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Hq & Hq Btry, 56th Field Artillery Command

Hq & Hq Btry, 56th Field Artillery Brigade

Hq & Hq Btry, 56th Artillery Brigade
Hr, !<: Hn Btry , 56th Anti a ircraft Artin ery Brigade
~~n~_ Un ~t,rv S6th r oast A 'tillery Brig~le
TN /1 r .1'TVF 6 ·604

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Ft Devens Mass 'p 15 Jul56 6 Aug58 ,

Ft Banks. 'Mass :P; 6 Aug58 17Sep 64 SiteB2l.EA
CvV' ltrr. R.I. :P 17Sen64 240ec 64 SitePR-69
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1 SEP 1945 MAY BE USED. 2"-60180- 1011
. ' \ ~,;:,:.t"v.')r'::~~~~ ' :;l~:. ~,,:·:.' ~ . .
. H6 8~ .Hq>Btr,Yi,56;th.COliSl t.ill'er:f 'Bri gade is const':+,uil:;;e'6.; dhthe Inactive List
lZ 'sep L,;;. _" . "~L; ... . ,
Hel & Ho Btry, 56th Coast Artillery Brigade is assi gned toi:.heAntiaircraft Command and will be 'activated at the earliest
practicable date in April, 1943 in accordance with T/O L,-10-1(1 Apr 42) at Cpo Stewart, Ga. - per AGF It!', 321/9~(CA) (R ) -GNGCT
(11 Mar 43 ), dtd 11 Mar 43. ACTIVATED, effective 10 April 43 with station at Cpo Stewart,Ga. - per GO #2 2 , Hos AAC, Richmond,
Va., dtd 17 Mar 43.
Hq & Ha Btry, 56th CA Brig. is redesignated as WH Btry, 56th Antia ircraft Artillery Brigade and will be reorganized at
the earliest practicable date in accordance with T/O 44-10-1(29 Mar .43) - per AG 322(25 May 43)OB-I-GHGCT-M, dtd 28 May 43.
REDESIGNATED , effective 28 ' May 43 - per GO 51, Hq s AAC, Richmond, Va., dtd 31 May 43. REORGANIZED effective 5 Jun L,3 - per
ltr, MC 322.7/K-154-GNSTO, Ens MC, Richmond, va., dtd 3 Jun 43.
Hq & Hq Btry, 56th AAA Brig. will move from Cpo Stewart, Ga. to Mitchel Fld., Long Island, N.Y. for permanent change of
station. Movement will be made so that unit will arrive at destination on or before 1 Nov 43. Upon arrival at Mitchel Fld.,
thls unit is relieved from assignment to Army Ground Forces and Antiaircraft Command and assigned to First Air Force - per
AG 370.5(13 Oct L3)OB-S-GNGCT-M, dtd 15 Oct 43.
H/H Btr:lr, 56th AAA Brig. departed Cpo stewart, Ga. 21 Oct 1.3 for Mitchel Fld., L.I., N.Y. and is expected to arrive
22 oct L.3 - per Radio, Cpo Stewart, Ga. dtd 21 Oct 43. Arrived Mitchel r'ld., N.Y. 22 Oct 43 - per MH Card, dtd 22 Oct 43.
H/H Btry, 56th AAA Brig. is reorganized in accordance jith T/O 4.4-l0~1(lO Nov 43) effective 6 Jan 44 pursuant to auth-
ority contained in AAF Regluation #35-40, Hqs AAF, Washington, dtd 18 Dec 43 - per ltr, Hqs 56th AAA Brigade, Mitchel Fld.,
N.Y., dtd 7 Jan 41••
H/H Btry, 56th AAA Brig. will move from Mitchel Fld., N.Y to Cpo Forrest, Tenn. at the earliest practicable date for per-
manent change of sta.tion. Upon arrival at station of destination, this unit is relieved from present assignnent and is assign-
ed to AGI:<' for further assignment to Second Army - per It.r, AG 370.5(17 Jan L,4) OB-S-E-AFROO-M, dtd 20 Jan 44.
H/H Btry, 56th AAA Brig. departed Mitchel Fld., N.Y. 25 Jan 44 for Cpo Forrest, Tenn. and is expected to arrive thereat
16 Jan 44 - per Radio, Mitchel Fld, N.Y., dtd 26 Jan 44. Arrived Cpo Forrest, Tenn. 27 Jan 41. - per Radio, Cpo Forrest, Tenn.
dtd 28 Jan 4Ll- '
H/H Btry, 56th AAA Brig. departed Cpo F~rrest, Tenn. 29 Jan .44 and arrived in vicinity of Murfreesboro, Tenn. 29 Jan 4L, -
per 1st Ind., Hos 56th AAA Brigade, APO 1.02, c/o PM, Nashville, Tenn. dtd 6 Mar 41.. on 1t1:..t...AG 370.5(4 Mar 4.L)OB-I dtd L. Mar 44
and S.O. #25, Has 11 Det., Spec. Troops, Second Army, Cpo Forrest, Tenn. dtd 25 Jan 44.
H/H Btry, 56th MA Brig. will move from present temporary station tn Tenn. Maneuver Area to home station, Camp Forrest,
Tenn. Movement will be made o/a 26 Mar 44 - per S.o. #86, Hqs Maneuver Director Hqs Second Army dtd 26 Mar 44.
H/H Btry, 56th MA Brig. departed Lebanon, Tenn. 25 Mar 44 and arrived Cpo Forrest, Tenn. 25 Mar 44 - per Radio, Cpo For-
rest, Tenn. dtd 28 Mar 44.
R/H Btry, 56th Ai\A Brig. will move from Cpo Forrest, Tenn. to Cpo Davis, N.C. for permanent ·change of station. Movement
win. be made at the earliest practicable date. Upon arrival at Cpo Davis, N.C., this unit is relieved from assignment to Sec-
ond Army and is assigned to Antiaircraft Command - per ltr, AGF, 370.5/456(CA)(R)(10 Apr 44)GNGCT, dtd 10 Apr 44.
PJH Btry, 56th Alill Brig. departed Cpo Forrest, Tenn. 19 Apr 44 and is expected to arrive at Cpo Davis, N.C. 20 Apr 41•. -
per Radio, Cpo Forrest, Tenn. dtd 19 Apr 44.
H/H Btry, 56th AAA Brig. (less Adv DeL) will move from Cpo Davis, N.C. to the New York pOE or Boston POE for further
mOVer.1Ent under Ship . 1/6266-p. An Advance Detachment will make same movement under Ship. #6266-PX - per ltr, lim 370.5(30 Jun4L,)
OB-S--E-M, dtd 1 · Jul 44.
pjH Btry, 56th AAA Brig. (less Adv. Det.) departed Cpo Davis, N.C. 2 Aug 44 and arrived Cpo Kilmer, N.J. 3 Aug 44 - per
TMT dtd 4 Aug 4L••
Advance Det., H/H Btry, 56th AM Brig. departed NYPOE 23 Jul 44 and arrived in England on bonTd "Q~een Mary" 28 Jul 4L. -
per water Transportation Report, dtd 7 Aug 44.
H/H Btry, 56th AAA Brig. (less Adv~ departed NYPOE on board "Uruguay" 11 Aug 44 and arrived in England 22 Aug 44 - per
WTR dtd 28 Aug 44.
H/H Btry, 56th Alill Brig. is stationed in France - per ETO Station List, dtd 29 Sep 44.
H/H Btry, 56th AAJ\. Brig. is stationed in Belgium - per Ch. #5 to MDS #8, ETO, dtd 2 Nov 4-4.
WH Btry, 56th AAA Brig. is assigned to 56th AltA Brig. effective 25 Nov 44 - per ETO Station List, AG 319.26(Cent MRU)
dtd 4 Dec 4L,.
B/HBtt'Y, 56th ,pi,A 'Jr~ ~~ .is . assigned to Cbmmuni'cation~ Zon~'" ~ pe'J' "JiG' 319.26, lHntl1 Ai Stet~o.r\':,-,lf3t, d+~d 4' 'Jan 1,,5 •. ', . ' ,'
' .- H/ H BtIy, 56th A.A.;,.B rig.' will be r eo rgani zed under T/ot~E -44-10-1( 20 Oct Ij .4) with an authorized streng th O"f ,' L~, Off, 2 wo,
