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ANSYS in the Cloud - Adurch Klicken

Self Service bearbeiten

What to use, when, how?

Bob Moore, Adrian Dunne
CADFEM Ireland Ltd

© CADFEM 2016 1st CADFEM ANSYS Simulation Conference, United Kingdom 2nd & 3rd November 2016 – Oxford Spires Hotel, Oxford 1
What is the Self Service Portal?

A secure web interface to allow FEA and CFD engineers

using ANSYS to manage Virtual Machines (VMs) and
easily build clusters in the Amazon Cloud.

Each VM has the full suite of ANSYS products preinstalled

and preconfigured, so you can be running simulations in

© CADFEM 2016 1st CADFEM ANSYS Simulation Conference, United Kingdom 2nd & 3rd November 2016 – Oxford Spires Hotel, Oxford 2
Why a Self Service Portal ?

● Significant IT knowledge and investment needed to use Amazon Web

Services effectively with ANSYS
● Our customers get the full suite of ANSYS software that they can use
● Pre Configured network in the cloud
● Pre Configured machines and network that can take advantage of
clustering and HPC immediate
● We can get a customer up and running very quickly
● Easy roll out of new versions of ANSYS
● Easy management of machines by users
● Overview of ongoing costs
● Easy access for CADFEM to licence servers for maintenance
● Amazon have a large range of products that we have distilled down to the
ones our users need.

© CADFEM 2016 1st CADFEM ANSYS Simulation Conference, United Kingdom 2nd & 3rd November 2016 – Oxford Spires Hotel, Oxford 3
Amazon Product Suite

© CADFEM 2016 1st CADFEM ANSYS Simulation Conference, United Kingdom 2nd & 3rd November 2016 – Oxford Spires Hotel, Oxford 4
Recommended Setup

Amazon Compute Instance ANSYS Licence Server

Amazon Instance, 24/7 eCADFEM Licence Server
Run as needed
Additonal licences as required on Demand

● €300 Set up Cost
● €12 per month for ANSYS
Licence Server Instance
● Then pay for what you use!
Engineer using Engineer using
Amazon Workstation local Workstation

© CADFEM 2016 1st CADFEM ANSYS Simulation Conference, United Kingdom 2nd & 3rd November 2016 – Oxford Spires Hotel, Oxford 5
Our Golden Image


Windows Server

Ansys Electromagnetics Suite

FKM Inside Ansys


Optislang inside Workbench

Foxit PDF Reader



© CADFEM 2016 1st CADFEM ANSYS Simulation Conference, United Kingdom 2nd & 3rd November 2016 – Oxford Spires Hotel, Oxford 6
Your Golden Image?

You can just use our Golden Image, OR build your own on top of ours
● You have full admin access to all machines running on your account
● Detailed
Install your own software and licences - e.g. install Solidworks and install the licence on the cloud
licence server Design
● Manage your own security on the machines
● Log in to a domain controller
● Save your golden images and start them yourselves
● For SMEs we can also build a golden image for you if you have particular software you need
installed Physical
Concept Prototype

© CADFEM 2016 1st CADFEM ANSYS Simulation Conference, United Kingdom 2nd & 3rd November 2016 – Oxford Spires Hotel, Oxford 7
Self Service Portal Features

● Launch Instances
● Start / Stop / Terminate Machines
● Grant / Revoke Access to machines
● Create new drives and attach
● Archive jobs to Amazon S3
● Secure using MFA logins and Google Authenticator, and restricted to IP
● Take advantage of spot pricing for instances - up to 80% discount
● Automatically build a linux cluster with windows frontend
● Manage users of the portal for your organisation
● Get expenditure estimates on the fly on a per-machine, per-user and
current-month basis

© CADFEM 2016 1st CADFEM ANSYS Simulation Conference, United Kingdom 2nd & 3rd November 2016 – Oxford Spires Hotel, Oxford 8
Self Service Portal - Machine Overview

© CADFEM 2016 1st CADFEM ANSYS Simulation Conference, United Kingdom 2nd & 3rd November 2016 – Oxford Spires Hotel, Oxford 9
Self Service Portal - Launch Hybrid Cluster with Spot Pricing

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Self Service Portal - Job Archives

© CADFEM 2016 1st CADFEM ANSYS Simulation Conference, United Kingdom 2nd & 3rd November 2016 – Oxford Spires Hotel, Oxford 11
Traditional Simulation

● 8 core, 32GB RAM desktop workstation

● Typical models: >1M elements
● Typical runtime: 12 hours SS - 2 days transient

Image Source: Digital Producer

© CADFEM 2016 1st CADFEM ANSYS Simulation Conference, United Kingdom 2nd & 3rd November 2016 – Oxford Spires Hotel, Oxford 12
Current Setup

● 4 core, 16GB RAM Laptop

● Amazon cloud:
○ m4.large - Pre/post Processing
○ m4.4xlarge - typical models
○ m4.10xlarge - Large models
○ g2.2xlarge - Graphical
● M4 instances compute optimised
● Linux - 50% price
● Spot Pricing - up to 80% discount

© CADFEM 2016 1st CADFEM ANSYS Simulation Conference, United Kingdom 2nd & 3rd November 2016 – Oxford Spires Hotel, Oxford 13
Setup for Large Runs

● CFD scaling
○ Optimum ∽15K cells/nodes per core
○ Problem Dependent
● Solver settings
● Multiple networked machines

© CADFEM 2016 1st CADFEM ANSYS Simulation Conference, United Kingdom 2nd & 3rd November 2016 – Oxford Spires Hotel, Oxford 14
Case Study

© CADFEM 2016 1st CADFEM ANSYS Simulation Conference, United Kingdom 2nd & 3rd November 2016 – Oxford Spires Hotel, Oxford 15
“OpenHydro is the world leader in tidal turbine technology. The challenges to produce robust,
efficient designs which are maintenance light and which can withstand the harshest of
environments is being met by a team of expert design engineers at OpenHydro.
The full suite of ANSYS simulation tools are used throughout the design process. Our close
partnership with CADFEM has allowed us to exploit these tools to arrive at best designs within
project timelines.”

© CADFEM 2016 1st CADFEM ANSYS Simulation Conference, United Kingdom 2nd & 3rd November 2016 – Oxford Spires Hotel, Oxford 16

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