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Abdominal Imaging • Original Research

Gaitini et al.
Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis in Adults

Abdominal Imaging
Original Research

Diagnosing Acute Appendicitis in

Adults: Accuracy of Color Doppler
Sonography and MDCT Compared
with Surgery and Clinical Follow-Up
Diana Gaitini1,2 OBJECTIVE. The objective of our study was to evaluate the accuracy of color Doppler
Nira Beck-Razi1 sonography and contrast-enhanced MDCT in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in adults and
David Mor-Yosef 2 their utility as a triage tool in lower abdominal pain.
Doron Fischer 1 MATERIALS AND METHODS. We reviewed the medical records of 420 consecutive
Ofer Ben Itzhak 2,3 adult patients, 271 women and 149 men, 18 years old or older, referred from the emergency
department to sonography examination for clinically suspected acute appendicitis between
Michael M. Krausz 2,4
January 2003 and June 2006. Patients underwent sonography of the right upper abdomen and
Ahuva Engel1,2 pelvis followed by graded compression and color Doppler sonography of the right lower quadrant.
Gaitini D, Beck-Razi N, Mor-Yosef D, et al. CT was performed in 132 patients due to inconclusive sonography findings or a discrepancy
between the clinical diagnosis and the sonography diagnosis. Sonography and CT reports
were compared with surgery or clinical follow-up as the reference standard. Statistical analyses
were performed by Pearson’s chi-square test and cross-tabulation software.
RESULTS. Sonography and CT correctly diagnosed acute appendicitis in 66 of 75 patients
and in 38 of 39 patients, respectively, and correctly denied acute appendicitis in 312 of 326
and in 92 of 92 patients. Sonography was inconclusive in 17 of 418 cases and CT, in one of 132
cases. Sonography and CT allowed alternative diagnoses in 82 and 42 patients, respectively.
Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy for
sonography were 74.2%, 97%, 88%, 93%, and 92%, respectively, and for CT, 100%, 98.9%,
97.4%, 100%, and 99%.
CONCLUSION. Sonography should be the first imaging technique in adult patients for
the diagnosis of acute appendicitis and triage of acute abdominal pain. CT should be used as
a complementary study for selected cases.
Keywords: abdominal imaging, appendicitis, color
Doppler sonography, emergency radiology, MDCT

cute appendicitis, the most fre- 6–10% [5]. The death rate caused by acute
DOI:10.2214/AJR.07.2955 quently suspected acute abdomi- appendicitis is now reported to be approxi-
nal disorder in the emergency mately 0.25% considering all age ranges [4,
Received July 30, 2007; accepted after revision
department and the most com- 6]. Consequently, imaging evaluation for
November 23, 2007.
mon indication for emergency abdominal suspected acute appendicitis in adult patients
Department of Medical Imaging, Rambam Health Care surgery, is still a difficult diagnosis based on is increasingly requested.
Campus, POB 9602, Haifa 31906, Israel. Address clinical and laboratory data. In adult patients, The purpose of this study was to deter-
correspondence to D. E. Gaitini appendicitis-mimicking conditions of gas- mine the role of imaging studies—color
trointestinal, urologic, or gynecologic origin Doppler sonography and contrast-enhanced
The Ruth and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, make the diagnosis even more difficult [1, 2]. MDCT—in the diagnosis of acute appendici-
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. Moreover, in pregnant women, both a missed tis and their utility in the triage of lower ab-
diagnosis and an unnecessary laparotomy dominal pain in an adult population referred
Department of Pathology, Rambam Health Care may carry serious complications and have from the emergency department with clinical
Campus, Haifa, Israel.
adverse effects on fetal outcome [3]. The suspicion of acute appendicitis.
Department of Surgery A, Rambam Health Care negative laparotomy rate when the diagnosis
Campus, Haifa, Israel. is based on only clinical and laboratory data Materials and Methods
ranges from 16% to 47%, with a mean of The institutional ethics review board approved
AJR 2008; 190:1300–1306
26%. On the other hand, the perforation rate the research protocol. The medical records of 420
0361–803X/08/1905–1300 reaches 35% when surgery is delayed [4]. consecutive adult patients referred from the
Imaging for the diagnosis of acute appendici- emergency department to sonography examination,
© American Roentgen Ray Society tis lowered the negative laparotomy rate to as the first imaging technique, between January

1300 AJR:190, May 2008

Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis in Adults

Fig. 2—28-year-old
man with fever and
right lower quadrant
pain. Incompressible,
blind-ended, fluid-filled
tubular structure 6.6
mm in diameter with
hyperemic walls (arrows),
pathognomonic for acute
appendicitis, is seen on
color Doppler sonography.

