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Motor Zanon

November 18, 2014

Article by Reiki Master Sunetra Dasgupta

I have been getting poked by the universe time and again to write about
Motor Zanon as not many people are aware of this beautiful symbol. Those
who are aware about it think it is an Anti Viral and Anti Aids symbol but Motor
Zanon is more than that.

Motor Zanon originally a part of Seichem Reiki, it is also taught in a Karuna Ki

and is similar to Usui Master Symbol. Motor Zanon is made up of 2 words
Motor which goes inside our body and Zanon which comes out. The symbol
separates the virus from our body and brings it out.
To activate the symbol one must energise it with the power symbol and then
say Motor Zanon thrice. The symbol enters the body and catches the virus, to
remove the virus from the body; we change the polarity of the symbol by
saying Zanon thrice and the symbol comes out of our body along with the

This symbol is used to remove spiritual, emotional and physical problems. It

helps us in removing all the negative emotions especially self hatred and low
self esteem which in turn helps us to improve our interpersonal relations with
others, apart from it also helps in DNA healing, and helps us to release all
soul traumas. Also it has been used by many Tibetian monks for exorcism of
earthly entities and soul transition after death. This multifaceted symbol can
be also used for removal of etheric cords and increase our body immunity,
hence helping us to lead a better, peaceful and a healthy life.

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