H J K L W B e GG G 0 $: Key What It Does

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Key What it does

h moves the cursor left

j moves the cursor down
k moves the cursor up
l moves the cursor right
w moves the cursor forward one word
b moves the cursor to the beginning of the word
e moves the cursor to the end of the word
gg moves the cursor to the beginning of the file
G moves the cursor to the end of the file
0 moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line
$ moves the cursor to the end of the current line

Key What it does

"find", this command moves the cursor to the next {char} on the
f {char} current line
reverse "find", this command moves the cursor to the previous
F {char} {char} on the current line
"till", this command moves the cursor just before the next {char} on
t {char} the current line
reverse "till", this command moves the cursor just after the previous
T {char} {char} on the current line
; repeat the last search in the same direction
, repeat the last search in the opposite direction

x delete the character under your cursor

delete, this command needs to be combined with a subject that
d {subject} defines what it deletes.
dw deletes from the cursor position to the next word
deletes from the cursor position to the beginning of the current
db word (or to the beginning of the previous word, if already at the
beginning of a word)
u undo last action
ctrl+r redo last action

"change", this command needs to be combined with a subject that

c defines what it changes. Similar to the dcommand
i "insert", puts you into insert mode just before your cursor
a "append", puts you into insert mode just after your cursor
Esc exit insert mode

Key What it does

when in insert mode, type j k quickly to switch back to normal
jk mode.
Ctrl+c this key combo also escapes from insert mode
puts you into insert mode just before the first non-whitespace
character of the current line
A puts you into insert mode at the end of the current line

Things to know for this exercise

Key What it does
r replace the character under the cursor
Esc exit operator pending mode
Ctrl+c exit operator pending mode
dd shortcut command to delete the current line

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