Fig. 1—Sonography of normal appendix in

18-year-old woman with lower abdominal pain. On
longitudinal scan, tubular blind-ended structure with
thin walls and less than 5 mm outer diameter (arrows)
is seen in right lower quadrant, anterior to external
iliac vessels.

2003 and June 2006 for clinically suspected acute

appendicitis were reviewed. The patient population
included 271 (64.5%) women, 64 of whom were
pregnant (23.6% of the women and 15.2% of the
total population), and 149 (35.5%) men, who
ranged in age from 18 to 73 years (mean age, 28.4
years). One hundred thirty-two patients underwent
contrast-enhanced MDCT due to a discrepancy
between the clinical diagnosis and the sonography
diagnosis or to inconclusive sonography studies.
Clinical and laboratory findings, imaging diag­ A B
Fig. 3—32-year-old woman with right lower quadrant tenderness.
nosis, and therapeutic procedure were recorded.
A and B, Axial sonography images obtained without compression (A) and during compression (B) show
Imaging test results were designated as positive, inflamed appendix with hypoechoic center, inner hyperechoic ring, and outer hypoechoic ring (target sign).
neg­ative, or inconclusive. Alternative diseases Note hyperechoic surrounding area of inflamed mesentery fat (halo sign).
diag­nosed on imaging examinations were reg­
istered. Surgery or clinical follow-up was the
gold standard for the evaluation of sonography thickness of 2 mm or less and diameter of 6 mm or
and CT performance. less [7] (Fig. 1). The graded compression technique
[8] allowed differentiation between an incom­
Color Doppler Sonography Examination pressible inflamed appendix and compressible and
A routine sonography examination of the right displaceable normal small-bowel loops. An incom­
upper abdomen and pelvis using a 3-5–MHz convex pressible, blind-ended, and fluid-filled tubular
transducer (HDI 5000 and IU22, Philips Medical structure that was more than 6 mm in diameter with
Systems) was initially performed to rule out alter­ hyper­emic walls was diagnostic of appendicitis (Fig.
native abnormalities related to the liver, gall­ 2). The presence of an appendicolith, peri­toneal
bladder, pancreas, kidney or pelvic organs, and the fluid, or hyperechoic periappendicular fat (Fig. 3)
presence of peritoneal fluid. Afterward, graded was an additional positive finding. A right lower
compression and color Doppler sonography of the quadrant fluid collection without visuali­zation of
right lower quadrant with special emphasis the in­flamed appendix raised suspicion for per­
directed to the site of maximal tenderness was forated appendicitis and periappendicular abscess
performed using a linear 5-12–MHz or 4-8–MHz (Fig. 4). Lumbar manual compression was added
transducer, according to body size. to improve visualization of the inflamed appendix,
On transverse scanning, the right colon was especially when in a retrocecal position [9].
visualized and followed, the iliac vessels were Appendiceal sonography was performed in 10 Fig. 4—23-year-old woman with fever and lower
identified, and scanning extended distally into the minutes on average, after abdominal sonographic abdominal pain. Sonography image shows fluid
pelvis. The normal appendix appeared as a blind- screening. The sonography report was positive, nega­ collection with thick internal septum in right lower
quadrant (arrows), which raised suspicion of
ended, gut pattern, aperistaltic tubular structure tive, or inconclusive for acute appendicitis. Alter­ periappendicular abscess and was confirmed on
originating from the base of the cecum with a wall native diagnoses, when achieved, were reported. surgery. Inflamed appendix was not seen.

AJR:190, May 2008 1301

Gaitini et al.

Fig. 5—18-year-old cases were those with a negative imaging dia­g­

woman with lower nosis but acute ap­pen­dicitis diagnosed on patho­
abdominal pain (same
patient as in Fig. 1). CT logic specimen.
image shows normal The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive
appendix. Intraluminal value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV),
air is seen in less-than-
5-mm diameter appendix and accuracy of the imaging diagnoses were
(arrow), surrounded by calculated. Statistical analyses were performed
normal mesenteric fat. using Pearson’s chi-square test and SPSS software
(version 14, SPSS) for Windows (Microsoft).