64 ErA pursl18,nt to authority contained in ltr, Hq s E'IDUS.A, .AG 322 OpGD, Subj: "Reorganizat.lon'& Rede si gnation of Units", d t d
6 Nov 41. and ltr, AG 320.:2(31 Jill 43)PE-A-M-C, dtd 20 Aug 43 - per ltr, Hqs USSilF, in Europe, .APO 633, USA, dtd 23 Jan 45. '
REORGANIZED, EFFECTIVE 25 Feb 45 - per Ra.dio, ETOUSA, CM-IN-16058(15 Mar 45), dtd 14 Mar L,5.
H/H Btry, 56th AM Brig. is assigned to IX ADC - per Ninth Air Force Station List, 21 Mar 45.
H/H Btry, 56th AM Brig. is entitled to battle credits for participation in the NORTHERN FRANCE CAMPAIGN - per ltr, ETO, AG ;
200.6 OpGA, dtd 30 Mar 1+5 . Also S0 0 GO 103, wr, 13 Nov 45.
H/ H Btl"Y, 56th AM Brig. is located in France - per MDS # 20, ETO, 13 Apr 45. i
KXxxn~#. i&l~xnAx»t~I~:;(XXIXOCyt~XllOCKxn:X.QOOll:QIllXX~i£X~ilG!:KnlpnnKX:Kj{XK1XQ!:XlXENMJOO;:x~m~::a~itXln:~:XA'C£X2!mU:tXXllp(IK1xE'Xn NSKi
H/H Btry, 56th AAA Brig. is reported in Germany - per MDS #22 , 1'TOrrSA, 16 May 45.
H/H BtrJ , 56thAAA Brig . departed Eng1tmd 30 Aug 44, arrived in France 5 Sep 1+4; departed France 26 Oct 44, arrived in
Bel gium 28 Oct 44; departed Bel gium 4 Apr 45, arrived in France 5 Apr 45; departed France 21 Apr 45 and arrived in Germ any
21 Apr L!5 - per 1st Ind.,Hqs 56th AAA Brig., APO 638, USA, S Sep 45 on AG 370.5(30 Aug 45)OB-I, 30 Aug 45.
H/H Btry, 56th AAA Brig. will return to United states a.s a category IV unit under provi sions of RR 1-2 - per WD OPD Radio
, CM-OUT-65782 , USFET, dtd 17 Sep 45.
H/H Btry, 56th AAA Brig. will return to United states under Ship . #RE7390-F 'from Stadtbergen, Germ any without delay, for
demobilization. CG, Ninth Air Force is responsible for this action - per Itr, Hqs USFET, AG 370.5 GCT-AGO(235), dtd 22 Sep 45 • .
H/H Btry, 56th AAA Bri g . is relieved from assignment £0 IX ADC, Ninth AF effective 15 Nov 45 - peAG1~~ ~qe.cN.!RGB ~E'Nli04~ :
dtd 28 Nov 45. This unit is r1vd from assgnmt to USAFE and tsassignedto TSFET for Chanor BS effec t. 17 Nov 45
per'fl"0FE.1' , / •
H/H Btry, 56th AAA Brig. is entitled to battle participation credit for CENTRAL..,EUROPE CAMPAIGN - per GO 116, WD, 11 Dec 45.
H/H Btry, 56th AAA Brig. is entitled to battle participation credit for RHINELAND CAMPAIGN ,... per GO 118, WD,12 Dec 45.
H/H Btry, 56th AAA Bri g . sailed from Le Havre POE, France 24 Nov 45 on board "Norway Victory" (NY-2193) and is expected to
arrive a t a port in United Ste-tes 3 Dec 45 - per Radio, Le Havre, France, MC-IN-63970(26 NoV 45 ), dtd 25 NoV 45. Arrived at
NYPOE 2 Dec 45 - per NYPOE Recapitulation of pass. Deb., dtd 4 Dec 45.
H/H Btry, 56th AAA Brig.'will be inactivate d at the appropriate disposition center in accordance with instruct.ions conta tn-
ed in Ur, AG 322(16 .Tu1 L,5)OB-I-SPMOU-M, 21 Jul 45. This is a Cate gory IV unit. Concurrently with inactivation , this unit
is tran s ferred in an inact:i,ve status to the control of the War Dept - per ltr, !l.G 322(24 sep 45)OB-I-SPMOU-M, dtd 26 Sep 45.
I NACTIVATED, effective 3 Dec 45 at Cpo Shanks, N.Y. - per ltr, ASF , NYPOE, Cpo Shanks, N.Y., SPTAA CS 32? GPM(A), dtd 4 Dec 45 .
Records of H/H Btry, 56th AM Brig. !-lave been shipped to Orga.nizati on Records Branch, Bldg. 102, Records Admin. cent., AGO,
4300 Goodfellow Blvd., st. Louis, Mo. - per Itr, AG Records Depot, dtd 10 Apr 1.,6.
. Thea awar~Qfdtb.'Z J'R~~§l14t~A fo,;~~r.!. q~c,~r.atiQns,~/l.Hq ,B~:ry" 1~6th AAA Brig. during Wor~d War II is confirmed, per GO 24? Dept
of the lr~~; 'fOf)~ '''4'rr- ~Ettr!AN,)ct{O'fX~ ulJ'I!:IiltE"ior iict10n aga:mst the enemy in the Tner area,~n.4 arf!:s northwest of Nlme gue;
BKL,GIAN CROIX DE GUERRE for action in defense of the harbor of Antwerp, aiding in liberation or't3e1::~l1.ti1y, BELGIAN FOURB.AGEF.E
(1940) au .24. and 23 are -F.ESjCJ;NDqL~ Jl~r.G043:'.LD~J.;lt;l.~t;nl~r;.t ~Qt: , th~ IA~'i.19 December 1950.
Movement dates frcm time nf a ctivution a t Cp o stewart, Ga . on 10 tpr .&3 t 'o ti me of inactivation a t Cp o Sh ~rlks , IT . Y. on
J Dec 45, extracted f rom m~rr:ing repo rt~ of H/H B,try'i56th AAA Brig. - pe r Comment 1/2 , Orgn Rec Dr , hAC , llliO , £3 Aug 4-9.
Hq & Hq Btry, 56th Antunrcr a ft Artlilery Brlgade,7al1otted to the Regular Army and designated General Reserve assigned
to First Army a nd wi ll be activated at Camp Edwards, Mass and organized under T/O & E 44-101, 21 Oct 48 w/Cl 2 3(C~lm 8,C3 -
Reduced Str e ngth), with authorized strength of 12 OFF 5 WO 61 EM - per AGAO-I 322 Gen Res( 2l Jan 51)GI-M, 5 February 1:951.
Effective 10 February 1~51 - per GO # 16, Hq First Array, 3 February 1951.
Hq &. Hq Btry, 56th Antiaircraft Artillery Brigade will be reorganized in accordance with T/O&E 44-101, 21 October 1948, w/C2;
3 (Colm 8, C)-Reduced strength); Cir 10, DA, 15 Feb 51, ' with an authorized strength of 11 officers, 5 warrant officers and 57
enlisted men - per AGAO-I 322 AM Units (14 May 51)GI-M, 16 May 1951. Effective 5 June 1951 - per GO 73, Hq , First Army, 31
May 1951. '. " ~. '- AG!AO:"I 322 ' AAA Uriits" (14 May 51)G1-M, 16 May 1951 is amended by A,GAO-I 322 Gen Re s (12 Jun 51)GI-M,
5 July 1951.
Hq & Hq Btry" §6thAntiaircraftArti1ie~; '.Brigtt.d,e., Jl:i1Ltr.ansfer_ on a .p.e.nnlment.chaIlge ~f station f:r;~~: 'C~~p' Ed~vard s,: Ma·si. '
to Fort Deven s". Mass. and is ' relieved from assi,';nment to First Army and assigned to Ar;ny Antiai'rcra:ft Command u'pon arrival": .
per R8.cUo," D.A 266'74 (Sep 51), 26 September 1951. Advance detachmen t is autmrized - per~.m #95, Hn , First iJ.rrrry, AHFKC(S) 370.5,
27 Se1)tember 1951. Will depart. Camp Edwcnds, Mas e: . 5 November 1951 and will arrive Fort Devens, Ma ;::8 . 5 November 1951 - per
Ranio , DA I N 151;38 (4 Nov 51), CG, 56th Antiaircraft Artillery Brigade, 4 Noverrlber 1951.

