p. 22
 explain the reference of a
 explain detail information
from a text explicitly and
 advising a patient: role
playing & FB mediated
Week 5  Familiaring with If Blood Surf digitally Laptop, LCD, Internet Junjun M.
Time Objectives Learning Material Method Instructional Media & References Lecturer Assessment Criteria
conditional Group Work  Oxford Practice Grammar: p. 108 - Ramdani
 explain main idea of a text 128
 explain the reference of a  Oxford English Careers: Nursing1:
text Chapter 9, p. 25
 explain detail information
from a text explicitly and
 Writing: A description of
healthy blood
Week 6  Familiarizing with modality Death and dying Surf digitally Laptop, student’s handout/ android, Junjun M.
 explain main idea of a text Group Work internet Ramdani
 explain the reference of a  Oxford Practice Grammar: p. 246 -
 Oxford English Careers: Nursing1:
 explain detail information
Chapter 10, p. 28
from a text explicitly and
 Writing: death certificate
Week 7  Reflecting on learning Class Reflection Class Laptop, student’s handout/ android, Junjun M.
Discussion internet Ramdani
Week 9  Use expressions for collecting General Assessment Role play Laptop and internet Junjun  Speaking rubric:
demographic data Muhamad Fluency and
 Use questions to collect current Ramdani cohrence,
and past health‐illness data pronunciation, lexical
 Interviewing the patients/ resourses, grammar
Week 10  Give communicative response to Dimension of symptoms Role play Laptop and internet Junjun  Speaking rubric:
patient’s complaint Muhamad Fluency and
 Ask the dimensions of symptoms Ramdani cohrence,
 Develop conversation skill: case pronunciation, lexical
study resourses, grammar
Time Objectives Learning Material Method Instructional Media & References Lecturer Assessment Criteria
Week 11  Use expressions for assessing Patient’s assessment Role play Laptop and internet Junjun  Speaking rubric:
the head, face and neck Muhamad Fluency and
 Develop negotiated Ramdani cohrence,
conversation: assessing head, pronunciation, lexical
face and neck resourses, grammar
Week 12  Communicate about Checking Vital sign Role play Laptop and internet Junjun  Speaking rubric:
implementation of checking vital Muhamad Fluency and
signs Ramdani cohrence,
 Give some instructions during pronunciation, lexical
implementation of checking vital resourses, grammar
Week 13 – Project: Short movie Small group Laptop and internet Junjun
14 discussion Muhamad

English Tasks
Project : Digital Story Telling/ short movie
This project provides students to explore their communicative competence dealing with digital storytelling/ short movie which is 10 to 15 minutes lengths. They will be promoted digital literacy
and creativity to furnish their idea in their professional context. Through group work, this course builds their self awareness and accountability which aims at respecting others. This will imply to
the process of character building.

Vocabulary and Reading Log

To enrich their knowledge and competence dealing with their discipline, they experience weekly reading log submitted every week to lecturer’s email. They select their topic based on the
reading they are interested in.

UTS : 20%
Project/ UAS : 50%
Reading Log : 20%
Attendance : 10%
Nilai Absolute Angka Mutu Huruf
79,00-100,00 3,51 – 4,00 A
68,00-78,00 2,75 – 3,50 B
56,00-67,00 2,00 – 2,74 C
41,00-55,00 1,00 – 1,99 D
<40,00 0,00 – 0,99 E
Tasikmalaya, Febraury 2017
Head of Nursing Academy, English Lecturer,

.............................. Junjun M. Ramdani, M.Pd.

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