Surgery was performed in 102 patients ei-
ther for a positive imaging diagnosis of acute
appendicitis (97 patients) or for an alter­native
Contrast-Enhanced MDCT Examination findings, such as an appendicolith, cecal wall dia­gnosis (five patients). Acute appendicitis
CT of the lower abdomen and pelvis, from the thickening, peri­appendicular fat stranding, or peri­ was confirmed on pathologic specimen in 95
xiphoid to the pubic symphysis, was performed appendicular fluid. An abscess in the right iliac patients: 84 were phlegmonous appendicitis;
after oral contrast administration and bolus injec­ fossa raised suspicion for perforated appendicitis. seven, necrotic; and four, perforated with a
tion of 80 mL of nonionic contrast medium (300 The CT report was positive, negative, or in­ periappendicular abscess. The appendix was
mg of iopamidol [Iopamiro, Bracco Diagnostics]). conclusive for acute appendicitis. Alternative normal in two patients (1.9% of white appen-
Examinations were performed on a 16-MDCT diagnoses, when achieved, were reported. dectomies). The alternative diagnoses were
unit at 120 kVp and 100 mAs; a pitch of 1 was confirmed in all five patients. A total of
used. Axial reconstructions from the raw data, 3 Radiologist Responsible 24.4% (102/418) of the patients underwent
mm thick, at 1.5-mm increments were obtained. Sonography examinations were performed surgery, 93% with a confirmed pathologic
The normal appendix when visualized was from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm by a sonography diagnosis of appendicitis and 5% with a
reported. The diameter of the normal appendix technician; the appendiceal sonography exam­ proven alternative diagnosis.
ranged from 3 to 10 mm, depending on vis­ ination and any abnormality seen on the upper Three hundred sixteen patients with a neg-
ualization of intraluminal contrast material or gas abdominal exami­nation were always confirmed ative imaging diagnosis of acute appendicitis
[10, 11] (Fig. 5). The diagnosis of appendicitis was by a sonography examination performed by a were either discharged from the emergency
based on the presence of a blind-ended tubular sonography-dedicated or body imaging senior department with a diagnosis of nonspecific
structure of more than 6 mm in diameter adjacent radiologist. From 4:00 pm to 8:00 am, the abdominal pains or hospitalized for clinical
to the cecum without intraluminal air or contrast examinations were performed by a resident in observation or medical treatment of an alter-
medium and the presence of additional positive radiology with at least 6 months’ training, and the native disease and had an uneventful out-
report was revised by the senior radiologist on- come. Patients discharged from the emer­
call through a home-installed PACS connection or gency department with a negative diagnosis
personally the next day. of appendicitis were followed up at the outpa-
tient clinic for an average of 2 weeks. Two of
Reference Standard the 420 patients were excluded from the study
The reference standard was surgery or con­ because the sonography reports were lost.
servative treatment. Imaging tests and therapy—
observation before discharge from the hospital, Diagnostic Performance of Color
hospitalization for appendectomy, or hospitali­ Doppler Sonography
zation for treatment of alternative diseases—were Among 420 color Doppler sonography
per­formed within 12 hours of patient arrival to the examinations performed for clinical suspi-
emergency department. Diagnostic performances cion of acute appendicitis, 75 (18%) were
of sonography and CT were compared with the positive for acute appendicitis, 326 (77.6%)
reference standard for each patient. were negative, and 17 (4%) were indetermi-
nate; for the remaining two examinations,
Statistical Analysis the reports were not found. The sources of
True-positive cases were those with a positive inconclusive studies included an incompress-
imaging diagnosis for acute appendicitis con­ ible appendix with a normal diameter (Fig.
firmed on surgery and pathologic reports, and 6), a right lower quadrant phlegmon or ab-
false-positive cases were those with a positive scess without a visible appendix (Fig. 4), ret-
Fig. 6—20-year-old woman with periumbilical and imaging diagnosis but negative pathologic speci­ rocecal position of an inflamed appendix
lower right quadrant pain. Incompressible appendix, men. The true-negative cases were composed of (Fig. 7), cecal edema or terminal ileum
4.2 mm in diameter (cursors), is seen on sonography. patients with a negative imaging diagnosis who thickening, distal or tip appendicitis with a
Iliac vessels are shown on color Doppler. Sonography
report was inconclusive for acute appendicitis. Acute were dis­charged from the hospital or treated for nor­mal proximal appendix, obesity, and pain-
appendicitis was diagnosed on CT (not shown). an alternative diagnosis, and the false-negative limiting compression.