The award of the following forei gn decorations to Hq Btry, 56th Antiaircraft Artillery Brigade during World WaT II is con-
firmed - per GO 1,3, Department of the Army, 19 December 1950; CITED IN THE ORDER OF THE DAY for action during the opening of
the Antwerp Port on 28 November 19M}; eI'rED IN THE OR.DER OF THE DAY. f or action during the establishing of an antiaircraft de-
fe nsp sy st em of the harbor of Antwerp on 16 December 19L,L,; and BELGIAN' FOURRAGI<~RE(1940).
Ho & Ho Btry, 56th Antiaircraft Artillery Brigade is as s i gned to Eastern Army Anti aircraf t Command effective 5 November
1951 - per GO 27, Hq, Ea stern Army Antia ircraf t Command, 5 November l~51.
FOR. HISTORY SEE: Comment No.1, Office, Chief of Military History, 8 May 1951.
Hq & Hq Battery, 56th Antiaircraft Artillery Brigade will be reorganized under T/O & E 44-10lA, 10 April 1952 (Colm 8), auth-
rized strength 12 OFF, 4 wa, 72 EM - per AGAO-I 322 Qen Res (20 Jun 52)GI-M, 30 June 1952. Effective 15 July 1952 - per GO 90,
irst Amy, 8 July 1952.
Will be reorganized under T/O & E 44-10lA, 1952, (Colm 8) - per AGAO-I (M) 322 Gen Res (3 Nov 52)Gl, 24 November 1952.
Effective 15 December 1952 - per GO 137, First Army, 3 December 1952. '
Will transfer on permanent change of station from Ft Devens, Mass to Ft Totten, NY - DA 927555, 31 Dec 1952. WEl close
l~'t Devens, r' . ~ass 23 Jan 1953, will open Ft Totten , j\TY 24 Jan 1953 - GO 1, 56th AAA Brig, 19 Jan 1953 . Advance Detachment author-
ized - ~JO 2, First Army, 6 Jan 1953 . Departed . 23 Ja.n 1953 - DA-IN 229 601 , 56th AAA Brig, Ft Devens, Mass , 22 Jan 1953. Arrived
23 Jan 1953 - DA-L' T 726191, Ft Totten, NY , 2LI- Jan 1953 .
Will be reorganized as (static) under T/O & E 44-201, 1953 - AGAO-I (M) 322 Gen Res (10 Jun 53) G1, 23 Jun 1953. Effective
3 Aug 1953 - GO 95, First Army, 22 Jul 1953. ,
.::L1:! be reO l ::: (: ,.1 under T/o,:,.!:.: ,:,!~- ;2()1 , 1(~1:::;3 , Ghange 2 - l:.GAO-l (:.1) 322 GL (27 Jul 5{~,) ~:11, 25 Aug 1954. Effective 20 Sap
1. -- G<j 117, ?irst j~rmy", :3 5ep 195L! .
': ;ill be reorganized under T/J&l~ !f,~-20 1, 19 5.3, Change 2 - AGAJ-I ( !\O 322 (11 Sop 54) Gl, 27 oet 195/ j • .;i'fcetive 1. 2 lo v
- G\~; 15 ll , .F irs t A rrr.~/, /1 :<0\7" 195LI- .
Will be REORGANIZED as (Contineitf,al) under TOE 44-201R, 1955, effective 1 Ju1 1955 - AGAO-I (M) 322 (27 May 55) G1, 3 Jun
1955. Confirmed - GO 85, First Army, 17 Jun 1955.
Will be REORGANIZED as (Continental) under TOE 44-201R, 1955 - AGAO-I (M) 322 (19 Jul 55) G1, 27 Ju1 1955. Effective 1 Aug '
1955 - GO 116, First Army, 4 Aug 1955. Amended - AGAO-o (M) 322 (9 Aug 55) Gl, 9 Aug 1955.
Will be REORGANIZED as (Continental) under TOE 44-201C, 1955 - AGAO-O (M) 322 (27 Apr 56) DCSPER, 21 May 1956. Reorganized
- GO 44, First Army, 5 Jun 1956.
Will TRANSFER. (less Pers & Equip) on permanent change of station from Ft Totten, NY to Ft Dev:ens, Mass, effective 15 Jul
1956 - AGAO-O (M) 322 (29 Jun 56) DeSPER, 16 Ju1 1956. C6n.t'irmecLI GO 52, First Army, 19 Jul 1956. AGAO-O (M) 322 (29 Jun 56)
DCSPER, 16 Jul 1956 is amended, will be REnRGANIZED as (Continental) under TOE 44-2010, 1955 and 29-500R, 1955, concurrent1y_
AGA0-0 (M) 322 (25 Ju1 56) DCSPER, 25 Jul 1956. GO 52, First Army, 19 Jul 1956 is amended, reorganization confirmed - GO 59,
First Army, 3 Aug 1956. Amended - GO 65, First Army, 14 Aug 1956.
FOR UNIT HISTORY SEE: History of the 56th AAA Brig, 10 Apr 1943 - 15 Sep 1945.
GO 52, First Army, 19 Jul 1956 is further amended - GO 66, First Army, 16 Aug 1956.
Will be REORGANIZED as (Continental) under TO~ 44-201C, 1955 and 29-500R, 1955 - AGAO-O (M) 322 (1 Sep 56) DCSPER, 17 Sep
1956. E~fective 25 Sep 1956- GO 81, First Army, 24 Sep 1956. Amended - GO 89, First Army, 15 Oct 1956.
W1l.1 be REORGANIZED a8 (Continental) under TOE 44-201C, 1956 and 29-600R, 1956, Ch 1 - AGAo-O (M) 322 (15 Feb 5'1)
DCSPER, 13 Mar 1957. REORGANIZED - GO 26, First US Ar~, 22 Mar 1967.
Will be REORGANIZED as (Continental) under TOE 44-201G, 1955 and 29-500R, 1955, Ch 1, effective 1 Oct 1957 - AGAo-O
