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Arduino Beginners Project #1

Date: 25 December 2017

By: Saleh Ibne Omar (CSE Student of Southeast University Batch 45Th)

Name of the project: LED Blinking.

Apparatus: One Arduino board, One LED light, Cable (Arduino to USB)
Breadboard (any size), Jumper wires (male to male TWO), Laptop/PC.

Software: Arduino IDE.

Visual Pictures of Apparatus:

Arduino Board and Cable (Arduino To USB) Red LED light Breadboard Jumper wires


Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use

hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs - light on a sensor,

a finger on a button, or a Twitter message - and turn it into an output -

activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online. You can tell

your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on

the board. To do so you use the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring),

and the Arduino Software (IDE), based on Processing.

The Arduino Software (IDE) allows you to write programs and upload them to your
board. In the Arduino Software page you will find two options:

1. If you have a reliable Internet connection, you should use the online IDE
(Arduino Web Editor). It will allow you to save your sketches in the cloud,
having them available from any device and backed up. You will always have the
most up-to-date version of the IDE without the need to install updates or
community generated libraries.

2. If you would rather work offline, you should use the latest version of the
desktop IDE.

Pin Diagram of Arduino board:


1.Take the Arduino board and locate GND (Ground) and Pin 13.
2.After that take two jumper wires and insert one of them in the GND port and
the other one in the pin 13.
3.We won’t need resistor because the pin 13, already has built in resistance.
4.Now take the breadboard and connect the GND wire in the negative (-) port of
the breadboard and connect the other wire (from pin 13) to the positive (+)
port of the breadboard.

5.Now insert the LEDs long leg to any of the positive ports of the breadboard
and short leg to the any of the negative port of the breadboard.

6.Write code in the Arduino IDE.

void setup()

pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // instructions OUTPUT

void loop() {

digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // High means LED ON

delay(5000); // LED ON for 5000 milliseconds/5 seconds

digitalWrite(13, LOW); // LOW means LED OFF

delay(2000); // LED OFF for 2000 milliseconds/2 seconds

8.From tools section select board name and the port (COM) then upload the code
to the Arduino board.

Connection Diagram Code in IDE

Physical Project Pictures:


LED ON © Saleh Ibne Omar

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