1302 AJR:190, May 2008

Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis in Adults

Fig. 7—40-year-old dent (n = 187) and senior radiologist (n = 211)

man with right lower
abdominal pain.
operators. The sensitivity of the sonography
Retrocecal inflamed examinations performed by residents was
appendix (arrow) 63.8% compared with 85% by senior radiolo-
and surrounding gists (p < 0.001) and the specificity, 96.4%
blurred fat were seen
on MDCT but were versus 97.7%, respectively.
missed on sonography
examination (not Diagnostic Performance of Color Doppler
Sonography According to Population Sex
Color Doppler sonography showed a sensi-
tivity of 81.8% for men and 61.8% for the
whole female population including pregnant
women (p < 0.001) and a specificity of 97.7%
for men and 96.9% for women. The specificity
rose to 97.6% and the PPV to 91.7% for the
Statistical analysis was performed for a nique to the single graded compression ex- population of men and nonpregnant women,
population of 401 patients after excluding the amination improved visualization of the nor- who comprised 84% of the patients. Among
17 indeterminate cases and the two cases with- mal appendix in five cases and the diagnosis the 64 pregnant patients (15.2% of the popula-
out an available sonography report. Among of retrocecal appendicitis in 18 patients. tion) referred to color Doppler sonography,
the 75 patients with positive findings for acute The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, and findings of three examinations were positive,
appendicitis, surgery was performed in 68, accuracy of Doppler sonography for the di- 59 negative, and one indeterminate for acute
confirming the diagnosis in 66 (66/75 true- agnosis of acute appendicitis in this popula- appendicitis. The remaining patient was ex-
positive). In two cases the diagnosis was de- tion of adult patients were 74.2%, 97%, 88%, cluded because the sonography report was
nied on the pathologic specimen, and seven 93%, and 92%, respectively. In 82 patients missing. We did not perform CT in this group
patients with appendicitis diagnosed by the with a negative sonography examination for of pregnant patients. Based on clinical judg-
resident on duty did not undergo surgery acute appendicitis, an alternative diagnosis ment, two pregnant patients with positive re-
based on negative CT results (Fig. 8) required was reported, such as mesenteric lymph- sults and all the patients with negative results
by the senior staff after reviewing the sonog- adenitis, cholecystitis, hydronephrosis, and for appendicitis were kept on conservative
raphy examination, with an uneventful clini- several gynecologic disorders; these diagno- treatment without any adverse outcome. One
cal outcome (9/75 false-positive cases). ses were confirmed by clinical follow-up, patient underwent surgery, with a negative
Among the 326 patients with negative other diagnostic modalities, or surgery (Table pathologic report (false-positive color Dop-
sonographic findings for acute appendicitis, 1). An inconclusive diagnosis was reported pler sonography examination).
five underwent surgery for an alternative di- in 17 cases. Among those 17 patients, 13 un-
agnosis, and 298 were treated conservatively derwent CT. Nine of the 17 cases were classi- Diagnostic Performance of CT
(303/326 true-negatives) and 23 patients un- fied as definitively not having appendicitis CT was performed in 132 patients (31.4%
derwent appendectomy based on positive and eight as definitively acute appendicitis. of the population). CT studies followed a
clinical and CT diagnoses confirmed on pa- positive (n = 20), negative (n = 99), or inde-
thology (23/326 false-negatives). Retrocecal Diagnostic Performance of Color Doppler terminate (n = 13) sonography examination.
appendicitis, correctly diagnosed on CT, was Sonography Performed by Residents Versus CT findings were positive for acute appendi-
an important source of missing diagnoses on Senior Radiologists citis in 39 patients (29.5%), negative in 92
sono­graphy reports (Fig. 7). The adjuvant For 398 sonography examinations, we (69.7%), and indeterminate in one (0.8%).
use of a posterior manual compression tech- could discriminate between radiology resi- Regarding the 39 patients with positive CT

Fig. 8—26-year-old
woman with fever and
abdominal pains.
A, Sonography image
shows incompressible
thickened wall structure
in lower right quadrant
(arrows), diagnosed by
resident on duty as acute
B, CT image shows
pathologic terminal
ileum (arrow) compatible
with terminal ileitis.
Normal appendix
(arrowheads) is seen.