(M) 322 (16 Aug 57) DCSPER, 28 Aug 1957. CONFIRMED - GO 103, First US Aimy, 10 Sep 1957.
Will be REORGANIZED as (Continental) under TOE 44-201C, 1956 and 29-600R, 1955, Ch IJ AUTHORIZED STRENGTH 17 OFF 4 wO
17 NCO 42 EM, effective 20 Mar 1958 - AGAO-O (M) 322 (3 Feb 58) DeSPER, 4 Mar 1958. AMENDED - AGAO-O (M) 322 (3 Ju1 58)
DCSPER, 16 Jul 1958. CONFIRMED - GO 29, First US Army, 20 Mer 1958. AMENDED - GO 84, First US Army, 29 Ju1 1958.
Hq & Hq Btry, 56th Antiaircraft Artillery Brigade will be REDESIGNATED Hq & Hq Btry, 56th Artillery Brigade (Air
Def ense) effective 20 Mar 1958 - AGAO-O (M) 322 (12 Mar 58) DCSPER, 14 Mar 1958. CONFIRMED - GO 29, First US Army, 20 Mar
1958. REVOKED a CONFIRMED - GO 36, First US Army, 28 Mar 1958.
Will TRANSFER on permanent change of station from Ft. Devens, Mass. to Site B21HA, Ft. Banks, Mass. - DA 341886, 23
May 1958. MO 10, AHFKC(8) 370.5, First US Army, 26 Jun 1958.. DEPARTED Ft. Devens, Mass. ARRIVED Ft. Banks, Mass. ~
1958 - AG IN 28508, Ft. Devens, Mass., 6 Aug 1958. ,
---- FOR HISTORY SEEa Official Statement of Lineage and Battle Honors, Hq & Hq Btry, 56th Artillery Brigade, 11 Sep 1958.
Acquisition Radar No. I, 56th Arty Brig (Air Def) will TRANSFER on permanent change of station from Site B35R, Ft.
Strong, Quinoy, Mass. to Site B75R, Ft. Devens, Mass. - AGAO-O (M) 322 (3 Deo 58), 19 Dec 1958. MO # 4, AHFKC(8), First
US Army, 20 Mar 1959.
Will be REORGANIZED as (Air Defense) under TOE 44-2010, 1955, TOE 44-446D, 1957, TOE 29-500D, 1958 and TOE 300-7
applies, AUTHORIZED STRENGTH 38 OFF 6 WO 39 NCO 139 ENL - AGAO-O (M) 322 (5 Dec 58) DOSPER, 5 Jan 1959. AMENDED - AGAO-O
(M) 322 (29 Jan 59) DCSPER, 17 Feb 1959. Effective 15 Jan 1959 - GO 6, First US Army,- 19 Jan 1959. AMENDED - GO 24,
First US Army, 25 Feb 1959.
Will be REORGANIZED a8 (Air Def) under TOE 44-201C, 1955, TOE 44-446D, 1957, TOE 29-500D, 1958 and TOE 300-7 applies;
AUTHORIZED STRENGTH 41 OFF 6 WO 36 NCO 158 ENL - AGAO-O (M) 322 (4 May 59) DCSPER, 28 May 1959. Effective 15 Ju1 1959 -
GO 89, First US Army, 17 Jun 1959.
The following Radar seotions will TRANSFER on permanent change of station from; Seo #1, from Site B35R, Ft. Strong,
Mass. to Site B36C, Hull, Mass.; Seo #2 -from Site B05R, -Danvers, Mass to Site B73C, Lincoln, Mass.; Seo #5 from Site PR29R,
Swansea, Mass to Site PR38C, Bristol, Rohde Island; Sec #6, from Site PR29R, Swansea, Mass to Site PR99C, North Smithfield,
Rhode Island. - DA 453132, 11 Deo 1959. Ltr., AHF~(8), MO 22, First US. Ar~, 14 Dec 1959. Radar Seotion #1.~, ~, #6,
DEPARTED and ARRIVED Site PositionlS as Follows; 15 Dec 1959, 15 Deo 1959, 18 Dec 1959. 15 Dec 1959 - AG IN 3533Ei, Ft. Banks,
Mass., 29 Dec 1959.
REORGANIZED to apply TOE 300-11. 1959 to TOE 44-201C, 1955; DA Cir 611-41, 1959, effeotive 26 Deo 1959 - GO 216, First
US Ar~, 23 Dec 1959.
Will be REORGANIZ ED as (Air Defense) under TOE 44-201C, 1955, TOE 300-7 and TOE 300-11 applies; AUTHORIZED STRENGTH
67 OFF 6 WO 53 NCO 2H EN!. - AGAo-O (M) 322 (13 Jan 60) DCSPER, 1 Feb 1960. Effect ive 26 Mar 1960 - GO 32, Fir st U. S. Army ,
23 Feb 1960.
Will be REORGANIZED as (Air Defense) under TOE 44-201C, 1955; TOE 44-546T, 1958, ChI; TOE 44-67T, 1957; TOE 29-500D, E
1958; TOE 300-7 and 300-11 apply with an AUTHORIZED STRENGTH of 56 Off, 6 WO, 48NCO and 15.8 Enl - AGAO-O (M) 322 (23 Mar 60)
DCSPER, 22 Apr 1960. Effective22...l.un 1960 - GO 89, First US Army'2~§5~ Jfl&fk w/e1 a plies.
- Will be REORGANIZED as (Air Defense) under TOE 44-102D, 196q; AUTHOKI:ZE'n'....STRENGTW 57 OFF, 9 WO 213 ENL- AGAO-o (M)
322 (9 Feb 61) DC SPER , Hqs, DA, 14 March 1961. Effective 25 March 1961- GO 57,U S Army Air Defense Command, 24 March 1961.
WILL BE REORGANIZED as (Air Defense) under TOE 44-102D. 1960, TOE 29-500D, 1958 w/Cl applies ; Augmentations from
TOE 44-546D, 1960 w/c 1 and TOE 44-112D,.., 1960; AUTHORIZED STRENGTH 89 OFF 15 WO 325 ENL - AGAO-O (M) .322 (5 l'Jov 61)DCSPER
1.3 Nov 1961. Effective 15 Dec 1961 - uO 195, U S Army Air Defense Command, 29 Nov 1901. t