AJR:190, May 2008 1303

Gaitini et al.

findings for acute appendicitis, sonography TABLE 1: Alternative Appendicitis- with surgery or clinical follow-up as the refer-
was positive in 13 (33%), negative in 20 Mimicking Diagnosis ence standard in our retrospective study, the
(51%), and indeterminate in six (15%). Re- in 92 CT and 326 specificity, NPV, and accuracy of color Dop-
garding the 92 patients with negative CT Sonography Studies pler sonography and MDCT were not signifi-
findings for acute appendicitis, sonography with Negative Results cantly different: 97%, 93%, and 92% for color
for Acute Appendicitis
was negative in 79 (85.9%), positive in six Doppler sonography and 98.9%, 100%, and
(6.5%), and indeterminate in seven (7.6%). Diagnosis Sonography CT 99% for MDCT, respectively. In contrast, the
For statistical analysis, 131 CT examina- Gynecologic sensitivity of color Doppler sonography was
tions were included. Among the 39 patients Ovarian cyst, corpus luteum 18 9 moderate for the whole population (74.2%), ris-
with positive findings for acute appendicitis, ing to 81.8% for the men, compared with the
Tuboovarian abscess 1 3
the diagnosis was confirmed in 38 (38/39 sensitivity of MDCT (100%). The PPV of color
true-positive). None of the 92 patients with Ectopic pregnancy 1 Doppler sonography was 88% for the whole
negative findings for acute appendicitis un- Urologic population, compared with 97.4% for MDCT,
derwent appendectomy, and all had an un- Kidney hydronephrosis 8
rising to 91.7% when pregnant women were ex-
eventful follow-up (92/92 true-negatives). cluded. This may be explained by the increased
Kidney stones 3 2
An alternative diagnosis was reported in 42 rate of obese patients among women and the
patients with a negative CT examination for Ureteral stone 1 3 technically difficult sonography examination
acute appendicitis and was confirmed by Pyelonephritis 1 in pregnant women.
clinical follow-up, other diagnostic modali- Lobar nephronia 1
The rate of an inconclusive diagnosis was
ties, or surgery (Table 1). The sensitivity, significantly higher for color Doppler sonogra-
Gastroenterologic phy (4%) than for MDCT (0.8%). In contrast
specificity, PPV, NPV, and accuracy of CT
for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in this Mesenteric adenitis 35 11 to sonography, CT allowed visualization of the
adult population was 100%, 98.9%, 97.4%, Intussusception 1 normal appendix in most of the cases, allow-
100%, and 99%, respectively. Terminal ileitis 10 5
ing a confident negative diagnosis. In some
cases, CT was better for staging the extent of
Diagnostic Performance of Clinical Diverticulitis 2 3 disease, such as in perforation, abscess, phleg-
and Laboratory Data Epiploic appendagitis 3 mon, or fistula, and for management planning.
Periumbilical or right lower quadrant ab- Typhlitis 1 Color Doppler sonography performance was
dominal pain was the only finding present in more accurate during day hours due to the ex-
Cholecystitis 2
100% of the patients with clinically suspect- perience of senior radiologists performing the
ed acute appendicitis. Fever was present in Total 82 42 examinations. The sensitivity of color Doppler
7.6% and leukocytosis (> 11.0 × 109 /L WBC) sonography when performed by residents dur-
in 46.6% of patients. Patients with leukocy- ders allowing selection of the correct therapeu- ing off-hours was 63.8% compared with 85%
tosis had a 46% probability of having appen- tic approach. We detected an alternative diag- when performed by senior radiologists (p <
dicitis compared with 18.9% when the WBC nosis of gastrointestinal, urologic, or gyneco- 0.001), although the specificity was not signifi-
count was normal. logic source that was confirmed on surgery or cantly different—96.4% and 97.7%, respec-
clinical follow-up in 82 of the 326 color Dop- tively. The lower sensitivity of sonography
Discussion pler sonography examinations and in 42 of the examinations done by on-duty residents con-
Acute appendicitis, the most common 92 MDCT studies negative for appendicitis, firms the known sonography operator depen-
acute abdominal disorder suspected in the which spared the patients from a white appen- dency. It would have been ideal for a senior ra-
emergency department and the most com- dectomy—that is, the resection of a normal diologist to perform sonography examinations
mon indication for emergency abdominal appendix without signs of inflammation— on a 24-hour basis, but this is not practical. We
surgery, is still a difficult diagnosis, mainly and allowed triage for the correct therapeutic believe that residents who have completed a
in adult patients and pregnant women. In our approach. As can be seen in Table 1, we had 14 6-month training period are able to cope with
study, laboratory test results were of limited alternative diagnoses on sonography examina- the sonography examination while the senior
value in predicting appendicitis. tions placed in the upper abdomen: eight kid- radiologist is available for consultation.
In the elderly population, the clinical diag- ney hydronephrosis, three kidney stones, one In contrast, MDCT performance was not
nosis of appendicitis is even more difficult lobar nephronia, and two acute cholecystitis, influenced by operator experience because
than in young and middle-aged adults because justifying the time and expense of the upper the study is not dynamic and may be re-
of a frequently atypical presentation and a de- abdominal examination. viewed on the PACS system at a senior radi-
lay in seeking medical assistance, with a high- The current emergency department policy in ologist’s home. In a prospective study, the
er rate of perforation, postoperative complica- our university tertiary care center is to refer diagnostic performances of sonography and
tions, and mortality [1]. Consequently, imag- adult patients with clinical suspicion of appen- CT for acute appendicitis or an alternative
ing evaluation for suspected acute appendicitis dicitis to undergo imaging studies, starting diagnosis were not significantly different, re-
in adult patients is increasingly requested. with color Doppler sonography. MDCT is gardless of the radiologist’s experience or the
Diagnostic imaging can confirm or deny the therefore performed according to clinical judg- patient’s body mass index (BMI), although
clinical suspicion of acute appendicitis and de- ment or in the face of inconclusive findings on more inconclusive examinations were ob-
tect alternative appendicitis-mimicking disor- color Doppler sonography. When compared tained with sonography [5].

1304 AJR:190, May 2008

Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis in Adults

In a study performed in a community hos- correlated with a gangrenous appendicitis in needed for oral contrast medium to reach the
pital, sonography performance was similar all of the cases in a previous study [21]. Our cecum, contrast medium injection, scanning,
for body-dedicated radiologists compared study group was composed of consecutive pa- and raw data reconstruction on CT examina-
with general radiologists with a sensitivity of tients referred to sonography from the emer- tion. Some pitfalls and limitations lower the
83%, specificity of 95%, PPV of 86%, NPV gency department to rule out appendicitis and diagnostic performance of color Doppler
of 94%, and accuracy of 92% [12]. Accord- triage lower abdominal pain. The low rate of sonography in clinically suspected acute ap-
ing to a review on the accuracy of sonography positive examinations for acute appendicitis pendicitis, such as obesity, unusual location
and CT for detecting acute appendicitis in on sonography was not surprising considering of the appendix, tip appendicitis [25], right
adults and adolescents, CT is probably more the fact that some patients with a high clinical lower quadrant abscess without visualization
accurate than sonography in that age group, suspicion of acute appendicitis were sent to the of the appendix, inspissated feces in a dilated
although, in their opinion, the true diagnostic operating room without undergoing imaging, and poorly compressible appendix [26], and
accuracy of these tests remains to be estimat- at least in the first years of the study period, edematous incompressible terminal ileum or
ed [13]. Daly et al. [14] reported an equivocal and considering the high number of women in cecum. BMI data would have been very use-
CT interpretation in 12% of patients suspect- our population. Women complain more fre- ful to analyze our incorrect sonography diag-
ed of having appendicitis. After reassessing quently of lower abdominal pains than men noses. Unfortunately, this study is retrospec-
appendiceal size and the presence of fat because of symptoms of gynecologic or ob- tive, and these data were acquired for only a
stranding, fluid, or an appendicolith, those stetric origin and are, therefore, referred more few patients, not allowing a statistical analy-
investigators found appendicitis in approxi- frequently to sonography examinations to rule sis. In general, very obese patients are sent
mately 30% of the patients with equivocal CT out appendicitis. The high number of negative directly to CT from the emergency depart-
findings and concluded that appendicitis examinations may be related to an “overuse” ment because of the known limitation in
should be considered in appropriately symp- of color Doppler sonography, particularly in sonography penetration, a fact that may have
tomatic patients. Bendeck et al. [15] reported young women and in pregnant patients, thus biased patient selection.
a sensitivity of 93% for CT and 77% for leading to a bias in patient selection by the Patients discharged from the emergency
sonography and a PPV of greater than 92% emergency department staff. department with a negative diagnosis of ap-
for both imaging examinations irrespective In the selected group of pregnant patients pendicitis were followed up at the outpatient
of patient age or sex. Other authors have re- with nondiagnostic sonographic findings and clinic for an average of 2 weeks. We cannot
ported a sensitivity of sonography ranging a high clinical suspicion of appendicitis, MRI deny the possibility of mild appendicitis that
from 80% to 93% and a specificity of be- has been suggested as an alternative to CT resolved on its own in patients with negative
tween 94% and 100% for the diagnosis of [3]. Bendeck et al. [15] found that the negative sonography findings. As in any noninvasive
acute appendicitis [16–18]. Color Doppler appendectomy rate was significantly lower for study, the favorable outcome of the patient