Will be RIDRGANIZED as (AD) unde~ TOE llL-102D, 1960, Ch 1" AUTHORIZED STRENGTH 86 OFF 17 WO 311 ENL - AGAO-O (M) 322
(20 Mar 62) DCSPER, 30 Mar 1962.Effect~ve 1 Mavr 1962 - GO 71, U S Army Air Defense Command, 18 Apr, 1962. ..
Will be rux>RGA:NIZED as (AD) under TOE LL-102D, ~60, Ch 1 (300-21), AUTHORIZED Sl'RENGTH 87 OFF 17 WO 313 E11'L - AGAO-O
Mar 1962 - GO 44, U S Army Air Defense Coll1!Uand" 2 Mar 19 62~
> ' .
(M) 322 (1 Feb 62) DCSPER, 8 Feb 19,62. Ef'1"eotivo
. . . . . "
> •
, '.

Will be REOIiUAt"iJIZED as (AD) under TOE 44-102D, ,19.6 0, Ch 1 000-21), AUTHO il[ZED STRENGTH 86 OFF 17 WO° 311 ENL - AGAO-O
(M) 322 (29 May 62) DCSPER, 17 Ju1 1962. Effective 1 Sap 1962 - GO 137 .. US Army Air Defense Command, 17 Aug 1962.

Will be REORGANIZED as (AD) under TOE 44-102D, 1960, Gh 2, with an AUTHORIZED STRENGTH of 86 Off, 17 WO and 311 Enl -
AGAO-o (M) (27 Nov 62)DCSPER, 30 Jan 1963.

Wi ll be REORGANIZED under TOE 44-102D, 1960, Gh 3 (300-24) with an AUTHORIZ~D STRENGTH of 85 Off, 17 WO and 305 Enl _
AGAO-o (M) {4 ~ Feb 63)DGSPER, 15 ¥.ar 1963. Effective 22 Mar 1963 - GO 52, US Army Air Defense Gonunand, 20 Mar 1963 -Al1ENDED "':00
66, US A~ Air Defense Command, 11 Apr 1963.

Will be REORGANIZED under TOE 44-1020, 1960, Ch 3 (300-24) with an AUTHORIZED STRENGTH of 85 Off, 17 WO and 305 Enl _
AGAO-O (M) (15 Apr 63)DCSPER, 1 May 1963. Effective 25 Jun 1963 -00 131, US Army Air Defense Gowrand, 26 Jun 1963.

15 Jul (1956) is DESIGNATED as UNI T DAY (date that unit wast,transferred from Ft. Totten, N.Y. to Ft. Devens, Mass., less
P &E to assume command of the Boston D~eJUle) - Ltr. AD~P-A, 56th Artillery Brigade, 2 May 1963.

Will be REORGANIZED under TOE 44-102D, 1960, Gh 3 (300-24); TOE 29-500D, 1958, Ch 3 (300-24); TOE 44-ll2D, 1960,Ch 3
(300-24); TOE 44-546D, 1960, Ch 5 (300-24); 44-568T, 1961, Ch 1 (300-24) with an AUTHORIZED STRENGTH of 85 Off, 18 WO and 311
lJ:ll - AGAO-o (M) (28 Jun 63) DCSPER, 22 Aug 1962. Effective 25 Sep 1963 - GO 234, US Amy Air Defense Command, 27 Sep 1963.
\MENDED - GO 257, US Army Air Defense Command, ~3 Oct 1963.
Will be REORGANIZED under TOE 44-1020, 1960, Ch 4 (300-25) with an AUTHORIZED STRENGTH of 30 Off, 8 WO and 69 Enl -
AGAO-O (M) (4 Dec 63) DeSPER, 10 Jan 1964. Effective 26 Dec 1963 - GO 288, US Army Air Defense Command, 18 Dec 1963.
AMENDED - GO 6, US Arnw Air Defense Command, 8 Jan 1964.
Will be R~ ORGANIZED under TOE 44-102D, 1960, Gh 4 (TOE 300-25) vd th an AUTHORIZED S TRENGTH of 30 Off, 8 WO and 69 Enl-
AGAO-O (M) (12 Mar 64) DCSPER, 13 Apr 1964. Effective 26 Mar 1964 - GO !4E,\ US Army Air Defense Cownand, 19 Mar 1964.
Hq & Hq Btry will TRANSFER on a permanent change of station from Ft. Banks, Mass., to Site PR 69, Coventry, R.I. -
DA-IN 973050, II Jun 1964. Ii) 7-528, 1st Region, US Army Air Defense Command, 2 Jul 1964. DEPARTED by increments; 2d increment
DEPARTED(less Avc Sec) Ft. Banks, Mass., 16 Sep 1964 - DA-Im 407822, 56th Artillery Brigade, 16 Sep 1964. ARRIVED Coveptry,
(Site PR-69) R.I., 16 se 1964 -DA-IN 406639, 3d Mal Bn, 5th Arty, 17 Sep 1964. 3d increment DEPARTED Ft. Banks, Mass., 17 Sep
1964 - DA-IN. 407813, 5 th Artillery Brigade, 17 Sep 1964. ARRIVED Coventry (Site PR-69), R.I., UseE 1964-DA.,.,IN 4G7f!13, 56th
Artillery Brigade, 18 Sep 1964. 4th increment DEPARTED Ft. Banks, Ma'BS. ~1I;'~~.p-~l964 . - :.DA-IN 4078 ,5 th Artillery Bngade,
18 Sep 1964. ARRIVED Coventry, R.I., 18 Sep 1964-DA-IN 408923, 56th Artillery Brigade, 18 Sep 1964.

Hq & Hq Btry, 56th Artillery Brigade will be I NACTIVATED - AGAO-O eM) (14 Dec 64) DCSPER, 11 Feb 1965. Effective
24 Dec 1964 - GO 229, US Ar~ Air Defense Conunand, 23 Dec 1964.
~age 6 - 56th Artj Bde

MTOE 6-604TE701, E00171, is APPROVED 17 Aug 1970 and Hq & Hq Btry, 56th Artillery Brigade is ASSIGNED to United States
Army Europe and Seventh Army and will be ACTIVATED in Germany, effective 18 Sep 1970 - AGAO-D (18 Aug 70) ACSFOR, 19 Aug 1970.
(USAREUR No. 13, FY 71). ACTIVATED with an AUTHORIZED STRENGTH of 17 Off, 4 WO and 99 Enl -effective 18 Sep 1970 -AGAO-D (M)
(1 Sep 70) ACSFOR, 8 Oct 1970. CONFIRMED - GO 413, US Army Europe and Seventh Army, 1 Sep 1970.

TDA E7-WD20-99-00, is APPROVED 17 Aug 1970 and Augmentation, Hq & Hq Btry, 56th Artillery Brigade is ASSIGNED to United
States Army Europe and Seventh Army and will be 0RGANIZED in Germany, effective 18 Sep 1970 - AGAO-D (17 Aug 70) ACSFOR, 19
Aug 1970. (USAREUR No. 14, FY 71). ORGANIZED with an AUTHORIZED STRENGTH of 2 Off and 8 Enl, effective 18 Sep 1970 - AGAO-D
(M) (10 Sep 70) ACSFOR, 9 Oct 1970. · CONFIRMED - GO 458, us Army Europe and Seventh,Army, 15 Sep 1970.

MTOE 6-604TE701, E70171,is approved 9 Mar 1971; HHB, will be REORGANIZED effective 22 Apr 1971 - AGAO-D (9 Mar 71)
ACSFOR, 2 Apr 1971. (USAREUR No. 259, FY 71). REORGANIZED with an AUTHORIZED STRENGTH of 21 Off 4 WO and 100 Enl effective
22 Apr 1971 -AGAO-D (M) (22 Mar 71) ACSFOR, 2 Apr 1971. CONFIRMED - GO 236, Us Army, Europe and Seventh Army, 26 Apr 1971.