sonography has been found to be sensitive in adult women who underwent preoperative CT confirms the accuracy of the diagnosis. An
the diagnosis of early acute appendicitis when or sonography (7% and 8% negative rates, re- unusual location of the appendix, retrocecal,
the appendix is equivocal in size (5–7 mm in spectively) than for those who underwent no subhepatic, and even in the left lower quad-
maximal outer diameter) [19]. preoperative imaging (28% negative rate), rant, may be solved by examining the place
In our experience, the presence of an in- making routine preoperative imaging evalu- of maximal tenderness or by placing a hand
compressible appendix that was larger than 6 ation in women suspected of having acute under the lumbar region and elevating the ce-
mm in diameter with hyperemic walls on col- appendicitis a recommended policy. cal origin of the appendix [9]. Tip appendici-
or Doppler sonography was the main sono- In our experience, routine referral of adult tis, described as the involvement of the distal
graphic positive sign (100% of positive cases). patients with clinical suspicion of acute ap- appendix in the inflammation process with
In fact, the diagnosis was based on transducer pendicitis to color Doppler sonography and sparing of most of the proximal part, may be
compression and gray-scale imaging. Color selected referral to CT, according to color diagnosed by following the appendix in its
Doppler imaging was a complementary fea- Doppler sonography results and clinical whole length until the blind end is detected
ture, allowing confirmation of appendicitis by judg­ment, improved diagnostic accuracy and [25]. After perforation, the appendix may be
showing hyperemia in the inflamed appen- therapeutic management. This policy reduced undetectable and a collection at the right
diceal wall. To identify the inflamed appendix the negative appendectomy rate to 1.9% and lower quadrant may appear as the only path-
in cases we were unable to diagnose using the delay in achieving a correct alternative ologic finding [26]. By identifying the nor-
graded compression with a high-frequency diagnosis or an appropriate discharge. Sev- mal appendix, CT may allow differentiation
linear transducer, we added posterior manual eral studies comparing the performance of between periappendicular abscess and other
compression and used a lower-frequency lin- sonography and CT in the diagnosis of ap- sources of collections at the right lower quad-
ear transducer. This strategy allowed most of pendicitis have obtained a better sensitivity, rant, such as perforated diverticulitis or tubo­
the diagnoses of retrocecal appendicitis to be a slightly better specificity, and a higher rate ovarian abscess. Although infrequent, stump
achieved. This operator-dependent technique of alternative diagnoses with CT than with appendicitis after appendectomy may be eas-
also improved visualization of the appendix sonography [22–24]. ily missed [27, 28].
in another study [20]. Appendiceal sonography in our study The possible adverse outcomes as an effect
Hyperechoic periappendicular fat is a sign population was performed in 10 minutes, on of an imaging examination’s performance,
of severe appendicitis with spreading of the average, after abdominal sonographic screen- such as a higher rate of perforation due to treat-
inflammatory process into the omentum and ing. Sonography was significantly less time- ment delay, has been analyzed. Investigators
adjacent mesenteric fat (Fig. 3). This sign was consuming than the average 90 minutes found that perforation rate or in-hospital delay

AJR:190, May 2008 1305

Gaitini et al.

was not statistically significant compared with for the triage of adult patients with acute RB Jr. Imaging for suspected appendicitis: nega-
the benefits of lowering the negative appen- abdominal pains. Alternative appendicitis- tive appendectomy and perforation rates. Radiol-
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