Augmentation, Hq & Hq Btry, 5f>th Artillery Brigade, 'iEDAiE7~WD2099-01, with an AUTHCRIZED STRENGTH <f:IIDand 4 Enl, effec-
tive 30 Jun 1971 - GO 480, USA Europe and Seventh Army, 4 At.g:971. APPROVED 14 Jun 1971 - AGAO-D (M) (22 Jun 71) ACSFOR 9 Jul
(USAREUR No. 363, FY 71). '

Augmentation, HHB, 56th Arty Bde - TDA E7-WD2099-02 is REORGANIZED with an AUTHORIZED STRENGTH of 1 WO, 4 EM, 115 Civ
effective 30 April 1972 - GO 77 - USAREUR and Seventh Army, 20 Jan 1972. CONFIRMED - DAAG-ASO-D (M) (30 Mar 72) DAFD, 4 Apr 72
(USAREUR No. 198, FY 72) •.&MENDED to read, Aug, HHB, 56th Fld Arty Bde - GO 401, USAREUR and Seventh Army, 18 Apr 1972
HHB 56th Artillery Brigade is REDESIGNATED as HHB, 56th Field Artillery Brigade, effective 15 March 1972 - DMG-ASO-D(M)
(24 Feb 72) DAFD, 28 February 1972. CONFIRMED - GO 224, US Army Europe and Seventh Army, 10 March 1972.
TDA E7WD209903 is approved 21 Nov 1972; AUGMENTATION, HHB 56th Arty Brigade will be REORGANIZED effective 12 Dec 1972 -
DAFD-OTA-AT, 1 Dec 1972 (USAREUR No. 241, FY 73). REORGANIZED under TDA E7WD209903 effective 12 Dec 1972 with an AUtHORIZED
STRENGTH of 3 Off 23 Enl - GO 1555 U. S. Army, Europe & Seventh Army, 13 Dec 1972 (USAREUR ~4~ Dec 1972. )
, /90 Civ Ind'Hire, CONFIRMED _ DAAG-ASO-D (M) (30 Nov 72) DAFD, 18 Dec 1972 (uSAREUR No. 241, FY 73 •

Aug, HHB,56th Field Artillery Brigade, REORGANIZED under TDA S7-WD2099-04 with an AUTH STR of 5 Off, 31 Enl, 97 Civ,
effective 30 Jun 1973 - GO 1507, US Army Europe and Seventh Army, 8 Jun 1973.
Aug, HHB, 56th Field Artillery Brigade, REORGANIZED under TDA E7-WD2099,EI0174 with an AUTH STR of 5 Off, 31 "Enl,
97 Civs, effective 22 Sep 1973 - GO 3975, United States Army Europe and 'Seventh Army, 6 Dec 1973. CONFIRMED - AEAGC-FTB,
U.S • .Army, Europe and Seventh Army, 6 Dec 1973.
REORGANIZED under MTOE 6-604HE102, EI0174 with an AUTH sm of 21 OFF, 4 WO, 100 ENL, effective 21 Mar 1974 - AEAGC-FTB,
U.S. Army, Europe and Seventh Army, 14 Mar 1974. CONFIRMED - GO 1545, U.S. Army, Europe and Seventh Army, 15 Mar 1974.
Page 8 HHB, 56th FA Bde

REORGANIZED under MTOE 6-604HE101, E10179 with an AUTH STR of 37 OFF, 19 WO, 238 ENL, effective 21 Oct 1978 - AEAGF-
ADE, USAREUR and Seventh Army, 8 May 1978. CONFIRMED - PO 42-11, USAREUR and Seventh Army, 8 May 1978.

REORGANIZED under MTOE 6-604HE101, E10180 with an AUTH STR of 37 OFF, 19 WO, 240 ENL, effective 16 Feb 1980 - AEAGF-ADE,
USAREUR and Seventh Army, 23 Apr 1979. CONFIRMED - PO 45-10, USAREUR and Seventh Army, 23 Apr 1979.

REORGANIZED under~ MTOE 6-604HE101, E10380 with an AUTH STR of 36 OFF, 19 WO, 239 ENL, effect ive liZ Sep 1980 - AEAGF-
ADE, USAREUR and Seventh Army, 21 May 1980. CONFIRMED - PO 49-3, USAREUR and Seventh Army, 21 May 1980.

Augmentation, HHB, 56th Field :Artil} er y Bde is REORGANIZED under TDA EHWD2099, E10182 with an AUTH STR of 44 ENL,
2 CIV, effective 16 Feb 1981 - AEAGF-AD-E, USAREUR and Seventh Army, 16 Jun 1981. CONFIRMED _ PO 55-2, USAREUR
Seventh Army, 16 Jun 1981. and

REORGANIZED under MTOE 6-604HE101, E10282 with an AUTH STR of 35 OFF, 257 ENL, effective 16 Ju1 1982 _ AEAGF-ADE,
USAREUR and Seventh Army, 20 Oct 1981. CONFIRMED - PO 85-6, USAREUR and Seventh Army, 20 Oct 1981.

Augmentation, HHB, 56th Field Artillery Bde is REORGANIZED under TDA EHWD2099, E10282 with an AUTH STR of 44 ENL,
2 CIV, effective 16 Ju1 1982 wAEAGF-ADE, USAREUR and Seventh Army, 16 Nov 1981. CONFIRMED - PO 95-2, USAREUR and Seventh
Army, 16 Nov 1981.

HHB, 56th Field Arty Bde will be ASSIGNED to USAREUR/7A (Ofc of the Dep Cmdr in Chief), effective 18 Aug 1981 _ PO
109-11, USAREUR and Seventh Army, 17 Dec 1981.

Augmentation, HHB 56th Field Arty Bde is REORGANIZED under TDA EHWD2099 , EI0183 with an AUTH STR of 44 ENL, 2 CIV.
effective 16 Jan 1983 - AEAGF-ADE, USAREUR and Seventh Army, 9 Aug 1982. CONFIRMED - PO 63-7, USAREUR and Seventh Army,
9 Aug 1982.
Augmentation, HHB, 56th Field Arty Bde is REORGANIZED under TDA WHWD20 Q9, E10283 with an AUTH ST~ of 49 ENL~ 100 CIV,
effective 16 Ju1 1983 - AEAGF-ADE, USAREUR and Seventh Army, 3 Jan 1983. CONFIRMED - PO 1-3, USAREURand Seventh Army,
3 Jan 1983.

REORGANIZED under MTOE 6-602UE101, E10184 with an AUTH STR of 30 OFF, 3 WO : 207 ENL, effective 16 Dec 1983 - PO 39-3,
USAREUR and Seventh Army, 9 May 1983.

Augmentation, HHB, 56th Field Arty Bde is REORGANIZED under TDA WD2099, E10184 with an AUTH STR of 11 OFF, 172 ENL,
effective 16 Dec 1983 - PO 77-16, USAREUR and Seventh Army, 20 Oct 1983.
Page 9 - HHB:' 56th FA Bile

REORGANIZED under MTOE 6-602JE101, E10186 with an AUTH STR of 30 OFF, 3 WO, 222 ENL, effective 16 Oct 1985 - PO 63-14,
USAREUR and Seventh Army, 1 Nov 1984.

Augmentation, HHB, 56th Fld Arty Bde will be ORGANIZED under TDA WD2099, E10186 with an AUTH STR of 11 OFF, 1 WO,
277 ENL, 99 CIV, effective .16 Oct 1985 - PO 64...;6, USAREUR and Seventh Army, 2 Nov 1984,

REORGANIZED under MTOE 6-602JE102, E10286 with an AUTH STR of 38 OFF, 4 WO, 194 ENL, effective 17 Jan 1986 - PO 12-3,
USAREUR and Seventh Army, 10 Apr 1985. HHB, 56th FA Bde will be P~DESIGNATED as HHB, 56th FA Comd, effective 17 Jan 1986 -
TAG Ltr, DAAG-HDU, 8 Ju1 1985.
Augmentation, HHB, 56th F1d Arty Bde will be ORGANIZED under TDA WD2099, E10286 with an AUTH STR of 6 OFF, 1 WO,
85 ENL, 68 CIV, effective 17 Jan 1986 - PO 27-15, US,\REUR and Seventh Army, 1 May 1985,

Augmentation, HHB, 56th F1d Arty Bde will be REORGANIZED under TDA WD2099, E10187 with an AUTH STR of 5 OFF, 1 WO,
80 ENL, 21 CIV, effective 16 Oct 1986 - PO 5-20, USAREUR and Seventh Army, 4 Mar 1986.

REORGANIZED under MTOE 6-602JE102, E10386 with an AUTH STR of 38 OFF, 4 WO, 194 ENL,· effective 16 Sep 1986 - PO 20-19,
USAREUR and Seventh Army, 23 Jun 1986.

Augmentation, HHB, 56th F1d Arty Comd wi11be ORGANIZED under TDA WHW4RYAA, El0187 with an AUTH STR of 47 CIV,
effective 16 Oct 1986 PO 36-8, USAREUR and Seventh Army, 25 Ju1 1986.

Augmentation, HHB, 56th F1d Arty Bde will be REORGANIZED under TDA WD2099, E10287 with an AUTH STR of 5 OFF, 1 WO,
80 ENL, 21 CIV, effective 16 Jan 1987 - PO 57-20, USAREUR and Seventh Army, 22 Dec 1986,

Augmentation, HHB, 56th F1d Arty Bde will be REORGANIZED under TDA EHWD2099, E1ID188 with an AUTH STR of 4 OFF, 1 WO,
81 ENL, 21 CIV, effective 16 Oct 1987 - PO 58-1, USAREUR and Seventh Army, 24 Dec 1986.

REORGANIZED under UTOE 6-602LE101, E10188 with:.'. an AUTH STR of 38 OFF, 3 WO, 194 ENL, effective 16 Jan 1988 - PO 16-2 ,
USAREUR and Seventh Army, 3 Feb 1987.

Augmentation, HHB, 56th Field Artillery Comd will be REORGANIZED under TDA WD2099, E10189 with an AUTH STR of
3 OFF, 2 WO, 82 ENL, 22 CIV, effective 16 Oct 1988 - PO 33-17, USAREUR and Seventh A~y, 1 Mar 1988.
Augmentation, HHB, 56th Field Artillery Comd will be REORGANIZED under TDA WD2099, E10388 . with an AUTH STR of
4 OFF, 1 WO, 82 ENL, 21 CIV, effective 17 Jan 1988 - PO 33-16, USAREUR and Seventh Army, 1 Mar '1988.

HHB 56th Field Artillery Command will be INACTIVATED, effective 30 Jun 1991 - PO 132-8, USAREUR and Seventh Army,
21 Sep 1990.
Augmentation, HHB, 56th Field Artillery Comd will be DISCONTINUED, effective 30 Sep 1991 - PO 147-6, USAREUR and Seventh
Army, 17 Oct 1990.

May 17, 2010

Historical Resources Branch

FOIA 10-004

This in reply to your FOIA request dated April 22, 2010, mailed to the Freedom of
Information Act officer at Ft. Sill, OK and forwarded to the US Army Center of Military
History. You requested copies of orders activating and deactivating or re-designating
the 56th Field Artillery Command.

A search of CMH files has resulted in the finding of the attached documents for
the 56th Field Artillery Command. These documents consist of the entire file for the 56th
Field Artillery Command at the US Army Center of Military History, plus a copy of the
unit history written at the end of World War II.

Please note that the US Army Center of Military History is not a repository of
records. The official records, such as daily reports, staff duty journals, and after action
reports, generated by the 56th Field Artillery Command and its predecessor
organizatiQ,ns, by law, pass through a retirement process until they eventually arrive in
the custod¥ of the National Archives and Records Administration. The address is:
National Archives and Records Administration, ATTN: FOIA Office, Modern Military
Records Branch, Textual Records Division,8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, Maryland
20740-6001. Its website is

If you have questions regarding this request, please contact Mr. Frank R. Shirer
at the above address or at telephone number (202) 685-3098 or via e-mail


Frank R. Shirer
Chief, Historical Resources Branch

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